>>>Experienced HD2 users are most welcome!<<< - HD2 General

Hey guys!
I am thinking of buying an HD2 and sell my N96; I know that some of my questions or maybe all are already somewhere but i guess not that they are in the same post; so here i go:
1---Can the sms be stored on MMC?
2---If the sms are on SIM/MMC/Phone; can they be copied/moved from one of these locations to another?
3---Can you create custom folders in sms? (you create a custom one and you move some sms to this folder) (i know HTCsms doesn't allow but I’ve read that default winmo messaging allows it, I’ve also read that HTCsms can be disabled but till now i didn't knew how to do all that!!!)
4---Does it really take a decade to load msgs? (in case you have hundreds of thousands) (what's the solution if yes please)
5---Does winmo have the "mark/unmark/mark all" option? (if you have to deal with a lot of files/sms/pics...??
6---Can you store the pics/videos taken on MMC?
7---Can these pics/videos be simply manipulated by Albums/categories...?
8---Can the contacts be copied/moved from SIM to phone memory and to MMC?
9---How many zoom X does the camera support? I know it's not so beautiful compared to Carl zeis's lenses of nokia, but can they be acceptable or practical?
10---What about the loudspeaker? Does it have acceptable quality?
11--- Internet and WIFI reception; are they good?
12---Radio reception, is it good?
13-User profiles (silent, meeting...) can they be timed for instance? (e.g. meeting profile timed to end automatically on 5 PM when i finish work)
14---Synch with pc and transferring data (any kind of data) with PC; is it good?
Finally some subjective questions that i care to know their answers:
A-If you want to compare messaging between Symbian (n96) to the one in Winmo6.5 (HD2) in terms of options available, details seen, customizability, moving/copying, loading speed, memory capacity... which one do you find better?
B-If you want to compare calling functions between Symbian (n96) to the one in Winmo6.5 (HD2) in terms of options available, details seen in log, customizability, call sound quality... which one do you find better?
C-Finally, did anyone of you guys bought an HD2 and dropped a Nokia N96 (or any N series) and regret it in the end?
What can you suggest me? (i wish i can try an HD2 for a long time but i can't)
Do i go for it? Or it's not worth it?
Thank you guys in advance

Life Engineer said:
1---Can the sms be stored on MMC?
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Not that I know of, but I may be wrong.
2---If the sms are on SIM/MMC/Phone; can they be copied/moved from one of these locations to another?
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You can copy fron SIM to phone and from Phone to SIM.
3---Can you create custom folders in sms? (you create a custom one and you move some sms to this folder) (i know HTCsms doesn't allow but I’ve read that default winmo messaging allows it, I’ve also read that HTCsms can be disabled but till now i didn't knew how to do all that!!!)
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Have a search in this forum, there are threads about this around.
4---Does it really take a decade to load msgs? (in case you have hundreds of thousands) (what's the solution if yes please)
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On my stock O2 1.72 Rom, no it doesn't take long. It did on the older 1.43 Rom though.
5---Does winmo have the "mark/unmark/mark all" option? (if you have to deal with a lot of files/sms/pics...??
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6---Can you store the pics/videos taken on MMC?
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7---Can these pics/videos be simply manipulated by Albums/categories...?
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If you mean image editing, then no.
8---Can the contacts be copied/moved from SIM to phone memory and to MMC?
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They can be moved from SIM, but not MMC. (as far as I know)
9---How many zoom X does the camera support? I know it's not so beautiful compared to Carl zeis's lenses of nokia, but can they be acceptable or practical?
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I don't tend to use digital zoom in any way, shape or form, as any type is just poor. but it zooms in from wide to fully zoomed in 4 presses.
10---What about the loudspeaker? Does it have acceptable quality?
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Its not going to make a Cyrus system bow to it's quality, and the bass response isn't going to upset the neighbours, but yes, its pretty similar to my Nokia E90s output, and is acceptable.
11--- Internet and WIFI reception; are they good?
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Depends on the quality of the signal and the distance to the aerial, and how far down in the priority list your account is with the provider. But, I've never dropped below 3 bars Edge, usually sat between 3 and 4 bars HSDPA, and wifi through access points is easily fast enough to be perfectly useable.
12---Radio reception, is it good?
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Not really, its ok outside, but indoors mine struggles.
13-User profiles (silent, meeting...) can they be timed for instance? (e.g. meeting profile timed to end automatically on 5 PM when i finish work)
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Not out of the box, but there are programs to allow this.
14---Synch with pc and transferring data (any kind of data) with PC; is it good?
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Its pretty good, better than my E90 was, and it doesn't have to be rebooted to get the Memory card back!
Finally some subjective questions that i care to know their answers:
A -If you want to compare messaging between Symbian (n96) to the one in Winmo6.5 (HD2) in terms of options available, details seen, customizability, moving/copying, loading speed, memory capacity... which one do you find better?
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The HD2s messaging is pretty simple, but I find it easier to send MMSs inc. videos and photos compared to my E90. In terms of SMS arranging, you have 2 options, per message viewing and conversqtion mode. other than that, no other functions out of the box.
B-If you want to compare calling functions between Symbian (n96) to the one in Winmo6.5 (HD2) in terms of options available, details seen in log, customizability, call sound quality... which one do you find better?
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The call log is better on the HD2 in my view, you can select a different number for a contact to the one they rang you on, great if they switch their mobile off!
Never had any issues with call quality, always been crystal clear.
I like the HD2s idea of having all the options on one screens (like loudspeaker, keypad etc) than in a menu.
C-Finally, did anyone of you guys bought an HD2 and dropped a Nokia N96 (or any N series) and regret it in the end?
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Check my sig for the phones I've had, I've not regretted it at all. The HD2 has its faults, but it is such a powerful device, its expected to have quirks. My E90 had issues, it comes with the smartphone territory.
What can you suggest me? (i wish i can try an HD2 for a long time but i can't)
Do i go for it? Or it's not worth it?
Thank you guys in advance
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To be honest, that choice is up to you. I've personally not looked back, but you may miss features between them.

Thanks man you're great!
You seem a Windows mobile fan! Are you??
Man, googling the net for windows mobile isn't encouraging; they place it as the worst OS including (RIM, iphone's, symbian, android, maemo...); do you think this is true?? Is it that bad?!? I will be glad to hear (or read ) your opinion! I had enough from reviews; i want to see real experience with this thing!
I really like to buy the HD2 but this OS thing makes me nervous!
Any other feedback is well welcomed too!

I like Windows Mobile for what it *can* do, not necessarily what it does do, if that makes sense?
I like symbian, probably on the basis that it is a logical, easy to use menu layout, i.e. if I want to access a GPS program, I open the main menu and press the GPS folder. If I want further options, I open the menu options.
In this respect, WinMo is very similar (you can arrange your start menu how you want it, even with the added option of changing icons etc).
Comparing this to the iPhone for instance (as every review seems to anyway), you open the main menu, then have to trawl through the pages of icons to find the app you want. Granted, you can move the icons around, but as far as I know, you need a PC or Mac and iTunes to do this (not sure if they've fixed this in OS4, I lost interest at 3G)
I have my HD2 doing an awful lot, set up as a wireless router for my laptop, playing games, internet browsing (I was blown away with the 800 x 332 res on the E90, but the HD2 is on the next rung or two up!), emails (have it checking 4 pop3 accounts, 1 imap and one exchange account, all at different intervals and automatically stopped at night), full GPS Sat-Nav and all the rest of the features I can reel off.
I find it incredibly stable (before anyone flames, the iPhone and E90 do need reboots now and again ) and very functional.
Yes WinMo is a bit creaky these days, but a lot of people forget it was designed to be a PDA with almost desktop features rather than a phone with PIM, and was designed in the late 90s, before Apple were even designing pretty Macs, Nokia had just released phone with polyphonic ringtones, and Palm was on its knees. None of them had such a complex functionality, and few even come close more than a decade later.
Android is getting there, but not quite, and RIM, good god, who designs a touch friendly interface for a non-touch phone? Did they not realise they made it even harder to navigate using their pearl?

My son had both the N95,N96 and now XM5800 in no way you can compare those Nokias to HD2 at least from my perspective.If you like to do customization you may never regret for getting this phone,at least I didnt.The only downside i found is the limited internal storge but I usually make sure to install my apps on the SC(MMC).
Most of the applications are a bit old but very professional,I like them much better than the Iphone which I owned over a period of 3 years.
However you seem to live in Lebanon as I also do,I live in Dowra suberebean area.I dont know if somehow I can be any help to you.
good Luck

Thank you rp-x1 you are a good man!
I think i will buy it after all; i will try it for some months or maybe years and will sell it if i didn't like it! I have nothing to loose (except couple of hundreds of dollars! )
Yes hagba i live in lebanon and you are Armenian as i see
I live in Jounieh and i work in Sin elfil so i'm not so far from you!
I will be so glad if you give me your mail address or even your phone number (in my work i can call freely so don't worry) (you can send me a private msg) or if you don't want; it's enough for me if you can tell me what are the "good"s and the "bad"s of this phone in your practical experience (not as in reviews when they mention for example that 64K colors are a downside of this phone! What do i care man?!? Am i counting them?!? )
Thanks a lot

im afraid I dont have time for a lengthy answer so ill keep it simple......
I came from an n95 and I dont miss it at all, maybe the camera a little if im honest.....
and winmo is not the worst os... in my opinion....

From all your question, one fundamental aspect is that 'can you customize your ROM?' I believe WinMo is the most customizable. Look at the HD2 ROM development thread. You can't ever do such things in iPhone or others.

Hey Life I PM-ed you my email.


What are the main things that annoy you about the X1?

Im making this thread in the hope that we can make a joint list and things can get crossed off-
edit: i will add anything that may be possible to be corrected by software fixes. whilst things like " you have to open the case to get the sd card/soft reset are very valid, there is nothing we can do im afraid!!!
Here are a list of the main things that really annoy me:
1) It takes ages to open up the SMS inbox/missed calls, sometimes a few seconds
2) there is a delay between someone calling you and your phone ringing
3) Videos are very jerky and not smooth unless i convert them and all that stuff which i shouldnt need to. i assume this is because we cant make use of the hardware acceleration?
4) no good games- emulators dont work.
5) Ring tone too weak
6) vibrate too weak
7) when im on the phone and i get someone else on call waiting, the party i am speaking to cant hear what im saying
8) The close / ok button on the top right are way too small.
9) no official flash support for youtube...
10) opera keeps on crashing
8) When using the keyboard, just a small nudge on top of the screen turns it into portrait mode, annoying when sending a text.
9) The close / ok button on the top right are way too small.
10) Have to open the case to remove the SD-card
11) Lack of updates, news, panels, etc. from Sony Ericsson... not a single screenshot, news or anything since release
12) Hidden softreset button
") no good games- emulators dont work."
with wvga fix i have gotten all games i used on my old himalaya to work just fine
with x1 but of cause if you dont cound wvga fix
"10) Have to open the case to remove the SD-card"
yeah thats a problem
"other general responsive and delay issues"
seem to be a general windows mobile issue
at least i had them with all wm devices i had
13) no official flash support for youtube...
I don't think the removal of the back is a 'problem' but surely a fraking INCONVENIENCE.
I agree with all those points so far and could certainly list even more but unless this will become a 'rant post', makes no sense for me to post this. But if one looks at all the posts in here and all those problems that are posted, one will find that there is very much that is wrong with this X1.
michaelthemage said:
I don't think the removal of the back is a 'problem' but surely a fraking INCONVENIENCE.
I agree with all those points so far and could certainly list even more but unless this will become a 'rant post', makes no sense for me to post this. But if one looks at all the posts in here and all those problems that are posted, one will find that there is very much that is wrong with this X1.
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well any that you add, i will add to the first list, so hopefully in time we can get them resolved... hopefully
michaelthemage said:
I don't think the removal of the back is a 'problem' but surely a fraking INCONVENIENCE.
I agree with all those points so far and could certainly list even more but unless this will become a 'rant post', makes no sense for me to post this. But if one looks at all the posts in here and all those problems that are posted, one will find that there is very much that is wrong with this X1.
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Well it sure annoys me!
I find the lack of support and / or updates annoying too
I've gained new found respect for Nokia being used to Nokia Beta Labs.
+ The loud HangUp tone.
I'd like to find the person who came up with that and just smack him in the face!
mo.ammi said:
Well it sure annoys me!
I find the lack of support and / or updates annoying too
I've gained new found respect for Nokia being used to Nokia Beta Labs.
+ The loud HangUp tone.
I'd like to find the person who came up with that and just smack him in the face!
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id like to punch in the face the person that decided to have a 3 second delay in answering and hanging up the phone!!! what the hell is the point of that.
nawfalah said:
1) It takes ages to open up the SMS inbox/missed calls, sometimes a few seconds
no problem here. otherweise, dont close the Programs and keep them running in the background. we have plenty of RAM ^^
4) no good games- emulators dont work.
WGA fix solves your problem ... well almost
5) Ring tone too weak
true, but ive experienced higher volume on different ROMs. so there probale is a way to change that
8) The close / ok button on the top right are way too small.
just use the "End Call" or OK button from your phone (lower right hard keys)
9) no official flash support for youtube...
uhm ... havnt tested it to the max yet but Opera plays all youtube videos and IE launches an extra media stream player. so no problem here.
10) opera keeps on crashing
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also no problem here. try a different ROM perhapst?
the amount of complete fools who seem to have bought one just because its the latest SE phone, without bothering to research it.
Then become seemingly incapable of reading the manual and instead ask the same basic questions over and over again.....
fards said:
the amount of complete fools who seem to have bought one just because its the latest SE phone, without bothering to research it.
Then become seemingly incapable of reading the manual and instead ask the same basic questions over and over again.....
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Couldn't agree more. e.g. Someone come to a "developers" forum and complaint no "offical" youtube support
nawfalah said:
id like to punch in the face the person that decided to have a 3 second delay in answering and hanging up the phone!!! what the hell is the point of that.
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Well, at least you can change that with Advanced Configuration Tool.
mo.ammi said:
Well, at least you can change that with Advanced Configuration Tool.
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well thats hang up only
jackleung said:
Couldn't agree more. e.g. Someone come to a "developers" forum and complaint no "offical" youtube support
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or where to change the ringtone: arrrrggghhh!
But ""developers" forum and complaint no "offical" youtube support" is actually right,
as well why SE oficially didn't install bloody FlashLite 3.1 on it (as well as HTC's have it).
I mean - it shouldn't be my job to instantly tweak an expensive smartphone, right?
Anyway, one thing annoys me is OperaMobile 9.5 crashing in some situations.
fards said:
or where to change the ringtone: arrrrggghhh!
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You mean other than in settings/sounds and notifications??
Shadowdh said:
You mean other than in settings/sounds and notifications??
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I bet he was joking!
Nobody's perfect, no phone is perfect, but my SEX1 is the BEST OVERALL PHONE AROUND TO DATE
Please beware: MOST of your complaints are related to windows mobile and NOT the phone itself.
KEEP IN MIND: "windows" UI was designed 10 YEARS AGO for slow, low-mem PDAs with 320x240 screens. TEN YEARS later we are still using the same archaic obsolete UI (eg. white, simple background, tiny soft-keyboard, 2-options-on-each-tab menus for setting, no thumb-driven UI...). WM UI is a dinosaur and that's why HTC develped TouchFlo3D as a "mask" for windows´s ugliness and user-unfriendlyness, BUT the widespread windows platform lets many people develop apps, innovations, tweaks etc and that´s what this is all about
If I want to compaint, well, I can allways find something about any phone to complaint about...
Still want my 2 cents??
The lack of a REAL dedicated VOICE-REC button is killing me,
but that's only me, my usage, my world, my way...
Still remember the time when I was counting the day until SE release an "official upgrade" for their firmware for my P900 on their website. What a completely joke!
I'm not sure why you even bothered mentioning Nokia's support for their handsets, if you have a Win Mo device you are having access to the best support in the world.
Have a look around, upgrade your ROM because the stock ROM, be it your operator's or HTC's is crap, then you wouldn't have had the performance issues in the first place.
The X1 is easily the most stable device I ever had, and had owned quite a fair amount of XDAs in the past years, starting with O2 XDA

How can we get this ball rolling?

okay ive had a fair few htc devices, and im a fan of flashing custom roms etc.
i've just ordered an s740 as i think they look like lovely devices and have heard good reviews so far.
Now i've seen olipro's thread which went off topic..
so how shall we get the development ball rolling?
how about a collection to get olipro one of these devices
(going for about £180 - £230 on ebay)
and im sure if we all donate £5 - £10 (or more or less if need be) it wont take us long before we get some good custom roms etc
i know i can't be the only one out there thinking this!
Let me know what you guys think
comon guys
50 views and not one comment?
is everyone really that happy with their device???
I only find 1 thing annoying. When the keypad is locked I am still able to use the keys for volume.
For the rest I think the device is pretty good.
r-jansen said:
For the rest I think the device is pretty good.
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I think it is pretty good as well but could still use a few tweaks. I would contribute to any of the following on an otherwise clean ROM...
Windows Mobile 6.5 - Well this is an obvious update, especially if HTC never offers one.
Tx9 - Sometimes Tx9 is used and sometimes not in various applications on the ROM. Would be much better if it were one or the other.
Browser System Command Warning - Warning on dialing phone numbers from the browser seems unnecessary if the dialer is going to 'verify the number is correct' anyway.
Key backlighting - Frequently I get a reminder late at night and the phone is locked but the reminder doesn't turn on the key backlighting so I can see which option is which. Other applications are inconsistent as well.
Home start menu All Programs - I would prefer to have the option to not see 'all programs' there.
Home start menu scrolling - I don't like having to choose 'more' there. I would much prefer the scrolling through each panel of nine icons.
1,2,3,4 app - I suspect this is an HTC feature but I really dislike having one more UI to learn. When you flip the keybaord open it shouldn't prompt you with a 1 SMS, 2 email, 3 messenger and 4 exit menu even if it is for 5 seconds. Better to keep whatever menu you are in.
Weather Panel - This seems like it should use the GPS and pick a city. Also, if you turn the phone off or in flight mode and turn it back on it should recheck the GPS and change the city or prompt to change the city.
Option to keep keyboard locked even if open - Well some of us have little kids and they figure out how to get the keyboard open pretty quickly
I don't know what ships by default but some obvious codecs would be AAC, AC3 and any other standard codecs.
Additional Applications
Impromptu Meeting App - The automatic ring feature is great if you use exchange since your phone will go into vibrate mode in meetings. In fact you get kind of dependent on it handling that for you so if you go to the movies or dinner or an impromptu meeting you forget to switch to vibrate or afterward you forget to switch back. It would be nice to have an app to put a placeholder appointment on your calander for an hour or two (which would switch to vibrate) . Even better if it would remove the appointment afterward.
Shortcuts - It would be nice to create shortcuts to applications in something that shipped with the ROM.
Home Page - I know this can be changed in the registry but while someone is at it change the web homepage to igoogle or google mobile.
If I like something on Rose, it is boredom with her when setting/tweaking. Without any "exciting" seeking/trying/zilions of reflashings of ROMs.
And, to be honest, MOST of things on your list ARE included in basic settings and some others are easy to be changed by simple (permanent!) tweaks in registry. I'm lazy to collect here what's where, so just two examples:
Rose IN STANDARD supports not just AAC, but AAC+ and eAAC+ as well, others are H.263, H.264, MPEG-4...
Function of your lovely Impromptu Meeting App you can activate on standard Rose in seconds: just activate Auto in Profiles. OK, it does not vibrate (it switches into quiet mode), but it exactly switches automatically ringing behaviour based on calendar events IN STANDARD. And they're much more such things (avoiding Action Menu, keylock not deactivated by sliding of te keyboard)...
So instead of calling for extra ROM, which will do what's already there, my recommendation would be classic: Read the f..... manual first. And if anybody would see gimmicks like iGoogle on homescreen or GPS based weather as so exciting that it will deserve tens (if not hundreds) of working hours on extra ROM just for these - you'll be a lucky man.
IMHO, spending few hours with searching around for settings and these few tweaks would be much faster and time efficient...
we don't need HardSPL, SSPL would be fine. Perhaps we bribe Olipro
$10 each ? whats his price
I'm sure if one of you lent oli your rose for a bit he could work his magic and get the job done
fuk i am on board. can we have some info from olinex(olipro+cmonex) as to how much donations is needed to get this done! i am getting one but shocked as to the lack of dev activity here. come on guys support yourn device.........once we have some solid feedback from the olinex crew then we can get ball rolling! they would really need the device but it is so similar to the touch pro in form factor that HDSPL for touchpro might need slightly tweaking to work on s740
I think this forum is dead no one poast here no one wants to do something with this model..are you so happy with your phones as they are without any improvements?
Maybe if someone could give as a tutorial how to make an HSPL we could do it more fast and we could make the ball rolling can someone do this?i am would be glad to help and do something for this device cuz it`s too awsome :d
shingers5 said:
fuk i am on board. can we have some info from olinex(olipro+cmonex) as to how much donations is needed to get this done! i am getting one but shocked as to the lack of dev activity here. come on guys support yourn device.........once we have some solid feedback from the olinex crew then we can get ball rolling! they would really need the device but it is so similar to the touch pro in form factor that HDSPL for touchpro might need slightly tweaking to work on s740
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well, I guess if it's enough to buy a htc rose for testing it'd be good.
cmonex said:
well, I guess if it's enough to buy a htc rose for testing it'd be good.
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how much would be needed to get this device? i got mine pretty cheap through the trade contacts..............
shingers5 said:
how much would be needed to get this device? i got mine pretty cheap through the trade contacts..............
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I have no idea... how much is pretty cheap? I don't mind if it is SIM locked. can make SIM unlocker no problem

10 sms recipients limit??? u must be kidding me????

so, i want to send xmas message to my phonebook, and i cant????? because recipient limit is 10 numbers???
hahahaha MEGA LOL!
NOKIA vs HTC - 3:0 in just BASIC features (like "replay to" function in mail, mail recieve sheduling, alarm (mega suck on htc).... hmmm, i would say htc - nokia 0:7!)
haha...... if it isnt funny to me, i would cry... i am talking here about BASIC & MOBILE STANDARD features, not "rocket science..."...
LOL I guess you must be kidding talking about mass sms-ing as a "BASIC FEATURE". Be more creative and send different greetings to different groups in your phonebook...may be that's what HTC want from you
mail's "reply to" is present and working perfectly - same for mail sheduling. Alarm is good and if you're not satisfied with it you can install hell of a 3-rd party alarms of your choice. And please... "Nokia"... don't be funny
I am not quite sure, but as I read it i get a hunch the Nokia guy is a bit biased? or is it just me?
mobrado said:
so, i want to send xmas message to my phonebook, and i cant????? because recipient limit is 10 numbers???
hahahaha MEGA LOL!
NOKIA vs HTC - 3:0 in just BASIC features (like "replay to" function in mail, mail recieve sheduling, alarm (mega suck on htc).... hmmm, i would say htc - nokia 0:7!)
haha...... if it isnt funny to me, i would cry... i am talking here about BASIC & MOBILE STANDARD features, not "rocket science..."...
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It's not a rocket science to search before posting I think.
Just a very basic thing to do in a public forum
I too have a HD2 and I know what he means about nokia alarm. Almost every Nokia rings the alarm when the phone is OFF, dunno but my HD2 doesnt
I like the HD2 very much but for someone changing from a Nokia (N95 in my case) to a HTC (Top of the line HD2) it is very frustrating missing some of the functionalities that for any Nokia is basic. Ok we have the tweaking and I do it, but that wasnt explained to every person buying a 669€ (Value here in Portugal) phone.
Love my HTC, but I dont get out of the house without both phones in my pockets.
I haven't done any tweaking and my alarm (htc embeded alarm) works when the phone is off. Haven't tried G-alarm or Klaxon on my Leo yet...
KapaGT said:
I too have a HD2 and I know what he means about nokia alarm. Almost every Nokia rings the alarm when the phone is OFF, dunno but my HD2 doesnt
I like the HD2 very much but for someone changing from a Nokia (N95 in my case) to a HTC (Top of the line HD2) it is very frustrating missing some of the functionalities that for any Nokia is basic. Ok we have the tweaking and I do it, but that wasnt explained to every person buying a 669€ (Value here in Portugal) phone.
Love my HTC, but I dont get out of the house without both phones in my pockets.
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So when you go in to buy a phone the sales person should say:
"What phone do you currently have?"
"I have a XYX"
"ok - here's what the xyz can do that this new phone can't"
Give me a break - every phone has different features. If you are an early adopter then you either take your chances OR read the manual OR do a lot of research. Just count yourself lucky that there is XDA to help out. Otherwise you are stuck with a phone that cannot be changed at all.
Welcome to HTC world of wonders. The more you pay a phone, the more you learn stuff, the more you distinguish from the mass...
HD2 is the most challenging I've had. It's more like an extremely small laptop actually. As someone advised you before, do some searching. Third party applications and sharp tweaking solved 75% of the issues I had. Some work is in progress, but once we reach 100% the phone will be masterpiece.
drkalo said:
LOL I guess you must be kidding talking about mass sms-ing as a "BASIC FEATURE". Be more creative and send different greetings to different groups in your phonebook...may be that's what HTC want from you
mail's "reply to" is present and working perfectly - same for mail sheduling. Alarm is good and if you're not satisfied with it you can install hell of a 3-rd party alarms of your choice. And please... "Nokia"... don't be funny
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ok sorry, but some times it isnt easy to find something... because it is a game of words in search option..
and now.. pls help me to SET this:
i want to set on "email1" to AUTO REPLAY to "email2".. (example - some one recieves my mail, and replays me and mail goes to another mail adress).
Nokia, Ericson, etc etc has THAT very simple and easy to find! (u have that option also in outlook, express, gmail, hotmail, etc..)..
than you.
drkalo said:
I haven't done any tweaking and my alarm (htc embeded alarm) works when the phone is off. Haven't tried G-alarm or Klaxon on my Leo yet...
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Wow.. Phone off? Completely? Powered off? Tell me everything!
donnaw said:
So when you go in to buy a phone the sales person should say:
"What phone do you currently have?"
"I have a XYX"
"ok - here's what the xyz can do that this new phone can't"
Give me a break - every phone has different features. If you are an early adopter then you either take your chances OR read the manual OR do a lot of research. Just count yourself lucky that there is XDA to help out. Otherwise you are stuck with a phone that cannot be changed at all.
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I think you got it, "XYZ is a cheap brick, but your TOP of the line (and Budget) HD2 cant do all the same stuff"
XDA helps me to fix the problems.. That doesn't mean that it is better or worse, I can read manuals and I downloaded LEO's manual before I bought it, I think I don't need to say what a crappy manual it is.. Lacks 95% of crucial information that users have to digg in themselves. I am still hanging to my HD2 hopping HTC makes it even better.. fast..
mobrado said:
so, i want to send xmas message to my phonebook, and i cant????? because recipient limit is 10 numbers???
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Just found another post in ROM Development claiming you can change this in the registry.
Take a look here:
KapaGT said:
Wow.. Phone off? Completely? Powered off? Tell me everything!
I think you got it, "XYZ is a cheap brick, but your TOP of the line (and Budget) HD2 cant do all the same stuff"
XDA helps me to fix the problems.. That doesn't mean that it is better or worse, I can read manuals and I downloaded LEO's manual before I bought it, I think I don't need to say what a crappy manual it is.. Lacks 95% of crucial information that users have to digg in themselves. I am still hanging to my HD2 hopping HTC makes it even better.. fast..
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The point of my reply was that the poster I replied to was complaining that the sales person did not tell him the phone was not set up to do some things he was used to. You cannot expect a sales person to know all the capabilities of all phones AND to know how YOU use your phone in order to tell you if the phone you are looking at will meet your needs.
People have to take some responsibility to research on their own before making purchases. If you are going to REQUIRE a certain capability then please - before you find buy - find out if you can do it. XDA is a great place to inquire to those who already have the device as to whether what you need is there.
drkalo said:
LOL I guess you must be kidding talking about mass sms-ing as a "BASIC FEATURE". Be more creative and send different greetings to different groups in your phonebook...may be that's what HTC want from you
mail's "reply to" is present and working perfectly - same for mail sheduling. Alarm is good and if you're not satisfied with it you can install hell of a 3-rd party alarms of your choice. And please... "Nokia"... don't be funny
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He seriously got owned there ...

The rubbishness of windows comes through very quickly

I got a bit suckered by all the good reviews for this phone on so many websites and bought it yesterday. I've had a long time [misplaced] affection for windows phones. I say misplaced because every single model I've owned has let me down.
The sense interface is great. Windows is not. I've just made 16 attempts at trying to login to windows live, struggling each time to input a 20 char secure password on the dinky keyboard and when i finally got the password right, i succeeded in invoking the 'too many failed logins' mode of windows live. Nice.
why is this stuff so difficult for windows mobile phones? why does the phone not go into landscape mode for EVERY application? why is that so difficult to implement? Why did HTC not put a bloody switch for landscape mode? you have a wide screen which would make an onscreen keyborad far more friendly yet you're still stuck trying to hit the 'sweet spot' on a portrait-mode keyboard!??! Not only are you stuck in portait mode but you no longer have a stylus to help you hit those keys!
The initial WOW factor has disappeared for me and I've only had the phone for a day!
can someone help me with some tips on landscape mode? is there some way i can map one of the hard keys to be a landscape mode switch? or some software that does something similar?
Install BSB Tweaks this allows landscape for any appplication
I tried but didn't seem to work for me. maybe i was doing something wrong?
i enabled the tickbox for IE and after the soft reset i tried running it but it did nothing when i rotated the screen. Am I missing something here?
try using Gyrator .. It works on every application
aloms said:
can someone help me with some tips on landscape mode? is there some way i can map one of the hard keys to be a landscape mode switch? or some software that does something similar?
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I've just made an app that does just that. Have a look at PLToggle in my sig.
Calm down mate, trust me, windows mobile is by far the best OS out there for mobiles. The only reason everyone prefers the iphone is because of its usability, apart from that theres not much you can do but 'get an app for that', however thanks to this forum, you can do almost anything with a windows mobile device, especially one as powerful as the leo. You just need to get used to it, if sense is bugging you, get spb shell or another ui. And of course theres gonna be loads of problems with it, its pretty new, but its good points strongly outway its bad points (oh and might I add, you'll be getting all your tech support from this site, not htc, trust me), so just give it some time and you'll realise, after 'making it yours' how awesome a phone it is.
If the keyboard isnt doing it for you, download a new one! (thats the great thing about winmo) the two popular ones at the moment are swype ( a completely different style of keyboard) or finger keyboard. I personally like the one htc supply you with, heres a tweak taken from this thread which will lower the sensitivy of the screen which makes typing much easier. Alternatively, bsb tweaks can do this all for you from its menu.
Oh and about the rotate thing, on xanny tech's pandora rom, he has a little execuatable file in the start menu with rotates everything, and its mapped to a long press of the send key, so thats pretty useful, im not running his rom anymore but if you know anything about flashing, flash his first, its very good indeed and has lots of tweaks and useful stuff preinstalled.
Hope that helps a little, if not just ask
thanks for your help mate. having bought into a 24 month contract I'm pretty much stuck with getting to learn the phone whether i like it or not.
aloms said:
thanks for your help mate. having bought into a 24 month contract I'm pretty much stuck with getting to learn the phone whether i like it or not.
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I agree with [★]. Once you know it better, you'll get to love it. There's so much under the hood of this thing that yes, you'll find a few things that you don't like, but they'll be outweighed by the things that you do
aloms said:
The sense interface is great. Windows is not. I've just made 16 attempts at trying to login to windows live, struggling each time to input a 20 char secure password on the dinky keyboard and when i finally got the password right, i succeeded in invoking the 'too many failed logins' mode of windows live. Nice
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You, Sir, need to check out my thread, which would surely have come up if you had used the search function. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=5197442 Windows Live/Hotmail etc seem to only take 16 characters. Anything after that is ignored. But the Windows Live application on mobile accepts more than 16 and will try and authenticate with everything you type in. 20 character password will not work. Reduce your pass to 16 characters or less and it should work. Post back in this thread to let me know if this sorts your issue out.
If it's a keyboard you're after then try Swype. Have a search for it. I too had a lot of sensitivity problems with the keyboard and it would take ages to type a simple email. Swype solved that. It's a lot less sensitive than the native keyboard and I used SIP to make it my default. In terms of landscape mode, try using Opera instead of IE (although Opera lacks flash). BSB Tweaks will handle the rest although I don't use it myself.
Trust me, stick with the phone and, with a few tweaks to have it running how you like it, you won't look back!
Just return the darn phone, smack it to the floor and trample it good, or learn to use it since you've bought it. Please save yourself over a high blood pressure leading to a stroke, my friend. It's only a phone.. (but then there's always iPhones for usability's sake, whatever it means)
aloms said:
The initial WOW factor has disappeared for me and I've only had the phone for a day!
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Ok, you need to calm down a tad. Ok, the phone is not perfect. However, there is endless configurability for the phone. The best thing you could ever have done was to come to this site where there is a tweak for almost anything.
Sit down, fasten your seatbelt and take a look around. You need an open mind. The HD2 is no iphone. It's the iphone killer. Just needs a little tweaking that's all.
Alternatively, you could ditch it and join the bandwagon, I mean iphone!
Try Swype, best KB I hve used on a phone, my mate with an Iphone thought it was great and was going to look for it for the Iphone, once tweaked the HD2 is the best mob by far!
I was doubtful when I first had it like you say I thought I should have gone for the Iphone but now I am so happy with it
Windows is rubbish because of the HTC keyboard?? Ok...
Isnt the whole ADVANTAGE of winmo that if you dont like something you can change it?
The advantage of WinMo is the tweaking and Office Mobile My wife had a HTC Hero for 2 months and at the end she begged me to get her a new Windows Phone because the freaking Android won't open rich text format files (unfortunately in her job she is obliged to use rtf as standart file format) without great hassle even with all possible office replacements I cound find on the net. Not to speak of that, that even the enhanced HTC mail client for Android can't open messages that are sent from mail.bg (a very popular bulgarian web mail service). That was the end for Android
Hotmail mail on the HD1 was a pain, same on the HD2. Gmail is working perfectly though which is very annoying when like me, you use Hotmail on your desktop to access your Gmail emails...
aloms said:
I got a bit suckered by all the good reviews for this phone on so many websites and bought it yesterday. I've had a long time [misplaced] affection for windows phones. I say misplaced because every single model I've owned has let me down.
The sense interface is great. Windows is not. I've just made 16 attempts at trying to login to windows live, struggling each time to input a 20 char secure password on the dinky keyboard and when i finally got the password right, i succeeded in invoking the 'too many failed logins' mode of windows live. Nice.
why is this stuff so difficult for windows mobile phones? why does the phone not go into landscape mode for EVERY application? why is that so difficult to implement? Why did HTC not put a bloody switch for landscape mode? you have a wide screen which would make an onscreen keyborad far more friendly yet you're still stuck trying to hit the 'sweet spot' on a portrait-mode keyboard!??! Not only are you stuck in portait mode but you no longer have a stylus to help you hit those keys!
The initial WOW factor has disappeared for me and I've only had the phone for a day!
can someone help me with some tips on landscape mode? is there some way i can map one of the hard keys to be a landscape mode switch? or some software that does something similar?
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First of all get rid of that IDIOTIC iPhone imitation keyboard and replace it with the divine fingerkeyboard from xda.
And then deactivate the utterly unpredictive xt9 "predictive" (more like vindictive) text input.
I did these steps and now I can FINALLY type.
An $800 phone and it takes a donationware sw keyboard to make it usable
Aloms - I had the same problem with my Ipod Touch in the beginning. Don't worry, you will get use to it. BTW HD2 keyboard is better especially in landscape
I will join this thread with my three questions.
I have converted to the dark side and bought iPhone 3GS after having gone through a lot of phones and OSes. I have given up on WinMo (using HTC Pro) basically because of 3 issues:
1. Phone app in the sense of its responsiveness. I mean, someone is calling - first 2 seconds the hardware buttons light up, next 2 seconds the phone starts to vibrate, next 2 seconds there is a sound. Is it happening on the HD2 too? How responsive is it? Plus does it have a good gsm reception? With my HTC Pro I had to keep on testing different radio roms and have not been satisfied ever...
2. When you use HD2 say 4-5 days or longer, does it slow down over time. I mean especially when you use contacts with 1000 entries etc, or is it instant?
3. On a brand new HD2 just charged, when you load in your 1000 contacts, does it have an instant search of a contact in the contacts app? Or an email address in the "To" section when you want to write an email?
Frankly speaking, HD2 looks very tempting, but I am afraid mainly of the 3 above areas and am thinking to wait for Windows 7 or something?
PS. HTC Pro is still with me, but in the drawer...
OliveUK said:
Hotmail mail on the HD1 was a pain, same on the HD2.
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I've had a Diamond, a HD, and now a HD2 and I can say with 100% confidence that I never had 1 single problem with Hotmail. I've seen a very small number of users on here with issues and every single one of them has turned out to be user error.
I suggest the same in this instance as it works flawlessly when set up correctly, which 99.9% of users do.

after day one

I *love* it.. don't get me wrong.. but these are my gripes after one day, and I can't find any clear answers searching the forums.
the flipping clock.. literally.. it is annoying. how do you disable the clock animation? (I found a thread for this with a .cab file, but it wasn't proven to work on the Tmo USA version)
Opera will not let me click on links. this sucks all the way around- I can't go anywhere online on this huge beautiful screen. I refuse to use IE cuz.. well, it sucks on any platform.
the facebook app blows. (the only thing I miss about my iphone- so far) and I don't care for the touch.facebook.com or m.facebook.com cuz I can't click on links in Opera.
my earthlink and gmail emails were up and running in no time. but I had one hell of a time setting up my work email. we have our own domain- I had to set up the email through my t-mobile.com and then set it up on the device. as far as I know, it's all working fine now.
I have a mac. I used syncmate- I don't use activesync, but can't figure out a way to disable it- always running in the background. I do run XP through Parallels- but I don't use Outlook, so activesync is of no use to me.
why can't All Messages be the default screen for sms/mms tab? same for email- inbox list please?
typing- I don't like xt9 cuz I don't want word suggestions, but I do want spell check. I enabled the spell check with abc, but it doesn't do it.
I un-checked the box for "notify of open wifi networks" but it still tells me all about them.
whenever I restart, I have a voicemail and txt notification- but no voicemail, and some random txt message, and it takes the led notification a few minutes to clear out.
after coming out of a locked screen, apps are open and active that were not when I locked it.
anyone know of updates or easy fixes? I don't have the opportunity to start messing around with different ROMs for a few weeks...
I find the phone to be a buggy mess, wait for an update from HTC/Tmo hopefully or flash it.
fociz said:
I find the phone to be a buggy mess, wait for an update from HTC/Tmo hopefully or flash it.
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You'll be waiting a loooong time. The best option (for the adventurous) is to simply flash one of the TMOUS compatible ROMs found here.
the clock flip cab will work.the only thing that will work on all other hd2s but not on yours is the ..51.. radios. in all other respects the phones are identical.
I know what you mean man. Previously to this phone, I had a iPhone 3GS 32gb which I traded for this phone. I had a lot of the same gripes as you have now. 95% of them probably can be fixed by HSPL'ing your phone and then flashing a different ROM on it. I am on the ATT network and so a lot of the apps that were on the phone I didn't need or use as they were meant for TMO users. So I flashed my HD2 with Kumar's lite rom. Not only did it stop a lot of the bugginess (stalling, freezing, random closing of apps, etc) but it made it a lot quicker. Might want to try that and see if it helps. The clock flipping was annoying as all hell so I just installed the cab to disable it.
I tell my friends who know me pretty well as being an iPhone addict that if the iPhone and HD2 were weapons, the iPhone would be a surgical knife. From the sleek look of the case to the smooth transitioning of the OS makes using it so easy. It doesn't have a lot of speed but with the thousands of apps and fluid movement within the phone, it feels great.
Now the HD2 on the other hand is like a broadsword. You have to put a lot of effort into getting it to do what you want it to do. With the 1ghz processor and 576mb of ram, it can do maul down anything you need it to. The HD2 you can't just pick it up and expect to use it to its fullest potential. It takes a lot of patience to learn your way around the phone. With the iPhone, you jailbreak it and modify it to be more aesthetically pleasing to your eyes and to your fingers. If you have ever just cruised cydia, you will notice not much is there in the way of performance modifications. Mainly just apps and packages that let you change how the phone moves and works for you. The roms, cabs, and registry tweaks you perform on the HD2 are more performance based I have noticed. Yes there are some cabs to help you disable or enable things but right off the bat it seems like you have to modify it. I attribute this to Microsoft's laziness in creating an OS that can perform as well as not crash at the same time.
But while you are waiting for that "oh so needed" port of Android, try kumar's rom. It might just be what you need.
I knew what I was getting into as far as WinMo is concerned... I've been reading the forums on many different sites getting ready for this.
the one thing I am not finding: absolute n00b, specific, clear, step by step instructions on how to do the hspl. I've jailbroken and rooted before- I was as nervous then and just don't wanna mess up. (I have to run anything like that with XP through Parallels on my mac, and I don't do it enough to know wtf I'm doing)
solace.discord said:
I knew what I was getting into as far as WinMo is concerned... I've been reading the forums on many different sites getting ready for this.
the one thing I am not finding: absolute n00b, specific, clear, step by step instructions on how to do the hspl. I've jailbroken and rooted before- I was as nervous then and just don't wanna mess up. (I have to run anything like that with XP through Parallels on my mac, and I don't do it enough to know wtf I'm doing)
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As I recall, you cannot flash via Parallels. You can with Bootcamp. I do it all the time on my MacBook Pro via XP sp3.
As a Mac user, I find that Missing Sync is great, but the iTunes integration is not the best. To transfer music, I use doubleTwist. I disabled the music sync plugins in Missing Sync, as I found that they did not do as good a job as doubleTwist. The two together has been fantastic.
I had the same opera problem here is how I fixed it
Download this on your windows computer
Do this
HKLM/controlpanel/pen and change the value of 'Hide' from 1 to 0.
Soft reset, then go settings tab - menu - all settings - system and you should see screen settings icon.
Then go to screen settings and enable "clear type"
that makes the fonts look better
now do this
Enable Clickable Links in Zoomed Out Opera
This reg edit allows you to tap on a link without the need for zooming in first.
Change value from 64 to 32
thats why you can't click the links, it wants you to be zoomed all the way in, the above fix, fixes that problem easily
Also search for the cab, duttys task manager, its excellent
Where is the clear type setting, is that in Opera... just for 9.7? I'm running 10 anything comparable there?
solace.discord said:
I *love* it.. don't get me wrong.. but these are my gripes after one day, and I can't find any clear answers searching the forums.
the flipping clock.. literally.. it is annoying. how do you disable the clock animation? (I found a thread for this with a .cab file, but it wasn't proven to work on the Tmo USA version)
solace.discord said:
Opera will not let me click on links. this sucks all the way around- I can't go anywhere online on this huge beautiful screen. I refuse to use IE cuz.. well, it sucks on any platform.
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Use Opera 10. Its a lot faster and easier to use overall (click links included). If you can live without pinch to zoom, it blows the iPhone browser out of the water.
solace.discord said:
the facebook app blows. (the only thing I miss about my iphone- so far) and I don't care for the touch.facebook.com or m.facebook.com cuz I can't click on links in Opera.
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Use the facebook full site. Its very much useable on the HD2 thanks to its screen size and processor speed. Plus if you use Skyfire with it, you have full flash support and will be able to use all of the facebook fullsites functions! (can't do that on the iPhone)
solace.discord said:
why can't All Messages be the default screen for sms/mms tab? same for email- inbox list please?
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The energy ROM I'm using has the option of defaulting to the classics SMS view. There are cabs out there that allow you to do the same.
solace.discord said:
typing- I don't like xt9 cuz I don't want word suggestions, but I do want spell check. I enabled the spell check with abc, but it doesn't do it.
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The XT9 keyboard sucks hard. It doesn't auto correct nearly as well as the iPhone. I turn it off. Fortunately for me, 3 years on an iPhone has made me proficient enough at typing on a touchscreen, and I hardly make mistakes on it anymore. There are alternative keyboards out there that people are using, but I haven't tried them yet. Swype apparently works really well, but again, I'm accustomed to typing on a touchscreen.
solace.discord said:
I un-checked the box for "notify of open wifi networks" but it still tells me all about them.
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I don't have that problem, although I keep my wifi off. T-mobiles 3G network is really fast and stable in Houston. If you can keep it off, that might be your best bet.
solace.discord said:
whenever I restart, I have a voicemail and txt notification- but no voicemail, and some random txt message, and it takes the led notification a few minutes to clear out.
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after coming out of a locked screen, apps are open and active that were not when I locked it.
anyone know of updates or easy fixes? I don't have the opportunity to start messing around with different ROMs for a few weeks...
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I haven't had any of these problems. Most of the problems you're having are attributable to the stock ROM. Once I flashed the rom, things started running perfectly. Its a pretty easy process...just as easy as updating the firmware on the iPhone, and it only takes about 10 minutes. Its A LOT easier than jailbreaking an iPhone.
Other than that, most of the problems I've encountered were fixed with cabs (even prior to flashing the ROM). Hopefully people will chime in on other fixes, but if not, search is your friend.
SEscobedo said:
I know what you mean man. Previously to this phone, I had a iPhone 3GS 32gb which I traded for this phone. I had a lot of the same gripes as you have now. 95% of them probably can be fixed by HSPL'ing your phone and then flashing a different ROM on it. I am on the ATT network and so a lot of the apps that were on the phone I didn't need or use as they were meant for TMO users. So I flashed my HD2 with Kumar's lite rom. Not only did it stop a lot of the bugginess (stalling, freezing, random closing of apps, etc) but it made it a lot quicker. Might want to try that and see if it helps. The clock flipping was annoying as all hell so I just installed the cab to disable it.
I tell my friends who know me pretty well as being an iPhone addict that if the iPhone and HD2 were weapons, the iPhone would be a surgical knife. From the sleek look of the case to the smooth transitioning of the OS makes using it so easy. It doesn't have a lot of speed but with the thousands of apps and fluid movement within the phone, it feels great.
Now the HD2 on the other hand is like a broadsword. You have to put a lot of effort into getting it to do what you want it to do. With the 1ghz processor and 576mb of ram, it can do maul down anything you need it to. The HD2 you can't just pick it up and expect to use it to its fullest potential. It takes a lot of patience to learn your way around the phone. With the iPhone, you jailbreak it and modify it to be more aesthetically pleasing to your eyes and to your fingers. If you have ever just cruised cydia, you will notice not much is there in the way of performance modifications. Mainly just apps and packages that let you change how the phone moves and works for you. The roms, cabs, and registry tweaks you perform on the HD2 are more performance based I have noticed. Yes there are some cabs to help you disable or enable things but right off the bat it seems like you have to modify it. I attribute this to Microsoft's laziness in creating an OS that can perform as well as not crash at the same time.
But while you are waiting for that "oh so needed" port of Android, try kumar's rom. It might just be what you need.
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An analogy that I used in another topic is that if the iPhone and HD2 were cars, the iPhone would be the automatic, the HD2 would be a stick-shift.
The 'automatic-iPhone' appeals to a wide variety of people because its a simple, intuitive device. Most people can pick it up, and figure it out right away. If people find something is lacking on the iPhone, they can easily access the App store and hopefully find what they need. Having gone from a windows mobile phone to the iphone and back to a windows mobile phone, I realized eventually that a lot of the Apps on the iPhone are adding functions that are innate in windows mobile...and while the iPhone Apps are prettier, they usually don't have as much function/utility as they would on WM.
The 'manual-transmission HD2' appeals to power-users who want to get a lot of use from there phone, are somewhat technical, and those who realize that by tinkering a little bit, they can customize the experience completely to suit their needs. Windows Mobile is more cumbersome to use initially, and isn't as intuitive, but once you get the hang of it and learn how to manage your resources, you can capitalize on how much more quickly you can jump between tasks, and flat out how much you can do on this device. Sense does a great job of streamlining your core functions (phone, text, email, twitter etc) and I really like how you can check these things very quickly. Its also nice to know that if I ever need to 'pop the hood' and tweak some things underneath it, I can.
The point is, it may not work perfectly for you initially, but you can tweak it to work perfectly. With the iPhone, a lot of functions are kinda half-assed, and I missed the 'mobile PC' functionality of the HD2....my main gripe with the old Wm phones is that the hardware couldn't keep up with the software...not an issue with the HD2.
if this were a BlackBerry, I wouldn't have started this thread... but it's a WM device, I've only had a Treo before, and didn't really get into changing anything about it, and then gave it up for BlackBerry, which I did tweak, and the MT3G, which I did root and tweak and ROMs and everything.. I never did anything but jailbreak and unlock the iphone so I could use it on TMobile
I don't know how to do the hspl or change registries... install a .cab? no problem.. but I can't find clear instructions on how to do the hspl and the install a new ROM.
and- I'm on a mac... running XP through Parallels for all purposes.
if someone can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
solace.discord said:
if this were a BlackBerry, I wouldn't have started this thread... but it's a WM device, I've only had a Treo before, and didn't really get into changing anything about it, and then gave it up for BlackBerry, which I did tweak, and the MT3G, which I did root and tweak and ROMs and everything.. I never did anything but jailbreak and unlock the iphone so I could use it on TMobile
I don't know how to do the hspl or change registries... install a .cab? no problem.. but I can't find clear instructions on how to do the hspl and the install a new ROM.
and- I'm on a mac... running XP through Parallels for all purposes.
if someone can point me in the right direction, I would really appreciate it.
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You won't be able to safely/effectively flash ROMs via Parallels. I would not do it, because there are reports of bricked HD2s via VM flashes. It's safer to use Bootcamp. That's what I do. I have an XPsp3 partition with all my phone stuff there (Radios, ROMs, MTTY, HSPL, etc.) and it works like a charm.
so I found a thread with noob instructions.. looks like I'm gonna have to fire up the old HP in the corner.
solace.discord said:
the facebook app blows. (the only thing I miss about my iphone- so far) and I don't care for the touch.facebook.com or m.facebook.com cuz I can't click on links in Opera.
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Go to marketplace and download the new version - it's really good.
solace.discord said:
so I found a thread with noob instructions.. looks like I'm gonna have to fire up the old HP in the corner.
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Would you mind posting a link to the instructions you mention, so people who find this thread in the future can get to it easily? Thanks

