Incoming SMS - HD2 General

Anyone else has this or is it just me, when i receive a text message my phone freezes for 4-5 seconds and after that back to normal.

if im doing some thing i notice it hangs for a second but nowhere near that long.

I Agree
I noticed this issue more today than any other. I recently hard reset my phone, and thought that I needed to reapply some hotfixes, so I did. On the way home I will see if my music keeps cutting out during bandswitching and receipt of text messages.
Why just WinMo priotise so much resource to receive a poxy text?!? It doesnt need 1Ghz of power for such a basic communications protocol!

Mine freezes after clicking send. It freezes for like 10s and sometimes the message I send doesn't show under the message I received.


crash/freeze when receiving an SMS - intermittent

hi everyone.. i've had a problem that has been bugging me for quite some time now. it happens just once or twice a week, but it is still very annoying.
sometimes when i receive an SMS message on my trinity, nothing will happen, no alert, no screen light up, nothing.. and without me even knowing, my trinity has frozen. the green light still flashes, and i can try to ring the phone and it rings from the end i dial from.. but the phone does nothing, does not light up or make noise or vibrate. it's just stuck.. whenever this happens i have to soft reset, and when i do, i lose the text message that was received, and i am never able to read it.
i've pin-pointed it down to it only happening when i receive SMS messages, but even then it's only occassionally.. as i said, about once or twice a week.
has anyone else had this problem?
Did you use a third party soft like SMS notifier?
no i don't.. the only third party software i use is a tab control program to launch my applications from today screen, this has been happening since before i installed pretty much anything on the phone
really annoying bug

SMS problem

Hi, my Htc touch dual SOMETHIMES doesn't receve messeges. Like last night,I try to send a new messsage from another cellphone to mine but only light on display just turned on, nothing else, there was no new messege. How to fix this problem?
I get that sometimees...
Sometimes it does that on mine..
Either you;
1. Press the Button at the top of phone then light it up again, slide then go to SMS messaging.. it might work.
2. Or you didn't send your previous message - 'Your Message Cannot Be Sent' So if you press ok then messages start coming through cause you didn't close that part to recieve messages.
Hope it helps!

Screen doesn't turn on after new email.

1024 Leo, USA T-Mobile version.
It only happens with incoming email, SMS and calls are fine.
When I try to reproduce the problem, I simply have to wait for the phone to check for new mail. The the phone notifies me about new email. If I try to turn the screen on, it won't. The hard button lights up, indicating the phone is on but I can't interact with the screen. Resetting the phone via the red button is the only remedy.
If I act real fast when new mail comes, sometimes I'm able to start sliding to unlock but it still crashes. If I'm really fast I'm able to even get to the mail screen but it still crashes.
But the crash does not occur if I'm already using the phone when new email comes in. If I want to reproduce it, I have to leave the phone "alone", with the screen off. If the screen is on when the new mail comes in, the crash does not occur.
The problem started occurring with completely stock phone, the very first day, without making changes. As I cab tweaked the phone, (no ROM) the problem persists, it happens.
Because of this problem, when I wake up in the morning, I can't use my phone because the screen doesn't turn on and I have to restart the phone so I can use it. My mail send/receive interval is set for 4 hours so while I sleep the phone receives new email at least once.
I investigated similar problems for TP2 and Touch HD but it does not help.
I backed up everything on my phone so I'm ready to make changes if you have any advice. I checked for: changing the email ring tone, wake up on new email setting. They have no effect on this problem.
After this happens, I tried calling my phone. It will not ring, but the hard buttons light up but are unresponsive, I can't neither pick up nor reject the incoming call. I sent an SMS to the phone in this state, it didn't do anything.
Do you have knowledge that can help me? Is anyone willing to try to reproduce the problem on their phone?
All you would do is set any ring tone for incoming mail, leave the phone with the screen off and "wait" for new email to come in. Don't do anything for a minute and then check if the crash occurred.
Please help, I hate waking up to a crashed phone that I need to restart every time. Because of this problem, setting a wake up alarm is useless.
If you can't help with this, at least is there any way I can "force" the phone to restart without removing the battery cover?
Thank you.

My TEXT delay problem heLp!

hi guys
i have a slight issue with the hd2..for the first time i have been left frustated with the device due to the occasional freezes but i can live with that..Can i just add the battery life is also doing my head
my main problem, within the last week or so i have noticed that i am receiving text messages late ranging from 1 to 30 mins (obviously it shows the time sent on the sms) this is mainly when the phone is locked and when i press any button it will vibrate and notify me of the msg regardless if the phone is on vibrate or on normal sometimes if the phone is locked and i go to unlock it there be 3 or 4 text messages showing this is really annoying as you can imagine receiving a sms 30mins after it was sent
i believe it may be a handset fault as i am receiving the text but as soon i press any button it wakes the phone up and my sms appear what you think?
im running stock 1.72 uk tmobile , searched this forum there are a few threads whereby other users have experienced this but i could not find a solution? shall i call tmobile? have you experienced this? any ideas let me know ..thanks

text message freeze with iphone texts

Has anyone had this issues when u text someone with a I phone sometimes it freezes up and you have to close ur messaging app? Any fix for this issue?
i sort of have this problem. Whenever I send a text to an iPhone, my texts sit there for about 5 seconds doing nothing and then they finally send. This started happening with the latest update.

