Nexus Two *Isn't* Dead - Nexus One General

PC Magazine: Back in January, I had this really interesting talk with Erick Tseng about the Nexus One, which was supposed to offer an alternative retail model by which Americans could pick their phone and technology and carrier independently. But that doesn't seem to have panned out.
Andy Rubin: Making unlocked phones available in the U.S. is still a possibility. Whether that's simply acquired only online or through traditional retail channels - that's what got canceled. So we have to decide how to make unlocked phones available in the U.S.
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Much more at:,2817,2370464,00.asp
Interesting... Looks like the Nexus line of unlocked phones still has quite a bit more life to it yet. Just the online store that's dead. Google's still thinking up a storm on this one. Hmmmm

Good news that, would certainly prefer another dev phone when the N1 has reach the end of it's useful life for me (not that I am expecting that to be anytime soon).

Oh yes, the best Rubi could do, a Nex2.

I'd just be happy if they continued to offer developer phones in the same way they're currently offering the N1.

I don't see how any of this implies there will be a nexus two. We have clearly been told there will be no nexus two. There was a lot more to the nexus one than being available unlocked.

irishrally said:
I don't see how any of this implies there will be a nexus two. We have clearly been told there will be no nexus two. There was a lot more to the nexus one than being available unlocked.
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Yes, there probably won't be a "Nexus Two" literally speaking. But the spirit of the Nexus One phone, meaning a 100% unlocked, carrier-untouched phone, is definitely not dead, as implied by Andy Rubin's statements.
In other words, a phone that everyone reading this forum would be interested in for the same reason they bought a Nexus One.

Nah, I been saying it all along. Google loses a lot of money when carriers do things like install bing. Its always been about pushing ads and thats not going to change in a world where people increasingly dont turn on a computer but rather use their smartphone for things like email and other traditional pc activites. I'm sure most of you have read Erics comments on the money at stake if each android phone only generates 10 dollars in ad revenues. For those that didnt the word billions is the one you need to use to describe it. Google has a very serious and compelling interest in breaking the carrier based subbed phone business model and the N1 was only a test run. Why not shoot for the moon and hopefully have a very profitable hardware business along with your core business? My expectation is that for the next go around there will be deals with best buy, radio shack and other large brick and morters to carry the N2 by any other name in stock. According to google the single largest reason people choose not to buy an N1 was not price but rather the combination of the price without the opportunity to fondle the device before plunking down their hard earned ching. Getting them in every best buy gaurantees that fondling can be had by those who seek it. This time expect an ad campaign of droid proportions.
No I dont have an uncle high in Google corporate this is my reading of the tea leaves, fearless prediction if you will.

You're overlooking the most secret and well-kept secret of the Nexus One.
Google installed worker elves inside of it. When they're ready to push out the Nexus Two, the worker elves will get instructions OTA on how to upgrade the hardware.
Those running custom ROMs will have to flash manually.

Great find there Paul
I read the interview before and was pissed that Andy said there would be no Gizmo integration into Google Voice but you obviously looked at the positive instead
Long live the spirit of the N1!
Hope Google turns the greedy bastards of the cell phone industry on their head eventually.

Please please please bring in plain unlocked Android phone with AWS support. Look at G2 and you'll understand why.

I don't know about a Nexus Two, but I never assumed that there would never be another Dev phone, there will always be a dev phone, whether it continues the Nexus line of awesomeness is another question.

I'll take one !
Bring it !

Nexus One sized (no 4.3" tablet)
Nexus One stylish
Super LCD or Super AMOLED WITHOUT Pentile
Vertical slider keyboard
Louder rear speaker
Latest mobile phone CPU and GPU
That's my list of what an N2 should be, anyway Vertical slider is personally my favorite type of keyboard, as you can use it one-handed easily.. I actually rarely used my HW keyboards on my two previous phones besides they were side-sliders and often I'm on the move.

Off topic, but I'm more eager to see an 'unlocked' google tv, or atleast a version for a DIY HTPC.
Also is Chrome OS dead? There can only be one!!

khaytsus said:
Nexus One sized (no 4.3" tablet)
Nexus One stylish
Super LCD or Super AMOLED WITHOUT Pentile
Vertical slider keyboard
Louder rear speaker
Latest mobile phone CPU and GPU
That's my list of what an N2 should be, anyway Vertical slider is personally my favorite type of keyboard, as you can use it one-handed easily.. I actually rarely used my HW keyboards on my two previous phones besides they were side-sliders and often I'm on the move.
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HW keyboards are completely useless to me now as I can input text much faster with Swype. When factoring in the added bulk a keyboard adds, I'm hoping the next gen Nexus DOESN'T have one.

jasrups said:
HW keyboards are completely useless to me now as I can input text much faster with Swype. When factoring in the added bulk a keyboard adds, I'm hoping the next gen Nexus DOESN'T have one.
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+1... hate added bulk of a hardware keyboard. I like my phone to be able to fit in my front pocket without people thinking I am getting an erection you know?

What makes you think anyone is looking? lol More on topic I used to love the full keyboard but frankly I do pretty well with swype and the tradeoff on bulk doesnt pencil out for me anymore. No reason they couldnt have two versions though.....

another vote for NO hardware keyboard....what a bad idea...ruins the form factor and it's not needed

I thought he meant, there will be other unlocked phones .... not necessarily from google or in the spirit of the nexus one.

jasrups said:
HW keyboards are completely useless to me now as I can input text much faster with Swype. When factoring in the added bulk a keyboard adds, I'm hoping the next gen Nexus DOESN'T have one.
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Actually, the Moto Droid I handled once only seemed to be a just a little thicker than my Nexus...


Onward to Nexus 2 ((article about N1 no actual info on N2))
Gen 3 (Nexus One) came out mere weeks after the Milestone, using state-of-the-art technology not proven in the market. A shock to Motorola, certainly a shock to me, and I bought the Nexus One immediately when the specs were confirmed. How did it leapfrog Motorola's efforts? Probably because whoever made the Nexus One did not need to justify anything, project profits, etc. The only thing they needed to do was to make the Nexus COOL and to make it the bee's knees.
By all estimates, the Nexus One was a failure. Just because it had small sales numbers, limited distribution by telcos. But anyone who wanted it can buy it. For most people outside of the US, it's expensive like hell because it has none of the telco subsidy bull****. But it has no locks, no telco overlays, no badly customized custom user interfaces, it's easy to root, to hack, and to make it the phone of your dreams. It's the best handset I ever owned. Ever. Speaking of today, of course.
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The bolded really hit home.
I sincerely hope Google doesnt flat out give up on it. That they do have a sequel that will be available to all carriers. Nexus One pushed everything forward and back to back with the Droid legitimized Android as a premiere (and to many) THE premiere mobile OS. The amount of powerful handsets that have been dropped the last 7 months is ridiculous and only due to Android. Otherwise we'd still be stuck on Winmo 6.5 , an iPhone with no retina display or multitasking ,or a dead WebOS. Regardless of sales figures the Nexus one was the most important handset to drop this year.
Sadly because of those low sales figures Im not sure if we'll actually see a pure Google Nexus 2.
All these phones without colored trackballs have me worried too =-O.
p.s leave some comments...I tend to support bloggers/writers who can write without gross bias. This guy also happens to love N1.
Generally agree, except for the part of "By all estimates, the Nexus One was a failure". Low sales number don't equal failure. Look at PS3, they just broke even on that thing, and they sold A LOT.
Besides, google never planned to make money on phones. They are not htc. They don't make phones. They plan to make money on the OS and partnerships with manufacturers who want to run Android (+ google ads).
People forget that Nexus One, although branded as google phone, is actually an htc headset.
DarkDvr said:
Generally agree, except for the part of "By all estimates, the Nexus One was a failure". Low sales number don't equal failure. Look at PS3, they just broke even on that thing, and they sold A LOT.
Besides, google never planned to make money on phones. They are not htc. They don't make phones. They plan to make money on the OS and partnerships with manufacturers who want to run Android (+ google ads).
People forget that Nexus One, although branded as google phone, is actually an htc headset.
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It didnt shake anything up.
Most people have no Fn clue wth a Nexus One is.
Sales figures were laughable.
Thats what people will measure it by.
As a piece of technology it was massive success. Considering the BRUTAL bias and flat out bogus reviews it received , the 3g, wonky soft buttons , and MT problems you'd expect it to be a total dud.It was anything but.
xManMythLegend said:
It didnt shake anything up.
Most people have no Fn clue wth a Nexus One is.
Sales figures were laughable.
Thats what people will measure it by.
As a piece of technology it was massive success. Considering the BRUTAL bias and flat out bogus reviews it received , the 3g, wonky soft buttons , and MT problems you'd expect it to be a total dud.It was anything but.
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True, but I think we have to understand that goal was never to sell millions of Nexus Ones and make tons of money. N1 is kinda like a Android demo phone. Something that manufacturers and interested developers/users can try and see where Android is going, what it really is. That's the real goal, not to sell it as a regular money-making gizmo.
I think in that sense, N1 was a huge success. Think about it. Manuf. and developers tried it out, and loved it. Proof is that immediately manufacturers like htc, motorola and samsung (not even mentioning logitech, gm, cisco...) jumped on the bandwagon, seeing the potential in it.
I think the real hardware "money makers" were always intended to be Evo 4G, Galaxy S, some lower-end android phones that AT&T is launching.. Those are your standard gizmos whos success you can measure in sales numbers.
G1 -> Nexus One are special, their success is not to be measured in sales, but in exposure and future developments.
I have yet to handle any phone that feels as solid and expensive as my Nexus One.
I'd love to get my hands on a Nexus Two.
It doesn't even have spec rumors yet and I want it. I love the openness of it and that it's the one that gets Googles focus. Love it!
There won't be a nexus two.
Google is sitting on a pile of Nexus Ones and is trying to unload them anyway they can. It's painfully obvious retail hardware is not a business they want to further pursue.
Your best bet for another phone as open as the nexus will be the next developer phone, or something from Nokia's brand.
Google, give me a Nexus Two with the following:
4.3" Screen (720p-ish resolution)
Next-gen processor (hummingbird? or one of those duel-core cpus?)
768+ MB of RAM/ROM
Front Facing camera (VGA is fine)
8+ MP regular camera
Optical trackpad (see blackberry)
Hardware back, menu, home, search buttons
HDMI out
8GB internal storage (16 would be nice too )
Google have never actually said that the Nexus One was a failure right? They said that the Web Store is a failure as it didn't meet their expectations. The Nexus One not selling so many units is because it was only available on a failing web store. When Google announced they were closing the web store they said that Nexus One's will be sold in retail stores, they didn't say they are discontinuing the product like how Microsoft have with the Kin phones.
And Google have said that the reason the Nexus One didn't appear on Verizon and Sprint was because Google changed the sales model early on (choosing to close the web store but announcing it much later) and as the networks were going to get equivalent phones to the Nexus One, Google and the networks decided to pull out. I reckon the reason why the Nexus One was delayed so much on the Vodafone network was due to the fact that Google were changing their sales model.
However the Nexus One did achieve a goal of pushing manufactures to produce high quality phones. The Nexus One specs are now like a minimum for all future smartphones.
The nexus one was being produced at the same time as all the other HTC lineup, it's actually the lower end of HTC current snapdragon line.
Had google not bid on this specific model, we would proably be seeing this exact phone Labeled T-Mobile MyTouch HD or something without and unlockable bootloader.
do you guys honestly think google expected to sell millions of nexus one's when all they did is throw up a few ads on a few websites? they didnt do any primetime TV ads, nothing. you honestly think that google didnt do that on purpose? no way would they have expected huge sales with that kind of marketing platform (or lack thereof). they wanted a develper phone, and that's what they got. of course if they bought primetime TV space like apple does, then they would have sold a lot more. i dont see how people fail to see this logic.
JCopernicus said:
There won't be a nexus two.
Google is sitting on a pile of Nexus Ones and is trying to unload them anyway they can. It's painfully obvious retail hardware is not a business they want to further pursue.
Your best bet for another phone as open as the nexus will be the next developer phone, or something from Nokia's brand.
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If that'd be true in any way, u'd see discounted prices and specials for N1.
Do you? Cause if you find one, I'd love to be proven wrong (my friend wants nothing but N1 now).
DarkDvr said:
If that'd be true in any way, u'd see discounted prices and specials for N1.
Do you? Cause if you find one, I'd love to be proven wrong (my friend wants nothing but N1 now).
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They still have an investment in them, they're not going to willingly lose that money.
My comment was directed at their current strategy of selling them in "retail stores all over the place".
RogerPodacter said:
do you guys honestly think google expected to sell millions of nexus one's when all they did is throw up a few ads on a few websites? they didnt do any primetime TV ads, nothing. you honestly think that google didnt do that on purpose? no way would they have expected huge sales with that kind of marketing platform (or lack thereof). they wanted a develper phone, and that's what they got. of course if they bought primetime TV space like apple does, then they would have sold a lot more. i dont see how people fail to see this logic.
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EXACTLY. You guys are jumping on a bandwagon of "N1 was a fail". It's completely wrong. Stop believing stuff that some trolls write on a forum.
It's extremelly shallow to think that all things that are released are released to sell as many as possible. Or that pure "items sold" would give you an idea of how successfull item was.
There are many, many cases of special edition cars, stereo systems, you name it. Some items are designed and sold for a different purpose. To increase awareness, to hit a small portion of the market. To create a sense of "rarity" or "urgency", etc etc.
Want proof? Ok. Remember the GMAIL model. First year or two you could ONLY get gmail by INVITE. If you didn't know, google wrote a book on "Virus Marketing". Creating a sense of rareness, coolness and priviledge towards a certain item. It works, they're not idiots. They are doing the same thing with N1. Just enough marketing to sell them, but not enough to sate people with the idea. Think about it.
In a way, you're holding a rare (or soon to be), barely advertised, special edition Android 2 phone. Don't complain that not everyone bought one. It was never meant to be.
Besides.. don't be naive. If google (one of biggest web advertisers in the world) would want to REALLY advertise their phone... Trust you me, they'd advertise the BEJESUS out of it. They'd sell millions worldwide. That's just not their goal.
JCopernicus said:
They still have an investment in them, they're not going to willingly lose that money.
My comment was directed at their current strategy of selling them in "retail stores all over the place".
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Changing from online sales to store sales does NOT equal failed product.
Even if google indeed got dissapointed with online sale model, it doesn't mean that N1 is an epic fail, as quote from first post states.
I never said it was a failed product, they've already turned a profit on it.
Changing your primary business model shows your product wasn't a great success.
JCopernicus said:
I never said it was a failed product, they've already turned a profit on it.
Changing your primary business model shows your product wasn't a great success.
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Correct but the product that wasn't a success is the Google Web Store, not the Nexus One.
The Web Store failed, the Nexus One didn't.
Sarg92 said:
Correct but the product that wasn't a success is the Google Web Store, not the Nexus One.
The Web Store failed, the Nexus One didn't.
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This is more in general, and not directed specifically at you, Sarg, but at some of the similar comments along the same lines.
I'm pretty sure Google was aware of these things prior to selling the N1:
1 - Most people in the states buy phones subsidized from the carriers
2 - Most people don't want to shell out almost $600 for a phone
3 - The economy kinda sucks
Why would they proceed, knowing the above, if they intended the N1 to be as successful as the iPhone?
Perhaps, just perhaps, Google is aware of a small but serious community of people who love technology and want the latest and greatest. Perhaps Google's goal all along was to target a select few and push the development of the OS, the apps, and the general market for Android devices.
To me, the N1 is really like phase 2 or 3 in a lengthy strategic plan that is, in all aspects, going rather well.
1 - Secure an OS (Purchase of Android)
2 - Develop and market and OS (Release of G1)
3 - Grow the base
a - Advertise Android​b - Put out more Android devices​c - Release a killer device to spur OS, app, and marketshare development​4 - Drop more serious Android devices (and we're seeing a ton now)
5 - World domination
The indent feature on 3a, b, and c didn't work quite like planned, but c'est la vie. You get the idea.
th0r615 said:
Google, give me a Nexus Two with the following:
4.3" Screen (720p-ish resolution)
Next-gen processor (hummingbird? or one of those duel-core cpus?)
768+ MB of RAM/ROM
Front Facing camera (VGA is fine)
8+ MP regular camera
Optical trackpad (see blackberry)
Hardware back, menu, home, search buttons
HDMI out
8GB internal storage (16 would be nice too )
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I could imagine with Gingerbread coming in October, and the fact that the Dev 2 phone (myTouch) doesn't fit any of the requirements, that we'll see a pretty updated Dev 3 phone designed specifically for Gingerbread.
That's would make logical sense to me anyway.
I wish nexus one had more storage (4GB or higher) because it can't rely on memory card as it may fail. In addition, more storage can let me store more music on the phone itself and free the memory card for video.
Generally I am happy with nexus one and I think the migration from WM is a right decision.

Schmidt: Nexus One so successful we dont need a Nexus Two

Eric Schmidt's words concerning why the Nexus One was created and how we dont need number Two.
Initially, Google felt that they needed to build a device to help Android along so they worked with HTC to create the Nexus One handset. Schmidt says: “The idea a year and a half ago was to do the Nexus One to try to move the phone platform hardware business forward. It clearly did. It was so successful, we didn't have to do a second one. We would view that as positive but people criticised us heavily for that. I called up the board and said: 'Ok, it worked. Congratulations - we're stopping'. We like that flexibility, we think that flexibility is characteristic of nimbleness at our scale."
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Heh, google is the inverse of apple
...I would like a Nexus Two though?
What about a 1280x720 4" IPS screen, sub-10mm thickness, aluminum/carbon fiber construction, HDMI port, front-facing camera, Tegra 2 SoC, battery life that is amazing, and capacitive touch buttons that are actually silk screened right?
And of course, a unicorn detector
oh well, there's the answer to that. now we all just wait for the next developer phone, whoever google decides to use. let's hope HTC again or maybe motorola.
i would like to see SE get into the game and develop a phone that is 100% backed up by Google. they make good phones.
I thought the title was a joke. lol
Wow, damage control ahoy.
arcticreaver said:
i would like to see SE get into the game and develop a phone that is 100% backed up by Google. they make good phones.
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+1 on this. SE really dropped the ball when they attacked the smartphone market. The W series phones were cutting edge in terms of being music centric. The K series were really good too, my K750i has the best 2 megapixel sensor of any camera. The K850i was a real stormer of a phone too.
I don't know what happened in SE HQ when they moved onto touchscreen phones and the like. They were ahead of the curve back in the day but maybe their UI let them down?
Samsung are another company who made good hardware but ****ed it up with their clunky software.
I'm not sure how these guys turn the ship around but HTC came from nowhere and are one of the biggest mobile phone manufacturers about now. Surely SE and Samsung can make a cracking phone again and win some of the market share back.
Another issue might be locking down access to root or bastardising Android with a clunky shell. HTC avoided that with a pretty nice UI in Sense.
britoso said:
Heh, google is the inverse of apple
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That's why I love em.
Knew it and have been saying it all along.
The Nexus One was never supposed to outsell any other phone or become an income source for Google. It was meant to drive the Android OS and the hardware platform and as Schmitty says, it "clearly worked".
Android market share has rocketed and continues to do so and even today, 7 months later from intro, new Android phones are STILL catching up to the specs of the Nexus One.
markouk said:
+1 on this. SE really dropped the ball when they attacked the smartphone market. The W series phones were cutting edge in terms of being music centric. The K series were really good too, my K750i has the best 2 megapixel sensor of any camera. The K850i was a real stormer of a phone too.
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I don't know about you, but that's what I dislike about SE. Why couldn't they just combine the best walkman and camera in one phone? Instead, they made two phones out of almost the same hardware and charge a high price for each of them...
RogerPodacter said:
oh well, there's the answer to that. now we all just wait for the next developer phone, whoever google decides to use. let's hope HTC again or maybe motorola.
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Hey Roger, do you mean the next developer phone that's not under a carriers control and gets updates ota directly from Google?
I guess I am kinda confused since I assumed Google is never gonna dip their hand in the smartphone market again besides supplying android.
Namuna said:
The Nexus One was never supposed to outsell any other phone or become an income source for Google. It was meant to drive the Android OS and the hardware platform and as Schmitty says, it "clearly worked".
Android market share has rocketed and continues to do so and even today, 7 months later from intro, new Android phones are STILL catching up to the specs of the Nexus One.
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I love the N1, and can't wait for a future device done the same way (without any branding). I seriously hope HTC is the manufacturer. Can't see myself using a phone not made by them.
ap3604 said:
Hey Roger, do you mean the next developer phone that's not under a carriers control and gets updates ota directly from Google?
I guess I am kinda confused since I assumed Google is never gonna dip their hand in the smartphone market again besides supplying android.
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Since android's beginning, there has always been Google's developer phone, the one that Google uses to write the android OS on. First was the g1, now its nexus. It will always be a vanilla android version, not HTC sense or MOTOblur or whatever. Perhaps the next one will be sold thru a carrier, but I think they will ensure it can be purchased unlocked too. We don't know, this is new territory, and The nexus kinda set the standard. So I'm anticipating Google will make sure the next phone can be had without the carrier influence as well.
I actually don't think there should be a Nexus 2 from Google. They should just stick to what they do best and make great software. I don't think selling physical products is their thing and the Nexus One has served it's purpose of demonstrating the potential of Android.
Hopefully the plan is to dramatically improve the UI with Gingerbread and convince manufacturers like HTC and Motorola to run vanilla Android. They can release new versions of Android and leave it up to the manufacturers to deliver the updates.
I'm done with SE, myself. I followed them for a little while with a P990i, then Xperia X1 and was going to get an X10... but glad I got a Nexus One instead.
High-priced pieces of trash, they are. I know the X1 was HTC built and rebranded, but WinMo was so laggy on it and SE slapped an $800 price tag on it. Enough to wake you up.
So there won't be a N1 successor ??
adamwjohnson5 said:
I actually don't think there should be a Nexus 2 from Google. They should just stick to what they do best and make great software. I don't think selling physical products is their thing and the Nexus One has served it's purpose of demonstrating the potential of Android.
Hopefully the plan is to dramatically improve the UI with Gingerbread and convince manufacturers like HTC and Motorola to run vanilla Android. They can release new versions of Android and leave it up to the manufacturers to deliver the updates.
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Sure is nice having Google dictate what goes on the phone and not T-Mobile or AT&T or whoever. I think I'd opt for a slightly weaker phone over one with Sense UI and branding all over it.
I guess I'll be buying whichever dev phone is popular at the time, or making damn sure the phone has Cyanogen et al behind it and that it is vanilla.
No N2?!? Oh come on! It's not like they have to do much. Just make it a 4" screen, swap in a better 3D co-processor, slap a real keyboard on it and call it a day. I'd buy that off-contract any day!
I would agree that the N1 put android on the map, at the centre. They have multiple partners now SPAMMING rediculously good phones for android, the consumers know about it and WANT it, theyve done their task. Let them get back to making the OS orgasmic, and let HTC etc make phones that can vibrate
Like a guy said eariler this is whats called damage control. The N1 didn't start anything with Android OS, it was the Droid that did that. The N1 is a tiny blip on the radar of Android sales. The N1 failed and this is an arrogant look at the N1. The fact of the matter is HTC was planning 1ghz phones regardless of the N1 existance or not, remeber that phone list that was leaked last year of all the phones coming out this year? I love my N1 but lets face it google dropped the ball on it.
1. restrictions on the subdizing
2. restrictions on the type of plan
3. No dummy phones for TMO stores
IMO if they would have stuck the N1 in stores made it easy like Droid, Samsung Vibrant, and EVO, then N1 at the time would have been a mega hit. It was the first phone (that I can remember) with a ghz processor ppl would have went nuts for it because of the speed and its a really sexy looking phone.

Nexus S = iPhone

Yep, for me personally the Nexus S is like the iPhone. I am just so happy with it
Let me explain. My first smartphone was a big, sturdy Kyocera 7135, running Palm OS, and it was sort of OK, crashing at times, but generally useful.
Then I went through several HTC-made WM5 and WM6 phones, which promised much, but ate my nights and weekends flashing and reflashing ROMs to make them useful. It was a time of obsessive flashing, fixing bugs, only to introduce new ones.
Then came the iPhone. And it was bliss. It worked. It looked good. It was updated regularly. Of course I jailbroke it, but it was more for sport, than anything else. As I said, it just worked, and it worked well.
Then Steve Jobs opened his big mouth and told me that Flash is not coming to the iPhone. Which pissed me off.
I had been keeping an eye on Android (with vague interest, but also disdain at first). The EVO came out, I almost got it, but it seemed a bit too tacky and clunky. When the Galaxy S came out with its gorgeous screen, I thought the time had come to give the maturing Android a try.
After the initial excitement (mostly with the SAMOLED screen), I found myself spending my nights and weekends flashing and reflashing again. To fix the GPS, to fix the Market, to fix FCs.... It felt like being back on WM6 again.
Worse, I discovered that while Android is an open platform, in practice it is locked just as tight as iOS by the manufacturers and the carriers. Really, there is very little difference: there are tons of developers working on modifying the iPhone in many ways, including UI. I just never thought most modifications were worth the effort. I feel the same regarding Android.
And with Android, if the manufacturer decides not to update the drivers for a phone, there is generally little the developer community can do to make that phone run the latest Android updates well.
So, I was getting disillusioned. When the Nexus S came out, I decided to give Android one last chance.
I've had the Nexus S for close to a month now. It just works. It's smooth. I don't have to think about it. I haven't even bothered to root it yet.
I feel like I have a phone again. Just like I did with the iPhone. Except that it does Flash
I wish it had WiFi Calling and 720p, but overall I am happy. Hopefully these will come, in due time.
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
But you know, my two year old iPhone 3Gs ran smoother than my Galaxy S and my Vibrant, with half the horsepower. In most cases, it's the software, stupid!
That's why, for me, the Nexus S is my new iPhone.
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
Just so you know, voip calling is explicitly supported on Gingerbread. It's not the official T-Mobile Wifi Calling app, but it also doesn't use up your plan minutes. Just search for it here or in the T-Mobile user forums for the Nexus S.
And 720p recording will certainly be added in the future (probably as a custom ROM tho).
ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
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Couldn't have said it better myself isn't being a rebel fun!
MacGuy2006 said:
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
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Great idea, I think this practise is wasteful and is only designed to make already rich companies even richer You're right; specs are just purely marketing gimicks.
MacGuy2006 said:
But you know, my two year old iPhone 3Gs ran smoother than my Galaxy S and my Vibrant, with half the horsepower. In most cases, it's the software, stupid!
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Software is the next big battle ground that's always been my view. Because we will reach this point where sure hardware can get slightly better, but most of the innovation will come down to the software space. That's why the Nexus fits this idea so perfectly!
Good choice on your Nexus S! I'm not disappointed with mine at all, and I came from iOS (iPt 2g MC - pos) and Symbian (E63... alright for the price when I got it I guess).
Had the Nexus S 2 days only but I like it. I have kept my iphone 4 for a week or two to make sure I don't change my mind.
My only problem with it so far is it eats the battery so much quicker than iphone.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Your optimism, well-wishes, or otherwise pleasant feelings regarding the Nexus S are neither warranted nor welcomed on these forums.
In case you did not notice, the sky is currently falling and the end is upon us. Clearly, you are incapable of making a choice of your own volition and must succumb to the masses, which confirm that the end is indeed falling on the Nexus S. Why you should so foolishly choose the device you thought best suited for you without consulting the unnamed and innumerable masses who possess other devices, post praise for those devices on their respective forums, and yet still come here to spout their opinions after handling this device for five minutes is a gross negligence on your part and you should be ashamed.
You must cease and desist all pleasant feelings and likable opinions regarding this device immediately or be subject to mob scrutiny of which the consequences will never be the same.
The Unnamed and Innumerable Masses.
(P.S. I'm so completely sarcastic it's not even funny. If you spend a day or so on these forums, you'd understand this post more.)
MacGuy2006 said:
I will almost certainly never buy another locked, modified by the manufacturer Android phone. In most cases, the specs are for suckers, to sell them something which they don't need and most likely will never use, to get them to upgrade every year. That's part of why Android manufacturers do not support "old" hardware, but instead push the specs and the marketing hype up.
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In the US, the carriers don't sell phones. They sell contracts. If you're a good little consumer and buy a 2-year contract, you will get a shiny toy to play with. And then, looong beore that contract is up, they will dangle even shinier toys before you to trick you into extending the contract.
Even the Devil makes you sign a contract only once.
Yupe, agreed
I was ruled by HTC on my Desire, not anymore (still waiting my Nexus S sent from UK).
And from now on, I will only buy Nexus phone !
ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom. With the Nexus line, the government (Google) is supportive and the no-longer-rebels can modify to their hearts' content without fear of retaliation. This is the world of Nexus, and it is Good.
Just so you know, voip calling is explicitly supported on Gingerbread. It's not the official T-Mobile Wifi Calling app, but it also doesn't use up your plan minutes. Just search for it here or in the T-Mobile user forums for the Nexus S.
And 720p recording will certainly be added in the future (probably as a custom ROM tho).
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Jobs can suck it
Hey I totally agree the iPhone 4 was my last device and this Nexus S is pure bliss, still some poor quality, and poorly coded apps on the Market and the games are still nowhere close to the iPhone yet but they are coming, the Nexus S and Gingerbread has steered me away from iOS and anyone who knows me will tell you that is something. Thank you Google. Looking forward to many threads here with you all.
ravidavi said:
Often one has to live through tyranny to really appreciate freedom. With the iPhone and every non-Nexus Android phone, the "government" (i.e. manufacturer/carrier) is oppressive, and the "rebels" (i.e. XDA, Cyanogen, ...) have to fight tooth & nail to gain freedom.
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OK had major geek flashback here Star Wars.....
I know I am sad I get my coat and my NS......
unremarked said:
(P.S. I'm so completely sarcastic it's not even funny. If you spend a day or so on these forums, you'd understand this post more.)
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I've been around for 5 years now and I didn't understand.
I don't know if the NS = Iphone but some owners that owns the nexus line sure acts like them, they can't take criticism of their phone and thinks everything that google touches is golden.
yeah too bad some people are stuck on iPhone 4 thanks to google doing the same band act as it did with N1
greenstuffs said:
I don't know if the NS = Iphone but some owners that owns the nexus line sure acts like them, they can't take criticism of their phone and thinks everything that google touches is golden.
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Ways to get some angry response in a thread lol
I think one area which the Nexus S (and Android in general) is not comparable to the iPhone is the keyboard. It pales in comparison. Typing on Android remains one of the few sore spots of the Android experience; one that is inferior to typing on an iPhone, or even an iPod Touch. I've always been very critical of Android's keyboards, and while there are [better] alternatives, like Smart Keyboard Pro or Better Keyboard 8, it's something about the Android OS, or the Nexus S screen (too sensitive?) that causes me to be unable to type as smoothly and confidently as I can on an iPhone/Touch.
I'm no Apple fan boy, nor do I care for Apple's dated OS or philosophy (which is more or less, "the average user is a complete idiot" - not entirely untrue, and needless to say, is a model that works wonders for them), but I can still respect the iPhone and what Apple gets right. And if there's one thing that succeeds, it's the typing experience (and generally, the touchscreen experience). And in that respect, the Nexus S =/= iPhone.
Mokurex said:
Ways to get some angry response in a thread lol
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I'm not trying to pick a flame war, but i did get some heat for saying the NS wasn't the revolutionary phone that the original N1 was. Still is a good phone but the vibrant or the mt4 isn't that far in terms of a performance and in some cases they surpass the NS.
That behavior was already taken place on the N1, there was some heated battles when the vibrant was released. I don't know what is the big deal in all that, nothing will change the fact if you are happy with your phone but sometimes i see unnecessary name calling and flames in a discussion.
It has become very childish almost the same stuff you find at engadget, there is always a heated battle in an android or apple post.
onthecouchagain said:
I think one area which the Nexus S (and Android in general) is not comparable to the iPhone is the keyboard. It pales in comparison. Typing on Android remains one of the few sore spots of the Android experience; one that is inferior to typing on an iPhone, or even an iPod Touch. I've always been very critical of Android's keyboards, and while there are [better] alternatives, like Smart Keyboard Pro or Better Keyboard 8, it's something about the Android OS, or the Nexus S screen (too sensitive?) that causes me to be unable to type as smoothly and confidently as I can on an iPhone/Touch.
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Sorry have to disagree here.
What determines how good any soft keyboard is how quickly and accurately you can enter text. The worlds record for texting is with a swype keyboard. The best platform for text entry belongs to android.
tommyz2kool said:
Sorry have to disagree here.
What determines how good any soft keyboard is how quickly and accurately you can enter text. The worlds record for texting is with a swype keyboard. The best platform for text entry belongs to android.
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You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface. Regardless, the thumb-typing method of Android pales in comparison to the thumb-typing experience on an iPhone. Yes, it is widely determined by how quickly and accurately you can enter text, and that's precisely where the iPhone's keyboard succeeds. It's great that Android can provide an alternative to this method (it speaks to one of the greatest strengths about Android: diversity), but the fact that it requires such a novel alternative to compare speaks volumes of which is better in terms of actually typing/thumbing. What I'm saying is, comparing Swype to thumbing on an iPhone is like comparing oranges to apples (no pun intended). Anyone who has typed extensively on both platforms should understand the difference.
A tangent: my issue spills over to the touchscreen interface in general. I'd argue it's better (more responsive, more reliable, more fluid) on an iPhone than on any Android device I've ever used, including the Nexus S. Again, I'm no Apple fan boy nor am I interested in starting immature flame wars. I'm simply not going to deny where Apple's technology and software can and does beat other developers and Android. I have been, and continue to be, critical of Android, but I do so out of the desire to see it improve. There are times when the typing and touchscreen experience on Android can feel second rate.
SooSpecial said:
I've been around for 5 years now and I didn't understand.
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Maybe I was a bit too subtle.
I was poking fun at the folks who come from other forums to inform us that we're all imbeciles for buying the Nexus S when their device/something coming out six months from now is so much better and we're incapable of making our own choices without their input/consent/approval.
onthecouchagain said:
You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface.
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Why? Have you actually used swype on a day to day basis? I've used both platforms extensively and I can say that after a some training swype is clearly the superior typing solution.
Maybe your preference is for thumb typing, but that doesnt change the fact that its faster to swype.
onthecouchagain said:
You make a good point. I was more comparing the thumb-typing experience on the Android versus the iPhone. I don't account for Swype because I'm not sure if Swype-ing the fastest in a contest translates exactly to everyday use or ease of user interface. Regardless, the thumb-typing method of Android pales in comparison to the thumb-typing experience on an iPhone. Yes, it is widely determined by how quickly and accurately you can enter text, and that's precisely where the iPhone's keyboard succeeds. It's great that Android can provide an alternative to this method (it speaks to one of the greatest strengths about Android: diversity), but the fact that it requires such a novel alternative to compare speaks volumes of which is better in terms of actually typing/thumbing. What I'm saying is, comparing Swype to thumbing on an iPhone is like comparing oranges to apples (no pun intended). Anyone who has typed extensively on both platforms should understand the difference.
A tangent: my issue spills over to the touchscreen interface in general. I'd argue it's better (more responsive, more reliable, more fluid) on an iPhone than on any Android device I've ever used, including the Nexus S. Again, I'm no Apple fan boy nor am I interested in starting immature flame wars. I'm simply not going to deny where Apple's technology and software can and does beat other developers and Android. I have been, and continue to be, critical of Android, but I do so out of the desire to see it improve. There are times when the typing and touchscreen experience on Android can feel second rate.
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I can type much faster on Android stock keyboard (Froyo/Gingerbread) than is a matter of getting used to it.. I dont like iphone keyboard with no pop up suggestion..Since you are just talking about stock to stock.

All the new phones announced yet I still want the Nexus S.

After CES and MWC seeing new phones being announced. Like for example the Motorola Atrix and The new Galaxy S II. I would still want to get the Nexus S probably because of the stock android. Is this normal, are there any other people that feel the same way as I do?
Alopez_45 said:
After CES and MWC seeing new phones being announced. Like for example the Motorola Atrix and The new Galaxy S II. I would still want to get the Nexus S probably because of the stock android. Is this normal, are there any other people that feel the same way as I do?
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I watched all of CES and I've been following MWC a bit more loosely but not a single one of them makes me want to give up my Nexus S. If you could keep my SNS I'd love to have an HTC Pyramid on top of it but just for poops and giggles. The SNS is the best phone I've owned and I love it.
I feel the same way as you do, but you can also run stock on a Galaxy S II or Motorola Atrix, with Custom ROMs. Of course, it won't be the same as with the Nexus S.
I just like the Nexus s as a whole. What I mean to say with that is that stock Android and updates from Google isn't the only thing I like about the Nexus.
I feel the same. I haven't seen anything that I would want instead of my Nexus S. Vanilla Android beats all
I feel the same..
while i like direct upgrades from Google in the SNS
i really like the hardware codec support for all the media files from the SGS2, and the dual core, and 1GB RAM, and the larger 1650mAh battery, and the 8 mpix camera with the flash, and the microSD support, and NFC, and BT3.0, and...
it's a really hard decision to make, forfeit direct upgrades to get all the goodies vs. keep direct upgrades, and have no goodies
the moment of truth will come when the AWS t-mobile model 1700+2100 hit the runway then i'll let me greed decide
None of these new phones are appealing to me at all.
I'll only buy into the Nexus brand from now on. This phone has been everything I've ever wanted from an Android device.
AllGamer said:
while i like direct upgrades from Google in the SNS
i really like the hardware codec support for all the media files from the SGS2, and the dual core, and 1GB RAM, and the larger 1650mAh battery, and the 8 mpix camera with the flash, and the microSD support, and NFC, and BT3.0, and...
it's a really hard decision to make, forfeit direct upgrades to get all the goodies vs. keep direct upgrades, and have no goodies
the moment of truth will come when the AWS t-mobile model 1700+2100 hit the runway then i'll let me greed decide
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and super amoled+. I'm looking forward to a 4" variant, if they make one.
Love my Nexus S. The hardware, the fact that is supported straight from Google, everything about it.
I'm not saying i'm not curious about the new dual core devices, but think about that for a minute: our single core phones go through a day - day and half with a 1540mA battery. Imagine the talk/standby time of those new phones with only 1650 and 1900 mA batteries. When sth just comes out, usually needs work. Like Win7, dual core phones, the android when it ws first launched.
So, i think i'm gonna wait a while before trying a new device.
Google Nexus S rules...
For the most part, I agree. There's nothing so appealing to make me want to ditch my current Nexus S, however, understand what "stock Android" means.
Yes, you get the latest Google updates, and you get the unhampered Android experience, but just be aware that Android is riddled with glitches ranging from minor annoyances to some pretty major issues. (Just to name a few off my head: keyboard issues, home screen icon and swiping issues, gallery issues, rebooting issues, SMS and MMS issues...)
As long as you understand that being on the Nexus line means you're essentially the "beta tester" for Google's Android iterations, then you shouldn't be disappointed. I'm just sharing my personal experience. I found many things critical about the Android experience on previous phones, but always had OEM skins to blame. On the NS, that excuse is invalid.
I too am fairly disappointed with all of the new phones (including the NS to an extent).
Atrix = Plastic, and has Moto's locked down bootloader (major negative, and if it wasn't so locked down, I may have made an exception for its cheaper build quality).
Inspire 4G = Nothing too impressive, still has HTCs horrible mic and speaker quality and probably a ****ty digitizer/touch screen.
HTCs entire new lineup: No dual core? No gingerbread for the Incredible? Minimal upgrades at best.
SGSII = Plastic.
Nexus S = Plastic.
I may be old fashioned, but can anyone other than HTC make a $600+ Android phone that isn't plastic? Or what? Combine HTCs metal build, Moto's excellent speaker quality, Samsung's sensitive touchscreen, and then tack on the true Google experience -- and there you have it, the perfect Android device.
Until then, the iPhone still has an edge over Android with their polished build quality. I'm probably going to get attacked with fanboi'ism (even though I've owned 3 Android devices in the last 2 years), but whatever... it's true... There always seems to be trade offs with Android devices, whether it's build, or OS fragmentation - it drives me crazy.
I'm going to be picking up an Android fun to bum around with, and it's most likely going to be the Nexus S when and if it arrives to Rogers, just because it's the next iteration of the Nexus One. I'll put up with the cheap build quality (I'll try really hard not to drop it) and call it a day.
Ill stay with my Nexy Sexy
DigitaL BlisS said:
Combine HTCs metal build, Moto's excellent speaker quality, Samsung's sensitive touchscreen, and then tack on the true Google experience -- and there you have it, the perfect Android device.
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I 100% completely agree in that point
why it is so hard for all the manufacture to put all the best stuff together and make a perfect phone?
seems like every manufacture only specializes in 1 thing, but not the rest of the phone.
personally i wanted a phone for work and fun, so the Nexus S fit the profile, just a bit disappointing in the reception area, and speaker, it serves better as a PDA than a phone
for my girl i got her a Moto because it's radio and speaker perfect, it will always get a signal, it was designed as a phone, and it works as a phone
I must say I regret dropping $600 on this phone at the eve of dual-cores. It is not that the Nexus S is "bad"; sure 2.3 isn't 100% bug-free but the phone itself is great. I just find it really dumb of me to purchase a phone with single core when dual-cores are right around the corner.
P.S. Atrix might have a lot of things going for it, but the most major innovation I find in the Atrix is the huge battery and great battery life, without sacrificing phone size (in regards to thickness).
I'm sold on the idea of a google backed phone. Now I just need to save up for one of these and find a way out of my contract with sprint. I am just tired of the run around with updates between carrier/mfg. I think I am over the need for having the latest and greatest and can settle down with one device for a while until the newest nexus comes around. A small trade off in my opinion as I will still have the latest OS and support from great devs and plenty of time to save for the next one. Last plus for me is being able to get on a month to month service and no more contracts. I'm on my way over guys, just saving up some cash then its on ;-)
sent by an Epic4g through the cosmos
Have you seen the LG Optimus 2X reviews? Force closes and crashes left and right... talk about half baked.
DarkAgent said:
I must say I regret dropping $600 on this phone at the eve of dual-cores. It is not that the Nexus S is "bad"; sure 2.3 isn't 100% bug-free but the phone itself is great. I just find it really dumb of me to purchase a phone with single core when dual-cores are right around the corner.
P.S. Atrix might have a lot of things going for it, but the most major innovation I find in the Atrix is the huge battery and great battery life, without sacrificing phone size (in regards to thickness).
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So far none of these new phones make me want to give up my NS either.
Atrix - locked bootloader
SGS2 - too big, not a fan of the design - I want a search button!
LG 2x - its an LG lol
I may change my mind once I get to play with these phones
Alopez_45 said:
After CES and MWC seeing new phones being announced. Like for example the Motorola Atrix and The new Galaxy S II. I would still want to get the Nexus S probably because of the stock android. Is this normal, are there any other people that feel the same way as I do?
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I have a Nexus S and it's awesome. Stock Android is the only way to go.
I'm not gonna lie. I'm still thinking of getting one, even with all the phones on the horizon. My upgrade from T-Mobile isn't until July. Tax return is burning a hole in my pocket... If only they had a car dock like the Nexus One...
DarkAgent said:
I must say I regret dropping $600 on this phone at the eve of dual-cores. It is not that the Nexus S is "bad"; sure 2.3 isn't 100% bug-free but the phone itself is great. I just find it really dumb of me to purchase a phone with single core when dual-cores are right around the corner.
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Would it be dumb to get a dual core phone with QUAD CORE phones right around the corner?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App

Nexus S Win, Moto Atrix Fail;)

I would say about 80 percent of Atrix users I have spoke to are unhappy with there purchase. With mumblings of shoddy software and no real time speed increases, its fair to assume this device is a bit of a fail. Just go over to the marketplace and see the large second hand market for Atrix's, after just one month on sale.
So glad I have my Nexus S
The Atrix I fear is one of the nails in motorola's coffin.
Google rules
Sent from my Google Nexus Magic Wand S
lol.. any chance you read the benchmark comparisons between LG Optimus 2X vs. Atrix? not that benchmarks mean anything but it was interesting to see the difference between those two phones.
Next up versus the Nexus S. T-Mobile G2x, it actually seems like a good competitor on paper. Since its reportedly supposed to be running on stock Android. But I'll most likely wait until a quad-core Nexus phone comes out since Quad cores are rumored to be done by later this year.
These devices I feel are making a bad name for android. People who got the atrix as their first android phone, would probably think that android is laggy even with dual core processor. I wish Google would have went the 'apple route' and control both hardware and software instead of letting these manufacturers put crap on android.
zephiK said:
lol.. any chance you read the benchmark comparisons between LG Optimus 2X vs. Atrix? not that benchmarks mean anything but it was interesting to see the difference between those two phones.
Next up versus the Nexus S. T-Mobile G2x, it actually seems like a good competitor on paper. Since its reportedly supposed to be running on stock Android. But I'll most likely wait until a quad-core Nexus phone comes out since Quad cores are rumored to be done by later this year.
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Quad core hummingbird and snapdragon's would be class, but as with everything we will have to wait for the software to catch up with the hardware
Motorola really make some crap phones though, and the crapness emanates from Motoblur, it basically makes apps incompatible,
What a great skin Full marks Moto
Sent from my Google Nexus Magic Wand S
Agree with Mokurex anyone use this device will hate Android
I think Google should force phones manufactures to install a stock
Android over there phones (controlled by Google).
Then they could put there software in the market
and make it connected with the phone serial number.
That will make all phones up to date also will give the consumer
the right to chose wither to install these apps or not
I tried many Android phones from HTC, MOTO and SAMSUNG
I found Nexus S the fastest, cleanest and most beautiful phone
abo.saud said:
Agree with Mokurex anyone use this device will hate Android
I think Google should force phones manufactures to install a stock
Android over there phones (controlled by Google).
Then they could put there software in the market
and make it connected with the phone serial number.
That will make all phones up to date also will give the consumer
the right to chose wither to install these apps or not
I tried many Android phones from HTC, MOTO and SAMSUNG
I found Nexus S the fastest, cleanest and most beautiful phone
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Android is Open Source, they couldn't reinforce those ideas if they wanted to because Android from the very beginning was established to be opened to any company.
And honestly, too many of you are thinking as a enthusiastic user. Why exactly do you think these manufacturers don't care so much about upgrading their phones to the latest Android version? The average user is the large % of their sales. The average user doesn't look at Android the way we do. They don't even know about Froyo or Gingerbread. They just use a phone as a phone.
Nexus S is definitely a great device. And I'm not looking back. From this point onward (since Nexus S), I decided that I'm only getting Nexus based devices. Anything other than that, I'm not interested.
I happen to have an Atrix and Nexus S in front of me right now... been testing them together for a few days. The Nexus S has been my main daily driver and the Atrix just accompanies to see how well it stacks up. Bottom line... the Atrix is going back, nexus S staying for a while longer for now.
It's just another classical case of good hardware, horrible software implementation, similar to how Nokia was going with S60. Nothing is optimized for the dual core, the Nexus S is faster at almost every task, even flash playback in the browser which is surprising, because the hummingbird chipsets are known to suck at browsing compared to snapdragons. Also, the Atrix has a terrible case of color banding... if you thought the SAMOLEDs were bad, the Atrix just doesn't use its 24bit panel at all. Again, poor software. The camera is much better, and the battery is significantly better, but all the software and bloatware just takes away from the experience so much.
If you have anything you guys want me to compare between the two let me know before I return it =)
zephiK said:
Android is Open Source, they couldn't reinforce those ideas if they wanted to because Android from the very beginning was established to be opened to any company.
And honestly, too many of you are thinking as a enthusiastic user. Why exactly do you think these manufacturers don't care so much about upgrading their phones to the latest Android version? The average user is the large % of their sales. The average user doesn't look at Android the way we do. They don't even know about Froyo or Gingerbread. They just use a phone as a phone.
Nexus S is definitely a great device. And I'm not looking back. From this point onward (since Nexus S), I decided that I'm only getting Nexus based devices. Anything other than that, I'm not interested.
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Only Google phone's for me too from now on. And I don't think I could consider another HTC phone without AMOLED as minimum screen spec... This is why samsung have a hold of the market, the screens are fantastic
Sent from my Google Nexus Magic Wand S
JupiterDroid said:
Only Google phone's for me too from now on. And I don't think I could consider another HTC phone without AMOLED as minimum screen spec... This is why samsung have a hold of the market, the screens are fantastic
Sent from my Google Nexus Magic Wand S
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correction: Super AMOLED i wonder what Super AMOLED Plus looks like, but yeah i totally agree about Samsung. I don't get whats the hatred towards Samsung, they have no control over the Nexus S.
Sure, people criticize about the plastic back. I wish it was aluminium myself, but believe me. This phone is not CHEAPLY made at all, it's solidly constructed.
There's no such thing as a perfect phone. But the Nexus S is pretty damn close to perfect. If it had 720p and SD card, it'd be perfect without question. 4G on top of that, it's a dream phone. But I don't really care about 4G
I have Q could Nexus s get 720p thru a future update?
abo.saud said:
I have Q could Nexus s get 720p thru a future update?
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No its a hardware limitation. It could get hacked by CyanogenMod team and 720p could be added but it wouldn't be "true" 720p if you know what I mean.
Motorola sux
Sent from my Nexus S
Torn between these two phones, was going to pick up an Atrix the other day but then found out Nexus S is coming to all Canadian carriers according to Samsung.
Love the Nexus but really hate the fact it's only 16GB with no SD card. If it was 32GB I could handle it. Missing 720p sucks too.
How likely is it that Motorola would either fix Motoblur or ditch it when they release the Atrix Gingerbread update this year? or at least unlock the bootloader so you can run a stock version of Gingerbread if you choose?
If I was confident that I could run stock versions of Android on the Atrix, my decision would be easy.
darklord74 said:
How likely is it that Motorola would either fix Motoblur or ditch it when they release the Atrix Gingerbread update this year? or at least unlock the bootloader so you can run a stock version of Gingerbread if you choose?
If I was confident that I could run stock versions of Android on the Atrix, my decision would be easy.
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Well that's pretty easy to answer. The probability of that happening is zero. Motorola locks the bootloader on all their phones and it's up to people here to hack it. It only really slows them down, but still it's annoying. Also, gingerbread will be a while away I'm guessing, let alone Ice Cream.
Just look at the entire history of Motorola android phones and see which ones actually have an AOSP ROM out (cyanogen)... the answer is only one, the original Droid/Milestone from 2009. If you want customization, HTC and Samsung phones seem to get more ROMs. You may think that Motorola doesn't want custom ROMs because they polish their blur UI but it's quite the opposite with my Atrix experience. Everything, I mean virtually EVERYTHING is half-assed on the phone. Terrible color banding, random reboots, tons and tons of bloatware that conflict with each other and drain the battery (which is why you see battery complaints despite having a 1930mah battery).
thanks, making my decision easier. I'm a noob to android, switching over from my piece of crap iphone (jailbroken, themed, etc) so I'm hoping to learn from anybody's experience with these phones.
The nexus will probably make me happier, but I love the hardware profile of the Atrix. Damn I just want an Atrix running a clean version of Gingerbread.
Don't get me wrong, the Atrix is still a great phone. If you're stuck between an iPhone, Atrix, or Nexus S, no matter what you'll end up with a powerful phone. I have no doubt the Atrix will be a smooth machine in the hands of an experienced Android user who knows what apps to freeze, etc., but there are some things that just can't be fixed until Motorola decides to fix them for us such as the color banding, capped upload speeds, multitouch bugs, etc. Yea it has a Tegra 2, but the GPU is actually not even better than the Nexus S/Galaxy S GPU. I've played a bunch of Tegra games and they don't look any better than games that are on the iPhone (which has a slower GPU than the Nexus S). Sure, Tegra zone will help the gaming market pick up for android by enforcing a standard, but it's still a crappy standard for coming out a year later.
darklord74 said:
thanks, making my decision easier. I'm a noob to android, switching over from my piece of crap iphone (jailbroken, themed, etc) so I'm hoping to learn from anybody's experience with these phones.
The nexus will probably make me happier, but I love the hardware profile of the Atrix. Damn I just want an Atrix running a clean version of Gingerbread.
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JupiterDroid said:
I would say about 80 percent of Atrix users I have spoke to are unhappy with there purchase. With mumblings of shoddy software and no real time speed increases, its fair to assume this device is a bit of a fail. Just go over to the marketplace and see the large second hand market for Atrix's, after just one month on sale.
So glad I have my Nexus S
The Atrix I fear is one of the nails in motorola's coffin.
Google rules
Sent from my Google Nexus Magic Wand S
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i actually posted my Nexus Vs Atrix on the Atrix forum
over all. the new problems with atrix makes it abit of fail device now in my eyes
- Locked bootloader. and it doesnt seem its going to be unlocked anytime soon. even the new HTC is locked. i believe from now on all the phones will be locked. which makes the Nexus Line is the only available option for the people like us who like to tweak his phone. whatever optimus 2x or galaxy S2 or Evo 3d will be unlocked is different story. but for now. the best safe bet go with Nexus line.
- only 2 fingers for multi touch + it stops working after you holding it for 12 seconds. like say you are playing racing games, and you are pressing the screen to throttle, while the other finger to move your car, after 12 seconds both touches will stop responding and the screen will act fuzzy for like 4 to 5 seconds before it gets its act together. whatever that is hardware problem or software problem. its a total fail for gaming on that device no matter how powerful its.
and even if its a software issue, knowing motorolla. atrix owners will be glad if they get it fixed by the end of the year. + locked bootloader so devs to try and fix it them selves is out of the window. makes the atrix a complete fail in my eyes.
- the screen is ****. i am sorry but if i can see pixels on both screens. why would i go with less colors ? sure the pixels density are more in atrix. but i still see the pixels. and the colors are not nice as SA. why would i go back step ?
honestly. between atrix and Nexus S. the Nexus S wins hands down. and this coming from an iphone owner who used atrix for couple of days and use the nexus S almost every day since its with my young brother
but i dont agree that this is a nail in the coffin for motorolla. this company is so huge to be effected by couple of flips of phones. and even then. the moto sold very well. the hype alone sold the phone. sure many didnt like it. but for moto, they sold good enough so thats not a flop for them.
ll_l_x_l_ll said:
i actually posted my Nexus Vs Atrix on the Atrix forum
over all. the new problems with atrix makes it abit of fail device now in my eyes
- Locked bootloader. and it doesnt seem its going to be unlocked anytime soon. even the new HTC is locked. i believe from now on all the phones will be locked. which makes the Nexus Line is the only available option for the people like us who like to tweak his phone. whatever optimus 2x or galaxy S2 or Evo 3d will be unlocked is different story. but for now. the best safe bet go with Nexus line.
- only 2 fingers for multi touch + it stops working after you holding it for 12 seconds. like say you are playing racing games, and you are pressing the screen to throttle, while the other finger to move your car, after 12 seconds both touches will stop responding and the screen will act fuzzy for like 4 to 5 seconds before it gets its act together. whatever that is hardware problem or software problem. its a total fail for gaming on that device no matter how powerful its.
and even if its a software issue, knowing motorolla. atrix owners will be glad if they get it fixed by the end of the year. + locked bootloader so devs to try and fix it them selves is out of the window. makes the atrix a complete fail in my eyes.
- the screen is ****. i am sorry but if i can see pixels on both screens. why would i go with less colors ? sure the pixels density are more in atrix. but i still see the pixels. and the colors are not nice as SA. why would i go back step ?
honestly. between atrix and Nexus S. the Nexus S wins hands down. and this coming from an iphone owner who used atrix for couple of days and use the nexus S almost every day since its with my young brother
but i dont agree that this is a nail in the coffin for motorolla. this company is so huge to be effected by couple of flips of phones. and even then. the moto sold very well. the hype alone sold the phone. sure many didnt like it. but for moto, they sold good enough so thats not a flop for them.
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I fear these locked bootloaders have been brought in after what happened with the g2 and HD line. So many people bricked their phones using the early complicated method to root and get Eng S-off. I know for a fact T-Mobile USA replaced every handset without questioning or checking for the actual cause. I think when these phones eventually got back to HTC they saw there was only one future option, leave all phones unlocked, or lock down the phones completely. They seem to have chosen the second route. I personally would not buy a phone I could not root as this was the main reason for me to ditch the iphone. I'm a firm believer that if you purchase a phone you should be able to do what the hell you like with it. I would pefer that all phones come with an oem bootloader unlock but If activated generates a limited warranty to just hardware faults. I think OEM's just need to use some common sense when replacing handsets, people that brick their phones through lack of knowledge or stupidity should face the consequences.
Sent from my Google Nexus Magic Wand S
JupiterDroid said:
I fear these locked bootloaders have been brought in after what happened with the g2 and HD line. So many people bricked their phones using the early complicated method to root and get Eng S-off. I know for a fact T-Mobile USA replaced every handset without questioning or checking for the actual cause. I think when these phones eventually got back to HTC they saw there was only one future option, leave all phones unlocked, or lock down the phones completely. They seem to have chosen the second route. I personally would not buy a phone I could not root as this was the main reason for me to ditch the iphone. I'm a firm believer that if you purchase a phone you should be able to do what the hell you like with it. I would pefer that all phones come with an oem bootloader unlock but If activated generates a limited warranty to just hardware faults. I think OEM's just need to use some common sense when replacing handsets, people that brick their phones through lack of knowledge or stupidity should face the consequences.
Sent from my Google Nexus Magic Wand S
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actually, there is a more " easy " reason why they decided to lock it down.
they really dont want people to keep their phone. they want people to change at least once a year. which is why they are offering more than 1 device per year.
if you have unlocked bootloader. then you will update your software without needing HTC or Samsung or any other company for that matters. and it will prevent a possible future sale of their new offering. its a business move.
which is why i like apple in this regard. 1 phone per year. smart move. keep the customers loyal to you. dont screw them up by releasing a newer better device than yours every 3 months or 4.
there is a reason why apple is leading. too bad all other companies are that stupid :/
as for the andriod, i think from now on all companies will use a locked bootloader. locked karnel. the only way to go is the nexus line i assume if you are looking for open Dev mobile. and i highly doubt Samsung or LG will let their new high end phones like optimus 2x, optimus 3G or galaxy S2 to be without a signed bootloader.
ll_l_x_l_ll said:
i actually posted my Nexus Vs Atrix on the Atrix forum
over all. the new problems with atrix makes it abit of fail device now in my eyes
- Locked bootloader. and it doesnt seem its going to be unlocked anytime soon. even the new HTC is locked. i believe from now on all the phones will be locked. which makes the Nexus Line is the only available option for the people like us who like to tweak his phone. whatever optimus 2x or galaxy S2 or Evo 3d will be unlocked is different story. but for now. the best safe bet go with Nexus line.
- only 2 fingers for multi touch + it stops working after you holding it for 12 seconds. like say you are playing racing games, and you are pressing the screen to throttle, while the other finger to move your car, after 12 seconds both touches will stop responding and the screen will act fuzzy for like 4 to 5 seconds before it gets its act together. whatever that is hardware problem or software problem. its a total fail for gaming on that device no matter how powerful its.
and even if its a software issue, knowing motorolla. atrix owners will be glad if they get it fixed by the end of the year. + locked bootloader so devs to try and fix it them selves is out of the window. makes the atrix a complete fail in my eyes.
- the screen is ****. i am sorry but if i can see pixels on both screens. why would i go with less colors ? sure the pixels density are more in atrix. but i still see the pixels. and the colors are not nice as SA. why would i go back step ?
honestly. between atrix and Nexus S. the Nexus S wins hands down. and this coming from an iphone owner who used atrix for couple of days and use the nexus S almost every day since its with my young brother
but i dont agree that this is a nail in the coffin for motorolla. this company is so huge to be effected by couple of flips of phones. and even then. the moto sold very well. the hype alone sold the phone. sure many didnt like it. but for moto, they sold good enough so thats not a flop for them.
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I picked up an unlocked Atrix from Bell Canada (while I was there skiing) last week and put a long side my Nexus S, I actually prefer the Atrix - and I'll explain why.
I'm not one who cares about unlocking bootloaders. Not everyone wants to mod their phones. My Nexus S is still locked. BTW, the Atrix bootloader has been cracked ( but you already knew that didnt you??
The Atrix is running Android 2.2 which accounts for a little lag and reduced dual core speed. Once it gets the latest version of Gingerbread - which has full multi CPU support, the phone will be a whole lot different. Having dual cores in the long run will at least keep the Atrix up there with the best for at least 6-7 months, as opposed to the Nexus S which is technically already outdated and old tech (actually it was already old tech 1-2 months prior to its release lol).
I actually like the screen on the Atrix and I rate it better than the Nexus S SAMOLED - especially outside. Sure the SAMOLED has deep blacks and rich colours, but I still cant see the ****er in direct sunlight. For me, this is a complete fail.
The finger print scanner is unique and reliable. Its good to know that my phone is locked down, especially if it is stolen or I loose it.
The build quality on mine is superb. I can't fault it to be honest.
The Atrix has gorilla glass (thank God), as opposed to a rubbish glass screen with a pathetic oleophobic coating that rubs off after 2 weeks of use (I'm on my 3rd Nexus S because of this **** BTW - and the screen scratches so easily even when its in my empty jeans pocket..... )
The only advantages of having the Nexus S is that it will get the latest Android updates and you unlock the bootloader to flash what ever rom/kernel (whatever) you want...
I'm not here to bash the Nexus S, just sharing my opinions. I just wish Google stuck with HTC for the Nexus S, rather than going cheap with Samsung. HTC make a far better quality handset for sure. The plasticky build of the Nexus S is a real let down.
I also think Motorola has turned over a new leaf with the Atrix. They've gone in all guns blazing with a laptop dock and loads of accessories like HDMI desktop docks, etc as well. I do not think they intend to let this handset die off into the sunset without software updates. If they did this with the Atrix, they will kill themselves just like Sony Ericsson did with the X10 line. I will never ever ever ever never ever touch another Sony Ericsson handset for the rest of my life.

