[Q] Tiny Chat app?? - myTouch 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

The other day, the question was posed to me on twitter if you can use Tinychat on the MT4G. So I tried it. You can use it but not with your phone cam. It doesn't recognize your phones front camera (or back) as a web cam, but you can use your Mic and type and see and hear everyone else. I was wondering if anyone else would like a tinychat app where you can use your front camera, and if there's any App devs reading this maybe you can look into making one (if it's at all possible). I for one would love a fully functioning tinychat app. What does anyone else think?

I would love a tinychat app with front cam working. Hope some developers can do it... SOON. lol

web cam abillity
I have searched the web as thoroughly as humanly possible and have found nothing so I believe that an app that could be used to turn the front cam into a usable web cam would be phenomenal especially a tinychat specific app


asking for help with face recognition

when i enter media-scape then pic then friends i saw my contact friend's pictures and when i open any of them there is only 1 picture in each although before there were a lot of images for them although i have more than 8 GB of albums
what can i do ??
anyone can help me in this /?
Maybe you used Task killer and the Face Recognition app/service was killed. Not sure since I haven't used that feature yet.
The face recognition isnt really consistently working for me. I shot two pictures with smile shutter and only in one it gave me the option to Tag the person in the Pic (which is not the same as setting it as contact picture)
So i dont really know ..
By the way the feature does not seem to work with dark-skinned people all to well ...
i think it is a problem with the software hope the updates become better
sounds a bit like the problem hp had with one of their web cams lol
Sent from my X10i using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk

Front Camera still working on 2.1!

I was very disappointed to find out from various posts that after updated to Leaked Android 2.1, the front camera option is no longer available. But all is not lost, I just installed Fring on my device and guess what? front camera is now fully operational under this fring app. Fring is new to me so maybe someone else could test it out and let us all know. what do you think?
yes been using fring for a while. Only thing though is the front camera is too dark, we need to find a way of brightening it so you can be seen better when video chatting.
Also i recommend emailing qik so they can get their app to support the streak. I emailed them and they replied telling me they're continuously adding new devices, but i think if more people email them the faster they'll fix it.

[Q] Sideways MMS

I know this has been asked on this forum many times, but has anyone ever figured out how to get pictures taken in portrait orientation to send properly in an mms message without cropping the picture? This seems to be common across the entire Android lineup, but I can't for the life of me figure out why this is so damn difficult. I've tried the stock messaging app as well as handcent and no luck. However, if I open up the picture in PicSay Pro, and export it to a text messaging app the orientation is fine. Can anyone shed some light on this or is it a lost cause?
I think it has to do with the camera software. I was having the same problem, when I sent a pic taken in portrait it would send sideways. So I flashed Liberty v1.0 Tom, and that has a camera software that rotates, and allows for sending or taking photos in portrait. If you don't need a new Rom, I'm sure there are camera apps in the market for your camera.
RootedDX LibertyRom
• Rom, darn auto correct.
RootedDX LibertyRom
I'm using Apex right now, and it has the same issue. I think the problem is just with the Android camera app, but I was hoping someone had come up with a fix without having to use a third party or editing solution.
Got ya.
RootedDX LibertyRom

[Q] Front Facing Camera Question

I'm tying to figure out how to use the front camera for taking pictures. I can do the video stuff no problem, just not take pictures. Seems silly the native camera app would not offer this.
From what I read, there should be an option in qik to do this, but from the one I downloaded from the market, I'm not seeing this option. I'm running Frankenstein and have checked through all the various mod paqs and there is no qik app in there that may have this feature enabled. What am I missing?
magoo5289 said:
I'm tying to figure out how to use the front camera for taking pictures. I can do the video stuff no problem, just not take pictures. Seems silly the native camera app would not offer this.
From what I read, there should be an option in qik to do this, but from the one I downloaded from the market, I'm not seeing this option. I'm running Frankenstein and have checked through all the various mod paqs and there is no qik app in there that may have this feature enabled. What am I missing?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Inside the camera app... Click the Top left icon on the screen and select Self-Shot.
Is that what you are looking for?
Perfect thanks so much! Guess the internet docs on this not working through the camera app are wrong.

LG G6 wide angle camera with Facebook Live

Does anyone know a way to broadcast on Facebook Live with the wide angle camera? All I can find as options are the regular camera and front facing camera.
Nope. 3rd party applications are probably not going to understand that the device has a second camera.
You'd probably need a custom made application that taps into it.
SolarisSixth said:
Nope. 3rd party applications are probably not going to understand that the device has a second camera.
You'd probably need a custom made application that taps into it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's not true in every case. Whatsapp can use all three cameras, so Facebook could implement it as well if they wanted to. It's probably not even a big deal, but very few (none?) phones have an extra camera with a different lens.
I'd love to be able to do that too !
It's feasible on the Youtube Live App... Hopefully Facebook will update their app in order to allow us to switch the camera....
If anyone has a tip, i'm really interested !

