Front Camera still working on 2.1! - Streak 5 General

I was very disappointed to find out from various posts that after updated to Leaked Android 2.1, the front camera option is no longer available. But all is not lost, I just installed Fring on my device and guess what? front camera is now fully operational under this fring app. Fring is new to me so maybe someone else could test it out and let us all know. what do you think?

yes been using fring for a while. Only thing though is the front camera is too dark, we need to find a way of brightening it so you can be seen better when video chatting.
Also i recommend emailing qik so they can get their app to support the streak. I emailed them and they replied telling me they're continuously adding new devices, but i think if more people email them the faster they'll fix it.


Samsung Galaxy S i9000 - Front Facing Camera?

Front facing camera or not?
I found few sources where they say there is front facing camera on Samsung Galaxy S i9000 for video chat.
Can some one confirm this?
Yes there is one and there are even hands-on videos showing it being used (I forgot where )
eh I watch all videos of Samsung Galaxy S and didn't find such video.
It comes with front facing camera and have a button in the call screen to do video call but personally, i dont use that feature since non of my friends / family use that so i cant tell you if it works properly.
But you can try to use front face video camera with fring (over skype service). To video conf with someone who have skype.
I don't want to use that for 3g video call that is very bad but over internet with fring can be nice.
vrhunski said:
But you can try to use front face video camera with fring (over skype service). To video conf with someone who have skype.
I don't want to use that for 3g video call that is very bad but over internet with fring can be nice.
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would be great to see it in action, or with Qik.
Fring doesnt currently support the Front facing camera on the Galaxy S. I'm hoping this situation changes v soon !
ash99 said:
Fring doesnt currently support the Front facing camera on the Galaxy S. I'm hoping this situation changes v soon !
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the new version supports front cams, it might be model specific do you have a link which says otherwise?
just installed and its probably the worst software i've tried so i uninstall.
1) cannot load any contacts from skype
2) load itself even i specifically uncheck to load at startup
3) after i exit, it still stays in memory
i looked at the comments on market and they are mostly negative
ash99 said:
Fring doesnt currently support the Front facing camera on the Galaxy S. I'm hoping this situation changes v soon !
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I tried the Video Call Test on fring and it works.. I don't know if it'll work on an actual Fring to Fring video call..
Fring still have problems with my Galaxy S, it mutes my phone whenever I make a call.. & it does not transmit my voice..
has anyone made a successful Fring Call???
sundip said:
the new version supports front cams, it might be model specific do you have a link which says otherwise?
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I think some other phones like Evo and Dell streak FF Cameras are supported, just not the Galaxy S yet.
DaRkMyk said:
I tried the Video Call Test on fring and it works.. I don't know if it'll work on an actual Fring to Fring video call..
Fring still have problems with my Galaxy S, it mutes my phone whenever I make a call.. & it does not transmit my voice..
has anyone made a successful Fring Call???
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You got it to make a Video call using the front camera ? Surprised as Fring say they are still working on it and I can't do one with my phone.
ash99 said:
I think some other phones like Evo and Dell streak FF Cameras are supported, just not the Galaxy S yet.
You got it to make a Video call using the front camera ? Surprised as Fring say they are still working on it and I can't do one with my phone.
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woops.. my bad.. fring uses the back camera... sorry..
DaRkMyk said:
woops.. my bad.. fring uses the back camera... sorry..
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lol back camera??? is that even possible? I mean back camera would be much better quality for video streaming.
It uses the back camera at present, which would be good for streaming as you suggested. Ideally a mechanism to switch between both would be ideal !
Yes!! That would be great
I have another question. If you install fring and you are online.
1.) Do you have option to check 'start this application when Galaxy S start' ?
2.) Can this application be in background so if you got call over skype phone will ring? I mean can this phone will be used primary like SKYPE phone?
how does the inbuilt video calling work, ie the one in the contacts menu. What types of phones can it call?? is it some open protocol?
Fring improves audio, adds support for Samsung Galaxy S
Just upgraded and did my test call with the forward facing camera baby! All good.
Now I'm sure the next thing people will be asking for is being able to switch between the two.

Video Call PC - WTF, this must be a conspiracy!

I have searched the net for hours, and I cannot find any easy method to make a Video call from my Galaxy S to my PC via the net.....
Why the heck is this so difficult? The main result I get is Fring, which used to work with Skype, but doesnt any more, so that is useless. They dont even have a PC Client, which is beyond me!
Then there is Qik, but that is useless as well. Either can be used Phone-Phone, but I want Phone - PC so I can video chat with family while I travel.
I am not very experienced with this, but apparently Fring can be configured for SIP services.... but when I looked these up, they are require payment.
Can anyone help me out???? The phone has a front facing camera and can connect to wifi, there is no reason I can see that it shouldnt be an easy thing to do - it seems like all the big telcos are holding back the technology so they can charge their huge rates, hence why I think its a conspiracy!!!!
Yes, I too think the biggest reason for not having video calling over a data connection is due to the telcos' influences. Technically i see no limitation, Fring already did this and showed that it is possible. Skype IMO has the infrastructure but they are more interested in pleasing Verizon than their own customers .
Sipdroid, works with any sip client and trunk that supports video calls.
i tried sipdroid, but i couldn't get it to work, and when i searched somebody said you needed to pay for the account.
but if you say it works, i'll give it another go. so does it work phone to pc or phone to phone or both?
Bump. I've been wondering the same. My small research also seamed to indicate that sipdroid was the way to go.
i've been trying to find a popular video calling App that works with the PC
so far Sipdroid seems to be the only one
Ugly as hell and it doesn't support die front camera of the Galaxy S, bit it is the ONLY video chat software that works from android to pc and vice versa.
skyworxx said:
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Can't find this anywhere on Google...
movicha (dot) com
im surprised theres no official google video chat yet. its in gmail. come on google!
sturmeh said:
Sipdroid, works with any sip client and trunk that supports video calls.
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Hi, I am trying my hand at getting Sipdroid setup. I have got my pbx account setup.
Can someone tell me which trunks support video calls ?
skyworxx said:
Ugly as hell and it doesn't support die front camera of the Galaxy S, bit it is the ONLY video chat software that works from android to pc and vice versa.
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Not compatible with Galaxy S and the software is a totally mess. Force closes every few seconds, horrible resolution, etc...
Has anyone tried ooVoo yet ?
The single user is free (3 user free for 30 days) and it seems to work perfect with the front camera. It was also a doddle to set up.
I use Yahoo Messenger video chat.
I tried Yahoo Messenger but it didn't support the front camera
Tehpriest said:
Has anyone tried ooVoo yet ?
The single user is free (3 user free for 30 days) and it seems to work perfect with the front camera. It was also a doddle to set up.
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Hey.. ooVoo works! Thanks for the advice. Front camera works perfect. I didnt test the voice calls yet... but its free to call phone - PC through wi-fi... its still beta.. hope they improve its quality soon.
another good one is Tango works great between phones
but no PC support yet
Skype app on iPhone already supports video - shame the Android version is still in the dark ages

[Q] Front Facing Camera Question

I'm tying to figure out how to use the front camera for taking pictures. I can do the video stuff no problem, just not take pictures. Seems silly the native camera app would not offer this.
From what I read, there should be an option in qik to do this, but from the one I downloaded from the market, I'm not seeing this option. I'm running Frankenstein and have checked through all the various mod paqs and there is no qik app in there that may have this feature enabled. What am I missing?
magoo5289 said:
I'm tying to figure out how to use the front camera for taking pictures. I can do the video stuff no problem, just not take pictures. Seems silly the native camera app would not offer this.
From what I read, there should be an option in qik to do this, but from the one I downloaded from the market, I'm not seeing this option. I'm running Frankenstein and have checked through all the various mod paqs and there is no qik app in there that may have this feature enabled. What am I missing?
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Inside the camera app... Click the Top left icon on the screen and select Self-Shot.
Is that what you are looking for?
Perfect thanks so much! Guess the internet docs on this not working through the camera app are wrong.

[Q] Tiny Chat app??

The other day, the question was posed to me on twitter if you can use Tinychat on the MT4G. So I tried it. You can use it but not with your phone cam. It doesn't recognize your phones front camera (or back) as a web cam, but you can use your Mic and type and see and hear everyone else. I was wondering if anyone else would like a tinychat app where you can use your front camera, and if there's any App devs reading this maybe you can look into making one (if it's at all possible). I for one would love a fully functioning tinychat app. What does anyone else think?
I would love a tinychat app with front cam working. Hope some developers can do it... SOON. lol
web cam abillity
I have searched the web as thoroughly as humanly possible and have found nothing so I believe that an app that could be used to turn the front cam into a usable web cam would be phenomenal especially a tinychat specific app

Yahoo Messenger with Video, front camera not working???

I recently noticed that when I use Yahoo Messenger for a video call my front camera is no longer optional. It defaults to the rear camera and I don't have the option to flip it anymore, like I used to. I have a HW003 Evo and it used to work fine. I haven't tried using it for several months, so I don't know if one of the updates changed things or what. Are any of you having the same issue or do both cameras still work on your Evos??
Also, I recently started using the new leaked Gingerbread ROM, so I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it. So if anybody else is using the leaked ROM please let me know if your yahoo video chat works for the front camera too.
think it's the gb rom. i'm still on froyo n it works fine.
Thanks for the response TweetyBear. I have a nandroid backup of a Froyo ROM on my SD, but I didn't want to go thru the trouble of restoring it if I was still going to have the same issue.
confirmed . android 2.3 not for yahoo messenger.
however, QIK has been upgraded . the only downside is no EVO-PC video chat
knightwolf123 said:
confirmed . android 2.3 not for yahoo messenger.
however, QIK has been upgraded . the only downside is no EVO-PC video chat
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Yeah, thanks! Hopefully Yahoo will update to support 2.3 soon.
If you still cannot use the FFC in GB and you are rooted, you can apply my mod at this thread
I updated it to add FFC support on GBs.
^^ that works wonderfully!! thanks!

