[SOLVED]Manila 2018 does not shown My RSS feeds - Windows Mobile

helllo to all i have cooked a rom with Manila 2018 with rss feeds in home but after flash when i add rss feeds it does not shown my rss in manila home it shows like "Launching Service"
and i used also rss hub from OBOE rom
will anyone please help me if u have any solution
thanks to all

shafizal said:
helllo to all i have cooked a rom with Manila 2018 with rss feeds in home but after flash when i add rss feeds it does not shown my rss in manila home it shows like "Launching Service"
and i used also rss hub from OBOE rom
will anyone please help me if u have any solution
thanks to all
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If you had used the latest rss hub from OBOE rom, it should work. I've tried this these versions RSS Hub v2.1.2.1115.01 to RSS Hub v2.1.2.1117.01 and all 3 versions works for me.

Make sure you have this registry entree
You always should translate a manila archive in home. Look at your specific lang the manila archive named "<file datatype="plaintext" original="Home">"
and compare it with this one in spanish translated for me and add the neccesary lines. i hope this help you.

thanks for ur replys i changed the rss hub version from the recent oboe dump and now its works ....thanks to malatest and zard


[REQ] HTC Twitter cab for Manila 2.1

Manila 2.5 includes the HTC Twitter tab which is very handy for twittering. However, I prefer the Manila 2.1 Homescreen rather than the Manila 2.5 Homescreen.
Is there an HTC Twitter cab available that can be installed onto Manila 2.1?
I've been searching also but could not find anything
I'm also intrested for that cab-file
Have been using Twitter a my Blackstone with XannyTech rom EVO1.2 (of course Manila 2.5) ... and that was working fine.
btw, you can also use TWIKINI , it has no tab on the manila 2.1 interface ... have to install it as a standalone program.
Try moTweets instead of Twikini:
It's super-cheap and got really AWESOME interface! You'll love it... ^^
It got integrated, system-level notification and all feature mentioned in Twikini, BUT WITH SUPER-NICE INTERFACES.... ^^
+1 on motweets. i too really nj0y the 2.5 twitter tab tho. cant wait for some VGA features to be ironed out.

[DISCUSSION][UNSOLVED] Differences in Manila Core(Manila 2_5_201212225_0 adding tabs)

I'm pretty stuck upgrading my rom to the new Manila core so many ppl are asking here in forum.
Many chefs included these Manila versions but I'm having a very hard time patching it to my liking so I wonder how you guys patched it?
Or maybe you didn't patch it at all and the functions I mention below just don't work in your rom?
Or maybe you are using a Manila which you don't need to patch at all and all these functions work default?
I'm no Manila expert but I tried to mix the Manila packages to get it working but no joy untill now.
Maybe someone knows how to fix the homebutton how Hank2 did on HTC Blackstone?
I tried to fix it using the files from Dopod Manila into Topaz Manila but it just doesn't work.
Also mixing packages doesn't work because the Core files are different.
I can't find any topics about it so I taught lets ask so we can improve Manila together so we have a good upgraded standard?
Maybe I'm the only Manila nOOb on this forum?
Here are the differences I discovered:
No stock tab
No Twitter
Topaz Manila_Core_2_5_20113030_0
Hardware homebutton doesn't work
No Footprints
Correct me if I'm wrong.
It would be great to have all HD2 standards in rom, Footprints plus stock tab plus Homebutton working, anyone is willing to coloborate?
Anyway I'm going to investigate more and hopefully find something I can share with you.
As promised and a thank you for your help here's my New Manila with FULL Dependencies to use in your kitchen.
It supports full landscape and has a Twitter and Footprints tab added.
Laurentius26_HD2_Manila_2_5_20113030_0 CFC FULL
Happy cooking.
Grtz Leo
Home Key is easy
i Have pretty much everything you asked for only problem i have is with docexplorer seems to freeze sense after i go into the doc
ok problem solved i think,
do you want me to upload my files??
sgilesuk said:
ok problem solved i think,
do you want me to upload my files??
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Sure please.
Thanks for your help guys, I just figured it out myself after a couple of days searching.
The Manila I will use you can find in this Russian shipped rom shared here thanks to t0mmyr:
It contains Dopod_Manila_Core_2_5_20112328_0 plus working homebutton.
Offcourse you need the 0409 muis as well as it contains 0804.
Only the Twitter tab is missing, so to add more tabs you need to edit this manila file with a tekst editor:
It contains the tab settings
If you want and all is working fine I can upload the Manila for you later.
Cheers and thanks for your help.
These are the manila packs i used. mostly from the latest TOPAZ ROM
exept doc explorer from 2.01 and footprints is from 1.66 if i remember correctly
EDIT:might be a few errors to sort out still !!!
I haven't any issue with buttons using manila from topaz 2.54
If you didn't modify something I'm 100% sure you have a issue only didn't notice it yet.
Scroll the manila tab to settings and now press the hardware homebutton.
It won't bring you to home.
texture said:
I haven't any issue with buttons using manila from topaz 2.54
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Laurentius26 said:
If you didn't modify something I'm 100% sure you have a issue only didn't notice it yet.
Scroll the manila tab to settings and now press the hardware homebutton.
It won't bring you to home.
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that is the home key button fix, add it to the .reg file
Laurentius26 said:
If you didn't modify something I'm 100% sure you have a issue only didn't notice it yet.
Scroll the manila tab to settings and now press the hardware homebutton.
It won't bring you to home.
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All works better...but...i'm using reg keys from manila 1922
Thanks friend, I only tried to explain that the homebutton in Topaz Manila doesn't work without this mod.
sgilesuk said:
that is the home key button fix, add it to the .reg file
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the only problem i have now is manila freezes in the document tab sometimes after i have selected a document, but then sometimes it works fine, anyone have any ideas??
Thanks for sharing. I tried with only the packages you uploaded all the rest are from 2.02 Test. I seem to get lock ups everywhere. I was going to try to turn off the documents tab but it locks up when going into the menu, Settings page and more. I also found it strange but the music tab rotates but not photos tab.
Are you using some of the other support packages from the new ROM?
at the moment ive got all 1.66 packages apart from the ones in the package, document explorer is the only lock up im getting, im gonna take it out and see if sense is stable... the tab rotation is known issue. there is a fix for it around, where have u been experiencing the lock ups??
Can you make the Twitter tab rotate to?
Did you modify the tabs with the Manila file I suggested?
Currently I have Topaz Manila 2.5.20113030.0 running, pretty stable with added Footprints tab.
Also the homebutton is working great with the reg you suggested.
The only issue I'm facing is the Footprints tab sometimes resets Manila.
I will investigate more this afternoon.
Just a taught, maybe it's HTCFramework you need from the T-Mob rom to fix freeze with doc tab?
sgilesuk said:
at the moment ive got all 1.66 packages apart from the ones in the package, document explorer is the only lock up im getting, im gonna take it out and see if sense is stable... the tab rotation is known issue. there is a fix for it around, where have u been experiencing the lock ups??
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Some good news, all tabs rotate I just noticed inclusive Twitter.
Bubblebreaker said:
Can you make the Twitter tab rotate to?
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anybody knows how to fix the "sound & display" in Settings tab... when i clic on it manila just stop working
It would be usefull if you tell which Manila you use or sum up the packages so we can have a look.
bowow said:
anybody knows how to fix the "sound & display" in Settings tab... when i clic on it manila just stop working
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sgilesuk said:
at the moment ive got all 1.66 packages apart from the ones in the package, document explorer is the only lock up im getting, im gonna take it out and see if sense is stable... the tab rotation is known issue. there is a fix for it around, where have u been experiencing the lock ups??
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Tab documents work well for me
i have problem only tab stock and setting
Manila freeze with this two tab

[SOLVED] RSS reader in Manila 2.5 Home tab?

I noticed an RSS reader in Sense 2.5's home tab for some of the ROMs that are coming without CHT. I wonder how i can get that?
any help is much appreciated
my findings ...
I just found out that its included in Manila_Home_v2.5.20161427.0 which comes with Manila 20153712
but for some reason, when i cook it, the home screen looks distorted? anyone has experienced this?
Shu. said:
I just found out that its included in Manila_Home_v2.5.20161427.0 which comes with Manila 20153712
but for some reason, when i cook it, the home screen looks distorted? anyone has experienced this?
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read this http://www.mobileunderground.info/showthread.php?t=887&page=65
thanks to Captain_Throwback at mobileunderground.info
thanks, its solved now

RSS news on today screen...

Is there any way to RSS messages can be displayed on the today screen ? Currently, I use SPB to RSS News, but in this program can not be set somehing like this. Or maybe you can run the reader as an additional bookmark ? Some ideas ? Help...
danieldd said:
Is there any way to RSS messages can be displayed on the today screen ? Currently, I use SPB to RSS News, but in this program can not be set somehing like this. Or maybe you can run the reader as an additional bookmark ? Some ideas ? Help...
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Use a rom with manilla 2015 maybe Duttys roms?
It looks like this.
I have rom based on 2015 and 2016 and RSS feeds don't apear on desktop and i dont see any option to enable it in CHT Editor. Crap...
danieldd said:
Is there any way to RSS messages can be displayed on the today screen ? Currently, I use SPB to RSS News, but in this program can not be set somehing like this. Or maybe you can run the reader as an additional bookmark ? Some ideas ? Help...
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I am also looking for this. Anybody???
hg3atintin said:
Use a rom with manilla 2015 maybe Duttys roms?
It looks like this.
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Is there just a CAB for this instead of going through the hassle of putting a New Rom on, when I'm happy with the Rom I have.
if I am not wrong, Cookie is planning to integrate RSS feeds to the homescreen with the next version of his mod. just need to wait for his next release.
xavierdemon said:
Is there just a CAB for this instead of going through the hassle of putting a New Rom on, when I'm happy with the Rom I have.
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Rurph said:
if I am not wrong, Cookie is planning to integrate RSS feeds to the homescreen with the next version of his mod. just need to wait for his next release.
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Thanks for the heads up, I'd like that solution .

[MOD][VGA][06/09/2010] Sense 2.5.20182814/2.5.20183025

This is a VGA port of Sense 2.5.20182814.0 from Oboe 1.03 ROM.
On how to cook it, I hope that someone could come up with a tutorial. Anyway, the Core package is configured to show Twitter and Stock tabs. So, you can cook in with previous version of the packages.
Regarding EXT packages, you can use the one I posted in the 2016 (VGA) thread as I include the separate package for VGA. Also, you can easily port the XML files using XmlGui (see my signature).
Sense 2.5.20182814 VGA packages
24/08/2010: Programatix Sense 2.5.20182814 VGA (CFC)
Drag-to-remove feature in Home and Internet tabs for landscape is not working correctly.
The combobox component is still WVGA.
Settings tab is not ported because it has some extra settings which are not supported by most VGA devices. If I port it, I need to do extra work just to remove the extra settings.
Sense 2.5.20183025 VGA packages
06/09/2010: Sense 2.5.20183025 VGA (ported by abrasive)
24/08/2010: Internet Tab icons and People Icons (CFC)
26/08/2010: CFC Tool - I created 2 batch files for CFC operation. See screenshot inside the zip on where to place the files and how to use them. (Thanks to chainfire for cfc.exe)
Note: The batch files are tools to CFC/unCFC the manila files only. Please also make sure that all files have their read-only, system and hidden attributes removed. You still have to manually add the 2 dll files required for CFC support and patch manila.exe and mode9.exe to use them.
Coffee Break!
I you like my work, please buy me coffee so that I can stay awake! I would like to thank the following people for their donation:
James Smith
Jason Smith
Sam Sublett
Q: I cooked in People v2.5.20182814.0 and I can't send SMS when HTC Messaging Client is not cooked in.
A: I have not fix the problem with dual sim card support yet. Maybe I will never do. Use People v2.5.20161424.0 as replacement.
Q: I cooked in Message v2.5.20182814.0 and I'm seeing unknown menu items.
A: I have not translated the new menu items. Use Message v2.5.20161428.0 as replacement.
Q: I cooked in People v2.5.20161424.0 and there are missing tab icons for Group Action page.
A: I've included the icons in Internet Tab icons and People Icons (CFC).
Q: I cooked in People v2.5.20161424.0 and I'm seeing old icons used for the tabs (2nd layer).
A: I've included the icons in Internet Tab icons and People Icons (CFC).
Q: When reading SMS (without HTC Messaging Client) in Message tab (2nd layer) in People tab, I can't scroll to the top.
A: I have not patch manila.exe. Use manila.exe and mode9.exe from Core v2.5.20161332.0. If mode9.exe is not included, Sense would not start.
Q: Every times I exit from the Facebook page in People tab, Sense crashes.
A: I have not patch manila.exe. Use manila.exe and mode9.exe from Core v2.5.20161332.0. If mode9.exe is not included, Sense would not start.
Great TNX for that
Well, here is the new ingredients for our kitchen. Thanks a lot programatix for your all efforts. Keep it up!
Best Regards
home tab looks perfect,i like this style
wow,i missed this one! have to try it out asap thanks a lot for your effort m8!
etoy said:
wow,i missed this one! have to try it out asap thanks a lot for your effort m8!
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me too Again thanks programatix for your great effort
heyy programmitx, other than the tabs you already ported, i'm just curious if we could use the older 2016 port on the rest of the 2018 packages that get released. I dont care if landscape works or not, not sure if any other changes have taken place from 2016 to 2018
hi programatix,almost everything seems to work fine,congratulations for your job. can i ask you a favour? i'd like to adjust the alignment of some home tab elements:
- "Call History" button in portrait mode is a little too high
- "Call History" button in landscape mode a little too low
(probably 1 or 2 pixels misalignment between call history and date for both)
-"Alarm Off" (or alarm hour if enabled) text is a little too high (overlapping the clock minutes tabs)
can you please tell me what are the values to look for? is 22e41977_manila the right file to look into? thanks a lot!
Dual sim fixes
I am sure you already saw these fixes for the Message and People tab (related to dual sim) from mobileunderground:
For Message Tab:
For People Tab:
Anyway we can use also the 2016 packages...i think for example that Core 2018 is more important that these 2 tab packages...
There is also Manila 20182814 from Oboe 1.03:
Mod to exclude HTC Messaging Client?
I would LOVE to exclude Messaging Client from my ROMs, if possible. I know with the 2012 port, there were a couple of different options that allowed me to exclude the HTC Messaging from my ROM (TMartin, kimi), but using those mods now break scrolling in my Manila SMS thread (and cause some other side effects). I know as the Sense versions get newer, the dependency on the Messaging Client increases (unfortunately), but I was hoping some genius could create a mod that would allow us to use the Classic Manila Messaging without any negative side effects?
I'm also having an issue with the RSS Feed where it only gives me the "Welcome" feed, even after I've selected & refreshed the feeds. I think, though, that this is related to the version of RSS Hub that I'm using (I was using an older OBOE version - I'm about to try a newer one now). Hopefully that corrects the issue there.
Captain_Throwback said:
I'm also having an issue with the RSS Feed where it only gives me the "Welcome" feed, even after I've selected & refreshed the feeds. I think, though, that this is related to the version of RSS Hub that I'm using (I was using an older OBOE version - I'm about to try a newer one now). Hopefully that corrects the issue there.
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use RSSHub package in oboe and add reg key below
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ilium Software\RSS Hub]
ted973 said:
use RSSHub package in oboe and add reg key below
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ilium Software\RSS Hub]
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That key, of course already exists, as I am using RSS Hub from the Oboe.
Using a newer Oboe version of RSS Hub seems to have fixed the problem. Looking good!
Captain_Throwback said:
I would LOVE to exclude Messaging Client from my ROMs, if possible. I know with the 2012 port, there were a couple of different options that allowed me to exclude the HTC Messaging from my ROM (TMartin, kimi), but using those mods now break scrolling in my Manila SMS thread (and cause some other side effects). I know as the Sense versions get newer, the dependency on the Messaging Client increases (unfortunately), but I was hoping some genius could create a mod that would allow us to use the Classic Manila Messaging without any negative side effects?
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I have noticed this as well. We need a HTCMessaging Client-less version of 2018 with a Twitter Tab because the scrolling for it is all messed up.
Captain_Throwback said:
That key, of course already exists, as I am using RSS Hub from the Oboe.
Using a newer Oboe version of RSS Hub seems to have fixed the problem. Looking good!
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Hi Captain_Throwback,
Could you please share this new RSS Hub package?
mkucuksari said:
Hi Captain_Throwback,
Could you please share this new RSS Hub package?
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Attached is the package I just dumped from Oboe_Dopod_CHS_1.03.706.0_Debug ROM. You'll need to get 0409 (if WWE) and maybe change/import it into an EXT if you're kitchen uses those.
mkucuksari said:
Hi Captain_Throwback,
Could you please share this new RSS Hub package?
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In fact, someone just posted the newest Oboe RSS Hub package here: http://www.mobileunderground.info/showthread.php?t=20557&p=50777#post50777
mwalt2 said:
Attached is the package I just dumped from Oboe_Dopod_CHS_1.03.706.0_Debug ROM.
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Captain_Throwback said:
In fact, someone just posted the newest Oboe RSS Hub package here: http://www.mobileunderground.info/showthread.php?t=20557&p=50777#post50777
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Hi mwalt2 and Captain_Throwback,
Thanks for sharing
Captain_Throwback said:
I would LOVE to exclude Messaging Client from my ROMs, if possible. I know with the 2012 port, there were a couple of different options that allowed me to exclude the HTC Messaging from my ROM (TMartin, kimi), but using those mods now break scrolling in my Manila SMS thread (and cause some other side effects). I know as the Sense versions get newer, the dependency on the Messaging Client increases (unfortunately), but I was hoping some genius could create a mod that would allow us to use the Classic Manila Messaging without any negative side effects?
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If I'm not mistaken, it is caused by the Core package... because I've tried cooking in both original Core and People and I get the same result. Then I tried People from 2016 and I still get the same result.

