Help on searching contacts for locations,e tc. - Vibrant General

I'm new to the android, mostly I like it, but there is one thing that is driving me nuts. I don't know if I'm missing something or stupid or what.
There are a number of times I have gotten to my list of contacts - i.e. from Google Maps defining a location to navigate to, or creating a shortcut to a contact- that I get presented with a list of all my contacts (1500+) and no apparent way to search the list.
If I press the search button it brings up the contact search, but then I seem to have lost the app that wanted the contact. Is there a way to do a search on the contacts and then have it get entered into the original app? I also tried google gesture search, which was great, but I can't figure out how to do anything with the contact other than call them.
I'm beginning to think I am dense or something, please help.

if i understand correctly, i think you want to navigate to a specific contact's address from google maps?
if so, all you need to do is, while in google maps, in the destination field just type the contacts name. and if you have their address saved in your contacts it should just pop up with their address.

For maps tha'ts great, I must remember not to rush things at traffic lights.
However, the thing I am still having trouble with is creating direct dial shortcuts. I go to create the shortcut, and get a long list of contacts and A-Z on the right. I can pick a letter, but there are still hundreds of phone numbers to go through. There is no search box available at that point - I tried pushing the search button and it searches the contact list, but then all I can do is call the contact, not create a shortcut. I tried BetterCut and it doesn't have the A-Z selector.
Am i missing something here too?

This is the problem of not having a physical keyboard. And not having gestures in all lists. What you are doing is exactly what I want to do many times and there is unfortunately no way around it except scrolling up and down a list. Very annoying idiom started by the iPhone and unfortunately copied by Android. There is simply no way to filter lists unless every list is accompanied by a filter text field.


Challenge: link to specific contact

I would like to create a shortcut to a specific contact so that clicking on it takes you to the details page of that particular contact from where you can then choose how to contact that person (email, text, mobile phone, home phone, work phone).
So I've been messing with an lnk file:
1000#\Windows\poutlook.exe contacts ...
I tried -new as a command line parameter, and that works. I cannot figure out how to go to a specific contact. Then I found this discouraging thread:
There must be some way to do this. HTC Home has a similar function in their contacts tab. When you tap and hold a contact it takes you to that contact's detail page.
My end goal is to incorporate this into Mortbuttons ... I want a menu of favorite contacts, so when I click on any one, it takes me to the page where I can choose how to contact them. I'm surprised this doesn't exist, because that is the most intuitive way to do things. First you think of whom you want to contact, and only THEN do you think of how to contact them.
The challenge is up!
here's how its done
20#"\Windows\cprog.exe"-url tel: 0000000
that doesn't work. that calls the given phone number. I am looking for a link to a person's contact entry in Contacts. Please read my post above carefully.
I'd be interested in that as well. Anyone?
Wrote it already in my forum, but just in case...
I don't know of any way to do this from command line.
There is a way to show the contact page with COM/POOM (interface for programmers), which will be implemented in the upcoming MortButtons beta (probably tonight - CET).
It wasn't available so far because I still use eVC4 (because it's free and allows more easy support of systems up to including WM2003SE), which doesn't support new features of WM5 (like contact info page, contact image, contact ringtone, etc.) without some workarounds...

[TIP] How to access alternative numbers of a contact from the built-in Dialer App

I have seen few posts about this issue in the past, but couldn’t search them since search function is not working at the moment. So I thought of posting it as a separate thread for those who have this problem, after i stumbled upon how to do this by accident.
You can do it in the built in dialer, but it involves two steps: first you have to search by typing the first few characters of the first name (unfortunately I didn’t find a way to get partial matches or search for second name), then click the drop down arrow icon to the right of the contact name, select the contact again from the drop down list, this will give you another small popup window to choose which number to call (Home, Office etc..).
Nice tip. Didnt know that!

Contacts - facebook = great

Any one know how to remove your Facebook contacts from your contacts list. Considering WM7 hasn't been come up with a quick scroll function, spending a minute scrolling through 500 additional facebook contacts to call someone really is a pain in the butt! Yes I know there is a 'search' function, but I don't like having to type in a persons name to just call them.
Is anyone else having this problem?
PS... I still love the phone. Can't wait for an official update from Microsoft!
you can go to settings ---> people and check "only add facebook info to existing contacts"
Also remember you can hit the search button and look for your contact like that. Searches in both names and surnames.
You can also hit a letter and get the alphabet grid to quickly go to names starting with a certain letter.
The best thing they could do is put a setting in there that only shows contacts with phone numbers. Same thing Android does.
I have a Messenger contact list the size of my facebook friends list.
On top of that I am coming over from an Android phone.
That is 3 different sets of contacts. Having it when I press phone and only showing me contacts with phone numbers makes sense.

Samsung stock dialer issue

Hi guys
Has anyone noticed that when searching for a contact (T9 search) in samsung stock dialer, the search function it only lists the first number for a contact if they have more than 1 applied to their card. Problem is you can't view other numbers, it just immediately starts dialing that one number instead if you try to select it ( there is no way to select and see the other numbers)
I have contact with 3-4 numbers so its annoying me. I know there is Dialer One, Go contacts etc but none of them have the clean interface the stock dialer has .
If you click the contact photo it shows all the numbers.
At least my one does....
I'd hate to bring up an old thread, but I used the magical search button and found this thread.
I have this problem, too, and it's really annoying.
Pressing the contact photo doesn't bring up the rest of the numbers for me.
If it helps, my contacts are synced via my google account, and I have a feeling this doesn't happen for contacts locally stored on the phone.
Does anybody have a solution for this?
I'm currently using a different dialer, but I'd prefer to stick to Samsung's dialer if possible.

How to access alternative numbers on the stock Samsung Dialer

Maybe I'm just going mad, but after a full reset, I think I'm missing some functionality in the Dialer.
If I pull up the Dialer, and start using T9-like search, e.g. search for "John" by dialing 5646, then the drop down list will pull up all the Contact called "John" (or that match other letters on those keys), or have "5646" in their number. If you click the down arrow/count, then the list is popped up.
Each Contact has their "default" number listed (if the default is not explicitly set on the contact, I think it uses the first/only number defined).
If you wanted to use a number other than the default, I was pretty sure that you could tap the thumbnail image to show the alternative numbers, and select from there, but this isn't working for me. Tapping the area other than the image selects the default number, but tapping the image has no effect.
Does anybody know how to get the Dialer to show the list of alternative numbers? Is it a setting/permission that I'm missing?
Anybody else having this problem, or can think of a solution?
If there a multiple numbers then i see them all listed when i click on the contact and then i select the one number i want. It was always listing them all, don't recall changing a setting
Thanks for the response - that's how I remember it working, but I can't imagine what I've done to stop if functioning like that.
I have the same problem on N910C 6.0.1. Does anyone have the solution?
P.S. I disabled all keyboards except the SwiftKey, disabled voice input and S voice. And removed S find from the notification dropdown by cuting the "com.sec.feature.findo.xml":
I dont know if that broke the dialer search, but i returned that last file and it didnt help (S find was back).

