New SMSes disappearing before I can view them - Mogul, XV6800 General

For the past couple days while I was on a camping trip I have had a really annoying problem. I cannot receive text messages right now- or rather, I cannot view them. What will happen when I get a text message is that it will show up on the today screen- I will see the "text 1", but when I go to view the text, it takes me to the inbox- but the text isn't there. This has happened with a dozen texts over a few days, before and after a soft reset, and hasn't -not- happened to any texts. I haven't been able to get/view any new texts for several days. I know that texts are actually coming, because I can send myself a text from and my phone will show that I have a new text- but I can't see it in my inbox. Also, I once caught a text right as it was coming in and was able to read the first part of it, but when I went to reply... it wasn't there.
I am using RyanMogul's light ROM, latest build.
I have two questions:
How can I stop this from happening?
Can I view the texts I have lost over the past few days?
Thank you!

nedfunnell said:
For the past couple days while I was on a camping trip I have had a really annoying problem. I cannot receive text messages right now- or rather, I cannot view them. What will happen when I get a text message is that it will show up on the today screen- I will see the "text 1", but when I go to view the text, it takes me to the inbox- but the text isn't there. This has happened with a dozen texts over a few days, before and after a soft reset, and hasn't -not- happened to any texts. I haven't been able to get/view any new texts for several days. I know that texts are actually coming, because I can send myself a text from and my phone will show that I have a new text- but I can't see it in my inbox. Also, I once caught a text right as it was coming in and was able to read the first part of it, but when I went to reply... it wasn't there.
I am using RyanMogul's light ROM, latest build.
I have two questions:
How can I stop this from happening?
Can I view the texts I have lost over the past few days?
Thank you!
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Well, I figured out how I can view the old texts, sort of- I did a PIM backup with compression and binary turned off, then copied that file to my PC, unarchived it with 7-zip, then opened the messages folder in notepad (or excel). The message text was buried in plaintext among a lot of code.
I am not sure what caused this, the only thing I really know is that when PIM backup prompted me for what to back up, it showed _two_ messages sections. Odd. I also discovered I'd lost the ability to sent texts.
I figure I'll just re-flash and see if that fixes the problem. I'll hold off on going to another ROM because I don't want to chance losing my hard-won GPS capability.


Backing up text messages and rebuilding the device advice?

I'm going to do a hard reset and rebuild the TyTN. I want to keep my text messages. Anyone know what file/s and where they're located that I need to backup?
Any other tips on rebuilding?
I found SMSes notoriously difficult to extract from my PocketPC2002 / 2003 devices; Jeyo Mobile Extender, however, seems to do the trick, although it can be a little clumsy to sue at times (especially if you have many folders).
Spb backup.
Slightly off topic - I'm not a big user of SMS. I have a couple of alerts set up to provide train service updates during my commute, and occasionally exchange a few txt messages with a couple of friends, but I've never had a text message that I wanted to keep after I've read it. I usually delete them immediately. Out of curiosity, what kinds of messages do you need to keep?
lmychajluk said:
Slightly off topic - I'm not a big user of SMS. I have a couple of alerts set up to provide train service updates during my commute, and occasionally exchange a few txt messages with a couple of friends, but I've never had a text message that I wanted to keep after I've read it. I usually delete them immediately. Out of curiosity, what kinds of messages do you need to keep?
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I've got hundreds of message sent between myself and my girlfriend over the last three+ years ... soppy, I know, but the memories are great to look back on sometimes
There is a product I've just seen on this link which might do this for you
but it might be a bit much for just wanting to back up sms messages.
I had the same problem, my kids send me text messages all the time, and I tried to keep the ones like for passing exams, driving tests etc, but lost them all on an enforced hard reset. Very upsetting. I wish there were some program which just put them into text, or word and you could keep them that way.
Good luck

Unable to send text to multiple recipients

So, this morning, i tried to send out a text message to more than one person asking for email addresses. After waiting over and hour and only getting one response, i sent an individual message to someone that didn't respond. Well, they said they never got anything. So i did some playing around with sending test texts, and it turns out that anyone listed after the first person is not receiving any messages. This worked before and for some odd reason just stopped working?
Any direction someone can point me in? i'm not using a custom messaging program.
Worse come to worse and i need to set the phone back to factory defaults, how do i do that?
nevermind, got tired of not being able to send out multiple texts so i set it to factory defaults.
found an xml contacts backup so i didn't lose any contacts. . just around 500 text messages.
It's just that the custom roms don't put the semicolon between the contacts when you send to multiple people for some reason, just manually put it there. I'm not sure as the the limit of people you can send a single text to. Anyone know?
i use an app called group sms and sent it to a text to about 25 people at once.

Garbled sms, chinese, squares

Hi, i need a bit of help trouble shooting an issue i have.
My G1 is running the jesusfreke ADP 1.5 image. I normally use chompsms as my default messaging client.
Quite regularly my friends are tellingme that my text messages are coming through garbled. Either all squares, or every other character is an @ symbol.
The outgoing messages appear normal on my phone.
I asked one person to forward my last messed up msg back, and it came through like this:
<Forwarded from +44777123456>
Well he is one! Don't worry about h攠瑨楮歳⁩猠睥慫敲⁴桡渠桩洠ⴠ睥汬⁨攧猠杯琠愠獨潣欠捯浩湧ℊ䤧癥⁨搠敮潵杨⁷楮攠湯眬⁉❭潴⁰楳獥搠扵琠湩捥汹⁴楰獹⸮⸠睥❬氠桡癥⁴⁳潲琠潵琠愠湩杨琠瑯⁧漠潵琠潮⁴桥⁴潷渠慮搠来琠灩獳敤⁳潯渠㨭⤠䩸砊
Although on my phone, the square symbols with numbers in show up as chinese characters.
Very strange! It happens periodically with no trigger that i can find. When it starts doing it, it continues for a couple of msgs at least.
Has anyone heard of this before, or have any ideas what i can do to fix it?

SMS timing issue

I seem to be having an issue with the time stamps on my text messages. The ones that I send are okay, however the ones that I receive all have different times on them. For example:
If I send a text at 8:15PM and receive a reply right away, it'll show my text sent at 8:15PM, but the reply will have a back dated time... Maybe 5PM, 4PM... something like that.
Any ideas why?
I find this but its by no means universal. some messages I recive are an hour ahead others are not. I recived two messages at almost the same time & one of them had the wrong time. I can't wait for the new update to fix all of these little issues
I've seen this problem since my G1. It's still suffering from it, as is my Magic and my Hero.
I'm still having the same issue.
My received text messages show a time of 4 hours behind.
So if I send a text at 6:30 and receive a reply at 6:32, it shows 2:32 as the received time.
Does anyone know if there's a fix for this? I have updated to the latest (leaked) firmware, but still no luck.
Are you all on the same network? Might not be the phone because i've never noticed this
kadison said:
Are you all on the same network? Might not be the phone because i've never noticed this
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Was just going to ask this... What network are you on, have you set network location to automatic by carrier, if so, set it manually to the city / country you are in.
I'm on O2 and have been using the network provided values.
I've set it to manual and text someone at 12:44. The reply came in a little while after and was stamped 12:45 so no issue there it seems. Strange.
I'm now getting issues now with texts in fairly quick succession.
The time stamps can be the same i.e. 21:17 but a reply from someone will sometimes appear before my original text in thread view.
Also a reply came in to one of my texts with a time stamp before my original text. This was displayed "correctly" as before my text, but the fact its timestamped in this way can't be right.
Anyone else seen this?
It's like the phone is looking at minutes for accuracy, not seconds. Also taking the timestamp of when a text was sent from the other person's phone as the time received to my phone. Hm :/
I get this on Orange when I receive a message from the US. All my outgoing messages are listed at the bottom of the conversation, while the one received from the US are at the top.
UK based conversations are all threaded correctly.
Ok thanks.
It never used to be like this so I'm wondering after prolonged use the sms database gets a bit corrupted somehow?
For me it seems to behave like this: for outgoing (sent) messages I see the time that is set on Hero. For incoming messages, however, Hero shows the time on the network provider.
I assume there is some header in SMS message containing the time, and Hero uses that instead of using the time Hero has when the message arrives.
I started using the Network Provider time (automatic) to get rid of this.

[Q] texting issue + fav't list issue

Hi everyone,
I just got my wildfire and I've already experienced a bit of an issue with it. I tried texting my friend today with the phone and i noticed that all the messages i send is gathered together on one end while her text messages are grouped together on the other end. I was wondering if there's a way to resolve this; I can't say I enjoy scrolling up and down endlessly trying to read my texts and try to respond to it properly.
the second issue is the fav't list. I tried setting my fav't list with the contacts on my phone that's not on fb or any other social network and it doesn't seem to work at all.
thanks for the help.
p.s. I'm not new to the forums, I started out being apart of this community as a sony ericsson x1 user, now I'm using the wildfire. It's great to be here, I'm very excited and hope to continue to help make some helpful and constructive contributions to the forums.
I guess I should explain this more clearly just to make sure.
here's what happens when I text
It seems to appear as:
Text 1 to me
Text 2 to me
Text 3 to me
Text 1 from me
Text 2 from me
Text 3 from me
I would like this showing as:
Text 1 from me
Text 1 to me
Text 2 from me
Text 2 to me
Text 3 from me
Text 3 to me
Does that make sense and is this possible?
i know android is having a few sms issues but i have no idea re your issue
asian_boi said:
I guess I should explain this more clearly just to make sure.
here's what happens when I text
It seems to appear as:
Text 1 to me
Text 2 to me
Text 3 to me
Text 1 from me
Text 2 from me
Text 3 from me
I would like this showing as:
Text 1 from me
Text 1 to me
Text 2 from me
Text 2 to me
Text 3 from me
Text 3 to me
Does that make sense and is this possible?
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Strange, in my sms app it shows up just as you would want.. and i didn't change any of the settings
Are you sure that your time settings are right? Because the ordening of the smses happens by the timestamp of a given sms, and it relays on the time of the phone that sends the sms. So if your friends phone sends an sms at, lets say, 9h, but its in fact 10h at your phone, your phone will still classify the sms "receved at nine o clock". In the sms app it will be classified just like that, so in this way it is not unlikely to think that all your smses (or those of your friend) will be clustered tougether because of a systematic time stamp mistake in one of the phones.
Hmm, not sure I'm making myself very clear but, just check your time settings ;-)
Thanks guys for your helpful suggestions.
Erwin P: I think it is the time stamp problem. luckily after some research and some help from a friend I was able to get a hold of a program call sms time fix. it seems to have solve some of the problems for now; atlease my phone is recieving messages like the way that i want them to, although it is still sending it somewhat delayed here and there.
I was wondering this the problem of the phone, or the problem with my service provider?

