Help!!! - Touch2 General

Hello to all of you... I have a Mega...I actived the wlan and my phone got stuck...I turned it off and now, when i turn it back on, it hangs on the 'insert pin' screen...i removed my simcard but the same happens...i click 'cancel' and I can see that wlan is still my phone is still doesn't connect via active sync, i can see only my sd-card...i have some cntacts i would like to save from the phone's memory, but if i can't do it, i will perform a hard i'm asking you happen to know how to save my contatcs??? thanks!
After hours of searching, i found out what happened to my phone..It got "Newton's ring" (an oily rectangular shape in on the display)
And it's met on the Touch Pro, Diamond and others...
I think I'll send it to warranty...

I'm not really sure but you can try a hard reset:
Hard Reset
1. Power Off the phone.
2. Press Both Volume UP & DOWN Keys together.
3. Keeping the keys pressed, power up the phone.
4. The screen will display a message.
5. Press the Volume UP Key.


S100 can not shutdown

My S100 can not shut down when i press the power button during 2 seconds. (Note: Turning your device off doesn’t turn the phone off. To turn the phone off, press and hold for two seconds.)
It looks off, but it's not, the phone is still on !
I heard i can use the "inflight mode", but i'd like to know the correct manip' to turn off the device AND the phone !
Any idea ? :roll:
ROM : 1.03.02 FRE
Date : 11/02/04
the only correct way to turn the phone off is to use the flight mode.
if you pressed the power botton for 2 sec you will turn the screen light off.
Pressing the power button does not turn the phone off, that is an error in the manual as far as I know.
Only Flight mode turns off the phone function, when you press the power buton shortly the S100 powers down ( goes into sleep mode), when you press the power button longer the backlight goes off. If you look close, you see the screen is still on then and when you tap it, the programs you tap will respond. When you turn the S100 to sleep mode, the screen switches completely off and does not respond to anything.
You cannot turn the S100 completely off, since no power means no RAM, means a hard reset, means all data you installed gone. In sleep mode, the S100 uses very little power to retain the data and is still able to run alarms, notifications etc.
If you want an easier way to switch your phone to flight mode than tapping the signal symbol in the top and then tapping in the pop-up ,and create alternative modes ( like meeting, loud, soft, quiet, etc), I recommend PocketZenPhone, where you can easily create your own phone modes with buttons on your today screen. The app is very cheap ( 5 euro's) and the links can be found on this forum.
thanx a lot for you're answers ! That helps !
If I am correct, if I need to reboote the device and the phone (for instance, after i installed the "contacts short cut programm designed by Mamaich), the only solution I have is to remove the battery ??? :roll:
I tried to put the phone in flight mode and shut down the device but it didn't work....
I think you need to read your manual better!
Rebooting the device can be done by a soft reset. You just put your stylus point into the little hole in the bottom of the S100, right of the headset hole, and press. It then restarts completely and loads your programs again etc.
Removing the battery also soft resets, BUT: If you leave it out too long, the back up batery runs out and you do a hard reset, thereby removing all data on your device you installed! It will leave you with an S100 as it came from the factory, but all your own data is completely gone (programs, contacts etc)! A Hard reset can also be done by pressing and holding the power button while at the same time doing a soft reset as described above, by putting your stylis in the little hole.
With some programs, like SPB PocketPlus you can select a small reset button to be present on your today screen, so you don't have to push your stylus in the little hole everytime you want to soft reset.
I hope this helps.

WM5 Password Forgotten

Hi, a helpfull friend has set the WM5 password to strong alphanumeric and has forgotten it,or just wont tell me what it is. Can anyone tell me, how can I get around this to get MDA Vario working again?
Many thanks
I think a hard reset may fix.
But I am not to sure.
I have tried that, device is still coming up with password request.
All I can think of is flashing it with a new ROM but if it goes bad it could kill the device and I am not sure it would remove it but in theory it should. Other members may have some hacks to fix it.
A hard reset will definitely remove the password, maybe you are just soft resetting the device.
I have tried as says in manual many times, it comes back up with the password screen every time.
I can only try it with MDA:
Turned off
Turned on with password screen illuminated
Manual says:
88 Managing Your MDA Vario
To perform a hard reset
1. Press and hold the Comm Manager button and Voice Command button on
the device.
2. Keep the two buttons pressed, and at the same time, use the stylus to lightly
press and hold the RESET button.
RESET button
Voice Command button
Comm Manager button
I have tried it with MDA:
turned off
turned on showing password screen
Sounds like you are doing the reset wrong....
Hard resets are awkward - hold in the two top side buttons, press the reset and keep holding the top two buttons after you have removed the stylus from the reset hole. About four seconds should do it.
Hope that helps.
you'll know if you got it because you'll get a black screen with white lettering that says "press send to format" or the like
otherwise its just a soft reset. On an older ipaq I had, if I had a password it would ask on teh PC everytime I synched. This was with PPC 2003. I'm not sure if you'll still have a problem when you try to sync your data though.
Good luck.
Bilbo_28 & others - You were right, I was not doing a hard reset properly and getting only the soft reset.
It seems after doing it a few times, that the hard reset instructions in the manual should read something like:
hold in the two top side buttons, both the send and receive buttons leds should come on and stay lit.
Insert the stylus in the reset hole and observe both send and receive buttons extinguish
remove the stylus from the reset hole and keep holding the two top side buttons until:
The screen goes black and the following message appears:
Press send to restore
factory default,
Other keys to quit
Release the top two side buttons
Then press SEND to restore factory default
or press any other key to abort hard reset
I think an e-mail to T-Mobile telling them to update the manual would not go amiss !!
Many thanks for your assistance.
Thankz man
hey thankz man really got a great relief
Wow. I was doing the hard reset wrong. I had the same password problem. But now its stuck on the "align screen" menu wth? It moves the cursor around the screen and yet it comes back to the menu. I've run through it at least 10 times now

HELP! wont boot hangs at 'windows mobile'

Hi people. having a bit of a crisis. my mini s wont startup any more? it just hands at the 'windows mobile' graphic?
anyone know any genuis solutions to help me get it working again?
pretty please *crying*
Have you tried to give it some time? When i had old version of Polish official WM5 ROM from Era operator, my Wizard took more than 5 minutes to boot (instead of less than a minute with newer ROM). Also, sometimes it did hang in the process. What seemed to help (though i have no idea why) was not allowing the backlight to go off by tapping the screen once in a while during the boot process.
left it on, with charger plugged in to maintain juice all morning and its not gone any further
And how about keeping the device awake - tapping the screen during boot process?
it stays permanently awake from reset
What i meant, is that when my device booted, after a while the backlight went off. if i didn't tap the screen to turn it back on, the device simply hung. Then again, that was probably just a problem of my ROM/software combination, since i never saw anyone else describing such problem. If you have your data backed up, you might try a hard reset, if not, maybe someone else can give you a bit more useful advice
it just stays on. no tapping required.
is a hard reset the same as holding down the power button til it turns off because ive done that a few times now
any suggestions?
nope, hard reset is holding the comm manager and voice memo buttons pressed and pressing the side reset button. Keep these buttons down until you get a question if you want to restore your factory defaults (you'll have to press the call button if you do). Be arare that you'll lose all the data on your phone (those on the storage card will stay intact) - all the files, contacts, messages. I hope you have a backup of those...
strangely enough, held down those three buttons and instead of asking me to hard reset it vibrated and then popped the txt mesages screen up?
very bizare
must have been retaining the boot graphic on top of the apps?
thanks for the help!
Well, i must admit - that sure is odd.
there is another way to hard reset - turn off your device completely (holding the power button for a few secs, and answer the popup message asking if you want to power down "yes" (from your earlier posts i understand that it worked). When the phone is completely off (no LED blinking), press the two side buttons i mentioned earlier (voice command and comm manager) and while holding them power the phone up just as you normally do - by power button. Keep both side buttons down until you get the question about resetting. If you hold the buttons and it gets to the windows mobile screen, then one of them might be faulty.
I just thought o0f something else - if the SMS window pops up, it would mean that the device is actually booted, so it should connect with activesync. Maybe connecting it to the PC, opening the device's folder, and navigating to /windows/startup folder. Thye problem might be caused by one of the applications run on start, so try moving (not deleting) all items from startup to some location on your PC. Then do a soft reset (the reset button on the side). If it boots, post the list of apps you had in startup, maybe we can figure out which one was causing trouble and put all others back to startup. If not, then the problem is somewhere deeper in the system, and a hard reset will probably be necessary.

Problem with my wing please help

For sum reason my wing just stop working. the other day it just faded to white and never turn back on. once i got it to turn on it only went to the multi colored screen so i connected to my computer and loaded the tmobile RUU it went to 100% rebooted and ever came back on. a blue screen then came on and said press yes to continue, i did n here i am posting my problem because it only goes to that screen. Any input from anyone would be great.
You could try a hard reset. You will loose everything but at least your phone might be working.
1. Hold the two soft keys down (the one that opened contacts and calendar by default)
2. With your stylus push the soft reset (below the volume control) hold for about 5 seconds.
3. Keep holding the soft keys and you should get an message to push the send button.
4. press send.
Your phone should reset (hopefully) at this point.

912c Power Button acting funny

I am using iPad 912c. I love this machine but the little silver power button is acting funny sometimes. Normally, when I press the button the screen should be turned off immediately. But sometimes the screen still on for 4-5s after pressing the button. First I thought I didn't press the button properly. But if I press the button several times the machine can remember how many times I pressed and switch the screen on and off (sometimes ask me if I want to turn off) like having a ghost inside. Looks like it has a buffer for the power button. I don't think it is the software problem. Because I tried to soft reset the machine. The machine still remember how many times I pressed the button before reseting and turn on and off the screen several times after the machine back on. It happens twice a week. Is it a hardware or software problem? If it is hardware problem the iPad should not know I pressed the button several times. This is not a popular machine but I am sure it is one of the best. Please help. Thanks.
Anyone has the same problem? Please help
I have the same problem with my Hp Ipaq hw6915. Now phone is after reset, and I can't finish pre-config (time, etc), because screen is always turning off. Please help!
No ideas...?
Is there any program, that can permanently desactivate backlight button..?
Or something...?
Please help.
check if u have the same issues without the microsd
if u do (have issues..) then backup using spb backup (or any..) then hr your device and check if with a clean device all is good

