[Q] Use phone without a SIM card? - XPERIA X10 General

Guys, maybe a bit of stupid question, but...
When I power on the device, without a sim, there's no menu, just a red cross for the emergency calls. And that's all.
Is developers from SE mentally retarded for not providing offline operating mode, or all others mobile brands (htc, nokia, siemens...) are stupid that they allow users using the full capabilities of their gadgets even when there's no SIM inside it?
Thinking that 1GHz of CPU WLAN,GPS,BT etc... is far more than simply a low class mobile handset made just for in/out going calls.
And about the fonts? There's no option changing the size.

Is this really a SE problem and not Android related then? I've not looked into the matter as of now couse i'm on the bus. But i know you can do what you ask on WM phones, so this might be an Android error.
Sent from my X10i using XDA App

I've noticed this isue for all of SE phones (Not Working Without a SIM!). It's a kind of tradition, or a company policy for SE to lock their phones with a sim card.
Nexus One could be used without a sim, as most of the HTCs even under android. For windows mobile I am sure that it's ok without a sim. It'll take ages for SE developers to rewrite the kernel instructions on WM to lock it for SIM.

Don't use an Android phone without a sim card if you want paid apps appear in the Android market. Otherwise you will only have the option of the free ones.
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

I have found something about the problem:
Maybe it is usefull and for SE X10i.
May I ask some one to test it, 'cause I still can not install phone drivers.

Get the phone unlocked and you will be able to use it offline. When I got my Rogers branded one, it was doing the exact thing which really sucked cause Im not with Rogers. So once I unlocked it, you can use it offline.

There's an app on the market called "wosim" which allows you to use the phone without a SIM. I know this works because my friend downloaded and used it. I was like, what app is this? and he showed me..

Unlock and or debrand it and it will work fine without a sim. Mine does
Sent from my X10a using XDA App

If I debrand or reflash the guarantee falls out.
Unfortunately i'm unable even to start the phone because it is operator locked and I don't have the proper sim. It is a client phone and he insist on its guarantee. And I understand him, most of the hi-tech gadgets - especially expensive ones - are complete crap and replicas in my country.
I saw that wosim require root access.
Is it possible to make a firmware backup?
And how to distinct X10a from X10i? I mean is it written somewhere in the phone or model info, inside the service menu?

wosim doesn't require root access...

how to install wosim? As I see the only way is from gmarket. But I don't have a wifi router around me and the X10i could not connect to ad-hoc networks so I can reroute my network traffic to the phone.
Can not insert a SIM card - the phone rejects it.
May I ask if someone could post wosim for me?

doesn't work on X10i.
When trying sqlite3, it brings error sqlite3: Not Found
and when trying to copy settings.db it brings Permission denied. Which leads me to thinking that su is not working properly on my phone

Set it up in flight mode...
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk

lqbweb said:
Set it up in flight mode...
Sent from my X10i using Tapatalk
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Flight mode does not provide no good if there's no sim inside, or not the correct one. Just brings me to Emergency Call.


Changing the IMEI

Hi, I have been very happily using my XDA with a '3' SIM after unlocking it but as of this weekend, it stopped working. It will work with other network SIMs so I know the phone is fine. I called '3' but obviously they are not interested. Is it because of the IMEI? If so, I would like to find out how I can change it ... My radio was 4.21 so I downgraded to 3.23.00 and then tried XDA Manipulator but it does not show that option (flashes and dissappears) . I cannot seem to find Radio Stacks V4.06 or 4.10 anywhere ... any help much appreciated.
<Wallaby 5.14, ROM = 3.17.03. Radio = 3.23.00>
How did you downgrade the radio stack, please give me the method used because I know many people will be interested, I have never managed it either.
Reference your usage of the sim from 3, I cannot see it being an imei problem, as you know the xda is not 3 compatable so it will be logging you on through a 3rd party network as far as I know. If the imei was blocked it would not work with any operator here in uk. Does the 3 sim work in another phone.?
I found GERMAN Radio Stack from this forum. (REF:http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=2185). The '3' network also uses O2 network. Have not tried '3' sim in another phone - will test tomorrow.[/b]
cruisin-thru said:
How did you downgrade the radio stack, please give me the method used because I know many people will be interested, I have never managed it either.
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i have downgraded a few times, but i dont know if this method will work 4 u.
if i currently have a TMO stack, ill go to a ATT stack, then i can bak to an earlier TMO, or visa versa
i only tried this with ATTs and TMOs, never had the need to try other stacks...(or should i :twisted: )
It is possible that the phone has been blocked, I have had this problem with 2 phones that I bought as faulty, I repaired them only to find that the sellers had claimed on insurance then sold the knackered phone which had been blocked by the provider.
JUICEe - I am not brave enuff to go down that route given the dire warnings from this forum in moving from UK/Europe stacks to US ones.
crusing-thru - Given that XDA works perfectly ok with 02 SIM, and '3' SIM works fine in 3' phone, I believe its something about the '3' SIM/Network and not the phone that is preventing me using it in my XDA at this time.
Tx for the interest, hope you were able to downgrade using the German stack. It works fine with O2 SIM.
It is strange though that the sim was working fine then doesnt work in xda but still works in another phone. Have you tried an orange or t mobile sim in the phone? If you are positive that 3 uses O2 as a patch network then ignore this. Have you been to bootloader and inadvertently changed gsm to 900 only, if 3 uses an 1800 network this would explain it, if you havent been to bootloader then I have no idea and if as you said the people at 3 are not interested I would consider dumping them as a service provider.
"Hutchison 3G has agreed to share network facilities owned by UK operator mmO2 to ensure rapid time to market even before its own network is complete, with customers roaming between Hutchison's limited 3G network and mmO2's existing second generation network. Hutchison's right to let customers roam with at least one existing competitor's 2G network is part of the 3G license and enforceable by law."
3 have locked the SIM, must be in one of their phones or will not work, even though it uses O2 as a voice network. Seen this problem many times, and there is nothing you can do about it. Anyone who has made it work is just lucky, and 3 will get to you in the end.
Don't ask me why they do it as to me they are restricting their own business, cos if you use your own handset, you are likely to use it more. Just ask my girlfriend who just hates her nec 606 and hardly uses it!!
Basically what happened was that O2 complained to '3'. People were getting the cheap tarriffs from '3' and using them in 2g handsets.
O2's opinion was those people 'should' be using O2 as their provider if they are just using the 2g voice part.
'3' realised that if this becomes wide spread, although they will still make a % off the voice call in profit (after paying O2 for using their 2g network), they wont be acustoming people to using any of the 3g functions.
Really they would be hindering the progression of users from 2g to 3g, which may end up costing them alot more ultimately.
In my opinion it was most likely O2 threatening to take action too.
Really their marketing stratedgy is to give out cheap voice calls, to get the 3 phone in your hand... then they bombard u with offers to try video calls etc etc eventually 'in theory' u get used to these services.. same old story.
I havnt monitored the message, but from what i can tell they are using one of two things to stop the phones working:
1) capability messages from the phone restricting the phone from completing authentification because it isnt '3g' capable. That could be done as part of the auth process, raising the required capability to 3g.
2) Using the SAT (sim application toolkit) capability to talk to the USIM and dissable it.
Although SAT and USIM are not actually compatible, you can talk to a USIM through a SAT phone with limited functions.
If they're using (1) your **** outta luck really. But if that were the case you would expect everyone to be knocked out within the space of a month max (when they update the hlr records). Did you just get your 3 card?
If its 2.. you may be able to try an OLD handset that isnt SAT capable, just to prove the point.
I'm leaning towards (2) because i do know that on many nokia's if u type a number as soon as you boot up the phone it will work.
Also if u leave a digit on the screen.. say 0 as soon as u end that call it will still work when u dial the next number.
Clear the digit and not type one quick enough and you gotta reboot before it'll work again.
Sounds like the nokia firmware blocks access to the sim for other processes, in anticipation of reading the KC and doing an auth when u make the call.

Logo Operator on Today Screen ? NO, NOT YET :(

another useless app
It shows operator name (only) signal power and unaswered call
why is so difficult to put a custom s**t gif ?
This is a very unfair post. :evil: If the app isn't for you don't use it. No need to be very critical for no reason. The author of this software has been kind enough to post it for free. If there was a charge perhaps criticism could be valid, but there isn't. The only other app AFAIK that does this is PhoneDashboard, which is shareware and levies a charge for the registered version. Personally, I think something like this is useful. Especially if, like me, you have two SIM cards in the phone at the same time.
Please be a little more refrained before making posts like this in the future.
dont really get why people want that operator logo anyway
me i know the name of the operator i'm connected to so why should i put a comercial on my today screen for them ?
most likely for dual sim.
M4io said:
most likely for dual sim.
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Spot on. I bought PhoneDashboard a short time before seeing the post for DKs free app.
Have just installed a dual-sim holder in my O2 XDA II. My contract is with O2, but in some parts of the village where I live the reception is really poor so I have an Orange PAYG SIM. It's VERY useful to know which operator is active at a glance. I only want to use the Orange on rare occasions.
Operator Logo wont help you with a dual sim when you are abroad.
More important then is to know WHICH SIM is active.
One of the members here (I promised not to mention his name so he can work quietly on this) is currently developing a SIM Swichter app with Today applet that does all this & more.
Should arrive shortly!!!
I am sure a new thread will be started when its available!

the dev version without sim card possible?

I'm from Belgium and I need to use the G1 for my work. I would like to use it without a sim card (or make the phone using the data of mine) but it seems impossible for the device to connect on internet.
I have just received the device today and I really need help. I have tried to find something on the forum but the only interesting thing I have found seems to say that it is possible.
Google is even worse than Apple which is already worse than Microsoft.. is there any good company in this world...
what do you mean use it without a sim card? As in the telephony and data connections with having to use a t-mobile sim card or any simcard?
This is a sim card phone meaning it has to have a simcard in order for you to use the telephony or edge/3g connections. No way around that.
And on a side note, if you want help you probably shouldn't spread your opinions about things that you don't know about and things you make assumptions for.
I can get into Android without having a Sim card inserted on Dev Phone. WLAN works without it.
But when there is a card inserted I cannot skip Sim pin to do things without having mobile operator service.
MacFloid said:
I can get into Android without having a Sim card inserted on Dev Phone. WLAN works without it.
But when there is a card inserted I cannot skip Sim pin to do things without having mobile operator service.
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how do you use the dev phone at the first time? no sim card is working on that f******* phone :/
neoobs said:
This is a sim card phone meaning it has to have a simcard in order for you to use the telephony or edge/3g connections. No way around that.
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This is a "device" that is able of making call... this is not a phone.. you can't call iphones and htc devices "phones"... I don't care about the phone feature, I just need a small device with linux. If it was a phone, it would not need a gmail account... don't talk about things you don't know.
neoobs said:
what do you mean use it without a sim card? As in the telephony and data connections with having to use a t-mobile sim card or any simcard?
And on a side note, if you want help you probably shouldn't spread your opinions about things that you don't know about and things you make assumptions for.
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the fact is that no sim card is working... I'm currently using 3G with my HTC Shift, and using Edge/Gprs with my HTC Touch .. and no problem.. but the HTC Dream doesn't recognize the data plan !
I guess I know much more than you .. and my opinion is like 99% of user should be having this issue... what kind of phone are impossible to use like that ? I have 3 months to make a big project on that phone and I don't even know if it is possible to make it work without playing with hardspl.
That's crazy to see more protection than iPhones, and other htc phones.... 2 weeks to be able to order the phone and then I don't even know if we can make it work in this country ... GREAT !
koala996 said:
the fact is that no sim card is working... I'm currently using 3G with my HTC Shift, and using Edge/Gprs with my HTC Touch .. and no problem.. but the HTC Dream doesn't recognize the data plan !
I guess I know much more than you .. and my opinion is like 99% of user should be having this issue... what kind of phone are impossible to use like that ? I have 3 months to make a big project on that phone and I don't even know if it is possible to make it work without playing with hardspl.
That's crazy to see more protection than iPhones, and other htc phones.... 2 weeks to be able to order the phone and then I don't even know if we can make it work in this country ... GREAT !
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Your issue is an APN issue.
Read one of the APN threads or learn to use the search Mr. Know-it-all.

x10 with 3 in the UK?

Anyone using x10 with 3G network in the UK here?
Have you guys unlocked/rooted the phone? I am still waiting for my phone to come at any moment from now.
No one replies?
Btw, what does debranding mean? Does it mean unlokc?
Can't answer your first question.. but yes to your second.. it free's up the phone to get SE updates directly too.. and not via your operator.
im_iceman said:
Can't answer your first question.. but yes to your second.. it free's up the phone to get SE updates directly too.. and not via your operator.
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I ordered my X10 from 3G UK. I think it would be 90% locked. Just don't know if anyone uses the same network as me.
The nice thing is 3G has skype installed.
Currently there is no rooting for the X10 although it is being worked on so may be possible soon.
I believe you can buy an unlock code from various suppliers so you should be able to unlock it which will allow you to use another Networks Sim card in your X10.
Debranding does not mean unlocking at all it will change your phones identity to a generic number which will help get rid of what ever customisations your Operator has added and returns it to just the SE firmware. It also should mean you are able to get the new firmware faster when SE release it as you don't need to wait for your Operator to approve it.
wildcolor said:
No one replies?
Btw, what does debranding mean? Does it mean unlokc?
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Debranding removes operater junk they include on top of the standard SE stuff released with the phone, like icons and wallpapers etc.
Unlocking allows you to put any sim in the phone, this is a different to debranding.
Dogmann said:
Currently there is no rooting for the X10 although it is being worked on so may be possible soon.
I believe you can buy an unlock code from various suppliers so you should be able to unlock it which will allow you to use another Networks Sim card in your X10.
Debranding does not mean unlocking at all it will change your phones identity to a generic number which will help get rid of what ever customisations your Operator has added and returns it to just the SE firmware. It also should mean you are able to get the new firmware faster when SE release it as you don't need to wait for your Operator to approve it.
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Thanks a lot Marc. That's a very clear answer.
With an unlocked 3 phone in the UK, I guess we can use it with any sim-card (including 3 sim card). But with another unlocked phone that is not originally from 3, we will NOT be able to use 3 sim card, right?
ronnyuk said:
Debranding removes operater junk they include on top of the standard SE stuff released with the phone, like icons and wallpapers etc.
Unlocking allows you to put any sim in the phone, this is a different to debranding.
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So you mean, they are independent, right? I can do either of them without worrying about they would affect each other?

Tracing grand 2? - please reply.

to all of you.
I want to know some things about Mobile Phone, I hope You understand this question and I'll get replies.actually, my friend has found a new Grand 2 Mobile phone still packed in box on road, I know it seems weird but "its true", and He tried to search the owner of the Phone but he got no clue, that is just a Grand 2 packed nothing else, no bill, no address, nothing, and he is little nervous that's why he doesn't want to inform about this to some P.Station (you know India Polise), so he decided to start using this device, but before that he wants to clear some things, he doesnt want to be in a some kind of mess, so please reply,
1.If we don't put sim card in Mobile, and keep the device off removing the battery, then Are Mobile Operator or Mobile Manufacture able to trace the Mobile or not?
2.Is it possible to change the IMEI number of the Mobile, If yes then Can you tell me How? or tell me the link on web?
3.Because Nothing is set up on phone till now, as I told this is packed, if we put sim card in Mobile is there any possibility by which the mobile can be traced?
4. If he only use this device as a media player, then what are the chances of something went wrong?
P.S : He found this device ten days ago, and he tried to search the person who bought this from the nearby sellers(actually he found it on very busy road), but found nothing.
Thank You.
to all of you.
I want to know some things about Mobile Phone, I hope You understand this question and I'll get replies.actually, my friend has found a new Grand 2 Mobile phone still packed in box on road, I know it seems weird but "its true", and He tried to search the owner of the Phone but he got no clue, that is just a Grand 2 packed nothing else, no bill, no address, nothing, and he is little nervous that's why he doesn't want to inform about this to some P.Station (you know India Polise), so he decided to start using this device, but before that he wants to clear some things, he doesnt want to be in a some kind of mess, so please reply,
1.If we don't put sim card in Mobile, and keep the device off removing the battery, then Are Mobile Operator or Mobile Manufacture able to trace the Mobile or not?
2.Is it possible to change the IMEI number of the Mobile, If yes then Can you tell me How? or tell me the link on web?
3.Because Nothing is set up on phone till now, as I told this is packed, if we put sim card in Mobile is there any possibility by which the mobile can be traced?
4. If he only use this device as a media player, then what are the chances of something went wrong?
P.S : He found this device ten days ago, and he tried to search the person who bought this from the nearby sellers(actually he found it on very busy road), but found nothing.
Thank You.
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There is a method to change the IMEI.
However, it is illegal in North America and many other countries.
I'm sorry I can't give you a link as this is illegal in the States, but keep looking around.
It's probably legal in India (a big country with the world's second biggest population ... who can trace you anyway?)
If you operate the device without a SIM card (airplane mode) or any form of Internet communication, no one is able to trace you, unless it is the CIA.

