Silly T9/SIP problem, my SIPs have minds of their own... - HD2 General

Hi Guys,
Up until only recently… I had been using Swype as my SIP on my HD2. It wasn’t perfect, but it was tolerable. What wasn’t tolerable was the issues I had using the WM SMS client, instead of the HTC SMS Client. So after so many issues with the WM client, I switched back to the defauly HTC client. This makes Swype even less useable, as in the HTC SMS client… you cannot double-tap words to select them, and when using Swype, the best way to correct typos is the double-tap method.
So, I tried out ShapeWriter and SlideIT, bother were ok… I seemed to have more success with ShapeWriter on day, and SlideIT the next. But in the end… I got tired of the un-reliability of both and went on a SIP search.
This search led me to Resco Keyboard Pro… which I must say, had been quite brilliant. Big buttons, fast typing response, nice interface, good feature set, etc.
After usind Resco quite happily for a few weeks… I began to notice a silly reoccurring problem, that built to be quite frustrating. It seems that something is forcing the keyboard to input letters… that I may no want there.
- When i type words beginning with 'im' Resco Keyboard automatically adds 'ho' as the next two letters. For example: if i type impossible... i get imhopossible. imagine gives me imhoagine. etc.
- Another problem word is “month”. I can type the “m”, “o”, “n”, and “t” all fine… but as soon as I hit “h”… recso wants to enter “mosth” as the primary word choice. “Month” isn’t even a selectable second option. The only way for me to type “month”, is to intentionally mis-spell it, and have the auto-spell-correction fix it for me. I have to type “mobth” or “momth”or “minth” to get the SIP to enter “month”
Just as I am typing this post… I have realized that the problem isn’t localized to Resco Keyboard Pro. FingerKeyboard2 also has the same issues… which suggests the issue is with my phone, rather than the SIPs.
HTCs defauls SIPs have no issue getting the words correct… but they are soooo sluggish.
Can anyone help with this weird problem?

well... after a couple of hard resets, and a couple of ROM flashes to a few different ROMs, the problem remains. i think the cause might be the version of Resco Keyboard Pro that im using (v6.00)... once i install that, the problem begins, then even after uninstalling RKP, i still get the issue on FingerKeyboard (but not on the HTC SIP).
i guess ill just have to wait for an update for Resco Keyboard.


what is the best phone/radio rom out there for the wizard

hi all
im using the 2.17 qtek rom and i have to admit, i have not been impressed at all by the phone functions.
its very user unfriendly and so hard to get things done.
is there a better rom out there for the phone interface?
in terms of dialing, from contacts, replying, saving numbers, sending messages to phone numbers etc
also, my keyboard (soft keyboard on the screen) is driving me nuts.
i cant install phraze-it, i mean, i install it, but it never comes up when i choose it as input method. always the keyboard. the other inbuit soft input types work.
tried to install blimkeys and all others out there, but nothing comes up. ive never seen their interfaces.
anybody any ideas?
munzab said:
hi all
im using the 2.17 qtek rom and i have to admit, i have not been impressed at all by the phone functions.
its very user unfriendly and so hard to get things done.
is there a better rom out there for the phone interface?
in terms of dialing, from contacts, replying, saving numbers, sending messages to phone numbers etc
also, my keyboard (soft keyboard on the screen) is driving me nuts.
i cant install phraze-it, i mean, i install it, but it never comes up when i choose it as input method. always the keyboard. the other inbuit soft input types work.
tried to install blimkeys and all others out there, but nothing comes up. ive never seen their interfaces.
anybody any ideas?
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As for the Phone User Interface there's nothing you can do apart: 'Get used to it!', it's not so bad in the end.
For the SIP (Soft Input Panel) i can only suggest: be sure the programs you're using are designed for WM 5.0 and install them in main memory.
I believe if you look in the wiki you will find a registry edit that will change the default input method. you can make it the keypad if you like. Not quite sure if that's what you want.

Anyone able to use Resco Keyboard?

I've read some earlier msg. regarding Resco Keyboard Pro apparently clashing with something on the TyTN. Has anybody been able to get this utility to work consistently? I have the latest version, released after I reported this problem to Resco some weeks ago and they told me this release, 4.35, solves it. After installing RKB is seems to work OK but within hours it stops working and only the standard WM5 virtual keyboard will popup -- RKB will not even operate.
I am currently using it, and it works fine. I had sometime the default keyboard that poped out when I softreseted my phone, but it didnt happend for a long time by now
please search the forum : keyword 'resco' or 'sipchange' without quote. t.q.
fun_key said:
I am currently using it, and it works fine. I had sometime the default keyboard that poped out when I softreseted my phone, but it didnt happend for a long time by now
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Same here, sometimes after a soft reset it won't be enabled, one time it wouldn't start, and I had to softreset to get it to work, other than that it seems to be ok....the only times I notice it not being enabled is mainly when I have been installing or removin software
please search the forum : keyword 'resco' or 'sipchange' without quote. t.q.
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read his other post and the first line of this one...he is aware of the search function...just be helpful or "please" stfu
I've disabled the standard keyboard and Symbols right after installed Resco with SK Tools. Now I have Resco Keyboard and Paragon PenReader as SIPs and have no a problem so far. But I did have problems with the standard and Symbols.
Excuse my ignorance but why would you need virtual keyboard when you have hardware keyboard with TyTN?
raven2000;1036945 said:
Excuse my ignorance but why would you need virtual keyboard when you have hardware keyboard with TyTN?
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Honestly before I got my tytn, and it being my first pda I thought I would always use the hardware keyboard, at first it was all I used, but I have a problem with the tops of my T and Y keys being scuffed by sliding the unit I started using the sip keyboard and just got where I liked it better, also I got where I liked the portrait mode more also, I can use the scroll wheel easier and such...its just kinda grown on me I suppose.
I still use the hardware keyboard when I do my postings on here, just because I can punch it out faster, but I don't like it thumbs are a bit big and I have to use my nails..and they tend to slide to the side of the keys cause they are bubble would be nicer if the tops were concave, but when I do any googling or such its just a whole lot easier to type a couple words with the sip keyboard in the search box than to slide the unit open, plus even if your keys don't scuff like are creating wear, its just a normal occurrence when you have friction.
I'm sure other people have their reasons, those are just mine.

Keyboard problem

My HD2 has just developed a new glitch over the past few days. When I'm typing using the sense keyboard the keyboard sometimes disappears and I just end up tapping the body of the text. I've made sure I'm not inadvertantly pressing the keyboard at the bottom of the screen. Has anyone else had this issue, and how can I resolve it? I recently installed the "currency symbols for keyboard .cab", could this have anything to do with it?
snerkler said:
I recently installed the "currency symbols for keyboard .cab", could this have anything to do with it?
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I can't help with your problem mate, but I will confirm that it's not the currency symbols cab that's caused your problem. I've been using that since the day it was released and I've never had the keyboard disappear on me.
Have you installed anything else recently? Does this happen in every app that uses the keyboard, or is it only one particular app?
No, I've not installed anything else that I can think of, except I've now set memmaid to run on a daily basis.
I think the keyboard issue has happened both with SMS and email, but I'll make sure I'm more aware when/if it happens again.
i have the same if not more then that problem, when im typing using the sense key board it tends to lag and also sometimes the are where im typing switches to the top of the text which then i have to press on the last word to continue typing on the end of the messege.
I also noticed when im typing it tends to swtich to something off the typing area, such as if im writing a text messege or email and then the area where im typing is no longer active and the previous messege is highlighted...
the only things i have installed on my phone are
Adobe flashlite 3.1
Microsoft .Net configuration
Microsoft .Net CF 3.5
Duttys task manager 2.1.1

Typing With The Keyboard Help

Hello All....
I just recently purchased the HTC HD2 and coming from an Iphone, they keyboard on here to type seems to be rather difficult. Is anyone else having problems with this at all? It seems it takes me twice as long to write a message or anything on here vs. iPhone. Does anyone have any suggestions? Or does it just take a good amount of time to get use to?
Any help, would be much appreciated!!
it does seem different to any keyboard i've used, and a lot of that i think is down to the screen sensitivity.
I use swype, which helps some, but even then it is almost unuseable until i apply the bsbtweak for reduced screen sensitivity.
for me, it helps to have the audible and vibrate options checked. it makes it a little bit easier to tell when you've actally touched a key. you could also try the phone keypad option for texting and use works surprisingly well for text messages though it can be a bear to use when it doesn't recognize a word.
samsamuel said:
it does seem different to any keyboard i've used, and a lot of that i think is down to the screen sensitivity.
I use swype, which helps some, but even then it is almost unuseable until i apply the bsbtweak for reduced screen sensitivity.
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yap try swype or the new slideit 4.1. with them i type almost faster than with a hardware keyboard - true story.
shu8i said:
with them i type almost faster than with a hardware keyboard - true story.
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yea I that I'm two months into using swype itsa fair bit faster than keying.
I agree with you Marcf, the HD2 keyboard isn't near as easy to use as the iPhone, it's the only feature of the HD2 that I still have a problem with. I use the Skype keyboard which is a little better but it still doesn't work near as well as an iPhone or even my old Omnia. My only hope is that some third party developer will come out with something better one of these days.
The keyboard is a pain.
I found disabling the vibrate on key press to help, it speeded up my typing anyway.
Swype is good but im not sure if im quicker using it tbh.

Thinking of selling my HD2 and moving on. Why? Keyboard sucks.

Don't get me wrong. I love my phone. Have been with windows mobile for many years. Never had an iphone or any Apple product.
I just find the keyboard on this phone sucks. You would expect it to be better than the iphone as it is wider but the truth is the iphone keyboard is way better. I think the ghost area for each key spans a bigger area on the iphone thus makes it more accurate. My sister has an iphone and i can type very well on it.
With the HD2 keyboard I am constantly making mistakes. I hate that the XT9/ABC key is directly below the A key as I find myself constantly switching to ABC mode by accident. I have to be more careful and precise when typing, thus slower. Sometime spaces are not entered. I have tried the sensitivity tweaks. I have tried different roms. I have tried the phone pad. Still aways not perfect.
Ok, I am a big fan of Winmo. I started the HUGE hints and tips thread on here and on the Blackstone forum too many years ago. Not bashing WinMo or this phone - just the keyboard makes for frustrating use.
I think I should get a new phone. Not sure whether to get a Blackberry with a physical keyboard, an iphone, an android phone or just another winmo phone with a keyboard. I used to have an Asus P525 which was a fab phone and had a great keyboard. Sadly dated specs though.
Am very tempted with a WP7 phone. Am just fed up with the HD2 keyboard.
Don't know what to do.
Any advice?
Have you tried other keyboards such as Swype?
i know what you mean. however, i use swype and that makes typing on this phone quicker than any other phone i have ever tried.
I have tried swype briefly but I did not give it the benefit of time. Maybe I should try it again.
I know how you feel man. I hate the keyboard on my HD2. Thats the main reason I have been using my iPhone over my HD2. The HD2 blows my iPhone away as far as performance goes, but I just cant type on the damn keyboard. I tried Swype and it adds so much speed to typing, but It seems like it doesn't recognize a lot of the words I type, and it suggest things that aren't even close. I know back when I was running Hero roms on my G1 I had the option of calibrating the keyboard. Do we not have this option on the HD2?
yea you are right it takes forever typing using the hd2 keypad constantly making mistakes.. a physical keypad would be my preferred choice But it is abit weak to change mobile phones over a keypad dont you think?? if you said the battery life then i would agree! anyway all the best. i tried using swype but it suffers from lag!!
Do you really think it is a bit weak of me to change the phone because of the keyboard? Don't you think that the keyboard is one of the most important parts of a phone that someone uses daily? How can HTC not get the one important thing right? Everything else about the phone is great - well almost. But the keyboard just sucks! with a capital S
how much you willing to part with it?
i totally agree with the keyboard thing. I don't know if mine is even worse than others because when I ask other people about the keyboard on the HD2 they say its fine.
When I press "keys" it constantly hits all the keys around it, so i want to type 1 letter and end up having 4 or 5 letters pop up. Because of this I rarely text anymore and end up calling people for simple replys to their texts such as, what time for a froff?
It's possibly the only bad thing about the HD2, but it is massively bad.
I think hot and cold days really effect it, along with really warm fingers and when the screen heats up a bit from being on for a few mins.
I've learned to live with swype. Still not as fast as my hardware kb on my tp2, but the other specs made upgrading a nobrainer.
haven't had any problems with the keyboard on my hd2, have you guys tried asking any of the developers to try to replicate the iphone keyboard for the hd2?
tboy2000 said:
Do you really think it is a bit weak of me to change the phone because of the keyboard? Don't you think that the keyboard is one of the most important parts of a phone that someone uses daily? How can HTC not get the one important thing right? Everything else about the phone is great - well almost. But the keyboard just sucks! with a capital S
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I just noticed how difficult it is to use the keyboard for long senteces. I was doing heavy, long texting today, and I kept getting mistakes. (I sometimes use Swype, but its accuracy can be way off at times.
I agree that HTC's EzInput isn't that great. It was probably meant only for single-touch, resistive screens that their older devices have. I personally found the virtual keyboard easy to use on my TP2 when I had to do quick texts -- it was much more accurate (and keep in mind: resistive screens are more accurate than capacitives).
They only boast their keyboard because it has the d-pad buttons on it (compared to other keyboards).
I have no idea what you are talking about: i fing the virtual mb to be quite nifty. for example, i am using it right now to type this rsponse. its going just zplebdix. except cor the paefz when my fingeracacvidentakky touch outside the area of the keypad abnd that automaticlly diskisses the meyoad. that is annoying.
Have you tried to change the settings for the standard keyborad - it kan change the feeling a lot.
But in the end i wasn't satisfied with the standard keyborad, so i tried Fingerkeyboard that isn't a "swyping" keyboard?
Or, SlideIT, that i use. It's smilary to Swype, but much better for me.
By sensitive tweaks do you speak about this one :
Work for me....
tboy2000 said:
I have tried swype briefly but I did not give it the benefit of time. Maybe I should try it again.
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you really should give it a good try. At first it does not recognise all the words you type but then it learns and is soooo much quicker.
A friend who has the iphone said my keyboard was crap so we compared his against my swype. he was still on the first couple of words by the time i had finished the sentence. Granted i do touch type but swype really is quick with practice.
i wouldn't
use swipe pal, once it learns a few words and you get used to it its awesome, also the rate at which andriod is being developed for the hd2 is quick and the keyboard on that is fantastic on the massive screen.
i stick with it mate.
jkolner said:
SlideIT, that i use. It's smilary to Swype, but much better for me.
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SlideIT is the one, I love that keyboard. It'd a bit quirky when you first use it, but once you get used to it, it's amazing. I can't use Swype anymore, it's not half as good as SlideIT IMO, and the fact that it hangs over the bottom taskbar on 6.5.x puts me off too.
So many links, I'm not trying to get you to try SlideIT, honest!
There are so many 3rd party keyboards, resco keybpoard, touchpal, fingerkeyboard, sywpe....
I'm using swype&touchpal. tochpal for internet browsing, cause swype sucks there - i'm using german dic.
..and i love them.
Ah yes, Fingerkeyboard, I forgot about that one. It's a nice freeware keyboard, similar to the default one. Try that also.

