HSDPA, will donate for help!! - HD2 General

Hi guys, i know this is a common problem amongst some of us, there are several threads discussing the connection drops but please there must be someone out there who knows something about it.
Basically with HSDPA enabled, the connection will last a random period of time before disconnecting by itself and displaying: cannot connect for an unknown reason.
When HSDPA is turned off, only 3G is used, although this works fine, it is fairly slower.
I am on T-Mobile UK, I have phoned their technical support, we have established it is not the sim card but the phone itself and have tried a variety of steps to solve this, for example receiving band settings for WCDMA, this has not fixed the problem.
I have tried changing the username and password combinations and have tried every combination of every advanced network option. I have used the T-Mobile stock rom 1.43, official HTC ROM 1.66, duttys hg, energyROM, artemis 5.0 and artemis 5.5 (would recommend btw) using MTTY before every flash, and every single different radio combination.
Myself, and many people here would be very grateful for any help posted.
Thanks in advance

Why don't you try Settings > Connections > Advanced network > GPRS tab > change from PAP to CHAP.. and reset... or viceversa.. that helped for me..

Thanks for the post, i've tried all that i've tried all advanced settings, at most they last for a day or so but after a while the connection dropouts seem to worsen

Ok ive just gotten off the phone for the third time with the technical support
basically what they've said is that the hsdpa WILL disconnect because the mobile towers simply can't handle the traffic.
He said in his honest opinion I should disable it because it simply won't work well and there is no fix.
Taking the piss juuuuust a little bit

Mine on t-mobile uk will show H, but usually drop down to 3G. It won't give me an error when it drops down though.
It sounds like its not transferring from H to 3G.
To be honest, i was unaware t-mobile ran HSDPA till I got my HD2 (never showed on my BB).

mine switches between 3G and H too, this happens when the connection is being used (for example loading a web page) when the job is finished (page has finished loading) it turns back to 3G right?
are you saying that your connection never disconnects?
may i ask which radio and rom you are using?

For my personal experience, I have for over a month, on versions 1.48, 1.66 by HTC, artemis versions, versions of other French chefs. had no problems,
Login Exchange push 24/24 without any cuts, I solicited the network with opera I passed automatically 3g H, and since February it to completely fall with the problems that everyone encounters (lost connection for several minutes , unable to connect to 3G without hard reset)
to remove the sim chip, I try with another chip of the same operator, another chip from another operator, the problem is still there.
For several days I have also continued a Touch HD, it faces no problems, no problems in connection 24/24.
In short, impossible to challenge any operator, any base station, any sim card.
It is then that the problem come from HD2:
-Software: We all try every combination of rom and radio rom possible.
It is the hardware, maybe the chip integrated into a concern for design, manufacturing concerns on some series, may be dysfunctional due to incompatibilitée between several chips of the phone, short, HTC should look into the problem.

cgrec92 said:
mine switches between 3G and H too, this happens when the connection is being used (for example loading a web page) when the job is finished (page has finished loading) it turns back to 3G right?
are you saying that your connection never disconnects?
may i ask which radio and rom you are using?
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correct, it never disconnects.
It will switch seemlessly between them, when using or not using.
same one it came with. O2 HD2.
ROM (70315) WWE

I've also been struggling with this problem ever since I got my HD2 three weeks ago. However it seems like only a few people experience this.
My case is exactly like cgrec92 described. I'm on a 3.5G network in Denmark (3 Mobile), the phone shows the 3G connection at all times. When things do work and I use Opera/weather/Twitter/email etc, the symbol changes to H and I know the data connection is functioning. I can be using this for a whole hour without any problems.
However, if I put the phone down for a while and then pick it up again to use one of its data services, very often it does not connect to 3.5G (or H) anymore. It will still show the 3G icon on the screen, but there's no data connection. Then I go to Connection Manager and I can see that data connection shows as Off - and after a few seconds it goes back to On by itself That does not mean the problem is solved, as the phone still fails to establish any data connection. What I need to do then is manually turn off data connection and re-enable it again, which makes the 3G symbol immediately change to H. Then everything starts working again - until the next time it stops working...
I contacted the HTC customer service and they said it might be a driver-related issue, recommended a hard reset. I did that and for a few hours I thought it solved the problem, but no, data connection still disconnects by itself.
I spoke to 3 Mobile's technical service and they told me to update my software, which I had already done previously (I'm running stock 1.66 ROM Danish). They also said they never received any such complains about the HD2.
Like cgrec92 I've also played with all kinds of network/band settings, but it did not make any difference.
One question: isn't the phone supposed to automatically connect via EDGE when it cannot connect via HSDPA? Because in my case it will only establish data connection via H, never EDGE.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!

My take on this FWIW
It's not the phone!
It's the radio ROM installed.
I live in an an area where T-mobile say I can't get HSDPA.
However, I know that I can. How? Because 3 network uses the same local cell and transmitter as T-mobile and their signal will rip your eyes out!!!!!!!!!
All information obtained from a good friend of mine who works for BT, who, service manage the cells for the networks.
Plus, in this location, the cell traffic is then handled by BTs digiatal backbone which takes it who knows where after that.
So I have a very isolated situation in which I know there is a decent HSDPA signal, but I have had trouble with drop outs on my two previous phones (Nokis 5800 and HTC Touch Diamond 2) and originally on my two T-mobile mobile broadband feeds using Huawei E220 cell network modems.
All fixed when I finally found the right Radio and flashed it on the phones and unlocked and flashed the latest modem firmware.
My broadband connections are always on and never drop out and my HSDPA signal on my HD2 is through the roof!
To further emphasise the point all the equipment is used (when home based) behind solar glass which is notorious for blocking mobile phone signals.
Land on the best one and you will get incresed battery life as well.
Bottom line is try the latest radios ( in my case) and I think you may be surprised at the results.
Current result of speed test 09.31 hours
3 minutes later

I have the same problem with the connection dropping. What I did to make it work was to disable HDSPA and putting GPRS to CHAP instead of PAP, and so far I have no problems at all

Thanks for the reply and tips. I also did the same earlier today, except that I did not change PAP to CHAP :O. I was waiting until tomorrow before I posted any results, but I gotta say so far the connection has been stable just like yours.
I also called HTC's customer service in Denmark and the fellow I spoke to was very helpful but he said he has never heard about such problems. He sent me updated network settings via sms, but it did not fix the problem.
I mean, only some users around the world suffer from this problem, right? So what is it that's wrong with our devices? Is it a production fault? If I exchange my phone for a brand new one maybe I won't be unlucky again? When 3 DK finally told you the problem was unfixable, did they mention other users with the same issue? Did they ever offer to replace your phone?

DORMIU said:
Thanks for the reply and tips. I also did the same earlier today, except that I did not change PAP to CHAP :O. I was waiting until tomorrow before I posted any results, but I gotta say so far the connection has been stable just like yours.
I also called HTC's customer service in Denmark and the fellow I spoke to was very helpful but he said he has never heard about such problems. He sent me updated network settings via sms, but it did not fix the problem.
I mean, only some users around the world suffer from this problem, right? So what is it that's wrong with our devices? Is it a production fault? If I exchange my phone for a brand new one maybe I won't be unlucky again? When 3 DK finally told you the problem was unfixable, did they mention other users with the same issue? Did they ever offer to replace your phone?
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It's your radio!
But, I think I did say that in a previous post.
You had a helpful fellow who sent you updated settings?
And he thought that was going to fix your problem?
That was helpful!
It's your radio!
The technicalities are beyond a customer assistant at the end of a phone. They work from a script.
I'll send you the settings.
Have you done this?
Have you done that ?
Never heard of anyone else with your problem!
It's your radio!
T-mobile uses PAP protocol (at least they do here in the UK) and it's a handshake protocol so changing that won't really do anything to the signal definition.
You have it or you don't.
It's your radio!
There is no "production fault".
You are not "lucky" or "unlucky".
You are in an area where you will suffer from this because of the ???????
I think I have made my point.
If it turns out that you don't have a radio issue then please feel free to admonish me.
Until then----------
It's your radio!

well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new things.im glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help

Yes, I was about to mention something similar. I haven't tried combining different ROMS & Radios myself, but I know people like cgrec92 who have with no good results.
And if it is the radio, then every 3 Denmark user like me would be experiencing the same problem, correct? I don't think that's the case. Actually when you read the forums you will find users from different countries with this problem, and they/we are not the only ones with a certain combination of ROM/Radio.
So yes, by disabling HDSPA I finally managed to have a stable data connection (but no 3.5G, obviously). At this point no one seems to know the cause of this issue, but I suppose it's naive to expect a future ROM to solve it, after all it's not a widespread problem. Is HTC even working on it? Are we sure it's not our devices that are faulty?
I honestly have no idea, but I cannot just accept this problem and live with it after all the money I put into this phone. That's why I brought up the possibility of having it exchanged for a brand new one in hopes that it will not have this problem.
Any ideas?

cgrec92 said:
well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new things.im glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help
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The post by pa49 was to DORMIU.
I'll pm you my t-mobile settings.
And I cant use the connection setup, being an O2 HD2, it only allows selection of O2.

cgrec92 said:
well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new things.im glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help
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I referred to my radio in my previous post -
My OS ROM is Leo Lite 3.
Connection setup used and no further settings.
My explanation for this is the fringe nature of the received signal.
The radio its constantly 'hunting' for a signal and the radio software has difficulty in locking on.
BTW OS ROM and settings ready don't affect the efficiency of the radio signal.

MidnightDraven said:
The post by pa49 was to DORMIU.
I'll pm you my t-mobile settings.
And I cant use the connection setup, being an O2 HD2, it only allows selection of O2.
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I appreciate the help, but he doesn't seem to understand the issue here. It's not that we have low connection, or that we cannot connect to the 3.5G network. The problem is that the phone's data connection will automatically disconnect even when we are in an area with full 3.5G signal. The phone will connect for a while and then, moments later, in the same spot and with full signal, data connection is terminated. So I just can't see how the radio has anything to do with that, especially when there are hundreds of other users out there with the same ROM & Radio as us and in the same network. And yet they do not experience this problem.

Ive have similar issues but it depends where i am it appears that some towers its ok where others its not!

DORMIU said:
I appreciate the help, but he doesn't seem to understand the issue here. It's not that we have low connection, or that we cannot connect to the 3.5G network. The problem is that the phone's data connection will automatically disconnect even when we are in an area with full 3.5G signal. The phone will connect for a while and then, moments later, in the same spot and with full signal, data connection is terminated. So I just can't see how the radio has anything to do with that, especially when there are hundreds of other users out there with the
same ROM & Radio as us and in the same
network. And yet they do not experience this problem.
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The radio differentiates between all the different levels and types of signal and it depends on how exact it interprets the signal. They are supposedly optimized before release and then re optimized with each newly released version. Network operators then have their own network parameters and again the radio has to accommodate this as well. One radio will never satisfy all these criteria and some of you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong network with the least effective radio.
I can assure you that I most certainly do understand the problem and that is why, in my own case, I have resolved it.


Many issues: caused by UMTS

Can someone help me understand if this is a general JJ issue, or a function of the AKU 3.2 Rom Update 1.90.96 (Radio 1.13.00). It's not identified in that thread:
Many of my JJ issues have been solved by turning off UMTS until I need it. My battery improvement is negligible (when measuring mA consumption), but the following used to manifest due to the phone's inability to switch between GSM and UMTS elegantly:
Calls frequently go to v.mail
Dialing results in 'Dialing...' message with no connection - or even worse I connect and other party can hear me even tho I believe it's not connected
Dialing results in 'This operation not allowed' or something like that
Several other issues I forget
All this went away when I turned off UMTS. My understanding is that UMTS and GSM are completely different functions, and the phone sees a UMTS signal and tries to switch to that. Unfortunately it's too weak and the phone does not know to give up and go back to GSM/GPRS. After around 15mins of battling, everything goes tits-up until I reset.
Is this something that everyone with moderate 3G/UMTS coverage experiences? Or is this a ROM/Radio version issue?
I have a very poor UMTS reception in my house and have the same problems. I have tried different radio roms. My current solution is just using GSM at my home and only UMTS at my workplace..
my too...
my case is similar. I had with radio 1.09 and now with 1.13. looks is a problem when you move between zones with umts and other only gprs and the phone gets crazy. I think is related new speed available form umts (1,8 and now 3.2) that are producing special situation in the device.
Thaks guys - more helpful than you know: I was considering a re-flash, and my JJ is SOOO customised I would have written off a week getting it all back into shape. The HSDPA change may also explain why I didn't have this issue with the first JJ in country in January, but am definitely having issues now.
craigiecraigie4 said:
Thaks guys - more helpful than you know: I was considering a re-flash, and my JJ is SOOO customised I would have written off a week getting it all back into shape. The HSDPA change may also explain why I didn't have this issue with the first JJ in country in January, but am definitely having issues now.
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If you reflash only your radio, you wont loose your data..

Vario II network coverage question

Recently my Vario II intermittenly loses network signals, it says No Network and I have to toggle phone off/on to make it search for signal again. This only happens when I'm at home (Charlton SE7 area).
Rom (19/06/06)
Does anyone have the same problem?
toucam said:
Recently my Vario II intermittenly loses network signals, it says No Network and I have to toggle phone off/on to make it search for signal again. This only happens when I'm at home (Charlton SE7 area).
Rom (19/06/06)
Does anyone have the same problem?
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Flash HardSPL first, then upgrade your radio.
Ive linked to my guides incase your unfamiliar with the process.
The newer radio should possibly increase your GSM efficiency. Are you in a decent area for reception?
mrvanx said:
Flash HardSPL first, then upgrade your radio.
Ive linked to my guides incase your unfamiliar with the process.
The newer radio should possibly increase your GSM efficiency. Are you in a decent area for reception?
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Hi, many thanks for your detailed guides. I've upgraded Radio to but the problem still persists. I'm in a very good coverage area, always get full bars 3G when it works. Soft-reset my phone and now it's searching in vain for network signal, I'm confused
What operator are you with ? Maybe the cell where you live is getting overloaded. We had a problem similiar to this last month when our local base station had a problem. Our work-around was to disable 3G but not using a Hermes . Apparently the handset tries to register using the 'best' data-bearer its configured for. So disabling 3G made it register with GPRS which worked fine. They then fixed the base station and we were able to re-enable 3G. I would
guess Charlton would have a lot of subscribers per cell. You would expect the coverage to be better in a built-up areas but who knows. Maybe an enquiry/ complaint to the operator would at least tell you if they know of a problem and if its temporary or longer term
Cheers for that. I'm with T-Mobile. What's bugging me is that this signal disappearance only happens sometimes. It's not that I don't have 3G (or signal for that matter) at all, I still get full 3G signals fine most of the time. But you probably were right, looks like it's a fault from the operator's cell in the area, I will give them a call next week to see if there's an explanation.
I've noticed this problem when I'm in the south London area (very general I know). People have got around the issue temporarily by forcing the phone to GPRS only
More problems! After upgrading to 1.38 and trying all sort of "good" radios like 1.17, 1.27, 1.34 I can't make/receive calls unless GSM is forced. There must be something wrong within my immediate area because with the same radios everything works flawless just 10 mins down the road. I just called TMob and there's no technical fault or anything from their side. I will just have to put up without 3G until the problem fixes itself
There are lots of people complaining about 3g on T mobile in UK. They seem to have serious issues with Hermes devices and the dropdown to GSM.
I had a problem six months ago with my hermes on orange at home in SW London. For a few weeks it was mucking about - I rang O who advised me that they were experiencing some local issues but would fix them within days. I switched to GSM for a few days. When I switched back its worked fine for last five months.
3G gone mad!
the same thing was happening to me. Full 3G reception in Leicester, tried to connect to get my e-mails and then the signal totally goes. The same thing happens when I make calls as well. Switched to GSM and everything worked. Now in York and everything is working on 3G.
Network is T-Mobile.
This sounds similar to the issues I am having.
Do you get the phone hanging as it attempts to start a call and then after a while a message stating that it was unable to connect?....sometimes resulting in a soft reset to bring the device back online? In my case toggling bluetooth will reset the connection.
I am with T-Mobile in Glasgow but get the same issues during the day in Edinburgh
No 3G
aidanbree said:
This sounds similar to the issues I am having.
Do you get the phone hanging as it attempts to start a call and then after a while a message stating that it was unable to connect?....sometimes resulting in a soft reset to bring the device back online? In my case toggling bluetooth will reset the connection.
I am with T-Mobile in Glasgow but get the same issues during the day in Edinburgh
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No mine doesn't say anything, it sounds "ding ding" after a few secs like when you press the hang up button. I can use the Internet but anything to do with calls is just impossible. I've switch to GSM now and everything's back to normal. A bit annoying can't use 3G at home.

HD2 Web Connectivity Issues and Analysis

Seriously people....
I've seen lots of threads recently. People are complaining that the HD2's data connection cuts out, leaving them unable to access the Internet from their phones for who knows how long. I know, it IS kinda annoying...But the thing is..
I can tell you this IS NOT a hardware problem. It's something to do with either the OS....or something in the phone's registry settings which no one has picked up yet...I hear that phones like the TP2 do not have this error, and I agree. My old unbranded Touch Pro 2 was brilliant, I could use it for IM and texts anywhere...LOL I used to sit on the Bus while people stared at my phone, while I was on Messenger talking to my phone. Anyways, here's what I wanna tell you guys. Hope I help out everyone in some way or another.
What I have:
3 Mobile Sim-So yeah, My Operator is 3 UK
Living in London, UK
Using ENERGY's 17th March Version ROM
What I've noticed:
The phone cuts out the signal when the transition between 3G and H occurs in the icons. As a result, the Internet cuts out temporarily, and programs such as Messenger lose connectivity for a while. For example, when the icon is on H, and no one's talking on Messenger, the Icon changes back to 3G....during this moment it cuts out sometimes..until it reverts back to the H icon (Got that? I know, it's a little long and complicated when I word it like that, but read it out and it'll make sense xD)
Now, whenever I have the phone connected to my PC/Laptop (Either as a Wi Fi Router or through the cable and then using Internet Sharing, either way, the phone does NOT change back to 3G, it stays constantly on H (Mind you, I usually download during this period). Anyways, the point being that the connection is VERY stable and constant, when in this state, connected to my PC/Laptop and the device is accessing the Internet through my phone's Data Connection. So what do you all think? And what have YOU found out? Leave your responses and ideas below
Some things I have found out are, if you Enable ONLY HUSPA in the Settings/Connectivity options, the connections seem to be more stable. Furthermore, if you really want to, Disable Advanced Connections, stay only on 3G, and enjoy a LOT of stability (At the cost of slower speed surfing and downloading )
My HD2 does not connect at all anymore. I called in to support because I completely lost data connectivity (web browser, email, slacker, whatever - no connection). They verified no troubles on their end. I moved the sim to my old touch pro (running Energy ROM w/ winmo 6.5 and Sense 2.1) and that phone connects fine. So it's not the SIM, and it's not the network.
I've also done a hard reset to get back to stock and still have the problem, which tells me that it's not a registry / software setting.
They only thing that leaves is faulty hardware - or firmware that a ROM hard reset wouldn't affect. Either way I need to replace the device altogether.
Unfortunately, tmo is out of stock and so I can only wait for a more to become available before it can be replaced.
csharper said:
My HD2 does not connect at all anymore. I called in to support because I completely lost data connectivity (web browser, email, slacker, whatever - no connection). They verified no troubles on their end. I moved the sim to my old touch pro (running Energy ROM w/ winmo 6.5 and Sense 2.1) and that phone connects fine. So it's not the SIM, and it's not the network.
I've also done a hard reset to get back to stock and still have the problem, which tells me that it's not a registry / software setting.
They only thing that leaves is faulty hardware - or firmware that a ROM hard reset wouldn't affect. Either way I need to replace the device altogether.
Unfortunately, tmo is out of stock and so I can only wait for a more to become available before it can be replaced.
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Which phone company are you with? I experienced the same problem with 3UK in North London for a couple of months up until the beginning of last week but it was a problem at 3's end, not mine. Other people have been experiencing similar issues with non-3 phones in London (http://www.3g.co.uk/3GForum/showthread.php?t=102192).
yes, I had problems in London too before Good Friday. Especially on Tues+Wed.
Others around me inthe library also had similar issues with their iphones. I kept on switching the baseband and modes, and reapplying my 3G settings to keep it alive and solve the outages.
Most people with issues were on vodafone or O2 (like me).
It would work, then cut, then work.
I thought at first it was because I had a custom ROM, but iphone users had the same - and lots of timeouts on requests.
I DO believe however that running ROMS like energy's and Dutty's HG 1.7 with 2.10 (which I'm currently running) bases as 2_08 radios is not great for the uk and exacerbates the connection issue. 2_07 is better...and in any event we SHOULD be using 1.72 based roms with 2_09 radio.
I have also noticed that on COM5 23544 builds the opera mobile 9.7 and 10 google boxes do not work. They come up as failed connection, but then i click on teh link and it works...weird huh???
So I think last week was because of network faults in London. But in general, these 2.10 based ROMS and their radios are not ideal for stability.
I had perfect call and HSDPA stability with 1.48stock+2_09 radio.
Having turned to a 23544 rom (Dutty's HG) with 2_08 radio I've had much less call and internet stability (and quality) over the stock with 2_09.
jakem said:
Which phone company are you with?
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T-Mobile US.

3G not working, but HSDPA is.

Hi All,
For 2 weeks or so now I've been having an issue with my Hero's internet connection. Didn't notice specifically when it started as it only affects the 3G connection and I mostly get HSDPA in my area. I use WiFi at home anyway.
When the notification bar shows 3G, the upstream arrow flashes periodically but there is no traffic downstream. Market downloads fail, anything which requires an internet connection will timeout.
However as soon as it switches up to H connection, it starts downloading immediately. If I switch to 2G only GPRS and EDGE connections work fine too.
Around the time the issue started I was trying a few different 2.1 roms for the first time. Have flashed several different roms since and have the same issue. Currently using VillainRom5.5. I was already using Radio but have reflashed this too. Have flashed the stock Orange RUU, RUU_Herrange_UK_2.73.61.5_release_signed_NoDriv er.exe, but the issue remains.
Didn't have a problem, especially at home, before trying the 2.1 roms. I have good signal regardless which connection I have, currently 3 bars.
Thought it might just be an issue around my house but have tested all over and it's the same. Became an issue this week as I was visiting Somerset and in area's without HSDPA. Had to switch to 2G only in order to get internet connection.
Have searched here and other forums but cannot find anything specifically like this, any help greatly appreciated!
I had a lot of problems with connections (3G/HSDPA/2G) with loose of signal.
I tried a lot of ROMS to solve this problem. But It wasn't the right way...
In fact, My SIMcard was defective. I had to change it, and now all is OK.
I'm not sure that it will be the right issue for you, but perhaps It could be...
Cheers for your reply.
Have contacted Orange today, the customer services guy tried some stuff and asked me to test and call back. Hasn't helped so will call them back in a mo and report back.
I am having a very similar issue and I am also on Orange. My issue started after around the time I flashed Villian 5.3 but I doubt this is the issue as I have flashed other ROMS since and have the problem. Have you also done the 2.1 battery stuff by *#*#4636#*#*? I did this around the same time the issue started and I thought it was because I had set it to GSM (auto) but I put it back to WCDMA but that made no difference.
My phone keeps showing 3G then swapping to HSDPA. This is both an my house and in the city. I always got H no matter where I was but now keeps swapping after a couple of mins or when I use internet. I've reflashed ROM, radios and tried a friends Orange SIM and I get the same.
I also have the exact same problem on the 3 network in the uk, definately not a sim problem as before I rooted and flashed it all worked perfectly. Hasnt been too much of an issue as most of my city has hspda coverage but if I go out of town its a pain.
Problem started as soon as I flashed a villain ROM and is present in all 2.1 ROMs I have tried although I have noticed that the legend ports seem more stable and connect a little better, so am currently running the villain 4 ROM. Updating the radio made no difference and I am starting to wonder if it is some thing to do with using a CDMA port?
Linnyuk said:
Have you also done the 2.1 battery stuff by *#*#4636#*#*? I did this around the same time the issue started and I thought it was because I had set it to GSM (auto) but I put it back to WCDMA but that made no difference.
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Yeah I did try that stuff, I too have set it back to WCDMA Preferred. Now you mention it I guess my issue did start around this time too so its likely to be linked.
It does seem too coincidental that we have done the same things and are having the same issues on Orange. I'm going to wait to see if ROM from the official 2.1 build sorts it out and if not swap the phone out. I've had Villian and now BeHero + and still have the issue. I've flashed different Radio's as well and that has not fixed it.
SingleServingFriend said:
Yeah I did try that stuff, I too have set it back to WCDMA Preferred. Now you mention it I guess my issue did start around this time too so its likely to be linked.
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Ive had this problem for well over a month now, way before the gsm auto trick came on the forums and I started using it, I dont think thats the cause, dont think its a radio issue either as had it on two diff radio versions.
My issue started as soon as I flashed a eris port which as far as I know is cdma based and isnt that a different kind of network than we use over here??
Any devs want to chip in here and help some noobs plz?
I've always had this issue with Orange as well, regardless of ROM, prior or after to flashing. I thought it was just the Orange network capacity as when I use the phone out of peak hours (2-7am) its fine.
I have the stock Hero with 1.5, no roots or custom os & it happens to me on Orange UK.
No idea why, but don't think its to do with custom roms!
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Yaeh i have the exact same issue, tried many different roms, including official orange roms. This issue started before i started playing with customer roms.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Just adding to the list. Same issue for me, Orange UK - not specific to any ROM (Stock or Custom)
I'm going to join the party and say I have this problem too.
Although I didn't notice until I read this and checked, I just assumed Oranges 3G network was unstable in peak times
SingleServingFriend said:
Yeah I did try that stuff, I too have set it back to WCDMA Preferred. Now you mention it I guess my issue did start around this time too so its likely to be linked.
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I too am on orange uk and tried this and experienced the same issue.
The solution is just reflash rom and radio (no wipe etc so data remains). That fixed it for me.
Also don't mess with *#*#...... settings
I'm still having this issue, maybe it is just the Orange network thats to blame? Seems to be to a number of us cropping up.
Gonna get back onto Customer Services this weekend, see what they say this time.
Same problem here. I'm on Orange UK too. Seems like an Orange network problem rather than a ROM problem
Saw this on my G2 Touch Hero on t-mobile when using villainrom 5.2. Not seen it recently and don't think its related to flashing 6.0.
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Thought I'd update this.
Been living with the issue since posting, tried a few roms, all with the same issue.
Tried the latest radio, that didn't help.
Flashed EzHero rom few days ago and 3G has been working fine since! Don't know whats in this rom which might do that, it doesn't display the 'H' icon anymore which is the only visual difference. Might just be coincidence but either way glad its working consistently again.
I've had the same issue here on the other side of the pond in Canada on the Telus Hero. I think it has something to do with the phone trying to default to the fastest connection. I'm assuming the providers don't want us connected to the faster networks constantly, so they have a disconnect on idle response; which in turn is being counter-acted by our hero's need for speed. That is one theory, but I have to include that when I first got my TELUS Hero, before rooting and installing MaDaCo 1.5 I would have stable 3G connections. Any ROM installed following the root of my phone has caused this same dilemma.
This is a big issue on orange one which I have never got to the bottom of.
Now my phone seems to work 99% of the time but it always switches to H before downloading.
It might be something to do with Orange switching to new "next generation" towers. Apparently last time I phoned orange my phone was connected to two towers (only supposed to be one) so it was impossible to triangulate my exact position.
This might have something to do with it.

Signal is vary bad

About few weeks ago my Htc Tattoo signal become to be very bad or sometimes full gone. Tried to flash different ROMs, insert different SIM cards, but nothing changes, signal is bad too. When i bought the phone, signal was perfect, becouse I live in a center of the city. So, please, maybe anyone know what the hell is wrong with my phone?
I heard, that it is possibility to reinstall something radio rom. Said, that can fix the problem, but where should i find it?
I have the same problem here. At the time i use the original HTC ROM my phone was connected with 3G and/or HSDPA, but now with fyodor i have the problem that the best connection is 3G.
I don't know how to solve the problem - maybe it is only a display error...?
Is there a application with wich i can test (or see - that is better) how the phone is connecten (GPRS, 3G, HSDPA...)?
kind regards
Please, I really need your help. If I took the phone to the guarantee service, they just reinstall roms or something, and nothing changes. I tried to download one radio rom from there http://developer.htc.com/google-io-device.html#s4 but when I am trying to flash it, the error appears and says, flashing aborted. I am using Amon RA racovery if that means something. So, maybe now you can help me?
Try to change your network only to GSM instead of GSM/WCDMA.
I tried that... I tried every option, which is associated with connection.
I have the same problem...
Here the thread
Htc Tattoo is a very very bad phone...
Yea, I've seen this. After a week about, when I return from the trip, I will took my phone to service. They wrote me that, if it is held more than a month, phone should be replaced with the new one.
I brought Tattoo as a birthday gift for my gf,now it bacome the excuse of being late when we date......because she said she can not call me on time. and I never help her solved the problem.(both of us major is telecommunication in the university,what a joke.)
anyway I read the above and other topics.
and try to
1 turn to 'only gsm',
2 manully select oprator, there appears two local oprators, but no radio button on the UI, I'm not sure if it means selected. (do this at where signal is strong)
3 I try to turn on/off 'fly mode' at somewhere no signal.
4 flash other later roms.
no use at all.
on my table signal none. at the window signal full.
but it just 2m between.
my new wildfire and O2 mda is OK on the table, 80% signal.
I like HTC,I just don't sell it as 2ed hand,(half price now......)
I heard flash the Radio can make it better or solved, any one know the details?

