Run programme at first boot - Windows Mobile

Hello my friends,
I would like to run automatically a programme at the first boot on WM6.5, and, if possible after the OObe config.
I have try to ad a line on my runcc.lua, but i doesn't function
Anyone have an simply idea in order to doing this ?
Thanks à lot,

modifiy the config.txt
EXEC:<exe command>
CAB:<cab to install>
CPY1:<source file>
RST: Reset
with friendly greet

Thanks for your answer, but, are you sure ?
I cook from a leo rom, and on my leo rom, here is the config .txt :
RST: Reset
But, on the rom, the reset is nevers execute, so, is this config.txt used ? That's the question
Do you knwo how the OOBE programme is lauching ? By Runncc or by another tweak ?
Thanks a lot

How about at least pasting the line that you were trying to add? It's kind of hard for anyone to help if you don't do that. You may have a simple typo someone else will catch.

I have tried.
My programme is execute, but in background, because of OObe programme is already launched...
I need to launch it after the OOBe programm, that's why i would like to know how the oobe program is launched.

OOops, i have found :
The reg entry :
OObe is launched by service.
When OObe is ending, the reg entry is deleted !
So if anyone wants to launch a programm after the OObe programme, just create a little programme or a mortscript for example wich run the oobe programme and after, your programm.


Theft Protection

I am trying to make this work on the TyTN:
Can any one please help me with this? Here a link to my problem:
The cab file has to be signed if you want to run it from ExtROM, you need to use signtool.exe from microsoft SDK, more info here:
it's a bit tedious, if you manage to do it, please post the details as it will be useful to others too
That's much too complicated for me! Anybody want to have a go, be my guest! :lol:
Is there no easier way? What do you think about this?:
After having read this:
Disable the security warning when installing non-certified application
To disable the security warning when installing a non-certfied application, set:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\0000101a = 1 (DWORD decimal)
To restore the warnings:
HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies\0000101a = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Note that this makes it easier for any malware to install itself
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I was thinking: Is it possible to put in Extended Rom a Cab file which "disables the security warning when installing a non-certfied application" before launching IIWPO.CAB and another Cab file which "enables the security warning when installing a non-certfied application" after launching IIWPO.CAB?
I have never worked with CAB files and I am a complete newbie to this.
Could anyone tell me if this is the right way to go or is there a simpeler way? Could anyone make such a Cab file for me?
You can disable security warnings that way, so u can install cab files without signing, but the cab file that disables security must be signed if you want to run it from ExtROM, so you'll have to sign at least 1 cab file.
Is there a way to add a regitry value after hard reset from ext rom without a cab file?
Lio said:
Is there a way to add a regitry value after hard reset from ext rom without a cab file?
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running a signed exe file from ExtROM that gets the .reg as parameter and puts it into registry... but the exe has to be signed if you want to do it from ExtROM just after hard reset :?
Haven't tried it, but it the cab is signed this can help you, otherwise you'll need to sign the cab:
Unfortunately the CAB is not signed, so it doesn't get me any further!
Same problem here.
I followed the instructions in IIWPO and it would appear from these instructions that the IIWPO.CAB should install on a hard reset from Ext. Rom, but as we know from the thresd it does not.
I tried to run Default_Signed_DisableSecurity.CAB before IIWPO, but still no joy.
Is there any tool/utility which is signed to stick in extended rom before IIWPO to ensure IIWPO actually install?
I read this:
its got the bypass certification built in when you select unlock extended_ROM.
Can now edit config.txt to add a cab that auto-install protection software (eye on thief, with my config.ini) to send me wife the thief's phone no.
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But that cab is not signed either, so how can it help?
Hi Lio,
I've got the IIWPO working on my TyTn (Dopod 838 pro). I strictly follow the steps as outlined in wiki for IIWPO. I placed the CAB: \Extended_ROM\IIWPO.CAB on the first line in the config,txt like following:
CAB: \Extended_ROM\MT_PC_Hermes_DopodAsia_REG_060612.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\MT_Shortcut-MMS-Hermes.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\P_pIE_DopodAsia_WWE_1237071.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
CAB: \Extended_ROM\D_Hermes-v3r1032.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\D_PPC_2300_AnotherWorld.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\D_PPC_2300_MagicPuz.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\D_MP3Player_PDA_ENG_Ver094.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\D_CVC-PPC-WWE-606161-DopodHermes.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\P_Button5_VCommand.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\MT-CameraPatch-Hermes-060703.CAB
CAB: \Extended_ROM\
RST: Reset
It prompted me install or not for non certified apps when i soft-reseted the phone (i unchecked "allow non-certified applications" in fit4cat Hermes Tweaker b4 soft reset). It didn't work in the first place when i changed owner info. however I discovered the value in the registry :
didn't changed as you performed extraction of Platformxxx with Win CE CAB Manager.
So I proceeded to change the value for Owner = ME and ReportNumber = (Your desired sms to number"
Amd now it work and the reportnumber received sms as I changed the owner name on my TyTn without failure.
Hope this help
I did not signed the at all ! in notification queue you should see \windows\IIWPO_main.exe is running.
Please check your registry as I mentioned in my previous post that the reg value Owner=ME and ReportNumber= +300000000 ? please edit and change it
sunlip said:
It prompted me install or not for non certified apps when i soft-reseted the phone (i unchecked "allow non-certified applications" in fit4cat Hermes Tweaker b4 soft reset). It didn't work in the first place when i changed owner info. however I discovered the value in the registry :
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You are talking about a soft reset. I am talking about a hard reset.

OziExplorerCE: Registration key reset turning off the GPS

I installed OziCe in my GPS Invion (wince 4.2 loaded from SD card). It
works fine but, every time I turned on the GPS, OziCE asks to re-enter
the registration code. All the other configuration are correctly
reloaded, togheter with last used map.
No problem exiting and restarting OziCE, when the GPS remains active.
It seems that OziCE saves the registration code in same 'volatile'
memory, not flashed at hard shutdown.
I tried to check the registry, comparing them with remote tools before
and after starting OziCE, but I foung nothing.
Does anyone know a way to solve or workaround the problem?
Thanks, Filippo
Found a solution
for who may be intersted, I found a way to workaround the issue writing a MortScript (download the interpreter and instructions from
This is the script I wrote; obviously you have to change the OziCE username and password and the path to OziExplorerCE.exe.
After insatalled and registered MortScript, copy the script in a .mscr file in the device. Executing the script would start OziCE inserting the registration code (if needed).
#OZI CE start
regName = "MyOZICeUserName"
regKey = "MyOZICeRegistrationCode"
WindowTitle="Inserisci Codice di Registrazione"
EngWindowTitle="Enter Registration Code"
ozipath = "\SDMMC DISK\WINCE\programfile\ozi_1.12.3\COMMON\OziExplorerCE.exe"
nLoops = 200
Run(ozipath )
#WaitFor(WindowTitle, 5) #returns timeout error if not found...
While ((ActiveWindow() ne WindowTitle AND ActiveWindow() ne EngWindowTitle) && i<nLoops)
if (WndActive(WindowTitle)=1 OR WndActive(EngWindowTitle)=1)
actWin = ActiveWindow()
SendKeys(actWin, regName)
SendKeys(actWin, regKey)
#WaitFor(OKWindow, 5)
While (ActiveWindow() ne OKWindow && i<nLoops)
if (WndActive(OKWindow)=1)
using mortscript to enter OZICe on a windows CE 4.2 device
Filippo, nice work!
That mortscript you wrote works a treat on my navigation box.
I was unable to work out how to do a cab instal of mortscript. My navigation box won't start .cab files. So I need to run the bin:version of mortscript first for the Device binaries (whatever that means) and then I can run your mortscript. Love watching mortscript typing in my name and code.
OziCe now asks for ECW.dll - where does that file come from and where should it be? in windows? in storage card root? in oziexplorer folder on storage card? in nandflash?
OziExplorerCE: Preventing registration key reset turning off the GPS
Please apologize warming up this thread, but thought I'ld share my solution here.
1. OziExplorer stores user-registration data in file named 'gihobj.dll' in OS's folder \Windows.
2. Hence you backup once this 'gihobj.dll' , then always copy it to \Windows before you start OzExplorer.
I suggest to use a wrapper script as following to start OziExplorer:
#OziExplorer Launcher
#This script must be located in OziExplorer's installation folder
#or you have to alter the OziExplorer 'ozipth' below!
#check existence of registration data
#OK, run OziExplorer
#OK, but in wrong folder, hence copy registration
#data to \Windows, then run OziExplorer
#wait max. 2 secs
While((NOT FileExists(winregdata))&&(cnt<20))
Sleep 100
#not OK, hence start OziExplorer with entering user-registration data
#backup OziExplorer's registration data
OziExplorerCE: Preventing registration key reset turning off the GPS
I have an old pda with WindowsCE 2002 installed.
Can everyone drive me applying the suggest of jwoegerbauer?
I can't find the file 'gihobj.dll' I think because I don't see the hidden files so:
1. how can I see the hidden files.
2. how can I create the script file? is it a batch file?
many thanks at all,
mimmolo said:
2. how can I create the script file? is it a batch file?
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All you need is MortScript:

Hardreset - delete files ?

I have created a new ROM for my kaiser with some more apps - so far so good.
During the customization I am installing 3 more CAB (with autorun and config.txt), but unfortunately I have not found any command to delete these CABS after installation.
AFAIK config.txt only supports the following commands:
LOCK: Enabled lock the device so no user action is possible
CAB: \Extended_ROM\... install a CAB file use
EXEC: \Extended_ROM\... execute a file
CPY1: \Extended_ROM\sourcefile specify source for copy command
CPY2: \windows\targetfile copies CPY1 file to target
XML: \windows\... execute a provisioning XML file
LOCK: Disabled unlocks the device
RST: Reset execute a reset at the end
CFG: \Storage\Config2.txt include configuration from another file e.g. Config2.txt (same syntax as Config.txt)
HIDE: Enabled hides the autorun screen so that user interaction can take place.
HIDE: Disabled shows the autorun screen after user interaction.
SHOW: \Extended_ROM\...
But this does not give me the chance to delete a file.
Any suggestion ?
create a mortscript to delete the files, call it with EXEC. If EXEC only allows .exe file then use the autorun.exe feature in mortscript to call the script.
Ever tried a search?
Found the solution in 10 secs...

[For Chefs] Where and how is launched the OObe programm ?

Hello my friends,
I would like to know where and how is launched the OObe programm.
Is a reg entry ? Which reg entry ?
Is by runcc ? I don't find the entry
It's very important for me !
Thanks a lot in advance if you have informations about this !
OOops, i have found :
The reg entry :
OObe is launched by service.
When OObe is ending, the reg entry is deleted !
So if anyone wants to launch a programm after the OObe programme, just create a little programme or a mortscript for example wich run the oobe programme and after, your programm.

[Q] auto delete cab after installation during rom flash ?

I've searched through the fora before posting this question : I've found a registry tipp to delete or not cab after installation but that's not what I need, I mean I prefer cabs to not be deleted for daily use.
My question is : I would like to know if there is a tweak to auto-delete cabs after installation ONLY during flash (when cabs are cooked into rom)
I use the classic config.txt with by example :
CAB: \windows\
CAB: \windows\
I tried without the lines "Lock:Enabled/disabled" (I don't know why we add those lines lol) but there is no difference after flashing, cabs are still there into windows dir. Is there a specific command line to add into config.txt to delete cabs after install process ?
You can't delete rom files; you can cook tcpmp in better though; relocate all the files to \windows, and you don't need to install it as a cab. I'm sure diamond tweak would work fine out of rom as well. You really don't need to put many programs in \program files.
The lock enabled/disabled command just locks the screen out from user input. It's pretty effin' annoying, if you ask me. I leave the screen unlocked, in case the customization hangs (although I don't use autorun anymore).
ok, thank you

