[Q] Problems with a new touchscreen - Touch Diamond2, Pure General

Hey every body,
I have a big problem and hope someone who opened already a topaz can help me.
The Touchscreen of the Topaz broked, after the device fall an the floor, the display it self worked after that fine, so I decided to buy me a new digitizer.
The installation of that in the Topaz case worked very good, only the 4-pin connector for the digitizer cable didn't wont to do his work. Some black very small plastic "holder" part which seems to press some of the pins together, at the digitizer connector on the board didn't want to do what is his work.
I tried to press it back in but it didn't work. And now it jumped by pressing away, and I can't find it.
So this is how the story goes.
I hope some one have a Idea for this problem.
If I switch the device on the new digitizer don't work, so it seems that the plastic part is doing something.

It's only a way of put some pressure on the pins to ensure it's not falling apart whilst putting the phone back together. Just fold a paper to the right size and stick it in. Mind the side where you have to put it.


Help with touch screen replacement!!!

I wanted to change the touch screen on my QTEK 2020 and I bought a new one a few days ago. I opened tha PDA, but when I tried to pull the touch screen off, I damaged a slim orange cable on the back of the screen. Specifically, I pulled a black sticker and it took along the two cables that were on the circuit on the screen. I don't care for the touch screen's cable, but for the one of the screen. I have scratched the insulation on the cable and I have a question. If I just put over the circuit the nakes cable and glue it a little belower, would it make connection? Or have I to solder it? And How am I going to soldier a cable like this that's naked from the side that I don't see when I put it in place, without even melting and damaging for good the screen or the cable itself? I have some pics, too for you to see and understand what's going on. Please help me, as I am a young man with prospect and I want to learn things like this and do stuff more than the usual.
OK, I couldn't wait for advice so I soldered both cables. The screen turns on and it needs to be aligned. I tap the screen, the touch screen works, but when I finish the alignment, it starts from the beginning, the cross in the center. It asks to be aligned constantly. I haven't assembled the PDA, I have it like the pictre below. Is this the problem it doesn't start, or do I have to put the touch screen somehow differently? I have it centered and tried to align tapping a little upper, lower, left, and right from the cross, but nothing.
Please HELP!!!
OK, no worries! I fixed it! It took me all evening, but I'm completely satisfied. Solder this, solder that, make a bridge because a connection was damaged with all the scratching, but it worked!
cong. dominator happy that you have finally fixed it :wink:
Thanks Kbantikos my boy! And here's the bench and the heat tool I used! That's the only that I have. No doubt it took me 4 and a half hours to complete.
Congratulations! I'm not kidding, saw a lot of "homework" results, in some cases, display was damaged beyond repair.
You get the working display, so you are lucky .
Thank you, my friend! I didn't believe my eyes when it booted! It still works fine, even if it fell off my hands one time!
my touch screen is really quite dull / lacks brightness even when on the high setting
i've aquired an XDAII that isn't working but i know its screen was bright when it was working
my question is: what do i need to be looking out for / be carefull of when i replace the screen
what would you do differently?
You'll definitely have to look for that orange cable that's not of the touch screen. on the back side of the screen there should be a black sticker. When you try to pull it over, it takes the cables, too. So pull it from the side of the touch screen's cable only. You are gonna need to solder the new touch screen for sure, just placing it won't work. Scratch the side of the cable that's going to be placed on the circuit on the back of the screen so that the metal contact on both (touch screen's cable, circuit) is naked. Put solder on the circuit's contacts. Then put the cable on top of the circuit, but a little lower. Now, burn the solder holding the cable steady and connect that way all four contacts. I hope I was of a little help, observe my pictures and good luck!
Just about to try this myself.
Touch screen bought from - http://stores.ebay.de/hitechhk. Arrived within 1 week.
Removing the black tape on the back of the screen, even very carefully, pulled off both the connections for the touch screen and another connector (the back light I think)
In hindsight would recommend only removing the tape around the touch screen connector.
As soon as I find a small enough tip, will resolder everything.
Detominator7, how did you change your digitizer? cause i need to replace mine too, but the seller is talking about soldering it. i already open my pda and all i can see is there is only plastic cable. how do you solder on plastic?
Your touch screen might have a cable that plugs into a hole and does not require soldering. You know, like the fans we use on PC.
Dominator7 said:
Your touch screen might have a cable that plugs into a hole and does not require soldering. You know, like the fans we use on PC.
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no, i already checked (disassambly my pda) i got the ribbon cable that attached to another ribbon cable at the back of lcd.
hi dominator touch screen 2020i
please dominator, could you send me or post a clear procedure about touch screen sostitution?
have I to cut some cable...?
sorry but i'm italian and i don't understand so well english!!
thanks a lot!!!
Dominator7 said:
Thanks Kbantikos my boy! And here's the bench and the heat tool I used! That's the only that I have. No doubt it took me 4 and a half hours to complete.
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good job! I have the same problem and so i got a new touch screen but i cannot get over the calibration thing same as your problem before can you give me some tips as to what to do im just about to give up and get a new lcd.Only thing stopping me is the price of a new lcd.
What kinda adhesive do they use on the back of the screen
I'm talking about the clear glue type adhesive on the back of the screen in order to hold the ribbon in place
here's a pic of what I'm talking abouthttp://blog-imgs-3.fc2.com/i/n/u/inuchanbt/CHT9000_dismantle12.jpg
The gold/copper ribbon glued to the screen
had to replace my brothers screen about 3 times and now its barely stickin
it's a kinda like double tape. u can find in office stores
I hard reseted my O2 XDA II & I had surprised the screen aligning can't be passed.
Can somebody help me with ROM Flash or maybe some hardware tricky?
I use WM5 from C_Shekar.
PM me if anyone replies this message.
Thanks, Berns.

Fade Out; WSOD; White screen coloured lines

I know there are others dying to fix this problem. Apparently there is a back "connector" that gets loose. If someone has fixed this please show me which one it is and how you fixed it.
It is the connecter between your mobo and the screen itself. Its come partially lose on one side. You need to dis-assemble your device, then remove and re-insert the little flex cable back into the slot, and all should be well!
hey thanx heaps man. i have it apart and didnt want to put it back together til i knew what the cause was.Wicked!
also the flex/ribbon cable is very sensitive. i will dremel the part of the case that touches the side of the ribbon cable. i am also thinking about coating it with something to make it last longer. replacements cost 40 euros
All good ideas! tell me what u decide to coat it with. i put it back together and made sure that connection was in right but it didnt work, (WSOD 5mins after assembly), going to try putting something underneath to keep it tight when its all fixed together. thanks again for your help guys.
I have the same issue, but also my touchscreen is affected to, touchscreen wont work when you slide keyboard open, sometimes i have to open very slightly for touchscreen to work.
The ribbon cables are very delicate, and it is known that slide open phones are bad for these ribbon cables, if cleaning and securely connecting them and the problem persists, its probably a damaged ribbon cable.
My phone does the same screen problem, where it sometimes gets lines down one side of the screen and gradually fades out, putting the phone into standby and back on brings the screen back to normal but it sometimes repeats several times.
I have noticed that it very rarely does it when the keyboard is exposed, it does it most frequently with the phone closed. And its more likely to do it when there is alot of white background, like in certain option screens, for example when in camera options does it alot.
In my case i suspect that the screen itself is faulty (hardware) and the touch screen cable has been damaged, since sliding out the keypad affects on weather it works, doesnt work, or works as if not calibrated.
emjay87, sorry to say it but i suspect your display is faulty or the ribbon is damaged. Replacement is easy to fix, but make sure you get the right screen, as far as i remember there are 2 different screens for this phone. They have different ribbion cable connections. One gold and ones white i think.

Droid 2 stuck in landscape mode

I recently repaired a friend's Droid 2 after she broke the digitizer and front case. I also had to replace the flex ribbon cable that includes the ear speaker and connects the display to the mainboard; all went fairly well until it came to reassembly, when I jumped ahead of myself and started fastening the backplate onto the display before I had slid the base onto it. The screws wouldn't come back out, though I really didn't think I had torqued them down that much...anyway, had to grind one of them down until I could pry that corner of the backplate off enough to slide the base on.
The whole point here - the phone acts like the keyboard is open all the time. I'm not sure what to check...I noticed the flex ribbon cable had some contacts that were affixed to the backplate, but I didn't consider them all that important when I reassembled the phone; as it is, you have to practically peel the damn thing apart, and the adhesive's shot anyway. I haven't taken it back apart yet, because I'm not sure what to look for...so I figured I would present it here, see if someone else has had this issue and found a way to resolve it.
Any assistance would be appreciated. Especially if (God forbid!) you just happen to be a renegade Motorola tech.

Disconnected Touchscreen Cable

I was cleaning the dust out from behind my screen and I disconnected the cable that is glued to the top of the touchscreen. I put it back in place (as best as I could) and let the glue set, but my touch still doesn't work.
Is this something I can fix with better alignment (and maybe a little bit of conductive glue) or do I need a new digitizer?
Has anyone else done this?
where was the cable actually plugged into? I am assuming you just have to put that in and shut the rubber clip (I apologize to the community for my lack of technical terms) but can be a bit difficult depending on what tools you have
I had this happen too. I had to buy a whole new digitizer.
Damn. Thanks I guess :/ I'll find a creative use for this one. I wonder what my atrix will look like with all the paint removed <_<
It winds up plugged into the same ribbon as the speaker and front camera I think, but its on the glass end that my promblem lies. The metal fingers on the wire are glued to the ITO fingers on the glass, and I don't know how to get a proper connection back
try here and see if you can get any clues.
i don't know if it helps, but it might lead to something.
I used that guide when I first took her apart, and tellingly, they don't disconnect the screen from the frame.

Touchscreen: Flexcable damaged due to typical endbutton problem

i got the typical problem that my screen wasnt responding after use of endbutton. Sometimes it was working.
I now disassembled the device and saw that the flatcable had a small scratch and i guess the first one or two cables are brocken already and only get contact sometimes by luck.
So does anybody know if there is a way to repair this ?
A new touchscreen isnt to expensive 20-30€ but why throw away a working one if a cable is repairable easily?
Next time i will glue the cable to the display so that there is no flexing when pressing the endbutton. The problem is that there is a little space between that is pushed away each use of the endbutton and someday the problem occours.
I had to replace my touch screen to solve the same issue
Is there any thing we can do to prevent the same damage to the new screen ?
Well i tried a few times to fix the issue.
But its hard to solder the flex cable without totally burning it.
If i solder it its very likely to break fast again.
Im going to buy a new digitizer too..
To your question:
Yeah i saw that there space between the flex cable and display. The cable is bent a bit towards the buttons. When you push the button the cable is bent back in the free space.
I will glue the flex cable directly to the display and put a layer of protective tape over it. so it wont bent (What causes our error) and wont scratch(if this could happen too).
The problem is the poor quality of the flex cable. Its very hard and therefore breaks easily what causes the wires to break to sooner or later.
If i can ill try to take a few photos but its hard as my digicam cant focus so closely..

