Help Required; Screen Stuck... - Touch2 General

Hi all,
I just did my first experiment at cooking a ROM (did some tweaking and built the ROM) using OS Kitchen. After I copied the ROM to my phone using ROM Update utility, the phone is stuck at this screen:
"Preparing the phone for first use. The Today screen....etc etc"
I am now not able to establish an active sync connection to my PC in order to load a new ROM. What can I do? Pls help...
I have installed the HSPL by jocky
Thanks in Advance

Whew!!! Got it working. For a moment, I thot I had bricked my phone. These r the options I considered:
a) Booting the phone using the mini sd card. I guess one has to use Gold Card for that but I didnt have a mini sd card reader on my PC in the first place so that option was out.
b) Next I read in the forums abt starting the phone in boot loader mode, and this is what finally worked. It seems, as an alternative to getting an activesync connection, one can connect the phone to the PC using USB and then start in bootloader mode (by pressing vol down and end call). This way, a connection via USB is established between ur phone and PC. Now flashing any ROM is just a cinch using stock roms or custom roms (using the custom RUU)

Got stuck too and used this trick to load stock rom.
Thx a million


i think my phone is dieing

Hello all,
I'm not sure but i think my blackstone is on its last legs.
It all started after i flashed to Dutty's last rom the r15 one. Did the usual uspl and eveything went to plan. Then about a week ago the phone frooze, i could'nt get it to reset so had to take the battery out (no biggy). Then tried turning it back on, and it just frooze again right at the windows start-up screen. So did a hard reset and the phone seemed very slow and jumpy.
Then i thought maybe the download of dutty's rom wasn't the best. So today i had planned to install a different rom and see if it was just a bad download or sumthing. And heres the big problem, i can't get the bootloader to connect to my pc.
And what seems strange is that when i enter the bootloader it flashes up with the re/green/blue/white screen andt ehn it shows a grey screen with "loading......." for about 10 seconds then comes back the normal bootloading screen. As usual serial pops up at the bottom, but when connected to my pc it won't show USB!!
I have win7 64, but i have set it up so i can flash using USPL as thats how i got dutty's R15 rom on there.
Any help would be great and hopfully i can get this sorted swn as i love my hd.
i've spent the past 2 hours searching here and havent found anyone with the same problem.
if you could update from the sd card that would solve some of your problems.but i realy do not know if it is working if you do not have HSPL.
maybe you can find some info on the forums about updating via sd card without HSPL.
or you could try to connect to a computer with other operating system than windows 7.
i am now installing the stock rom.
hopefully then i wil be able to install a cooked rom again.
berbecverde said:
if you could update from the sd card that would solve some of your problems.but i realy do not know if it is working if you do not have HSPL.
maybe you can find some info on the forums about updating via sd card without HSPL.
or you could try to connect to a computer with other operating system than windows 7.
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Thanks for the help,
I will see what the outcome is from the stock rom. And if i can't get it working again with win7 then i'll have to set up my mini pc (made a pc inside an old nintendo SNES) as thats got xp running
thanks once again
just for my curiosity what method are you using to flash a stock rom if you cannot connect to computer through usb?
berbecverde said:
just for my curiosity what method are you using to flash a stock rom if you cannot connect to computer through usb?
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Well after more hours spent reading thro web page after web page, i stumbled over someone saying that it could be down to the usb cable and i have a few mini usb one, so tried them all, finally got the bootloader to show the usb.
I was then going to install a cooked rom, but thought i'd be the best to go for stock first.
All is working ok now. I'm not sure if it was down to the usb cable totally tho as it was a bit strange the whole grey loading screen on the bootloader which has gone now with the stock rom.
ah well looks like its fixed for now.

problem after bad Rom installing - no USB connection

Hi, I was trying to install a Rom..
everything was ok until my HD2 restarted and end up with a colored screen but later it stops the connecting to the PC using USB.
I tried several times and never run.
now my device is showing white HTC background and nothing more.
Now I think I've deleted my original Rom and my PC stopped recognizing my HD2.
how can I reinstall the Rom again without connecting to my PC??
I am on Windows7.
Please help me
Follow the install from Micro SD section of the following FAQ
EDIT :- You probably want to read and understand the whole FAQ since you have not made it clear whether or not its a custom rom or an official one, or if you have a HardSPL installed ..
Thank you so much
the problem solved.
I restart the device while I'm holding Volume button down.

how to install updated rom without active sync

i have a tmobile wing and i have vista so i wanted to update my phone with a knew rom i installed windows mobile device center 6.1 ...but it would not sync ,i uninsalled it then reinstalled it no im wondering how can i hard spl my phone without my pc ....and install a rom i tried my wifes touch pro 2 on the windows mobile device center and it works but my wing wont ....anyone ran into this problem or has a solution ...i read a few threads saying hard reset but that did not work
Do you intend to flash with the flash center using the USB cable or have you considered using an SD card to flash your ROM?
If you are using USB to flash have you tried putting your phone into bootloader mode? While pressing the camera button, press the soft reset button below the volume control with the stylus and continue to hold the camera button until the tri colored screen pops up. When it does, look in the bottom left ( if I recall correctly ) to see if it recognizes the USB connection. It will say USB in that bottom left spot if it is connected and you are ready to flash. Ideally you want to be connected via Active sync but it is possible to flash from the bootloader screen.
Consider flashing via SD card. There are many different threads on this and it really is a very simple process. I hear it is also better for flashing because if you unplug the USB cable during a flash you can brick your phone. Just an idea.
Good luck.
yes i would like to flash from wmdc if possible....ill try the bootloader mode first
i just tried it the bars come up and it says usb in the corner ...but wmdc would not recognise it there some settings on the wing i need to do to get it to sync
1milenia said:
i just tried it the bars come up and it says usb in the corner ...but wmdc would not recognise it there some settings on the wing i need to do to get it to sync
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To flash from the boot loader screen you just need to go through the steps in the flash center. I never looked to see if my computer recognized the phone while plugged in; I just assumed it did not because active sync was not running. You should be able to initiate the flash through flash center and as you go through the steps it should recognize which rom you have loaded and it should read the rom you plan to install (which should be placed in the RUU folder within the flash center). I personally had to do this process about two flashes ago and can verify that it worked for me without having to "be connected" as far as Window's was concerned.
My advice, just go through the steps in flash center and you should see some progress. Good luck.
i went through the process it tells me nothing is connected then i have to exit
1milenia said:
i went through the process it tells me nothing is connected then i have to exit
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I would then go through the steps to format a 2gb or less MicroSD card and place the ROM file in the root directory and renaming it HERAIMG. From what I hear, this is a safer way to flash anyway so this should be your method whenever possible. There are many threads describing this process. The hardest part for me was to find a way to properly format my card in my computer. My best advice if you have a Dell or another laptop with an SD slot built it, would be to use another port to plug into. I tried for days to find a way or a program to format my MicroSD card in the built in SD slot but no matter what I did, it would not work. Finally, after much frustration, I tried a usb card reader and managed to successfully format the MicroSD on the first try and have been flashing with this method ever since. Hopefully this is all it takes to get you back up and running again. Good luck once again; I'll have my fingers crossed.
Please my phone htc p4350 just going to boot loader and not read an activ sync please iwant soulation

[Q] Rom Update Utility

Hi all
I have put the HD2 back to the stock ROM and want to get a NANDROID rom on.
Ive D/L MAGLDR and im trying to run the rom update utility but it just refuses to find a connection with the phone. Ive set it to connect as Active Sync and as a mass storage and ive tried the various different ports on my laptop. Can anyone help please
Try boot HardSPL by holding down the volume key while pressing turn on then flash the MAGLDR RomUpdateUtility from there.
Try another usb cable if you have one.
Try installing HTC Sync and this will install drivers for the phone. I can't post external links right now but do a Google search for "htc sync".
i thought if you put stock rom back on, you need to go through the process of putting hardspl back on first

Bootloader not detected at PC

Today i have tryed to flash a new CWM on my HD2.
But i get always an error "USB init. Failed" so i've searched in google an in this forum for an solution but i haven't find any.
I've tryed to flash CWM in Bootloader mode but my pc's (2 XP ones and 1 Win7) don't detect my phone.
Please Help
install windows mobile device center to your pc.otherwise it doesn't recognize it.
I have installed WMDC. But it doesn't recognize it at all.
but cwm isnt flashed from bootloader? r u using magldr or clk?
MAGLDR but also in Flasher mode nothing happend. In WMDC i have already disabled USB Connections but also -.- nothing
try another pc. and last solution format pc(i did so a few weeks ago when i met the same problem)
after last time i formated my computer imy phone wasnt detected in computer bootloader i couldnt see USB just serial ...i just installed activesync ...and right after phone was detected try to install activesync and see
[q] htc hd2 flashing rom issue
Can anybody help me.I have MAGDLR and the Bootloader installed by a previous chap who owned the phone, all the correct versions. THe phone HD2 (T-Mobile), when I got it, had Gingerbread on,but the FM radio was not working,
so I thought an Upgrade was in order. I went to the MIUI website and downloaded the latest stable rom and followed the instructions as best as possible, but I had problems with the
Bootloader going from Serial to USB and being able to flash the rom like that. I then tried the loading the rom ZIP file to the SD card, and then using Clockwork orange recovery to
to install the ZIP file from SD card. That being said, I rebooted and the phone just stayed hung on the HTC logo screen. (And I didn't do a back up, before I started.)
I eventualy found a Jaws MIUI rom, that instaling via Clockwork Orange, worked, but it is Froyo and not a lot of stuff works very well. What is the correct procedure to install
from SD card, with Clockwork Mod Recovery? The Roms that I download, do I have to unpack the zip, do something on the files? I have read that depending on the rom that you have, when
doing a ClockWorkMod Recovery installation, that you need to have the right Size partition or image disk version of the Clockwork recovery MOD, But I can't swap and change this as my USB does not work between the phone and the PC.
I have installed active sysnc, does not work and I have tried this both on my Desktop and Laptop. As the one response suggests, Formatting your PC seems a bit extreme.
Help, Pleeeeeeeeez!
Asdoos said:
Today i have tryed to flash a new CWM on my HD2.
But i get always an error "USB init. Failed" so i've searched in google an in this forum for an solution but i haven't find any.
I've tryed to flash CWM in Bootloader mode but my pc's (2 XP ones and 1 Win7) don't detect my phone.
Please Help
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try with another usb cable
After many tests with other PC´s and USB cables and different Windows / Linux installations I have noticed that my phone doesn't charge -.-
I think its an Hardware Porblem of my Phone. Does anyone know how to fix it?
Usb port is gone on your phone get it replaced.
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
Hello, I'd love to mention one thing bec I got the same problem like some fri. No need to worry fri.My problem troubleshooting is " Just install Windows Mobile Device Center". Thanks all and I love xda.

