Constant usage battery life - EVO 4G General

From what I have seen, most battery life comparisons/stats are usually done with the phone in standby/screen off majority of the time.
I decided to do it the other way.
Last night to this morning:
I tried charging my battery to 100% but time constraints only had me charge it to around 84% (late for work).
I don't use/have a charger at work nor do I have one in my car. I work 8 hours straight (11pm - 7am) and I almost always stream pandora the entire time.
I am using the seidio extended battery and the only thing that stays off is wifi when I am not within range of any kind of open network (starbucks) or my own saved connection list. 4g/3g, gps, and background data are constantly on.
So, from 84% left the house and started streaming pandora in the car. Get to work about 15 minutes later with no interruption in streaming (just turned the volume down). I do shut off my screen while streaming when I put the phone in my pocket.
Surfed the web, watched some youtube videos, checked gmail and facebook (which auto sync about every hour and gmail notifies me of every single email I get), and played some games here and there (nothing great) throughout the night.
Basically my intent was to never let the phone sit and do nothing. The entire time pandora was streaming (browsing the net and streaming, checking gmail/facebook and streaming) but youtube would always stop pandora.
Got 8 hours of constant use. I don't want to say moderate/light/heavy as that scale changes from person to person. Moderate for one person may be heavy for the next.
I charged the battery in the phone because I don't have an external charger for it. Although I may get one because my charging method still involves me taking the battery out of the phone.
No task killers, no setcpu (I am rooted), no custom rom (from the dev forum).
I am using bakedsnack kernel #4, launcherpro, and I have personally uninstalled a crap load of stuff (even htc sense and rosie altogether).
My opinion is that all these gimmicks that we have to go through to get good battery life while in standy are not necessary. What is necessary is for the charging system in the evo to be revamped. This is my own opinion, but I think the charging system in the evo skips stage 2 of the charging process which is why (this is what I think, I am no expert) so many people see the sudden drop from 100% down to whatever shortly after they unplug their charger.
It kind of makes sense as to why some people who charge their stock batteries in the ebay externals get better battery life, it's because they are actually being charged properly.
Again, this is just my opinion and I am in no way an expert on this. Just disclosing my experience and observations of my phone and it's behavior. Take from it what you will.

That's pretty amazing dude. Me personally would consider your use for this test to be pretty heavy. I'm more than impressed to see 37% battery life. And from what I've been reading up on the external charger is definitely the way to go. Although it's quite a pain to have to charge our evos like this just for maximum battery life. Hopefully in the future releases of phones we won't have tis do things like this. As mentioned in another post the switching of the battery to charge it will eventually make the back door loose or maybe even break sooner than planned, which is a problem for people who don't have extra doors. I guess it's not a bad investment to buy extra doors though.
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lovethyEVO said:
From what I have seen, most battery life comparisons/stats are usually done with the phone in standby/screen off majority of the time.
I decided to do it the other way.
I am using the seidio extended battery
My opinion is that all these gimmicks that we have to go through to get good battery life while in standy are not necessary.
It kind of makes sense as to why some people who charge their stock batteries in the ebay externals get better battery life, it's because they are actually being charged properly.
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Here is my take and i edited your post down to the points i am discussing.
First I like the fact you realize most battery tests and many of the people getting ridiculous battery life are idle most of the time (even if they say they are moderate use normally they have 1-3 hours of moderate use out of the 30 hours battery life they claim). I think showing actual usage time is much more impressive.
Now if you are going to do a battery post and talk about opinions and what your battery life is ... i don't suggest using an extended battery. you show that over aprox 8 hours of use (wont classify it as heavy moderate etc since you didnt) you lost about 50% the problem here is the extended battery from seidio has a much larger capacity then your standard htc battery that comes with evo (even if it doesnt actually have the 3500mah it is still a lot more). On a est i did i could play a movie on a stock battery for just over 5 hours before the battery drained using nothing but the stock install of a rom and without changing settings to turn things off etc. So in my opinion the battery life you are showing is actually a little low for that battery but that not really the point.
now as for the evo charging incorrectly. the reason why peoples batteries drop quickly the first 20-30 minutes (for most who have a correctly calibrated "battery") is because EVO doesn't have a trickle charge. this doesnt mean the evo isnt charging the battery correctly. the idea behind not having a trickle charge is it helps prolong the life of the battery it self at the cost of 0-10% charge depending on where it is when you take it off the charger.
While i personally would rather have the trickle charge and have to buy replacement batteries more often. it isnt that the evo charges incorrectly it. They jsut made the choice to try to make the battery itself last as long as possible at the cost of some battery use time depending on when you take it off the charger.

These are my latest seidio 3500 numbers with correct battery conditioning. Going to try and duplicate these numbers. Most of about 10 hours was slacker and pandora. This was from 100 to 14 percent on 3500 seidio. Pics for your pleasure and debate. I was able to get another 8 hours standby from this point and hour of lets golf before battery died. That was my 2nd conditioning of the battery. Going on 3rd full slow trickle charge up now. The trickle charge on battery wall charger takes about 12 hours wtf but worth it. I just use my cheap china 3000mah to cover the time.
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omegasun18 said:
Here is my take and i edited your post down to the points i am discussing.
First I like the fact you realize most battery tests and many of the people getting ridiculous battery life are idle most of the time (even if they say they are moderate use normally they have 1-3 hours of moderate use out of the 30 hours battery life they claim). I think showing actual usage time is much more impressive.
Now if you are going to do a battery post and talk about opinions and what your battery life is ... i don't suggest using an extended battery. you show that over aprox 8 hours of use (wont classify it as heavy moderate etc since you didnt) you lost about 50% the problem here is the extended battery from seidio has a much larger capacity then your standard htc battery that comes with evo (even if it doesnt actually have the 3500mah it is still a lot more). On a est i did i could play a movie on a stock battery for just over 5 hours before the battery drained using nothing but the stock install of a rom and without changing settings to turn things off etc. So in my opinion the battery life you are showing is actually a little low for that battery but that not really the point.
now as for the evo charging incorrectly. the reason why peoples batteries drop quickly the first 20-30 minutes (for most who have a correctly calibrated "battery") is because EVO doesn't have a trickle charge. this doesnt mean the evo isnt charging the battery correctly. the idea behind not having a trickle charge is it helps prolong the life of the battery it self at the cost of 0-10% charge depending on where it is when you take it off the charger.
While i personally would rather have the trickle charge and have to buy replacement batteries more often. it isnt that the evo charges incorrectly it. They jsut made the choice to try to make the battery itself last as long as possible at the cost of some battery use time depending on when you take it off the charger.
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50% loss over 8 hours of near constant use (my awake time shows that it did manage to sleep somehow even though I streamed pandora constantly) on any battery (extended or not) is actually a good thing as it shows that even with the phone fully bogged down (almost all radios on) it can last a full work day (which is what most people are concerned about).
I still believe the evo does not charge the batteries correctly and it is not solely related on the absence of a trickle charge.
Again, from my observations over the course of the past three weeks. I started with what my battery was calibrated to according to the phone. Let it drain down to about 15% (according to the phone) and wiped the battery stats and did a different charging method from the htc "rain dance".
Here is where my opinion of the evo not charging properly comes into play.
From 15% to 100% charge (charged while phone and screen are on to monitor voltage, temp, mA draw, etc.) took about an hour +/- a couple minutes. As soon as the led turned green (yes, I literally sat at my phone watching the percent slowly rise) I unplugged the charger and noted the resting voltage level and percent (according to three seperate battery status applications). Once noted, I powered down the phone. After the screen completely shut off I removed the battery and tested the voltage. I did this for my own information because I wanted to verify the phone itself was actually reporting the voltage levels correctly. It was.
Now, recall that I had just charged the phone to 100% and had wiped battery stats prior to charging.
Replaced the battery back into the phone and powered up. Normally people see a jump in battery percentage when they power down and back up. Not in my case. To my amazement, the evo reported my battery as being at 78% charge level. So I went from being 100% charged down to 78% percent charge all from powering down, removing the battery, checking voltage, and then replacing battery and powering up. Time to power down, remove, check voltage, replace and power up is somewhere around the one minute mark +/-.
Again, referencing the link I provided earlier about charging li-ion batteries, the evo seems to skip stage 2 of the charging process which usually results in about a 70% charge (according to the link).
Charged it again from the 78% mark to 100% and the charging time took just over an hour to get back to 100%. Same routine, check voltage on phone, power down, remove battery, check voltage on mmeter, replace battery, power on, check levels.
Second time around I dropped from 100% charge to about 89%. Voltage levels were always accurate. Charged again and took about another hour +/- and finally achieved a charge to where it would not fall or rise between a power down (97% seems to be my cap which is fine since I don't want to truly charge the battery to 100%).
To test the discharge rate I tried my best to keep the battery running condition identical for each discharge run.
I monitored the battery temp, cpu temp, battery voltage, amp draw, and cpu load.
Streaming only pandora and nothing else I usually managed to keep the amp draw to around 300 - 360mA with the screen on. This was my way of measuring the discharge rate without access to equipment that could give the battery a steady discharge load.
Every time the percentage dropped one I would note the volts, temps, amp draw and cpu load. Across the board temps and cpu load remained close to constant as the phone wasn't doing too much multitasking.
At this point, I have about 4 full voltage readouts from 100% down to 15%. Without wiping battery stats, if I charge the phone with my method (charge to 100%, power down, remove battery, replace battery, power up and recharge) my past voltage readouts coincide with my battery readouts on the phone (87% falls within a certain voltage range and so on) but if I just charge the battery until the phone says it's 100% then the readouts on the phone no longer fall within my past readouts until I go back to my charging method. This tells me that if I let the evo charge the battery the way it is programmed to (hardware or software) then it is not actually charging the battery to its full potential (not necessarily 100%).
Across the board the cpu load and the temps rarely drastically changed as it wasn't running multiple tasks at once. This is just my own observations and tests that I did/started doing for my own intellectual reference.
I have done the same charging method with my wife's evo and stock battery (1500 htc oem). I wiped her stats but only managed to get two full voltage readouts with her phone. She has stated that her battery does last longer than before and she is only rooted to remove bloatware. She is running stock rom, stock kernel, no task killers, no memory managers, and her radios and settings are close to mine (she gets more mail and facebook notifications than I do).
Again, this is just my opinion and personal observations. I did this solely because I got tired of having to constantly turn things on and off just to use them. My past phones never had this problem and I don't think the evo should have to be babied just to get good battery life. I still believe it all lies in the charging system of the phone and not necessarily the battery (extended versus stock).

Hey, what battery conditioning did you guys do? There's a ton of different suggestions and I am wondering if one or two have finally been proven to not be placebo.

I decided to do the HTC charging method when I changed roms to cm6. I went into hboot after and wipe stats. Turned on and took about 20 minutes to get to 98% using internet. Anyways I let phone die. Plug it in and I have system monitory with history monitoring. So I go to bed, and wake up to expect 100%. Nope 80%. Checked the monitor and trickled from 80% to 70% for 2 whole hours. I did the HTC thing again for full charge. Repeated. Only charges to 80%!!!! I changed roms. Same thing.
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martyzidek said:
I decided to do the HTC charging method when I changed roms to cm6. I went into hboot after and wipe stats. Turned on and took about 20 minutes to get to 98% using internet. Anyways I let phone die. Plug it in and I have system monitory with history monitoring. So I go to bed, and wake up to expect 100%. Nope 80%. Checked the monitor and trickled from 80% to 70% for 2 whole hours. I did the HTC thing again for full charge. Repeated. Only charges to 80%!!!! I changed roms. Same thing.
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Your situation also points to my opinion that the charging system on the evo does not charge correctly. I am also thinking that the battery stats dont play a huge role but I still jave more monitoring to do.

I also prefer the constant-use benchmarks, and did one myself as well. Charge to 100% and then stream using XiiaLive (96Kbps MP3) through WiFi (router in same room) + full brightness + screen ON (no timeout). My poor Evo lasted 3:55 before forced shutdown . Btw, running Fresh v3.1.0.2 with netarchy v4.1.8-cfs, no SetCPU or any other "battery saving" tools.

frifox said:
I also prefer the constant-use benchmarks, and did one myself as well. Charge to 100% and then stream using XiiaLive (96Kbps MP3) through WiFi (router in same room) + full brightness + screen ON (no timeout). My poor Evo lasted 3:55 before forced shutdown . Btw, running Fresh v3.1.0.2 with netarchy v4.1.8-cfs, no SetCPU or any other "battery saving" tools.
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I am at work now and when I get home I plan on charging the stock battery as best as I can and doing another constant use run to satisfy the crowd who run the stock battery.


This is why your battery drops 10-15% in the first 20 minutes.

Plain and simple: When the Evo is fully charged, it begins running off its battery until you plug it back in. It DOES NOT trickle charge whatsoever after it reaches 100%. When you're using your Evo on the charger, and it's showing full 100% charge, it is running off the battery, not the AC plug. And then when you unplug it, well, we all know what happens next. The battery meter drops insanely fast to the actual charge of the battery, which could be very low, depending on how long it's been sitting idle at 100% on your charger.
So all those times you've charged your Evo overnight, only to take it to work the next day and be at 80% within an hour? Your Evo was running off its battery for what I'm guessing was most of the night. It takes my Evo about an hour to two hours to fully charge back to 100%. Let's say you put your Evo on the charger at 11PM, it'll reach full charge by 1AM at the latest, and then run off its battery until whenever you take it off the charger in the morning.
1) Turn your Evo off while it's charging.
2) If you must leave it on for an alarm clock, put it in airplane mode and end all CPU intensive tasks to minimize battery drain.
3) When you wake up, unplug it for 10-20 minutes (still experimenting with this number), and then plug it back in to top it off. Once it reaches 100%, take it off the charger, and go about your day.
Try it out for yourself. When your Evo is 100% charged, take it off the charger immediately, and I highly doubt you will lose the 10%-15% within minutes. Please share your findings.
Er... Point of note, mine does it even if I pull it off the charger right when it turns green.
Post some technical schematic or other type of proof that shows that this circuitry isn't available in the EVO. That will prove beyond a doubt if what your saying is true.
That being said, only a group of the most retarded electrical engineers would design a charging system as you've described. It is INSANELY easy to build Li-Polymer charging circuitry that does the following (and it pretty much has to do these):
1. Detects battery temperature, and disables charging as a protective measure. In an emergency case it should shut off the device it's powering to allow the battery to cool down. This is a design requirement, or else your house burns down as you dump water on a Lithium fire thinking it's going to put it out. If you have a HERO, you can easily test this. Running the wireless tethering, GPS/Navigation, and Music with the screen running heats up the phone a ton. You'll notice the status light blink green once, then red a couple of times. This means that it's plugged in but not charging. Cool the phone down and it turns solid red again (charging).
2. Disable charging cycle when battery reaches a certain voltage. VERY SIMPLE voltage detection circuitry! The designer can of course adjust a gap to have charging turn back on when it dips below a certain voltage. Usually since this circuitry can be made with a decent amount of precision, that "turn back on" voltage ends up being roughly when the battery discharges to maybe 99.5%. That's just a guess, I admit but there's no harm in having the circuit switch on and off, even if it's often.
There are also a few other circuits that prevent the cell from blowing up in your pocket, like a current sensor to prevent an overcurrent. There's also some stuff that prevents you from being able to discharge the cell below it's avalanche voltage. In case you don't know what that is, when a Li-Ion battery discharges to a certain voltage, it avalanches to 0 (quickly falls). If it hits that point, you've pretty much ruined the battery and it will never charge the same again.
Anyway, this is stuff they taught and had design labs on back in college. While I have no actual proof that the phone wasn't designed as the OP describes, I find it highly unlikely. If this is the behavior that the circuitry exhibits, I would find it easier to believe that it's a design flaw, probably because some idiot didn't compile the correct bill of materials.
I haven't got any schematics or any sort of technical information on the subject. All I know is, it works wonders for me. When I take my Evo off the charger in the morning, it literally drops to ~90% within minutes. Once it does that, if I place it back on the charger for ~20 minutes, it charges back to 100% and stays there for 45 minutes to an hour.
I'd urge anybody who is noticing the immediate 10% to 15% drop in battery to give this a shot.
I would turn it off while I'm charging it overnight, but I use it as my alarm clock
Me Too
I am seeing the exact same behavior as the OP. This is really lame. Because of this, most people will end up losing 10% of their battery every day. Pretty lame.
I charge my phone overnight every night. Never noticed a problem and I just checked my battery and its at 88% and has been off the charger for 2.5hours so I'm not seeing the rapid discharge issue some people are seeing.
I don't think so man, I leave my screen on full brightness while it's charging, and if what you said was true it would go dead on the charger.
I think it's more likely the cells haven’t charged equally, so you get a big initial drop.
Grims said:
I don't think so man, I leave my screen on full brightness while it's charging, and if what you said was true it would go dead on the charger.
I think it's more likely the cells haven’t charged equally, so you get a big initial drop.
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I'm beginning to think that once the battery reaches 100% full, it runs off the battery until it reaches some arbitrary percentage. At which point it starts charging until it reaches 100% again, and then continues this cycle.
I'm testing a few other things right now. Part of me is convinced it reports 100% charge when it's actually below that level.
Krynj said:
I haven't got any schematics or any sort of technical information on the subject. All I know is, it works wonders for me. When I take my Evo off the charger in the morning, it literally drops to ~90% within minutes. Once it does that, if I place it back on the charger for ~20 minutes, it charges back to 100% and stays there for 45 minutes to an hour.
I'd urge anybody who is noticing the immediate 10% to 15% drop in battery to give this a shot.
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I'll try this out to see if I can get the same kind of behavior. I guess I honestly haven't looked to see if the phone drops 10-15% after pulling it off.
Krynj said:
I'm beginning to think that once the battery reaches 100% full, it runs off the battery until it reaches some arbitrary percentage. At which point it starts charging until it reaches 100% again, and then continues this cycle.
I'm testing a few other things right now. Part of me is convinced it reports 100% charge when it's actually below that level.
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This is what should be happening I believe, but I'd be surprised if it was set to such a huge swing like 10-15%
Grims said:
I don't think so man, I leave my screen on full brightness while it's charging, and if what you said was true it would go dead on the charger.
I think it's more likely the cells haven’t charged equally, so you get a big initial drop.
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This is an interesting theory. I do know that when you have multiple Li-Ion cells in a battery pack, if they discharge unevenly, you have to go off of the lowest charged cell. Again, if a cell were to drop below the avalanche voltage, you'd ruin the pack all together. On the other hand, the circuitry should let ALL cells charge to 100% so it's even again. Maybe they screwed this up, that design isn't so easy! Perhaps it detects one cell as 100% and shuts off the charge. Therefore, one could surmise that if you started with an unevenly charged battery pack, you'd have an immediate decrease in charge to the rating of the lowest charged cell. The good news (maybe) is that this is sometimes implemented with software. That means that HTC could release a bug fix for this, or if we have a savvy dev, they could try to fix it. We just need to prove the theory though.
This is all just a guess, keep that in mind. If I notice something like this with my phone today, maybe I can tear apart the battery and measure the voltage on each cell (if it even has multiple cells). I have a spare, so maybe I'd be up for this. Krynj (or anyone), if you have the HTC Hero, try charging your battery pack with it, see if it exhibits the same behavior on the Hero itself. If it doesn't, then try putting it back into the EVO and see if after a night of charging, it still drops 10-15% after disconnecting it from the AC.
The reason why the battery dies so fast has something to do with the memory card. Charge your phone and take the SD card out and watch it stay at 100% for a long as time. Then do it again with the SD card in and watch it dip down fast.
Apple laptops don't charge unless battery is below 90%. If you plug in the AC and the battery is above 90%, it will just run off AC power but I don't think the battery drains any then.
My battery life has been less than stellar, but I didn't notice it dropping 10-15% instantly off the charger. I did notice that it'd drop about 10% after driving to work with xiialive streaming, which was unusual to me. The battery would start running out after about 9 hours at work. I'd be in the yellow by the time I got home, and the battery would be complaining for a charge in the evening. So that's roughly 12 hours I would be getting out of the phone after normal use.
Since I'm suspecting an issue with the charging circuitry, I just recently tried charging my battery with the Hero. After it was fully charged, I put it back into my EVO last night and haven't charged it since. It's been running 13 hours, and is still nearly full green. The charge is at about 70%. I've been trying to graph the discharge all day too. It only dropped to 87% over night, dropped to 80% when I drove to work (xiialive), and then down to 74% after I spent some time setting up icons and modifying my home screen. This is...hands down a butt ton better than the past week.
I'm not using 4G.
WiFi is off.
3G is on.
GPS is on.
Not running a live wallpaper.
Sync is running at default settings.
Widgets that could be updating constantly:
I have the Clock/Weather HTC widget running.
I have the "word of the day" widget.
I have the Friendstream Widget running.
Craigslist Craignotifica app is running, set to notify me with search results.
The results are inconclusive though. Yesterday, I wiped and re-flashed DamageControl 3.2.x from scratch (backed up all apps with Ti-Backup, this means Android Market won't be notifying me if there are app updates -grumble-). So, somewhere between re-flashing and also charging my battery with the Hero caused this turn around.
apollooff320 said:
The reason why the battery dies so fast has something to do with the memory card. Charge your phone and take the SD card out and watch it stay at 100% for a long as time. Then do it again with the SD card in and watch it dip down fast.
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Interesting.....Will have to give a try. Will report back later.
I'm waiting for some definitive results with the "use another charging device or battery" method. It seems that the EVO just sucks at recharging the battery since people who have used another phone or a separate charger seem to report better results.
I leave my phone off at night and charge it - when I turn it on in the morning it still drops 5-10% in the first 20 minutes. But during the day it drops REALLY slow, so I still can get about 13-16 hours before 15% easily.
I have manual account sync, 3g only, wifi at home, usually gps is off, auto backlight settings for screen, and I don't run too many apps in the background, I just use them when I need them.
Has anybody found a solution to this? It's really starting to bother me. I've noticed that I don't seem to have the issue if I charge -> recovery -> wipe battery stats -> reboot. That kind of leads me to believe that something is inaccurate about the battery stats and the phone instead uses the actual raw value provided by the battery instead of whatever it is that it does with the battery stats.
I can tell you this, I bought two of the cheap battery chargers off of ebay and I have two OEM evo batteries. I don't even plug my phone in anymore. I get an hour of standby at 100% from those chargers and it falls instantly when charging from the phone. I just run them down then swap them out. I couldn't be happier and they are only like 10 bucks each with 2 batteries each.
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jnewkirk10 said:
I can tell you this, I bought two of the cheap battery chargers off of ebay and I have two OEM evo batteries. I don't even plug my phone in anymore. I get an hour of standby at 100% from those chargers and it falls instantly when charging from the phone. I just run them down then swap them out. I couldn't be happier and they are only like 10 bucks each with 2 batteries each.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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can you post a link or ebay or where ever u bought it from?
Try this I'm doing it from the phone
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
apollooff320 said:
The reason why the battery dies so fast has something to do with the memory card. Charge your phone and take the SD card out and watch it stay at 100% for a long as time. Then do it again with the SD card in and watch it dip down fast.
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If you have apps on your sd card that are running then yes that could be the case. SD cards need power to work but I dont know how much they draw..

Time to Recharge to Full Battery

Is it just me or everyone else that is experiencing a super long time in charging their phone to full battery? I am running the froyostone latest build and I have already followed all the guides in this forum to save battery life. The issue I am having is that it takes many hours to recharge the battery to full when connected to a wall charger.
It took 5 hours to go from 30% battery to 90%.
*no i wasn't charging the phone with the phone turn off*
Zythyr said:
Is it just me or everyone else that is experiencing a super long time in charging their phone to full battery? I am running the froyostone latest build and I have already followed all the guides in this forum to save battery life. The issue I am having is that it takes many hours to recharge the battery to full when connected to a wall charger.
It took 5 hours to go from 30% battery to 90%.
*no i wasn't charging the phone with the phone turn off*
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I have a stock battery, which I can charge from 25% or less to 100% in about 30 minutes to an hour. I think there is something wrong with your charger.
its actually not taking that long, it probably got to 90% VERY quickly, you just checked on it later... they're false numbers... what you need to do is this; run your battery all the way down.. then charge it for about 1-2hrs, until it gets somewhere in the 90's then, while plugged in, shut the phone down, remove the battery, put the battery back in, boot up the phone (the phone should remain plugged in) then load up WM, load up android with the hard buttons backlight on, then once it boots you should show higher than what you had before (if not 100%) from this point android will remember your charge and you will be able to go to 100% all the time now. (until you load a new rom)
10507 said:
I have a stock battery, which I can charge from 25% or less to 100% in about 30 minutes to an hour. I think there is something wrong with your charger.
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I got stock battery also. No idea why it taking so long.
javolin13 said:
its actually not taking that long, it probably got to 90% VERY quickly, you just checked on it later... they're false numbers... what you need to do is this; run your battery all the way down.. then charge it for about 1-2hrs, until it gets somewhere in the 90's then, while plugged in, shut the phone down, remove the battery, put the battery back in, boot up the phone (the phone should remain plugged in) then load up WM, load up android with the hard buttons backlight on, then once it boots you should show higher than what you had before (if not 100%) from this point android will remember your charge and you will be able to go to 100% all the time now. (until you load a new rom)
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I have already tried this but still no luck.
10507 said:
I have a stock battery, which I can charge from 25% or less to 100% in about 30 minutes to an hour. I think there is something wrong with your charger.
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What kernel are you using?
Sichroteph said:
What kernel are you using?
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I am using hastarin r8 kernel, but I was experiencing the same issue with previous versions and the default kernel.
I just tested the charging rate by connecting my HD2 to a stock charger from HTC which I borrowed from a friend. Charging was a lot faster.
Since I bought my HD2 used, the charger that came with it, is not the stock charger from HTC.
But I still don't understand what is causing the charging to be very slow.
How to calculate charging time
Charging time = capacity of battery x 1,4 / charging current
HD2 stock battery= 1230mAh x 1,4 / 1000mA = 1,7 hours
Two things on charging batteries:
1) First, make sure none of the pins in the battery compartment is bent. This dramatically slowed charging for me once.
2) Android keeps battery stats in a file that gets loaded with your build. THese stats are often wrong. Be sure to fully charge under WinMo, then with power still attached, boot into Android. This will adjust some of the stats and charging in Android should be fine then. There's a thread somewhere on more details here if you want to tweak your stats. The battery slows down its charging when it gets close to the full state. If for some reason your charger thinks the temperature is getting too high or the state is getting near full it dramatically slows the charging rate. Both of these could be erroneous interpretations of the battery data. Also, if you have an extended battery, make sure to use a Kernel that is compatible with extended batteries, like Hastarin 7.x.
Zythyr said:
I just tested the charging rate by connecting my HD2 to a stock charger from HTC which I borrowed from a friend. Charging was a lot faster.
Since I bought my HD2 used, the charger that came with it, is not the stock charger from HTC.
But I still don't understand what is causing the charging to be very slow.
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Not all chargers are built the same. Some usb charger provide more juice while others provide less. Maybe your non stock charger came from a non smart phone...
Zythyr said:
Is it just me or everyone else that is experiencing a super long time in charging their phone to full battery? I am running the froyostone latest build and I have already followed all the guides in this forum to save battery life. The issue I am having is that it takes many hours to recharge the battery to full when connected to a wall charger.
It took 5 hours to go from 30% battery to 90%.
*no i wasn't charging the phone with the phone turn off*
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Current Widget from the Market can tell you how many mA your phone is getting when it's charging.
this is just an approximation formula. a lithium ion battery charger is more sophisticated than this. it first brings battery voltage up to 20% safely (because any voltage below this is the harmful zone of operation), then it stuffs the battery at full capacity upto 80%. then in the 3rd stage, the current drops linearly with time.
over the past year, my stock battery gives me the following profile:
20-80% -> 1 hour (800-820ma constant, unless phone is awake)
80-100% -> 1 hour (800 -> 0ma)
by 100% i mean 0ma charge current. not 100% on the battery icon. you should be aware that the battery is still charging even after the indicator reaches 100%. but the current is insignificant (10-20ma)
even though the charger is rated at 5v 1A, it supplies only 820ma current at the maximum. this is normal. also for a lion battery the safe operating regions are around 20-90%. by safe i mean prolonging battery life. this roughly corresponds to 3.6v - 4.0v. avoid overcharging your battery frequently.
also someone mentioned current widget as a good approximate tool to study battery performance. you might also want to delete batterystats.bin and condition your battery once (i.e. fully discharge and fully recharge). this will force android to re-determine the new 0% and 100% levels. search the android forums for this.
hope this helps.
leehobin said:
Charging time = capacity of battery x 1,4 / charging current
HD2 stock battery= 1230mAh x 1,4 / 1000mA = 1,7 hours
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silenced3 said:
this is just an approximation formula. a lithium ion battery charger is more sophisticated than this. it first brings battery voltage up to 20% safely (because any voltage below this is the harmful zone of operation), then it stuffs the battery at full capacity upto 80%. then in the 3rd stage, the current drops linearly with time.
over the past year, my stock battery gives me the following profile:
20-80% -> 1 hour (800-820ma constant, unless phone is awake)
80-100% -> 1 hour (800 -> 0ma)
by 100% i mean 0ma charge current. not 100% on the battery icon. you should be aware that the battery is still charging even after the indicator reaches 100%. but the current is insignificant (10-20ma)
even though the charger is rated at 5v 1A, it supplies only 820ma current at the maximum. this is normal. also for a lion battery the safe operating regions are around 20-90%. by safe i mean prolonging battery life. this roughly corresponds to 3.6v - 4.0v. avoid overcharging your battery frequently.
also someone mentioned current widget as a good approximate tool to study battery performance. you might also want to delete batterystats.bin and condition your battery once (i.e. fully discharge and fully recharge). this will force android to re-determine the new 0% and 100% levels. search the android forums for this.
hope this helps.
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wow ! thanks alot !
Is it bad to let my charge over night overnight? I thought it would stop charging when it got full to avoid overhanging.
Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G
Since I have access to a a battery simulator and charger... the best way to recondition a battery is:
1. Create a low battery scenario by lowering the input voltage to just a hair above 2.7 volts (I had to create a shim to get to the battery receiver leads).
2. Boot with full 4.2 and in ClockWork remove battery stats
3. Drain and Charge battery to 4.2
I get enterprise email and I get a lot of mail daily that I have to read and respond to (150 or more -- no I don't respond to all of them), plus the phone calls, RSS reading and some texting plus a pic here and there and maybe a couple of you tube videos. I get more than 24 hours until the 15 % comes up. 50 hours would be nice but that did not even happen in my black berry with Edge only.
Mine improve 3 fold from sub 7 hours to 24 plus (yes I sleep late so probably the phone gets a 6 hour rest but the enterprise email and text is pushed down even then as I work with folks from Asia and Europe as well.
logdrum1 said:
Since I have access to a a battery simulator and charger... the best way to recondition a battery is:
1. Create a low battery scenario by lowering the input voltage to just a hair above 2.7 volts (I had to create a shim to get to the battery receiver leads).
2. Boot with full 4.2 and in ClockWork remove battery stats
3. Drain and Charge battery to 4.2
I get enterprise email and I get a lot of mail daily that I have to read and respond to (150 or more -- no I don't respond to all of them), plus the phone calls, RSS reading and some texting plus a pic here and there and maybe a couple of you tube videos. I get more than 24 hours until the 15 % comes up. 50 hours would be nice but that did not even happen in my black berry with Edge only.
Mine improve 3 fold from sub 7 hours to 24 plus (yes I sleep late so probably the phone gets a 6 hour rest but the enterprise email and text is pushed down even then as I work with folks from Asia and Europe as well.
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How do I create a low battery scenario by lowering the input voltage to just a hair above 2.7 volts?
hiltun said:
Is it bad to let my charge over night overnight? I thought it would stop charging when it got full to avoid overhanging.
Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G
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Yes, the "charger" that you plug into the wall is just a power supply, the actual "charger" is in the phone, and when it detects the battery is full it stops charging.

How to get full potential out of your extended batteries!!!

I have the seidio 3500 mah and love, especially after I found out how to manage it properly. Couple tricks with these larger batteries are as follows. This should work with all larger batteries.
1. When the charging light turns green, the battery is only at 1500. Keep on charge for about 3 hours longer or more to get full charges.
2. Wipe battery stats. Recovery, advanced, wipe battery stats. When you hit go, screen will go black for about 30 seconds. It's o.k. it's doing the wipe.
3.Condition the battery. Charge all the way, let run down completely till phone dies. Then charge all the way again. Do this bout 3 times. Should condition about 0nce a month to prolong battery life.
Follow these steps and you will love your big battery. I love mine. My Seidio runs bout a day and a half and I am constantly doing stuff with the phone. ENJOY!!!!
Ok are you using juice defender for it or any application that save battery life
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Nope, I only use task killers that can auto kill when screen turns off. Also, Itry to leave GPS turned off unless I need to turn it on. I just do as I posted origanally and it works great. I do keep my origal batt and back door available so when the batt gets low I can just run it completely dead. Oh yeah, I also have a spare batt charger the just charges the batt by itself.
squick said:
Nope, I only use task killers that can auto kill when screen turns off. Also, Itry to leave GPS turned off unless I need to turn it on. I just do as I posted origanally and it works great. I do keep my origal batt and back door available so when the batt gets low I can just run it completely dead. Oh yeah, I also have a spare batt charger the just charges the batt by itself.
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Don't do it!!!! Task killers are horrible for any phones running FroYo.
How come? It has never seemed to effect it.
kse91holydiver said:
Don't do it!!!! Task killers are horrible for any phones running FroYo.
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Some apps hang so it helps to use a task killer, I exclude the apps that usually start in their own. I also noticed after I close everything after a reboot, the phone runs much smoother with just the necessary apps running.
squick said:
1. When the charging light turns green, the battery is only at 1500. Keep on charge for about 3 hours longer or more to get full charges.
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That makes no sense. When the light is green, the battery is at 4.15-4.2 V, and it's no longer charged at this point.
Task killer should only be used if an app hangs, not set to automatic kill, android does this on it's own. GPS only turns on when an app needs it so turning it off does nothing. I get a full day and a half on a standard battery with Wifi on, GPS on and juice defender set to every 15 minutes which I'm now turning off due to facebook app and push notifications.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
DirtyShroomz said:
Task killer should only be used if an app hangs, not set to automatic kill, android does this on it's own. GPS only turns on when an app needs it so turning it off does nothing. I get a full day and a half on a standard battery with Wifi on, GPS on and juice defender set to every 15 minutes which I'm now turning off due to facebook app and push notifications.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
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So you can leave GPS on and its not killing the bat unless your running a gps intensive app? I had no idea....
nabbed said:
That makes no sense. When the light is green, the battery is at 4.15-4.2 V, and it's no longer charged at this point.
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The voltage isn't the the same as amps. When the batt is at 1500 it still has the proper voltage to run the phone but the cells are not full. The EVO is set to turn the light green when the batt is at 1500. I found this to be true cause when I first got the batt I would charge till it turned green then off I went. I wasn't getting any better batt life until I found info on how to properly charge these batts. Now I get bout a day and a half.
Squick is right. Let it charge for another few hours after it goes green for the extended battery from Seidio. If you unplug it right after it hits 100, it'll drop to 75 pretty quick. So let it keep charging.
squick said:
The voltage isn't the the same as amps. When the batt is at 1500 it still has the proper voltage to run the phone but the cells are not full. The EVO is set to turn the light green when the batt is at 1500. I found this to be true cause when I first got the batt I would charge till it turned green then off I went. I wasn't getting any better batt life until I found info on how to properly charge these batts. Now I get bout a day and a half.
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The charging circuit has no way of the determining the charge capacity. The only property that can be measured is the voltage, and consequently the rate at which voltage is changing and the current during charging.
If the charging circuit relied on capacity, you'd never be able to charge past 1500mah.
The basic process is to charge at constant current until each cell reaches 4.2 V; the charger must then gradually reduce the charge current while holding the cell voltage at 4.2 V until the charge current has dropped to a small percentage of the initial charge rate, at which point the battery is considered 100% charged. Some manufacturers specify 2%, others 3%, but other values are also possible.
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nabbed said:
The charging circuit has no way of the determining the charge capacity. The only property that can be measured is the voltage and the rate at which voltage is changing during charging.
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After all that I have read and personally tested, the battery is not fully charged when the light turns green. I have taken the phone off charge once the light turned green and the battery lasted no longer than a 1500. I found numerous threads that stated that the evo goes green once the battery reaches the 1500 point and that you need to charge well past the green full light. Once I started letting it charge at least 3 hours over, I get awesome battery life. If there is another explaination for this I would love to know!
squick said:
After all that I have read and personally tested, the battery is not fully charged when the light turns green. I have taken the phone off charge once the light turned green and the battery lasted no longer than a 1500. I found numerous threads that stated that the evo goes green once the battery reaches the 1500 point and that you need to charge well past the green full light. Once I started letting it charge at least 3 hours over, I get awesome battery life. If there is another explaination for this I would love to know!
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Try this:
1) Charge the phone till the light goes green.
2) Power off the phone completely (shut down).
3) Charge more with the phone being off until the light goes green again.
I'm guessing the extended battery like 3500mAh should be nearly fully charged at this point, and it shouldn't take more than 30-45 minutes for the second charge, as opposed to 3 hours.
The reason for this behavior, and I'm guesstimating here, is that HTC optimizes charging in the kernel to never exceed a certain limit, which is very close to 90-95% charge. A double capacity battery, having a different charging rate and the limit current, should be at 80-90% - double the difference - when charged with the phone on. Eliminating this optimization from HTC by charging with the phone off should, in principle, allow faster charging to nearly 100%.
squick said:
3.Condition the battery. Charge all the way, let run down completely till phone dies. Then charge all the way again. Do this bout 3 times. Should condition about 0nce a month to prolong battery life.
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Nonsense! The Evo uses a LiPo battery and there is no beneficial reason whatsoever to running the battery down. In fact, running the battery down unnecessarily will reduce the cycle life and the calendar life. In the simplest of terms, the LiPo cell chemistry is only capable of so many charge-discharge cycles before it loses significant ability to store energy and unnecessary cycles just use 'em up unnecessarily.
In fact, a bunch of partial charge-discharge cycles are a lot easier on LiPo cells than a few full charge-discharge cycles. In other words, your battery will remain healthy a lot longer if you charge it whenever you can instead of waiting until you have to all the time.
PGRtoo said:
Nonsense! The Evo uses a LiPo battery and there is no beneficial reason whatsoever to running the battery down. In fact, running the battery down unnecessarily will reduce the cycle life and the calendar life. In the simplest of terms, the LiPo cell chemistry is only capable of so many charge-discharge cycles before it loses significant ability to store energy and unnecessary cycles just use 'em up unnecessarily.
In fact, a bunch of partial charge-discharge cycles are a lot easier on LiPo cells than a few full charge-discharge cycles. In other words, your battery will remain healthy a lot longer if you charge it whenever you can instead of waiting until you have to all the time.
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Agreed. The only reason to discharge the battery completely might be to reset the battery calibration data and to recalibrate. But I really don't know if that even works.
Just saw the posts. I did not know that, but the rest still seems to work. If I charge the vary well past the green light, I get almost 2 days of use out of it.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I need testers for my battery fix that in theory, should charge all batteries (stock and extended) to maximum capacity. So far I tested it with a stock battery and it only lost 4% in an hour after being on the charger for 2 hours. Im testing my extended battery right now(it's only 1800mah).
here's the thread:
Don't be stupid and fall for this trick. It's only prank in case noobs don't know. A day and a half is normal for 3500MAH battery with full use ( abuse the hell out of it ).
I think nabbed has got it, your battery loops once it gets to the max the battery can hold. Its megahertz, not amps or volts.. Your phone tries maintaining 100% by letting itself lose power and have to charge back up. Like I said, its a loop pattern.

Battery Calibration process

Is this the definitive way to do it?
Those steps came from here, xda devs.
1. Run the device down until it turns itself off.
2. Turn it back on and wait for it to turn itself off again.
3. Remove the battery for 10 seconds.
4. Replace the battery, but leave the device off.
5. Charge the device until full and then for another hour.
6 **Root users only** Using a Terminal Emulator, type “su” enter, followed by “rm /data/system/batterystats.bin”
7. Run the device’s battery down until it turns itself off.
8 .Turn the device on and charge for at least 8 hours.
9. Unplug the device, turn off, then charge for another hour.
10. Unplug the device, turn on, wait 2 minutes.
11.Turn off again and charge for another hour.
12. Restart and use as normal.
Quite a performance! Does it preserve battery lifespan, or is it more to do with slowing down battery drain and does it really work?
He mentions 2 interesting things:
"Generally charge them before they get lower than 50%". I didn't know that, so it's actually better to charge more often and not let it drain down?
"USB charging is actually better for the battery and you may get up to 1 hours more standby time." So you gain an hour standby but it takes twice as long to charge the phone.
Nice manual
Will try it
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Some will say that its complete nonsense .
Overcharge for 8 hours ??? how does the battery not turn charging off at 100%
Recharge 50% the accepted figure is not to go below 20% to often .
They may be right or wrong their are so many contrasting views on battery charging .
Discharging battery and then reloading it fully, it's the normal procedure for battery calibration for almost all the devices in the world (including computers, etc.).
Step 8 to 11 seems quite a bit strange however.
hm, just seen a different way to calibrate the battery. basically, you drain the battery, take it out for a couple of minutes, put back in, then try to turn it on to make sure it's completely flat.
then you charge it fully, then boot to recovery and wipe battery stats then drain and fully charge. so... which one is more likely to be the better?
that guy also advises to repeat that 12 step, 1-2 day long tedious procedure "every month or so".
it is lunacy honestly speaking
does it work? did he died ?
LOL I dont understand .... I just read in another day that NEVER LET BATTERY GO LOWER THAN 15% and know I read "drain drain drain" Oh welll ...
I also thought that at 100% the charging process stops.
Although this thread is about battery calibration, these questions about battery charging always pop up.
Battery calibration is the process by which you set your device with your battery data.
Every single battery is slightly different. Although there are minimum stantards to every spec of the battery, each battery is different.
Calibrating your battery is nothing more than setting your phone to the real specs of your own battery (since the phone comes configured with the battery factory standards). For example, your phone may be set to use a battery which maximum charge is 1650 mAh, but your battery has a maximum charge of 1625 mAh. That may be within the acceptable factory standard, meaning you have a normal battery, but that also means that your phone will never indicate a 100% charge after you unplug the charger.
If you calibrate that hypothetical battery, you will "tell" your phone that its maximum charge capacity is actually 1625 mAh, meaning from that on your phone's battery indicator will be more accurate.
For that reason, it is necessary to fully discharge and fully recharge your battery for the calibration process, since your device must read the actual specs (minimum charge, maximum charge, charging current, etc) of the installed battery.
I don't know about how many times this full cicle (discharging and recharging) must be performed, but that is the reason why it must be performed for the calibration to succed.
A DIFFERENT THING is the normal discharging and charging process during normal use of the phone.
In this case, you should NEVER let your battery go under 20% and, what few people know, it also should never go over 95%. This stresses the battery and diminish its life time.
Also, and there's a lot of doubts about this, the lower the charging voltage, the slower the charging process, but the longer the battery life.
High charging voltages (like the one used by the charger sold with the phone, which is around 5V) stress the battery, diminishing considerably its life time.
That is true for all lithium-ion batteries!
Therefore it is better to charge your phone through USB (which uses around 4,3V) than to do it using the charger provided with the phone.
You may be asking "If the charging voltage of the charger provided by the manufacturer stresses the battery, why does the manufacturer provide such charger?"
For purely commercial reasons! Higher voltages mean shorter charging cycles, which please the consummer. Moreover, the battery capacity loss with the factory provided charger is around 15-20% a year (considering "normal" to "heavy" use). That is to say that after a year your battery will only reach 80-85% of the maximum charge it used to reach when it was new. And by that time your manufacturer expects you to consider buying a new phone, with more features.
Summing it up:
- calibration is just the process by which you "tell" your phone what the real specs of your battery;
- in normal use, charging your phone through USB is better than doing it with the manufacturer provided charger;
- try not to let your battery charge go under 20% nor above 95%;
- if you're interested, read more about it at
Spin three times in clockwise direction with left middle finger on your nose while blinking your eyes with the phone plugged in.
Jump in the air 3 times.
Unplug phone.
Thats some messed up instructions.
Do you have any idea what kind of strain you're putting on the battery while doing all that?
All you're gonna get is some extra minutes, maybe an hour but is it really worth it because you're just reducing overall battery lifespan by doing that procedure over and over.
Specially when you constantly keep the battery at 4200mV (full charge) for a long time. You're practically killing it by overcharging.
Transmitted from a Galaxy far far away via XDA telepathy.
m2smoe said:
Spin three times in clockwise direction with left middle finger on your nose while blinking your eyes with the phone plugged in.
Jump in the air 3 times.
Unplug phone.
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that made me chuckle
Never done a calibration on a battery and most of the time i even didn't let battery to discarge very much and then load it again. Never had a problem with battery life it last how long it should last every time and i've used that battery for years. So the battery "calibration" are kinda useless.
Matriak31 said:
that made me chuckle
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Well then, my job here is done
m2smoe said:
Well then, my job here is done
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it is indeed...i should follow you just to have more laughs like that cheers
RenatoN said:
Although this thread is about battery calibration, these questions about battery charging always pop up.
Battery calibration is the process by which you set your device with your battery data.
Every single battery is slightly different. Although there are minimum stantards to every spec of the battery, each battery is different.
Calibrating your battery is nothing more than setting your phone to the real specs of your own battery (since the phone comes configured with the battery factory standards). For example, your phone may be set to use a battery which maximum charge is 1650 mAh, but your battery has a maximum charge of 1625 mAh. That may be within the acceptable factory standard, meaning you have a normal battery, but that also means that your phone will never indicate a 100% charge after you unplug the charger.
If you calibrate that hypothetical battery, you will "tell" your phone that its maximum charge capacity is actually 1625 mAh, meaning from that on your phone's battery indicator will be more accurate.
For that reason, it is necessary to fully discharge and fully recharge your battery for the calibration process, since your device must read the actual specs (minimum charge, maximum charge, charging current, etc) of the installed battery.
I don't know about how many times this full cicle (discharging and recharging) must be performed, but that is the reason why it must be performed for the calibration to succed.
A DIFFERENT THING is the normal discharging and charging process during normal use of the phone.
In this case, you should NEVER let your battery go under 20% and, what few people know, it also should never go over 95%. This stresses the battery and diminish its life time.
Also, and there's a lot of doubts about this, the lower the charging voltage, the slower the charging process, but the longer the battery life.
High charging voltages (like the one used by the charger sold with the phone, which is around 5V) stress the battery, diminishing considerably its life time.
That is true for all lithium-ion batteries!
Therefore it is better to charge your phone through USB (which uses around 4,3V) than to do it using the charger provided with the phone.
You may be asking "If the charging voltage of the charger provided by the manufacturer stresses the battery, why does the manufacturer provide such charger?"
For purely commercial reasons! Higher voltages mean shorter charging cycles, which please the consummer. Moreover, the battery capacity loss with the factory provided charger is around 15-20% a year (considering "normal" to "heavy" use). That is to say that after a year your battery will only reach 80-85% of the maximum charge it used to reach when it was new. And by that time your manufacturer expects you to consider buying a new phone, with more features.
Summing it up:
- calibration is just the process by which you "tell" your phone what the real specs of your battery;
- in normal use, charging your phone through USB is better than doing it with the manufacturer provided charger;
- try not to let your battery charge go under 20% nor above 95%;
- if you're interested, read more about it at
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You should post the source for your info, cause I am seeing a lot of incorrect information in here.
If you guys want to learn about your battery, visit the site Battery University
The OEM replacement battery is worth about $10.
Save yourself the stress....use it...charge it when you need to...if the battery ever fails cough up $10.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
The way I would calibrate my batteries is a bit different. Lithium ion batteries don't need to be drained then charged to full AFAIK, and I even remember reading somewhere that draining it is actually only for NiCad batteries. It used to be relevant when phones were using NiCad but not anymore.
As such I have read that the universal way to 'calibrate' batteries is by charging to full, using for a couple of mins and charging again.
What I have been doing is:
1. Charge to full when phone is switched off (doesn't matter if it's from 0% or 99%).
2. Switch on the phone, use for 5 mins.
3. Switch off then charge until full.
4. Repeat step 2 once more
That's it! It seems pretty simple but it seems to have worked for me.
The way i do it is different. Firstly i have the battery calibration app from the market by Nema..then i fully charge my phone and when it says its fully charge i go into the app. There it gives me the instructions on how to calibrate...First i wait till i charge the phone without any interruptions. then click on the app and wait til the battery goes to 4200MV and then i press the calibrate button and then the app does it for me. Then i drain the battery again without any interuptions or breaks during that time and then charge it again once battery dies down and thats it.
there are so many ways being touted on the forums you really dont know which one to go for...but whatever works for each person then who are we to tell someone different just thought i share that
If my battery dies, or gets significally lower capacity after 1 or 2 years of usage, I'll just buy a new one if I plan to keep the phone longer.. Going through these rituals and painstakenly monitor my battery % so that it never goes below 20 % or above 95 % is just not worth it.. Doesn't increase the life THAT much anyway.. I use the phone until I hear the beep for low batt, and from there until I have a charger available.. Most of the time it's before it reaches 10 %, thats good enough for me.. Once in a while it might even go so far that it dies.. Then I charge it till it says 100 %.. Most of the times I plug it when going to bed, and let it charge over night.. This is normal usage and what the battery should be designed to handle, and so far it does..

Battery Care/Battery Life

I want to make the most out of my galaxy tablet 10.1 battery life, i was wondering what would be the best care for it. Each 1% for me lasts about 4 and half minutes on 40% brightness, wifi on, gps off, and auto rotation off. I heard the gets close to 9 hours of battery life, but I estimate mine about 7.5ish? Also, would it be best to completely drain the battery and then recharge to 100? I heard its not good for lithium battery to drain completely and recharge because it will put more wear to it. Any suggestions?
There are many theories but the following is what i follow.
It's not a good idea to discharge below 20%.
Lithium batteries don't like to be stored fully charged for long persiods of time, lithium battery is most happy at nominal voltage, so it's not a good idea to leave your device connected to charger if not needed.
I seem to get 1hour of display on use for 10% of battery, this is with minimum screen brightness.
Having read up about this I have decided to charge mine every night no matter what the charge. A typical day use can leave me with 40 percent to 80 percent left. I discovered that a charge cycle is not the same as a charge. A cycle means 100 percent of the charge stored being taken off and put on the battery. So if you use 20% a day and charge each night that is 1 cycle in 5 days not 5 cycles. There is no reason to avoid plugging it in as you dont want the charge to drop too low or else the battery is lessened very slightly.
I am sure there are lots of opinions on this but am happy with the above and battery performance is great. I was worried about unnecessary charging but that is not the thing to worry about - do anything you can to keep it over 20% (although a near total discharge every month would be good to keep the calibration in check).
Don't stress about it too much. Just enjoy the device. With sensible use your tab will he long replaced and discarded before the battery fails.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using XDA App
^^^ my thoughts exactly. By the time the battery fails to hold a charge, the device will be far out dated...

