[Q] How to do rooting...? - Wildfire General

i am new to android community and i read the MARTIN's softroot procedure. I could download all the required packages but when i run the INSTALL command on my vista HP 32-bit OS, it says DEVICE NOT FOUND.... in what mode i have to connect the device ??
please explain me the complete procedure of doing rooting....

just send two files(softmod.apk&superuser.apk) to card and install as http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=757191

You can use appinstaller on your phone, or use htc sync to install it to your phone.

Or just send em to your pone via bluetooth.

sorry i'm new to booting also. which folder do i place the files ?

Thanks to all above...
And you can keep the files anywhere in the card...


Can't flash 3.17/ 3.16 after installing XDA devel ROM

I installed the XDA developers ROM flawless, but the GRPS browsing deosn't work, and I need it. I want to go back to the original ROM, or other original QTEK ROM, but when I run the installer it stops after "waiting 10 seconds.." I tried 2 different ROMS I've found inthe forum, the UK [email protected] 3.17... and the 3.16...
How can I go back? Is it possible? Please developers help me
yes, it's no problem to flash (downgrade?) it to O2 3.xx,
I am not very sure what happened in ur XDA, but I suggest try to use Image Tool to burn the O2 rom.
what's the image tool?
Is it different from the installer I tried?
OK, here is the reason:
B coz the rom which from xda-developers is base on qtek rom, so the id of ur XDA has been changed to qtek's id, once u want to install the rom from O2, the upgrade program found a different id and refuse to upgrade it.
u can:
use Image tool to write the ROM from O2
run adaptRom.exe in ur pc to update the ROM from O2, and then u can 'install' it from ur pc to XDA
how exactly I use the ADAPTROM?
I run it from the pc and nothing happenned. (A dos window opened and closed immediately) In which directory should I run it? Or is it from the mobile device through the pc? Please explain me.
The other thing is that I didn't understand correctly the process with the ROM image tool. I copied the ROM from the QTEK to the SD, and then I wrote in the SD the upgrade. Now the pc doesn't recognize de SD, I can't even format it and I'm too afraid to put it back in the XDA.
ANy ideas what should I do? I even tried Isobuster but it didn't read it.
Copy adaptROM.exe to same direcory as installer (under "Program Files", called "RUU", "Programme A" or somthing similar.
Go to this directory using the command prompt, and then run adaptROM in that directory.
Run "Programme A", it will not complain anymore...
We're working to make this easier...
i am facing the same problem
hello dear xda-develpoers .... i have the same problem but i have the qtek and i flashed it with the new o2 rom with the xda-developers 1.1 but i cant go back to my orgeinal qtek rom ..i have triyed copying the adaptROM.exe to same direcory as installer (under "Program Files", called "RUU" then i have tryied to flash the rom but nothing changes can u please help me....thanks very much
I hope you also ran adaptROM, and not just copied it. First run adaptROM, then "Programma A"...

cannot execute the remote communication program

Hi I am trying to flash a rom made in the kitchen as a .exe file from the pc and get the error “cannot execute the remote communication program.” I have checked the usb and it seams to be working fine.
I am also cannot explore the devise using the pc through either activesync or my computer the window appears blank. Pleas help
this means your bootloader version has a protection mechanism ... maybe it's 5.22. anyway, this means you can only use the SD card flashing method.

How to install XDA-developers-SER-v12?

Hi everyone. I'm new with my XDA1.
I've download this file XDA-developers-SER-v12 and XDAtools.
Still cann't install to my XDA1 since there are no clear instruction.
Can someone guide me or tell me where can i get the instructions please.
if you already have the SER12.exe ... connect your device to the USB cradle and power ... after sync just run the exe file and follow the screen instructions
Note: better to remove the SIM card before
Still cann't install the XDA-developers-SER-v12
Error message said "cann't access the ROM files" :?
Is it i'm missed out some steps?
Please help!!!
what's your current ROM and bootloader versions ?

[ROM] Windows Mobile 6.1 for HTC ELF/ELFin

This custom ROM is built for installation onto both the ELFs and ELFins.
DO NOT FLASH IT TO ANY OTHER DEVICES! I will not be responsible for any damage to your device.
1. Copy the Cert_SPCS.CAB and EnableRapi.CAB from the zip folder to your device's Storage Card.
2. Install the two cabs to your Device memory and do a soft reset.
3. Restart your PC or laptop (Optional)
1. Turn off your computer's Anti-Virus software if you can.
2. Activesync your device to your PC using USB port.
3. When the connection is completed (after synchronisation), double-click on [START] batch file to begin the integrated ROM Updating Utility.
4. Now follow closely the instructions that appear on the computer screen.
5. Press [ENTER] to accept at each prompt to continue the process.
6. After Step 2/3 of USPL CID Unlocker, the device screen will turns "blank white" and your activesync icon gray (in Windows XP only).
Congratulations! You have successfully CID unlocked your device. Press [ENTER] to proceed NOW!
(NB: If you failed to see the "blank white" screen, then your CID unlocking has failed.
Restart your installation process from Step No.1)
7. Your device will now proceed to update your rom. Select and hit [NEXT] at each prompt to continue.
8. When the rom updating is completed at 100%, your device will restart automatically.
9. Congratz! You have successfully upgraded to a new rom.
I did this had no problems with my htc elf/elfin/touch over the moon with it!!!
REMEMBER: all of your installed applications will be swiped of with this ROM.
Also have fun with your upgraded windows mobile 6.1 HTC ELF!!!
please tell me if there is any problems post a reply...
forgot to menchion download the full thing at > http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4277382/Windows_Mobile_6.1__en_for_HTC_Touch
'Start' batch file does nothing.
Tried opening it directly from a command prompt, but still nothing, except it opens another dos box.
Thoughts ?
The 'start' batch file fails because the first command is 'cd RUU'. but there is not a folder called RUU.
Then it tries to rename two files which also do not exist. Hence it never actually arrives at the exe file to unlock & install the ROM.
Can this work if you simply run the exe file without renaming & changing folders ?
Hi, and thanks for that script...
The .bat works well for me but while updating the rom, I've got an 270 error... 'The images files is corrupted please check your update utility'
does any one had the same issue on his phone? Do you think I just need to download it again? (concidering that the zip file uncompressed normaly, I assume it works well...)
Thanks for your answers...
upgrading MDA Touch
please i need your Help.
I have download the" touch essential V3.5 Manilla" on my PC. But i don´t know how to send it to my MDA.
Activsyc is working.
Where kann i fine the cert_CAB?
I have also unpacked the V3.5 manilla, but there is no way to run it in the MDA how should i do this.
many thanks
My 2 cents...
If I were you I wouldn't rely on a torrent posted by a junior member (age 12) and rather download the ROM posted by Football on Rapidshare => See his post HERE <=.
I've been using it from day 1 without any problem...
gruikdadude... I understand were you are coming from but I have been very carefull on what i look for and actually this torrent file was uploaded by someone on xda developers so i am saying the update worked fine for me so why shouldnt it for you so before you start criticising a me for posting something that is just to assure htc touch owners that there is a reliable WM6.1 upgrade is there anything wrong with this......... NO!!! so before you criticise think twice !!!bell end!!!
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r there any direct download links?
as i prefer not to download through torrents...torrents downloading over here sux...
whiplash1995 said:
so before you criticise think twice !!!bell end!!!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Not criticizing you at all: just warning xda members that downloading any posted ROM can be harmful for their PPC...
Can you plz. give us link for zip file instead of the ttornet one
thanks in advance
can you tell me the diffrences between this rom and the original 6,1 rom? i see no manilla2d, but more differences?
hi i tried the whole procedure , but i get the ERROR[270]: Image file is currupted, can anyone help regarding this error, how to get the uncurrupted version?
Since this rom is giving a lot of people problems, why not just use one of the verified good roms from the Elf Upgrading subforum?

[ROM] missing 6030D rom

Hi all,
i dont want to start duplicit thread, but i'm lost. My friend gave me an alcatel 6030d, and its basically beyond repair ... i dont know what to do .... there is no ROM in this device, only Carliv Touch Recovery . I cant find any ROMs i can get in via Carliv, since i cant transfer Restore files from my PC via USB nor i cant do this via SD-card, because this phone dont have an SD-card slot .... can somebody help me ? I cant even shove those files via ADB, since adb is showing, that sh file inside the phone is missing. Please, help somebody ?
