Looking for Experienced Programmer - Android Software Development

I am looking for an experienced app developer that can create and maintain apps for Windows based phones, Android and Iphones. There will be several applications developed and this will be the first in this industry (hopefully if done correctly will corner the market). If you are serious and are a real application developer then I am willing to pay for your time and effort to develop my vision.
Please reply with contact info.


Ideas for Google Android Challenge

Hello all,
This post is in regard to the Google Android Challenge put out by Google to create/develop new software for the Google Android shell. If you haven't had a chance to read about it, it's basically a new OS created by Google to run on any type of PDAesque cellular phone. The challenge issued is then to develop new software for this OS (written in Java) so that when it is released it will have software available for it.
My question to all of you is what software would you like to see developed for this new OS? The reason I am asking for ideas is because I am a CS undergraduate student working in a research group to create one of these programs. Ergo, I figured asking you guys what you'd like to see created would be the best way to get ideas that will make sense and benefit the community.
Any ideas you submit here may be used in the creation of new software--if you require idea copyrights that can be worked out.
Thank you all in advance,
Jake Lake
Undergraduate Student at LCSC Lewiston, ID
Hello Jake,
We'll I'm a Java programmer too, not thinking of entering the challenge though. Had a quick look at the SDK for Android and it does'nt seem like pure java, more like a hybrid of C and Java does'nt it?
Since I have'nt had a thorough look at it, I'd like to ask you a few questions regarding the freedom to program on the platform.
Since it does'nt use the "normal" JVM but googles Davlik where theres no byte code but script code, does it allow better interaction with the hardware, and is it faster? Also can you implement equallizers and other effects in a media based application, which of course was not possible on J2ME. I was thinking on a All-round mediaplayer for Android, something like Rockbox which maybe found at www.rockbox.org which is a linux based program used on iPods etc.. but has been ported to Linux based EZX phones.

[REQUEST] Law Enforcement Field Database Application

I am looking for any application (Freeware/Donation/Open Source/Commercial) that has similar features to this.
I have looked all over the web for an updated version of this that would run on WM5+, but it seems that the publisher has been pretty inactive for a while and I haven't been able to contact them. I have also looked for other applications with similar features but have only found corporate software apps that are part of large client/server report and citation applications.
If anyone knows of any software that could replace this outdated version or if any devs would be willing to design a new app please post here or pmsg me for further discussion.
I know many that could benefit from such an application and that would be willing to donate to the development of an app or be willing to purchase a copy.
Thanks in advance.

Android Software Development

Hi all,
I work in IT but have never done any programming at all before. I would like to get started in developing apps for Android. Does anyone have any pointers tips on doing this. Is Android the wrong place to start with programming or should I be ok? Does anyone know of any good resources which should get me started, either online or in book form?
Any advice appreciated,
Manning has a Developing for Android book. http://www.manning.com/ableson/ You'll need to learn Java so start there too. Or look into Titanium http://www.appcelerator.com/
Promoting your site, isn't a good idea
I don't necessarily want to discourage you, but doing proper software development isn't the easiest thing to learn. There's a pretty steep learning curve surrounding object-oriented development, and the alternative is something you'll either hate or misuse.
Most people starting to program first learn how to make things happen in code procedurally: do A, then when that's done do B, then when that's done do C. Trying to program user interfaces this way is awful because the user workflow does not necessarily follow each little action in a specific order (and the interface has to continue to be responsive while your program is working). Your code will almost certainly suck and you'll spend most of your time testing, fixing bugs, and rejecting feature requests because they are "impossible" until you learn the better way: break down the problem into discrete blocks of related data and resources (the objects), define all the ways each block can be manipulated (the methods on those objects), define the conditions under which different actions must take place (thread messaging, event handlers), and tie all of that together into an application.
If this sort of thing interests you, great! I myself used to work in IT and found software development to be a much more interesting, open, and creative field. Mobile development is an especially fun field because you can deal with smaller projects and your customers are normal people, not businesses. I caution you not to jump right into the deep end, though; read several books on java and OOP, start with a smaller project and redesign/rewrite it several times until it's perfect, then you'll be ready to take what you've learned and apply it to something incrementally bigger.

Financial Application Development

I have barely developed anything since the BASIC days on the C64 and Amiga, and now feel inspired to create some financial applications for the Australian market - such as superannuation projections.
How hard is it to develop? A few standard calculations like you would see on a spreadsheet would work, with some graphing.
Most financial applications I have found are pretty basic and don't account for inflation in rising wages and fees, etc.
I believe I could attract at least a dollar for a well developed application for superannuation alone.
I have installed the Android 2.2 SDK and have no idea where to start. I presume this is some sort of emulated Android device I can test my applications on.
Are there any tutorials on how to get started? What's the development language?
All I need to do is create a simple text interface to input a few parameters to run some complex financial calculations on the back end.
A really sophisticated application would pull live interest rates or other data and enter that in.
Start with this:
developer.android. com/resources/tutorials/ hello-world.html
(take away the spaces, I cant post links yet )
These are all great tutorials that will walk you through the basic processes and applications/layouts. The only issue you will have is when/if you decide to go through the "Tabs View" tutorial, there are a lot of errors in the code, and I have no idea why no one have changed it, but you can PM me for the correct version.
If you want some basics on Java, just do a google search, there are a lot of great tutorials out there for beginning Java. I recommend doing this first, just so you have a good understanding of Java(which is the development language), it will *REALLY* help out. You can incorporate other languages, but for the time being, stick with Java.
Yes, the SDK comes with an emulator so that you can test your programs without having to install them on a real device. In addition to what Jimmy said (and I can't stres highly enough that you should start with the Android Developer's website and tutorials), you can go to Stack Overflow which is a programming Q&A website. People there are generally very helpful, as long as you've shown you've actually put some effort into solving your problem before you posted your question.
Fair enough... So it's basically about learning to programme for Java? How hard would it be, realistically, for someone with no application development experience?
You need a basic grasp of objected oriented design & programming, along with an understanding of the Java language. When it comes to gui aspects & all communication with other apps/data on the device, you have Android, rather than the usual Java class libraries such as awt or swing.
How hard? It's doable, imo, but will depend on aptitude. Start with Java & then add in Android when you feel like more material to get your head around.
So basically getting started requires me to learn application development like on any other platform, in OO and Java. I may as well do a course or something then. Would a few weeks doing some sort of intro course help?
I'm sure an appropriate course could be very helpful. Though I'd steer clear of those short courses claiming to turn anyone into a valuable skilled programmer in only xx weeks, if only because the tutor will probably know less than you on the subject. Better one which makes credible claims regarding its introductory nature. A couple of degree level intro modules on OO or Java should be of help.

Developer Work Needed

Hi Community,
I'll first start by introducing myself, I'm Shaun from Sydney, Australia. I run a business support company that assists other businesses in their endeavours. I am working with a client at the moment that is in need of some help with a product.
To assist them, I'm in need of a boffin that knows the ins and outs of Android APK's and how to make things work. I need to get in touch with people to discuss if it could be possible to combine either Android TV, or Google TV to a device that is already running a version of Android.
It will eventually become a consumer product after the software work has been done and needs a face-lift from its current form. Ultimately, Google TV is where we want it to land.
The right help in this adventure will be paid. Let me get that clear and open from the start.
If such a person/s exist here, could you please contact me so that we might start conversations to get this done!
EDIT: I'm also open to advice/guidance as to how to get this done with Google's blessing. Again, this will end up being a Consumer product, so I don't want to be running into any legal issues from using a Google product without their knowledge or consent etc.
obvious question: how much you pay?

