OziExplorerCE: Registration key reset turning off the GPS - Windows Mobile Development and Hacking General

I installed OziCe in my GPS Invion (wince 4.2 loaded from SD card). It
works fine but, every time I turned on the GPS, OziCE asks to re-enter
the registration code. All the other configuration are correctly
reloaded, togheter with last used map.
No problem exiting and restarting OziCE, when the GPS remains active.
It seems that OziCE saves the registration code in same 'volatile'
memory, not flashed at hard shutdown.
I tried to check the registry, comparing them with remote tools before
and after starting OziCE, but I foung nothing.
Does anyone know a way to solve or workaround the problem?
Thanks, Filippo

Found a solution
for who may be intersted, I found a way to workaround the issue writing a MortScript (download the interpreter and instructions from http://www.sto-helit.de/).
This is the script I wrote; obviously you have to change the OziCE username and password and the path to OziExplorerCE.exe.
After insatalled and registered MortScript, copy the script in a .mscr file in the device. Executing the script would start OziCE inserting the registration code (if needed).
#OZI CE start
regName = "MyOZICeUserName"
regKey = "MyOZICeRegistrationCode"
WindowTitle="Inserisci Codice di Registrazione"
EngWindowTitle="Enter Registration Code"
ozipath = "\SDMMC DISK\WINCE\programfile\ozi_1.12.3\COMMON\OziExplorerCE.exe"
nLoops = 200
Run(ozipath )
#WaitFor(WindowTitle, 5) #returns timeout error if not found...
While ((ActiveWindow() ne WindowTitle AND ActiveWindow() ne EngWindowTitle) && i<nLoops)
if (WndActive(WindowTitle)=1 OR WndActive(EngWindowTitle)=1)
actWin = ActiveWindow()
SendKeys(actWin, regName)
SendKeys(actWin, regKey)
#WaitFor(OKWindow, 5)
While (ActiveWindow() ne OKWindow && i<nLoops)
if (WndActive(OKWindow)=1)

using mortscript to enter OZICe on a windows CE 4.2 device
Filippo, nice work!
That mortscript you wrote works a treat on my navigation box.
I was unable to work out how to do a cab instal of mortscript. My navigation box won't start .cab files. So I need to run the bin:version of mortscript first for the Device binaries (whatever that means) and then I can run your mortscript. Love watching mortscript typing in my name and code.
OziCe now asks for ECW.dll - where does that file come from and where should it be? in windows? in storage card root? in oziexplorer folder on storage card? in nandflash?

OziExplorerCE: Preventing registration key reset turning off the GPS
Please apologize warming up this thread, but thought I'ld share my solution here.
1. OziExplorer stores user-registration data in file named 'gihobj.dll' in OS's folder \Windows.
2. Hence you backup once this 'gihobj.dll' , then always copy it to \Windows before you start OzExplorer.
I suggest to use a wrapper script as following to start OziExplorer:
#OziExplorer Launcher
#This script must be located in OziExplorer's installation folder
#or you have to alter the OziExplorer 'ozipth' below!
#check existence of registration data
#OK, run OziExplorer
#OK, but in wrong folder, hence copy registration
#data to \Windows, then run OziExplorer
#wait max. 2 secs
While((NOT FileExists(winregdata))&&(cnt<20))
Sleep 100
#not OK, hence start OziExplorer with entering user-registration data
#backup OziExplorer's registration data

OziExplorerCE: Preventing registration key reset turning off the GPS
I have an old pda with WindowsCE 2002 installed.
Can everyone drive me applying the suggest of jwoegerbauer?
I can't find the file 'gihobj.dll' I think because I don't see the hidden files so:
1. how can I see the hidden files.
2. how can I create the script file? is it a batch file?
many thanks at all,

mimmolo said:
2. how can I create the script file? is it a batch file?
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All you need is MortScript: http://www.sto-helit.de/index.php?module=page&entry=ms_overview&action=view&menu=29


automated installs

Hi All,
I need some help with CAb files and such.
I'm working on a "self healing" solution for some customers of ours, so that if their device runs out of battery power, when charged, it will rebuild itself and reconfigure itself, so there is minimal user intervention.
What we do is put all our CAB files in the EXROM, and that's how we get it done.
I have an issue with our encryption software in that it's install CAB can't be run from the EXROM, it needs to be run from the root of the device. But it also has to be paired with a license file.
So what I need to do is build a CAB file, that encompasses the Pointsec install CAB and the license file, that copies itself to the root of the device upon running my CAB and runs them from there.
how do I get these files to execute once i've told them to be copied to the root?
I though i'd also put a shortcut to the install CAB in the \windows\startup folder
but once the install CAB is run, the shortcut remains, and therefore upno soft-reset it throws up errors that the file no longer exists
here is a copy of the INF file i wrote to do this.
bear in mind, i'm new to this, so it may be incorrect.
Path=C:\Documents and Settings\build\My Documents\Pocketpc\corporate soe v1.3a\EXTRACTED\new folder\Pointsec_Shortcut.cab
CESignature="$Windows CE$"
AppName="for Pocket PC 2.3"
"Pointsec_for_Pocket_PC 2.3.cab"=1
"Pointsec_for_Pocket_PC 2.3.cab",,,0x20000003
"Pointsec.lnk",0,"Pointsec_for_Pocket_PC 2.3.cab"
Is there a registry entry, like in win2k/XP where I can get this to "runonce" or anything like that ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
you should put the cab in the ExtROM, and then.
In config.txt:
add lines to copy the cab to the root
add a line to run the cab from the root
Syntax: http://forum.xda-developers.com/viewtopic.php?t=6648&highlight=config+txt+syntax
cheers edsub,
I wasn't aware of the EXEC command for the config.txt.
that will save me from having to build a CAb file to do this !
for future reference though, is there an execute command you can put into a .inf for theCAB file?
or is that where the setup.dll comes into play ?
yup, thats the allmighty setup.dll.
problem is with that: If you havent build it, you dont know what it does . . .
damn, looks like i have to brush up on my C++ skills
thanks again !!

Cold boot auto install

How would I go about performing an automatic installation of several .CAB files after a cold boot of the XDA 2? These CAB files will be located on a storage card and are part of a commercial package.
Tony Hudson
One can create a "autorun.exe" in a folder called "2577" on the memorycard..
But I'm really not sure how...
you can auto install
by putting the updates in the extented rom
not sure how you would go about making them be able to be located on the sd card unless you put in a program in the extented rom
which would again auto install the cab files located on the sd card
I have wrote an eVC app for installing multiple .CAB files on an SD card. I am wanting the CAB files to be installed synchronously then the device to be warm booted so I am calling ShellExecuteEx to open the CAB file, WaitForSingleObject to determine when the CAB file has finished and then KernelIoControl to reboot the device.
The problem is that WaitForSingleObject is returning before the CAB file has closed with an error code of 6 which is invalid handle.
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
info.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI;
info.hwnd = NULL;
info.lpVerb = _T("open");
info.lpFile = (LPCWSTR) &szCAB;
info.lpParameters = _T("");
info.lpDirectory = _T("");
info.nShow = SW_SHOW;
// Call to perform an action
if ((long)info.hInstApp > 32)
dwRetVal = WaitForSingleObject(info.hProcess, INFINITE);
iErrCode = 4;
iErrCode = 4;
dwErr = GetLastError();
iErrCode = 4;
iErrCode = 0;
When running this in debug mode the CAB file being executed has presented the user with a dialog box prompting to overwrite existing files and the WaitForSingleObject has already returned.
Any suggestions?
Install From Storage Card on Insertion
This details info about autoinstalls from a SD card...
But the application is also uninstalled on removal of the card?
Thankyou but I have already read this, and the above listing is a section of my autorun.exe application. This does not answer the problem I have documented above but thanks for taking time to assist me.
Just to outline, the problem that I am witnessing is that all the CAB files are being opened before the previous CAB installation has completed and the device is being warm booted without all the CAB files being installed. I need to wait in the looping code until a CAB file has completed its installation. The waitforsingleobject call should do this but it appears to fail. The CAB file has been opened succesfully but the error is that an invalid handle has been provided to the call. Thanks for any help
Doh! How stupid am I - please dont everyone reply. The programming error is in that I assign the return value of WaitForSingleObject to a variable. Change the above code snippet from
dwRetVal = WaitForSingleObject(info.hProcess, INFINITE);
WaitForSingleObject(info.hProcess, INFINITE);
and remove the switch..case code and it works fine.
Ok. So I now have my autorun.exe program that installs my CAB files but where do I put it in order for it to automatically install after a cold boot? I have tried the .EXE in "\storage card\2577" and in "\storage\2577" neither of them working. Modifying extended ROM is not an option here as this is a commercial package that is distributed on an SD card. I simply want the user to insert the SD card and then do a cold boot that will then install the CAB files. Is this possible and if so how? Thanks.
Got it all working now, the .EXE does go into the SD card subdirectory \storage card\2577.
Have you (or someOne else) tried to call registry keys (mostly interested in network connections) from this autorun.exe?
what did you use for an autorun.exe??
is the code u put up earlier comilable to an autrun.exe?
(not a coder per se ,but dibble little here and there)
or is it from the sdk?
It it possible for u to post it as a attachment here?
Re: autorun?
lynxlynx said:
what did you use for an autorun.exe??
is the code u put up earlier comilable to an autrun.exe?
(not a coder per se ,but dibble little here and there)
or is it from the sdk?
It it possible for u to post it as a attachment here?
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The Autorun.exe file can be whatever exe file you want.
that I understand...but what if I wanna install more than 1 thing...I have a list of stuff I wanna do...like a couple of .cab and some .exe´s and maybe a .cpf.....how can I get them all to run automatically on cardinsert....
I gave the code to a programmer at work..I will see what he comes upp with...but I thinkthat there should be somekind of "public" autrun.exe with a .cfg file with it to download here at xda-dev.
If mine works I will post it later...

[new release] VJBrisk - very specific file launcher

Guys, don't get excited, this is just a teeny tiny app for a special request:
I'm basically not releasing anything for a while whilst I work on my new website, which is taking ages
However, this app is just used to launch an app in the same folder, with the filename
or a shortcut called VJTarget.lnk.
This is very specific in use. You don't need it, I'm sure.
But if you have an app that can launch an .exe, but won't launch a shortcut with a command line, then this might be for you (I know some button redefiners and Today launchers might get use out of this)
So, basically, if you want to run VJDialer with a command line in TomTom:
1. Create a shortcut to VJDialer and set it up as you normally would.
2. Check the shortcut to ensure it works.
3. Copy it to your target folder.
4. Copy VJBrisk.exe to the same target folder.
5. Rename the shortcut you made in Step 1 to VJTarget.lnk.
6. Running VJBrisk will now launch VJTarget with its command line etc.
So, setup TomTom to run VJBrisk, and VJBrisk will then launch a file called VJTarget.exe or VJTarget.lnk in the same folder.
Like I said, very specific, but a good experiment for me with some nice string classes
On my (old) website.
I will rewrite my question here, because it's + appropriated:
i will try NOW your app.... only a question:
VJbrisk.exe launch only one vjtarget.lnk or just rename it (exe) with the same name of the link to have more than 1 phone link?
(es Vjbrisk1.exe call Vjbrisk1.lnk, Vjbrisk2.exe call VJbrisk2.lnk etc ?
sorry 4 my english
If a Vjbrisk.exe read from a text file vjtarget.txt :
links = 2
link1: vjdial.exe 123456789;
link2: vjdial.exe 987654321;
then by renaming as Vjbrisk1.exe or vjbrisk2.exe the program execute the link into the txt?
the counter is for vjbrisc[X].exe, from x=1 to x=[links].....
or the exe filename can be compared with a string written into the txt:
"VBrisk1.exe" = vjdial.exe 123456789
"VBrisk2.exe" = vjdial.exe 123456789
I don't know is it's possible.... however good work for all others apps that you've made !
VJBrisk will launch VJTarget.exe or VJTarget.lnk.
I could make it so that renaming VJBrisk Eg VJBrisk2.exe will launch VJTarget2.exe.
But for your TomTom setup, I suggest you just use a different folder and a different copy of VJBrisk for each app you need to run.
The text file option is possible, but may be more complicated then just renaming the .exe as I describe above.
ok thnx 1000
accidental presses solved
thanks again to kokotas and vijay555.
kokotas for his ROM that allows me to replace \windows\biotouch.exe without difficulty
vijay555 for his VJBrisk that allows a "new biotouch.exe" to launch a shortcut to s2u2.exe
this means slide2unlock2 will remain locked, even if there are accidental presses/brushes(due to hardware design) while my elf is in my pocket.
Hi, Vijay.
Is there any chance that you could modify this app so that it would pass the command-line parameter it was launched with on to the shortcut?
Here's what i'm trying to acchieve:
I'm using a QR Code reader called quickmark that can read a URL from the barcode, and open it in a web browser. It can ce switched to use Opera instead of IE, but it attempts to launch the executable called OperaLaunch.exe from /Windows, while my Opera9 beta exec is on the storage card, and it's called Opera9.exe
I tried to create a shortcut to it, rename it to VJTarget.lnk, and place it in /Windows along with VJBrisk renamed to "OperaLaunch.exe". When i tried to access a web page from quickmark, opera was launched, but it opened its home page, as if it didn't receive the command line parameter. Manualy running the link with URL as command line parameter worked fine, so it seems that VJBrisk doesn't pass the parameter...
[new version!] Command line support
mr_deimos - that's a really good idea. I don't know why I had never supported it before.
Can you please try this new version.
It's been years since I've made a cab, so for now, just a new .exe.
Let me know if it works ok for you.
VJBrisk 0.2 with command line support
Whoa, i didn't notice this version before. Thanks for making the update and sorry for the late reply.
However unfortunately it still doesn't seem to pass the command line parameters. Right now i don't have the opera9 anymore, but i tested it with netfront:
I have the vjbrisk.exe renamed to OperaLaunch.exe and vjtarget.lnk (pointing to my NetFront executable on storage card) in my /windows dir.
If i run:
\windows\vjtarget.lnk http://www.xda-developers.com
Netfront opens up, and loads the xda-dev website.
But ruunning:
\windows\operalaunch.lnk http://www.xda-developers.com
NetFronf fires up, but loads its homepage instead of this website Of course the same happens with QuickMark - it just launches NF, without loading the proper page.
vijay555 said:
mr_deimos - that's a really good idea. I don't know why I had never supported it before.
Can you please try this new version.
It's been years since I've made a cab, so for now, just a new .exe.
Let me know if it works ok for you.
VJBrisk 0.2 with command line support
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it works fine, but can you make an option so that it is possible to use it multiple times in one directory =?
manila2d use on homescreen hardcoded:
-> clock.exe for timer+
-> calendar.exe for outlook calendar.
# # # #
now i want to use:
-> clock.exe for spb time
-> calendar.exe for thumbcal
so i overwrite calendar.exe + clock.exe with your tool(copy vjbrick.exe to calendar.exe + clock.exe) + make the link to vjtarget....
so how can handle your tool this for different targets ?
my idea would be that there is
1.) vjbrick.exe looks to its own exe-name and searching for a file with extension: ".vjb" . there the call is inside to the correct exefile + paramter
so for example:
1.) copy vjbrick.exe to calendar.exe + copy to windows(overwrite the orig file)
2.) generate a file calendar.vjb + inside there is: "programm files\thumbcal\thumbal.exe -day" + copy the file to \windows
THEREFORE: a lot of guys which are searching therefore a solution !!!!!!!!!!!
cu camel
Guys, VJBrisk has been updated and relaunched here

Backup & Restore your Cemail.vol easily

first af all I would like to say that i'm not a developer!I just build a little app
to facilitate our every day life.
Then I would like to say that i won't be responsible on any damage that little app could do.
So I made a little App to backup and restore your cemail.vol (containing your SMS or text messages) easily.
It's based on mortscript app (which is very very great).
Installations Steps:
-Unzip B&R on your Ppc (Internal Memory or Storage card As you want)
-Run "MortScript-4.0-PPC.cab" (install it in internal memory or storage card should work for both)
-And at least run "Back&Restore.mscr"
You'll be prompted if you want to backup or restore
and then you'll be prompted again if you want to restart your device or no.
As the backup or restore work at the starting of the device if you know what you are doing I suggest to reply yes, otherwise nothing will backuped or restored.
For those who are interested in this is the source of this little app:
errorlevel ("warn")
Choice( "SMS B&R","Restore or Backup","Backup","Restore" )
Case( 1 )
Startup = Regread ("hklm" , "System\Explorer\Shell Folders" , "Startup")
back = "XCopy \cemail.vol , ""\Storage Card"" , 1"
delb = "delete " & "(""" & Startup &"\backup.mscr"")"
delete (Startup &"\restore.mscr")
delete (Startup &"\backup.mscr")
WriteFile( Startup & "\backup.mscr" , back & "^CR^^LF^" & delb ,1 )
Case( 2 )
Startup = Regread ("hklm" , "System\Explorer\Shell Folders" , "Startup")
rest = "XCopy ""\Storage Card\cemail.vol"" , \ , 1"
delr = "delete " & "(""" & Startup &"\restore.mscr"")"
delete (Startup &"\backup.mscr")
delete (Startup &"\restore.mscr")
WriteFile( Startup & "\restore.mscr" , rest & "^CR^^LF^" & delr ,1 )
Case( 0 )
Message( "Cancel" )
Choice ("Reset", "Do you want to restart de device?","no","yes")
Case( 1 )
Message ("Be careful : Backup or Restore Cemail.vol only work if you soft reset your device")
Case( 2 )
Case( 0)
Message ("Be careful : Backup or Restore Cemail.vol only work if you soft reset your device")
Thanks for this, been wanting to backup cemail.
I've tested it briefly on my HP RX1950, but nothing is created after restart. I've tried with a few different storage cards but no luck. Any ideas?
As you can see file creation refers to Startup(folder) Value in Registry.
So it can be 2 things
1-The startup folder is not in the same place as mine in the registry (but I doubt about that)
2-The Mapi services which use the file cemail.vol start before my script.
So to check that, launch the backup but don't restart the device and go look
into \windows\startup to see if there is a file called Backup.mscr, if yes open it with a notepad and send me the content of the file.
I'll try later to make a log script file to debug these kind of problems
Well the startup folder is in the correct place in the registry, and backup.mscr is in the startup folder.
The contents is as follows;
XCopy \cemail.vol , "\Storage Card" , 1
delete ("\Windows\StartUp\backup.mscr")
So could you:
-Tell me what device do you own and which rom your are using.
-In the registry in [HKLM/init] could you give me your launch values.
(ex: Launch10 Shell32.exe, Launch20 Service.exe etc...)
hercule18 said:
So could you:
-Tell me what device do you own and which rom your are using.
-In the registry in [HKLM/init] could you give me your launch values.
(ex: Launch10 Shell32.exe, Launch20 Service.exe etc...)
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The device is a HP Ipaq RX1950, rom is the standard HP rom version 1.01 (english).
Launch values:
Launch10 shell.exe, Launch20 device.exe, Launch21 coldinit.exe, Launch30 gwes.exe, Launch35 wifioff.exe, Launch50 shell32.exe, Launch60 services.exe, Launch61 ciphase2.exe, Launch70 connmgr.exe, Launch80 srvtrust.exe
i was looking for some way to perform this operations and i have to say that this thing work perfectly on my TyTN (hermes) with mobile 6. For i moment i thought that i could write something in CF, but probably it wouldn't work cause it will need the system fully uploaded.
nice work
I see another way to backup SMS.
There are many programs which do backup SMS, and at any time, and not just during reboot device. For example, smsorganizer (www.zedsoft.net). But this program not work in a mode such as command line.
If there was such program would not be to do a problem backup sms when it is necessary, either under the schedule, or on event. For example, to start the program at incoming sms by means of SKScheme or another.
And then questions with copying cemail.vol will disappear all.
I also used this kind tool to backup cemail.vol by celecmd, but this time.. when I try to backup cemail.vol now, it dosn't work, both this mortscript tool or that celecmd tool. It seems after reset, another system application lock this cemail.vol before backup tool start.
Does anyone have an idea?
I have resolved my problem, maby helpful to you:
1. set "Today", cancel items outlook-related;
2. delete poutlook link in \windows\startup.
I backed up cemail.vol manually through "Mobile Device" in XP, and now I'm trying to figure out how to copy the backed up file back onto the device after a hard reset, but I'm not having much luck. I created "aa.mscr" in my \Windows\Startup directory, but nothing I put in it works:
Rename ("\goodcemail.vol", "\cemail.vol", 1)
Rename "\goodcemail.vol", "\cemail.vol", TRUE
Delete "\cemail.vol"
Rename "\goodcemail.vol","\cemail.vol"
The files are unchanged after I soft reset.
What am I doing wrong?
According to this page:
In WM 5.0 you can not rename, delete and etc. '\cemail.vol'. It is placed in distinct storage.
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So how does your code do it then?
Ooops. This thread says to place a shortcut in the Startup directory, not the script itself. I'll try again when I have a chance.
endolith said:
Ooops. This thread says to place a shortcut in the Startup directory, not the script itself. I'll try again when I have a chance.
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Nope. That doesn't do anything either. How do I restore cemail.vol?!
I removed everything from the Today screen and restarted, and the script worked! I think I could actually delete the file manually now, since it's not being used by the Messaging part of the Today screen.
So where do all the settings for Exchange Activesync and POP account info live? I want to be able to back these up and restore them after a reflash. Any Ideas?
OK, tried removing everything from today screen as someone stated, tried deleting the poutlook.lnk from stratup. I am on Raphael(Fuze) running my own cooked ROM. I would ike this to work so I could cook in a script to copy these files back on startup. Could prove very handy as I am flashing a lot of ROMs lately. Any help appreciated.
On a WM5 MotoQ I was having a hell of a time getting a backup of a clean cemail.vol file from a freshly flashed phone. Come to find out I had not unlocked its registry. From CeRegistry editor v0.0.4.4 I chose "unlock registry" from the tools menu then made the following edits
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1001 = 2
Change to 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1005 = 16
Change to 40
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies\0000 1017 = 128
Change to 144
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Security\Policies\Policies
New Dword value "0000101b" = 1
What does restore do ? is it to delete off the old one and replace a new one ?
if it is , it doesnt help my wm6.1 asus p320 .
how to download this app.
it just displays a small picture when clicking the donwload link.

ReLoad v0.1 Beta

This is a MortScript script written to simplify reinstalling cab files, and restoring files back to the device from a zip file on the trinity.
More information about MortScript at http://www.sto-helit.de
-v.01 Initial Release
Known Issues
-Cab files that initiate the installation of another cab file ie.Wisbar Advanced
-How to setup:
1)Extract Reload.rar to your storage card.
2)Place cab files in the CabsAuto folder if you want to the cab to be automatically installed to the device (installation to automatically install to the storage card is currently not available).
3)Place cab files in the CabsManual folder if you want to be able to choose where to install the cab.
4)Place file in the Backup.zip file that you want to be restored.
ie. If you wanted example.jpg to be placed in the \Windows folder, place example.jpg in the Windows folder of the zip file.
*Please note that the cab files placed in the CabsAuto folder need to conform to only asking the user for the installation destination, then showing installation successful/unsuccessful. Otherwise you might encounter some
problems. You should place cabs that don't conform in the CabsManual folder, or adjust these cab files with programs such as WinCE CAB Manager.
-How to use:
1)In the Reload folder, execute Run1st. Click ok the the window that pops up. This just installs MortScript
2)Execute Run2nd. This will initiate the script that will first install the CabsAuto, then CabsManual, and finally restore the files in the zip file.
Use at your own risk.
Thx, that's a good idea.
is there a way to have it restore registry entries from a .reg file?
Is there a way to install certain cab files on RAMDisk/Storage card without individually clicking the install option??
Currently there isn't a way to restore the reg file directly. But you can create a cab from the reg file and then have that cab automatically installed.
MortScript wasn't able to read in the reg files i saved with resco explorer, so I gave up on doing it this way. For right now the easiest way is to create a cab file with WinCE Cab Manager.
The best way to install the program to the Storage Card, backup the reg (and any possible files installed on rom), then create a cab from this.
This post has alot of good information on this.
yeah, i've been trying like a madman to get win ce cab manager to make a cab of my .reg file.. but when i click on 'import' and try to grab the .reg file it tells me it's only for registered versions of the program.. is there another way i'm not seeing? cause right now the only other options i see for registry entries is to manually create them one by one which doesn't sound very exciting hah
thanks for the help..
What OS and version of WinCE Cab Manager are you running. I heard of some problems with the newest version of WinCE Cab Manager with Vista. I am running version
If that isn't it, you might have run the program past its initial trial use.
hmm.. Win Ce CabManager is running on xp.. still got 17 uses left.. sigh..
Maybe i missed something. Just in case, what button or command are you using to get your .reg file into WinCE? I was using the 'file' 'import' command.
That's the same way I do it. I would find an older version and try it again.
Reload V0.2
I made a couple of changes to the script for a rom we are going to be releasing soon...it checks if Backup.zip exists and only does the unzip if it does...I also added a SDBackup.zip for files to unzip to Storage card (specifically exe's and dll's I've already upx'd to shrink them but reinstalling the cabs replaced them again so this puts them back)....
#v.02 Initial Release
#Use at your own risk.
#v.02 Extract files from SDBackup.zip to Storage Card
If(Question("Do you want to ReLoad?", "Reload 0.2", "YesNo")="No")
Run("Storage Card\ReLoad\Bin\Message_Running.mscr")
RegWriteDWord("HKLM", "Comm", "AutoRunFlag", "0")
RegWriteString("HKLM", "Comm", "AutoRunCFG", "\Storage Card\ReLoad\CabsAuto\Config.txt")
#Create Config File
Delete("\Storage Card\ReLoad\CabsAuto\Config.txt")
WriteFile("\Storage Card\ReLoad\CabsAuto\Config.txt", "SHOW:\Storage Card\ReLoad\Bin\ReLoad.bmp^NL^")
ForEach x in files { "\Storage Card\ReLoad\CabsAuto\*.cab" }
WriteFile("\Storage Card\ReLoad\CabsAuto\Config.txt", "CAB: ", 1)
WriteFile("\Storage Card\ReLoad\CabsAuto\Config.txt", x, 1)
WriteFile("\Storage Card\ReLoad\CabsAuto\Config.txt", "^NL^", 1)
#CabsAuto Install
RunWait("\Storage Card\ReLoad\Bin\AutoRun.exe")
#CabsManual Install
ForEach x in files { "\Storage Card\ReLoad\CabsManual\*.cab" }
If (FileExists("\Storage Card\ReLoad\Backup.zip") )
#Restore files from zip to main storage
UnzipAll("\Storage Card\ReLoad\Backup.zip", "")
If (FileExists("\Storage Card\ReLoad\SDBackup.zip") )
#Restore files from zip2 to storage card
UnzipAll("\Storage Card\ReLoad\SDBackup.zip", "\Storage Card\")
KillScript("\Storage Card\ReLoad\Bin\Message_Running.mscr")
If(Question("Finished ReLoading.^NL^Do you want to reset?", "Reload 0.2", "YesNo")="No")
Very good soft, it works nice !!
The only difficulty for the french users is to replace in the script "Storage Card" by "Carte de stockage"
Thx men for this !!!
Nice soft,
I could use FAMAN WM6 on my trinity now !
French translation and modification is (seem to be) ok.
Just wait the OK from the boss and I'll give you !
Edit : Why don't you use the LOCK:Enabled in the header and LOCKDisabled on the end of the config file ? Thxs in advance.
I use SettingsSavior on my Trinity mainly for its similar auto-install functionality
Thank you for this very useful tool
My .cab are removed after using Reload. How can I keep my .cab on my SD after a new installation ?
Thank you for your help.
SPV M700
can this software reinstall cabs, copy skin files in programs installation directory (eg pocketcm skin) and reconfigure mail and exchange accounts ?
OOPS delete this post.

