[Q] Installing iSkoot Skype on Three - Galaxy S I9000 General

Hi All,
Hope this place is still as useful as ever
I'm expecting my new galaxy s phone which i got as an upgrade from vodafone uk. I want to use a three sim card in it so:
1. Would it come sim-locked? if so, is it easy to unlock? if so, where's the best place to buy unlocking codes or even better free unlock it?
2. If i want to use Skype on three (to make free calls) through the iSkoot app. Where can I get a working version of this? What settings do i need to play with? and do you think it will work? Heard that it might still use the included minutes. I want it to be totally free as i will use it extensively.
3. What's the latest best rom to install? Bear in a mind that i'm totally new to Android (Been a windows mobile person for so long) so might need some beginner's guide
Thanks everyone.

Q1: I have seen an unlock app ... would need to try find where, might have been on the marketplace ... you may need to enable root access first though.
Q2: Can't help if you specifically want iskoot ... but there is a Galaxy S Skype available from 3 themselves as they do the handset on contract.
Q3: No idea . Kinda new here too having just moved from WinMo about 1.5 weeks ago!


Need Advise from Experts

I need your expert advise on this. I'm a newbie for XDA products, all of 'em. Previously I used two gadgets, mobile phone & PDA. Seeing the new magician form factor really encourage me to buy one of this beside, I think this magician will help me in saving more pockets by combining those 2 gadgets. However, I don't want to take wrong action when buying this product. I need all guidance I can get on this.
Currently, in my country, its more easy to find O2 XDA II Mini. I guess T mobile, i-Mate, and Q-Tek will not be here for the time being, so please XDA Mini users, help me. Here are my questions:
1. What is the ideal ROM versions when I'm about to test the product, I mean all ROMS include the ROM Radio, Ext ROM, etc?
2. Beside package content, what else should I need to check from the product?
3. What kind of programs that suits best with XDA II mini? I'm not really into game. Music & movies are more preferable and also some Personal Management apps (this one is the most essential) - Currently I used Pocket Informant to manage my Tasks & Schedules.
4. I saw a topics mentioning about audio probs, Is it hardware or software issues? Do you think I should ask the seller to open some package and test each of them?....Forget it, they won't let me anyway :lol: !
What else guys? help me please? Oh and don't forget to reccomend best apps and its version that getting along very well with XDA mini OS
PS: Pardon me if my english is very unstructured.
Anyone? Please help?
I guess no one want to help me anyway....
Oh well.... anyway thanks for reading this thread guys
If it is easier to get local support for one of the devices where you live - I would suggest you go for that one.
udahenry said:
1. What is the ideal ROM versions when I'm about to test the product, I mean all ROMS include the ROM Radio, Ext ROM, etc?
2. Beside package content, what else should I need to check from the product?
3. What kind of programs that suits best with XDA II mini? I'm not really into game. Music & movies are more preferable and also some Personal Management apps (this one is the most essential) - Currently I used Pocket Informant to manage my Tasks & Schedules.
4. I saw a topics mentioning about audio probs, Is it hardware or software issues? Do you think I should ask the seller to open some package and test each of them?....Forget it, they won't let me anyway :lol: !
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I don't understand question 1.
2. Check that it's working.
3. You can download lots of free programs.
If you don't want audio issues, buy the MDA Compact from T-Mobile Germany. It's unlocked unlike T-Mobile Netherlands.
Thanks Guys for replying
Now I know why no one replies, my english is really bad huh?
Question no. 1, I mean you guys know much about ROM version, I want to know the best version, does anyone can share their XDA mini ROM version?
Question No 2, :lol: I know I should check is it working or not, but I mean should I do specific checking apart than try the phone, check the ROM, check the sound, camera, what else. If that's all I need to do than that will be fine.
Question No. 3, I heard that windows 2003 SE don't have high compatibility with regular windows mobile 2003, Could someone shares their experience what will work on XDA and what not? Or is there some apps that I should avoid in installing to a PDA? I'm a newbie, if anything happened to my XDA, I'dont know what to do except send it to service centre
Question No.4, My country only have XDA Mini right now and it comes unlock ( most phones in Indonesia are unlocked) Is the audio issue only happened with MDA or almost all magician?
Thanks for those who want to reply. Also thanks for those who opened this thread, sorry if I'm bothering you guys, I'm just a newbie who seeks for enlightment from experts
udahenry said:
Thanks Guys for replying
Now I know why no one replies, my english is really bad huh?
Question no. 1, I mean you guys know much about ROM version, I want to know the best version, does anyone can share their XDA mini ROM version?
Question No 2, :lol: I know I should check is it working or not, but I mean should I do specific checking apart than try the phone, check the ROM, check the sound, camera, what else. If that's all I need to do than that will be fine.
Question No. 3, I heard that windows 2003 SE don't have high compatibility with regular windows mobile 2003, Could someone shares their experience what will work on XDA and what not? Or is there some apps that I should avoid in installing to a PDA? I'm a newbie, if anything happened to my XDA, I'dont know what to do except send it to service centre
Question No.4, My country only have XDA Mini right now and it comes unlock ( most phones in Indonesia are unlocked) Is the audio issue only happened with MDA or almost all magician?
Thanks for those who want to reply. Also thanks for those who opened this thread, sorry if I'm bothering you guys, I'm just a newbie who seeks for enlightment from experts
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As far as I know, there's no sound problem with the MDA Compact.
Also, I think the best ROM is the T-Mobile ROM.
If anything goes wrong after installing a program, do a soft reset.
If it's still bad, uninstall the program and do a soft reset.

Roms - noob questions

I've gone through all the pages in the Prophet part of the forum I can't seems to find answer for the (probably) very simple questions that I have. I'm guessing that just about everyone (except me of course) knows the answers to these questions so here goes:
1. Upgrading ROM, why?
I'm guessing that the main reason to do an update is the same a running updates for a normal PC? Old problems and issues are resolved with a new rom?
2. Different versions?
Going through the forum you run across various versions; Dopod, I-mate, S200 (and some I've probably missed). Is there any page or guide that shows the differences between the various versions?
3. Phone company info?
If you update the rom, will all phone company info be lost? Can you enter the stuff that needs to be entered manually? I'd hate to do an update and then not be able to use my phone anymore.
4. Warranty?
Any idea if messing with your rom voids the warranty on the phone?
1. Upgrading ROM, why?
I'm guessing that the main reason to do an update is the same a running updates for a normal PC? Old problems and issues are resolved with a new rom?
2. Different versions?
Going through the forum you run across various versions; Dopod, I-mate, S200 (and some I've probably missed). Is there any page or guide that shows the differences between the various versions?
Mainly due to some of the goodies attached to some of the ROM, e.g. the splash screen some of the Today's plugins.. and mostly on the Ext ROM.
3. Phone company info?
If you update the rom, will all phone company info be lost? Can you enter the stuff that needs to be entered manually? I'd hate to do an update and then not be able to use my phone anymore.
Yes. Yes. You can still use your phone if you know what you are doing.
4. Warranty?
Any idea if messing with your rom voids the warranty on the phone?
Yes, it will void your warranty in most cases.
thanks for the quick reply..
2. Different versions?
Any idea if you can see somewhere what the differences are? And does it really matter if I use the Dopod rom on my Qtek S200?
3. Phone company info?
I was suddenly wondering if you really need to enter any info at all. Isn't it enough to set Network to automatically select and the info on the SIM will take care of the rest?
Hi cobra25.
In the future I recommend you don't restrict your browsing to the Prophet part of the forum. There is a lot of interesting stuff in the general forums for everyone and then there is the WiKi.
Now to your questions:
1) Yes, it's just like updating your desktop windows and device drivers, but while a certain update may fix some issues, it may cause others.
Example: AKU2 update gives you push mail and A2DP (BT stereo) but it removes clock from taskbar and makes the date plugin 2 lines high. This really annoys some people.
2) This are versions from different brands. Ordinarily you can only upgrade to the same brand you bought the phone under. To change brand you need to CID unlock you phone or use a special updater that doesn't check for vendor ID. All this info can be found in the WiKi.
Unfortunately, I don't think there is a comparison page for Prophet (someone posted a doc file for the Universal a while back). I do remember a couple of month ago someone on this forum written a comparison after flashing several different ROMs.
3) Settings for MMS and internet (I assume that's what you meant, since everything else is stored on the SIM) will be lost unless the update was issued by your phone company (like Orange or O2), but it is not difficult to recover. You can set it up manually (your phone company is obligated to provide the setting on their site or through customer support), or you can unlock the extended ROM (simple registry tweak) and save the settings cab file to the PC.
4) If you use an official update from the OEM or the phone company, it shouldn't void the warranty. However it is best to check with who ever sold you the device on the exact policy.
Thanks for the answers. The weekend is just around the corner so I'll take your advice and take a look in the general forum.
As for point 3:
Can you believe that I haven't even looked at MMS & Internet yet. I've got my normal PC for internet. Currently using it to play games, use the calendar, contact and mainly the normal phone.
Next thing I'm going to take a look at is push mail, that certainly seems interesting..
Ok, well to set you off on the push mail thing:
If you have an exchange server available, it as easy as entering its info in ActiveSync on the device.
If not look up mail2web. It's a free service, but you do need to create an account.
But heed my warning:
Push mail uses a lot of GPRS traffic and as a result shortens battery life significantly.
It is not recommended if you have limited data plan or can't recharge your phone every day.
Oh and one thing I forgot to mention:
When you update the ROM all data in your device is deleted so back it up!
Have a nice weekend!
cobra25 said:
Next thing I'm going to take a look at is push mail, that certainly seems interesting..
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Another disturb factor is SPAM. It is push mail killer.

Questons what need to get answers!

First i want to say thanks to ivanmmj bicouse he made best rom what i found for P4350. Rom name JustStableV2-Build6-Herald.7z and it found from http://justkitchen.info/JustROMs/
I have played with that rom today very much. Its super fast and stable. No errors or anything. Only queston is why i cant put Dataconnection on? I got some other questons too and i hope i get answers.
1. I want to put the settings so that I can not go without wifi example was because I do not have a data package / contract so it costs a lot and I do not want to because I have wifi is almost always available when we need it
2. Where i can get Msn messenger for my P4350?
3. Where i can get some games for my P4350. I like to play with mobile phones and this have good buttons etc so i think there is games too.
4. Can i delete some useless programs like opera mini and google maps etc what i dont need.
Those first four questons what need to be answered Some text was write with google translate If this is wrong place move it to right.
This is the PERFECT place to ask these questions.
1. I'm not sure what you're asking.
2. There are a few different alternatives. Unfortunately, I don't really use my Wing/Herald anymore, so I don't remember.
3. Same as #2.
4. Unfortunately, you can't remove programs that are cooked into the ROM without cooking a new ROM.
okey. So if somebody knows answers to 2 and 3 say it I mean the using msn etc is very expencive for me bicouse i dont have data contract so i just want to be sure this will now use gprs etc bicouse i can use wlan and its cheap.

[Q] New to Android

Hey guys. I just upgraded to my mt4g from a Wing and want to do basically 2 things:
1. I want to be able to tether my laptop to my phone.
2. I want to be able to record phone calls.
I know I need to root my phone, any tips/suggestions/good walkthroughs? Are there any default passwords to change or anything I need to do in order to keep my security tight?
Are there any apps anywhere close to Vito AudioNotes?
And any tips you guys could offer to someone coming over from WM6.5 to Android
What are the best case/screen protectors for the mt4g?

[Q] SMS export for dummies

Hi! I know the answer is out there in pieces, but after spending hours trying to piece it together, I'm still at a loss. This noob really appreciates any help you can provide.
I am trying desperately to find a way to export the text messages/SMS from my device to a text file on my computer.
Here are my details:
I have a Verizon HTC Trophy (HTC mwp6985).
The OS version is 7.10.8773.98 and the bootloader version is 3.2.230513.2.
The phone is not unlocked in any way. (I'm a dummy but willing to try anything.)
I only need to export the text messages. I won't need to import/restore anything.
I care about nothing else on or about the device. Everything else can be wiped, I'm willing to take the phone apart, I'm willing to screw up the phone in any way to accomplish this. (I've already moved on to a new phone and will probably donate this one.)
I don't need the pictures, just the text.
I realize that the desire to export SMS seems silly to some people, but I have my reasons.
Here is what I've gleaned (not all of which I comprehend):
An SMSBackup homebrew app exists that would allow me to upload my text messages to SkyDrive, but my phone must be interop-unlocked. The only way to interop-unlock my device is with a custom ROM.
The only way to install a custom ROM is by downgrading the OS to 1.x spl and installing RSPL / HSPL.
The only way to downgrade the OS to 1.x spl is to use the GoldCard method which requires me to purchase an SD card/reader, a USB y-cable, and a USB gender changer.
Before I go out, buy these things, and spend more hours trying to crack this nut, could somebody let me know if I'm on the right track, if this is possible, and are there additional caveats or exceptions that would make this unworkable for me? Thank you!!
Looks like I'm not the only one stumped by this!
Ok, well, thanks anyway!
I think you need to be fully unlocked for this. but,I could be wrong. There is the SMSbackup app you can sideload (look in the WP7 dev/hacking area) If you run this one of the options is to export to your skydrive. Then just download the file to your PC. That is what I did....
I really think you need Root access on your phone to do this....but, if you find the thread with SMSbackup, you should be able to find what you need to run it.
If you are not even unlocked, you might be out of luck, you need to be able to at least sideload it, never mind the other permissions you need for it.
Now, the next question is how to I get a full unlock, easy, Root your phone this way..
and install a rom but, the catch is, if you flash a rom, you use your SMS messages, so what is the point ? Can't help you with that one...but, you can have Windows Phone 7.8 now if you want...worth it ?
You dont need to buy anything to flash a rom, you just need to unlock, install a old rom (to download your firmware) then update to the custom rom of your choice but, it does not help as you will lose your SMS.
The ONLY way to get a Unlock on your phone WITH OUT losing you SMS is the legal way, A Microsoft Dev account, $99, and even then you might not be able to get to interop to do what you want...You need to reseach that a little...
Good luck and dont forget to hit thanks if this helped a little...
Thank you! That helps me completely, as that was one of my nagging suspicions (that I'd lose the SMSs in the process). Looks like I'll be transcribing by hand. In any case, your advice is much appreciated.
tltltetd said:
Thank you! That helps me completely, as that was one of my nagging suspicions (that I'd lose the SMSs in the process). Looks like I'll be transcribing by hand. In any case, your advice is much appreciated.
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No problem and thanks ! If your staying with your phone, I might say to go with the rooted route, so if you need to export them later, you can do it. There is a lot of nice perks to having a rooted phone and you can get 7.8 now, not wait till next year. There is a lot of fun and cool little tools out there to have fun with your phone, even a cool tool marketplace (free tools from XDA on a marketplace), even Wi-Fi tethering with out having to pay VZW extra for it.
If you end up rooting your phone with a new rom, the import of SMS does not work too well,at least for me. It does import but for me, it added extra threads so for each user. I had 2 SMS threads as using the imported one didn't work for me, I could read them but, if I replied to a imported one, it would create a new thread for it. Also, it does not backup picture messages, so you want to save your pictures one by one to keep them.
Good luck.
BTW...if your a sudent (edu email address), there might be a way to unlock your phone for free (free Dev account, dreamspark) with a little work. That does not solve the interop unlock but, it could get you almost there. Otherwise, it's a $99/yr account.

