hi everyone
today I found Strange problem
"connection problem" ERROR Just with "Google goggles" app
and 2 button "Try again" AND "Cancel"
the problem that I can use the internet by any program
also I have try 3G , 2G data and wifi all fast but when i use Google goggles i got this problem
I tried several Roms MUI-HD2-BETA5 , FroyoStone_Sense_V3.1 and FroyoStone_Sense_V2
I'm using DHD
HTC Desire 2.2 LeeDroid, Goggles 1.3
on google forums thousands are complaining from the same,... think there will be an update soon to fix that
Had the same problem with Goggles -- permanent "Connection error" even when other apps were having no problems at all with the connection.
Did "Clear data" and "Clear cache" for Goggles application with the application manager and that's resolved the problem. It could happen that it was corrupted cache or so.
Don't know now if it will last long, but in any case it is much better than reinstall, usually suggested, but not worked for me.
My brother-in-law received his incredible yesterday (I am a Nexus One owner) and I got him set up with Google Voice when starting up the application we get to a screen that says something to the effect of "an application needs to access your google voice credentials for this account". I hit the accept radio button and hit "Next" and it always force closes. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, but to no avail. This was the one downloaded from the Market as the phone did not come with it pre-installed. Has anyone else had this issue? Could anyone help me figure out what the issue is?
Also, I was unable to find google earth in the Market on his phone. I was able to find it just fine from mine. What is the deal with that?
lenard_hester said:
My brother-in-law received his incredible yesterday (I am a Nexus One owner) and I got him set up with Google Voice when starting up the application we get to a screen that says something to the effect of "an application needs to access your google voice credentials for this account". I hit the accept radio button and hit "Next" and it always force closes. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the app, but to no avail. This was the one downloaded from the Market as the phone did not come with it pre-installed. Has anyone else had this issue? Could anyone help me figure out what the issue is?
Also, I was unable to find google earth in the Market on his phone. I was able to find it just fine from mine. What is the deal with that?
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I was able to load it no problems. I also had to download it from the market. Try to factory default your device and start over.
deekjx said:
I was able to load it no problems. I also had to download it from the market. Try to factory default your device and start over.
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That seems to have cleared it up. Thanks for the help.
well this is getting really annoying,
I'm running stock 2.2 Froyo
downloaded skype of my UK simcard, because for some
reason its not available in my current country, switched
sims, and tried to sign in, at first, it kept telling me the
user doesn't exist but after i signed out on my pc.. the
user suddenly existed, and it signed it, worked great
until i switched sims to refund an app then switched
back to my regular sim card, after that everytime i
try to sign in, it doesn't even try to sign in and gives me
"we're sorry, but we couldn't sign you in. Please
try again later"
does even work on Desire ? i checked skype.com/m
and it told me its not available currently for my device,
although it worked once in a while..
any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE: I'm reading this is happening to almost everyone, server issue ?
It happens to all (most?) of us. Several tries and I managed to sign in
was able to sign in with no problems now, i think there server was temporarily down
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Hey evbdy
I had the same problem. I could solve this for me by changing the password of my skype account to one that suits the new skype password restrictions (numbers and length) ..maybe this is an "old" account issue.
hope this helps.
Think it was a server issue , maybe we all overloaded it
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
I fixed it by doing the following:
1 - Goto Settings > Applications > Manage Applications
2 - Select Skype from the list
3 - Click "Clear Cache"
4 - Click "Force Stop"
5 - Click "Clear Data"
After all of those are down you should be able to re-login.
I really dont know what to do, ever since I reset my phone Ive not been able to log into market or create a new account.
Ive tried the siggestions that I can find which are to delete the google apps data and to log into youtube, although the tattoo doesnt have a youtube app so its just logging on through the website...
Any ideas? Its really annoying as I cant really get any apps now!!!!
I had the same problems few days ago ... I had the market back on service as I flash my phone ...
Similar problem with original ROM. Both my daughters have Tatto. Something has happened with one phone and market won't work. I tried to delete application data. Since that I have "Can't establish a reliable data connection to the server" problem. Other Tatto is working well.
I do not want to reset the phone. Is it possible somehow to copy market settings from one working phone to another?
Logging into Google Talk do not resolve the problem?
Ihaveatattoo said:
Logging into Google Talk do not resolve the problem?
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No. When I start either gmail, Google Talk, Market, Youtube or Google settings in Data Synchronisation menu, the Google Sign in process starts. It asks for account info but not able to connect "No network connection" or "cannot establish a reliable data connection to the server" error occurs.
sakos1 said:
No. When I start either gmail, Google Talk, Market, Youtube or Google settings in Data Synchronisation menu, the Google Sign in process starts. It asks for account info but not able to connect "No network connection" or "cannot establish a reliable data connection to the server" error occurs.
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i had the same issue as well... somebody please help!!!
putracraze said:
i had the same issue as well... somebody please help!!!
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You can try to delete application data. Google helps to find what to do.
But I think it won't help.
Factory reset is the resolution.
sakos1 said:
You can try to delete application data. Google helps to find what to do.
But I think it won't help.
Factory reset is the resolution.
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I had the same problem . T'was really annoying though i clicked "Factory data reset" and the problem was solved!
Just got my s5 yesterday. Love the phone so far. Just one problem in the twitter for android app. when I do a search in the app (for example - looking up a twitter user) when I click their name I get a message saying unfortunately Samsung keyboard has stopped. I only get this error in this app doing this search function. I have deleted the cache for Samsung / twitter / uninstalled and reinstalled twitter and did a reset of the phone - the error continues. Does this sound like a phone or an app problem?
Thanks for the help.
I've never seen that error, so just you. Or more likely something with your app or phone configuration.
I'd guess it's a problem with your Twitter app, a bug or incompatibility in how it passes information to the keyboard, causing it to crash. Try going into the Settings menu application manager and clearing both cache and data for your Twitter app and the Keyboard. Note that clearing data will remove customized settings and passwords..
If the problem persists, try using a different keyboard.
Whenever I am switching on my Location service/GPS to high accuracy mode, I am getting this popup which says "Unfortunately, Google Play services has stopped." And also the GPS is not working either. I am not being able to locate myself on the map. Since I have my exams starting next week and I use Ola/Uber to travel it is really essential for me to have this issue solved at the erarliest.
Please see, recently I also got this message "Unfortunately, CM logger has stopped." Although the CM logger message is not recurring the Google Play Service is a recurring error which keeps pn popping every 5 seconds. It is so irritating. Need a solution at the earliest.
challenge_me said:
Whenever I am switching on my Location service/GPS to high accuracy mode, I am getting this popup which says "Unfortunately, Google Play services has stopped." And also the GPS is not working either. I am not being able to locate myself on the map. Since I have my exams starting next week and I use Ola/Uber to travel it is really essential for me to have this issue solved at the erarliest.
Please see, recently I also got this message "Unfortunately, CM logger has stopped." Although the CM logger message is not recurring the Google Play Service is a recurring error which keeps pn popping every 5 seconds. It is so irritating. Need a solution at the earliest.
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you must have either flashed a custom rom over your current build or must be flashing kernel or so and since then this problem would have come up.... There is a temporary solution to it and then there is a permanent one.
Temporary : Uninstall google play services updates. If uninstall option does not become available then go to security, disable android locator or something like that in administrator options etc.. It is somewhere around in security. You will have to look a bit. Once you deactivate that you will be able to uninstall updates of google play services. Clean data of it. Reboot. Once you reboot, your phone will say some apps require google play services to run. Click on that notification and update Google Play Services.
The termporary solution may or may not work.... It sometimes worked for me but recently has not been working.
Permanent solution, take backup of your data and get back to all stock and before you have setup everything on your phone, flash kernel and reboot. If you are not facing the problem again, then resetup....
Remember, if you take backup of data, and after clean install, try to restore the data, the problem would return with greater magnitudes....
Hope I helped
All the best for your exams....
First clear data of google play services and the apps which stops automatically ....Go to settings>apps>all apps>google play services and clear data.......If this not solves ur problem ..then factory reset