[Q] Will We Get MIUI? - Hero, G2 Touch General

Saw a video of the MIUI 2.2 ROM being used on HTC Evo (New Sense). Was wondering if anyone is currectly porting it to the Hero. It looked unbelievably amazing overall. Could do with a bit of customisation (maybe give possiblility to keep App Drawer) but it does look great. Anyway if there is anyone porting...Good Luck!!

Miui for HTC Hero G2
I've been searching for 4 days this rom for hero. No luck. But may be some smart, genius, bravehearth guy will come and port it to hero.

I am not aware of any hero ports, since it seems to be for HDPI devices with ARMv7 CPUs. That means the libs wouldn't work.
Perhaps if source code were available it might be possible?

I saw this ROM in desire section I think. Perhaps some devs over there have sources ? Just a wild guess
Sent from my HTC Hero using XDA App


Idea For our very own Unofficial HTC HD2 Android Rom

hi everybody
ive come up with an idea,now the android builds/roms we use are normally from other android phones,Each android phone does something a bit different compared to others.Now Htc desire HD rom is slightly Different from a Desire Z rom.heres my idea,how about combining all the different features of the sence roms into one big build,you would need to use data to sd(euro hd2) Unfortunently im no dev,im just a graphic designer,heres what im thinking,base would be 2.3 gingerbread or froyo 2.2.1,have the menu from the nexus s(2.3),dunno if thats a 2.3 feature or not.720p recording if we can get that working,Evo keyboard,Strait bar lockscreen,bit like from the HD mini,Evolution sence bar(the bit at the bottom with the menu phone and personalise buttons),Framework close to stock but with a Battery indicator,Rotatable Sence From the Desire Z,Music player from Desire HD,Would be a big rom but crammed full of features,best of everything,obviusly HTC wont bring out android update for us so lets all do it.The Unofficial HTC HD2 android Rom,Any Devs wanna take up the challenge
I like the idea, but I think it would be impossible to do. htc employs teams of engineers working on these builds full time for one. And they have all the best in equipment and testing. So resources is an issue right off the bat.
In addition to that, I'm sure there's a reason why you can't move data.imgs from one build to another, they're probably not compatible.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Like the reply above me says... we don't have an army of devs and millions of $ to spend on development. It's amazing what the devs have been able to do, but the main reason they have accomplished what they have is because there were similar devices we were able to port from. We are running a port... I don't think the hd2 will ever have its own Rom not taken from another device.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
The Matrix
Dude, its a nice thought but to wuote agent smith. Your living in a dream world neo.
i think it is possible,just take a bit of time,you just gotta look at it from a different angle.i have a theory about how to do it just a Dev would need actually need to do it,could even set up a Bounty if needs be but would be great to see.Base Rom we can use The desire Z 2.2.1 rom as base as its lighter than HD,i dont think Gingerbread is coming to desire Z just yet.So use that.Then incorperate the Desire HD music player(i have an apk for that)Near original framework but with a battery percentage in the battery icon(i have an apk for that).Evolution Sence bar or rEvolution you can get here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=891520 ,Evo keyboard i think we can use HTC_IME wich i have an apk for aswell,you would need to use data to sd wich has allready been done becouse it would be a big build,All we need is for someone to bring em all together to Creat the rom,If somebody was wanting to do it i can put those apk up on here for download

Best Sense Rom?

I really like CM7, but I would like a good Rom that has SenseUI. anyone know of one? i'd like it to be stable and most stuff working.
Orange Sense. HTC Sense, very fast and stable. Available in the development forum.
I have a question...pardon my ignorance on the matter...
What exactly are "earmarks" of a senseUI? I used my stock glacier rom until only last week, and now am using CM7/RC4, and I fail to see the UI differences. This surprised me because I see people have some pretty strong feelings for or against senseUI compared to Android stock UI.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
they are two different rom types, the sense framework takes up more space, but it is really fancy with the clock that's the only reason i want it.
You want the old fashioned 1980s flip clock that you see in most of the Mytouch 4G print ads? I didn't even realize that was now not an option...
I cannot imagine you can't use it though. Just review all the different home launchers... There had got to be one that will let you use this clock.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
syntropic said:
I have a question...pardon my ignorance on the matter...
What exactly are "earmarks" of a senseUI? I used my stock glacier rom until only last week, and now am using CM7/RC4, and I fail to see the UI differences. This surprised me because I see people have some pretty strong feelings for or against senseUI compared to Android stock UI.
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You don't see the difference between Sense and the standard Android UI?
Also, the stock MT4G ROM is not real Sense. It's a T-Mobile customized version that isn't near as attractive. "Real" Sense is much more attractive.
TeeJay3800 said:
You don't see the difference between Sense and the standard Android UI?
Also, the stock MT4G ROM is not real Sense. It's a T-Mobile customized version that isn't near as attractive. "Real" Sense is much more attractive.
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Not really, and I am usually big on bells and whistles too. I think I may go back to sense (a modded 2.3 rom). Are there any you (or anyone with an opinion) suggest I try out first?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
the modded 2.3 ones aren't stable i don't think, that's why im asking is there one lol. most have issues running somethings like bluetooth or camera.
Evil's 4G-HD Desire HD rom. Pair it with the latest Faux Sense kernel and it will fly! Everything works!
syntropic said:
Not really, and I am usually big on bells and whistles too. I think I may go back to sense (a modded 2.3 rom). Are there any you (or anyone with an opinion) suggest I try out first?
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The two posts above this one pretty much sums it up.
Gingerbread/Sense 2.1 ROMs aren't fully functional or stable yet.
If you want Sense, try eViL's Desire HD port. Link is in my sig.
TeeJay3800 said:
The two posts above this one pretty much sums it up.
Gingerbread/Sense 2.1 ROMs aren't fully functional or stable yet.
If you want Sense, try eViL's Desire HD port. Link is in my sig.
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Great.. will try it out. The only things I have noticed that are different are small niceties, which may have nothing to do with sense and cm7. For example, in the glacier's stock rom, I loved that you could be on the phone and simply set it on a table rear side up, and haptics would turn on the speakerphone. It doesn't sound like much but small things like this add up and overall gave me a better experience.
Can I ask why faux and others at cyanogen are able to create 4 release candidates for their 2.3 rom, yet a stable 2.3 sense rom is still weeks away? Is this because of the morons over at HTC, who don't understand what open source means and won't release their code?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
syntropic said:
Can I ask why faux and others at cyanogen are able to create 4 release candidates for their 2.3 rom, yet a stable 2.3 sense rom is still weeks away? Is this because of the morons over at HTC, who don't understand what open source means and won't release their code?
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Pretty much. We'll of course never have the source code to Sense, but a good dump from a similar phone can be ported. The problem is, the only Gingerbread/Sense 2.1 dump we have is from the Incredible S, and despite the similarities in hardware, the kernel isn't directly compatible. It sounds like until we get a better starting point, those ROMs will be buggy and missing features.
TeeJay3800 said:
Pretty much. We'll of course never have the source code to Sense, but a good dump from a similar phone can be ported. The problem is, the only Gingerbread/Sense 2.1 dump we have is from the Incredible S, and despite the similarities in hardware, the kernel isn't directly compatible. It sounds like until we get a better starting point, those ROMs will be buggy and missing features.
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By dump do you mean the actual code? And so is motorola (or whoever is behind the incredible...cannot recall at the moment) releasing their code? Because if you are just doing a memory dump and doing some RE to get the actual code, I would ask why that can't be done with the glacier.
And as long you have something a little better than binary, I would think you could get some reasonable starting point from the glacier stock. I am not really skilled in the art as of yet so consider me mostly speaking out of my ass. But I am quite interested. Maybe I will try to get the sense code for you . I mean there has to be a few draft versions in some server not locked up tight.
Oh..and lastly, so evil's rom is a quasi 2.3 (not in substance) with the kernel being 2.2 just tricked out?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
At this point, I don't think I know much more about this than you. I know a dump is much like the ROMs that we flash to our phones...it's the phones entire OS and software package which can then be ported to other phones (assume their of the same manufacturer and are somewhat similar). As you know, the Desire HD is nearly identical to the Glacier (minus the screen) so a dump from it can be easily ported to our phones, and after some "devving", will run perfectly on the MT4G. As far as binaries and code, that's all way beyond me. An actual dev could give you a lot more detailed info.
I asked this earlier and I think it just got lost... but in regard to a sense rom, is evil's rom like a "quasi" 2.3 (has the look but not the substance of gingerbread) with a 2.2.1 kernel that's just tricked out, updated, etc.?
I am not familiar with kernels being separate from the rom. Why is this done? I am sure the install is not too difficult (considering what I have been through with CM7), but is there a guide here,our should I just comb the threads for an installation overview for the sense roms/kernels?
Edit: I started reading the thread for evil's rom.. and for now, I think I might go back to stock, and upgrade the kernel. (unless there are really no problems worth the Z port, like ffc or wifi issues). So with that said, which kernel is best for the HD sense stock rom (or which stock rom out there has been enhanced the best with everything still functional)? I know there aren't that many different upgraded stock roms/kernels, but of the ones I found, they seem the same.
Sorry to makes this long but I ask this because I see people with just the stock plus an upgraded kernel, but then also, there is the Orange Glacier which is an enhanced stock rom.... Wouldn't those two packages be virtually identical?
Or am I just letting this kernel factor confuse me?
Forget it.... I just spent 3 hours in the dev threads.... The nomenclature mess was making my eyes bleed... Orange Glacier, Iced Glacier, Royal Ginger, Royal Mint, Royal Jelly, KY Jelly... %^$#^
So... I retract my earlier decision and I am going to stay on the bleeding edge with CM7... F*ck it if I can't do progressive scan video or get reply notifications to MMS messages sent to CDMA networks!!*
*I just made those two things up... It means to say that the bugs that do exist in CM7 are very arcane and minor... But I am an easy sell so tomorrow I will probably want to go back to sense.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App

Graphic glitches in Gingerbread

I am using HTC HD2 with android nand roms. After Froyo wich was really good on HD2 i installed some gingerbread ROMs.
I love HTC sense so i always use Roms with sense UI.
Like all other using gingerbread i have the typical graphic glitches. There is a fix of this, but using this will bring the camera to stop working.
My Question to the developers:
Is there a real chance, that this bugs will be fixed and camera and graphics will do fine?
Can we support the developers fixing this issues?
Will there be a fix from HTC/when?
I am very happy with android and appreciate the lots of work of the developers. Thank you, its great.
I am thinking about giving my HD2 away and buy a Samsung Galaxy S2.
If there will be fixes of this bug in short time i will keep my HD2 on.
If there is no possibility of fixing this, i will change to Galaxy S2.
Thanks for your hints.
Definitly not the proper section, it should be in Q/A...
I'd love to see a dev/chef offering a fully working Froyo Sense. No 2.1 or 3.0. Sense is only experimental now, there is no more stable and up to date version of Froyo Sense which is a shame.
RafDroid is out of date and Incredible S (imilka) buggy with many apps FC...
should post this in Q&A
as for imilkas incredible s build, never had any issues with it and wqas running it for at least a month and half before changing never had any force closes
Try the game Cordy...
fix for graphic glitches?
I installed HTC HD2 Android Gingerbread on Nand. The typicel GB-graphic glitches suck very much.As far as I understand, is it possible for the devs to fix this bugs as soon as HTC releases the Kernel Source Code of GB.
When will HTC release this source?
I am sad about this bugs and thinking of sell my HD2 and buy a Galaxy S2.
Anybody who can give some details?
thommygay24 said:
I installed HTC HD2 Android Gingerbread on Nand. The typicel GB-graphic glitches suck very much.As far as I understand, is it possible for the devs to fix this bugs as soon as HTC releases the Kernel Source Code of GB.
When will HTC release this source?
I am sad about this bugs and thinking of sell my HD2 and buy a Galaxy S2.
Anybody who can give some details?
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Everything is possible and almost all things made possible on HD2. I don't think fix for this issue will be impossible. Just its about time. Don't worry, Android isn't a windows mobile or windows phone for someone to protect.
Keep hopes!
Best Regards
thommygay24 said:
I am using HTC HD2 with android nand roms. After Froyo wich was really good on HD2 i installed some gingerbread ROMs.
I love HTC sense so i always use Roms with sense UI.
Like all other using gingerbread i have the typical graphic glitches. There is a fix of this, but using this will bring the camera to stop working.
My Question to the developers:
Is there a real chance, that this bugs will be fixed and camera and graphics will do fine?
Can we support the developers fixing this issues?
Will there be a fix from HTC/when?
I am very happy with android and appreciate the lots of work of the developers. Thank you, its great.
I am thinking about giving my HD2 away and buy a Samsung Galaxy S2.
If there will be fixes of this bug in short time i will keep my HD2 on.
If there is no possibility of fixing this, i will change to Galaxy S2.
Thanks for your hints.
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Dude, have patience. just wait of this problem to be fixed as well. however, if u planned to by galaxy s2 there will not as much support with it as compared to hd2 cuz there are so much developers working on hd2 roms, and i hope that the time is near for a stable sense 3.0 rom for hd2.
Everything is possible and almost all things made possible on HD2. I don't think fix for this issue will be impossible. Just its about time. Don't worry, Android isn't a windows mobile or windows phone for someone to protect.
Keep hopes!
Best Regards
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Source Code For Gb kernel are releset Now plz plz fix the gitches
che3ton said:
Source Code For Gb kernel are releset Now plz plz fix the gitches
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where did you get this information from? there is no source code for desire on the official page http://developer.htc.com/
che3ton said:
Source Code For Gb kernel are releset Now plz plz fix the gitches
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they will probably fix the glitches once the DESIRE GB kernal source is released
which it seems they have forgotten to do,or they just dont plan on releaseing it
I'm a noob, but... this seems to be desire HC gingerbread source code...
(copy&paste from htc developer download page)
"HTC Desire HD – GB MR – 2.6.35 kernel source code"
here is the link:
nushuth said:
I'm a noob, but... this seems to be desire HC gingerbread source code...
(copy&paste from htc developer download page)
"HTC Desire HD – GB MR – 2.6.35 kernel source code"
here is the link:
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Reread your post. HTC Desire HD...
We need the original desire.
Nigeldg said:
Reread your post. HTC Desire HD...
We need the original desire.
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let me understand...
out HD2 seems to be very similar to desire HD in hardware (the only difference seems to be original OS and Camera, 5 vs 8 MPx) same CPU and same graphic processore.
desire HD already have a gingerbread + Sense official rom. It's only sense 2.1, but we have same glitches problem on any gingerbread + sense rom. the problem seems to be the same...
why we need a desire (not HD) kernel source code? there is no way to use desire HD source?
nushuth said:
let me understand...
out HD2 seems to be very similar to desire HD in hardware (the only difference seems to be original OS and Camera, 5 vs 8 MPx) same CPU and same graphic processore.
desire HD already have a gingerbread + Sense official rom. It's only sense 2.1, but we have same glitches problem on any gingerbread + sense rom. the problem seems to be the same...
why we need a desire (not HD) kernel source code? there is no way to use desire HD source?
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I thought this at first as well but I can't explain this to you, only a dev or someone more experienced can. But in short, the hardware is not close enough, the DHD has a 2nd generation CPU vs the HD2's 1st gen or something like that, whereas the original desire has the same hardware as the HD2.
TBH, I have no clue in other words.

Official Android 2.3.5 with Sense 3.0

Greetings to all! The other day there was news! In the network be leaked the new OFFICIAL ROM for the HTC Desire S based on Android 2.3.5 with HTC Sense 3.0. Accordingly, HTC Sense 3.0 does not need to optimize and change resolution... Are there any advantages in this for our wonderful HTC HD2?
Link to threat Desire S is HERE
Well what caught my eye is on post 18 he says it comes with the newest stock kernal. This might be the kernal we need to get sense 3.0 running without all the glitches. Hopefully a developer will see this or someone more knowledgable then me and comment on it. Im just a lonely soul that likes to mod my phone so i have no direct knowledge of what we will be able to get from this exactly. I do know our device can run Desire s builds so I'm atleast thinking their could be a port down the road. Would be great if there was. I'll have to go back and read a lot more in detail about it first because i made this comment without reading all of it first, i was to excited.
We need the sourcecode of the kernel not the kernel itself. And we need it from the original desire and not the desire s. The desire s has different hardware.
Oh bummer
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App

HTC Desire C

Its a sense 4.0 device with pretty close specs to the Aria. Anybody looking for a replacement for the Aria might want to look here.
Seriously , good news for me!
I am not getting a new phone , but (try) porting a new rom to Aria !
Any way to port the ROM from the Desire C to the Aria?
Yeah I'm still trying to find a system dump.
Sent from my Liberty using XDA
you can get a video review here:
I'm quite surprised with the performance of ICS on 600Mhz processor. Wonder what can be done on an overclock phone...
