[Request] Use Button's Backlight as Notification - Epic 4G General

If you guys really really want the MOD, let's do something about it. AND I NEED ALL SUPPORT FROM EVERYONE.
Read Carefully.
I'm not sure if you've heard of PSX emulator or not. The author, zodttd, has started the project because he saw
there was a petition ( Here ) to have me bring PSX, N64, and the VLC media player to the Android platform. With over 1800 signatures I started work on PSX a few days ago.
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So what I am thinking is, we should do the same thing too!
I have begun a petition. Now all I need is you guys to sign it. It's a really simple process.
Once we have enough signatures, we can show it to mods from other communities.

I changed the title of this thread to Request since it was misleading. Also, I moved it to General due to the thread itself not being development.

The Evo has a notification led on it so there is no need for the button backlights to be used that way.

Edit, the Epic has a multi-color led notification, so this is useless for us as it would use less bettery than the bottom bar being lit up
Sent from my HERO200 using XDA App

Is there a reason why we can't just add a post to this thread to show our support?

Has it been confirmed that the Epic 4G does have notification LEDs from someone who has a demo unit or Sprint itself? I have not seen this on any of the new reviews yet but I've read that its actually the light for when the FFC is used. This stays on until the camera is turned off. If someone can confirm this, it would be great. Thanks in advance.

vince2398 said:
Has it been confirmed that the Epic 4G does have notification LEDs from someone who has a demo unit or Sprint itself? I have not seen this on any of the new reviews yet but I've read that its actually the light for when the FFC is used. This stays on until the camera is turned off. If someone can confirm this, it would be great. Thanks in advance.
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I still haven't seen a real confirmation like what you are saying. However if you watch the sprint epic 4g video where the girl shows the phone and explains it, there is a white light that is on, but the screen doesn't look like it's recording video or anything. Is it possible to have the phone doing nothing and the camera on?
Also we have seen different colors for the light, which also gives the idea that it is a multi-color notification light.
Here is the video
she is holding the phone up with a light on, but it is at the home screen. However the light is on constantly.


trackball colors *Post 108*

Can you change the trackball colors on the nexus one?
Mod Edit:
Per lilHermit:
OK I've moved the initial su request to before the main screen is drawn to see if that helps.
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Yup, this, too, was one of the big surprises for me today when I got mine. I use and love several apps that flash the notification LED different/custom colours, but on the Nex1, the only colour I get is white.
I'm really, really, hoping that OS2.1 just changed the API and that updated apps will be able to do colours. I'm really, really scared that they cheaped out and put a white LED behind the trackball. >.<
People are saying that when Bluetooth is paired is flashes blue.
I heard when you have voicemail it flashes red. I haven't tried any of them yet though so I wouldn't know.
its a tri color led so it CAN do any color its just a matter of the third party apps adapting to be able to control it, cant wait
White, red, blue....
Anyone else wish they had green?
Though it was very patriotic of HTC.
AndroTMO said:
Anyone else wish they had green?
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all colors can be reproduced... just depends on the software that lights up the ball.
indeed it can be changed
unfortunately it stops working after a notification is fired...
Install NotifyLight from XDA:
then set up the pulselight on and change the values in:
adb shell echo "255 0 0" > /sys/devices/platform/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0066/leds/jogball-backlight/color
this will give you a nice red jogball.
"255 0 0" is in RGB format.
And off course you need root for this to work...
AndroTMO said:
White, red, blue....
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When white, it is actually the red, green, and blue all on at the same time.
Would love to see an app to configure all sorts of different notification colors for missed calls, texts, emails, etc, and the blink frequency.
Btw.. MissedCall works, but it can't change the colors.
Once the SDK drops for 2.1 and Nexus One codes and such are released, we should have notifications fixed and custom notifications.
I have to say that Google disabled multicolor LED notifications on the Nexus One! (the hardware can do them) #missedCall #NexusOne #fail
xManMythLegend said:
I have to say that Google disabled multicolor LED notifications on the Nexus One! (the hardware can do them) #missedCall #NexusOne #fail
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I can't even to express how disappointed I am at this news. Multicolored notifications was one of the most useful features for me...
cliffy15 said:
I can't even to express how disappointed I am at this news. Multicolored notifications was one of the most useful features for me...
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As are others. Seriously pissed.
From all this drama going on, I'm gonna assume this guy has noooo idea what he is talking about:
Or what o_0
... and seriously over reacting.
Eclair~ said:
From all this drama going on, I'm gonna assume this guy has no idea what he is talking about:
Or what o_0
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Well, it's unlikely that there are 3 led's in there, just one tri-colour.
I've just installed the NotifyLight application and echo'd values to is and it works fine.
People are seriously over reacting, suggesting that this is a deliberate move by google - get a grip, it's probably an oversight. I agree that it's very useful to have but I'm not throwing my toys out of my pram over it.
ScaredyCat said:
Well, it's unlikely that there are 3 led's in there, just one tri-colour.
I've just installed the NotifyLight application and echo'd values to is and it works fine.
People are seriously over reacting, suggesting that this is a deliberate move by google - get a grip, it's probably an oversight. I agree that it's very useful to have but I'm not throwing my toys out of my pram over it.
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Every sign including feedback from one of the most popular notification apps Devs points to it not working.
If all of a sudden custom ringtones and contact pictures were removed you'd see the same reaction.
Google already closes off the ability to add codecs or EQ bands.
Considering how many apps took advantage of this I dont see why peoples reactions arent justified. You dont pay 500+ for something to lose functionality.
xManMythLegend said:
Every sign including feedback from one of the most popular notification apps Devs points to it not working.
If all of a sudden custom ringtones and contact pictures were removed you'd see the same reaction.
Google already closes off the ability to add codecs or EQ bands.
Considering how many apps took advantage of this I dont see why peoples reactions arent justified. You dont pay 500+ for something to lose functionality.
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I'm not saying it's not, not working (without rooting). I'm suggesting that the mechanism (API and underlying implementation) has simply changed and it's an oversight. Looking at the link you provided earlier there was mention that the notification API hasn't changed in a long time.
"The SDK hasn't change in terms of Notifications since SDK version 1."
Perhaps that's the reason it's not working, perhaps the API needs an update rather that being deliberately disabled as that poster went on to say.
"Google just disabled that feature in Android 2.1."
That's simply an unsubstantiated claim by someone on the internet.
People are suggesting that this was a deliberate move by google to close off Android bit by bit. Perhaps waiting until we get some sort of response rather than flying off at the deep end is the best course of action.
2.1 is a new release and the Nexus One is a new device. That's what you paid for. You're an early adopter and really should understand that things might not be perfect in the first instance.
Since you're a senior member of the forum and by implication have been in here for a while and have obviously had more than one android phone, I'm a little surprised and your outrage.
ScaredyCat said:
I'm not saying it's not, not working (without rooting). I'm suggesting that the mechanism (API and underlying implementation) has simply changed and it's an oversight. Looking at the link you provided earlier there was mention that the notification API hasn't changed in a long time.
"The SDK hasn't change in terms of Notifications since SDK version 1."
Perhaps that's the reason it's not working, perhaps the API needs an update rather that being deliberately disabled as that poster went on to say.
"Google just disabled that feature in Android 2.1."
That's simply an unsubstantiated claim by someone on the internet.
People are suggesting that this was a deliberate move by google to close off Android bit by bit. Perhaps waiting until we get some sort of response rather than flying off at the deep end is the best course of action.
2.1 is a new release and the Nexus One is a new device. That's what you paid for. You're an early adopter and really should understand that things might not be perfect in the first instance.
Since you're a senior member of the forum and by implication have been in here for a while and have obviously had more than one android phone, I'm a little surprised and your outrage.
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In and of itself youre 100% right.
But in context with every thing that has been coming out in the last week there could be much more to it.
For all I know there could be something N1 isnt capable of long term that these types of notifications may exploit.
Via Twitter and another via Email Ive seen 2 devs of notification apps confirm that the LED lights and patterns cant be manipulated.
Sure it can be an oversight or just some hitch. Perhaps Im giving these devs too much credit.But its the sqeauky hinge that gets the oil. While it may annoy other posters theres simply no better means than to continually raise a ruckus. Im not up in arms saying screw google F the nexus. Just being adamant about displeasure.
The only way any of us can expect a response is by having these conversations.
The 3g/edge issue doesnt seem to effect me but if its there a stink should be raised.
Frankly if a fix came out tomorrow for the rooted community and never by google Id be just as annoyed. I want the OS to move forward not backwards.

Evo LED Notification Color Hackery!

A little hard to see the colors on the video. Any chance you could explain what's going on?
green? i seriously cant tell whats going on there.
e1allen said:
A little hard to see the colors on the video. Any chance you could explain what's going on?
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Sorry for that, sure- The LED Notification colors are now changed to multiple colors if you look closely, they aren't green or red anymore, pretty limited but still kinda cool.
You may have to watch it full screen to get the full effect.
As i was in need to charge to my phone, i also had noticed the LED light for charging was different as well! This is really cool...check it out
well can someone tells us how we can make this happen???
not really sure yet, my friend who had done this to my phone hasn't been around, ill find out asap
This is pretty cool but I think its worthless to post if your not asking how to do it or showing us how to do it. But great hack!
Sent From My HTC Evo 4G Using Tapa Talk Pro!
Guys i think this is what you are looking for
i did on my evo freaking awesome....................................
I would lik to get that. Keep us informed.
rizzomach said:
i did on my evo freaking awesome....................................
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i guess thats the closest it gets, awesome!
rizzomach said:
i did on my evo freaking awesome....................................
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That's for the right-side LED... the video in this thread shows the colors changing on the left-side LED. It would be really nice to be able to control both, set different colors for different notifications, etc.
Yeah I had that since winmo 5 lmao
Sent from my PC 36100 using XDA App
Hmm well since your not sure what exactly your friend installed I'm ruling out the possibility of it being an app, The other way I think of how he doing that is figure out what file governs the led color change it's probably an edit.
JaiCameron said:
Hmm well since your not sure what exactly your friend installed I'm ruling out the possibility of it being an app, The other way I think of how he doing that is figure out what file governs the led color change it's probably an edit.
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that sounds kinda like what he said...although he mentioned app somewhere along the linessss
tbistone said:
that sounds kinda like what he said...although he mentioned app somewhere along the linessss
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If it is an app then finding out how it's done would be even easier, all he has to do is post screenshots of the apk's in his /system/app folder.
I'm pretty sure we have confirmed that the physical LED can only do two colors, red and green. So it must be a hardware hack.
Not sure how to install it on the evo
Check this thread out if you want to physically change your led's to blue or completely different color..this requires taking evo apart and and swapping the led's if you feel confident enough..I remembered seeing this thread and thought I'd post it.


look at the picture
Because the human eye can not see, the camera can see; so we did not find
HD2 two sensors, one of which only work only answer the phone, but when it does not stop at the android! I think this will lead to a waste of electricity.
Sorry, I do not speak English, can only use GOOGLE translation.
uh...... yha.......?
gsm127 said:
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This is not a one example! Because the human eye can not see, to use the camera to see!
HD2 handset next to the two sensors, one for light-sensitive, one for close to face to close the screen.
In WM6.5, only answer the phone "off screen when close to the face" of this sensor will light. But one under the andoird not closed!
t1h5ta3 said:
This is not a one example! Because the human eye can not see, to use the camera to see!
HD2 handset next to the two sensors, one for light-sensitive, one for close to face to close the screen.
In WM6.5, only answer the phone "off screen when close to the face" of this sensor will light. But one under the andoird not closed!
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How did you get this problem? I mean it's in Chinese or something like that
Edit: Ahh.. you just used google translate. But I really don't understand what he wants to say
t1h5ta3 said:
this is not a one example! Because the human eye can not see, to use the camera to see!
Hd2 handset next to the two sensors, one for light-sensitive, one for close to face to close the screen.
In wm6.5, only answer the phone "off screen when close to the face" of this sensor will light. But one under the andoird not closed!
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What he likely is saying is that the led of the proximity sensor is on all the time in android while it is only lit in WM during a phonecall. If that is true, it is a potential battery drainer. With a camera you can see the infrared light, that is why he posted the piccas. Might be a serious issue, but I did not verify.
I don't think this is an issue as such, as infrared viewed with a camera is white... In them photo's, it's a vague red. I could be wrong though. Think this might need some dev input.
To prove the point, get a camera, and TV remote, and point and press a button of the remote to the camera. You will see it glow white !
hd2 orginal have two sensors but in the android onlyone work ! why?
FerretAD said:
I don't think this is an issue as such, as infrared viewed with a camera is white... In them photo's, it's a vague red. I could be wrong though. Think this might need some dev input.
To prove the point, get a camera, and TV remote, and point and press a button of the remote to the camera. You will see it glow white !
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In wm6.5, it will only listen to the phone work. But in android, regardless of when the are working.
To prove the point, get a camera, and HD2,You will see it glow white !
hd945157206 said:
hd2 orginal have two sensors but in the android onlyone work ! why?
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HD2运行andoird时,有一个传感器一直在工作,发出光! 而这个传感器在wm6.5的情况下,只会在接听电话时才会工作!
这个传感器发出来的光人眼看不到,只能用摄像头才能看到! 可能因为这个原因所以一直没有人发现.
如果你能翻译一下的话就更好了! 让这里的高手们知道这个问题! 这个BUG会一直浪费电! GOOGLE的翻译不行!
gsm127 said:
In wm6.5, it will only listen to the phone work. But in android, regardless of when the are working.
To prove the point, get a camera, and HD2,You will see it glow white !
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GSM guy is right, use a camera and point it at the sensor you will find the white light blinking while in android, where as in WINMO it doesnt, it blinks during calls only!!!
Could be a battery drainer, could be not as well !!!
lets hope hope the devs are aware of this !!!
mally2 said:
GSM guy is right, use a camera and point it at the sensor you will find the white light blinking while in android, where as in WINMO it doesnt, it blinks during calls only!!!
Could be a battery drainer, could be not as well !!!
lets hope hope the devs are aware of this !!!
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Didn't mean to start an argument or anything, all I meant was going by his pictures, I couldn't really see much of the 'white' infrared you normally see in a camera.
But you say that it blinks, that would make more sense now - I have no way of testing it until I get home as i'm at work at the moment
cool man, try it out and let us know, its a good topic for discussion
mally2 said:
GSM guy is right, use a camera and point it at the sensor you will find the white light blinking while in android, where as in WINMO it doesnt, it blinks during calls only!!!
Could be a battery drainer, could be not as well !!!
lets hope hope the devs are aware of this !!!
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FerretAD said:
Didn't mean to start an argument or anything, all I meant was going by his pictures, I couldn't really see much of the 'white' infrared you normally see in a camera.
But you say that it blinks, that would make more sense now - I have no way of testing it until I get home as i'm at work at the moment
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It don't matter!
I know that this pictures is easy to suggest that it is false.
I just want to let developers know this BUG.
I'm home now, and i've tested it... And your right, the infrared is on in Android, and off in WM except when your making a call.
What i've forgot to test, is the infrared still on when the screens off in Android ?
I can't test at the moment as i'm currently putting a new WM ROM on, and then a new Android build on.
gsm127 - Them pictures aren't misleading. What I thought was infrared looks white through a camera, but it's not - It's actually a shade of purple (Like in your photos). Only thing is, is the infrared is on, and pulses every second. That also happens in Android !
Has anybody pointed this out to the dev's ? Do they read these sections ?
FerretAD said:
I'm home now, and i've tested it... And your right, the infrared is on in Android, and off in WM except when your making a call.
What i've forgot to test, is the infrared still on when the screens off in Android ?
I can't test at the moment as i'm currently putting a new WM ROM on, and then a new Android build on.
gsm127 - Them pictures aren't misleading. What I thought was infrared looks white through a camera, but it's not - It's actually a shade of purple (Like in your photos). Only thing is, is the infrared is on, and pulses every second. That also happens in Android !
Has anybody pointed this out to the dev's ? Do they read these sections ?
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cool man, we now have proof, its definitely could be a battery drainer reason , any one know how to log into IRC and let devs know
Des? know that?
Maybe you should change de thread title ?
Hi !
Maybe you should change de thread title to a brief description of what you found ?
To make it more "visible" to other people
Congrats to have found that !
there is another thread running about the same issue,

[Q] [REQ] Enable a led on the NS? is there one to enable?

Is there a led that a dev can eventually get to work as a notification led? Or is there simply no led built into the phone that will work. This is a very crappy issue for us NS owners that came from the N1, I miss my trackball lighting up from across the room and knowing wether or not it was a txt or an email etc..
Will the NS ever have this? Or is it simply not going to happen?
Michigan Jason said:
Is there a led that a dev can eventually get to work as a notification led? Or is there simply no led built into the phone that will work. This is a very crappy issue for us NS owners that came from the N1, I miss my trackball lighting up from across the room and knowing wether or not it was a txt or an email etc..
Will the NS ever have this? Or is it simply not going to happen?
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A) Wrong section.
B) Answered in the stickied FAQ in the right section:
unremarked said:
Q: There's no LED Indicator? What are those two circles next to the speaker?
Correct, like all Samsung devices(minus the Epic 4G on Sprint) thus far, there is no LED indicator light. There are apps, such as NoLED, on the marketplace which work great on the Nexus S and provide more or less the same functionality. Those two circles are the Proximity Sensor and Ambient Light sensor.
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Not really the wrong forum if it were something that could be developed. It would have been a request for something to be developed. Regardless, I guess we are just stuck without an led light. NO LED blows compared to the trackball on the N1
Michigan Jason said:
Not really the wrong forum if it were something that could be developed. It would have been a request for something to be developed. Regardless, I guess we are just stuck without an led light. NO LED blows compared to the trackball on the N1
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There's literally nothing to be developed, mate. There is physically no LED light in this phone unless you wanted to open her up and install one yourself.
unremarked said:
There's literally nothing to be developed, mate. There is physically no LED light in this phone unless you wanted to open her up and install one yourself.
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Yea, that is the unfortunate news i was figuring I would get. So is no led the only app that does this though?
eh ? No leds you say.. What about the buttons ? Im surethat we will have notifications from the buttons in no time.. Relax.. It works on the galaxy so why not here ?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
madfarmer said:
eh ? No leds you say.. What about the buttons ? Im surethat we will have notifications from the buttons in no time.. Relax.. It works on the galaxy so why not here ?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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Interesing and very true. That would be sweet actually. Now where do we get those patience at?
madfarmer said:
eh ? No leds you say.. What about the buttons ? Im surethat we will have notifications from the buttons in no time.. Relax.. It works on the galaxy so why not here ?
Sent from my Nexus S using XDA App
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Splitting hairs there, bro.
And yes, I'm sure the.. er.. I'm blanking on the name of the app that will use the buttons as notifications will come around once a custom kernel has been developed to support it.
not sure why we need ANOTHER thread about the LED (or lack of). do a SEARCH!
Closed, as this is answered in the FAQ.

Screen flickering in direct sunlight?

I picked up my GS4 about a week ago but haven't really used it in direct sunlight until today. I was outside, and the sun was shining brightly on the screen. Home screen was fine, and darker images were ok, but if I were to go to an app with a primarily white background, or open up something which used the keyboard (texting) the screen would flicker pretty noticeably. Brightness is all the way up, and auto tone was off.
Has anyone else seen this?
yup this is normal esp when using the keyboard.
Im not sure if it will be fixed.
orlandoxpolice said:
I picked up my GS4 about a week ago but haven't really used it in direct sunlight until today. I was outside, and the sun was shining brightly on the screen. Home screen was fine, and darker images were ok, but if I were to go to an app with a primarily white background, or open up something which used the keyboard (texting) the screen would flicker pretty noticeably. Brightness is all the way up, and auto tone was off.
Has anyone else seen this?
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richard371 said:
Im not sure if it will be fixed.
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I guess my question is, is this a hardware issue with many GS4's or a minority. I came across a thread on the Tmobile GS4 forum where people were experiencing it, but it seems not everyone is.
orlandoxpolice said:
I guess my question is, is this a hardware issue with many GS4's or a minority. I came across a thread on the Tmobile GS4 forum where people were experiencing it, but it seems not everyone is.
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I actually noticed for the first time today too..
Sent from my WICKED AT&T S4 i337
Its a hardware thing, but also its only in touchwiz so a developer might be able to turn it off so to speak.
It adjusts the color and tone no matter what to save the display from overheating and or burning in...
Does it a lot and I notice it cause im weird about those kinds of things.
If you use CM 10.1 or AOKP its gone.
ive made some progress with the RGB light meter on this; hoping a friend can write up some code so we can test out a 'smoothed out' transition and sampling rate and one that is sped up, averaged faster, but will take up more CPU and RAM and battery but more accurate.
here is another thread regarding it:
Maybe if someone who is using CM10 or AOKP could test it to see if it is a software issues and not a hardware issue?
edit: slade and jet replied while I was writing this...thanks for the info. looks like it is touchwiz related.
edit2: just went out in the sun again to test a lot of different options in the display settings (which none worked) but is seems it is only happening when the keyboard is enabled. I am using swiftkey.
yeah TW and that sensor communicate; i believe the sensor itself probably works better ALONE, but TW changes it and throttles it for either battery or screen safety.
It is always dependent on what is being pulled up on the screen, though it can be mitigated quite a bit if you disable all power saving and screen auto features, and leave brightness under 80% or so.
yea anything under 80% in direct sun is basically black. all power saving and screen auto modes were disabled. i covered up all of the sensors too and it still flickered....
orlandoxpolice said:
yea anything under 80% in direct sun is basically black. all power saving and screen auto modes were disabled. i covered up all of the sensors too and it still flickered....
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Not just a sensor thing per-say.
It's hard to explain, they most likely did it because they didn't want the amoled to burn in.
Its the same reason why the brightness goes up another 34% or so on auto above the max brightness. Only uses it when needed to save the screen and battery.
Does it on youtube too btw, bring up a video on wide screen then tap it and you'll see the drastic color shift
I noticed this thing when I got my phone also. I thought I was just imagining it but I guess it's an actual problem
geoldr said:
I noticed this thing when I got my phone also. I thought I was just imagining it but I guess it's an actual problem
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'its not a problem, its a feature'
-Steve Jobs
Seriously its about power handling/battery saving and white balance, but its noticeable, and annoying.
Slade8525 said:
'its not a problem, its a feature'
-Steve Jobs
Seriously its about power handling/battery saving and white balance, but its noticeable, and annoying.
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Yep, looking into a whole bunch of stuff, just installed ubuntu so maybe I can compile something; gonna look deep into the framework.
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Thread moved
Thank you for your cooperation
Friendly Neighborhood Moderator
jetlitheone said:
Yep, looking into a whole bunch of stuff, just installed ubuntu so maybe I can compile something; gonna look deep into the framework.
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Thanks, let me know if you figure anything out.
Open camera in direct sun and it flickers too..
Sent from my SGH-M919 using xda app-developers app
This is so annoying. Does anyone on touch wiz not experience this?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
orlandoxpolice said:
This is so annoying. Does anyone on touch wiz not experience this?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
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No that's not possible, its hard coded into touchwiz, this isn't a bug or anything...
If people say they don't have it; they're not noticing it.
jetlitheone said:
No that's not possible, its hard coded into touchwiz, this isn't a bug or anything...
If people say they don't have it; they're not noticing it.
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Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda premium
Thought my eyes were going crazy. Mine does this too. It even did it once under some fluorescent lights. It's not annoying enough to matter but it would be cool if it gets fixed.
