[REQUEST] Widget that displays currently playing info - Android Software Development

I need a widget that displays the currently playing info (album art, artist, title) from whatever audio app is currently playing. For example is Pandora is playing it shows the album art, artist, and song that is playing or if DoubleTwist is playing, it shows the album art, artist, and song that is playing.
Is this even possible? Anyone up for the challenge? I'd be willing to put up some development money...


Window media player...

How come all my music has album art when i play all music etc but when it comes to playing songs that are within a playlist the album art doesn't show? Please help it really bugs me!
When you use a playlist, there is not one picture that represents the whole album, windows media play on the PC also displays no album are for playlists, I think you are meant to play full albums !!!
oh right i see...bit crap then isn't it. problem solved in touchflo3d tho recognizes playlists and album art...shame bout the ratings mind.

Stupid Music Album Artworks!!

Having major trouble with album art. All artworks correct in Windows media player, top 40 singles- but when in android music player and library it seems like it just picked one of the 40 artworks at random to be the cover for !EACH! song in the album. help___
Thanks in advance !!!!
i am using Mini Lyrics player
its a awesome simple player

Android music players and album artists

Hi everyone!
I manage all my music in iTunes on my Mac and transfer it to my devices with iSyncr, which is a great app. However, in iTunes i use the album artist field a lot (e.g. artist: Eminem feat. Dr. Dre, album artist: Eminem).
This causes a problem in most Android music players as they don't read the album artist tag and make my artist list way too long and unreadable. Currently I'm using Google Play Music player which does in fact support the album artist tag. But i would love to use the stock music player on the Galaxy Tab 2 because of the shortcut dock on the standard launcher.
Mostly I'm just curious about why some players support the album artist field why others doesn't. Also, I have searched and searched about this without finding a lot of useful information. Am I the only one who gets annoyed by this? Anyone else having trouble with music tagging at all?
Thanks for any feedback!

[Q] Google Play Music Artwork not always diplaying

Every now and then when I start playing music using the Play Music app, the artwork will pop up for every song. If I switch to another playlist or radio station the artwork stops popping up entirely and it's just the normal default background . Is this a bug everyone is experiencing or is it just my unit?
Thanks in advance!

Samsung Music album art

so basically i edited album art of all my songs in mp3tag and every music player i found on google play shows them correctly (every song has it's own album art) except samsung music, it shows same random album art on all songs. i have screenshots from samsung music and poweramp attached down there. does anyone have solution?

