hd2 freezes randomly with cht - HD2 General

I got my HD2 in hong kong:
rom:1.72.831.1 (82124) WWE
OS: 5.2.21869 (2.1869.5.0.082)
so after installing the cab i noticed that everytime i tried to put the music player on the first homepage above the main page, i would encounter a manila problem and then the top left of my screeen would be replaced by a white box. thereafter, the music player and white box would be stuck on the screen even if i change homepage tabs.
but my main problem is that the phone will always freeze very frequently. It happens a lot after i lock my screen. I will press a hardware button and the buttons will light up but the screen will take a while to turn on (if it even ends up turning on). And even if it does, all i see sometimes is the notification bar at the top of the screen where the battery, reception and wifi info is. Sometimes i can click the start menu key or the screen key and access the start menu but not always.
another problem is that somtimes when pressing a key after hte phone has been locked and screen turned off, it will reappear at the last screen i was after before locking the phone. it may then suddenly go to the lock screen, or just freeze there.
another problem i have is that after soft resetting, it takes a REALLY long time to "load htc sense". sometimes the text telling me its loading will disappear for seconds and reappear. i have had a point where sense just refused to load so i had to reinstall the cab. luckily for me at the time i was still able to access the start menu.
also, sometimes when i'm just using my phone in general, the screen will freeze and then the phone will go back to the "loading htc sense" page. For the most part, htc sense does load in this situation
now the phone runs very slowly and glitches between previously viewed pages. the camcorder barely runs..
it seems that many things trigger the phone to freeze but its always the same things that do.
i would appreciate any help from the developers or anything with experiences that are like mine.
i know my manila version is off but i asked someone in a different thread and he said that my manila version should be compatable.. if it is not, i guess i have no choice but to uninstall it.. shame
if so, could someone tell me how to uninstall? thanks


Help! Phone frozen on boot up

Last night my XDA Mini S froze while using PIE, so I did a soft reset, put the phone down and went to sleep. Noticed this morning that it's stuck at the Windows Mobile splash screen - still in Landscape mode which is what I was using when PIE froze. Done another soft reset, same problem. My LEDs are flashing as usual, one green and the Bluetooth one.
Any ideas?
Ok, it started working for some reason - but I noticed when it got to my today screen that my NotesToday plugin wasn't there. I went into Settings > Today > Items, and NotesToday was ticked. I unticked it, clicked OK, then re-ticked it and it showed up again on my today screen. Fine. However now everytime I press the power button to come out of sleep mode, my Today screen flashed up fine for about 0.5 sec, then flashed white for a millisecond, then comes up fine EXCEPT the whole "top" bar (i.e. the part of the screen with Start button, clock, signal strength, etc) stays solid white, and I can't see any of those icons. Rest of the screen is fine. If I click Unlock, the whole screen is fine after that.
I had a similar problem with a different part of the screen staying white after coming out of hibernate (the O2 active UI sidepanel)...Hard reset fixed it and the problem hasn't returned (although I don't use the O2 UI now...)
If your device freezes on the Windows loading screen, then soft reset it and while it is loading the next time, press one of the hardware buttons, such as the D-pad or the green or red phone buttons, continually as it loads. This should keep the lights behind the buttons turned on, and it should load Windows without a problem.
Had the same error on my phone, I think it tries to hibernate as it loads Windows or something equally stupid. Pressing a button continually prevents this and allows it to load normally.

Two issues with blackstone...

I have two little issues I can't find soultion to..
1. My device boots, htc logo appears and then keypad shows up to enter the SIM PIN...but it closes before I input so I have to manually turn off the airplane mode and then turn cellular on...
Is there a way to fix this?
2. The topright corner cross (or sometimes even the OK) should be white (if clickable) but sometimes it is grey..is this normal or I have something bad going on...it works, it is just annoying that sometimes it is gray sometimes white...
If someone knows how to fix these two please let me know...thank you very much...
if only these two issues was the only ones....
Concerning the pin code screen that disappear, instead of put your phone on plane mode, you can just click the call button : it will display the pin code screen again.
ow..thanks you..I will try that one..
and regarding the issues...luckilly I dont have many...
1. This seems to be TF3D - when the phone re-starts from reset it wants the SIM code. But, TF3D starts as well and then takes over the screen. Any use of the phone now will give the SIM code screen. So, the other advice is good: hit the call button. I normally just wait for TF3D to do it's start-up and I normally get automatically the SIM code input screen.
2. I use http://soft.photoracer.net/docs/wktask_en.html as a replacement for the OK button. But before I never had the grey OK button. Try exploring the OK button options in start - system - task manager - button
thanks for your help....
ow and btw I hate touchflo
i have standart homescreen customized
If you don't need the security provided, why not turn off the SIM pin entry?

Touch HD makes unwanted calls...

hi there
i got a "small" problem with my touch hd. since im carrying the phone in my pocket, i installed "slide2unlock" to prevent the screen from unlocking itself in my pocket...
thing is - i got numerous complaints from people on my contact list, that i called them (sometimes multiple times in a row) without beeing on the phone... seemed to me that the screen unlocked (by accidently touching/pressing the botton on the top in my pocket) and the now unlocked phone started to do funny stuff like calling people...
problem is, that even with s2u installed AND active, my phone keeps calling people. one time, i held the phone in my hand, started the music player, locked the screen via the top button - and the next moment the screen lit up again (without me touching anything "touchable" like the side- oder top buttons - the screen was locked anyways) and my phone started to call a contact from my contact list.
there seems to be no real schema in what people are called. seems like the phone picks randomly one of my contacts on my list and calles him right away.
how do i stop this? im out of ideas here and this thing is really getting on my (and others) nerves...
According to your through description the problem might be even an exotic thing for WM - a virus. Try Kaspersky mobile
Have you installed any custom phone/dialer applications? Also any scripting applications like mortscript and a badly written script causing it... Also are you using AEButton plus. If so then may be a bug in one of those, still difficult to understand.
Otherwise looks like a real malware something not usually known in WM world
lefteyeclosed said:
hi there
i got a "small" problem with my touch hd. since im carrying the phone in my pocket, i installed "slide2unlock" to prevent the screen from unlocking itself in my pocket...
thing is - i got numerous complaints from people on my contact list, that i called them (sometimes multiple times in a row) without beeing on the phone... seemed to me that the screen unlocked (by accidently touching/pressing the botton on the top in my pocket) and the now unlocked phone started to do funny stuff like calling people...
problem is, that even with s2u installed AND active, my phone keeps calling people. one time, i held the phone in my hand, started the music player, locked the screen via the top button - and the next moment the screen lit up again (without me touching anything "touchable" like the side- oder top buttons - the screen was locked anyways) and my phone started to call a contact from my contact list.
there seems to be no real schema in what people are called. seems like the phone picks randomly one of my contacts on my list and calles him right away.
how do i stop this? im out of ideas here and this thing is really getting on my (and others) nerves...
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it "might" be the stylus....
the default in s2u2 is to ulnlock on stylus removal if your stylus get caught in you pocket
and pulls far enough out it'll unlock
but anyway check the unock options out in the s2u2 settings
beter yet stick a reply in the s2u2 post and see if anyone else hase a silmilar problem
Or uninstall that screen-lock application and see if the problem still occurs. If it still occurs, you now know it's nothing to do with the App and perhaps indicates a bigger issue.
Stupid question, but are you locking your screen by pressing and holding the Hang Up key in the bottom right corner?
I find the only way to fully lock the screen to stop the kind of activation you are talking about is to press and hold Hang Up key to lock it.
Then pull out the stylus to unlock, or press the Answer Key followed by the then-displayed unlock key.
I have exactly the same issue.
My version of s2u2 is 1.62.
I just changed the option in s2u2 to avoid the phone to turn on when removing the stilus...I will wait and see
Even after I have changed the option in s2u2 to avoid the phone to turn on when removing the stilus it seams my phone is still makes some unwanted callings...
Any idea???

issus on the unlock screen

feel lag on when is unlocking. did any one having a same problem with me??
please delete this post...
The unlock swipe would lag for the following reasons:
1. Your wifi was turned on but is off because of screen being off. You turned on the screen which makes the phone re-enable wifi and connect to a network. This process will lag the swipe animation.
2. You used some kind of app (ie. JuiceDefender) that would disable APN (3G) when your screen is off. Turning the screen on again will make the phone to try to reconnect to 3G and this will also lag the swipe animation.
3. You just turned on your phone and because things are still loading at startup, doing the swipe will lag.
Tip: Try to wait for 5 seconds after turning the screen on and then do the swipe motion. It should go back to normal.
If none of that applies to you, do a factory reset =)
this is my second time to hard reset it but still the same.
I often find that swiping doesn't unlock the phone; the arrow won't go all the way to the edge of the screen (it sometimes just stops halfway). When that happens, I press the power button to lock the screen, then try the process again. 9 times out of 10 it'll work fine the second time.
This happens when the WiFi is off, and I am not using any APN software, nor have I just switched the phone on.
It doesn't really bother me, unless this happens when a call comes in, and I can't answer it! (it often takes me a few swipes to answer a call, and I have to swipe it slowly and carefully)
shanespencer said:
I often find that swiping doesn't unlock the phone; the arrow won't go all the way to the edge of the screen (it sometimes just stops halfway). When that happens, I press the power button to lock the screen, then try the process again. 9 times out of 10 it'll work fine the second time.
This happens when the WiFi is off, and I am not using any APN software, nor have I just switched the phone on.
It doesn't really bother me, unless this happens when a call comes in, and I can't answer it! (it often takes me a few swipes to answer a call, and I have to swipe it slowly and carefully)
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you might have a problem with your screen where some parts wont respond to your touch
download any drawing programs " i find magic marker " is the best from the market place. its free. and tap dots all over your screen, if there is/ are parts that doesnt response to your tap from the first time, that means u have problem with the screen and its not accepting your touch input. which is why your swipe doesnt go all the way sometimes.
Yes there is lag on the unlock screen. I see it as just bad programming by SE.
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App
My swype keep changing direction, anyone nows how to set it to a particular side?
@mirdones - it changes sides when you start with your finger at the top of the swipe arc and slide your phone across the screen (left to right or right to left)..
@everyone - my swipe unlock occasionally stops about 3 quarters of the way along.. all I do is re-swipe from where it stopped and it's fine - that said, it doesn't happen as much now that I have stopped using task killers and startup auditor.
I find that instead of a slow swipe more of a flick works well for me.
Does anyone know if its possible to disable the se lock and just use the android one?
gavriel18 said:
Does anyone know if its possible to disable the se lock and just use the android one?
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...would love to know this too

[Q] Problem with UN-lock screen

Sometimes the un-lock screen doesn't work ... I scroll down with my finger but the unlock screen doesn't disappear, it stay on the screen and i can "move" it up and down forever ...
the power button do nothing ... so i must remove the battery to power off my htc hd mini!!
Any other user have the same problem?
There is a "fix"? :|
Tnx a lot!
Me too, It's appear randomly. Very annoy
I'm beginning to realize HD mini is one very buggy device.
Never had that problem, not with original ROM not with custom.
Have you tried hard reset? or flashing newer/custom ROM?
Just reset the device.
This problem occurs when you uninstall some apps which are related to phones user interface like themes or any custom lock (iPhone like lock/unlock screen) applications.
yes, it happens sometime.
This is normal issue of windows phone (like hang up issue).
soft reset will fix it or remove battery,put it back & re-start.
never met it with official ROM..
Finally, It happen when listen to the music with Music Tab for a while. It's not only lock screen problem but it's also
-Can not turn device off
-Proximity's not working
It's all happen when I play music in music tab.
my wifes mini does this all the time ! very anoying, once the screen is locked and the screen goes blank. when you press the power button to use the phone nothing happens, you have to pull the battery out everytime, she is getting very frustrated with this, so if anyone does have a solution please let me know....

