Beautiful Widget and battery drain - XPERIA X10 General

Anyone experiencing battery drain with Beautiful Widget? My battery been worse since I download it last week, my battery dropped 20% last night while I was sleeping,my cell standby is 33% and my phone idle is 27% it hasn't been that high since I upgraded to 26
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Nope, no Problems over here...

Have you changed the update setting so It's not every hour?
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Mine makes almost absolutely no impact at all. One of the lightest applications I have installed.

no change here (updating weather every 2 hours)

well I changed the setting to update every 2 hours and removed temperature notification in the top bar which seemed to have helped


battery drop

hey guys,
yesterday i set my alarm clock and went to bed (battery level 15%)
today morning i look at my x10 and it was off
started it and the battery level was at 15% again
juice plotter shows a drop to 0% and a jump to 15% when i started the device in the moring
firmware: 026 / rooted
no idea whats wrong with my x10?
Hi man. Your battery will never last through the night if it is 15%.The phone showing that it is 15% when you switched it on in the morning is not a true reflection of the batt. strength. I am charging my phone a least everynite.
I deleted some se stuff including timescape and moxier and i got 2,5 days out of the batt. Deleting timescape was not a good idea but thats another story.
If your batts full and is dead in the morning then I suppose you have a prob.
thx, but my x10 kept up over 4 days since the last update to 026
i was really happy that it kept up more than 2 days but then it had this strange drop
I have experienced this as well, think it had something to do with my wireless though, I turn off Wifi at night. Good luck
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Turn off wifi, adjust brightness, down cpu clock. Its work for me^^
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my brightness is at 20% and my wifi and apns are always turned off
Charge it every night and all your problem about the battery will go away. I do this in every phone that I have before, including this X10...
My X10 uses 3% battery during six hours at night when I turn off Wifi, GPS, BT and set it to GSM only.

High battery use with battery percent turned on

I recently noticed a much shorter battery life with the battery percentage in the notification bar turned on (18 hours compared to 36 with moderate use).
Has anyone else observed this?
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Jalif said:
I recently noticed a much shorter battery life with the battery percentage in the notification bar turned on (18 hours compared to 36 with moderate use).
Has anyone else observed this?
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Really???? What a problem.

Froyo and battery life

Anyone noticing any changes with their battery life after the EC03 update? I feel like my battery is draining much faster now.
Under the battery use tab this is what I'm seeing now..
Display - 67-85%
Android system - 9%
Android OS - 8%
Cell standby - 4%
Phone idle - 1%
What is everyone else seeing? Maybe I'm just using it more now but I dont feel like I am.. =)
My battery is actually a little better
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jaizero said:
Anyone noticing any changes with their battery life after the EC03 update? I feel like my battery is draining much faster now.
Under the battery use tab this is what I'm seeing now..
Display - 67-85%
Android system - 9%
Android OS - 8%
Cell standby - 4%
Phone idle - 1%
What is everyone else seeing? Maybe I'm just using it more now but I dont feel like I am.. =)
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download a battery calibration app and run it. i did this and it's been better for me
I feel like mine is draining faster too but I'm also using it more so hard to tell.
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App
The icon seems to drain fast but batt life ok in area w/good signal.... w/o good signal seems to drain fast yah
sent from my XDA phone - its more than a continuum
When in use I've noticed a slight bump in battery life, but when "locked/sleeping" I've noticed a big difference. On Eclair I would lose anywhere from 20-40% of battery and now it's more like 10%. Settings and apps are the same or similar AFAIK.
my battery life actually improved
All i did was lower the brightness to its lowest setting, lowered system volume, took for vibrating feedback when buttons are pressed, and i turn off mobile data when i know im not going to use it long periods of time.
Sent via Carrier Pigeon
my Battery life
My battery life is dramatically improved. I haven't bothered to look at stats, but I've not used my phone any less, and probably slightly more. Where my battery was lasting maybe 6 hours before, it's consistently at about 14-18% after 12 hours now. There is one way I've found to kill my battery, and that's running navigation. Other than that, it's much improved.
Here are the apps I AM running
bluetooth, GPS, Sync/auto update
android central updates
Widget Locker
and probably a couple of others in the background. I have a nasty habit of just hitting the home button, instead of backing out of apps like I should.
Yes I saw a huge drop on the battery drain, but only when mobile data was enabled. I'm thinking there is something wrong. Im using "batteryminder" and I get less battery with mobile data than i get running wifi. ??? any thots?
Do you have wifi set to always on, so that whenever you turn off your screen it doesn't have to waste battery switching back to 3g?
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Okay so let me get this straight...
Enable wifi always on and 3g will only kick on when no wifi available?
I only see a big battery drain when 3g is enabled and wifi is off.
If I'm outside of wifi coverage though (which is most of my day) battery only lasts for 5 to 6 hours.
Disabling 3g bumps it up to 15 hours
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I have noticed my battery life has improved after flashing stock EC07 over Joshkoss's ROM.
Sent from my Continuum on stock Froyo 2.2.2.
Ill have to give that a shot
Sent from my SCH-I400 using XDA App

Bad battery life anyone ???

For those of u with bad battery life and notice battery drain even while not using the phone juice defender really works wonders on the s3. It has literally doubled my battery life. I easily get through more than a day now an it just feels more like this is how the battery is suppose to be behave. The down side being ur data isn't always switched on when ur phone is in satndby
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dreamdestiny said:
For those of u with bad battery life and notice battery drain even while not using the phone juice defender really works wonders on the s3. It has literally doubled my battery life. I easily get through more than a day now an it just feels more like this is how the battery is suppose to be behave. The down side being ur data isn't always switched on when ur phone is in satndby
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I found juice defender in the past to be a battery problem instead of a solution.
what's your battery now? how much juice do you get?
I think that anyone who experiences bad battery life should exchange their phone or battery. I can go two days without recharging and still have 29 % left. That 29 % might even last me through the 3rd day but I would prefer not to risk it.
I did a little test today.
I unplugged the phone at 7am when i got up.
I only turned it on for a couple of seconds, twice, to check battery level, and it had gone down to 75% by 9am. (so by 9am, no more than 1 minute max screen-on time)
Is that worse that others?
My battery does (like everyone else's) immediately drop to 99% on unplugging it - actually, sometimes 98% right away.
I'm surprised anyone gets more than a day's worth out of it?
I also noticed, when it was on my desk, that the screen switches on, on it's own every now & then. Maybe every half hour or so?
Is that also normal?
I'm having a bit of trouble with my battery aswell. I only have 54% left with only 1h15 screen on time and that was only for some texting and browsing.
Is this normal or should I go back to he store to check the battery?
Also, should I try the free version of Juice Defender or is it not worth to use it unless you have the paid version?
Sent from Galaxy S III
Today I'm at 43% after 12hrs 7min the other day was 53% after 1day 6hrs use totally stock just rooted minimal usage tasks killed and ram cleaned via long press home I've had phone since launch and am still very impressed that's why I haven't tried a new e rom yet as I was a flashaholic on my s2 but never past 24hrs on stock
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greatcapp said:
I did a little test today.
I unplugged the phone at 7am when i got up.
I only turned it on for a couple of seconds, twice, to check battery level, and it had gone down to 75% by 9am. (so by 9am, no more than 1 minute max screen-on time)
I also noticed, when it was on my desk, that the screen switches on, on it's own every now & then. Maybe every half hour or so?
Is that also normal?
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Dropping 25% in 2 hours time with a display on time of 1 minute is definitely much more drain than normal. My phone usually drops around 2-3% per hour if it's unused on my desk.
I also find it weird that your display switches on every now and then by itself.
You have a lot of apps that poll the net for data in the background? (facebook, twitter and so on)
Are you on wifi when this happens, or mobile data?
Try turning off sync altogether some day and see how much it drains your battery per hour.
Hi all ,
Today is my 1st day with new s3 bought yest. night and coming from s2,
My s3 was full charged this morning, and after abt 12 hrs of normal use ( some calls + facebook + whatsapp + viber . . . . . ) battery level is 60%.
I think that by this way new s3 battery will stay normally 2 days . . .
If people are experiencing high battery usage its because of your apps. All battery saving apps do is turn off your data or tweak your syncing.
On wi-fi with no much syncing, you should get about 1-2% drain per hour. On mobile date this goes up to about 2-4% per hour.
Tips for battery save.
- Switch off Google Back up & restore
- Accounts and sync, switch off what you don't need
- Email exchange accounts can be set with a "off-peak syncing"
- Be thorough with news and local based apps. Turn off auto syncing or reduce the frequency in which they sync.
- A good way to check which apps are using data when idle is by going into settings > Data usage. When you click on any of the apps listed, it will show how much data is used in fore/back ground. The ones with high background usage you might want to investigate. You can also disable the app from using data in he background by setting yourself a data limit
- Apps like Facebook, Google+ are battery hogs. So if you don't need it, uninstall.
My battery is awesome so far. 2 days with normal use and 3.5-4 days of light use...
Why does the a battery need to last two days? Can't you charge it over night?
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20blks said:
Why does the a battery need to last two days? Can't you charge it over night?
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It doesn't need to but better mpg is always welcome
I am highly impressed by the battery life.
with extreme useage yesterday, i got 6 hours + screen on time
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jhericurls said:
If people are experiencing high battery usage its because of your apps. All battery saving apps do is turn off your data or tweak your syncing.
On wi-fi with no much syncing, you should get about 1-2% drain per hour. On mobile date this goes up to about 2-4% per hour.
Tips for battery save.
- Switch off Google Back up & restore
- Accounts and sync, switch off what you don't need
- Email exchange accounts can be set with a "off-peak syncing"
- Be thorough with news and local based apps. Turn off auto syncing or reduce the frequency in which they sync.
- A good way to check which apps are using data when idle is by going into settings > Data usage. When you click on any of the apps listed, it will show how much data is used in fore/back ground. The ones with high background usage you might want to investigate. You can also disable the app from using data in he background by setting yourself a data limit
- Apps like Facebook, Google+ are battery hogs. So if you don't need it, uninstall.
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+1 to this. Apps are usually the culprit.
sohebq said:
with extreme useage yesterday, i got 6 hours + screen on time
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It really depends on your usage. Screen on time tells something, but not everything. For example watching a hd-video eats far less battery than surfing on the internet with 3g. But still, the battery life is great, so no disagreement there.
My battery so far so good
Standard, not too heavy, day by day usage
One thing not mentioned so far is wi-fi. If you are connecting to a 'dodgy' router, this is going to eat into battery life. So if you aren't using it, switch it off.
batman372 said:
Hi all ,
Today is my 1st day with new s3 bought yest. night and coming from s2,
My s3 was full charged this morning, and after abt 12 hrs of normal use ( some calls + facebook + whatsapp + viber . . . . . ) battery level is 60%.
I think that by this way new s3 battery will stay normally 2 days . . .
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lol let battery more cycle of charging, will improve in one week
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Battery Life Worry/Question

My battery life has been pretty good. However, the number one thing consistently using battery is "Android System". Is this normal? Thanks!
Same here. On all my other Android phones Screen is the top user.
U are using ips technology on the screen unlike amold that saamy used which kills the battery in hours in full brightness . As you could see that the iPhone has good batttery life because the 720p ips screen.
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I've found that rebooting the phone after taking it off of charge, the battery life is awesome. There seem to be some wakelocks that kill the battery and for some reason, charging has something to do with it.
I don't know if this is why, but I heard the G2 has special screen technology that greatly reduces battery drain.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
Those claiming that Android System > Screen for battery use on the G2...I'm coming from a Nexus 4 which is also IPS.
jesssiii said:
I don't know if this is why, but I heard the G2 has special screen technology that greatly reduces battery drain.
Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk 4
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Yeah, somthing about 30% lower battery use or something like that. It's 6 hours since I took mine off the charger, must admit very moderate use, some toying, some photos, some mails and 1 phone call. but still, my phone is at 96% battery. My old S2 would be at 60% at this point.
kayrune said:
Yeah, somthing about 30% lower battery use or something like that. It's 6 hours since I took mine off the charger, must admit very moderate use, some toying, some photos, some mails and 1 phone call. but still, my phone is at 96% battery. My old S2 would be at 60% at this point.
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What's your highest battery user?
I'm at 93% after 5 hours with only a dozen SMSes, an IMAP push account with a few emails, and 2 other pop accounts, very light use...Android System is 34%, Screen 21%.
Mize said:
What's your highest battery user?
I'm at 93% after 5 hours with only a dozen SMSes, an IMAP push account with a few emails, and 2 other pop accounts, very light use...Android System is 34%, Screen 21%.
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System was 30, Screen was 28
FredWorrell said:
I've found that rebooting the phone after taking it off of charge, the battery life is awesome. There seem to be some wakelocks that kill the battery and for some reason, charging has something to do with it.
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I tried this and it worked. However, one instance is not proof I guess haha. I will experiment more tomorrow (namely, not rebooting after charging) and let you know what I find. I wonder what specifically about charging may cause wakelocks?
Over 48 hours of use, more than 50% battery left. 3,5 hours screen time. Android system worst offender with 35%, screen 2nd with 25%.
Sent from my LG-D802 using Tapatalk 4
If you look at the programs listed under Android System, try uninstalling the ones that you would never use. This has seemed to help me. But to be honest it was kind of unnessary because the battery life is just crazy badass. In a few weeks or so when the devs have there way this phone is going to be epic.
It is two things, which by the way are great news.
A) LG's screen tech which doesn't refresh pixels when the images are static
and B) IPS
What we can't control is screen power consumption, but guess what? We can control android system consumption through kernels and roms. This means that we can *hopefully* expect EVEN BETTER! battery life since the screen is, for 80% of users, the main culprit for energy drain.
Just a quick note that flashing CleanROM on my ATT LG G2 basically took my battery life from <20% at the end of the workday to just under 80% at the end of the work day with increased use on the CleanROM install. Highly recommended.
Been off the charger since 6:50 this morning. Sitting here at work doing some texting, Words With Friends, and a test call for a co-worker...96% at 12:15pm. My Nexus would have been at 40% by now.
So is Android System different from Android OS?
I normally can squeeze out 15-22 hours since installing Snapdragon Battery Guru. Which has been working great until today.
Here's my situation today:
-100% charge at around 1230am. Light to moderate usage leaves me with
-77% between night before and waking up (only dropped like 2% overnight) at
-830, then i worked from 9 to 1230 so i didnt use my phone too much. But since ive been off work ive been using it more so im not too surprised about my low battery level currently.
But what concerns me is Android OS using half my battery! It says its been active for more than 4 hours and i dont understand where it comes from. Its way more than my screen usage even with a screen time of little over 3 hours.
Anyone know whats up with Android OS? It doesnt tell me what is running when i select it so im lost.
Also ive done many of the suggestions in this thread with positive results. Ive been monitoring my wakelocks and since doing some of the suggestions on here nlpcollector has actually gone down.
Sent from my LG-D800 using xda app-developers app
amazing battery life
osiris010 said:
So is Android System different from Android OS?
I normally can squeeze out 15-22 hours since installing Snapdragon Battery Guru. Which has been working great until today.
Here's my situation today:
-100% charge at around 1230am. Light to moderate usage leaves me with
-77% between night before and waking up (only dropped like 2% overnight) at
-830, then i worked from 9 to 1230 so i didnt use my phone too much. But since ive been off work ive been using it more so im not too surprised about my low battery level currently.
But what concerns me is Android OS using half my battery! It says its been active for more than 4 hours and i dont understand where it comes from. Its way more than my screen usage even with a screen time of little over 3 hours.
Anyone know whats up with Android OS? It doesnt tell me what is running when i select it so im lost.
Also ive done many of the suggestions in this thread with positive results. Ive been monitoring my wakelocks and since doing some of the suggestions on here nlpcollector has actually gone down.
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Just to benchmark .... I used the phone moderatley ..
I did.. a little over 50 hours of total on time
4.75 hours of on screen time,
2 hours of spotify with bluetooth for the entire time,
2 hours of MapMyRun with GPS running ..
then various text messaging and a couple phone calls
The only modifications i've made to the stop experiance is taking of google's location service for programs, but leaving GPS active .. and changing the screen to auto-brightness, baseline of 50%.
I came from the SGS2 ..... with 1 hour of on screen time and the other spotify and bluetooth .. i'd be around 10-20% after 8-10 hours !!!!!
Mines pretty awesome.
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I'm not sure if my battery is defective or not. Right out of the box was around 75% and I drained it until it turned off then charged it to full.
Over the next few days at work it's on wifi and then on 3G/4G before /after work. I pull it from the charger at 7:30am and by 7pm its at 40%. Then on Friday night I unplugged it at 12am with 100% and woke up the next day with 80%. It's dropping like 1% about 10-15minutes. Would a factory reset fix the battery drain? or call for a replacement?
marcusrab said:
Just to benchmark .... I used the phone moderatley ..
I did.. a little over 50 hours of total on time
4.75 hours of on screen time,
2 hours of spotify with bluetooth for the entire time,
2 hours of MapMyRun with GPS running ..
then various text messaging and a couple phone calls
The only modifications i've made to the stop experiance is taking of google's location service for programs, but leaving GPS active .. and changing the screen to auto-brightness, baseline of 50%.
I came from the SGS2 ..... with 1 hour of on screen time and the other spotify and bluetooth .. i'd be around 10-20% after 8-10 hours !!!!!
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wow that's really amazing. ill try that out and disable google location services and see what happens. will that interfere with google now? i mean i would totally sacrifice google now for 50 hours though.
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