Opera Browser reflow is not consistent - HD2 General

Has anyone noticed how the Opera browser provided with the HD2 doesn'r reflow text correctly when you zoom in or out on text?
For example go to the bbc.com website and find an article on the main page. Then zoom in. It reflows fine. However if you then go into the actual story from the front page reflow to keep all the cahcracters on the screen rather than you neededing to scoll left to right stops working. Then when you go back to the main page the reflow is still not working?
I have tried this on multiple sites and get the same result ! I also tried another HD2 and the same thing happens.
The iphone and Safari does this without fault. Am I missing something that I need to set or is my experience different to everyone else?
I don't want to use skyfire because it comes with different limitations. Is the later version of Opera (v.10) any better in this respect?
I also notice that there isn't a Opera Mobile 10 for the HD2 !? Anyone know where I can get this?

alecs said:
Has anyone noticed how the Opera browser provided with the HD2 doesn'r reflow text correctly when you zoom in or out on text?
For example go to the bbc.com website and find an article on the main page. Then zoom in. It reflows fine. However if you then go into the actual story from the front page reflow to keep all the cahcracters on the screen rather than you neededing to scoll left to right stops working. Then when you go back to the main page the reflow is still not working?
I have tried this on multiple sites and get the same result ! I also tried another HD2 and the same thing happens.
The iphone and Safari does this without fault. Am I missing something that I need to set or is my experience different to everyone else?
I don't want to use skyfire because it comes with different limitations. Is the later version of Opera (v.10) any better in this respect?
I also notice that there isn't a Opera Mobile 10 for the HD2 !? Anyone know where I can get this?
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Here is Opera 10 for the HD2. I don't have a problem with reflow on my device, but then again there are something like 10+ versions of Opera 9.7 floating about.
Have a look here for all the different Opera 9.7 versions, see which works best for you.
*Edit* I use version 35964, it seems to work fine for me.

Its dependant on which build your using......
the one on the t mobile stock rom was perfect.....
I just tried a cleanex rom and opera was not as slick as I was used to....
Im off to try an energy rom and see what thats like.......

Thanks for the information. I have a standard HTC rom and the phone is from the UK.
ROM version 1.66.405.2
Radio version
Opera Mobile version 9.7 Build 35627
I'll try downloading the latest version of Opera 10. Thanks.
Just one last thing. I updated my version of Opera so it could play flash with the Flash. Will this install put in an additional version of opera or overwrite the current one?
Does this version natively support Flash?

alecs said:
Just one last thing. I updated my version of Opera so it could play flash with the Flash. Will this install put in an additional version of opera or overwrite the current one?
Does this version natively support Flash?
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It will overwrite the version you have installed. I should think it plays flash, I am not certain as I don't use flash on my HD2 (I assume you mean 9.7), Opera 10 supports it natively for sure.

Thanks for the answers, I have just loaded version 10. Forgive the noob questions....
OMG, It doesn't have pinch to zoom !!!!!!!!!!! Reflow doesn't work because it is set to a double tap zoom and the text seems to left justify too much so the text is cut in half and you have to scroll over to the left! And the Zoom is way to high. I know you can set it to certain zoom levels but its one zoom in and one zoom out. Thats not very good in my book.
Also the settings available seem far less than there were with 9.7.
Also is there any way to change the default search engine from google?
Lastly, is there any way to set vibrate to happen when you click on a link.
I also went to youtube and it doesn't seem to play flash
Not sure I think version 10 is an improvement at the moment. Is there a thread somwhere that talks about opera 10 on xda?

Its pure personal preference, I tried 10 and didnt like it, mainly due to pinch to zoom and reflow......... the flash is tempremental... I got youtube working but other flash content didnt........
Theres no harm in having both 10 and 9.7........
In this case you can have your cake and eat it..........
For flash I'd reccomend skyfire........its quite slow and the ui is ugly and dated but it works 95% of the time as far as flash is concerned......... again though its all down to personal preference...........

The Opera Bible


Opera...which freaking version?

Ok, I hope I dont get ripped into for this..but I couldnt find the answer.
I always found the web browsing experience pretty woeful on my X1...esp compared to the ifone. When you scroll up/down its juddery, giving me the two grey squares until it catches up on itself. Its really bad. I have installed various versions of Opera...the one I have stuck with is the version i found on this forum...when zooming you use an invisible scroll top right on the screen (does that make sense?)
Anyhoo, I then installed the superb Touch-it4.5...the version of opera in it is truely awesome! The juddering was gone, silky smooth and had a zoom button bottom left which worked even better than the version I was using...but...the hardware keyboard didnt work (I noticed a few other people had the same issue and the fix was to install another version). When going back, its all juddery again...did anybody get a fix for that version? What version does everybody else use as there are so many floating about.
Also, a little of topic but I was reading about a version of Opera (only on the symbian os so far?) that when you are presented with a bunch of buttons or text boxes (say for example a login/pass box) you simply click on them and it enlarges the boxs to full screen automatically and makes it alot easier to put in usernames/passes etc.
Thanks in advance folks, maybe once we get a complete fool proof guide we could stick the findings into the x1 tweaks, apps and panels thread!
fracmo2000 said:
did anybody get a fix for that version? What version does everybody else use as there are so many floating about.
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Unfortunately the working and non-working items are all within the Opera9.exe itself:
1. Vibration
2. Scroll with optical pad
3. Zoom with volume buttons
4. HW keyboard interaction.
5. PushInternet support
So there's very little chance of a "perfect" Opera version. I use 15991 with Zoom enabled on a PI enabled ROM or 15696 on a non-PI ROM.
You could try and switch on "Smooth Scrolling" in opera:config and see if that helps with the judderiness...
You should wait for 9.7 to be released
I had the exact same issue.
I downloaded Opera 9.5 BETA and it works a charm. The UI is slightly different (colours) to the one installed with 4.5 Touch-IT ROM but it works perfectly for me.
The only issue is that I have to launch it as a seperate program from my start menu. I cannot seem to make it my default browser (I have no idea how to do that!) and how to get the Internet tab "launch browser" to launch Opera 9.5 and not the standard Opera.
Also if you run the standard Opera installed with 4.5 Touch-IT ROM, close it and then try to run Opera 9.5 BETA, it only loads the standard Opera, not 9.5.
I have to turn my phone off and back on to solve this and start using 9.5 from my start menu.
Long winded but its how I cope..
Opera 9.5 b2 with Gears
I use the gears version now.
I had so many problems with logging into sites with the version that ships with the phone that I gave up. The stock version only plays lip-service to being able to use flash anyway so I don't feel I'm losing out.
Also, the caching and navigation to previous pages is way faster in the gears version of the browser. Occasionally it slows down and thinks about things for a little while, and it forcing back to the default keyboard every time you try to enter stuff into a text-box, but its a beta after all so what do you expect?!
Obviously the gears version doesn't have flash support but I can't say I've missed that, since the stock version wasn't that hot anyway ;o)
nkhangura said:
The only issue is that I have to launch it as a seperate program from my start menu. I cannot seem to make it my default browser (I have no idea how to do that!) and how to get the Internet tab "launch browser" to launch Opera 9.5 and not the standard Opera.
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If you paste the Opera9.exe, OperaL.exe and setup.dll files in to \Windows Manila will launch whatever version is there - for the second point II think the Manila files need ameding - haven't loooked yet though.

New Skyfire 1.5 released

Just wanted to give folks a heads up that new skyfire was released and it finally supports higher resolution. Before I would hedge between skyfire and Opera/IE due to the resolution issues but preferring the speed and support for Flash, etc...now this will eliminate a decision as I believe I'll be using skyfire 100% of the time.
More finger friendly menus were added to. Surprises me after all these yrs MS has not been able to make many improvements to IE Mobile.
On a side note it sounds like Mobile Mozilla browser for WM should be available early 2010. Its initially targeted at Nokia phone with snapdragon processor but will than move to other platforms
Just thought some might be interested in the update for skyfire.
been using it all morning. Very much improved. Especially like the fact it supports higher res phones now.
Sorry for double post
One thing I noticed is it seems to use a lot more RAM...not thrilled about that. Maybe they can address this in a quick update. Anyone else experiencing significant ram usage by the new skyfire?
do you have the cab
1milenia said:
do you have the cab
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Since you asked so very nicely.. lol.. From my download to my device just now..
Thanks for the head's up. I've been hoping for this update for a while now.
It does look good. I'll probably still use Opera for most things though, and this for video.
Yeah thanks for the update, made it my default and overall I love it. Only thing that Opera 10 does better is the rendering, you know the checkerboard pattern that comes up when you scroll around. Opera renders it faster than Skyfire but with that improved I would have no issues with it.
Oh yeah that and no option for default full screen mode. You can switch to it but once you use the menu you have to select fullscreen again
I tried it but the opera that came with the TP2 is better.. The new version STILL doesnt rotate right UNLESS you open the keyboard and it still doesnt use the zoom bar
dahauss said:
I tried it but the opera that came with the TP2 is better.. The new version STILL doesnt rotate right UNLESS you open the keyboard and it still doesnt use the zoom bar
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Opera 10 couldn't uisefully use the zoom bar anyway. Version 9.5 allows variable degrees of zoom, but version 10 only has two levels - zoomed in, and zoomed out. There's nothing in between. So enabling the zoom bar wouldn't actually help.
If you're having problems with the rotation then just use G-Config.
dahauss said:
I tried it but the opera that came with the TP2 is better.. The new version STILL doesnt rotate right UNLESS you open the keyboard and it still doesnt use the zoom bar
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Once installed whether to storage or main, just do a soft rsest and it should auto rotate.
I am still messing around with it. I dont know if I should go ahead and make my default yet. The rendering speed is slower than the stocked Opera but I much favor the built in flash for web videos.
Loved skyfire from day 1, loving it more now that it supports better resolution. Rendering not as good as Opera, but that's expected for now, built-in flash works great still, but that's the advantage of cloud rendering. Typing works much smoother, wait time between skyfire sending data to server then back to your phone is much better. As far as mem usage goes, I think what they did with 1.5 is move some of the operations to your phone. Before with skyfire it was exclusively being processed on their servers. I think now things like putting in username and passwords are handled by the phone and sent in one swoop vs having to wait after you put in username, then wait after password and such. Also I've noticed that you can easily move from one field to the next. You used to have to re-tap each blank field, now it automatically moves the cursor and you can start filling it in immediately. Definitely a better browser. Maybe number one if they add tabs. I haven't made it default because of that. Unfortunately I'm out of the US so further testing isn't possible at the moment, but once I'm back I'll look at it more. So far the big face of is Opera tabs vs Skyfire built in flash.
Much, much more faster than Opera or IE. Of course the pages don't look as good but they're still good.
This new release inspired me to install Skyfire again -- I hadn't been including it in my "UC" configuration, so hadn't used it in a while as I flash new custom roms.
For me, the great advantage of Skyfire is how well it handles embedded video (and similar content) that other browsers don't handle well or at all. I stream live .wmv video from my backyard-birdfeeder-cam, and even PIE doesn't support this MS-format video -- but Skyfire does.
how can i set skyfire to be my default web browser from the Manilla interface?
eboy44 said:
how can i set skyfire to be my default web browser from the Manilla interface?
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What ROM and Manila version do you have?
I have the official 6.5 upgrade for US T-Mobile (Timor version) and it opens Skyfire automatically from the internet tab after using Skyfire's setting to make it default.
There is a Manila file you can edit that will change all the internet tab settings for the T-Mobile stock Manila version I know, because that was how I edited it then.
So I guess it depends on what you're running.
I was having a play with Skyfire 1.5 yestersday. I found it played the video component of Flash videos correctly, but that there's no sound! Has anyone else encountered and fixed this? I'm running the standard HTC version of the WM6.5 ROM.
Showtime7 said:
What ROM and Manila version do you have?
I have the official 6.5 upgrade for US T-Mobile (Timor version) and it opens Skyfire automatically from the internet tab after using Skyfire's setting to make it default.
There is a Manila file you can edit that will change all the internet tab settings for the T-Mobile stock Manila version I know, because that was how I edited it then.
So I guess it depends on what you're running.
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the rom i have is the deepshining rom...nevermind i went and reset it to be the default and it just worked...thanks anyways
Shasarak said:
I was having a play with Skyfire 1.5 yestersday. I found it played the video component of Flash videos correctly, but that there's no sound! Has anyone else encountered and fixed this? I'm running the standard HTC version of the WM6.5 ROM.
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Try soft reset and re-launch, that worked for me.
I use Skyfire in Poland but every search results is showing in Netherlands Google
Shasarak said:
I was having a play with Skyfire 1.5 yestersday. I found it played the video component of Flash videos correctly, but that there's no sound! Has anyone else encountered and fixed this? I'm running the standard HTC version of the WM6.5 ROM.
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It might also help to know which site's flash videos gave you the issue. Not all implementations are created equal.
I notice, on a sort of related note, that on thewb.com, sometimes the video and audio get out of sync. I'm not sure if this is a general skyfire thing or not, but I've always found thewb's flash player to be a little quirky, so I plan to test some other sites this weekend.
maggreg said:
I use Skyfire in Poland but every search results is showing in Netherlands Google
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Skyfire has a server side and a client side--the browser itself doesn't actually support flash, the server grabs the content, converts it to something skyfire client friendly, and then transmits it to you. Google might be detecting where your skyfire server is instead of where you are.

Latest SkyFire any good ???

Anybody have any experience with latest ver of Skyfire browser in HD2 yet?
How does it compare to Opera?
1.5? used it for a bit.
its generally good.
lags a bit when trying to navigate though.
I use it for Flash only, like for watching Freeview on TVCatchup or, everynow and then, YouTube.
I think the quality of the webpages produced is poor, it's like they are hazey, not clear and crisp like Opera is, however I like the main page which has a Skyfire home page and a bookmark and history page.
I have 4 browers installed on my HD2, two versions of Opera, 9.7 and the new Opera 10 beta, Skyfire and Internet Explorer, and I use them in that order. 99% of my web browsing is done on Opera 9.7, you can't beat it.
SAman1 said:
Anybody have any experience with latest ver of Skyfire browser in HD2 yet?
How does it compare to Opera?
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For general browsing it's rather sluggish. In particular, every time to cklick a checkbox or radio-button it has to do a round-trip to the server, so filling in a survey is a nightmare. But it scores highly for compatibility - just about any page is rendered correctly, much more often than is the case for Opera. It also handles Flash and Silverlight very nicely.
Kalavere said:
I use it for Flash only, like for watching Freeview on TVCatchup or, everynow and then, YouTube.
I think the quality of the webpages produced is poor, it's like they are hazey, not clear and crisp like Opera is, however I like the main page which has a Skyfire home page and a bookmark and history page.
I have 4 browers installed on my HD2, two versions of Opera, 9.7 and the new Opera 10 beta, Skyfire and Internet Explorer, and I use them in that order. 99% of my web browsing is done on Opera 9.7, you can't beat it.
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How can you watch Freeview on the HD2?
steveianson said:
How can you watch Freeview on the HD2?
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pretty good quality too!
Thanks for your responses guys. I read about it on another site where people were raving about how much faster the latest version made their internet experience and how the user interface had been improved, so i figured maybe it's a good alternative to Opera, but judging from the general consensus here I think I'll just give it pass. Especially since I don't really have a problem with the pre-installed ver of Opera.
you could always try it out yourself...
would be good to get a HD2 specific version, i think the bad text/page rendering has something to do with the massive resolution of the HD2. Some pages I have problems getting the keyboard out, any tips?
Sucks that Adobe said they were going to support flash for 6.5x then changed their mind for WM7
lepszy said:
you could always try it out yourself...
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I took your advice and did just that. It sucks! Poor resolution and very slow, no match for Opera.
BTW How do I check what version of Opera I have?
paulking said:
pretty good quality too!
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Yep, that's the one.
SAman1 said:
I took your advice and did just that. It sucks! Poor resolution and very slow, no match for Opera.
BTW How do I check what version of Opera I have?
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open opera >menu>help>about>version on the top
SkyFire is no doubt a good browser. It has full flash support, and is meant to be the fastest web browser for WinMo! However, it is laggy when it comes to navigation ie scrolling up and down the website, and once certain Opera tweaks are applied (and Wifi N enabled) NOTHING beats it! Especially Opera 9.7. The downside of Opera is that it has lack of Flash support
But it's 100% smooth, and in my opinion a much more User-friendly and a lot more suitable for casual, usual day-to-day web browsing
skyfire is my default browser on my HD2, thoroughly recommend it.
it doesn't have and pinch to zoom function but the double tap works perfectly also it is the only browser with FULL flash 10 desktop support, pages look amazing.
only other nag is that there is no multiply tab support.
azahoth said:
open opera >menu>help>about>version on the top
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I already tried that, but help brings up a page with 2 icons to choose from either desktop or mobile. Selecting mobile takes me to a page to select my phone and language, but HTC is not even listed ???
I'm using OS ver 5.2.21869, Official Rom 1.66.707.1 (76641) WWE 01/12/2010.
YauMannn said:
skyfire is my default browser on my HD2, thoroughly recommend it.
it doesn't have and pinch to zoom function but the double tap works perfectly also it is the only browser with FULL flash 10 desktop support, pages look amazing.
only other nag is that there is no multiply tab support.
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Si it lacks gestures & no multiple tabs. ....but, how do you get the pages to look good? I Agree Opera beats it in every respect including the failings already mentioned.
Kalavere said:
Yep, that's the one.
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I can't sign up to it because it seems to be for the UK only, does anyone know such a site for the rest of the world (or the Netherlands)?

opera mobile 10 - final and FREE :)

why it is so quiet in here about it?? this browser simply rox, even flash works. (tried youtube and few others)
after some trial I gave it, stock opera went to mobile heaven (deleted opera9 folder in windows, rest of the files seem to be in rom) and this is my main browser now. works great on hd2 - who needs skyfire anymore??
bronx said:
why it is so quiet in here about it?? this browser simply rox, even flash works. (tried youtube and few others)
after some trial I gave it, stock opera went to mobile heaven (deleted opera9 folder in windows, rest of the files seem to be in rom) and this is my main browser now. works great on hd2 - who needs skyfire anymore??
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Many thanks for the heads up mate, will download now
Will also link this thread over in the Themes and Apps section
yeah its cool....but theres still no pinch to zoom built in as there was in 9.7.
Thank you!
I will download it as soon as I get home. It is indeed the final version, they have a press release about it.
Anybody here that could already tell me if it supports:
flash (what version, I amuse it is not 10.1, and does it finally work well?)
landscape - yes
multitouch - no (I am not sure if it's needed anymore, touch recognition seems to be working MUCH better, hence two levels of zoom should be enough)
flash - YES, dunno what version though... youtube works w/o any probs, so do flash ads, so I guess it's ok for a mobile device )
PaulyDuk said:
Many thanks for the heads up mate, will download now
Will also link this thread over in the Themes and Apps section
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no worries mate. I just though it's a big news, so that's why I posted in here. other thing is, that this app is not hd2 specific, so...
put it on, don't know if I prefer it to Opera Mini I was using before...
EDIT: Rubbish compared to Opera Mini - taken off
bronx said:
landscape - yes
multitouch - no (I am not sure if it's needed anymore, touch recognition seems to be working MUCH better, hence two levels of zoom should be enough)
flash - YES, dunno what version though... youtube works w/o any probs, so do flash ads, so I guess it's ok for a mobile device )
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Ok, sounds good. Might be the first time I replace my default browser
I really like it having used the betas but really missing multi-touch tbh. I've gone back to 9.7 for the moment.
So you can try this new opera next to the stock opera without problems?
I adopted Opera 10 beta after I "got used to it". I loved pinch-to-zoom in 9.7 and was convinced that I'd never get into 10 because of that, but I love the zoom-in and zoom-out that Opera 10 does. I do, however, HATE the way that they've solved the text reflow issue by having a setting for the zoom ratio, and just flowing blocks of text to that size. It's a pretty lame way to get round a genuine issue. Anyway, I'm still gonna big-up Opera 10 because it's just fast and smooth, especially when you change the user agent so that you stop getting annoying mobile sites.
Opera 10 FTW
What I don't like about it, though, is the display of pictures. Opera Mini shows things as they should be - doesn't zoom in as much. Now it could just be the settings it's used as default but Opera Mini seems to run quicker IMO
johncmolyneux said:
I adopted Opera 10 beta after I "got used to it". I loved pinch-to-zoom in 9.7 and was convinced that I'd never get into 10 because of that, but I love the zoom-in and zoom-out that Opera 10 does. I do, however, HATE the way that they've solved the text reflow issue by having a setting for the zoom ratio, and just flowing blocks of text to that size. It's a pretty lame way to get round a genuine issue. Anyway, I'm still gonna big-up Opera 10 because it's just fast and smooth, especially when you change the user agent so that you stop getting annoying mobile sites.
Opera 10 FTW
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what do you mean by that mate..?
donwhann said:
what do you mean by that mate..?
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Go into Opera and set the address to opera:config to open the preferences editor. Scroll down to "User Agent", open it up and change the value to 2. Then click save and restart Opera.
I'm not gonna guarantee that 100% of sites will now be desktop versions, but all the ones I've seen so far have been, that were previously dummed-down mobile versions. (iGoogle in particular!)
Lol - sod's law! I just found one that still renders as a mobile site. Grrrrr!
prefer mobile sites personally - screen is too small to show sites in normal mode (this site in particular)
EddyOS said:
prefer mobile sites personally - screen is too small to show sites in normal mode (this site in particular)
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With other browsers I'd tend to agree, but with this version of Opera I have to disagree. I know I *****ed about the text reflow, but it does make pages a lot more readable, and works very well with a text-heavy site like this.
are You serious??? I always browse this forum and all the other sites in normal mode. in landscape I usualy zoom only to click a proper link, other then that I have no problems.
johncmolyneux said:
Go into Opera and set the address to opera:config to open the preferences editor. Scroll down to "User Agent", open it up and change the value to 2. Then click save and restart Opera.
I'm not gonna guarantee that 100% of sites will now be desktop versions, but all the ones I've seen so far have been, that were previously dummed-down mobile versions. (iGoogle in particular!)
Lol - sod's law! I just found one that still renders as a mobile site. Grrrrr!
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lol,typical.....ill try your settings though,cheers.
It's very nice IMHO but the "visual bookmarks" in Sense (orig. 1.66GER Stock ROM) dont's work anymore. The image stays blank. Anybody knows a workaround?
Cendaryn said:
It's very nice IMHO but the "visual bookmarks" in Sense (orig. 1.66GER Stock ROM) dont's work anymore. The image stays blank. Anybody knows a workaround?
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This prompted me to get rid of the internet tab and put Opera on my home tab as a quicklink. Not a solution, of course, but an alternative. With the start page in Opera 10, you don't need the bookmarks on the internet tab.

[Q] Opera Mobile 10 For TP2?

So I downloaded the latest version of Opera Mobile (10) from Opera's website but I've noticed now that it is not compatible with the zoom slider on the bottom; it does not give you the option to minimize when you click on exit like 9.7 does; and it always uses the whole screen so it's slightly harder to multitask.
Is there a TP2-specific version that retains all the previous compatible features of 9.7?
I just installed Opera 10 on mine last night.... and I uninstalled it within 15 minutes of use. Opera 9.7 native to the rom is slow and buggy. PIE functions far better IMO. However, Mini is still the first go-to browser for me. It just flat works and is fast. I still keep PIE as the default browser, and use Skyfire for when I need to view desktop version of sites. So I rotate between those three depending on what site I need to view.
Hmm ok thanks for the input. I installed Mini the other day but it looked and seemed to perform exactly the same as Mobile 10 so I uninstalled it (didn't see the point of having both installed). Maybe I'll give it another chance. I used Skyfire on my Titan but haven't tried the latest versions on this phone yet so I'll give it a try.
PIE seems to run really slow for me.
unL33T said:
Hmm ok thanks for the input. I installed Mini the other day but it looked and seemed to perform exactly the same as Mobile 10 so I uninstalled it (didn't see the point of having both installed). Maybe I'll give it another chance. I used Skyfire on my Titan but haven't tried the latest versions on this phone yet so I'll give it a try.
PIE seems to run really slow for me.
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Yes PIE is slow, and it sure looks a whole lot like Opera 9.7 IMO. But it does function better for some sites. For example, if I'm on Youtube's site, PIE will open up the video links in Steaming media, Opera Mini will not. But Mini flys through most wap/mobile sites, and that is why I use it 75% of the time. Skyfire can be slow too, but it will open up a site like a desktop... for the most part.
Opera 10 from what I can tell, is a bloated version of Opera Mini.
I too tried Opera 10 a while back and got rid of it quickly - however, I have come back to 10 and have learnt to live without the zoombar, since it is faster and takes up less RAM I was finding Opera 9.7 would often quit, even if I wasn't trying to multitask, whereas 10 deosn't seem to, even if I hit the Windows hard key and open up emial or calendar etc.
Wow, 9.7 closes on you? I have yet to have an application close on this phone even when I have lots of stuff open. But I've been running mostly MightyROM since I got it.
Opera 10 only has 2 levels of "zoom". It does not have a scalable zoom, so there is no way to make it compatible with the zoom bar on the TP2.
redpoint73 said:
Opera 10 only has 2 levels of "zoom". It does not have a scalable zoom, so there is no way to make it compatible with the zoom bar on the TP2.
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Actually, O10 has 7 levels of "zoom" within the settings tab. OMini has "text size" for it's pseudo zoom.
Skyfire for tilt2
is skyfire working for anyone on their tilt2?? i loved skyfire when ti was workigmn but a month ago it quit due to the iphone introduction to skyfire. All i want to do is listen to my www.skysports.com/radio on the tilt but no luck lately. tried opera mini but no luck
I would like to ask to anyone who uses Opera10 or 9.7 on your TP2 : How in the world can you cope with the scrolling thing with this browser? I mean the scrolling is really sluggish - I move up with my fingers, the scrolling is delayed by some seconds, and when I tried to scroll left/right/down, the scrolling respond after some seconds and the page scrolls by itself in all directions since it remembers the movements made of my finger.
I find this browser sluggish and very difficult/annoying to use - how can you guys still be using Opera 9.7/10?
I have never had those problems with Opera 10 on my (T-Mobile) TP2 running WM 6.5. It works fine for me.
Telyx said:
I have never had those problems with Opera 10 on my (T-Mobile) TP2 running WM 6.5. It works fine for me.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Are you sure the scrolling is smooth with Opera10? I've tried on 2 tp2 and the results are the same. I think it's called ghosting. The finger scrolling lags and is a pain to browse the whole page.
Opera 10 working fine
I too had experienced some issues with the early builds of Opera 10 both beta and finals, but I have come back to it and use it a good 98% of the time when I want to surf the net on my phone. Seems that they may have fixed the issues with the lag from the early builds.
Then again, it just may be the ROM that I am using.
I don't know how you can think 9.7 is faster or better than 10!?!?! Simple one click zoom, fast page load times, speed dial on homepage. 10 is alot better, besides, if you want to minimize, just hit the end ket and go into task manager in upper right corner. There is also a TRULY final version on opera's website....it is very stable and smooth. I too had issues with the beta and switched to skyfire (mistake) but when the final came out, amazing.
I have a tip......its seems that whatsoever version of roms..the integrated Opera browser seems to be slow and not working well. So I removed it from my programs and downloaded Opera Mini 1. This browser is with in 2 sec on a website page. My advice?.....dont use the browser on the ROM ..it doesnt work well...
opera mini best
imm useing opera mini on my tilt 2 with no problems whatsoever. best web browzer that is compairable to a computer browzer iff u overclock urr device. iff there was a way to make the zoom bar compatible with opera mini even to just 1 or 2 zoom levels ide b happy.

