HD2 low WiFi reception - HD2 General

Is it normal that my hd2 has lower wifi reception than my laptop? I mean, my router is in the living room and i have 4 to 5 Bars of wifi signal on my laptop in the bedroom, but i have only one bar on my HD2! There are two walls(one room) between living room and bedroom? I've try'd it at my friends house with his laptop and his router, it's the same thing.
Is it normal the phone to have lower reception or may i try to flash a new radio?
I'm using stock ROM 1.48 with radio 2.05.
Thanks in advance!

doesn't anybody have this problem?

My HD2 gets slightly less reception bars than my
laptop in the same location. Could be the way the meters are calibrated, but more likely the larger antenna in the laptop. With wireless N enabled my internet speed tests seem about the same with two bars as with three. Almost same with N disabled.

I have a linksys WRT54GL router and the HD2 gets low signal strength. Only about 7m away from the router and behind one wall. So I am not sure what is up. The router also has 7db antenna attached.
Laptops get much better signal strength. Not sure what the issue is.

A phone doesn't have the same amount of Power as a laptop nor the Antennas Range ... On my Laptop i get several WiFi Signals while on my HD2 I only get two... In the Same location

Could be that you need the wireless N enabled on your phone use the search option

Thanks for the tip about the wireless N enabled on the phone.
I understand that laptops have higher powered antennas. But even if I place the phone right next to the router it will not get 100% signal strength. It will go to maybe 50-60% tops. This is with the phone right next to the router.
Maybe a radio upgrade etc might be on order.
Will try the N enabled feature 1st, even though I use a G router.

try to remove the battery cover. See this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=785907

antenna in your laptop will be much bigger and better located than the one in your phone

with a WRT54GL Router The Wireless-N Option will have no effect.
Your router only supports Wireless-G


can i use with a 802.11N router

hi all i have read that the htc hd2 with a reg edit can run wireless N but is this true, can i use with with a 802.11N router, or will it only work with a 802.11G router,
i need to know as i plan to buy a long range router for work so i can stream DI.FM radio to my htc from my pc and the distance is around 50meter so i want to buy the bets possible router so i can listen to the radio glitch free
info on work network:-
1) 6mb speed via a cable
2) approx 50meters from where i walk / work
It might work at 802.11N standard, but unless your broadband speed is greater than 54Mbs then you'll have nothing to gain. Your router should be backwards compatible to allow 802.11G connection which the HD2 definitely supports, this should be good for speeds up to 54Mbs dependant upon your connection quality.
You'd still get the benefit of greater range, which would in turn mean you'd get a stronger connection. Even a really strong wifi connection on my PS3 only gives me about 700KB/s, despite being on a 20Mb connection (which I can use fully on my wired PC).
I do think, however, that 50m is somewhat optimistic, despite the claims of how good the signal should be (I believe it claims to do 250m outdoors!)
I'd love to try this myself, but don't have a wireless-N router, so can't. I'd be very interested to hear how you get on with this.
Works with ~700kb/s*
I was sending data between laptop and phone with wifi only.
well im going to take my THOMSON TG585v7 i have for my home internet to work i got it with my bethere internet, for free of the provider so im going to try it and see what i get with this,
i have no idea how good this router is though
it says Typical Indoor coverage: 60m
î use a BELKIN N1 http://www.belkin.com/pressroom/releases/uploads/07_11_07N1Vision.html
and my HD2 has no problems connecting
webjunky said:
î use a BELKIN N1 http://www.belkin.com/pressroom/releases/uploads/07_11_07N1Vision.html
and my HD2 has no problems connecting
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how far indoors do you get a signal
router is downstairs and even when i'm upstairs i still get signal
Same. Got a Linksys WRT610N. With N-band enabled, not only is the signal strength better, but surfing the net and leeching YouTube vids just flies even though the Internet connection itself is only 12Mbps.
ok all ive decided to buy this for my work to send a N signal to my phone
my broadband speed is only 6mb at work but i just need the range so i hope this will get me at least 50meters walking distance lol.
Seems to only have 2 (small) antenna's though.
My Asus WL500W has 3 antenna's and has a great signal; whole house and garden covered.
Running DD-WRT this beauty does it's job very well.
You could, if the signal is not strong enough or has to get through walls, consider getting a directional antenna to hook up to your router.
This will greatly increase the range.

Is this a normal iconia wifi signal?

Yay so I'm really happy about the iconia so far. The whole no acees to SD card through computer while connected to the computer will take some getting used to, but its the wifi that'll probably get this sent back. It's really bad. I've reset the connection half a dozen times since last night because it keeps hangin and can only downloads app when in the same room with the router.
Now the issue is that I'm laying beside the router now and getting 2 bars. If I sit up I get 3 bars. Yippee. The signal in the bedroom, on the first floor, get maybe 1 bar and I can't stream or download anything in there. I never get a great wifi signal in there', but its between 2 and 3 bars on my phone and netbook,. I wondered if there might be some interference so brought up the handy wifi analyzer and found 4 other wifi signals all on the first channel, so now my router is on channel 11. It didn't help any :-\
So if I exchange it, will the new unit possibly be an improvement? Is this just the way it is?
I noticed that the connection quality drops sharply the further away you are, but atleast on my tablet it still doesn't drop as sharply as in your case. I have the router here in living room and I get 65Mbps, everything works fine. Then if I move to bedroom or kitchen it drops to something around 20Mbps, yet it still works just fine.
What type of router do you use.I have a newer netgear with no issues my router is in the basement at front of house almost under the front porch.concrete ceiling above it. I can go out to my back yard approximately 200 feet and still get 1 bar and OK speed.I do notice. That the indicator bars do not exactly deplict your signal strength.
I also know there is a issue with some routers and the network card in this device I read in a thread long back.you have to turn off n or g feature I think it was.but do firmware update on router as well might help.not all routers are created equally Linksys sucks in my book. Lately
I can also see neighbors wifi signal but 1 bar they are 500 feet. Prob could not connect thou
Wish you lots of luck
You could have a faulty Wi-Fi antenna ...
More likely, you are using a cheap router or a router with out of date firmware. Have you checked to make sure you have kept your router up to date with the latest firmware?
Also, have you tested this with other routers? If a multitude of routers show the same issue - you likely have a hardware problem with the a500 - if only your router shows this problem, then likely it is a problem with your local router.
a different unit MAY help, but I would try friends routers n such. My router blows but I can still stream Netflix no problem all the way across the house. I can't even do that on my laptop which has a beastly card. +1 for updating your router and device though, that might help.
Thanks for the replies. I have an old Motorola sbg900. I think I bought it 2 years ago. I have noticed that the iconia doesn't see as many networks as my phone does and the speedtest results are interesting. I left everything default in the app. By the router, I get 9 mb/s with the iconia vs 7 mb/s with the phone. In the bedroom, I get. .8 mb/s on the iconia and almost 6 mb/s on the phone. That is a huge drop and gap :'( I'll look up updating the router. I've never had connection problems before and we have 2 desktops upstairs plus both me and my roommates phones and both laptops and the wii and xbox. I just hope I can get some signal improvements on this nifty device.
sounds like firmware or...
I would find a friend with a different type of wifi router and test your connection with it. That way you get a pretty good indication of if you have a issue with your router or an issue with your Iconia.
Bother, my work wifi allows me to connect, but doesn't allow me to do anything with the connection. I am connected, but cannot do a speedtest. Relying only on bars the phone gets all 4 while the iconia gets only 3. The iconia also only sees 3 of the wifi signals in the building while my phone picks up 7 plus an open adhoc network. I know, it's time to visit with some friends so I can do a second test or maybe this is an excuse to go out for lunch today
ETA: At McDonalds, both devices had 3 bars and identical download and upload speeds. I've gone ahead and ordered a cheap $20 wireless n router to see if that improves things. It should arrive tomorrow, but since it's coming via UPS, it may not arrive until Monday.

Wifi observations...

so i've been getting wifi drops for a while now...never really tested until last night. Seems, around 15 yards from my router, though a wall or two granted....I only get 1-2 bars of signal. In this 1-2 range, (my couch), it will drop the wifi signal approximately every 15-20 seconds....stay unconnected for 1 second and then reconnect. If I get closer to the router though, no drops. I don't understand why the tab can't hold a low signal for wireless consistently.
sincerity said:
so i've been getting wifi drops for a while now...never really tested until last night. Seems, around 15 yards from my router, though a wall or two granted....I only get 1-2 bars of signal. In this 1-2 range, (my couch), it will drop the wifi signal approximately every 15-20 seconds....stay unconnected for 1 second and then reconnect. If I get closer to the router though, no drops. I don't understand why the tab can't hold a low signal for wireless consistently.
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I was having this same issue. What fixed everything up for me was setting my router to use Long Preamble. A500 & HP Netbook stay connected now.
Give that a shot. Good luck!
I believe there aare issues with some routers.or maybe settions some have on there routers.I have a 40.00 netgear b/g/n .router its located in my basement back at the end of the hall kinda under the kitchen.I can go out back about 20 yards from the house and still have 1-2 bars
Also my Iconia will see several neighbors routers and the house are all in the center of double size lots.the one signal I pick up with two bars I know is in the house across the street.
My router security is simple I have dhcp on.but secure by Mac address.this could be a solution.set this then add each device in the Mac assess pannel in the router.bye the way this is the most secure.I.also.have broadcasting turned off.to get another computer to even see my router I have to log into the router from another computer.then give the new machine access.I use this due to open file sharing.
Good luck.
sincerity said:
so i've been getting wifi drops for a while now...never really tested until last night. Seems, around 15 yards from my router, though a wall or two granted....I only get 1-2 bars of signal. In this 1-2 range, (my couch), it will drop the wifi signal approximately every 15-20 seconds....stay unconnected for 1 second and then reconnect. If I get closer to the router though, no drops. I don't understand why the tab can't hold a low signal for wireless consistently.
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More to the point, you could be behind 1 wall and get a bad signal which might not have anything to do with the tablet. If you've got insulated walls that use a foil wrap, good night.
Plus 45feet, while not particularly far away, when you couple walls and electromagnetic interference + distant, those all add to the level of signal degradation. If you've *properly* taken into account all the variables, then [and only then] can you quantify the wifi capabilities of the tablet.
I'm not saying you didn't, I'm just throwing this into the discussion with my primary point being that short distance and few walls [generalizing] isn't equal to a devices capability to process a signal. (;
nice replies...thanks....I'll try the long preamble...not sure what that is will have to research. And yea gamma, that is definitely true about the different kinds of walls etc. I can use my thunderbolt's wifi perfectly from anywhere in the house and actually out of the house at my daughters swingset which is a good 75 yards away. Apples and oranges I know....but i've never had wifi signal problems in this house otherwise except for the iconia. I am fairly sure it's a conflict with the router and the tab of some sort
It all depends on the device radio and router combination. I have an ASUS WAP that doesn't play well with Atheros brand radios. Switched my laptop to an Intel WiFi radio and away went my connection issues. Both my Motorola Atrix and my Acer Iconia have the same range/connection speed, no problems with dropped connection that I've found. Take it to my parents house with a Linksys WAP and problems galore.

Badly need of help: wi-fi issues - bad signal, droping connection

I have huge issues on my TF with Wi-Fi, I am really despaired with it. Signal strength is weak even if I am standing very close to my router - on default wi-fi icon it shows 2 sections of 3 and Wi-Fi Analyzer says signal is -55db. Few steps away it drops to -63db. And If i decide to go to another room signal stays around -66db and connection drops in and out like hell, sometimes it just can't connect at all for minute or so.
First thing I was thinking it's my router transmitter is week - it was abit old, but I never heard problems with it before. So I bought new router 300mbs N router with 3 antennas and very good signal. This not helped at all. Signal strength shown by Wi-Fi Analyzer remains pretty same with all other problems.
I've tried various wireless settings - b/g/n only, various channels, security on/off etc, I've tried various ROMs - not much difference. I am beginning to think there's some hardware malfunction on my TF but still hoping I missed something. May it be that TF is performing badly with this exact router? My Nokia Symbian phone shows excellent signal strength overall whole flat and I don't have any disconnects sitting in farthest corner.
Any advise welcome. Thanks
i have a Samsung galaxy tablet (the original). using wifi analyzer, the transformer consistently has a 10 dBm lower signal level than the galaxy.
I hadn't compared the signal level with my Incredible, but looking at it side by side also shows the 10 dBm lower signal...
Please do a search for wifi issues.loads of threads have covered this topic before

Note 2 not automatically switching to stronger WIFI signal?

Ok this may be kind of a long post but I'll first address what I think is the issue.
My note 2 doesn't appear to be automatically switching to stronger available wifi signals unless I manually toggle the wifi off then back on again. It will then connect to the stronger signal.
The reason why this has become an issue is because I bought a Diamond WR300n wifi range extender. I'm using it as a reapter. I want to have better wifi signal in my garage where I spend a lot of time. My current wifi signal drops off pretty much near the garage when using my phone. My laptop still gets decent wifi reception when I'm in the garage though.
I went through the fairly basic setup for the extender and got it working. I confirmed this by plugging in the ethernet port from the extender directly to my laptop and its receiving a signal just fine, browsing the internet etc.
So i put this extender in my garage, it connected normally and I confirmed it was working using my laptop again. Everything appeared to be working fine. The extender has the same SSID as my main wireless router (uverse 78wireblahblah).
The issue is when I'm inside my house I'm connected to the main wireless router because this is obviously the strongest signal. When I walk out of my house the signal diminishes as I approach my garage. I can walk into my garage and my wifi signal is pretty much gone even though there is this repeater putting out a working wifi signal with the same SSID as my main router.
Weird right, one would think it would automatically switch and connect to the repeater in the garage, but it doesn't.
Now if I manually turn off wifi and turn it back on while in the garage, bam, very strong signal and I'm connected. There really is two issues though, 1. my note 2 is not automatically switching over to the stronger signal (both the repeater and main wireless router have the same SSID) in the garage and 2. sometimes it connects to that stronger signal in the garage from the repeater (only after i manually toggle wifi off and on) but the internet doesn't work. I'm actually connected to my network because I can access my "Yamaha receiver app" that lets me turn up volume etc on my receiver but I don't have internet access etc. This is usually the case but after awhile it just seems to start working and I have full internet access.
I know this is only semi phone related but I figured since alot of guys on here are very savvy with this tech stuff, maybe someone could help.
1. why won't my note 2 automatically switch over to that stronger wifi signal which should be the same in the garage.
2. why does it sometimes only connect to the network but doesn't allow outside internet access.
Should I try the "wifi jumper" app that supposedly auto switches to best wifi signal (i thought our phones do this anyways)?
Not sure if this is the right place to post this so please move if need be =)
Stay on what Samsung preset.
Basically I owned a nexus s, it does have automatically jump to higher signal router or access point in android 4.1+.
So basically the WiFi just jumping from my router to access point and from access point to router and I ended up getting no WiFi signal. I have to switch off my access point (extender) to get my WiFi working again...
And note 2 won't give me this problem.
Accidentally sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2
If you'd ask me, just buy wifi jumper, you won't regret it!
It works perfectly fine with my 4 routers, all with different SSID. It's nice to have the best signal available wherever you are in the house. Wifi jumper gives me the best results I have had since trying a few different apps like it. The owner just finished rewriting the code for connecting to different routers with same SSID, so it should be the perfect solution in your situation!
And no, I'm not affiliated with it in any way, just a happy user :thumbup:
Edit: oops, old thread
thegipper said:
Ok this may be kind of a long post but I'll first address what I think is the issue.
My note 2 doesn't appear to be automatically switching to stronger available wifi signals unless I manually toggle the wifi off then back on again. It will then connect to the stronger signal.
The reason why this has become an issue is because I bought a Diamond WR300n wifi range extender. I'm using it as a reapter. I want to have better wifi signal in my garage where I spend a lot of time. My current wifi signal drops off pretty much near the garage when using my phone. My laptop still gets decent wifi reception when I'm in the garage though.
I went through the fairly basic setup for the extender and got it working. I confirmed this by plugging in the ethernet port from the extender directly to my laptop and its receiving a signal just fine, browsing the internet etc.
So i put this extender in my garage, it connected normally and I confirmed it was working using my laptop again. Everything appeared to be working fine. The extender has the same SSID as my main wireless router (uverse 78wireblahblah).
The issue is when I'm inside my house I'm connected to the main wireless router because this is obviously the strongest signal. When I walk out of my house the signal diminishes as I approach my garage. I can walk into my garage and my wifi signal is pretty much gone even though there is this repeater putting out a working wifi signal with the same SSID as my main router.
Weird right, one would think it would automatically switch and connect to the repeater in the garage, but it doesn't.
Now if I manually turn off wifi and turn it back on while in the garage, bam, very strong signal and I'm connected. There really is two issues though, 1. my note 2 is not automatically switching over to the stronger signal (both the repeater and main wireless router have the same SSID) in the garage and 2. sometimes it connects to that stronger signal in the garage from the repeater (only after i manually toggle wifi off and on) but the internet doesn't work. I'm actually connected to my network because I can access my "Yamaha receiver app" that lets me turn up volume etc on my receiver but I don't have internet access etc. This is usually the case but after awhile it just seems to start working and I have full internet access.
I know this is only semi phone related but I figured since alot of guys on here are very savvy with this tech stuff, maybe someone could help.
1. why won't my note 2 automatically switch over to that stronger wifi signal which should be the same in the garage.
2. why does it sometimes only connect to the network but doesn't allow outside internet access.
Should I try the "wifi jumper" app that supposedly auto switches to best wifi signal (i thought our phones do this anyways)?
Not sure if this is the right place to post this so please move if need be =)
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wifi jumper is a good idea
luega said:
wifi jumper is a good idea
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Yeah, Wifi Jumper is probably the way to go. In an ideal world, the WiFi stack would roam properly in all cases, but sometimes you're just not quite far enough for it to roam. This is even an issue with the PC also, but most manufacturers allow you to configure the roaming behavior of the driver to your tastes (max range or max speed).

