Fade Out; WSOD; White screen coloured lines - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

I know there are others dying to fix this problem. Apparently there is a back "connector" that gets loose. If someone has fixed this please show me which one it is and how you fixed it.

It is the connecter between your mobo and the screen itself. Its come partially lose on one side. You need to dis-assemble your device, then remove and re-insert the little flex cable back into the slot, and all should be well!

hey thanx heaps man. i have it apart and didnt want to put it back together til i knew what the cause was.Wicked!

also the flex/ribbon cable is very sensitive. i will dremel the part of the case that touches the side of the ribbon cable. i am also thinking about coating it with something to make it last longer. replacements cost 40 euros

All good ideas! tell me what u decide to coat it with. i put it back together and made sure that connection was in right but it didnt work, (WSOD 5mins after assembly), going to try putting something underneath to keep it tight when its all fixed together. thanks again for your help guys.

I have the same issue, but also my touchscreen is affected to, touchscreen wont work when you slide keyboard open, sometimes i have to open very slightly for touchscreen to work.
The ribbon cables are very delicate, and it is known that slide open phones are bad for these ribbon cables, if cleaning and securely connecting them and the problem persists, its probably a damaged ribbon cable.
My phone does the same screen problem, where it sometimes gets lines down one side of the screen and gradually fades out, putting the phone into standby and back on brings the screen back to normal but it sometimes repeats several times.
I have noticed that it very rarely does it when the keyboard is exposed, it does it most frequently with the phone closed. And its more likely to do it when there is alot of white background, like in certain option screens, for example when in camera options does it alot.
In my case i suspect that the screen itself is faulty (hardware) and the touch screen cable has been damaged, since sliding out the keypad affects on weather it works, doesnt work, or works as if not calibrated.
emjay87, sorry to say it but i suspect your display is faulty or the ribbon is damaged. Replacement is easy to fix, but make sure you get the right screen, as far as i remember there are 2 different screens for this phone. They have different ribbion cable connections. One gold and ones white i think.


screen just shows lines

anyone know how/where to get an xda mini II repaired? i'm in italy, but i can careless where it has to go. I'm at the point where i would rather just sell the device for it's workable parts (if there are any)...Today the screen has done a myraid of interesting things...anywhere from blank to thousands of vertical lines....ugh...
ohh yeah...warranty is void....or is time to just move on?
ok...no answers so i thought i would add some images ...anyone seen this before?
Mate i had a similar **** up a while back ...I did a HR and it worked fine..for me it was caused by a Overclocking software [Dnt want to Name it ]
If this dnt work try the Batt out and back in trick
Call ur Local service Center...
mine looks exactly teh same! but it happened after i tried to replace my housing, i screwed up the little gold prongs where the ribbon connector from the lcd plugs in...****! any ideas on how to fix? im the us so service center isnt really an option, and id ont want to send it off.
hi i had the same problem with my magicians, after i changed the housing. i found the problem with my device was that i had not plugged the screen back in properly. all i did was to ensure that it was pushed in properly before i clipped it back in
Menappi -
I had the exact same issue. I reopened the casing WITHOUT disconnecting any cables. I flipped the screen's ribbon black lock up, while maintaining pressure on the ribbon so that it does not pop out. When the black lock lifted, the preasure of my finger moved the ribbon further in . I pushed the black lock down, reassembled the device and ... PRESTO!! the screen works perfectly... and chumps on the bard advised to buy a new screen!!
Good luck
Hi All,
seems, you have problem somewhere in display connector. However, sometimes I see similar picture on physically broken displays, let's imagine, you were careful ad didn't use a hammer during housing replacement.
There are two possibilities: at first - try to remove and re-insert display cable (I hope, you know. how brown lock works). If there is no success - try again. At second - some wire on flat cable may be damaged. Sometimes, good technician with soldering iron can fix it, sometimes not. And if you used force, removing cable, board connector may be damaged too. However, only the experienced man can find it easily.
So, try to carefuly re-insert display cable. Try several times. If you are unsuccessful, you, for sure, need an experienced technician to fix your device.
I hope, you are not enough mad to send device for repair to Russia

2 phones / 2 issues / trying to make one phone work.

If anyone can offer any advise/assistance, it would be greatly appreciated!!
I have 2 AT&T branded 8525 phones. Both have issues and I assumed I could make one good working phone from them.
Phone 1 had a touchscreen issue. It is not responsive what-so-ever. I tried the credit card trick, cleaning out the edges, hard reset, soft reset, etc... nothing seems to make it respond at all. Reflashed the ROM, but of course I am stuck at the "Touch Screen to Begin" screen.
Phone 2 works just fine, but when plugging in the mini usb charger the screen starts to fade to white (with many vertical lines appearing...but eventually the screen goes to white). If you wiggle the charger, it will clear up, but then go back to the fading white screen. If you leave it long enough on the white screen, it will lock up.
So I thought I could take the known good LCD from phone 2 and put it in phone 1. Yesterday I took both phones apart to do this. I placed the good LCD in the phone that had the possibly bad LCD. Put it all back together and found the touchscreen still does not work . So perhaps the LCD was fine and it was something else. I then decided to just take the motherboard from phone 2 and put it in phone 1 along with the LCD I just replaced (effictively moving the lcd and motherboard over to a new case). Same issue... touchscreen does not work. I assume moving the parts around eliminates a loose connection of some sort. I did make sure the ribbon cables were properly aligned and secured well. I am guessing something is wrong on the motherboard.
Does anyone have an idea of what could be wrong to prevent the touchscreen from working?
Oh...moving both the motherboard and lcd with the whitescreen issue(phone 2) over to the other phone (phone 1) casing didn't change anything at all either...so I assume that is not a connection issue with the cables. I also looked closely at the mini USB connector on the motherboard to see if there was bad solder or something that was making it act up. I am guessing bad hardware in both phones, but was hoping I could somehow make one of these phones work and junk the other. Sounds like I may have to junk both as the cost of parts is probably is silly.
Thanks for any help!!

HELP! T-Mobile MDA screen going loco

Hi, peeps. Would like to ask for your assistance in troubleshooting my old T-Mobile MDA - the one that is also the Xda mini S.
The unit in question is 2nd hand although it was still in good shape when I got it. Used it for over a year already and has seen much use. Once, the insides got wet and I had to dry it out but it was okay after that. Although the keyboard wasn't showing any backlight until I figured out that a blowdryer would help remedy that situation (after careful dismantling).
Recently, the screen when you slide open the keyboard either comes up blank (whole screen is just white) or is discolored and a bit disaligned (the top part is either missing or is at the bottom of the screen). It happens too on the normal layout at times.
I upgraded the firmware with the most recent one I downloaded here last year. No problems experienced though with regards to the OS and not sure if the recent problem can be attributed to it.
Any ideas and suggestions?
I got the same problem on with the screen my Cingular 8125. When I slide the keyboard open, the exact same thing happens to my screen. Sometimes It only used to happen maybe once every 10th time, but as of last, it is happening all the time.
I spoke to someone at a repair store in Toronto and the guys said it will cost close to $100 to replace some wiring in the back. It didn't seem worth it for me so I got another phone instead, but I would love to keep using this phone if this could be replaced.
Hey guys. If you are comfortable, I would suggest dismantling the phone and taking a look at the ribbon connector between the board and the screen. My guess is that it is loose, or damaged. Reseat the ribbon and try again. Otherwise I would see if replacing the screen helped. Certainly much cheaper than a new phone...
first of all check out the socket (on board) where the screen coaxial cord is plugged in , r all the connector pins alligned or are any bent / pulled back ?
in that case reset pins location using a tiny neidle or pin, also use a double faced adheisive tape on the back of the screen connector to rest it tight to keyboard (original setup only they use glue).
second check out if the screen does that if was flipped using software , if it was a hardware case and upper solution wouldnt help then check to see if the sliding mechanism (two plastic identical bars screwed by two screws each to the top and the buttom of the screen) are aligned and screwed tigh to the screen.
now the wizard hardware is a survivor but any tampering with it require tight reseating , screwing and later reflashing (even if the software showed unaffected).

X1 Ribbon cable - what happens and a fix I came up with!

Hi, I come on here quite a lot for information as it's an amazing resource! This time however, I'm attempting to give something back!
I experienced the "black screen on slide out" on Monday. Phone completely screwed. I've also had a few droppages and had it apart once before so there's no way warranty is gonna help!
I stripped it down and soon discovered what it is that actually fails on the ribbon. The coating had worn through due to rubbing on something during the slide out / in process. it had been playing up for a while, probably due to shorting out on the metal case, but now the tracks (aluminium?) had worn right down.....
In pic 1 i've circled the worn area. The shiny section is where i'd tried taping over it to prevent shorting, before i realised the tracks were gone.
Got an almost new one off ebay for 15 quid and, realising it was going to happen again, came up with a solution that, so far, looks like it will work....
A while back I bought some "anti rattle felt" for my car's dashboard - really thin and strong self adhesive felt to prevent squeaking joins between dash sections. I cut a piece of this and stuck it to the new ribbon. Once this stuff is on it's well stuck, by the way!
See pic 2 for the modded ribbon cable.
On reassembly everything is working just fine so far! Here's hoping that it lasts longer than 6 months this time!
Just need a new casing now as mine is decidedly second hand!
Hope this turns out to be of use to someone!
cool story bro
when i took apart my xperia to replace the housing this seemed like a really weak point in the device. glad to see someone who has had the problem has been able to fix it
Why does the screen go black?
When the coating wears off the ribbon cable it exposes the tracks in it. when you slide the keyboard out the exposed tracks short out on the metal casing and the screen loses it's input signal.
thats whats happened on mine at least and i presume quite a few others?
That's interesting: My phone was also losing signal with the keyboard out, and occasionally while closed up as well. It would just randomly drop to "no signal" for a few seconds.
It hasn't done it since replacing the ribbon cable.....could be coincidental of course.
I'm having the same problem
It just started a week ago and I got the phone in January off of ebay. I'm new to opening up the phone so could anyone help me find the correct tools or have a link to a site with pictured instructions?
I noticed that the sliding mechanism started to go loose about 4-5 months ago but didn't expect the screen not respond in landscape mode. I have yet to see the other symptoms you all are referring to. I would like to fix this before it get worse.
In mine case it went totaly black after one week of this problem... You have all the instruction on youtube, there is where i looked. For tools you can be inovative, but the exactly right ones come with housings from ebay, it is only 15EUR, and i bet you have some cracks so it wouldn't hurt replacing. That is what i did, along with ordering new sliding mechanizm, and new ribbon cable.
I am open for ideas to prevent my ribbon cable from being cut at it weakest point again.
I'm assuming my flex ribbon went bad yesterday, since sliding the keypad out causes my screen to shut off.
Already ordered a cable off ebay and will attempt to replace it myself :O
Replaced my flex ribbon cable with one I bought on eBay. The screen doesn't turn on at all now, which leads me to believe the cable I was sent is defective. Put the old one back in and it works okay, less landscape mode. ughhh what a pain.
great tips! my input is I bought a case off of ebay that was ~60$ and everything actually fit fine for me...so I wouldn't discount every seller but you do get what you pay for, the 15$ cases are probablly the ones that will give you problems
I working in a mobilephone repair center if anyone need help drop me a priv... i able to get 2nd hand or even brand new components
Replaced the flex ribbon cable -
I got my flex ribbon cable a few weeks ago and took it to my local repair shop. They replaced it but the LCD screen/optical joystick receives no power. The touchscreen and everything else on the phone works just fine now. I thought it was a defective item so it was exchanged with a new one.
Got the repair shop to replace it again and the outcome still remains the same as the first.
Theres no light coming from the screen nor the side illumination.
I just told the repair shop to just place the original back in for the mean time.
Before the repairs, there would be a flicker of white light and random illuminations. Now there's no lights at all except the power botton.
Could it be defective a batch that the seller was sending out? or the repair shop's mistake and is playing dumb so they do not have to admint fault?
Hopefully there's an easy fix to this problem.
-Also I did inspect the ribbon before and after the repair. looks new as the OEm
Can anybody help me out with this new problem after replacing the cable -
perhaps you should try a hard reset. Ive had problems in the past where the optical joystick and the illuminators did not work, and that worked for me.
On the other hand, the top illuminators are on the same piece of hardware as the flex cable that was replaced, so a faulty flex cable is possible. The bottom illuminators are on the circuit board that the optical joystick attaches to, separate but connected to the flex cable.
Ive recently replaced my flex cable and touchscreen. The experience i had with the faulty touch screen was that it appeared to receive no power, but was in fact displaying a dark backlit illumination that could only be seen in the dark. At the same time however, the screen did not display anything. I'm not sure if this is similar to your experience, but if so then your touchscreen would need to be replaced.
ive done all repairs on the xperia myself, and one thing ive discovered is if something doesnt work right after a repair, simply disassembling it and reassembling it to make sure all the connections are properly done has worked for me in the past.
"Before the repairs, there would be a flicker of white light and random illuminations. Now there's no lights at all except the power button."
Now when you say the power button, do you mean that a red light appears under it?
I dont know if i can come to a conclusion or that i can help (or have helped) you come to a conclusion, but i can only assure you that the xperia acts out in strange and weird ways.
Good Luck!
Dismantle / Disassemble Sony Ericson Xperia X1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWDurQrRt-Y (REAR)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyGUbxFqvyc&feature=related (FRONT)
For info.
Thanks for the links. I've tried the hardreset and restoring the original rom but the issue is still there. It's really bugging me that everything works but the LCD screen. I'm currently using MyMobiler to use my phone. The touch screen works fine and so does the soft keys. Just no power for the lights. I might just give up and wait for another phone that catches my eye and then tinker with the xperia myself. but if anyone got a solution or want me to test something then I'll give it a try.
My warranty is no longer affective so I'll use my phone as a tester to help others with any problems.
TRIONDAVE, how's your Xperia running now with the cable mod that you did? Its been 6 months since you created the thread. I hope you're still around.
My Xperia X1 works nearly fine, except for the keyboard issues, so I'm thinking of opening it up. If your Ribbon mod helped I might just do it too once I've got it opened. Mine has a MOUNTain of cracks though, and the battery compartment itself is cracked on both side enough to make the compartment CURVED. Hence the Battery cover doesn't sit well.
I'm looking around for broken Xperias which I might be able to use to change the internal cracked casing. Lets see.
DatDereX1 said:
cool story bro
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My thoughts exactly.
Hello guys, I am in need of real help over here!
Its just that Ive replaced my ribbon cable, the old one got screwd up.
However I got done for 10 minutes ago, tried to start up the phone.. without success :,(
The ribbon cable doesnt have anything to do with the start up, only the screen am I correct? Cause I cannot even start my phone..
Ive connected the charger, but when I remove the battery it shows a red light, meaning no battery, correct?
So what may the problem be exactly? Maybe the battery is all dead, or?
for the people with ribbon failures how long have you had the phone before it occurred ? im just interested on the cables lifespan.
mine is fine so far but i have noticed the slider is flimsy and rocks left and right.

Tried to replace my cracked LCD-display..

I tried to replace a cracked LCD display on my Nexus One, but now the colors are all messed up. Have any of you had the same experience? It's like insane! The black is like grey, and there's like these horizontal lighter stripes across the screen. Could this simply be that the LCD connector is not properly attached to the motherboard? 'Cause it was kind of tricky to push it back in place. Had several tries where the screen was completely black, because of the connector not being attached properly..
There is a good chance you dont have the connector fully seated. There is also the possibility that you got a bad screen, where did you get the new one?
I bought it over at DHgate. I sent them an email, but they said they tested each screen before sending it out or something. But should it be THAT hard to press the connector into place? I've been struggling with this for a few days now.. I've also checked that none of the pins are damaged. Atleast what I can see without using some form of magnifying equipment
The connector on my phone just snapped in, as in you could feel it pop in and knew it was making contact, I really believe that if you could see a good connection you have a bad screen, try and take pictures of what it looks like when running
Did you get the right one?
Here are some images.
It doesn't look that bad on the images. Sometimes there's also flickering on the screen, but it stops after a few minutes of use.. Hehe.
I could feel the snap myself when i pushed the connector in, but it's still crap..
On my Dell laptop I have a similar issue where sometimes when the screen connector is pushed all the way in it shows weird colours just like in your pictures (sometimes also lines or other artifacts). For me the solution is to wiggle the contact with the laptop running until it is sufficiently loose where all pins make good contact.
I also remember similar artifacts when an iPhone I fixed had poor contact.
You could attempt inserting the connector with the phone running, but beware of static, and also note that not all electronics like being powered up that way (i.e. I'm not responsible if you break it more than it already is ).
Thanks for the tip, xdZKu7, but no luck. It was either flickering/tweaked colors, or nothing.. I don't want to waste any more money on this phone now, so I'm thinking of investing in a DHD instead =) And this time with proper insurance!
