Android App Judge - Nexus One General

I started a new blog,! Check it out. PM me if you want an app reviewed or want to review an app. I'm not a professional by any means, just having fun.

I always enjoy sites like these, but I usually rely on Twitter for updates
I saw in your about section that it's coming soon so whenever it does I'm on it

Ironically enough, it's not optimized for mobile browsing. You should consider having a mobile version of the website. Possibly What are you using for web development?
Great idea, I'll check back with it once in a while and watch the progression.

Thanks for the input! This is my first blog/website, I'm learning as I go. It's been fun so far! I'm going to get on that mobile site now.

dumbestcrayon said:
Ironically enough, it's not optimized for mobile browsing. You should consider having a mobile version of the website. Possibly What are you using for web development?
Great idea, I'll check back with it once in a while and watch the progression.
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I'm using blogger.

I'm very interested in this, let me know what you need from me to do.

I just created a mobile site for it with Dosen't look too hot, but I'll be working on it.

Use wordpress and install the mobile theme (called: WPtouch iPhone Theme)

traxxus said:
Use wordpress and install the mobile theme (called: WPtouch iPhone Theme)
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As much as I hate going against Google in any way possible, Wordpress is better for blogging if you're going the mobile route =/
Wordpress has an automatic mobile feature actually. My friend has a blog site on Wordpress that he didn't do anything with other than post and it formats for mobile on my phone.
Try and see if you can get the mobile to look like Wordpress does in blogger first though since you're already working on it. I'll keep checking on it though. Thanks!

I used and I'm still trying to figure out all the ins and outs. I downloaded gimp and put together a quick little banner. A graphic designer friend is putting together something better.
Thanks for all the good advice!

Anymore feedback, I've been working on it more. I really hope people are enjoying it.


Standalone Youtube Client

This is a thread to gauge interest in a standalone Youtube, and eventually other videosite client. I currently have a version that searches YT and pulls results(it's fugly, to put it politely), and will try to get an alpha by next week.
Currently, the only workaround is to have the "flashvideobundle" and TCPMP installed, and my app calls PIE....ugh!, but I can work that out eventually.
Will anyone be interested in such a client?
EDIT: Here are the basics:
1. It will be able to search Youtube for any videos WITHOUT going through PIE, which I find a huge hassle.
2. Media playback will be through TCPMP/Coreplayer. No need to reinvent the wheel.
3. I've taken a fresh look at the Youtube APIs, and currently there seems to be no way to bookmark video, favourite them , or add comments from the PPC, but you will be able to retrieve your profile. As i said, this is a big WHEN. Maybe I'll find a workaround.
yes, I am interested.
What launguage will you use? c#?
Super interested! This is the one missing app holding me back from picking the MDA as an upgrade to my old XDA.
And this is the page that just got me to join this site.
While I'm all for developers making their own work, sometimes its easier to help a project move beyond what has already been done.
Take a look at this thread:
Maybe you can join the development team? I'm not sure about their overall goals or objectives.
If not, then go ahead and develop your own, there is always room for alternatives =)
BBowermaster said:
While I'm all for developers making their own work, sometimes its easier to help a project move beyond what has already been done.
Take a look at this thread:
Maybe you can join the development team? I'm not sure about their overall goals or objectives.
If not, then go ahead and develop your own, there is always room for alternatives =)
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Interesting link btw, and quite a nice beta they have up.
Er, my proposal is kinda different.
1. It would be (almost) middleman free, whereas the Avotmv would pass through a server.
2. I plan to eventually add userprofile support, as in look at the bookmarks you made on the PC, yadayada....eventually
3. I plan to throw the works to the public once I feel that it's 90% complete, sort of a Open-source thingy.
4. I'd like some sort of choice the masses would have, aka my client vs. Avotmv.
@the guy who asked if it was in VC#
No, not yet. The internals are in VB.NET
Please note: This is not going to be a iClone software. I will try to keep it simple and to the point. Right now, the GUI looks like Windows95, but hey, it works.
A good idea to support user profile. Allow to add commemt and browse comment.
Merlin_reloaded said:
Interesting link btw, and quite a nice beta they have up.
Er, my proposal is kinda different.
1. It would be (almost) middleman free, whereas the Avotmv would pass through a server.
2. I plan to eventually add userprofile support, as in look at the bookmarks you made on the PC, yadayada....eventually
3. I plan to throw the works to the public once I feel that it's 90% complete, sort of a Open-source thingy.
4. I'd like some sort of choice the masses would have, aka my client vs. Avotmv.
@the guy who asked if it was in VC#
No, not yet. The internals are in VB.NET
Please note: This is not going to be a iClone software. I will try to keep it simple and to the point. Right now, the GUI looks like Windows95, but hey, it works.
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can you take some screenshots??
Not atm,
but I will try and get some (proof?) by Saturday
As of now, coordinating school and programming is a bit iffy
watch this space/
Definitely interested.
Sounds good. I'll be watching this thread.
I would be interested if it was truly standalone like or
I'd defenitely love to see something like this.

Herald/Wing Portal Development Thread

October 6th:
Im working on the website now for us. I'll be changing this thread from "gauging interest" to the "development thread" for users of the portal to post comments and such on this thread.
a good idea my friend, but a question:
A webpage containing info for herald users, or a kind of startportal with links?
If so, that is a good idea, because there is portals, like htc's one, but it sucks big time, there is never any new stuff there, and the links provided is not so good.
I have done alot of webdesign myself, but im a better graphics designer then a coder so if you need help, just say so
Great idea, am also a web page designer and would be glad to update the page with new links as they found.
A few basics to start with would be good such as:
blogs in mobile version (engadgetmobile,gizmodo,msmobiles,modaco...)
not sure if its possible but some sort of e-mail client would be nice such as google has done with their homepage.
ofcourse you can't forget to add your fav vidz for the week or month (or atleast what you would type to search cuz everyone uses their own means for viewing videos)
of course everyone would love to see some apps on there (i'm guessing if this became widespread you could only add freeware)
the main one would be a link to the herald forum here on xda dev (im sure i ain't the only who would use this)
Thats all I can think of now, keep us updated and I'll b glad to help with anything that I can.
Great idea btw
Yes, more of a portal idea.
I'll get to work on it tonight!
Please share links you believe would be of value to have in this portal.
Suggestions anyone?
neptune said:
Great idea, am also a web page designer and would be glad to update the page with new links as they found.
A few basics to start with would be good such as:
blogs in mobile version (engadgetmobile,gizmodo,msmobiles,modaco...)
not sure if its possible but some sort of e-mail client would be nice such as google has done with their homepage.
ofcourse you can't forget to add your fav vidz for the week or month (or atleast what you would type to search cuz everyone uses their own means for viewing videos)
of course everyone would love to see some apps on there (i'm guessing if this became widespread you could only add freeware)
the main one would be a link to the herald forum here on xda dev (im sure i ain't the only who would use this)
Thats all I can think of now, keep us updated and I'll b glad to help with anything that I can.
Great idea btw
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I second those ideas! blog would be awesome.
I can offer you webspace so you don't have to use your school's server. I can also register a domain. Let me know if you need anything. Send me a PM and we can discuss things. Good idea you have there.
id like to built a small, only herald based forum. if you got a webspace with php imma do my best to get a fresh designed mobile device board
xsillence said:
I can offer you webspace so you don't have to use your school's server. I can also register a domain. Let me know if you need anything. Send me a PM and we can discuss things. Good idea you have there.
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Sounds good man!!!
Can you rigester .com's?
In this event, I'd like to leave suggestions open for website ideas..
Whats nice is, this could be used by ALL browsers of XDA, not just us Herald guys.
If you would like to design a forum that will run in 320x240 that we can post messages from our device, that would be AWESOME! Let me know what you plan on doing with that, and I'll be sure to include the link in my portal.
Yes, of course. Send me a PM


Ok... I know I'm not one of the elite here, but I've been a PPC Admin creating custom ROMs with kitchens for a number of devices for the last 4-5 years. I love this site and everyone here has done an excellent job developing for our devices, but its time we organize this site to make it easy for noobs to get involved in our world. The big problem I see when I try to help people get into WinMo is that its really hard for them to find the right apps and previews of what is possible to do. The biggest complaint I have from friends who use this site is that there are often different threads for the same app and often they download the older version by mistake. I also see what happens to developers like A_C who have their apps ripped off and sold as a "bundle of freeware apps". Its wrong and I'd hate to see him or any of the other developers not get credit for their hard work.
So here is what I'm proposing... Why don't we create an app store right here where free and for pay apps can conveniently and easily be searched and organized. We could even setup rss feeds for the different applications so people could be notified when a new version or even a update to the thread has occurred. I know Microsoft is coming out with their app store, but come on. when have they gotten anything right for a community at this level of capability right at the start?
Either way.. I think it would be a great idea for us to build this and expand the Win Mo community. Thanks everyone for your hard work.
Feel free to comment.
Using RSS from a new sub-forum that XDA could setup would allow a dev to pull the threads and information. If they're formatted properly before submitted to the App Store forum, the first post in the thread could be App's description and preview including any youtube previews. The second post would have the cab file.
There would also be a string of text in the first post which would define device compatibilities so Raphael users don't try and download Kaiser specific software and vice-versa
A pre-approval process would take place in a seperate forum and PPC veterans and forum senior members could assist in evaluating the posts as well as the software?
I see a more community based solution in this idea. Very nice. BUT.. will it happen? I'm no longer in the programming side of the biz, but if someone could come up with an app that would take the RSS from a forum, I could setup a test forum on a site I run just for proof of concept. Anyone interested?
Sounds like a great idea! I think a forum isnt the best solution for the matter but at least there would be some kind of order...
(App2Date support for more programs would be helpful then as well)
I only say forum because this database is already in place, easily tweaked (I run a few vBulletin sites so I know how easy it can be) and the authors can update their applications easily without having to reinvent the wheel from the ground up. With the proper required fields we could easily organize everything nicely
okay that sounds better.. im not experimenting with forums much
is is possible to filter things then? i cant really picture it
when i look for an app i always download all available of a kind (e.g. 5 minesweeper) and in the end not even 1 works ^^
why not have 3 more...
i think before u can update ur apps u first need 2 download them... and in order to do that u need to find them first and thats what this thread is mainly about
have u ever heard about apple app store? its not about selling devices whatsoever but to FIND SOFTWARE (easily)
Yep, there are a few being built already, but maybe a more "Official" one would get more development and community support?
Here's another one too:
I'd really like to see one of these Appstore ideas to also track UI customizations. I can't tell you the number of hours I've spent reading through hundreds of posts to find the perfect SPB Mobile Shell UI... lol.
I have tried all of the above mentioned 'portals' and I use DeviceUpdate, but it's the same 97 or 98 apps! This would be a direct tie-in to this site. Developers could submit their apps to the community for approval and they'd be moved into the proper section of the app 'vault' and would instantly be available in the Mobile Application which would generate its list via a direct RSS of the App Vault forum..
Why create a new database and userbase when XDA's is already so huge?
I second, third and forth this request. XDA dev's deserve a store for app releases and use the forum as a dev/feedback forum.. Vbulletin can only do so much... If revenue sharing is the major hurdle I would hope the webmaster can work out an agreement with the devs who want to submit apps. Another hurdle could potentially be copyright infringements.. Unofficial ROM's and other promoted/sold "clone-apps" could bring unwanted publicity to the site. This simple chaotic forum might be the perfect element to keep XDA under the corporate radar and safe from hungry lawyers.
norkoastal said:
I second, third and forth this request. XDA dev's deserve a store for app releases and use the forum as a dev/feedback forum.. Vbulletin can only do so much... If revenue sharing is the major hurdle I would hope the webmaster can work out an agreement with the devs who want to submit apps. Another hurdle could potentially be copyright infringements.. Unofficial ROM's and other promoted/sold "clone-apps" could bring unwanted publicity to the site. This simple chaotic forum might be the perfect element to keep XDA under the corporate radar and safe from hungry lawyers.
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I disagree that 'vbulletin can only do so much'.. even uses a basic 'stock' theme.. this site isn't customized very much and is a very basic implementation of the software. An app on the phones that pull the information from a sub forum of this site could load up previews, videos and the download links. If you want to add in 'dontation' links, that's also possible, but I think that's better left to PCs.
I agree that staying 'under the radar' is essential, but being able to access all of the software that can greatly improve your device from anywhere at a moments notice is key... I'm currently browsing to a forum on my phone to get a piece of software and it's taking at least 3 minutes to do it when I can get there in less than 10 seconds on the PC.. put this stuff in an app and I won't even need the PC other than to find the dev and discussion threads....
I see vBulletin in a different light from just a chat enabler.. but it might be because I know the back end so well.
l3it3r said:
I disagree that 'vbulletin can only do so much'.. even uses a basic 'stock' theme.. this site isn't customized very much and is a very basic implementation of the software. An app on the phones that pull the information from a sub forum of this site could load up previews, videos and the download links. If you want to add in 'dontation' links, that's also possible, but I think that's better left to PCs.
I agree that staying 'under the radar' is essential, but being able to access all of the software that can greatly improve your device from anywhere at a moments notice is key... I'm currently browsing to a forum on my phone to get a piece of software and it's taking at least 3 minutes to do it when I can get there in less than 10 seconds on the PC.. put this stuff in an app and I won't even need the PC other than to find the dev and discussion threads....
I see vBulletin in a different light from just a chat enabler.. but it might be because I know the back end so well.
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All valid points, but if the webmaster has no desire to expand this sites complexity, who are we to say add this n that when we are typing on a yellow/brown forum with minimal VB enhancements (no knock to XDA ).
What I see working is XDA allow a spin-off site which is the visual/functional app paradise we all crave.. The alter ego of Cydia and the evil empire. All discussion/dev related questions feed to their respective XDA threads. XDA mods can then port the data to XDA-apps when they feel the release is deemed safe. Developers who want more press/ad exposure pony up $$, and can then charge for more fully functioning software... I dont think anyone doesn't want an app store, its will you get official XDA muscle behind it?
There's a way to charge for threads, so if people want to sell the apps, they need to buy a premium spot for it on the XDA App listing.. *boom!* XDA is interested!
If a spin-off site is required, then that's cool, I'd be really interested in assisting with it. It would be possible to use the same user database.
Thanks everyone for opening feedback on this topic. I think we should look further into finding a way to make this happen. Any volunteers? l3it3r and Norkoastal have done a good job in taking the lead on this so far. How do you feel about making it happen Norkoastal andl3it3r's?
I would recommend getting some official support from XDA before beginning to compile resources for this effort. I really think there should be input from the owner/mods here who want to see this happen, & also get their take on maintaining the upkeep of this proposed rollout. I would be glad to throw my two pesos in, but wouldn't want to step on any toes or other efforts already in process, namely gecko..
I will be releasing a new more complete version of this very soon. Its a client working off the existing database online.
That's sweet! I use fwppc all the time because it's easy to navigate on the phone. I still think that XDA is the #1 name in Windows mobile development and that we could truly shine, but what if we were able to come up with a publicly agreed standard for thread creation down to the descriptions and layouts. Could you tie in an RSS feed from an XDA forum into that?
That's exactly what I was thinking l3it3r. A standardization for this site that is just setup for apps. If rss feeds were tied into it anyone could build an app that could go out and find the latest updates for their subscribed applications. Noobs wouldn't know about the applications used for downloading apps, but would know generally how to view a web forum. Its all about making it easier for the noobs to get interested in exploring the capabilities of WM and not to intimidate them. A good standardization of the layout would go a long way to expanding the user base and increase interest in our work.
What do you guys think?
With all things considered, I think it is better if this is done as a separate site as Napbree has done for finger friendly apps (
So if any legal issues should arise or site adjustments/enhancements that needs to be made, it can be dealt independently from XDA. This also can bring apps from other places into attention that isn't developed within XDA.

Need an App Idea

Hello All,
Next semester is my final semester at college (I'm finally graduating in May ) and I have been wanting to develop an App for my final Senior Project.
So I wanted to get some app ideas from you guys, something useful to develop.
how about this:
Create an app that holds a picture for a calendar event, when this app is run, I want to be able to make a photo, and post it in my agenda.
Think flyers and posters! I'm getting tired of the fact theres no app out there that can do this. I've wanted this for 5 years now!
You would make my day!
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
I'd like to see some form of dedicated forum browser or plugin that can take the information from a message board like this one and make it easier to view on a mobile. I know there's an app that does something like that already but that requires a plugin for the forum and I'm refusing to pay for an app that will only read boards with that plugin.
If it can display mobile sites in a way that they're meant to be viewed that'd also be good (have a look at in various mobile browsers).
Thanks for the ideas guys, but I might have found a great idea. I'll be doing a little more research on it.
Outlook Sync app for Android without going through the cloud!
A content management system client that can be hooked to any enterprise CMS. You can add support for popular ones and user can pick one during setup.
Heres an idea....

Looking for a dev.

Hey there, I am looking for a dev to help me realise a dream I have of making a multi-lingual picture decorating program. If you have ever been to Japan or Korea, you know that the picture sticker booths are madly popular amoung people under 20. I think that with the huge android base in korea and the sparking android community in japan, this app has potential to be incredibly successful. I already have friends in japan and korea who could help with information and of course they have agreed on translating everything.
If you think you could be good at developing a program like this, I would love to work with you!
Sent from my Vibrant using the XDA for Android app.
Nobody's interested? Really?
What working arrangement do you propose?
What features do you envision for this application?
I am a dev always looking for projects.
Well, I would like to work very closely with the developer (I'm a dev of sorts too so I know how important it is to work closely with the "customer"). I would be very specific as to how things should look and work. I'm almost always available, too, so the project should progress quickly. At first, I'd just like a working English version of the program, and Korean and Japanese versions could be built after (since I'm assuming your preferred language is English). Anywho, I am thinking that this App would be a paid app (no good place for advertisements) and I feel that the Dev and I could split any revenue 50/50 (I think this app could sell a minimum of 10k copies... though I'm an optimist).
I hope that answered your first question. Let me know if I misconstrued.
Features? Without getting into too much detail on the public board, I would like it to be able to take pictures from the gallery (and to have camera access) and then do something like this to them.
Thanks for your time and consideration. I hope you'll take on the project!
Anybody else? Come on this will be fun!
Perhaps you can do it yourself in app inventor
TheRedDrake said:
Perhaps you can do it yourself in app inventor
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probably not. I just dont have the time to play around in an environment i am not overly familiar with. Thats why i would like to work with a more experienced android programmer/developer.
Still open for takers...
There are tutorials for it, and app inventor is almost foolproof. I've done a Talking Tom app in less then a day.
Xda app
