A good multilingual dictionary (better with Russian to something) - Desire Themes and Apps

Hey guys,
I'm looking for a good German-English English-German dictionary app. Any ideas? If possible I'd like an offline dictionary. I've donwloaded Leo,but it uses internet connectivity,and while its very good,I'm looking for a dictionary that can function when I don't have the luxury of a data connection or when I'm near my data limit.
Any ideas guys? Thanks for ur help

Re: German Dictionary
Try QuickDic from market. It's free and offline. I like it a lot...

+1 for QuickDic. A very good app!

Re: German Dictionary
I've tried that. Don't quite understand how it works though?

Re: German Dictionary
I think colordict is free too just Download the german dict addon from the market
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ntc3freak said:
I've tried that. Don't quite understand how it works though?
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Start the app. In the 'Search Text' box (top left) type the word that you want translated.
2 boxes to the right is a switch for EN or DE. This shoud be set to EN if you want to type in English (for a German translation) or DE if you want to type in Deutsch (for an English translation).
Simples ...

I've found that there are almost no dictionaries with not only multilingual support, but even with no multi-dictionary support! SlovoEd from Paragon Software has tens of independent apps for any dictionary/language - that's very inconvenient to use. The same goest about Mobile Systems dictionaries. The best that they could do is Concise Oxford English Dictionary and Thesaurus - a miracle: two dictionaries in one!
In fact, what I need is Russian/English, Russian/German and English dictionaries, but I don't want to have 3 apps for that!
Why is there no ABBYY Lingvo... Or a dict that would accept .lsd files. ColorDict don't have any more Russian dics than English-Russian.
Do you know of any solutions to that?


Swedish newbie help!

I recently bought a Qtek s100 and have just tried it out... I don't know much about this kind of stuff, and now I've got a bunch of questions about settings abilities and upgrading etc.
I would really appreciate if someone could explain a few things for me.. since some of my question concern swedish settings and stuff, it would be great if someone from sweden would be that kind!
I would prefer to talk to someone over icq (55988176), but if you guys prefer I use the forum I'm okay with that...
My first questions:
Is it possible to write å,ä and ö while using the transcriber?
Is there any way to replace the english dictionary with a swedish one?
I'm also wondering about all the folders, what different folders used for? (it seems it's not a good idea to rename or delete certain folders)
Thanks for any help!
Swedish is possible if you pay for it, www.handit.se i think working on an program how let you write åäö. Here is from there homesite.
En ny version av Svenskt OS kommer under Q1 2005 som då även är kompatibel med Pocket PC 2003 SE (Second Edition) samt Pocket PC 2003 SE Phone Edition. De kunder som köper översättnings-licenser fr.o.m november 2004 kommer automatiskt att erhålla uppgraderingsmöjlighet till denna version.
SEK 745 kr "106$" for an translation so fuc...ing expensive, hope it will come on DC++.
Dont tuch any folder at all. It have to be left as it is.
mikli485 said:
My first questions:
Is it possible to write å,ä and ö while using the transcriber?
Is there any way to replace the english dictionary with a swedish one?
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In transcriber it doesn't seem to be possible. However, in "Letter recognizer" there is provision for such characters. However, from testing it myself, the only one which seems to work reliably is å. Do test it yourself - could just be that my handwriting is poor.
Phatware produces a transcriber replacement called Calligrapher 7.4, which DOES have provision for Scandinavian characters if you buy an add-in pack.
There is also this: http://www.zicorp.com/decumaalphabetic.htm
One the website where I found out about it, someonesaid it was superb in terms of recognizing scandinavian characters. However, the person also said that when they uninstalled the demo, it totally wrecked their OS install with regard to inputs. So be aware of that.
On www.smartphone.no there is some discussion of Scandinavian characters. There is a download there for a free Scandinavian keybaord to replace the one in your input options. But it is only keybaord input, it does not change the transcriber, still.
As for the user dictionary, I have been looking to find out if it is possible to change - or at least edit it - and nothing so far.
Please post here if you get more info......
So, no good news it seems... A way to edit the dictionary would be really great!
Anyone who can shortly describe the purpose of different folders? (would be nice to know)..
New questions:
First, there seems to be some kind of problem syncing the calendar with outlook xp... I've got my schedule in a vcalendar file which i import to outlook... everything seems ok in outlook, but when i sync it with my s100, every appointment is set as "all day event", and also the dates doesn't match (some appointments end up a day to late).. This is really annoying!
Second, is it possible to have different colors for different categories in the calendar, like in the calendar in symbian os?
Third, can I change the path to where pictures and videos from the camera are stored? I have set the camera to store on my storage card.. It creates a folder called something like 200502050001... I would rather store my pictures in a folder called Pictures...
You can get scandinavian character layout for the builtin keyboard for free from:
It has different layouts for Sweden, Denmark and Norway. Works like a charm!
Excellent. Now the keyboard is truly usable. I just wish Transcriber would work.
I was thinking about installing the German version to see whether it works sufficiently well for Swedish. Has anyone tried this?
LeSkip said:
Excellent. Now the keyboard is truly usable. I just wish Transcriber would work.
I was thinking about installing the German version to see whether it works sufficiently well for Swedish. Has anyone tried this?
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Calligrapher (which must have something in common with Transcriber, since the welcome screens are almost identical) has a swedish addon that works pretty well:
Calligrapher costs $30 and the Swedish addon around $15. It works quite well, but the recognition relies heavily on the Swedish dictionary, so since I write messages in Swedish 50% of the time and Finnish 50% of the time, I've noticed that almost all Swedish words are correctly recognized, but Finnish words with scandinavian characters are rarely correct. I've started using a normal soft keyboard instead, since I realized I will never ever be able to handwrite faster than I write with a keyboard.
I've had some ideas about developing a keyboard map resembling FITALY for Finnish and/or Swedish. Fitaly has been created by analyzing a LOT of English words and putting the most common characters close together and also the characters most likely to be written in pairs next to each other.
The map would be completely different for Finnish and Swedish though and there's a learning curve, trying to absorb a new layout after so many years of qwerty. If I have time I'll give it a shot.


I'm searching for a Translator Software which can translate hole sentences. For use at work or on holidays...
do someone know a Software like this...
speereo voice translator
merrica said:
speereo voice translator
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I tested thisone, but it isn't really good, and I don't want to pay over 30EUR for a software that isn't like I want...
Do you know an other one, may be free may be not... I'm looking for something where I can enter a text which will be translated. And I need it from German to: (Fench), English, Polish, (Ungarish) ... The both between brackets aren't really needed...
try SlovoED
and use Resident Module.
Did you try online services like Google Translate?
And may I ask, what is the purpose of your translation?
Please note that any automatic translator makes text look silly for any native reader.
But they may be useful if you just want to catch the essense of the story.
I use Pocket Promt and it's very nice (english to spanish and vice versa).
arix said:
try SlovoED
and use Resident Module.
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I will try it...
I need it almost at work. I work at L.I.F.T. and there I have to speak with Truck-Drivers. In German, French, English, Polish, Spanish, Hungarish, and some times Russish. But what I really need is Polish, Spanish and Hungarish...
Luxembourgish, German, Frensh and English, there I don't really need a translator because I know to speak... English there I have to find the words but my English is ok. Lux., Ger. and French I can speak fluent...
I will have a look at this...
I've read somewhere this one should be very good:
Don't have experience with it......
I'm not sure that this software meets your requirements. Multilanguage dictionaries are usually for common conversational language.
Lingvo, ectaco & slovoed have additional downloadable dictionaries. But I was unable to find one for Hungarian.
More likely you need something specialized like this:
The review on this book is not so good though
SVT video intro. What it can & what it can't.

Special characters in stock ROM keyboard

Hi, so I took the plunge and ordered a unlocked Streak from UK today. And I was wondering if the stock keyboard has the special characters native to my language. It's not a big issue if it does not, but I am hoping they are there. I live in Norway and use " æ ø å " characters often. It's not a problem that the OS itself is in English, but I would love to have the possibility to write in my native language on it
Please give me a heads up if you know, and also a picture / description on how to find these characters if you can
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Godo_PPL said:
Hi, so I took the plunge and ordered a unlocked Streak from UK today. And I was wondering if the stock keyboard has the special characters native to my language. It's not a big issue if it does not, but I am hoping they are there. I live in Norway and use " æ ø å " characters often. It's not a problem that the OS itself is in English, but I would love to have the possibility to write in my native language on it
Please give me a heads up if you know, and also a picture / description on how to find these characters if you can
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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I checked my streak, unfortunately there are no special characters that you needed.
However, surely you can download/search for an alternative keyboard which may contain the extra characters you need.
Ok, I was considering SlideIt anyway, since its the only keyboard with custom national skins, and I like the slide feature. To bad swype does not have Norwegian layout:-s
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
You can download language packs for SLIDEIT and they do do Norwegian and to be honest slideit is a lot better than swype
I use Scandinavian keyboard for writing Danish (supports danish, norweigian, swedish etc), requires additional dictionary in the case of danish but works really well.
layout is nice enough, has the special characters, and with the dictionary does predictive text and autocorrect etc
ps no link due to post count, but search the market for 'scandinavian keyboard'

[Q] Installing Russian locale

HI! My Aria only has English, French, and Spanish. I want to be able to type in Russian as well. A guy here at work has an HTC with Verizon, and he has lots of language choices. How do you add languages to the Aria?? I tried a third party app but it didn't work. I would like Russian. Thanks!
You need an "input method" that supports keyboard layout switching. The stock Sense keyboard that comes with Aria doesn't allow for that.
But there is a whole bunch of multi-lingual keyboard apps in the market; some a free, and some are not. I like Smartk Keyboard Pro. It costs 2 EUR, but it's the best out there. It After installing it you'll need to download Russian keyboard layout for it, which is free.
Try to search "MoreLocale" in market.
m_ranger said:
Try to search "MoreLocale" in market.
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yes that is a good app
but it is call MoreLocale 2
or u can get it here

[Q] Multilang keyboard

I'm looking for Hebrew keyboard (WP7 HD2).
I have tried this solution:
But it doesn't work for me.
Has anyone here tried it? or can point me to another solution that works on HD2?
What error did you get? It works like a charm for bulgarian, but only of you replace the spanish keyboard! The extension of the english keyboard works only for very few languages!
itaysk said:
I'm looking for Hebrew keyboard (WP7 HD2).
I have tried this solution:
But it doesn't work for me.
Has anyone here tried it? or can point me to another solution that works on HD2?
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There a Hebrew For WP7 in the market place with a free trial. Description:Opens your windows phone 7 device Hebrew possibilities.
With this application you will be able to send mail, SMS and search the web in a number of sites, in Hebrew, with right to left support, and using a full qwerty Hebrew keyboard.
comes in English and Hebrew.
Now with a Free trial version, Trial version is just like the full version but is ad supported.
TheOnly1 - tried to replace German, I will try Spanish and report.
FlowerPotmen - Sounds good, but I'm not activated..
TheOnly1 said:
What error did you get? It works like a charm for bulgarian, but only of you replace the spanish keyboard! The extension of the english keyboard works only for very few languages!
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"Current registry values do not correspond neither original nor patched state. This patch might be incompatible with your phone"
I have posted in the creator's thread as well...

