no network after reboot - cannot see SIM - Vibrant General

Most of the time when I reboot my Vibrant, it is unable to find the network. Going into the settings and selecting Mobile networks results in an error message telling me to insert a SIM card.
Fixing the problem involves one of two methods, which I fear one day will fail indefinitely.
1) Rebooting multiple times until the phone sees the SIM card and registers on the network. This method failed more than ten times today until I gave up and tried method 2.
2) Turning on airplane mode. Then in an attempt to turn off airplane mode and get the phone to register on the network, it cannot be done. Airplane mode is greyed out in the popup menu that comes with a LP of the power button. Additionally, airplane mode is not indicated in the status area at the top of the screen. Next, reboot the phone. Upon reboot, airplane mode is indicated in the status area at the top of the screen with a small airplane. Switching off airplane mode is now possible from the popup menu that comes with a LP of the power button. The phone now immediately registers on the network. This method does not always work.
I've tried more than one SIM card to ensure that the problem isn't SIM specific. I have yet to try a SIM card from a different carrier to troubleshoot a carrier specific SIM problem.
Any knowledge on this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks,

In an attempt to see if I could find a reliable way to get my phone back on network after a reboot, I made the dumb move of turning off my phone. I've now been rebooting my phone repeatedly for about 20 minutes trying to get it back to network.
In messing around with flight mode, I've now got the stupid airplane in the status area, and yet the damned phone says in the popup menu that flight mode is off.
I might be looking at a factory reset next.

Even a factory reset fails to get the phone to see a SIM.
Any ideas?

Unfortunately, it may be a hardware issue...You tried another tmo sim card?

Seems like a hardware issue to me too. No, I have only tried two different True Mobile SIMs here in Phuket.
The phone is pretty much cooked at this point unless somebody has some ideas. It won't register on network even after a factory reset. I've stuck it in a soft pouch and resumed the use of my 3yr old Nokia dumb-phone.
The next thing I face is trying to get a phone that isn't even sold in Thailand serviced at a local shop. Not fun.
Second alternative is to mail it back home for about $50, have it repaired, and then pay about $50 to have it shipped back. Then, when it arrives at the Thai post office, they will hold it for ransom until I pay taxes, duties, and tarriffs totaling another $50.
I'll probably end up just having a nice paper weight until I go back home in about a year.
Any other ideas would be great. Thanks a lot.

Unlock it and try a different carrier, the problem sounds like a hardware problem but it seems like you are out of luck and if you go back home in a year then the warranty probably won't be valid since warranty only lasts one year.
So yeah you can unlock and see if that works, if not at least you have a nice MP3 player

Thanks for your reply. It's already unlocked. That's the way I bought it on eBay in the US and brought it over here to Phuket and have been using it on the local True Mobile network.
Not getting the phone serviced in warranty is unfortunate, but it isn't really a problem. If I have to pay a couple hundred bucks to get the phone fixed by either sending it home now or getting it fixed when I'm back in town in a year, so be it. I'm used to these kinds of predicaments with the kind of traveling I do.
Any other ideas guys?

Flash an update file via Odin, a factory reset won't fix everything.

I think I've got it figured out. And it sucks.
The solution I have found that will consistently get the phone back on network is to power it off and let it completely cool down by either letting it sit for a long time, or by putting it in the fridge for about ten minutes.
So yes, it appears to be a hardware problem. And I'll likely end up having to spend a few hundred dollars out of warranty to get the mobo replaced. Because as I'm sure many of you have experienced with electronics, the way that manufacturers design these things, anytime something goes wrong that's as minor as a worn out headphone jack or some other prong on some component of the guts, the whole mobo has to be replaced, which in the case of a phone, is basically the whole phone.
Please excuse my irritation. This just sucks.
I'll be carrying a spare dumb-phone in my car for trips around Thailand that could end up getting me into some minor trouble if my car breaks down and I have no way to call for help. Yeesh...

When it happened to me I powered down , pulled the battery , removed and reinserted the sim .

Maybe run an under-voltage ROM, that could help but again that is just another random idea, I mean you don't lose anything.

Thanks for all the replies.
After upgrading to JI6 this evening, I have rebooted the phone at least 6 times without waiting for it to cool down. The phone has registered on network without failure every time.
I'll report back if it fails to register on network ever again.

My problem happened when I got a new sim . It's been working fine for a month now .


XDA II Coma like state

Right guys and girls, this "coma" stuff is driving me MAD!!!!!!!!!
okie the latest example is last night i put the XDA on charge not in the cradle as usual as i was not at home, but that seems to make no difference, anyhow i turn the screen off by pushing the power button (top left) yellow light turns on and begins to charge, next morning i pick up the device to use it and nothing.....not a sausage, dead as a doe-doe.
Im not able to power it on, im not able to "wake it up" with a call to it, buttons do not work at all, screen is dead, the yellow light stays on even when charger not connected, however it turns of several hours later.
Ok at this point in the past the only way to fix this was to hard-reset it, which is a royal pain in the arse as you all know, and lost all my info i worked on, on that last trip.
Except this time, it really is dead, Hard-reset dont work, removing the main battery and letter the internal one take the hit dont work, verious combos of reset, hard-reset, with and without battery. nothing
nope, this time it seems totally screwed, anyone have any ideas
O2 is going to get an angery phone call, as soon as there tech support peeps goes back to work after the weekend, they said originally it was just a glitch and i was to update my software (rom). Some damn glitch!
Anyhow in a bid to remain slightly more sain than i will be i was hoping that some of you guys have had a problem like this or even better know how to fix it
How you can help
O2 is going to get an angery phone call, as soon as there tech support peeps goes back to work after the weekend, they said originally it was just a glitch and i was to update my software (rom). Some damn glitch!
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well maybe your phone is just broken
being angry at o2 will not help anything they dont make the hardware they dont make the software they just sell the device
Hum, intresting, before i start, O2 is to blame, in the world of retail and more importantly sales contracts, they are my first and direct point of call, in law, when i give them cash and they except it, they are entering in a contract which sticks them in the position to be blamed, however it is not about blame, its about getting somthing done about it, and they are the people who pull the stings, i do understand that they do not make these devices but thats not the point.
16 year old kids may be a bit put out when there phone stops working, however those who need there phone / PDA to work have more issues when things go wrong.
Whats more intresting is that 1 hour ago, the phone unexpectedly turned on by its self, although not surprisingly, all the data was lost. It seems to of woke its self up when the last remaints of power in the internal battery was about to die, to tell me this information.
Whilest i cant conferm this, if the others who have had this problem before
were to leave the phone off the charger for the battery to die, without trying the usual hard reset, i would expect it to wake up to tell you its about to die and then at this point plug the charger back in and hay presto!
well i'm not saying that you cant sue or demand your money back or place the blame on o2 i'm just saying that you cant expect then to solve your problem apart from reporting the issue to thc who again can blame it on microsoft
What ROM version do you have on your machine?
I had the same problem with my MDA2 which came with ROM version 1.60 or something like that, but I managed to upgrade my MDA2 to 1.72WWE that I found somewhere in this forums and the problem was solved ever since. I even had lots of sudden SD memory wipes, so far so good... It's been like 4 or 5 months since the upgrade and counting...
The upgrade procedure was performed via the cradle and not via the SD card. But if for some reason you can't manage to boot your device you can always try the SD upgrade method.
I really don't remember the procedure but you can find lots of information somewhere in this forums.
Have you tried to get into Boot mode and then reset the device just to see what happens?
Press the Power button, the reset button and the joypad down at the same time and you should see a DOS-like screen indicating you are in boot mode, from there just press the reset button by itself and see if that helps. You will loose all your data with this procedure, but at this point chances are that you already lost everything in the device anyways.
Best of luck!

Can't get HTC HD2 working again!

Ok so my phone was working fine on a custom ROM when suddenly yesterday an exclamation appeared next to the phone signal and stopped from receiving/making calls and texts. I thought it had just crashed but after soft and hard resets and changing to a few others sims I just can't get my phone signal back.
Really strange as everything was working fine. I now have trouble flashing custom ROMs and am struggling to run a stock ROM because I'm on a mac.
It's driving me crazy as my phone is now useless.
Any ideas guys?
Quick update
I've managed to get the Leo Lite ROM running and everything is good except that damn exclamation mark next to the phone to phone, which means I can't get the phone working.
Anyone know know why this is???
Have you tried the sim in a different phone?
could just be a simple issue
And I know it a simple thing............but have you got flight mode on?
johnerz said:
Have you tried the sim in a different phone?
could just be a simple issue
And I know it a simple thing............but have you got flight mode on?
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Thanks for the reply John.
Yeah currently having to use the sim in an ancient motorola and it works fine, tested with calls and texts. Also tried turning on and off flight mode but still that bloody exclamation mark stays.
That sounds like its been blocked. Theres a network there it just isn't letting it connect. Did you buy it second hand? or off ebay?
samsamuel said:
That sounds like its been blocked. Theres a network there it just isn't letting it connect. Did you buy it second hand? or off ebay?
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Hey Sam
Do you know what, I did buy it second hand, from a reputable store in town.
However this raises more questions than answers;
1. Why would it be blocked after several weeks of normal use.
2. Doesn't some sort of message need to be displayed stating the handset has been blocked.
Does anyone know if this is what happens when a HTC HD2 is blocked? i.e. the exclamation being shown all the time.
I presume a handset is blocked for security measures like theft. I will take it back to the shop tomorrow, they will have all the details of the person who sold it to them.
However is there no way this can happen from flashing custom ROMs? Even though that doesn't really make sense cause I had a ROM that was working fine and this happened when I was out and about.
It could be a bad rom, but it certainly wouldn't be in every rom.
I think id try going back to the stock rom, radio and spl (i.e an sd card flash, do you now if it has a provider locked rom?) and see if it is still there. If it still won't work, then it's definately either hardware or network.
The reason it could have taken weeks is, , seller trades in phone for cash, waits a little while, thinks 'i know'..., reports the phone lost/stolen to claim on insurance, insurance won't pay out without the imei being blocked.
samsamuel said:
It could be a bad rom, but it certainly wouldn't be in every rom.
I think id try going back to the stock rom, radio and spl (i.e an sd card flash, do you now if it has a provider locked rom?) and see if it is still there. If it still won't work, then it's definately either hardware or network.
The reason it could have taken weeks is, , seller trades in phone for cash, waits a little while, thinks 'i know'..., reports the phone lost/stolen to claim on insurance, insurance won't pay out without the imei being blocked.
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Well I've tried flashing at least 6 custom ROMs, all show the exclamation mark.
The phone was sold to me as being unlocked to all networks, however I never tried with anything other than a o2 sim.
Now going back to the original ROM has its own problems. First off i'm quite new at this so sorry for sounding silly. How on earth do i go about finding out what the original stock rom, radio and spl is?
When I have these I can't easily go back as I don't have a pc, using a mac. I would have to use the sd card way but I can't find an official signed .nbh file.
I have a brand new T-Mo US HD2 with similar issue (out of the box). It's like the radio will not initialize. Did hard resets, tried to force it finding a carrier, etc, and it just will not turn on the radio.
I did find out that there is a likely issue with my SIM slot. If I attempt to remove my SIM card (which works fine in other phones) it is almost unremoveable and feels jammed in. However, once removed, I get connectivity via wifi and touch response is great.
If I insert a SIM card, it takes a LOT of pressure to reinsert it (yes, inserting it in the correct orientation), and the phone cannot connect turn on the phone's radio. Also, I get random phone.exe and credential.exe error message (plus the phone becomes very slow.
Don't know if you have any of these other symptoms, but the lack of connectivity sounds similar.
Supposed to get a replacement HD2 today, and we'll see.
I had the same problem too. I got unlocked code from tmoile and everything working fine for a month. It was working great after upgrade the latest rom 3.14 from tmobile download site (i got the message from them to upgrade), until i went out off country last month then the phone could not turn the phone's radio on. It kept at airplane mode. I been try to flash back and forth all the tmobile .50 stock rom and still having the problem.
Does any one know the issue to fix it? TIA
Looks like a hardware fault. You need to open case and check bottom two brass hinges are in working order and correctly hinged to make contact with antenna which is on the rear case at the bottom.
Follow the guide of opening s HD2 on YouTube there is a factory guide to dismantling the HD2.
xlr8me said:
Looks like a hardware fault. You need to open case and check bottom two brass hinges are in working order and correctly hinged to make contact with antenna which is on the rear case at the bottom.
Follow the guide of opening s HD2 on YouTube there is a factory guide to dismantling the HD2.
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Thanks for reply xlr8me. I just check the two brass hinges at the right side of usb connector. It looks fine to me. The other thing i didn't mention on the above post I was flash the dft_leo_nand android after tried all the stock rom from tmobile and the android said "no sim card", i also checked and cleaned the sim slot. Do you think any thing else to cause that problem?
One more thing without the sim or sd card the about phone show up all info of phone: imei, serial..... But with sim card in it just blank when i read the about phone hardware info. Thanks again
Did you try simcard from another carrier?
cecobald said:
Did you try simcard from another carrier?
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Yes I did tried the sim from the carrier of the asia country i was traveling to last month, that why i call tmobile to get the unlock code before i go. When i was there and inserted their carrier's sim and it won't work, even when i get back to U.S. I been tried either tmobile or at&t sim too. The phone radio won't turn on. The rest is working ok except those above error messages "A problem has occurred with device.exe" and "Credential.exe".
Do you think i can reflash with WWE rom .50 radio instead of tmobile's official rom?
You will have to reset the phone back to default rom from htc website. You may also need to reformat sd card but the radio should still work regardless of whether the sd card is in or out.
My only concluding thoughts are that if the above fails to work then try a different sim card and still no good then probably something with the motherboard on HD2.
Good luck and update us with any new info..

[Q] Suddenly won't boot, help

I have a Galaxy S as shipped by Bell Canada. It doesn't have the 3 button download mode so I'm staying away from 3rd party roms for now.
It is unlocked and rooted. All has been well until today. I had it off for a while to use the SIM in another phone. When I turned it back on it asked for the SIM unlock code. I Dismissed that and checked the phone, all seemed well other than no SIM activation. I turned it off and removed the SIM and now it won't boot. I get the usual logo, the song, and for a long time the S logo. If I wait long enough it then appears to be off. If I press the back or menu key they will light up but that's it. I can't do anything else other than pull the battery.
I tried the hard reset with holding volume down and tap the power button. That only turns it back on with the same problem. The actual SIM is fine and working in another phone.
Is there anything I can do? If I could hard reset it I'd take it back to the store but I hesitate for now while it still contains my data.
this is a problem i have just posted about a couple of mins ago
but i can get it recovery mode and fatory reset with the vol up, home and power
then it will boot but obviously i have to then reset everything from scratch which is really annoying so anyone got any idea re this
lucky for you that you can get into recovery. Right now I'd be happy with a hard reset, it doesn't take long to rebuild the setup. I'd like to know who decided to remove the recovery mode, that's evil and keeps me from simply resetting the device.
its all the apps re downloading and installing them and resetting up accounts and swype and all that lot need a fix asap
do you know what version of andoid you are running
yes but at least you can get a working phone again, I can't without being able to get into any boot menus. Honestly it only takes 30 minutes to setup again from scratch. I'm on 2.1 and what I find at least on my HTC when it had 2.1 is that I setup the google account, let it sync contacts etc, then from Market Downloads I'll see listed all my apps that were previously installed. As long as I don't leave that screen I can install each app one after the other. Or a proper backup....
Any other magic key combos to reset this thing???
did you try hooking up to kies?
Yes but that does nothing since it never fully boots.
3rdcoast said:
I have a Galaxy S as shipped by Bell Canada. It doesn't have the 3 button download mode so I'm staying away from 3rd party roms for now.
It is unlocked and rooted. All has been well until today. I had it off for a while to use the SIM in another phone. When I turned it back on it asked for the SIM unlock code. I Dismissed that and checked the phone, all seemed well other than no SIM activation. I turned it off and removed the SIM and now it won't boot. I get the usual logo, the song, and for a long time the S logo. If I wait long enough it then appears to be off. If I press the back or menu key they will light up but that's it. I can't do anything else other than pull the battery.
I tried the hard reset with holding volume down and tap the power button. That only turns it back on with the same problem. The actual SIM is fine and working in another phone.
Is there anything I can do? If I could hard reset it I'd take it back to the store but I hesitate for now while it still contains my data.
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Same thing happened to my phone, but a factory reset did nothing. The internal SD card gave out. Phone is now sent away for 3 - 6 weeks awaiting repair.
my phone did this to me today too, I was just about to post about this when I saw this thread.
So its an SD Card problem? theres no hope of getting it fixed without sending it in?
Yes I think it is the internal card meaning there isn't anything good enough to reset to. I walked the phone over to the store and I'll have to wait for new stock next week. Actually I'm lucky they will exchange it since I bought it outright which apparently is "against policy" even though they list a no contract full price. We'll see how it goes next week but overall I despise the telco industry in this country.
3rdcoast said:
Yes I think it is the internal card meaning there isn't anything good enough to reset to. I walked the phone over to the store and I'll have to wait for new stock next week. Actually I'm lucky they will exchange it since I bought it outright which apparently is "against policy" even though they list a no contract full price. We'll see how it goes next week but overall I despise the telco industry in this country.
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i went to best buy today to try and exchange it, and apparently they only have a 14 day exchange policy with phones despite it saying 30 day on the receipt, anyhow i phoned samsung and they said i have to go through bell, even though im using the phone on telus, so that should be interesting.
So all the people that are having this problem have the Bell model?
Today i got mine off eBay, as soon a i turned it on, i get exactly the same thing.
It wont load into Android, i see that galaxy S logo and then black screen.
If i go into recovery i see "cant mount SD Card".
The more is search this forum the more i see that all the people with this problem are owners of the Bell i9000M model.
I seriously think they have some defect with the manufacturing line of the phone.
Have you guys installed any firmware on your phone before this happened?
mine is like that out of the box.
Mine is the same Bell model. There seems to be some issues with them which makes the lack of download mode even more dangerous. Right now it doesn't feel like the warranty is going to cover us for problems not our fault. I hope they replace it next week but if it still lacks download mode I'll remain nervous.
Seems like everyone is with the Bell model but my questions is:
Have you guys installed another firmware than the factory one which caused this to happen?
Are you running Stock?
We need to try and narrow this down as i am seeing too many posts about this issue, and they are with the Bell model.
clubtech said:
Seems like everyone is with the Bell model but my questions is:
Have you guys installed another firmware than the factory one which caused this to happen?
Are you running Stock?
We need to try and narrow this down as i am seeing too many posts about this issue, and they are with the Bell model.
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i put new firmware on it last week, can't remember what it was but it was upgraded through kies so it's one samsung pushed to me, not a froyo unstable one.
bigc_13 said:
i put new firmware on it last week, can't remember what it was but it was upgraded through kies so it's one samsung pushed to me, not a froyo unstable one.
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Thanks. if it was pushed to you via Kies i assume you were running stock JH2.
So it just stopped booting out of the blue?
To the OP: have you install any firmware on your device before this happened?
clubtech said:
Seems like everyone is with the Bell model but my questions is:
Have you guys installed another firmware than the factory one which caused this to happen?
Are you running Stock?
We need to try and narrow this down as i am seeing too many posts about this issue, and they are with the Bell model.
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I haven't flashed any 3rd party roms. I did do the official update via Keis which even at the store today they reminded me that I should do the update.. That update seemed to go well and has been working for over a week until I turned it off for an hour. It still isn't clear if the disabled 3 button mode is hardware or software related but we all seem to have that in common too. So before they dismiss the whole thing and we get hosed over technicalities such as unlocking it should be clear that there are clear defects in these phones as far as I can tell.
I want to be comfortable that I'm not left out of hundred of dollars just because I choose to buy it outright and not be tied to contracts. Samsung has to play nicely because it is their phone. Bell has to play nicely because they are bringing them in and distributing to retail. What carrier I use should be irrelevant because the problems are not related to usage.
FYI, the clerks went off for conference to decide if I somehow got the phone against policy. Either they trust my story or I got mine moments before they got the memo about not selling outright.
clubtech said:
Thanks. if it was pushed to you via Kies i assume you were running stock JH2.
So it just stopped booting out of the blue?
To the OP: have you install any firmware on your device before this happened?
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Same here, stock JH2 from Kies. Not rooted. Boots to Galaxy S logo, then black screen. Mine is sent in for repair... Almost two weeks now.
Seeing more and more of this being posted. There is obviously some issues with this phone.
clubtech said:
Thanks. if it was pushed to you via Kies i assume you were running stock JH2.
So it just stopped booting out of the blue?
To the OP: have you install any firmware on your device before this happened?
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Our posts crossed..
Yes I believe mine had the JH2, the official keis offered firmware. I was looking forward to the biggie update at the end of the month so wasn't about to risk bricking before then. Irony stepped in anyway.
I'm a bit nervous until I get a new one. At that point if the 3 button mode still doesn't work I'll remain nervous that I'll get another potential brick.
edit-> yes, I simply shut it down for an hour or two to use the SIM in another phone to test that phone. At next boot it died. I knew something was wrong when the logo stayed up for much longer.
I have the 3 buttons enabled so it is not related to the 3buttons being disabled, however when i boot into recovery it clearly displays an error that it can not find the internal SD.
There is definitely something wrong with the Bell Galaxy S corrupting itself.
I bought mine from an eBay seller, he is saying the phone booted fine when he shipped it but when i opened the box today i only got this black screen after logo.
Gladly the seller will take it back.
Maybe this is why there are shortages everywhere in Canada. I hope the caught this up and are fixing it with the new batch.

Phone unresponsive, have to pull battery to boot.

So after convincing a friend to get this phone with Bell he is having this unresponsive issue with the phone. He returned the first phone after 2 days for a replacement as it had locked up several times. The replacement phone is doing the same thing.
Seeing as the second phone is doing the same thing he thought it might be because he is on the edge of the network constantly losing service. I suggested to try replacing the SIM card. Do either of these make sense or did he just get 2 bad phones in a row?
I've had my phone 5 or 6 weeks now and this has happened once.
edit: sorry guys I might not have fully explained what I meant by locking up at first. What I mean is that the phone is on and goes into sleep/stand by normally. Then when you try and wake it there is nothing that works. Non of the buttons will wake up the phone and holding the power button for 10+ seconds doesn't do anything either. I dont think it's a user error as I saw it happen on the second day and had to show him how to take the case and battery out.
I read something similar for a different phone on a different forum where the person called customer service and is sending them a new battery. Maybe he should call samsung if this continues.
User maybe at fault here, He might be doing something he's not telling you or even that he knows he's doing. Try installing a free app called NoBars from market, once no signal is found it won't continuestly poll radio .
Hi, try hold the powerup button till the phone reboot. No need take out battery.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
mindtweaked said:
So after convincing a friend to get this phone with Bell he is having this unresponsive issue with the phone. He returned the first phone after 2 days for a replacement as it had locked up several times. The replacement phone is doing the same thing.
Seeing as the second phone is doing the same thing he thought it might be because he is on the edge of the network constantly losing service. I suggested to try replacing the SIM card. Do either of these make sense or did he just get 2 bad phones in a row?
I've had my phone 5 or 6 weeks now and this has happened once.
edit: sorry guys I might not have fully explained what I meant by locking up at first. What I mean is that the phone is on and goes into sleep/stand by normally. Then when you try and wake it there is nothing that works. Non of the buttons will wake up the phone and holding the power button for 10+ seconds doesn't do anything either. I dont think it's a user error as I saw it happen on the second day and had to show him how to take the case and battery out.
I read something similar for a different phone on a different forum where the person called customer service and is sending them a new battery. Maybe he should call samsung if this continues.
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He could just be unlucky. I got through 3 defective handsets in a row before getting one that didn't actually do this.
Also if pressing and holding the power button for 10-15 seconds doesn't reboot the phone (as suggested by lifeisjustgreat), you really do have to pull the battery. And btw, if the only way to revive the device is to pull the battery, that's a sign that it needs returning.
I'm using the bell version as well and starting having the same problem a few days ago after weeks of perfect operation. Turns out it was the tumblr app I'd installed. Once I deleted it the problem disappeared.
Your friend's issue might be a similar problem with an app they installed.
Sent from my GT-I9000M using XDA App
read all the pages of this
you might be facing the same issue
mindtweaked said:
So after convincing a friend to get this phone with Bell he is having this unresponsive issue with the phone. He returned the first phone after 2 days for a replacement as it had locked up several times. The replacement phone is doing the same thing.
Seeing as the second phone is doing the same thing he thought it might be because he is on the edge of the network constantly losing service. I suggested to try replacing the SIM card. Do either of these make sense or did he just get 2 bad phones in a row?
I've had my phone 5 or 6 weeks now and this has happened once.
edit: sorry guys I might not have fully explained what I meant by locking up at first. What I mean is that the phone is on and goes into sleep/stand by normally. Then when you try and wake it there is nothing that works. Non of the buttons will wake up the phone and holding the power button for 10+ seconds doesn't do anything either. I dont think it's a user error as I saw it happen on the second day and had to show him how to take the case and battery out.
I read something similar for a different phone on a different forum where the person called customer service and is sending them a new battery. Maybe he should call samsung if this continues.
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Help Activating Replacement Device on Verizon

I’m not sure if anyone will be able to help but I thought I’d ask. I had my phone replaced under warranty for the volume buttons sticking in and not being able to click them any more. Got the new device in and it wouldn’t activate. It registers the SIM card and goes to no service. I called Verizon and tried to get them to help me activate it and spent 2 hours on the phone with them and tried EVERYTHING they could think of. Entering IMEI numbers, SIM numbers, factory reset, and a new sim card.
In the end they told me that when I turn the phone on the IMEI number they entered changes to a different one from what the phone reports and is failing activation. They had me try a new sim card to make sure the sim wasn’t broken and that still didn’t work. Called Motorola spent a while on the phone with them trying the same things and they agreed it was a rare case and that I would need a second replacement phone.
I received the new (third) phone yesterday and it is having the same problem as the second phone. Won’t activate and when its powered on the IMEI number on the Verizon side is reports something different then what any of the other phones are showing. (so now between the 2 phones I have 4 different IMEIs reported (the assigned 2 the phone shows me and the 2 made up ones that the network switches to when I turn on the phone)
Now Motorola is suggesting another replacement and Verizon has stopped helping me and on my last call they transferred me to the Motorola support number. Has anyone seen anything like this?
Is there anything I can say to help try and get this resolved other than waiting for a fourth phone that may or may not work?

