I love my dog - G1 General

So this morning I'm laying in bed and hit snooze on my phone not wanting to go to work...so I doze off and wake up a couple minutes later to my wonderful dog chomping on my phone. I have teeth marks on the bottom, but the best part is, she took a nice deep bite into the power button, so I no longer have any function with it.
Now I can't power off, boot into recovery, anything. GG dog.

t0nnn said:
So this morning I'm laying in bed and hit snooze on my phone not wanting to go to work...so I doze off and wake up a couple minutes later to my wonderful dog chomping on my phone. I have teeth marks on the bottom, but the best part is, she took a nice deep bite into the power button, so I no longer have any function with it.
Now I can't power off, boot into recovery, anything. GG dog.
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Well obviously your dog was trying to give you a message....

Yeah, I guess she was...
My phone is almost useless now...If I let the battery die by accident i'm screwed. Can't flash anything either.
I'm thinking maybe I can try and pop the button out and just use it like that

t0nnn said:
Yeah, I guess she was...
My phone is almost useless now...If I let the battery die by accident i'm screwed. Can't flash anything either.
I'm thinking maybe I can try and pop the button out and just use it like that
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Is the switch itself broken? Or did the tooth just mess up the button?
I certainly would take it apart. Even if you end up with a hole in the front of the thing, as long as there's a working switch, you can poke it with a pen. If the switch itself is broken, it is easily replaced when the phone is in pieces.

The buttons pressed in so much it won't click..do u know of any how-to's on taking it apart?
Sent from my T-Mobile G1 using XDA App

Disassembly guide : http://www.formymobile.co.uk/googleg1disassembly.php

Thanks man, I'm gonna pick up those torx screwdrivers this week. If the switch is actually broken, where can I get a replacement?

t0nnn said:
Thanks man, I'm gonna pick up those torx screwdrivers this week. If the switch is actually broken, where can I get a replacement?
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There's lots of places to get a replacement. Try finding an electronic components store LOCAL TO where you live (not rat shack -- they don't got squat). There should be LOTS, but they do tend to hide themselves well since they only cater to a very specific niche who typically know where to look.
Alternatively, some place like DIGIKEY (website) will have it.
Note: if the switch itself is screwed, don't worry too much about replacing it with the exact same switch. Just find something that fits and preferably has the same shape of contact pads. If you can't find one that has matching contact pads, then you may need to consider WIRES and GLUE.

You can download quickboot from the market to reboot to recovery if you have to, and from there you can restart it. Your best bet is probably to replace whatever is broken though.

either you download quickboot like the previous guy said or you just type "reboot" (after "su") to reboot.
for flashing its enough to only press "Home" during startup --> recovery (power button not needed)
if you phone dies by accident becuase you battery was too low:
remove the battery --> plug in your phone --> insert your battery ==> phone should reboot
i'm not 100% sure about the last thing. pls try it only if you're phone already died and not to test it out. perhaps somebody can confirm this method with a working powerbutton (just in case )


Battery won't charge, power button broken, me going crazy

Ok, im going to start not from the beginning beginning, but from where problems started.
Friday night, went out, I was writing an sms when somebody pushed me and i dropped my wiz, i picked it up, to find that the battery was gone, nowhere to be found, i did find the cover tho. i tried to look for the batt, but i was in the middle of the club so it wasn't that easy.. I knew that a friend of mine had a spare one so i didn't worry that much.
Sunday I got the replacement, tried it, no luck, it ran out i thought, but when i tried to charge it, nothing happened. Buying a new one is not that easy when you are in Argentina, and they are expensive, so i decided to jump sart it. good news: it worked, i could turn on the phone, so the battery is fine. bad news: it still doesn't want to charge!
I previously had problems with the usb, and i had to have it soldered again, pretty strong, but I thought that might be the problem again, so i disassembled my wiz. new problem: the power button broke, the tiny, tiny black piece fell off, AND I LOST IT! DOH!
Anyways, the usb is still soldered pretty strong, i don't think its gonna go loose again, so thats not the freaking problem!
So now, instead of the initial no-charge problem, i have a disassembled wizard, that won't charge the goddamn battery, AND a broken power button (tried to glue it, but fell off again and thats when i lost the piece).
Regarding the button, i've studied my options, what would you recommend and how would you do it?
option 1: turn on the phone with the soft reset hole, and remap the screen on/off function to another button.
option 2: replace the power button internal piece with the one from the voice command button (i never use it). i've taken a look and they seem to be the same, but i don't know if taking it off and soldering it back would work..
anyways, that leaves me again with my initial problem, and i do have an hypothesis. I THINK (because I THINK i remember this happening to me before), that the battery won't start charging until windows has started, and the jump star power the battery has is not enough to get it started (tried to tape it and leave it for a while to see if it charged a bit more, but didn't work, the phone turns on but goes out when loading, and since i've my wiz pretty loaded it takes its time to load).
So to try this out i would need a way to charge the battery manually, and i don't have access to another wiz to have it charged (my friend had a spare batt because his wiz is broken).
So, if you have a solution to this, ANY different solution, or even an IDEA, please give me a hint!
For what i've read, this are common problems, so there must be something out there.
Man, that's a bad thing
I'll try to help you as much as I can.
You are right about Wiz only start charging when it's on. After my N78 was stolen and I went back to the Wizard, the battery was without any charge for months... I plugged it and no red LED... Turned it on and, bingo, red LED and charging!
The voice command and the on/off buttons are the same, so (in theory) it would work 100% IF you were able to change their places (at least for me, it is impossible to do manually, never found any good equip here =\ )
With a lot of patience (and a small soldering iron) I would try to take the voice comm button off and place it where the on/off was.
For the battery, maybe someone here can point if there is a "battery charger" standalone device, or such a thing...
Good luck man
hey thanks for the quick reply!
i'm not thinking of doing it myself, i'm not not that precise nor is my solder, but i know a guy, same dude that fixed my usb. I like that idea more than the other, but i guess that remapping the screen on/off and using the soft reset button would be much safer.. i haven't made up my mind about that yet.
Weir thing about MY wiz, at least thats what i think happened to me last time my battery was completely discharged, is that not only the device must be ON for it to charge, but it needs to have WINDOWS already loaded, i know for most devices it's not like that, but i think thats how mine works, or at least thats the only explanation i could find!
btw, i love your case modding concept, and since i might have my wiz sitting for a while, i might go ahead and try something too! nothing as extreme as yours of course.. i'd love to see more updates on your project along with some guide to see what ideas i can take
slight detail while thinking my options.. if i was to remap the screen on/off function to another button, would i need to have the device in sync? or connected via cable? because when i had the usb soldered, don't know how nor why (all the pins seem to be ok) but the device won't be recognized by any computer, usb only works for charging (or used to work, at least, still haven't figured why it won't charge now).
If its only an app that i can load to the phone, once i have it working (that if i ever will), i can load the app thru minisd, BT or IrDa so that would't be a problem.. i haven's investigated that issue yet.
Hey jinxie, how's your Wizard?
If you're still stuck with the battery (I hope not), check this out...
I think this will solve your battery problem:
That's probably to work, just be carefull with the battery's temperature. If it starts to heat, stop the process and wait it to get normal, then start again.
Good luck!
i tried keeping the wires attached to the contacts for a while, didn't think it'd work better doing it just for a little and then repeating the process, i'll try that!
yeap, i'm still stuck and i think i will be for a while, i have to solve the battery issue first (would be useless to do anything else if i'm not certain i will get it to work), then i have to decide what i am going to do with the power button, and then i might paint it, i'm thinking matte black, or maybe take some ideas from your project if you have made any progress at the time!
thanks for the tip, i'll try it today and i let you know how it went
development: phone DOES NOT turn on with the soft reset button as i thought, i was sure it did, but after jumping the bat once again, tried the wiring method (not repeating the jump start but wiring it directly to de device pins), and tried to turn it on with soft reset and dind't work, while it does turn on with the power button, wich is broken, so in order to turn it on i cannot have the phone assambled, wich means that in order to try to make it work, i will need to hold the battery attached with my hands, and it is a pain in the.. you know where.
update: i wired the charger i was using to jump start the battery to the pins in the wizard, then held the battery in place with my hand, with a small screwdriver i pushed the broken power button. wizard turned on, IT FINALLY LOADED WINDOWS, but don't rush, i then (with my MOUTH) connected the USB wall charger to the port in the phone, and removed the wiring, i was expecting the goddamn light to turn on and the screen to tell me that my phone was finally charging. I WAS WRONG. then i had to let go because my hand was killing me and it went off
and the damn thing refuses to charge! what could it be????????
2nd update: I AM MACGYVER !
i figured the wiring had given the bat enough power to load windows on its own, so tried once more holding everything together with my hand but without wiring the pins this time, and at last the amber light turned on!!! im so proud of myself lol
SO NOW: device works ok, charges ok, battery has enaugh power to load windows, WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THE BROKEN POWER BUTTON? i know you can't remap the power function since its hardware, but the screen on/off function might be remapped. soft reset button DOES not turn on the phone, is there any other way of turning it on? or my only option is to take off the voice command button and soldering it where the power button should be?
well, found the little button part that was missing, glued it (yes, GLUED it), and it kinda worked, i had painted the casing already, so i assembled everything back again. i used a folded piece of paper to hold the button still so it won't fall again and i think it was too big cause now its kind of hard to press but i can live with that, what i cannot live with is NO SIGNAL.. i mean, CMON!! are you kiddin me? now that the button works, battery works, phone assembled, and now this?? when i dissassembled the phone i forgot to take out the sim card, so the metal parts that hold it opened a bit, but i pressed them back, the sim in no way loose, so i guess i might have screwed the attenna :S
i've just checked, i can see the sim contacts so... [CENSORED] !!!
also now the screen looks weird.. like if it had less colours, like when you format your pc and haven's installed the graphic drivers yet, 3d effects look funny..
Hey man, have you painted ALL the Wizard parts, on both sides?
'Cause there is one that has a piece of copper board inside. It makes contact with the antenna. Without that contact, you'll never have signal
The piece I'm talking about is the one that has the camera protection, saying "1.3 MP camera". Look at its back and see if there's no paint on a green and golden plate. Remove the paint if it got there (the golden part is the important one, since it makes contact with the antenna).
Good luck man!
hahah lol, no of course i didn't paint both sides! but anyways im gonna take it apart again, clean it, and try again..
done. it had some paintng yes, but they were very tiny spray drops, so i don't think that is, anyway i cleaned it. On the other hand, i found that the antenna is loose on the left side :S what can i do about it?

Power button dying

Coming across a problem with my DHD. The power button looks like its beginning to fail. I had it in my pocket and bits of sand and dust were getting into the edge around the power button and it got stuck. I got most of it out but its getting harder to press. Anyone else had this problem and maybe have a solution?
Ok its been a couple of days now and its pretty much useless now. The power button is constantly pushed in by whatever is stuck in there. I have to push it about 10 times to get it on or off. Going to take it to the store after work and tell them to replace it.
Seems like the Power button isn't. Pretty good. Mine is on the left side a bit higher than on the right since I bought it.
But I don't want a replacement, because the phone is sold out in Germany..
If it gives up its job, ill bring it to the store.
Please let me know what they say in the store
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Im in australia, vodafone said 2-3 weeks for them to send it off and get it back =/
Im going to take it apart and see if i can clean it out first before handing over to warranty.
Safwah said:
Im in australia, vodafone said 2-3 weeks for them to send it off and get it back =/
Im going to take it apart and see if i can clean it out first before handing over to warranty.
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Surely taking it apart would void your warranty?
I had a good look over what they would see as voiding warranty and theres just one lil sticker on top of a screw. Not even a security one, u just take it off and put back on.
I took it apart and fixed the problem anyway.
I've noticed my button has gotten tired as well. It seems like it has sunken down and feels harder to use.
I've downloaded an app called "tap tap app" which makes you able to turn on and off the screen by tapping on the sensor next to the speaker on top of the phone. Works pretty well and saves my powerbutton.
saves the powerbutton but drains battery faster
another question: your dhd is built together again?
i didnt find any teardown yet..some pics would be great...
My power button is fine, but it feels like my volume up button has sunken down since I removed the battery.
i had this but fixed mine by applying pressure on the button for a while and pushing it right in, try using a needle to remove any dirt or grain from it, if your in portsmouth sometime maybe i could fix it XD
Not a sollution, but you can disable the lock screen (i made it cause i really think it was pointless) and use an app to turn off your screen when needed...
I barely use the button, even with no problem with it...
Sent from my Desire HD using XDA App
Its actually very easy to take the phone apart and back together again. And since doing so i fixed the problem. Im not sure if it was causing the problem or if it was something else, but once i had a look there was a flat piece of lpastic on the underside of the power button. It looked like it was supposed to be there but i took it off to give abit more clearance and that worked.
Id love to do a guide but my phone is my only camera. Ill see if i can borrow a friends. Or use an old phone.

[Q] Help - I Drenched My A500...

Need some help here. I "managed" to drench my tab. Yeah, I know - stoopid me. So what's done is done. Currently the tab's display in not working. I think I was able to power it up - white light on the power button but this stays on forever.
I'm going to return the tab. So here's the question - how would I go about doing a factory reset without actually logging in to the tab?
Thanks in advance.
Yeah I really did a banged up job on the tab. LOL!!
Could try to salvage it first and restore and then return it. Odds are if you turned the power on after drenching it you messed it up badly so youre data is gone anyways.
First of all, you should not have tried to turn it on until it was dry. That can cause shorting.
Any time an electronic device gets wet, pull the battery as soon as possible.
Stick it in a bag of dry rice for a week or two (pulls the moisture out) before trying to power it on.
I have a friend who's phone went to the bottom of a lake 3 times. Came back from it all three.
entropyiv said:
First of all, you should not have tried to turn it on until it was dry. That can cause shorting.
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Indeed. NEVER turn on a wet electronic device. Especially in case where it's got as heavy-duty battery as a tablet or laptop has.
+1 For the rice trick. Silica works as well (the stuff that comes with a new pair of shoes).
+1,000,000 for never ever turning on a moist device! Water conducts electricity, so as entropyiv said, you probably shorted it out.
I'm also thinking that returning the tablet isn't going to work. They'll know immediately that it got wet, and that's a pretty straight forward warranty killer!
Good luck, and let us know the outcome!
most stores dont check for water damage. If you biught it at target youre in luck. When i worked there we were liniant if you had a reciept.
This is why I bought the accidental warranty...
I ride a motorcycle and have gotten radios and such wet in the past. I make sure and turn them off immediately, remove power and then once I'm home I leave them in the hot garage for a few days and I've never had a one that didn't come back to life.
for your responses. I'll try going the usb route to get rid of all my personal data off the tab. Once again, thank you!
The best advice I could give you as a former Compaq Computers Engineer is to take the back cover off, disconnect the battery if you can and unplug anything back there that you can. Leave the tablet in a relatively warm room for 24 hrs, reconnect everything and 9 times out of 10 it will work again. I'm not sure if you permanently ruined it trying to immediately trying to turn it on, but try this advise and see if it will work for you.
Good luck!
Wish I had the accidental on mine, i'm in the same boat. Only I cant do much with it.
BTW, anyone want a perfectly good iconia battery?
Markon101 said:
Wish I had the accidental on mine, i'm in the same boat. Only I cant do much with it.
BTW, anyone want a perfectly good iconia battery?
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There was a guy with a busted screen.another withbdamaged case.part it out and you can get most of your money back.
Look for other damaged and droped unit threads
Good luck to you both
If it's warrantied, I would put the charger in it and toss it back in water to make sure it's fried good. Anything so it doesn't appear to power-up.
Or... if it had Recovery loaded, try to work through the menus for wiping before adding a mod. Touch screen isn't used.
What happened ? I only ask because the case seems like it would hold water back for at least a couple seconds, enough to get it out without the components getting wet.
Hello and thanks once again to everyone who'd responded.
I left the tab with some silicon gelica thing in a bag in a hot room for two days. Powered up the tab, looked like it was going to work - e.g. acer logo came up, as well as the android logo. I was feeling optimistic that the tab may just be fine. But alas, the LCD just won't work. I got a screen that's constantly flickering, snow, etc. It sure looked like the TV from the movie Poltergeist. lol!!
At least I can boot this sucker up. Now to see if the HDMI port is working or not. If it does, then I can hook it up to my TV, plug in a USB hub for a mouse and keyboard...then I should be able to do a factory reset to clear my personal data. Keeping my fingers crossed that this will work. Worse case, my Win 7 PC should see the tab and maybe I can "format" that thing from there.
Don't worry, I am NOT returning this to any retailer...this unit was not "store bought"...it's an engineering sample that was on loan to me... ;-)

Yay I'm finally the first person to (almost?) break my Moto Z Force. *Facepalm*

About an hour before writing this, I moved a cable off my desk which was also under my Force, and off goes the force back first onto the floor. Seems perfectly fine, using it just like normal, but after doing some things in the play store I decided to lock the phone with the power button, I pressed it. Aaaaand nothing.
Volume keys worked fine, everything else worked fine..why not the power button? Who knows. I tried restarting through adb hoping that was the issue and not the drop, didn't fix anything. So...I had possibly the dumbest solution possible. Lets replicate the drop and see what happens. Power button starts to work, but barely, you have to really press it hard to get it to work. Thought lets do it again. Now it's back to not working at all.
At this point I'm scared of dropping my phone any more because I don't want to break the entire thing, but I'm starting to get hopeless. One of the drops I tried to replicate it, it landed face first and cracked my screen protector. So I'm like screw it.
I cover the back camera of the phone with like 4 sheets of tissue and put it inside a PLESON TPU case, to cover the camera, and I just outright drop the thing from like 5 feet high, back first. Now the power button works perfectly again (What the ****?) All that was lost was a good screen protector...?
TL;DR don't drop your phone back first, your power button might become misaligned with...god knows what.
Thanks for the tip... and... Congrats
rejectedjs said:
About an hour before writing this, I moved a cable off my desk which was also under my Force, and off goes the force back first onto the floor. Seems perfectly fine, using it just like normal, but after doing some things in the play store I decided to lock the phone with the power button, I pressed it. Aaaaand nothing.
Volume keys worked fine, everything else worked fine..why not the power button? Who knows. I tried restarting through adb hoping that was the issue and not the drop, didn't fix anything. So...I had possibly the dumbest solution possible. Lets replicate the drop and see what happens. Power button starts to work, but barely, you have to really press it hard to get it to work. Thought lets do it again. Now it's back to not working at all.
At this point I'm scared of dropping my phone any more because I don't want to break the entire thing, but I'm starting to get hopeless. One of the drops I tried to replicate it, it landed face first and cracked my screen protector. So I'm like screw it.
I cover the back camera of the phone with like 4 sheets of tissue and put it inside a PLESON TPU case, to cover the camera, and I just outright drop the thing from like 5 feet high, back first. Now the power button works perfectly again (What the ****?) All that was lost was a good screen protector...?
TL;DR don't drop your phone back first, your power button might become misaligned with...god knows what.
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That's the craziest thing I have ever heard.... Something doesn't act right after accidently dropping the phone, so let's drop the phone many times on purpose and drop it from 5 feet..... Really???
This does remind me of a computer I was repairing ages ago. I got frustrated with trying to get data off of a clicking hard drive so I threw it on the cement floor. Worked perfectly after that. I think the head assembly was stuck or something lol.
Sent from my XT1650 using XDA-Developers mobile app
sericd2010 said:
That's the craziest thing I have ever heard.... Something doesn't act right after accidently dropping the phone, so let's drop the phone many times on purpose and drop it from 5 feet..... Really???
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Hey it worked didn't it? :good:
rejectedjs said:
Hey it worked didn't it? :good:
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You'd be surprised how much in the automotive industry is fixed by hitting something with a wrench and jiggling stuff. Everything mechanical likes to get stuck at some point or another

Resurrect a dead M8, mate?

I acquired an HTC one M9 to replace my dead M8 that I caused (funny story at the end). The headphone jack was wonky, and since I had disassembled and reassembled an iPhone 4S in the past I thought I could try my hand at this. The hardest part was getting the M8 out of its metal shell, and I think that's when I may have damaged something. I was able tot get it back together, but it will not power on.
I can plug it in to a charger and I see the screen come on showing that it charges and that there is a healthy power level to begin with. I can no longer find the plastic power button though, so I have to use a screwdriver tip or a spudger to press the sensor to turn it on. I've held it down for 30 seconds, 1 min, held it and the volume down button for the same amount of time, and tried the same with the volume up button, but no luck. I keep the shell off of it when I attempt to revive it, if that makes a difference (slightly easier to reach the power on button at the top). I can possibly put it back in the metal case and try to hold down all three buttons, but it's a ***** to get back out of the case.
I remember reading a few threads here or elsewhere regarding the ability to jump start a dead phone or android device, perhaps it was a Nexus 7. Is there anything like that in the development package or a standalone program where I can connect it via USB and jump start it that way? Or is it pretty much toast at this point? I see replacement power buttons and power button boards on eBay for under $20, but with my (lack of) skills I believe I'll just damage it more. What are your thought and what are my options?
(Funny story). I purchased my HTC One M8 from an eBay seller, yet when I got it, the power button was not on top but on the right. I'm thinking, "okay, didnt know I'll have to start looking for alternate M8 cases...". When I called Sprint to activate it and provided the information, they said it was actually an M9! So the reviews aren't as favorable towards the M9 as they are the M8, but I love it nonetheless. And of course if anything needs replaced I'm just going to take it to a brick-and-mortar shop to have them do it, save my spudgers for working on laptops.
Thank you for the help and advice!
emax4 said:
I can plug it in to a charger and I see the screen come on showing that it charges and that there is a healthy power level to begin with. I can no longer find the plastic power button though, so I have to use a screwdriver tip or a spudger to press the sensor to turn it on. I've held it down for 30 seconds, 1 min, held it and the volume down button for the same amount of time, and tried the same with the volume up button, but no luck. I keep the shell off of it when I attempt to revive it, if that makes a difference (slightly easier to reach the power on button at the top). I can possibly put it back in the metal case and try to hold down all three buttons, but it's a ***** to get back out of the case.
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Unbelievable i pretty much have the same problem since yesterday.
Ok i try to write this as short as possible.
My Headphone Jack was also broken so i bought a new USB/HJ/MIC part.
After putting it in i wasnt able to load my phone anymore with the new piece so i tried back the original one with the dead HJ and it worked again. So i let it inside, contacted the seller to send me a new one. Which is not here yet, but he doesnt want the first one he sent me back, which is quite fortunate.
However yesterday i dropped my phone on high grass - it was completely dead so i couldnt call it using another phone thus i wasnt able to find it for like 1hour, it was dark, and very cold(-2°C) and also wet and i think this is how i broke my M8. But im not sure yet. I used a flashlight and apparently found it after some help of a friendly lady.
When i was back home it didnt start. Not even when charging. Then i thought myself i will try the new part again with the "broken" USB Jack and pretty funny it somehow works. BUT: Charging it turns on the screen instantly, gets me into recovery (always did that, never startet directly into CM13 which is use) but after like 15seconds it just turns off and starts again, showing me the dead battery icon at first, then the recovery. Im not able to turn it on using the power button (didnt loose mine ) it just turns it off because it starts by itself when chagrer is plugged in. I dont know what to do now: i dont have enough time inside my recovery (CWM) to reset it or something and im not really sure if it is a software or hardware problem but i speculated its the battery which is broken now. (?) However when i put the charger in to make it start, then pull it is able to hold itself for the same duration as if i was charging, but only sometimes. This really confuses me.
I dont think i broke mine during the repetetive change of the part, but im not able to exclude it in my troubleshooting. I know i didnt help you at all probably i just wanted to share my very same problem because no one else responded and i might also get help.

