[Q]Autosync on FlightMode - Android Software Development

hi, i have a Froyo HTC Desire there's a couple of thing I want to know.
I usually have a lot of correspondence via email (especially multiple gmail accounts) and i use my phone primarily when at home or on the go.
i set autosync and background data enabled all the time and set to update on very little intervals.
next, at work, i'll be relocated to a spot in the office that doesn't get any 3g/2g reception at all. and since i can access my mail through PC, i'm planning to just switch my phone to Flight mode while on my desk.
now my question. i've read a hundred times that Autosync eats a lot of jiuce. IF I put my phone in flight mode, and have no active connections or means to connect to any network, will Autosync still persist on connecting / syncing and drain my battery? or do i also have to manually turn background sync and autosync off?
if yes, is there an app that will disable Autosync persistence if flightmode is on or wifi/APN is off?
thanks in advance

If I understand correctly you want to switch off any data communication of your phone.
I use a combination :
Sync Settings Version 1.0 - Free App
It places on your desktop a widget with 4 options.
wifi - on\off
Blu Tooth - on\off
Gps - on\off
Sync - Enable ..lets apps sync (incl Gmail.) Disable it disallows.
Brightness - quick controll over screen brightness
The second App I use is the DCSwitch - Free App
Creator described it best:
DCSwitch turns your data channel on/off to save battery power and/or bytes on a limited data plan.
Similar apps mangle the APN list of your phone, potentially leaving it with corrupt entries.
DCSwitch uses android's undocumented services to enable/disable the data connection in a clean, mean and concise manner.
With usig both of this apps ive been able to boost my battery life Alot. Also save some money on traffic.
Hope this helps you.


My phone is constant data transfer, help.

My phone constantly transfers data eating up the battery. I manually turn off data on the comm page. It stays off briefly then begins again. Any ideas?
Try this file, unzip, transfer over, install, open NO GPRS from the programs menu and hit toggle.
That should do it, just hit toggle to re-enable.
This is posted elsewhere, try using search first.
go to activesync, menu->schedule
and set "peak times" and "off-peak times" to "manually"
I once had this when I had an MMS trying to download. Delete the MMS header from your mailbox or specify the network/connection which should be used for downloading MMS.
clarksdv2 said:
My phone constantly transfers data eating up the battery. I manually turn off data on the comm page. It stays off briefly then begins again. Any ideas?
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Check the MMS...
But the big question is... do you have push mail or perhaps a weather program?
Push especially will keep your data connection on as it is constantly polling your email...
The good news is if your are connected it doesn't necessarily mean that you are using data. If you are in a 3G area then an H icon will appear instead of the 3G icon while there is a data transfer...
If you want to stop it alltogether check out MoDaCo's NoData or the GRPS above..
No push email or other data service
I have my personal email on 30 minute retrieve increments other than that I have no other data services. My phone is just on this constant data call although no data is being transferred. This subsequently drains my battery awefully fast.
well, what is exactly the problem? is it that your pda
"is just on this constant data call although no data is being transferred"
"constantly transfers data" ?
More details.
The phone is engaged in a constant data call represented by 3G with the left and right arrow, however, no data is actually being transferred. The battery is draining within 8hrs on standby because the high transmit to receive ratio. Although no data is transferred the radio constantly interrogates the cell site thus throwing out unnecessary power. If I manually disengage via the communication manager, the phone will hang up the data call for a brief period, but will reengage fairly quickly. I can't find any settings that would create this situation. I downloaded the program in this post, but the phone still continues the data call. This has never happened on this phone until a month or so after installing the ROM flash with WM6, but I can't be sure if there is a direct correlation with the new flash. Thank you all for your help.
clarksdv2 said:
I have my personal email on 30 minute retrieve increments other than that I have no other data services. My phone is just on this constant data call although no data is being transferred. This subsequently drains my battery awefully fast.
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try turning off this 30 min email and make it manual to see if this is the cause...
not sure if u have htchome weather, because it will also auto update every few hours...
http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=My Pocket PC keeps connecting to the Internet.
have you checked the activesync schedule time?
furthermore goto commmanager and disable direct push. if your commmanager does not show you the icon to disable direct push, install schaps advanced config and activate there the icon.
i am pretty sure that one of these two options causes the problem.
what other apps have you installed?
if all this does not help, hard reset your device and install/config one app after another.
Same Problem
I've got the same problem. I'm using the default HTC WWE ROM. At random times, sometimes twice a day, my "Rogers Internet" data connection (GPRS, EDGE or 3G) connects automatically and doesn't disconnect. If I catch it happening and click cancel, it tries again. It will not give up until the connection has been established for at least 10 seconds.
I've gone through every program I have, checking to make sure the auto update option is disabled (if there is an auto update). I do not use the direct push and therefore, activesync schedule is greyed out.
Any ideas?
I'm suprised that it drains your battery so quickly. My phone stays connected at least 90% of the day, and I usually have at least 70-80% battery when I get home from work, usually more. The only time that it gets drained quickly is when I'm browsing the web too much on NetFront 3.5...a notorious battery drainer.
Sorry I couldn't help...but maybe it's a battery issue? Since I'm connected so much and have no battery issues? Or maybe a radio change could help you?
I don't have any abnormal battery drain, just weird auto-connect problem.
are you sure you have checked every single program? there has to be something that's trying to connect to the internet to grab data. weather apps, time sync, quickgps (i know, ridiculous, i'm just throwing it out there). try looking at what processes are running in the background using a task manager. that might help you eliminate suspects.
I have Spb GPRS Monitor on my phone. I've been looking at the logs. There is no pattern to the connections and they seem to be never more than 20k connections. I've installed NoGPRS and will use that while I'm sleeping. Just weird that it connects at all.
I had a similar problem, so I installed KaiserTweak and changed the setting to disconnect from 3G after use and that did the trick for me - no more constant connection and the battery stopped heating up and dying quickly.

application to control different phone profile

are there any application to control different phone profile.
i would like to have at least three profile
a) in my home phone should ring, wireless connection should be via desired wifi connection (blue tooth and data connection via tmobile should be disable)
b) when i am in the car I need blue tooth enable, wifi disable
c) when i am at work, bluetooth disable, wifi disable, and data connectin via tmobile disable.
please advice me whether there is a application to do this.
Toggle Settings from the market seems to do most of this, although not sure about turning off the data connection. You can set it to 2G though.
I think Locale would do some too - it can be set to behave in a certain way when at a certain location - I've NEVER used it though, just read about other users using it for this kind of function so check it out
thanks for your quick responses.
yes local will do some of it, but i mainly needed to change profile as an when i needed, i.e. not based on geographical location.
if you come across any other application please let me know. i am sure this sort of application will be really useful for lot of other people.
You can also try "Ear" it does almost everything except the data connection part
the 5 widgets you can get (hold finger on empty space -> htc widget -> settings) will do this... sure, you don't get the benefit of pre-sets (there _will_ be an app that will do this, somewhere) but it's totally flexible
you can certainly do the "wifi on / bluetooth & data off" and vice versa for leaving the house via locale... might be able to get by with manual toggles after that (or also have a location for work)
location works great!
try it!

Permantely turn off Data

Is there way I can permanently turn off data so that programs like mail and weather do not automatically connect to it and turn it. I don't have a data plan so I don't want to be charged for it. The only reason i don't just delete the AT&T media net settings is because I need it when I want to use MMS.
Search on "NoData".
the problem with no data is that i cant reconnect to media net after i disable it. so im looking for an alternate solution
In that case as far as I can tell, you'll probably need to turn off the relevant settings for weather and mail, etc.
That's what I figured is the only solution, but sometimes the phone will just automatically connect to data so that there is the symbol on the top bar and when I go to the communications screen, the data switch is off. Will I be charged just for being connected or only if I download something. Basically is it charged by just bytes downloaded or also by time connected.
Yeah I had the same problem when I was roaming abroad. Every day it connected at night and used for approx. 1euro50 data. By the time I was back home I received a 45 euro bill! I also disabled weather, sync and stocks. No idea what application using data connection...
MoDaCo noData allows you to turn off Internet, WAP, and MMS independently. Why is this not a suitable solution?

Data connection, no auto-disconnect?

Hi guys,
I have recently moved from symbian platform to WinMo. I do have a question regarding data connection. Does it ever auto disconnects? (for example in my old N95 if I clicked sync in my mail application, the phone would connect, download new mail and then auto disconnect when the job was done)
Also the phone would disconnect from data connection after closing app that was using it.
Now with my HD2 when I sync email, refresh weather etc the data connection stays on. Do I have to disconnect it manualy every single time so it doesnt drain my battery? It is very annoying since I have to do it manually very often.
Please advise... maybe I am missing something...
There's a few threads on here on data connection disconnection. There is also a hints & tips thread right at the top of this page.
Use this tool to find what you are looking for..http://www.google.com/advanced_search?q=+site:http://forum.xda-developers.com&hl=en&lr=&as_qdr=all
install the 1 min disconnect tweak thats on this forum.
if you only set emails to check automatically it will disconnect ok using the above tweak but if you have weather and/or twitter apps connecting to update for some reason it will not close the connection at all i have told htc but never heard back
The only real reason for disconnecting a data connection is if you want to prevent unwanted costs associated with data exchange.
If you're in a weak signal area you can save battery by switching the connection band to GSM rather than 3G, but in a strong signal, 3G is more power efficient.
An open, but quiescent data connection has little or no effect on battery life as it's simply using the network infrastructure; battery usage only occurs during actual data exchange. So, if you turn off all the auto-update features and set email polling to a longer interval you should be OK. Kind of defeats the purpose of the device though
NeilM said:
The only real reason for disconnecting a data connection is if you want to prevent unwanted costs associated with data exchange.
If you're in a weak signal area you can save battery by switching the connection band to GSM rather than 3G, but in a strong signal, 3G is more power efficient.
An open, but quiescent data connection has little or no effect on battery life as it's simply using the network infrastructure; battery usage only occurs during actual data exchange. So, if you turn off all the auto-update features and set email polling to a longer interval you should be OK. Kind of defeats the purpose of the device though
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From my experience all Symbian devices and the iPhone auto disconnect from the network once the data connection is no longer needed. They also reconnect in the blink of an eye. It kind of irritates me that Windows Mobile doesn't allow you at least the OPTION of doing so. It's particularly annoying if you're connected to a speaker and can't get 3g as there's a constant noise going off. I also think it can't be great for your balls having that connection constantly active! It's not HTC's fault though, just I think a result of Windows Mobile being inherently quite archaic...perhaps Windows have just overlooked it.
There's a great free app HERE to tweak the WinMo connections for individual apps. It's a must have for me.
petexx said:
Hi guys,
I have recently moved from symbian platform to WinMo. I do have a question regarding data connection. Does it ever auto disconnects? (for example in my old N95 if I clicked sync in my mail application, the phone would connect, download new mail and then auto disconnect when the job was done)
Also the phone would disconnect from data connection after closing app that was using it.
Now with my HD2 when I sync email, refresh weather etc the data connection stays on. Do I have to disconnect it manualy every single time so it doesnt drain my battery? It is very annoying since I have to do it manually very often.
Please advise... maybe I am missing something...
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This really isn't a problem, I've seen N95's that retain their connection at all time (and some that don't) and to be honest it just makes your handset a little quicker.
WMLongLife is the nuts. You need it.
Thanks for the link, I pay per minute on my connection (rather than data transferred) so an open connection is not good for my bank balance

What will turn on Data Connection?

I am running the 1.66 rom, and when I turn off the data connection in 'Comm Manager', it will be activated again (most of the times within an hour).
I am NOT using Sense (but Titanium), and to be sure, I disabled all auto-updates (for mail, for weather, for stocks, for time sync, etc.) in Sense.
I really would like to know what is the reason that the data connection activates itself. I installed Dialup Enabled/Disabler, a small tool so I can see the active connections, but I only see listening connections on So no info here.
Does anyone have a clue how I can track down which program activates the data connection each time?
P.S. I know that an idle data connection does not drain my battery, but I just dont want some program connecting to the internet without me knowing.

