WiFi Auto Connect - HD2 General

One irritation I have with the HD2 is that it won't automatically connect to my home WiFi when I have been away from the network. I have WiFi set to switch off of it doesn't connect to a network within 1 minute (to conserve battery), but even if I leave WiFi switched on, I have to manually connect to my home network when in range. What I would ideally like is for WiFi to be 'off' when I am away from my network, but automatically switch 'on' and connect, when in range. I don't need to use WiFi when out, so I don't need it to continually search for networks when I am not at home. Does anyone have a solution to this?


At home, GPRS vs. Wi-Fi

Apologies, and I know this is a stupid question, but when at home with my htc tound pro, with WiFi on, and connected, why do I need the phone on too for the WiFi to work,...?
Also, when both are on and working, which system is used, i.e., the SIM card connection or the WiFi connection,...?
WiFi I pay a flat monthly rate for unlimited data, with the SIM card I am on a fixed amount of data transfer per month,...
Thanks for listening,
You may be using an application that is not Wifi aware. So, it demands a GPRS/EDGE/3G connection. So - in effect - it's not actually using the Wifi connection.
If you can use the application with Wifi on, and phone off - it's Wifi aware. (Meaning it can utilize Wifi).
If you can't use the application without the phone being on - it's not Wifi aware or has not been configured to use the Wifi.
What application are you having issues with?
thanks for getting back to me,... WM Professional 6.1 and the Internet Explorer program when going on to the web,... i'm just wondering which systems does the phone use when both are functioning,... am i using the gprs from my SIM card or am I using the wi-fi in my home,...? and why do i need the phone turned on to use the wi-fi in my home,...?
thanks again,...
you can see if it's using gprs on the icon for signal str if it's showing animations
it's using gprs
otherwise it's using wifi
if you set
settings-connections-connection-advanced-select network to my homenetwork
it dont use gprs
did you set the gprs settings to your gsm provider?
i would prefer wifi over gprs/3g anyday unless if your home internet is extremely slow ( <300kbps). the battery life would be almost equal so why not a faster connection?
Rudegar said:
you can see if it's using gprs on the icon for signal str if it's showing animations
it's using gprs
otherwise it's using wifi
if you set
settings-connections-connection-advanced-select network to my homenetwork
it dont use gprs
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'd like to understand how WM decides which network to use when it has a choice e.g. HSDPA and WiFi. I've looked at the settings mentioned above and I currently have Internet using Contract Internet (HSDPA) and Work using WiFi as the WiFi networks I connect to are firewalled and privately addressed.
What settings should I have to ensure that when I have the choice of WiFi and HSDPA (at home) I use WiFi, and when out and about I use HSDPA?
Everytime an application wants to connect to the net:
- If wifi is connected and GSM isn't, it uses Wifi
- If wifi isn't connected, it tries connecting to GSM and will use that.
- If both are connected - we don't really know what happens.
When you're at home, check that GSM is not connected (no little E, G, 3G or H on the signal bar icon, disconnect it if connected), turn on wifi, wait until the arrows have stopped moving on the Wifi icons, and now you can launch the program that wants to connect to the net, and it will use wifi.
If at this point you get a popup about the phone connecting to GSM data again, then there's a connectivity problem on your Wifi and the device can't reach the net through it.
You might want to install Modaco Nodata, it allows you do disable automatic connection to GSM so that you can be sure it doesn't connect when you don't want it to.
mine never use gprs when it have wifi
I have a Touch HD and I can make things work fine by manually turning off the data connection then turning on WiFi in the comm manager when I'm at home or vice versa when I'm out and about.
I would have thought win mobile 6.1 would have been a mature enough OS to allow this to be configured automatically. This and Opera are my only outstanding issues with the HD.
Strange. I can easily shut my phone off, enable wifi & browse fine.

work -> home wi-fi?

When im at work i have access to wi-fi
When i walk home i dont have access to wi-fi
Then when i get home i have access to wi-fi again.
My question is how does it work, i mean at work i connect to work-wi-fi
Then i lose it when i walk home and im not sure the HTC touch HD automatically recognizes the home-wi-fi when i get home, i think it uses the gprs when getting mail etc, unless i tell it to connect to the wi-fi.
I would like it to be automated, so that when theres a wi-fi nearby that it can use, it will use it, and only as a last resort i would like it to use the gprs.
Can anyone explain how the HD does this?
There should be some way to set net priorities like in real windows ...
Actually when you connect to a wifi, the connection settings (e.g. network key etc.) of the network and the network's SSID (i.e. the network's name) is stored in your device. When you are in the range of a stored wifi your device will automatically connect to it (provided of course that you have the wif turned on).
I suggest that once you leave work turn the wifi off and as soon as you reach home turn it back on again.
Hope this helped...
You can check if, and to what wifi network the HD is connected (tap the wireless icon at the top of the screen). If it is connected to your home wifi, it uses that over GPRS. The best and fastest connections always gets priority.
I think the WiFi turns automagically off after a given time without connection.
In the "J.S. Advanced Configuration Tool" it says "2 min (default)" so i think this is the default system setting for this.
So you leave your work-wifi, walk home without a connection and at home, yor wifi is switched off.
Its possible to set "no timeout" (in "Advanced Config Tool" at least, don't know about a "normal" system-setting for this) but i think your battery will hate you for that


I hav GPRS enable on my phone and at my home i have a WiFi
So when i connect to the internet from my phone when i am at home it always connects using GPRS but i want to connect it through Wifi when i am at home...Is there any optio through which i can select as to how i want to connect to the internet i.e. either by GPRS or Wifi??
Plz help
disconnect your gprs connection just clikc on the Edge Icon on the top bar and then and disconnect the t-mobile data connection and then manually connect to wifi spot and it shouldnt connect through ur gprs until u want it to
If you have WiFi turned on, it'll automatically try to find a network it can connect you and notify you of the best connection. If it doesn't WiFi may not be on, you can check in the Comm Manager to make sure its on. If it is on, you can click the WiFi icon on the top bar and select your network.
The phone will automatically use Wifi instead of GPRS if WiFi is connected. If it tries to connect through GPRS it is either because WiFi is disabled or WiFi isn't connected to a network.

wifi not connected after sleep

Hi folks!
have a little issue here.
When i am connected to my home wifi network and put my phone in sleep mode (wifi automatically disabled), it doesnt always seem to connect to my home wifi network again automatically.i see the wifi "tower" without the "halo" over it wich indicates connection.
I have to go into setings, wifi and connect there.
anyone have this problem ?

WiFi Issues

So I have WiFi setup at work and it seems to be working, albeit slow but working.
When I plug the phone into the laptop via USB to charge the phone, the wireless connection is no longer available.(START>SETTINGS>CONNECTIONS>WIFI)
However when I unplug the X2 from the micro USB, the icon comes back and I have a wireless connection.
Is there a setting that I need to adjust for USB connection?
Another question:
Before i connect to WiFi I see the E at the top right of the phone. When I connect to WiFi the E is replaced by the WiFi icon. So I am assuming that my E (EDGE) connection is NOT being used at all when WiFi is on?
In other words, when I am using WiFi, is the internet service from my cellular provider, T-Mobil, completely disconnected? And then when I disconnect from WiFi does the phone internet service go back on to T-Mobil?
For WIfi + USB, i will test it for you tonight at home,
As for Edge and Wifi, yes, when you are connected to wifi, your cellular data connection is not used anymore for internet connection (and actually why do you need it?) However if you connect your phone via USB and allow to use the internet connection from it, your data connection from your Cellular still active. It allows to differentiate the 2 active sync connections, as each connection has its own properties for which items to be synced. so i wonder why Wifi and USB is not...
So now I have had the device for over a week and find that after a while, 2-4 hrs or longer, the WiFi just does not work. I go to settings>connections> WiFi and I am told to enable WiFi on my device. Then there is a list of about 10 different connections to choose from.
The only way to connect to my WiFi is to turn off the phone and back on (waiting at least 2 min) for the phone to load up.
Any suggestions?

