[Q] Multiple Android Installations At Once. - HD2 Android Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting and Genera

Hey guys, I'm pretty new to the Android scene, but have been happily using FroyoStone for quite some time now. That being said, I have been looking around the Android Forum and have seen a lot of very pretty and exciting builds.
Being a man who cannot make up his mind, and too lazy to try them all one at a time, I was wondering if it was at all possible to install more than one Android build at any given time on my SD card. It's 16GB in size, so that wouldn't be an issue, I am just wondering what steps I would have to take to insure that none of the builds would conflict with each other. Would it be as simple as to put them all into their own seperate folders? ( I was under the impression that you HAD to run it from a folder named Android, would it require a Reg hack to change this? )
If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on this matter, I would like to hear from them.
I will update my post with any successes I achieve if anyone else is interested in hording builds
Wow I joined in October 2007 and this is my first post!

I currently have 3 builds on my phone. There are a couple of android loaders in that tell you how to load multiple builds. Check the development forum.

Will do, thanks for the speedy and to the point reply.

help setting up mulitiple builds
I've been having a problem with loading multiple builds. I've tried the multi build loader and was unsuccessful. I named each folder specifically (sdcard/android; sdcard/android evo; etc.) just to differentiate. I even changed the startup txt to reflect the folder accordingly. But the loader would always load the one that's in the "android" folder. Even when I go into the specific folder of a separate build and run clrcad and haret, it will still load the other build.
Using Shubcraft stock 1.5, Mdeejay evo sense 1.6, and darkstone. Any help appreciated. Thank you for your patience and time with me.

Each builds startup.txt should reflect its folder name.
This is example line from startup.txt
set cmdline "rel_path=Android_evo nand_boot=0"
(Change the red word to reflect yours)
You can use Exceller Multiple Build Loader for Android
You can tap to change which build to load.
With this setup you can have unlimited number of android builds in your sd card at the same time and they won't conflict with each other. (Well, of course sd card capacity is the limit )


Android FAQ (IMPORTANT Please Read)

Hey guys this is important I can't continue this FAQ cause I'm goin back to school in like 4-5 days (sophmore in high school takin ap classes hell yeah!)and I don't even think I will keep my vogue. Well anyway my point is I can't update this FAQ frequently anymore but I give full permission for a copy and paste of all the info I have as long as that person will keep an Android FAQ going and knows what he is doing.
New Builds posted check the google code page (created by Vilord) http://code.google.com/p/vogue-android/
I just needed to state this because for the past couple days I've been confused with who worked on The clean 1.5 cupcake build that is on the google code page and this is what was on Vilord's Thread
Credits for the kernel (zImage) go to DZO. This kernel is unmodified, it is his latest kernel
Credits for the system image go to many people, haykuro is the original source, then further modified by Vilord to get data, market, and SD card working
The initrd is pretty much all his (Vilord) now, with a radio library from DZO, srwalter, and himself Once again apologies for whoever I didn't list I've read that countless times before but for some reason something didn't click!!
OK so there are a ton of android threads and developers and builds etc. etc. and not really many places to actually help you (besides the Android port help desk but that's just too cluttered and doesn't help you with installing and Vilord's google code page)
The first build I will help with is DZO's he has 2 builds a clean android 1.1 and android 1.5 cupcake and Vilord did most of the 1.5 build so credit goes to him too.(Full credits above) He provides all the necessary files
DZO's Thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=382265
DZO's download site http://cs-alb-pc3.massey.ac.nz/vogue
Now he was the first person I remember that ported Android and he was the first one I used. The basic files are the default.txt-This tells Haret how to load Android Haret- This is the program that runs the Linux Loader zImage- This is the kernel (I believe that was done by DZO completely correct me if I'm wrong) Initrd- Data.gz- This is where your data is stored (contacts, settings, etc. etc.) System.img This is the actual system that starts I can't describe it better than saying it is kinda like the windows folder on your phone. All Android Builds need these files to work. The only one that isn't required is Data.gz (Haret will automatically create this if you don't have it)
So the first step is to obviously download all the necessary files many are scattered but if your new I would go with the 1.5 complete zip that can be found on this google code page (DZO links off to this too) http://code.google.com/p/vogue-android/
You must then edit your default.txt to suit your device (and preferences) first thing you will want to do is change the panel type I don't remember off the top of my head what each panel type is (1 2 3) but I suggest trial and error. If you get a white screen while booting Android you must change the panel type. Next you want to input your username and password for data to work sometimes you don't need to do this (I never changed mine and data works fine). Lastly if you want you can change the resolution default is 320 x428 that's fine it's totally up to you.
Here's my default.txt for my vogue "[email protected] ppp.password=telecom mddi.width=320 mddi.height=480 lcd.density=160 msm_sdcc.msmsdcc_fmax=32000000 pm.sleep_mode=0 board-htcvogue.panel_type=0 no_console_suspend"
boot There are some other things you can change but I wouldn't if you're new to Android. After you edit the default.txt your next step is to copy all the files to your sd card and they MUST be in the root of your sd card NOT in a subfolder. Also if you would like to have android programs you need to make a new folder on the root of the sd card that is named exactly like this (caps and all) AndroidApps and you find android APK Files (for instance Anycut.apk) and copy them to the AndroidApps folder I will post a few of my apk files later The last thing to do is to boot into Android!!!! To do this in windows mobile you go to file explorer and on the root of you sd card you run the program Haret and press run (assuming you left the name of Default.txt the same if not put in the name) Then Haret will start a Linux Loader some builds take a few minutes so BE PATIENT after it boots just go through setup and you have Android setup!!! For some builds in order to get Data working (I never had to do this but some have) before you run Haret you start a data connection (clicking on internet explorer will do the trick)and leave the data connection open while you run Haret. I don't think there is a build that has Bluetooth working yet (although I believe it's coming soon) and obviously wi-fi doesn't work because our vogues don't have Wi-fi. Different builds have different things working/ not working so check the builds.
If you guys can't tell yes i'm a noob (i don't know everything) but I will still try and help
New Rogers Build, Skinned build, and Hero (and lite) builds posted setting it up is virtually the same so I don't really feel the need to write about it and once again excellent builds pretty stable (especially the rogers, and skinned builds
*For any build you need the files listed above for Android to work)
Mssmison's Thread http://tinyurl.com/nzhj53
Mssmison's mediafire folder http://tinyurl.com/mzgx3q
Mssmison's builds are the next ones I want to help with because many people are having problems with his Hero builds.
First off Mssmison has three main builds (they expand into later versions though) The Hero build (if you're not familiar with the Hero it's a new phone made by HTC that is set to debut here in the US in October http://tinyurl.com/kln4ke) the part people love about this phone is the senseui which is touchflo for Android and the various Hero builds focus on porting the senseui to our vogues. The next build is his rogers build and lastly the Hero skinned themes (cupcake build but skinned to look like the hero doesn't have touchflo though).
The Hero Build-It's very nice and definitely appeals to the eye however all builds (not the faults of mssmison, zenulator, etc.) are pretty slow on our phones. Mssmison gives you two files the system.img and the initrd you need both files and you simply rename the system file (the latest one is named hero251.img) to "system" (w/o quotes) and replace the files on your sd card with these two new ones from mssmison's mediafire folder. Once again you still need he files listed above default.txt, Haret, and Zimage you can download these on the google code page. This part is important open your default.txt and edit the resolution and lcd density I don't believe that any default.txt has a lcd.density string yet so just add it right after the resolution and also change the resolution to 320x480 if you don't do this the Hero splash screen will just keep looping. Basically replace "mddi.width=320 mddi.height=428" with "mddi.width=320 mddi.height=480 lcd.density=160" (w/o quotes)*As pointed out by JaredaKelly you shouldn't copy and paste because that will break the string so enter it manually* Mssmison's newer builds (2.0 and up) don't require a data file so you can just delete that if you have it. Now the key with this build is PATIENCE after you have finished following the instructions above you start Haret (its supposed to be on the root of your sd card if you followed the FAQ) ********It will take a little while to get to the Hero splash screen so be patient while it runs and creates a data file. When it does get to the Hero splash screen and the animation runs through it will take about 3-4 mins. so again be patient. When it finally boots up you will get a force close/wait screen click wait for however many there are until there is a force close only screen DON'T press force close yet wait (usually another 3-4 mins. could take longer though) for the language options come up (wake your phone up and unlock it if it falls asleep). After you see the language options behind the force close then you can hit force close and go through the setup after you go through it it will seem like it freezes (I think it's location consent) don't click like mad all around the screen just wait and it will reboot Android (not windows) and then it will start to load touchflo like I said wait it takes a while and when it finally does your done and you can now boot into The Hero build of Android!****** If you would rather it be faster on the home screen open the menu (volume slider down) and click settings>applications>manage Application>scroll down to touchflo and click it then press clear defaults. Then go back to the home (press the power button on top of the phone) and it will ask you for some default thing just click the check box on the bottom and press home and you won't have all the nice new widgets but you'll still have the nice new apps and hero splash screen etc. etc. and it will be way faster. Now there is a hero lite version if you want it just follow the instructions above (includinig disabling touchflo) and download the Hero lite version rename it to system and overwrite the old one on your sd card and you will be done!
New Hero Builds by mssmison posted on the google code page he gives you a data file so it loads wayyyyyyyy faster so if you have his newest build don't worry about the part in red http://code.google.com/p/vogue-android/
Next Mssmison Build I wanted to help with is his Rogers build I must say this build is very well done and one of the fastest I've ever seen. Basically it's kind of like Hero getting setup except like 50 times faster what you do is (once again assuming you have followed the FAQ and have these files listed above) go to mssmison's mediafire folder and obviously download the (you MUST use both of mssmison's files!!!)Rogers build and initrd rename the system file (the most recent is named Rogers2.0) just "system" (w/o quotes) and replace the 2 files on your sd card with the two Rogers build files then just like you do in the hero build open your default.txt and edit the resolution and lcd density I don't believe that any default.txt has a lcd.density string yet so just add it right after the resolution and also change the resolution to 320x480. Basically replace "mddi.width=320 mddi.height=428" with "mddi.width=320 mddi.height=480 lcd.density=160" (w/o quotes) I believe it is always better to start with a new data file when you try a new build so just delete your old data file and run Haret after it calls up the linux loader it will make a new data file and all you have to do is wait for the setup (like I said faster than hero) and there you go Mssmison's Rogers Build!!!
Hero Skinned Cupcake Build- This is one of my personal favorites I love the skin and it's a fast build. So first download the cupcake build from mssmison's mediafire folder*His newer builds are hereat the google code page After you download it (it's only one system file) rename it to "system" (w/o quotes) unlike the other two builds you can use any initrd you want (For the 10th time assuming you have followed the FAQ and have these files listed above) I just use the one on the google code page copy the file to the sd card and another thing you don't have to do is mess with the default.txt resolution I just leave mine at 320x428 because in my opinion I think it looks better but you can change it to whatever you want mine looks like this "mddi.width=320 mddi.height=428" (w/o quotes). After all is copied just boot up Haret (use any data file you want or use no data file because Haret will make one for you it doesn't matter) wait ouot the Linux Loader and you're presented with the setup screen and Ta-Da!! Mssmison's Hero themed cupcake Build!!
New Palm Pre Skin build!
Step 1: Make sure you have all the files listed above, if not download the cupcake 1.5 bundle from http://code.google.com/p/vogue-android/ and put them on the root of your sd card
Step 2: Edit your default.txt (for more info look at previous posts)
*I put mine at 320x480 and it worked I'm not sure if it'll work with different resolutions (I would imagine so)
Step 3: Download the Palm Pre theme system.img from http://code.google.com/p/vogue-android/ rename to "system" (w/o quotes) and overwrite the old system on your sd card
Step 4: Boot into Haret with File Explorer (or similar) and go through setup (unless you have your own data file)
Then your done!
UPDATE Mssmison posted a new file on the google code page rename it to system and follow these same steps Also Mssmison is now going to start posting on the Google code Page now so expect his builds to be there from now on
Zenulator's Build
Zenulator's Thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=542367
Update Zenulator's New Thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=544906
You can also find his builds here http://code.google.com/p/vogue-android/
Zenulator's google code page http://code.google.com/p/vogue-hero/
Hero Build-This is personally my favorite Hero Build (and it's actually useable) it's very fast sleek and nice.
Step1: Download the Hero Bundle from the pages above
Step2: Copy them to the root of the sd card
*You could use your own data file but I prefer not to*
Step3: Edit the Default.txt you only need to change the panel type and the resolution to 320x480
Step4:Boot into Haret with File Explorer (or similar)
Step5: Go through the setup and you may get a wait/force close screen at bootup but just press wait and there you go Zenulator's Hero Build!!!
Forgot to mention the keys are remapped the volume sliders actually control volume! The power button is the menu the d-pad and middle button are the same and the side camera button is back while the end button is still power collapse If you want to have a home button goto App drawer>spare parts>End button behavior>click home,then sleep now when you press the end button it will take you home if you press it at the home it will goto sleep mode
P.S. The only things are switches for mobile and GPS and a clock. add more by pressing and holding a blank area on the home screen and select HTC or Android Widgets and to delete widgets press and hold the item then drag them to the bottom
Here's a couple of my APK files http://rapidshare.com/files/262729410/AndroidApps.zip
Here are a few sites
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=469368 a thread with more apks
PM If you've got more apk files
Grantemsley has remapped the buttons here's his thread
Other Builds
PM me if theres a build you like that I don't have
I don't know how important this is,
But today I discovered you can turn the volume up and down by holding the camera button and the volume up/down.
It works, and its so convenient.
xeongx said:
I don't know how important this is,
But today I discovered you can turn the volume up and down by holding the camera button and the volume up/down.
It works, and its so convenient.
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whew, many many thanks for that one mate.
how do you become a root user? also is there any way to reset the phone instead of just powering off?
I posted this in the Polaris thread to help users who were having problems getting the hero builds to boot:
I now have all the hero builds working.
Download zenulators hero-black build here
Connect to data in WinMo. (dont know if necessary but it might help with data issues).
Unpack to sd card and run.. no data image.. let it create one. it takes at least 10 mins to get to the lock screen.. dont touch anything even when the lock screen comes up .. clck wait on all the forced close boxes until it settles down. Add apn settings, connect modem and skip sign into google as this hasnt worked for me yet. Wait for it to become steady and the digital clock is on the screen then power off.
reboot and backup your newly created data image, you'll use this now for all these builds.
copy the hero image lite or full and run.. it should boot straight into Android.. enjoy the new touch flo.. realise its completely unusable but that you just had to see it anyway (even though you already knew that ) and then switch to the more usable lite version by copying the lite system image and renaiming it.
Good luck
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You mightbe able to use it
bally3 said:
I posted this in the Polaris thread to help users who were having problems getting the hero builds to boot:
You mightbe able to use it
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Thanks I'll add that somewhere!
keep up the good work, i swiped my whole sd card and im restarting with your instructions but using the lite build... hope this works =]
Just FYI not all vogues use a board panel type of 0. Many sprint vogues, for instance, use 3. Trial and error until it works for those starting out.
tatnai said:
Just FYI not all vogues use a board panel type of 0. Many sprint vogues, for instance, use 3. Trial and error until it works for those starting out.
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Well yeah that's why I said if you get a white flashing screen to change it I remember DZO saying he used 3 thanks for making it clearer to people
Good Idea
I guess the android ports are getting more action than the WinMo roms.
If you can keep this together it will be a great help to the community.
clules94 said:
Well yeah that's why I said if you get a white flashing screen to change it I remember DZO saying he used 3 thanks for making it clearer to people
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Well actually you shouldn't have zero for the panel type, it means "don't power down the panel" but is not recommended because it messes up the vsync sometimes and will use more power than the others when the panel is off. Tell people to try 1,2 and 3 until it works.
good ^^d f f
Maybe we should ask the hosts of this website if we can get our own thread for Android Ports in general. There are so many people that dont know that Android can be ported to different devices. If we had our own section, the porting scene would skyrocket and things would come along quicker with more developers on board.
Fist question: Downloaded the app AndNav for gps navigation... it is a folder eith no .apk file. I have AppInstaller but how do I install this program?
Nest question: Using zenulator's Hero build, what can you do as far as syncing with a PC? It has HTCsync or whatever, does it work? I will plug it in and give it a shot.
dzo said:
Well actually you shouldn't have zero for the panel type, it means "don't power down the panel" but is not recommended because it messes up the vsync sometimes and will use more power than the others when the panel is off. Tell people to try 1,2 and 3 until it works.
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See proves I'm still a noob! haha well thanks will do DZO

Android installation guide and tips.

First thing, If you smoke, go grab your smokes, if you drink coffee, go grab a cup. This is usually a painless process but not always.
You will need HSPL installed, as well as a Class 4 or better sd card.
Before i begin i want to thank the following; with out them it would not be possible.
tsamolotoff on s200
What you will need is the installation copy of the build that you will be using, the latest zImage and your sdcard.
The latest Android build can be found here: Its under the standard builds section.
And the latest Zimage can be found here:
I personally recommend the dan1j3l's Froyo build.
Down load both the zimage and the build.
Format your sdcard, select default settings and unselect the quick format option.
After the formatting is done (about 20 mins)
extract the contents of the Froyo build to your sdcard.
Located in the folder "android" you will find a file names zimage, replace it with the one you downloaded.
As soon as you can, using the built in file manager if u have one, navigate to the android folder, select the program CLRCAD, (it will not do anything that you can see)
Then select the Zharet program.
Lay the phone down!
Sit back and wait, you will see text fly across the screen, the flash might flash, screen might fade and then come back.
Once linux is done loading and mapping out the hardware, android should be up and running.
Sign in to google and your contacts will sync if you have any on there.
Android is not perfect yet BUT it has come an amazing way since the beginning of the month.
I am using the current settings in WM, if you can do the same and you should have no problems.
HSPL2, I know HSPL3 is/has been out and is recommended, but is there any advantage in using it, i don't want to change if i don't need to
O.S. 5.2.21908 (21908.5.0.93)
Manila 2.5.20161332.0
Energy.Leo.21908.Sense2.5.Cookie.Jul.16 (absolutely love the energy roms, always updated and he includes the program to back up all settings making the update flashes a pleasant experience)
i ALWAYS TASK 29 before all roms!
CLASS 4 or better sd card.
When ever you want to load android, you must do so by selecting the two files mentiond above after a clean boot and always clrcad.exe first.
Sometimes android will not boot correctly, remember it was not designed for this phone.
Also all settings you make, programs you download, ect will stay in android
Pictures and such will be shared between android and wm.
I'm installing it now per your instructions. A couple of concerns you might be able to help me with. I could not find the program CLRCAD in any folder, ok I couldn't find an android folder either. I went to my SD card where I had extracted the froyo & copied over the Zimage, I didn't see a Zharet program but I did see a haret file that looked like a program so I clicked on it and it started to download Linux! I hope I did it correctly even though it seemed slightly different. am I going to run into trouble not having run the CLRCAD?
Thanks for all your hard work.
Guess I answered part of my question. It did not install correctly. I'll look for a CLRCAD and retry.
cant believe im back in the winmo forum once again.ran HARET froyo last night on my HSPL2 Leon RoM,and wow.with wifi i was browsing,playing 3d games(flawless compare to my EVO 30fps capped),and watching youtube.really loving it.glad no one bought my HD2 but now its a keeper.
BigB4400 said:
I'm installing it now per your instructions. A couple of concerns you might be able to help me with. I could not find the program CLRCAD in any folder, ok I couldn't find an android folder either. I went to my SD card where I had extracted the froyo & copied over the Zimage, I didn't see a Zharet program but I did see a haret file that looked like a program so I clicked on it and it started to download Linux! I hope I did it correctly even though it seemed slightly different. am I going to run into trouble not having run the CLRCAD?
Thanks for all your hard work.
Guess I answered part of my question. It did not install correctly. I'll look for a CLRCAD and retry.
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I Found CLRCAD ( I think I was just a little sleepy last night when I was trying this) I ran it and it loaded correctly. Wow it seems to run great! I am running Touch-X Extreme ROM and have some issues with the phone(it doesnt work, I have no antenna). I will try loading energy's rom (since so many people have got the phone to work well with his) and see how well it works out.
Good luck!
Do we really need to format our SD card? If we don't what would happen to the data already on there?
is the "zimage" provided for both dan's froyo and desire v4?
which files do i replace with the new zimage?
After a few days of use, this build seems to run fine. Except for a few things. 1) my phone tends to run real *hot* after using Android. And second, after about 5 min of idling the screen goes black and there seems like there's nothing I can do about except to reboot. I can't even push any of the bottom buttons, that doesn't work either. on. It will run just fine as long as I don't let it sit to long without touching the screen. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I can't wait for a even more stable build.
why cant i sign into google and other networks and why is it running overclocked? help me out yall got daaaamn lol. thanks
Is Paradoxua's Froyo build more stock than daniel's? Because daniels' uses ADW, which I'm not too fond of.
Also, is anyone else experiencing weird scrolling issues? Like you flick down a list and it's supposed to go flying down, but it only goes down like a tiny bit.
Another issue, when the screen turns off while you're connected to PC, the phone seems to disconnect too. I assume this is a WinMo issue because in WinMo when you connect your phone to your PC the screen is always on.
Thread moved to General.
i got my hd2 to load android just fine.. but the screen is very dim.. any ideas??
maybe you can toggle the backlight settings in winmo.. idk. it works for the tp2.
I always get the green screen or death or it enters android and quickly says powering off. And shuts off.
jaadamoo said:
i got my hd2 to load android just fine.. but the screen is very dim.. any ideas??
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you need to make sure automatic light is off in win mo before you boot up android and i always leave it at around 60% and it works fine.
I have also been having some scrolling issues. It goes down a tad bit and if you hold the screen for a fraction of a second too long after first setting your finger on the screen, then it acts as if you did a holding touch.
Also the 3g is very very slow, kinda makes the market place useless since it takes for ever to download something. Wifi downloading is working.
New zimage file
Try replacing your current zimage file with this one.
Just replace/override it on your sd card.
Also delete your cache folder and your data file.
You will loose your information inside of android, like doing a reset of the OS.
Check this http://cotulla.pp.ru/leo/Android/ often, fair warning many people are having problems with the newer image marked(7-25)
Some roms or radios wont work for sure!
I am now running MIRI rom wm6.5 V17.6 with radio and I must say very impressive how far you devs have come in a few weeks. Phone is working with audio and WIFI. I had stock rom TMO 2.13 installed with radio 2.10 and although Android loaded and ran fine I did not have audio during calls,they sounded robotic at times or no audio at all. I am not sure if it was the radio upgrade or switching the ROM to MIRI that did the trick. I have been playing with phone for approximately six hours nonstop and it has been solid...
Gen. Y DualBOOT Implementation
Does the app work well the newer builds?
Btw a very BIG thank you all the guys working on this, you guys are freaking AWESOME!
acessford101 said:
Try replacing your current zimage file with this one.
Just replace/override it on your sd card.
Also delete your cache folder and your data file.
You will loose your information inside of android, like doing a reset of the OS.
Check this http://cotulla.pp.ru/leo/Android/ often, fair warning many people are having problems with the newer image marked(7-25)
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Thanks, I was using the Jul 19 zImage.rar file. I'm about to try this one and see if it makes a diff.
anyone know how to get the data connection to work for T-Mobile on the Android desire v5? I go into APN settings but it always requires a username and password but t-mobile doesnt use a username/password for apn.

Can coexist two or more ROM in the same storage Card?

Currently I have the desire V5 in my Storage Card and at the moment, is the only ROM I have to run Android.
As long as I have used Android, and I have downloaded app from the Market it has started to create new folders in my Storage Card.
So, now I have a lot of folders, some appl creates its own, like .aptoide or .dataviz. Also I have other folders in the root such as shared_prefs or sqlite_smts_journals or sys.
When I have seen that some ROMS could be installed in an specif folder instead of the root - like the Desire V5- of my Storage Card, I wondered if is there any possibility of installing another ROM, and have the opportunity of launch one or the other depending of my preferences.
Have any of you tried to install two or more roms in the Storage Card? Can they live together w/o problems?
Ηi there friend, i have in my storage card 2 roms.. One is the froyo 2.2 from darkstone and the other is the desire v5..
I dont see any problems till now, but when i want to change from one built to another i always soft reset 2 times and then i do it ... Dont think it really matters though
The thing is if u have a froyo rom u just copy the whole folder thats called ;android; in the scard, so i have the froyo rom in the android folder and the desire rom just free in the card...
yes, you can
as malias said, you can have eclair and froyo together, this is because Froyo uses the dir Android.
Having this in mind, i renamed Android to Android1, and it seems to work.
so, in theory, you can make as many folders as you want, with different distros, and launch Haret inside these folders to have the distro downloaded there booted.
I am not sure if the different loadings leave settings "readed" by the others, we have to try ( i will do and let you know)
Thank you for your answers. WOW not only WM and Android 2.1 but WM, Android 2,1 and Android 2.2 all in the same phone... I will try and in case any problem I will go back to the forum to post the issues found...
devilman said:
yes, you can
as malias said, you can have eclair and froyo together, this is because Froyo uses the dir Android.
Having this in mind, i renamed Android to Android1, and it seems to work.
so, in theory, you can make as many folders as you want, with different distros, and launch Haret inside these folders to have the distro downloaded there booted.
I am not sure if the different loadings leave settings "readed" by the others, we have to try ( i will do and let you know)
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devilman said:
yes, you can
as malias said, you can have eclair and froyo together, this is because Froyo uses the dir Android.
Having this in mind, i renamed Android to Android1, and it seems to work.
so, in theory, you can make as many folders as you want, with different distros, and launch Haret inside these folders to have the distro downloaded there booted.
I am not sure if the different loadings leave settings "readed" by the others, we have to try ( i will do and let you know)
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+1 on that I've ³ different Dan builds on phone all dif names ie Andrea, Andrew & Android. Just as long as you rename the ¹ you want b⁴ you boot it to android.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
So this means I can have, Winmo, Ubuntu and Android right
Demon_man said:
So this means I can have, Winmo, Ubuntu and Android right
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Don't know a thing @ ubunto but you need winmo to start phone up and you can have various builds on android folders but only ¹ build on root of SD card
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

Sick of THIS!

This isn't my post but I have very same problem and thought i'd bring it to this thread see if anyone happens to have same issue or has solution?
Hi guys,
I've been trying out different android builds but after a while it won't boot in android anymore.
I run the CLRAD and HaReT, it show the command lines and then freezes on the HTC screen.
It is not the first time I'm launching it, everything is allways set up the way I like it and then I want to reboot a final time and it freezes. (first boot only takes 10 min.) Then I have to take out the battery to reset, but everytime after it freezes, tried waiting for +1 hour but no changes.
When I delete all the android files from my SD card and copy the original ones it restarts again and I have to setup everything again.
I tried new wm roms (Miri HD2 wm6.5.x) different radios (now,
the new HSPL3 but nothing seems to solve this.
edit: now I'm trying to use the mdeejay froyo HD v3.7 rom
I've searched the forum and other users seem to have the same problem, but no solutions have come forward. The people replying allways seem to think it is the first boot that takes 10 min. but it's not that. First boot works fine.
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What builds have you tried? What memory card are you using (class and size)?Did you format your memory card to FAT32? You could also try deleting app data folder on your storage card, as each time you use a build a bit of it may be left in this folder( it does no harm and will re-create itself straight after). Have you tried any android boot loaders e.g MSKIP android loader v5. No-one else had replied so thought id try and share what little knowledge i have. If you have been asked all this 20 times over, Sorry!
I am using 8gb mem card came with htc Fat32 (formated it using win and htc both)
Win build is dutty's com2 3.14 latest rom
Mdeejay 2.3 Revolution android version.
had jmz's bootloder
Tried everything u said nothing happened...
Trying now MSKIP's boot loader, with fresh installation lets see...
Ur effort time and help is always appreciated thanks Funkdat
maybe because OS's weren't designed to run on a SD card??? Sell your hd2 and get a galaxy s phone.
I feel your pain. Very very frustrating and you feel you have tried everything. Time consuming too.
What bothers me a bit with those builds is that they load up the HTC logo so actually don't see what is happening during bootup. I wonder if you couldn't bypass that?
that wud have been big help if i could see what is actually happening but the Big HTC Logo screen is hiding everything and i am just sick of it.
Well if i could only burn the ROM into HD2 that would have been much better so wouldn't have to worry about anything i have to format my storage card every time or either delete everything on the sd card to make it work duno which file is it causing this error but i hope some one will come up with solution...
still the same tried everything...
Hi there,
You do understand that the HD2 was not made nor meant to run Android and that all the Android ROM's are third party ones and unofficial ?
You did not say whether or not you tried to install on the internal memory and not the card ?
supermaster said:
This isn't my post but I have very same problem and thought i'd bring it to this thread see if anyone happens to have same issue or has solution?
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did you try starting it, deleting the data.img and starting it again?
nrfitchett4 said:
maybe because OS's weren't designed to run on a SD card??? Sell your hd2 and get a galaxy s phone.
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Oh the contradiction. You say that, yet you use it too
"Android Playground: HyperDroid 1.6"
You gonna sell your HD2? (now for the crickets )
This might seem stupid, but have you tried deleting the Android folder from your SD card? Or modify this line in startup.txt:
set cmdline "rel_path=Android"
set cmdline "rel_path=/"
The problem might be that because of rel_path, it's looking for your android ROM in the "Android" folder. And some applications create that folder (Google goggle for example) to save information. I had an issue quite similar to yours. Now editing startup.txt is the first thing I do in a build. I currently have 5 different builds, one for every day of the week! haha.
Hope this helps!
rr5678 said:
did you try starting it, deleting the data.img and starting it again?
Oh the contradiction. You say that, yet you use it too
"Android Playground: HyperDroid 1.6"
You gonna sell your HD2? (now for the crickets )
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not at all. I actually rarely boot into android and when I do, I keep my android builds on a seperate sd card. But I'm also not on here starting threads complaining that android won't boot properly on my winmo phone.
That's why its my playground. I am not trying to make android my daily driver.
karendar said:
This might seem stupid, but have you tried deleting the Android folder from your SD card? Or modify this line in startup.txt:
set cmdline "rel_path=Android"
set cmdline "rel_path=/"
The problem might be that because of rel_path, it's looking for your android ROM in the "Android" folder. And some applications create that folder (Google goggle for example) to save information. I had an issue quite similar to yours. Now editing startup.txt is the first thing I do in a build. I currently have 5 different builds, one for every day of the week! haha.
Hope this helps!
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there's only 5 days in a week???
nrfitchett4 said:
not at all. I actually rarely boot into android and when I do, I keep my android builds on a seperate sd card. But I'm also not on here starting threads complaining that android won't boot properly on my winmo phone.
That's why its my playground. I am not trying to make android my daily driver.
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Well that's true. Android isn't really that stable enough to run often - especially when I see that it sucks down 500mA of power. That leads to 2 hours of battery.
(speaking of separate SD cards, I still have to send my faulty 16GB back to HTC )

[Q] Only hyperdroid 1.7 works. Why?

Til now i have tried 12 Android 2.2 Builds. But only Hyperdroid 1.7 worked. But i like shubcract and all the other builds more. Everytime I used the correct Installation ways but 11 builds ended at a green HTC Logo. Thats sad
Can you help me? That would be great.
Oh, and i also tried 6 different custom roms. With hyperdroid I use the new Energy Rom. Thanks
Reltih2200 said:
Til now i have tried 12 Android 2.2 Builds. But only Hyperdroid 1.7 worked. But i like shubcract and all the other builds more. Everytime I used the correct Installation ways but 11 builds ended at a green HTC Logo. Thats sad
Can you help me? That would be great.
Oh, and i also tried 6 different custom roms. With hyperdroid I use the new Energy Rom. Thanks
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You might want to reformat your micro SD card to FAT32 and do a complete install from scratch. My combo has served me well with no issues.
That's what I have done, too.
Aww, it looks like there is no way out :/
Your card may be faulty.
Even when ONE build works every time? Is that possible.
I used an 2GB one and an 1GB one (stupid idea, i know ).
Now I am waiting for my new 8GB one, I'll try it with that, but I can't believe that this could be the problem.
But maybe you are right, thanks for your answer
Reltih2200 said:
Til now i have tried 12 Android 2.2 Builds. But only Hyperdroid 1.7 worked. But i like shubcract and all the other builds more. Everytime I used the correct Installation ways but 11 builds ended at a green HTC Logo. Thats sad
Can you help me? That would be great.
Oh, and i also tried 6 different custom roms. With hyperdroid I use the new Energy Rom. Thanks
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Have you checked startup.txt?
What do I have to check there?
Some builds do take time to load.
Do you have a "loader" to automatically load droid or do you do it through selection of "clrd" and "haret"?
Are you installing the complete build folder?
I tried it with ,,LaunchAndroid'' on the Energy Rom (thats what works perfectly with HyperDroid) and on the other tested Roms, I used the casual method. Even this method worked with HyperDroid really well!
Everytime, I saw the green HTC Logo, I waited over one hour and nothing happens.
Then I gave up.
On HyperDroid, I see the Linux-Penguin and it goes through a black field with white commands on it and then it starts.
When I start all the other builds, I see the black field with the white commands for one second, then the green Logo appears!
To your last question:
I throw the folder on the root of my sdcard and that was it.
That's how it works as hyperdroid 1.7
Or is there another thing for the other builds, which I have to do?
Reltih2200 said:
What do I have to check there?
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You have to check that rel_path directs to the folder where Android is stored. Some builds are stored in folders named after the builds, whilst others are stored in the default 'Android' folder. If rel_path isn't linked correctly, you will not boot.
This could explain why only Hyperdroid works.
And also, as mentioned by others, wait 20-30 minutes on first boot, it may take a while to create your data.img
This seems to be the reason for it. I didn't tested it yet, but I took a look into the builds folder.
On HyperDroid it looks like this:
set cmdline "rel_path=HyperDroidV1.7"
And on Moto234 EVO v0.3 it looks like this:
set cmdline "rel_path=Android nand_boot=0"
Do I have to change something there?
I see that for HyperDroid, there is no Android Folder, only the folder ,,HyperDroidV1.7''. Thats what the cmdline says, too.
Do I have to change the Moto234 startup.txt-cmdline into
set cmdline "rel_path=Moto234_EVO_Black&Blue_V0.3"
In fact, THERE IS an Android-Folder. For HyperDroid, i put the files directly on the root, not in an android folder. When I take the files out of the Android Folder (for example the Moto234 build) and put it directly to the root of the sd card and I edit the startup.txt like, is it possible, that everything works fine?
I will try it and when it works, I am so happy
Reltih2200 said:
This seems to be the reason for it. I didn't tested it yet, but I took a look into the builds folder.
On HyperDroid it looks like this:
set cmdline "rel_path=HyperDroidV1.7"
And on Moto234 EVO v0.3 it looks like this:
set cmdline "rel_path=Android nand_boot=0"
Do I have to change something there?
I see that for HyperDroid, there is no Android Folder, only the folder ,,HyperDroidV1.7''. Thats what the cmdline says, too.
Do I have to change the Moto234 startup.txt-cmdline into
set cmdline "rel_path=Moto234_EVO_Black&Blue_V0.3"
In fact, THERE IS an Android-Folder. For HyperDroid, i put the files directly on the root, not in an android folder. When I take the files out of the Android Folder (for example the Moto234 build) and put it directly to the root of the sd card and I edit the startup.txt like, is it possible, that everything works fine?
I will try it and when it works, I am so happy
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First of all, make sure Android is installed in 1 folder on root, and not in a subfolder of that folder. This means that the files should all be put in, for example, H:\Android\ or /sdcard/Android/, and not for example H:\Moto234blablabla\Android\, that's one folder too much (well actually I'm not sure this is - it probably isn't - a requirement, but do it anyways).
Then just change rel_path to the exact spot your startup.txt, or haret and clrcad for that matter, are located. For example: rel_path=Android , or rel_path="Moto234blabla".
Simples, see?
Edit: in case I'm not being very clear: of course don't change the folder structure inside of the Android folder. Files in for example /root/ or /data/ should remain where they are, obviously.
Yeah, but when it is, how you explain it to me, HyperDroid shouldn't work.
As I said, it is this:
set cmdline "rel_path=HyperDroidV1.7"
But the files of Hyperdroid I directly on the sd card, there is no folder or subfolder.
That means, the files are on H: and nothing more.
So, why does it work? I will test it at weekend, because when I have to start all over again with HyperDroid, after nothing worked, it takes to much time.
Maybe it works
Reltih2200 said:
Yeah, but when it is, how you explain it to me, HyperDroid shouldn't work.
As I said, it is this:
set cmdline "rel_path=HyperDroidV1.7"
But the files of Hyperdroid I directly on the sd card, there is no folder or subfolder.
That means, the files are on H: and nothing more.
So, why does it work? I will test it at weekend, because when I have to start all over again with HyperDroid, after nothing worked, it takes to much time.
Maybe it works
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Do a usb link and check the "Hyper" folder to see if there is another "Hyper" sub folder, this may be the problem. Sometimes one creates a folder and then places the build in that folder which it automatically creates its own.
If there is an "Android" folder, check that as well and make sure there isn't a sub "Hyper" folder; when you open either folders it should open a list consisting of "root" folder, zimg, etc.
So, I did everything mentioned here.
And...nothing works. ONLY HyperDroid 1.7
I mean, that couldn't be. I did everything, i changed the startup.txt, again I used thousand different ROM's. It sucks :/
I am glad to see, that you tried to help me, but it seems to be useless.
I have no idea what to do. Maybe it's better to sell the HD2 and buy a Dell Streak or a Desire HD. Then I have no problems like this.
When you have a nother possible reason for this phenomenon, tell it to me. Maybe this one works
Format your SD card and try again (do a full format, not the default quick one), maybe that'll solve it.
Does not help, sorry
EDIT: For anyone, who wants to know...i finally solved the problem.
I mean, I am so happy, I could cry
And everything because of the user ,,shekerdothis''. He is just a god. He saved my life
So, he said in another post:
I had the same issue for about a day, and after research of stuck on green HTC Logo with no help, and thousands of post later I came acroos an article regarding EncFiltLog.menc. Do not format your SD card with MAC or windows PC, but rather the secret is to format your SD card with your winmo phone by going to "settings" | "format SD card". It will create an exec file "EncFiltLog.menc" This file is, I guess, a partition index??? The file "EncFiltLog.menc" is hidden in windows mobile 6.x but is visible when you mount your SD card to your PC. Do not delete this file!!!!
After that just drop your android folder and it will boot up in less than 3 mins. After that, u may add all your other files. I use a 16GB card with Android and all my music and stuff with no problems. Hope this helps you.
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And yeah, it worked. I went to settings in Winmo, then to System and then format SD Card. It took 1 Second (even faster then the quick Format on my PC) and everything works brilliant!
Thanks to you all, what a great Forum
Reltih2200 said:
Does not help, sorry
EDIT: For anyone, who wants to know...i finally solved the problem.
I mean, I am so happy, I could cry
And everything because of the user ,,shekerdothis''. He is just a god. He saved my life
So, he said in another post:
And yeah, it worked. I went to settings in Winmo, then to System and then format SD Card. It took 1 Second (even faster then the quick Format on my PC) and everything works brilliant!
Thanks to you all, what a great Forum
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Am I missing something? I don't have a Format SD Card option under Settings on WM
Ok soooo only hyper droid works and other build dont
well play around with the kernel in Hyperdroid and mess with the data IMG ,
then even hyper droid wont work,,,,,
Sorry mate , just kidding,
your issue seems to be with startup txt,
best regds
xnifex said:
Am I missing something? I don't have a Format SD Card option under Settings on WM
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I don't know!? I have the newest energy rom and on basic Windows Mobile 6.5, you also can find this option. Use the newest energy rom, go to Settings and then to system. There you can find KeyLock-Settings,Device Information,Format SD-Card,Remove Programs,Memory,Screen,External GPS,aGPS Settings,G-Sensor, Certificates, About,Uploader,Wipe,Power etc.
Ok soooo only hyper droid works and other build dont
well play around with the kernel in Hyperdroid and mess with the data IMG ,
then even hyper droid wont work,,,,,
Sorry mate , just kidding,
your issue seems to be with startup txt,
best regds
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Yeah, as I said, it has nothing to do with the startup.txt. I solved the problem with the method, explained in another Thread. Now I tried 11 Builds (MDJ has the best ) and everyone works.
It's a mistery to me, why hyperdroid worked without to format the sd card via winmo, but who cares? Everything works fine, and thats awesome )
