Amoled screen question... - Vibrant General

Hey, I saw an app around that uses a pixel or whatever on the screen ad an led notification. Apparently it was stated that no energy is consumed when the pixels are black but upon viewing a pitch black image on my Vibrant in total darkness , I can clearly see some sort of ambient back lighting that makes the screen visible. Maybe I'm just picky but.... What gives?
Also, the faint screen appears to have inconsistent areas where one spot would be brighter than others.
Sent from my sexy Vibrant using XDA App

could that "backlight" be coming from the capacitive buttons?

Dude, maybe its all the drugs you did in the 60's. I am looking hard at the screen of mine and the black is black best looking screen i have seen

The room has to be pitch black in order for you to see what I'm talking about. The capacitive buttons are not on so I dont think its that leaking onto the display. The display is very good, no doubt, but I was just questioning whether it really uses no energy for displaying black on the screen.


Display light leakage on top corners of my X1 Screen? anyone?

When I dispay a black background color on my X1 for example the pannel screen while it is switching to a different pannel or standard pannel I see a bit of light leakage on the top 2 corners of the screen from each side. A bit white, if you understand what i mean.
Does anyone notice that?
Thanks for the info
Yep I notice it too. Probably a case of bad backlight LED placement.
This screen doesn't seem to have as good a contrast ratio (black levels) as the one on the Touch Pro.
it's rather massive. Its even visible on camera mode when you have wide-mode off.
I hate living with imperfection.
How bad is it on your device?
I have to say its not visible when other colors than black are displayed
I'm probably seeing the same thing as you are - two bright areas on the top/left edge of the display.
The light is "leaking" because the display contrast isn't high enough and the screen assembly is a bit thin.
It's something I can live with, but I do wish SE had sourced for a better display. HTC has raised the bar since Diamond and Raphael, and this one is pretty good for a Windows Mobile device, but there are tons of even better screens out there - think Japanese super-keitais.
humm.. I was trying to look for the light leakage but I can't really seem to see it.... perhaps you could post some photos of what it actually looks like?
yup, it's there
don't see any leakage on mine...
I tried one in the shop and the screen was tilting left a little bit. Also the flip was a bit loose even in closed. Any comfirmation?
I'm pretty sure all devices have the same leakage problem. Just put on a pure black screen and look for the white cones decending from the top corners.
It's because of the led's behind the screen I guess
honestly, there's very little (leakage, short of better term) if not none. If you have seen TouchPro, it leaks like crazy...
Leakage is pretty terrible, no doubt about it. Wonder if this fault is only on some handsets?
zenkinz said:
honestly, there's very little (leakage, short of better term) if not none. If you have seen TouchPro, it leaks like crazy...
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My TP don't have this at all. Virtually no leakage. Pretty much solid black even in pitch black environment. Contrast and viewing angles are excellent. One of the best if not the best screen I've seen to date. Seems like they're using 8 bit panel instead of 6 bit TN panel. The latter have terrible contrast and viewing angle as standard.
lucky if u only seen it on top corners, mine are on all corners!
i don't see any leakage... went into a pitch black room and pressed the panel button and i see no white light coming out of the corners...
VaThInK said:
My TP don't have this at all. Virtually no leakage. Pretty much solid black even in pitch black environment. Contrast and viewing angles are excellent. One of the best if not the best screen I've seen to date. Seems like they're using 8 bit panel instead of 6 bit TN panel. The latter have terrible contrast and viewing angle as standard.
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then you must have a rare TP, all the TP owners in Singapore reported to have the same leakage. that's if we are talking about the same thing with regards to light leakage...
2 days ago a friend of me and me bougt this moblie,
yesterday i gave it back to the store, cause i've seen the white
leakage on my display too, on the devise of my friend its ok.
today I'll get a new one. Hope its ok there....
Thought it was damage or so....
zenkinz said:
then you must have a rare TP, all the TP owners in Singapore reported to have the same leakage. that's if we are talking about the same thing with regards to light leakage...
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Maybe I'm missing the point here. Do you mind posting a screen shot of the issue so we can be on the same boat? Now you've got me curious.
I'll try and post a photo when I get home later, mine is mainly in the bottom left half of the screen and it's really noticeable and distracting when viewing something dark.
Hmmm, I've definitely noticed leakage on my xperia, in the bottom left hand corner when in landscape.
I had a Touch Pro for a few weeks before I got the xperia, and the screen on that was flawless. I might give vodafone a ring and see if I can get it replaced...
Don't forget to switch the display brightness to full to be able to observe the leakage. When I watch the Bond trailer I can definitely see the leakage on the top corners when there is a black background in the beginning. It's rather distrubing but I do believe that all devices have that in some sort of extent. I think you just have to get used to it and live with it.

AMOLED displays cant display true black...:Screen Discussion :...

As seen by the NoLED app over in the dev section, and in a few other places on the net, people are finding that when they display a black image on their amoled/samoled screens in a dark room there is still light emitted by the display. it is not truly black
I would like to know why!
One thing i hear is about image compression and signal noise causing the pixels to not display #000000 black and instead a variant of black/grey causing the pixel to become lit.
This problem is not an issue during the day, i can't tell the difference when my screen is displaying black or off. but what it does effect is battery life.
If the screen isn't powering down its pixels then it is not saving anywhere near as much power as it could do
How happy are you with your display?
I knew about the pentile problem before buying, however i am not dissatisfied with the display at all. Infact if i did not read up about it i would not have realised there was anything different with the screen.
Text is clear and sharp, images are vibrant, and colours seem true with no issue of pink problems like the desire
looool, look at any lcd screen(tv whatsoever) and you don't have true black, because the backlight is on. Only the best LED LCD screens in TV world have FULL LED backlight that can dim the leds from parts of the screen that are fully black in the processed image.
take care
yup, if you take apart your LCD watch, phone, laptop or monitor
you'll see 2 layers, first layer the LCD/TFT/AMOLED/SAMOLED/etc whatever new technology screen you can think of name it here.
then the bottom layer is pretty much like a light bulb/white led/ccfl or whatever you want to call it to light up the first portion of the screen.
most devices you can control the 2 separate pieces separately via "screen" and "back light"
you'll noticed that usually on software options what specifically lets you control both indedpendly.
Eh.. Yes But the SGS hade OLED screen. So it should be able to turn pixels completly off. My guess is that each led has some very small current applied to it possibly to speed up response off screen.
But it come close to true blacks..
OLED screen has NO backlight... Each pixel is an tiny led...
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App
thanks for the heads up, that's good to know
i've yet to take apart a new SGS to figure out how the AMOLED displays works
You guys need educating on displays lol
oled screens have no backlight, thus no backlight bleed.
That means that this is a software issue, unless the screen not powering down completely is intentional
Software issue and nothing more.
Open up the calculator, drag down the numpad, hide the 2 stripes (status bar and numpad drag bar) in the top and bottom of the screen, and tell me if you see any lighting.
There's absolutely nothing.
there is still light emitted. cover up the top and bottom bar with your hands, go into a completely dark room then look into the center of the screen.
There is a uniform glow, just like when looking at a black image in the gallery or browser
It's actually more noticeable if you look AWAY. The peripheral area of your retina will be able to pick up a very feeble amount of light. Feeble, sure, but it's there nonetheless.
seriously, guys?
XQC said:
seriously, guys?
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The problem is that the way it is supposed to work is that if you display black, the screen shouldn't use any energy at all but it is and people can see it and so is using precious battery charge.
The issue is... that apps like noled which were going to display a red dot on the screen to let people know if they had mail waiting or whatever wouldnt use much power at all because they were displaying mainly a black screen but it isnt actually black and still using light so still chews through the power..
hope that made sense.. but that is why people are interested in it..
Ok, I missed the battery part, sorry If so, it is indeed an annoyance...
I thought people were seriously complaining about image quality.
I have the Samsung wave and it uses the same screen technology and I can tell that it does not have true blacks pixels are still lit, I can easily tell that its on and totally off there is a very faint trace amount of light produced..
Since I first got this device and turned it on I have been impressed with the display. I am kind of partial to AMOLED diplays and am, thus, a bit biased. What surprised me was that it "appeared" sharper than the display on the Nexus One. Considering it is slightly larger and at the same resolution I just assumed that it wasn't using the PenTile arrangement - yet it appears that it does in fact use the same subpixel arrangement as the screen on the Nexus One. My point is... now I've forgotten my point. Basically that I am more than satisfied with this display.
As far as the black issue is concerned I have no idea. There must be some reason considering that was one of the supposed strengths of this technology (i.e. true blacks and lower power consumption).
El Mono
wait so why would you display an image if you want to save battery?
How many of you have measured how much power is being used up when the display is displaying a true black image(measured with multimeter, or other measuring device)
How many of you have made sure that the glow is not caused by a residual charge in the display?
How many of you know how much time it takes for the "glow" to leave an OLED panel when power is not being applied?
just some food for thought
The thing is, amoled screens were advertised as having true blacks and having the pixels off when displaying black. this is clearly not the case
It's not an issue with the technology. The screen doesn't have a back lighting panel, so i think it's more of a problem of what shade is default defined as "black" in the system, or something with any current running through the screen.
Well considering the screen doesn't turn off when displaying a 100% black bitmap image, its safe to say that the say that the pixels NEVER turn themselves off during use when displaying black
Could be the screen isn't calibrated properly, or they lied to us about the tech(wouldn't be the first time).
While its not "true black" it is defenently beyond what any backlit screentype can do regarding blacks.
Except perhaps for the retina display forged by god himself
But I agree that if Samsung states True black then it should be able to do that.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA App

Hmmm!!?? purple-ish screen tint on lowest brightness on my new NS

Well I used to cause a big fit about the N1's HTC would warranty swap me because of this issue. The first N1 I purchased didnt have this problem. I just bought the NS today and right away I noticed the same exact issue. Is it safe to say that maybe this should be considered a normality rather than a defect?
Its actually the Amoled tech itself...It cant reproduce whites perfectly so they come out cool....thats why its off a bit but in return you get exact blacks
Lcd's are get real whites but no real blacks.
It shows up in certain shades of grey, like in contacts and in clock dimmed while set on lowest brightness setting. The whites and other colors display fine.
Yeah i saw that too but thats the OS thats doing that so you should be cool
Is it either on the bottom or top? I have watched a YouTube unboxing video clip says that when you browse with your nexus s to the top of the page, or the the lowest of the page, it will actually dimmed darker. This is to let you know you have reached the lowest or highest of the page. You couldn't scroll anymore .
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
No, it has nothing to do with scrolling. It's exactly what I've said. Also I'm pretty positive its not a software issue. It's definitely the display. It must be either new materials Samsung is using for there displays or a calibration issue!
I also noticed this today, the purplish tint while on lowest screen brightness in a very dark room. If you bump up the brightness slightly, it goes away.
Nothin for me. No tint.
For me when I have the screen off I notice there is a purple tint to it compared to say a vibrant maybe that is the cause of you're problem
what i'm speaking of shows only while the screen is on.
aimfire72 said:
I also noticed this today, the purplish tint while on lowest screen brightness in a very dark room. If you bump up the brightness slightly, it goes away.
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This is right on the money. Same exact issue with my N1 and now i see it with the NS. I notice this on the N1's because my very 1st purchased unit displayed perfectly without any kind of discoloration after dimming the brighness below 50%. Soon after I warranty exchanged that unit for another, I recieved one with the tint issue. After I exchanged a couple more times, I recieved another without the tint issue but the touchscreen problem was much worse than the others i've had so i sent that one in. After that, i havent received one without the tint problem yet. I bought the NS expecting not to see this problem again and lo and behold, it surfaced as soon as i dimmed below 50%.
I checked out the demo phones, and every one had it on the lowest brightness setting. I think it has something to do with the new colors in the OS. If everything was black, it would be harder to see, so they use a little purple to differentiate when on a low brightness setting. You dont have to turn the brightness up much to make it go away
Psosmith82 said:
I checked out the demo phones, and every one had it on the lowest brightness setting. I think it has something to do with the new colors in the OS. If everything was black, it would be harder to see, so they use a little purple to differentiate when on a low brightness setting. You dont have to turn the brightness up much to make it go away
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The issue I'm speaking about, it doesn't literally "go away" in the manner you might be thinking. Its just that certain shades of greys are affected by it. Here's how to test for it, goto a dimmly lighted area and set the brightness thru the power widget to highest. Next, goto the dialpad on your NS, and notice the bar topright below the menu tabs, it should be grey. Now go back to your power widget and switch brightness to lowest setting. Go back to the dialpad and look at that bar again. It still should remain grey no matter how I adjust the brightness levels, but instead it'll shift to a light purplish hue.
princeasi said:
The issue I'm speaking about, it doesn't literally "go away" in the manner you might be thinking. Its just that certain shades of greys are affected by it. Here's how to test for it, goto a dimmly lighted area and set the brightness thru the power widget to highest. Next, goto the dialpad on your NS, and notice the bar topright below the menu tabs, it should be grey. Now go back to your power widget and switch brightness to lowest setting. Go back to the dialpad and look at that bar again. It still should remain grey no matter how I adjust the brightness levels, but instead it'll shift to a light purplish hue.
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It's because of the amoled screen uses the pentile sub pixel layout. I thought this was well known. All Samsung amoled screens do this as the all use pentile sub pixel layout, which many people hate as the feel its not as good as the true 3 sub pixel layout screens. And It's true it is not as good, but I still prefer it over non amoled screens, crap pentile and all.
RogerPodacter said:
It's because of the amoled screen uses the pentile sub pixel layout. I thought this was well known. All Samsung amoled screens do this as the all use pentile sub pixel layout, which many people hate as the feel its not as good as the true 3 sub pixel layout screens. And It's true it is not as good, but I still prefer it over non amoled screens, crap pentile and all.
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Yes I know about the subixel stuff with the amoled displays, but I have to disagree with you as far as all of them display this way. As I've mentioned before, I've had 2 N1's without this issue. I'm gonna go back to BB to see if they can open a couple so that I can do some comparisons.
As I said, mine is this way too, but went to 2 BB's tonight and checked out the demo models at each store. They both had the weird purple tint as well, on those few shades of gray, like you pointed out. I also watched the Engadget video review and could see the purples on their phone too. I think all the NS's are like this, just the way the screen is. Perhaps in a software update, they could tweak the colors a bit and fix it.
RogerPodacter said:
It's because of the amoled screen uses the pentile sub pixel layout. I thought this was well known. All Samsung amoled screens do this as the all use pentile sub pixel layout, which many people hate as the feel its not as good as the true 3 sub pixel layout screens. And It's true it is not as good, but I still prefer it over non amoled screens, crap pentile and all.
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this is not true. i had to go around 4 Galaxy S screens and finally i was able to find one without pinkish color in it in low brightness.
if you want to tell if you have pinkish hue. download a solid dark gray wallpaper. turn the brightness to low. if you see it pink. then you have defective screen. i repeat. its a defective screen. dont justify your self with it.
i went through 4 galaxy S and i was able to find one where white is actually white and closer the the cool blue. not a friggin pink
and its not amoled screen either. the iphone 4 is same issue. go to macrumors forum and check for your self.
i went through like 6 iphones to get one with cool blue and no yellow tint in it.
the difference is light and day now when i compare my iphone 4 to my other friends.
if you have an OCD with this " because i do. i have OCD for light leakage, same black level the whole screen, yellow/pink tint on the screen in low settings "
the whole phone to me is nothing but a big screen. if they f*** that up. then its useless
aimfire72 said:
As I said, mine is this way too, but went to 2 BB's tonight and checked out the demo models at each store. They both had the weird purple tint as well, on those few shades of gray, like you pointed out. I also watched the Engadget video review and could see the purples on their phone too. I think all the NS's are like this, just the way the screen is. Perhaps in a software update, they could tweak the colors a bit and fix it.
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its not a software problem.
its hardware issue. when my phone with pinkish tint along with my brother one didnt have one, i thought it could be a software issue, and we even both implimented the voodoo fix : galaxy S : and still looked different.
its a hardware issue. and i really think you need to change your phone. because if you are like me, who cares alot about his phone, then once you see someone with a nexus S and you compare the whites and the gray colors on both phones. you will be one sad panda.
hell put the brightness up to the max even. you will still see the difference in white level between a pinkish/yellow tint screen and cool blue one. its not even funny :/
Yes I'm definitely OCD'd on this issue lol. I'm still not total convinced that this a defect yet. Ill be going to a few BB's today to do some comparisons. If I do find one without the tint, then cot dammit, shame on Samsung for allowing this to slip thru on these screens again! Ill report my findings later.
My NS suffers from this horribly on top of the bad touchscreen issues it also has. Def. a defective unit

[Q] Screen burnin?

I think I have a problem with my phone, but not too sure if it's normal. I got my phone last Friday. Whenever the screen's on a grey or white background I get discoloured faint thick lines going down it. It is like a hologram.
Just wondering if anyone has the same and how are your display's like
your screen is defective, or your gray page isn't actually solid gray. go into a drawing app and make a solid black or white or gray page and confirm it's actually the screen and not the apps you're using.
there's no burn in on amoled. only defective screens
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
shinzomask said:
Whenever the screen's on a grey or white background I get discoloured faint thick lines going down it. It is like a hologram.
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You can also test your display dialing the code *#0*# and checking the 3 solid color screens (red, green, blue).
soraxd said:
your screen is defective, or your gray page isn't actually solid gray. go into a drawing app and make a solid black or white or gray page and confirm it's actually the screen and not the apps you're using.
there's no burn in on amoled. only defective screens
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
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As far as i know Amoled suffers in burn in. My friend's S1 and my S2 has it. Noticeable especially in low brightness. When backgrounds are gradient of black to gray, the screen looks dirty on low brightness. I saw an S3 on Samsung shop had a very visible burn in of a clock widget even on max brightness.
soraxd said:
there's no burn in on amoled. only defective screens
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Due to the different aging characteristics of the individual subpixels you will get a burn-in like screen after a while, especially where content is frequently shown. Like the clock in the notification bar. After a while/few months that spot will be seen when watching a solid colored background for example. Is the case on EVERY amoled screen there is.
Thanks for the replies.
I have tested it using a lcd test app and it is noticeable on a solid grey or white background. It's patches of faded pixels.
Was wondering if anyone with a S4 has the same problem and where would I stand with getting it replaced.
I can understand that amoleds suffer from screen burnin after sometime but not when it's brand new. My old s3 is perfect and I've had that for nearly a year.
IMHO get it replaced.
My S4 also does this. Black and white are very good, but grey isn't very good. Check te picture below. I have also added the picture I tested it with.
Should I return it?
JoeyLe said:
My S4 also does this. Black and white are very good, but grey isn't very good. Check te picture below. I have also added the picture I tested it with.
Should I return it?
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i wouldnt put up with that. I had the same thing on my first s4, had it for an hour and said im not living with that, took it back to att and got a new one. now its perfect!
swap that out

Anyone else have screen bleeding?

My screen has been like this since day one. In the pictures you can see brighter back light bleeding from the top center/right, the right middle/bottom, and the bottom center/left. Also, a bit of light shines through the white bezel in the bottom center which now that I notice, won't stop bugging me.
Was hoping it would go away but I got this on Amazon so an exchange would be easy as long as it comes back in stock soon (white 32GB).
Is mine the only one plagued with this? Keep in mind that this is with brightness turned all the way up on a black screen.
Yea I have screen bleed at two spots but it doesn't bother me unless for some reason it starts to expand then it will become an issue.
Most LCD panels, which are backlit, will have some light bleed around the edges. You can return the phone for a different one, but you'll probably have the same issue. It is the nature of backlit LCD panels. AMOLEDs don't have this problem since each pixel has its own light source.
Thanks for the input guys!
I don't seem to have this issue on mine. I can't notice anything like this when I turn on Moto Display. Is there an easy way for me to test this out?
the nature of LCD. one of the reasons I enjoy amoled as well.
Sent from my Moto X Pure Edition
I have this screen bleeding too.
I've got my device yesterday and started "Dead Pixel Test", on the black screen i saw the screen-bleeding.
All my previous devices didn't have a screen bleeding, or it wasn't noticeable like that.

