Orange UK - getting lots of Could Not Locate Remote Server errors - Networking

Hi everyone.
The past month has seen a serious degradation in my Orange Internet access (via GPRS, 3G). I use a Touch HD, HD2 with Opera & live in London/South east.
Trying to access even the BBC mobile site I am 50% of the time getting could not locate Remote Server' errors. What's worse if you re-loading the page it just keeps bringing up the same message. You have to clear the cache or exit out of the thing. Pain
I don't believe it is the phone as my HD1 is the same. I believe it's an Orange related issue and it's network not being able to handle the traffic.
Just checking though if there are any settings in Opera:config that I could alter to improve things? Any help would be great.

Check here for any orange problems, helped me out when i was having problems.

Thanks for the link. The problem is being experienced by others in Central london/S.East so far as I can tell.
Bizarrely, web pages load ONLY via HDSPA and GSM. 3G - no matter how many bars of signal, does not work!
The problem is still on-going. 7 days later, still no reply from Orange tech support.

Get onto their support and just pester them stupid.
Also, is Orange UK's PR Manager... Wouldn't look great if he didn't respond in some way to obvious service issues especially if many people in the same region have been reporting them.

I've been having the same trouble lately on my HD2 on Virgin.


3g Web Browsing

Quick question when using pie to surf the net does it hang for a while on locating the web page or does it work instantly.
I have just got the Tytn and looking at web pages using 3g is really slow and really not very usable
I am using tmobile uk 3g network
after inputting a web address it hangs on locating for up to 60 seconds then loads the page very wuickly after that
Anyone any ideas
Very strange. I dont have this problem. The first time a UMTS connection must be established and it is 5 or 6 seconds. The next request are very fast. May be you have established the DNS servers manually?
I get that, browsing using GPRS is painful on t-mobile
how about using opera 8.6
I too have this problem with T-Mobile, On connecting to the internet over GPRS or 3G GPRS it will hang for some time, wether its internet explorer or other internet services I have on the device (HTC Universal).
As I have web and walk I just leave it connected, but its not ideal. I wonder wether its the T-Mobile servers working slowly to authenticate the handset for internet use.
Its been fine upto the last month or so.
adam_beasley said:
I too have this problem with T-Mobile, On connecting to the internet over GPRS or 3G GPRS it will hang for some time, wether its internet explorer or other internet services I have on the device (HTC Universal).
As I have web and walk I just leave it connected, but its not ideal. I wonder wether its the T-Mobile servers working slowly to authenticate the handset for internet use.
Its been fine upto the last month or so.
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Is weird .... Im using unlimited internet T-Mobile NL (UMTS 3G) without any problem ... never freezing and the speed is very stable...
adam_beasley said:
I too have this problem with T-Mobile, On connecting to the internet over GPRS or 3G GPRS it will hang for some time, wether its internet explorer or other internet services I have on the device (HTC Universal).
As I have web and walk I just leave it connected, but its not ideal. I wonder wether its the T-Mobile servers working slowly to authenticate the handset for internet use.
Its been fine upto the last month or so.
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I have exactly the same problem with an MDA Pro. Fine until a month ago now slow on 3g. GPRS though is fine.
I'm actually quite relieved to find that it isn't just me !
StuBFrost said:
I have exactly the same problem with an MDA Pro. Fine until a month ago now slow on 3g. GPRS though is fine.
I'm actually quite relieved to find that it isn't just me !
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Its also become random now, somtimes it connects and its instant, and actually fast even on normal GPRS, other times it can take over a couple of minutes to locate and open a page.
Doesnt seem to matter whether its a full signal or not, whether its after a reset or anything, totally depends on what T-Mobile feels like.
Maybe it cant cope with the number of web'n'walk use now.
Absolutely agree with you as you have described precisely what my symptoms are.
Hopefully if enough people complain to T-Mobile about it, they might actually admit there is a problem and fix it.
Maybe the delays are because http traffic is proxied
Maybe the delays are because http traffic is proxied....
It looks like Orange are operating a proxy or some other form of protection. A few weeks ago I discovered that they had something in place to restrict access to adult sites, wouldn't have bothered me other than the site I was trying to visit was
Even followed their link to get the site unblocked and got a nice little responce stating "Your request has been actioned and the content is confirmed as only suitable for customers over the age of 18." before getting their filtering disabled.
adam_beasley said:
StuBFrost said:
I have exactly the same problem with an MDA Pro. Fine until a month ago now slow on 3g. GPRS though is fine.
I'm actually quite relieved to find that it isn't just me !
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Its also become random now, somtimes it connects and its instant, and actually fast even on normal GPRS, other times it can take over a couple of minutes to locate and open a page.
Doesnt seem to matter whether its a full signal or not, whether its after a reset or anything, totally depends on what T-Mobile feels like.
Maybe it cant cope with the number of web'n'walk use now.
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Exactly how i seem to find it, either it works or doesnt. There seems to be nothing u can do either to make it work, reboot, change from UTMS to 2g ot what ever. Nothing has any bearing and its most annoying, tbh i wish id never got the universal now as its a huge piece of junk, or at least the t- mobile ones are. Ive used a 02 one and its just soooooooooooooo much faster in everything.
im using the latest rom and even after flashing its still sluggish before anything is installed.
adam_beasley said:
StuBFrost said:
I have exactly the same problem with an MDA Pro. Fine until a month ago now slow on 3g. GPRS though is fine.
I'm actually quite relieved to find that it isn't just me !
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Its also become random now, somtimes it connects and its instant, and actually fast even on normal GPRS, other times it can take over a couple of minutes to locate and open a page.
Doesnt seem to matter whether its a full signal or not, whether its after a reset or anything, totally depends on what T-Mobile feels like.
Maybe it cant cope with the number of web'n'walk use now.
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Exactly how i seem to find it, either it works or doesnt. There seems to be nothing u can do either to make it work, reboot, change from UTMS to 2g ot what ever. Nothing has any bearing and its most annoying, tbh i wish id never got the universal now as its a huge piece of junk, or at least the t- mobile ones are. Ive used a 02 one and its just soooooooooooooo much faster in everything.
im using the latest rom and even after flashing its still sluggish before anything is installed.
Having been in a T-Mobile 3G area most of today (Loughborough, Leicestershire) the service itself has been as quick as ive ever used it, getting around 270k on a fairly medium signal.
The times it hasnt worked (long first time loading) it has returned to me with a server or IP error. I just assume that as web'n'walk is unlimited, but has restrictions on use, that the servers are overloaded trying to monitor or prevent certain services working.
Its been picking up a bit lately tho, im suffering the waiting times less and less each time I try. Tho 3G UMTS has really sucked the life out of my battery today, it may be best I keep it on 2G instead.
Haven't noticed any of these problems on T-Mobile in and around London. Have you all removed your "Content Lock"?
As mentioned earlier by Taz69, connection may be slowed down by the T-Mobile servers checking to see if you're 'allowed' to visit various sites?
I disabled my content lock ages ago using 'My T-Mobile' on - give it a go if you haven't already, it may make a difference?
My content is unlocked and always has been so it isn't that umfortunately.
PC_Arcade said:
I get that, browsing using GPRS is painful on t-mobile
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So, Im not the only one :roll: Do you get the problem where it can take 30+ secs to switch between GRPS and 3G too?
Also, I spoke to T-Mobile about slow speeds and lack of connetivity - I can hardly get a signal in my office, although I am sat across road from a T-Mobile mast!!!
They said that as the mast across road was congested, my device was connecting via a mast further away (I like the idea of it not trying to get on a congested mast, but distance causes problems with connectivity too :roll: )
Other thing they pointed out was, if you call them with the postcode that has the problem, it gets logged...enough logs and they escalate it (I'm up to 6 logs in my postcode now lol)
How can I tell if it's switching? Mine says "Connected (GPRS, 3G)"
Since (re)removing the lock it does seem significantly faster though
If your connected via standard GPRS then the connected logo at the top of the screen will have a G on it, if your connected via 3G GPRS then it changes to a U (for UTMS).
Ive always had a delay swapping between the 2, yesterday my 3G signal kept dropping so it would switch back to 2G, and it kept doing this so much I couldnt get any internet for about 5 mins. I know you can turn the UMTS band off, but this makes buying a 3G phone pointless.
I have content lock off since day one, and its always been fast. Today theres been bo problems with the service at all, fast logon, good speed connections etc.
Seems a random thing lately, but its only been lately. Its been fine for a few months before, so hopefully its somthing there working on and it slowly getting sorted.
The problems could be down to the pay and go users Web and talk, for a max of £1 per day they get unlimited internet, see t-mobile for more info, this could be eating servers bandwith within certain areas, i was able to logon this morning, but after 9am i keep getting page cannot be found errors, The little u and the 2 arrows show me I'm conneted but i cant load any pages, I hope this is the case and t-mobile sort this out asap
I have had the same problem now for around a month. I am using Opera 8.60 and it takes around 1 minute to actually resolve the host name. Sites with adverts on take forever. I contacted T-Mobile and they said that the signal in my area is really good and there shouldn't be a problem. They told me to take the sim card out, wait 30 seconds and then reinsert it, and then try.
I have not yet had any luck, and it seems to be the same throughout the country, as I was in Cornwall over the weekend on holiday and it was just as bad.
P.S. I am in Liverpool, and I have a full 5 bar umts signal.

HSDPA, will donate for help!!

Hi guys, i know this is a common problem amongst some of us, there are several threads discussing the connection drops but please there must be someone out there who knows something about it.
Basically with HSDPA enabled, the connection will last a random period of time before disconnecting by itself and displaying: cannot connect for an unknown reason.
When HSDPA is turned off, only 3G is used, although this works fine, it is fairly slower.
I am on T-Mobile UK, I have phoned their technical support, we have established it is not the sim card but the phone itself and have tried a variety of steps to solve this, for example receiving band settings for WCDMA, this has not fixed the problem.
I have tried changing the username and password combinations and have tried every combination of every advanced network option. I have used the T-Mobile stock rom 1.43, official HTC ROM 1.66, duttys hg, energyROM, artemis 5.0 and artemis 5.5 (would recommend btw) using MTTY before every flash, and every single different radio combination.
Myself, and many people here would be very grateful for any help posted.
Thanks in advance
Why don't you try Settings > Connections > Advanced network > GPRS tab > change from PAP to CHAP.. and reset... or viceversa.. that helped for me..
Thanks for the post, i've tried all that i've tried all advanced settings, at most they last for a day or so but after a while the connection dropouts seem to worsen
Ok ive just gotten off the phone for the third time with the technical support
basically what they've said is that the hsdpa WILL disconnect because the mobile towers simply can't handle the traffic.
He said in his honest opinion I should disable it because it simply won't work well and there is no fix.
Taking the piss juuuuust a little bit
Mine on t-mobile uk will show H, but usually drop down to 3G. It won't give me an error when it drops down though.
It sounds like its not transferring from H to 3G.
To be honest, i was unaware t-mobile ran HSDPA till I got my HD2 (never showed on my BB).
mine switches between 3G and H too, this happens when the connection is being used (for example loading a web page) when the job is finished (page has finished loading) it turns back to 3G right?
are you saying that your connection never disconnects?
may i ask which radio and rom you are using?
For my personal experience, I have for over a month, on versions 1.48, 1.66 by HTC, artemis versions, versions of other French chefs. had no problems,
Login Exchange push 24/24 without any cuts, I solicited the network with opera I passed automatically 3g H, and since February it to completely fall with the problems that everyone encounters (lost connection for several minutes , unable to connect to 3G without hard reset)
to remove the sim chip, I try with another chip of the same operator, another chip from another operator, the problem is still there.
For several days I have also continued a Touch HD, it faces no problems, no problems in connection 24/24.
In short, impossible to challenge any operator, any base station, any sim card.
It is then that the problem come from HD2:
-Software: We all try every combination of rom and radio rom possible.
It is the hardware, maybe the chip integrated into a concern for design, manufacturing concerns on some series, may be dysfunctional due to incompatibilitée between several chips of the phone, short, HTC should look into the problem.
cgrec92 said:
mine switches between 3G and H too, this happens when the connection is being used (for example loading a web page) when the job is finished (page has finished loading) it turns back to 3G right?
are you saying that your connection never disconnects?
may i ask which radio and rom you are using?
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correct, it never disconnects.
It will switch seemlessly between them, when using or not using.
same one it came with. O2 HD2.
ROM (70315) WWE
I've also been struggling with this problem ever since I got my HD2 three weeks ago. However it seems like only a few people experience this.
My case is exactly like cgrec92 described. I'm on a 3.5G network in Denmark (3 Mobile), the phone shows the 3G connection at all times. When things do work and I use Opera/weather/Twitter/email etc, the symbol changes to H and I know the data connection is functioning. I can be using this for a whole hour without any problems.
However, if I put the phone down for a while and then pick it up again to use one of its data services, very often it does not connect to 3.5G (or H) anymore. It will still show the 3G icon on the screen, but there's no data connection. Then I go to Connection Manager and I can see that data connection shows as Off - and after a few seconds it goes back to On by itself That does not mean the problem is solved, as the phone still fails to establish any data connection. What I need to do then is manually turn off data connection and re-enable it again, which makes the 3G symbol immediately change to H. Then everything starts working again - until the next time it stops working...
I contacted the HTC customer service and they said it might be a driver-related issue, recommended a hard reset. I did that and for a few hours I thought it solved the problem, but no, data connection still disconnects by itself.
I spoke to 3 Mobile's technical service and they told me to update my software, which I had already done previously (I'm running stock 1.66 ROM Danish). They also said they never received any such complains about the HD2.
Like cgrec92 I've also played with all kinds of network/band settings, but it did not make any difference.
One question: isn't the phone supposed to automatically connect via EDGE when it cannot connect via HSDPA? Because in my case it will only establish data connection via H, never EDGE.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
My take on this FWIW
It's not the phone!
It's the radio ROM installed.
I live in an an area where T-mobile say I can't get HSDPA.
However, I know that I can. How? Because 3 network uses the same local cell and transmitter as T-mobile and their signal will rip your eyes out!!!!!!!!!
All information obtained from a good friend of mine who works for BT, who, service manage the cells for the networks.
Plus, in this location, the cell traffic is then handled by BTs digiatal backbone which takes it who knows where after that.
So I have a very isolated situation in which I know there is a decent HSDPA signal, but I have had trouble with drop outs on my two previous phones (Nokis 5800 and HTC Touch Diamond 2) and originally on my two T-mobile mobile broadband feeds using Huawei E220 cell network modems.
All fixed when I finally found the right Radio and flashed it on the phones and unlocked and flashed the latest modem firmware.
My broadband connections are always on and never drop out and my HSDPA signal on my HD2 is through the roof!
To further emphasise the point all the equipment is used (when home based) behind solar glass which is notorious for blocking mobile phone signals.
Land on the best one and you will get incresed battery life as well.
Bottom line is try the latest radios ( in my case) and I think you may be surprised at the results.
Current result of speed test 09.31 hours
3 minutes later
I have the same problem with the connection dropping. What I did to make it work was to disable HDSPA and putting GPRS to CHAP instead of PAP, and so far I have no problems at all
Thanks for the reply and tips. I also did the same earlier today, except that I did not change PAP to CHAP :O. I was waiting until tomorrow before I posted any results, but I gotta say so far the connection has been stable just like yours.
I also called HTC's customer service in Denmark and the fellow I spoke to was very helpful but he said he has never heard about such problems. He sent me updated network settings via sms, but it did not fix the problem.
I mean, only some users around the world suffer from this problem, right? So what is it that's wrong with our devices? Is it a production fault? If I exchange my phone for a brand new one maybe I won't be unlucky again? When 3 DK finally told you the problem was unfixable, did they mention other users with the same issue? Did they ever offer to replace your phone?
DORMIU said:
Thanks for the reply and tips. I also did the same earlier today, except that I did not change PAP to CHAP :O. I was waiting until tomorrow before I posted any results, but I gotta say so far the connection has been stable just like yours.
I also called HTC's customer service in Denmark and the fellow I spoke to was very helpful but he said he has never heard about such problems. He sent me updated network settings via sms, but it did not fix the problem.
I mean, only some users around the world suffer from this problem, right? So what is it that's wrong with our devices? Is it a production fault? If I exchange my phone for a brand new one maybe I won't be unlucky again? When 3 DK finally told you the problem was unfixable, did they mention other users with the same issue? Did they ever offer to replace your phone?
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It's your radio!
But, I think I did say that in a previous post.
You had a helpful fellow who sent you updated settings?
And he thought that was going to fix your problem?
That was helpful!
It's your radio!
The technicalities are beyond a customer assistant at the end of a phone. They work from a script.
I'll send you the settings.
Have you done this?
Have you done that ?
Never heard of anyone else with your problem!
It's your radio!
T-mobile uses PAP protocol (at least they do here in the UK) and it's a handshake protocol so changing that won't really do anything to the signal definition.
You have it or you don't.
It's your radio!
There is no "production fault".
You are not "lucky" or "unlucky".
You are in an area where you will suffer from this because of the ???????
I think I have made my point.
If it turns out that you don't have a radio issue then please feel free to admonish me.
Until then----------
It's your radio!
well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help
Yes, I was about to mention something similar. I haven't tried combining different ROMS & Radios myself, but I know people like cgrec92 who have with no good results.
And if it is the radio, then every 3 Denmark user like me would be experiencing the same problem, correct? I don't think that's the case. Actually when you read the forums you will find users from different countries with this problem, and they/we are not the only ones with a certain combination of ROM/Radio.
So yes, by disabling HDSPA I finally managed to have a stable data connection (but no 3.5G, obviously). At this point no one seems to know the cause of this issue, but I suppose it's naive to expect a future ROM to solve it, after all it's not a widespread problem. Is HTC even working on it? Are we sure it's not our devices that are faulty?
I honestly have no idea, but I cannot just accept this problem and live with it after all the money I put into this phone. That's why I brought up the possibility of having it exchanged for a brand new one in hopes that it will not have this problem.
Any ideas?
cgrec92 said:
well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help
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The post by pa49 was to DORMIU.
I'll pm you my t-mobile settings.
And I cant use the connection setup, being an O2 HD2, it only allows selection of O2.
cgrec92 said:
well I don't mean to sound rude but do you SERIOUSLY think we haven't tried that? ive tried every possible radio available here and every different rom, so excuse us for trying new glad your not having any troubles yourself because it is really annoying
perhaps you could post us your rom and radio?
I don't suppose you could post us your settings in advanced network?
did you use the connection setup?
thanks for your help
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I referred to my radio in my previous post -
My OS ROM is Leo Lite 3.
Connection setup used and no further settings.
My explanation for this is the fringe nature of the received signal.
The radio its constantly 'hunting' for a signal and the radio software has difficulty in locking on.
BTW OS ROM and settings ready don't affect the efficiency of the radio signal.
MidnightDraven said:
The post by pa49 was to DORMIU.
I'll pm you my t-mobile settings.
And I cant use the connection setup, being an O2 HD2, it only allows selection of O2.
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I appreciate the help, but he doesn't seem to understand the issue here. It's not that we have low connection, or that we cannot connect to the 3.5G network. The problem is that the phone's data connection will automatically disconnect even when we are in an area with full 3.5G signal. The phone will connect for a while and then, moments later, in the same spot and with full signal, data connection is terminated. So I just can't see how the radio has anything to do with that, especially when there are hundreds of other users out there with the same ROM & Radio as us and in the same network. And yet they do not experience this problem.
Ive have similar issues but it depends where i am it appears that some towers its ok where others its not!
DORMIU said:
I appreciate the help, but he doesn't seem to understand the issue here. It's not that we have low connection, or that we cannot connect to the 3.5G network. The problem is that the phone's data connection will automatically disconnect even when we are in an area with full 3.5G signal. The phone will connect for a while and then, moments later, in the same spot and with full signal, data connection is terminated. So I just can't see how the radio has anything to do with that, especially when there are hundreds of other users out there with the
same ROM & Radio as us and in the same
network. And yet they do not experience this problem.
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The radio differentiates between all the different levels and types of signal and it depends on how exact it interprets the signal. They are supposedly optimized before release and then re optimized with each newly released version. Network operators then have their own network parameters and again the radio has to accommodate this as well. One radio will never satisfy all these criteria and some of you will be in the wrong place at the wrong time on the wrong network with the least effective radio.
I can assure you that I most certainly do understand the problem and that is why, in my own case, I have resolved it.

HD2 Web Connectivity Issues and Analysis

Seriously people....
I've seen lots of threads recently. People are complaining that the HD2's data connection cuts out, leaving them unable to access the Internet from their phones for who knows how long. I know, it IS kinda annoying...But the thing is..
I can tell you this IS NOT a hardware problem. It's something to do with either the OS....or something in the phone's registry settings which no one has picked up yet...I hear that phones like the TP2 do not have this error, and I agree. My old unbranded Touch Pro 2 was brilliant, I could use it for IM and texts anywhere...LOL I used to sit on the Bus while people stared at my phone, while I was on Messenger talking to my phone. Anyways, here's what I wanna tell you guys. Hope I help out everyone in some way or another.
What I have:
3 Mobile Sim-So yeah, My Operator is 3 UK
Living in London, UK
Using ENERGY's 17th March Version ROM
What I've noticed:
The phone cuts out the signal when the transition between 3G and H occurs in the icons. As a result, the Internet cuts out temporarily, and programs such as Messenger lose connectivity for a while. For example, when the icon is on H, and no one's talking on Messenger, the Icon changes back to 3G....during this moment it cuts out sometimes..until it reverts back to the H icon (Got that? I know, it's a little long and complicated when I word it like that, but read it out and it'll make sense xD)
Now, whenever I have the phone connected to my PC/Laptop (Either as a Wi Fi Router or through the cable and then using Internet Sharing, either way, the phone does NOT change back to 3G, it stays constantly on H (Mind you, I usually download during this period). Anyways, the point being that the connection is VERY stable and constant, when in this state, connected to my PC/Laptop and the device is accessing the Internet through my phone's Data Connection. So what do you all think? And what have YOU found out? Leave your responses and ideas below
Some things I have found out are, if you Enable ONLY HUSPA in the Settings/Connectivity options, the connections seem to be more stable. Furthermore, if you really want to, Disable Advanced Connections, stay only on 3G, and enjoy a LOT of stability (At the cost of slower speed surfing and downloading )
My HD2 does not connect at all anymore. I called in to support because I completely lost data connectivity (web browser, email, slacker, whatever - no connection). They verified no troubles on their end. I moved the sim to my old touch pro (running Energy ROM w/ winmo 6.5 and Sense 2.1) and that phone connects fine. So it's not the SIM, and it's not the network.
I've also done a hard reset to get back to stock and still have the problem, which tells me that it's not a registry / software setting.
They only thing that leaves is faulty hardware - or firmware that a ROM hard reset wouldn't affect. Either way I need to replace the device altogether.
Unfortunately, tmo is out of stock and so I can only wait for a more to become available before it can be replaced.
csharper said:
My HD2 does not connect at all anymore. I called in to support because I completely lost data connectivity (web browser, email, slacker, whatever - no connection). They verified no troubles on their end. I moved the sim to my old touch pro (running Energy ROM w/ winmo 6.5 and Sense 2.1) and that phone connects fine. So it's not the SIM, and it's not the network.
I've also done a hard reset to get back to stock and still have the problem, which tells me that it's not a registry / software setting.
They only thing that leaves is faulty hardware - or firmware that a ROM hard reset wouldn't affect. Either way I need to replace the device altogether.
Unfortunately, tmo is out of stock and so I can only wait for a more to become available before it can be replaced.
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Which phone company are you with? I experienced the same problem with 3UK in North London for a couple of months up until the beginning of last week but it was a problem at 3's end, not mine. Other people have been experiencing similar issues with non-3 phones in London (
yes, I had problems in London too before Good Friday. Especially on Tues+Wed.
Others around me inthe library also had similar issues with their iphones. I kept on switching the baseband and modes, and reapplying my 3G settings to keep it alive and solve the outages.
Most people with issues were on vodafone or O2 (like me).
It would work, then cut, then work.
I thought at first it was because I had a custom ROM, but iphone users had the same - and lots of timeouts on requests.
I DO believe however that running ROMS like energy's and Dutty's HG 1.7 with 2.10 (which I'm currently running) bases as 2_08 radios is not great for the uk and exacerbates the connection issue. 2_07 is better...and in any event we SHOULD be using 1.72 based roms with 2_09 radio.
I have also noticed that on COM5 23544 builds the opera mobile 9.7 and 10 google boxes do not work. They come up as failed connection, but then i click on teh link and it works...weird huh???
So I think last week was because of network faults in London. But in general, these 2.10 based ROMS and their radios are not ideal for stability.
I had perfect call and HSDPA stability with 1.48stock+2_09 radio.
Having turned to a 23544 rom (Dutty's HG) with 2_08 radio I've had much less call and internet stability (and quality) over the stock with 2_09.
jakem said:
Which phone company are you with?
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T-Mobile US.

Unsuitable radio or poor data services from UK mobile networks...?

Hi guys,
I don't know how many of you are living in UK or if you experience this in other parts of the world. Basically there's one thing that really annoys me and I can't figure out WHAT'S causing it!
I am well satisfied with my Leo but as to web services I am not so enthusiastic. Firstly I've given up on "My location & weather" services exactly the same way as I did on Blackstone. I just don't bother setting them up after ROM update, so they don't show up on the homescreen and I turn the weather tab off instantly after flash. Reason being: THEY ONLY UPDATE IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS EVEN THOUGH I'VE GOT FULL HSDPA OR 3G SIGNAL COVERAGE ALMOST EVERYWHERE I GO!!!
No idea why this is happening. At home where I've got full 3G and GPRS signal coverage, it updates quickly and nicely. But when I go to work where there's full HSDPA, 3G and also GPRS it will not update whatever trick I try!!! It just pops out a message about not being able to connect... Same thing in town centre and other locations. It seems totally random to me where it works and where it doesn't. And folks: I just hate having 12 hours old location and weather report on my screeen before coming back home or wherever it decides to work!
Now secondly, similar thing happens with web browsers. Because of unsupported flash in Opera I have started using Skyfire in larger scale and recently also the uZARD, if anyone came across to that. They are both good browsers (in my opinion the uZard is nearing perfection!) but strangely a similar issue to the one above comes with them. Again they only seem to work in certain places and again there is quite a decent data coverage almost everywhere in my area.
So the question is: does it have something to do with data services of my network (UK Orange) or is it something radio related maybe? I have tried 2.06, 2.08 and 2.10 radios and there wasn't any significant difference.
Does it ring a bell? Did anyone experience this?
morningstar.fallen said:
Hi guys,
I don't know how many of you are living in UK or if you experience this in other parts of the world. Basically there's one thing that really annoys me and I can't figure out WHAT'S causing it!
I am well satisfied with my Leo but as to web services I am not so enthusiastic. Firstly I've given up on "My location & weather" services exactly the same way as I did on Blackstone. I just don't bother setting them up after ROM update, so they don't show up on the homescreen and I turn the weather tab off instantly after flash. Reason being: THEY ONLY UPDATE IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS EVEN THOUGH I'VE GOT FULL HSDPA OR 3G SIGNAL COVERAGE ALMOST EVERYWHERE I GO!!!
No idea why this is happening. At home where I've got full 3G and GPRS signal coverage, it updates quickly and nicely. But when I go to work where there's full HSDPA, 3G and also GPRS it will not update whatever trick I try!!! It just pops out a message about not being able to connect... Same thing in town centre and other locations. It seems totally random to me where it works and where it doesn't. And folks: I just hate having 12 hours old location and weather report on my screeen before coming back home or wherever it decides to work!
Now secondly, similar thing happens with web browsers. Because of unsupported flash in Opera I have started using Skyfire in larger scale and recently also the uZARD, if anyone came across to that. They are both good browsers (in my opinion the uZard is nearing perfection!) but strangely a similar issue to the one above comes with them. Again they only seem to work in certain places and again there is quite a decent data coverage almost everywhere in my area.
So the question is: does it have something to do with data services of my network (UK Orange) or is it something radio related maybe? I have tried 2.06, 2.08 and 2.10 radios and there wasn't any significant difference.
Does it ring a bell? Did anyone experience this?
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I'm on o2 I'm and have found the new 2.10th radios to give an extra bar and speed improvements network wise. the latest is awesome but consumes more battery life for me so i went back to
hope this helps
Im on Virgin in the UK, where i live i have full signal where ever i i am in my town, my location doesn't work simple, i added my own city, my internet works fine, now i have been house sitting for my dad for 2 weeks in a little village, 2 weeks only just had 1 bar of signal and my location worked now wtf is that all about lol, oh my radio in my sig
Im on tmobile uk and when I'm at home I'm lucky if I get 1 bar of 3g coverage, if I dont I'll only get 2 bars of gprs, then again we are behind a ruddy great hill, most other urban areas give good 3g, however like the OP says sometimes theres an issue with speed and location not updating (or updating to the wrong location) despite full coverage
My gf is on vodafone and at home shes lucky if she gets one bar of gprs
But then thats what she deserves for having a iphone!
I've never tried another radio but I'm considering it
Just to let you guys know, UK Orange was going through some major technical difficulties with their 3G network lately. So that has been the cause for trouble with browsers.
But the first problem I've mentioned is a fact that MY LOCATION and WEATHER still only updates on certain (random) places, regardless the signal coverage or radio version!!!
Works fine for me wherever I go on O2 as long as I have somes signal, just takes longer on GPRS.
In my experience of friends on Orange, they've never been good.
Try SPB weather and see if that works.
Alternatively, try updating in an Orange shop, if it fails, ask if you can use one of their handsets to try, and if that works, you'll know it's a problem with your phone so time to get it replaced, if it doesn't work, you'll know Orange are just poo.
Weather Locations has never worked for me. Just look for the cab named something like Dutty's disable current location and it will remove that my location entry in the weather so it will never bother you. Then just manually add your city and job done!
As for the web browsers not working, i had intermittent drops (its ok now tho). but what i did before, was disable HDSPA. the phone kept switching betweeen 3g and hdspa and cudnt make its mind up, and so it wouldnt connect to the net. But as you said Orange have been messing up so it should work soon.
morningstar.fallen said:
Just to let you guys know, UK Orange was going through some major technical difficulties with their 3G network lately. So that has been the cause for trouble with browsers.
But the first problem I've mentioned is a fact that MY LOCATION and WEATHER still only updates on certain (random) places, regardless the signal coverage or radio version!!!
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I have to ask how often is it set to update? i have mine set to update every 3 hours and it does. The location accuracy can be a little off at times but i don't really rely on it and if i do notice i'll do a manual update which works first time 99% of the time.
Poor 3G/HSDPA signal (2 bars or less) will cause some crazy packet loss and will cause problems with internet connectivity in general. Most often the phone will fall back to EDGE and then GPRS in order to correct this (but for saking the speed). If the signal is still crap then there is no hope. I'm on O2 and my radio version is in my signature. I was using 2.07 (stock) and that wasn't brilliant and i have heard that the newer radios suck the battery and the wifi isn't so great.
If your signal is pants even with the new radio i would advise you lay your hands on an extended battery and leave the wifi chip turned on. Then if you configure to connect any unsecure networks first as soon as it finds one you'll have net access.
M3PH said:
I have to ask how often is it set to update? i have mine set to update every 3 hours and it does. The location accuracy can be a little off at times but i don't really rely on it and if i do notice i'll do a manual update which works first time 99% of the time.
Poor 3G/HSDPA signal (2 bars or less) will cause some crazy packet loss and will cause problems with internet connectivity in general. Most often the phone will fall back to EDGE and then GPRS in order to correct this (but for saking the speed). If the signal is still crap then there is no hope. I'm on O2 and my radio version is in my signature. I was using 2.07 (stock) and that wasn't brilliant and i have heard that the newer radios suck the battery and the wifi isn't so great.
If your signal is pants even with the new radio i would advise you lay your hands on an extended battery and leave the wifi chip turned on. Then if you configure to connect any unsecure networks first as soon as it finds one you'll have net access.
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It was set to update every 1 hour and as I said before, there's quite decent signal coverage in my area. I usually have full HSDPA and 3G signal at work and about half of 3G and full GPRS at home. The only time I can think of when I have poor or no connection is on the train (when passing through places with funny welsh names like Llanharran or Pontyclun... ). Still MY LOCATION won't update at work, or central train station or city centre. As a paradox, it updates nicely at home...
Anyway, for sake of having the weather animation on and updating, I have used Dutty's "Disable current location" cab mentioned above. Now the weather service updates fine on manually chosen locations. So bye bye MY LOCATION...
I'm on O2 (UK) and have noticed that all but my local transmitter actually allows weather/location updates.
I did a pretty big test - I drove from the south coast to Edinburgh the other week, and had it updating every 15 mins.
It updated every step of the way.
I'm sitting at home, and it doesn't update.
I've already got hold of my local O2 engineer and he is looking into it as he thinks he knows what the problem is.
The Problem is Orange.....
morningstar.fallen said:
Hi guys,
I don't know how many of you are living in UK or if you experience this in other parts of the world. Basically there's one thing that really annoys me and I can't figure out WHAT'S causing it!
I am well satisfied with my Leo but as to web services I am not so enthusiastic. Firstly I've given up on "My location & weather" services exactly the same way as I did on Blackstone. I just don't bother setting them up after ROM update, so they don't show up on the homescreen and I turn the weather tab off instantly after flash. Reason being: THEY ONLY UPDATE IN CERTAIN LOCATIONS EVEN THOUGH I'VE GOT FULL HSDPA OR 3G SIGNAL COVERAGE ALMOST EVERYWHERE I GO!!!
No idea why this is happening. At home where I've got full 3G and GPRS signal coverage, it updates quickly and nicely. But when I go to work where there's full HSDPA, 3G and also GPRS it will not update whatever trick I try!!! It just pops out a message about not being able to connect... Same thing in town centre and other locations. It seems totally random to me where it works and where it doesn't. And folks: I just hate having 12 hours old location and weather report on my screeen before coming back home or wherever it decides to work!
Now secondly, similar thing happens with web browsers. Because of unsupported flash in Opera I have started using Skyfire in larger scale and recently also the uZARD, if anyone came across to that. They are both good browsers (in my opinion the uZard is nearing perfection!) but strangely a similar issue to the one above comes with them. Again they only seem to work in certain places and again there is quite a decent data coverage almost everywhere in my area.
So the question is: does it have something to do with data services of my network (UK Orange) or is it something radio related maybe? I have tried 2.06, 2.08 and 2.10 radios and there wasn't any significant difference.
Does it ring a bell? Did anyone experience this?
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I had the same problem in East Anglia with Orange
Switch of 3g and the weather will update
GPRS data works fine, but 3g/hsdpa data was not working i complained to orange and looked on the net loads of other people in this area were having the same trouble....(voice was fine though)
About 2 weeks ago it started working fine except when im surfing i get 'orange safeguard' blocking sites even blocks this site!
its not because ive got safeguard enabled. it's because orange cant establish my identity!
I bet if streamed loads of TV they would identify me for sure...
on orange in cardiff aswel, i find that even though i have a strong 3g signal some times the internet just doesn't work,which gets really annoying, as normally have to terminate the 3g connection then restart it to work.
been reading this thread if any intrest
it says about people using the chucky tabtastic ROM, and the problem is gone. but I'm happy with the ROM I'm using, so really wish i knew a fix for this!
On O2 in Nottingham and just recently it's been awful.
I've gone through a multitude of radios and none work with data properly. Weather services always show "My Location" or cannot update. Google maps takes about 10mins to load one square of the map (so GPS navigation is out of the question as the marker moves to a region of the map that isn't updated and takes forever to load).
Opera can now take anywhere between 15 seconds and 5 minutes just to load the Google homepage.
Thing is, about 2 months ago it was perfect, speedy as anything, running fine. Like I said i've gone through various radio roms and have settled on at the mo as it gives the best battery life for me, but even with full 3g/hsdpa signals i get rubbish data performance.
I know that stopping and starting the data connection sometimes fixes it, but I'm not prepared to continually stop and start connections just to be able to browse the web.
I've tried switching from 3G to 2G mode at work so the device started using GPRS signal instead of HSDPA but there was no joy either. Initially I would incline to idea that this would be a problem of Orange UK only but it seems now that people using other networks are experiencing the same. I wish I could only guess how much of this is caused by the technical breakdown Orange UK (and maybe other networks?) were recently going through. I think the actual efficiency of MY LOCATION service in UK was never great...
I'm on Vodafone, Kingston upon Thames,
Radio: (Leon Rom)
Had the same problems ( almost all stated in here ) with the new radio i have full bars 70% of the time on almost all connections at home, and before, i used to have 1 max 2 (the house is in a "bad"/"blind" vodafone coverage area), so this radio seems to work for me.
the weather i won't mention that it never worked regardless of signal or not, regardless of the connection or radio... then i found something into the menu under the GPS folder... called Quick GPS . I realized that is not a data download problem (as any manually set out location works), it was just a simple "i will tell you the local weather info as soon as i bloody find out where the heck we are" phone problem.
Well all you have to do, is set up the satellites to download automatically and/or update manually when you travel extreme distances... it will definitely improve location tracking as it sets the "default" satellites settings in your area, and to be honest with you, since i set that up, i NEVER had weather/location problems at home or anywhere else. Is just a small tweak witch you won't realize is linked directly to the location service until you open the Quick GPS thing.
For the radio, at least for vodafone users, i recommend the above one. just give it a try as it has decent battery life and a better connection, also everywhere i go i seem to have a working stable connection for data (at least for me it worked, and i do travel alot, needles to say that my laptop gets it's internet from my phone during travels, so bye bye dongle ).
Give it a try, it may really work out.
Initially I would incline to idea that this would be a problem of Orange UK only but it seems now that people using other networks are experiencing the same.
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hmm... i think is not related to networks more than it needs the network connection to download data (especially that you said the connections are working fine most of the times), location is definitely related to the GPS receiver and the GPS settings (Global Positioning System remember? witch in my book is Location ...), witch apparently on the Leos around UK are not set properly by default.
This is probably why mine works flawlessly. I set WM to use the inbuilt GPS all the time so i don't have to mess about with turning it on in google maps. I don't use QuickGPS because that is about as accurate as as dropping a brick out of a plane at 35,000ft with your eyes closed. Atleast with proper GPS it's accurate to within 20 metres.
when i had the tmobile g1, weather plugin worked almost flawlessly with only odd times it didnt update correctly. but with the hd2 ive been having the same problem recently on tmobile (was on tmobile wiwith the g1 aswell).
Im using the eu rom that allows 576mb ram .
Ive just flashed a new rom and it seems to have detected my location just fine at home. I will know tomorrow when i go to work if it upodates correctly.
DikoMike said:
I'm on Vodafone, Kingston upon Thames,
Radio: (Leon Rom)
Had the same problems ( almost all stated in here ) with the new radio i have full bars 70% of the time on almost all connections at home, and before, i used to have 1 max 2 (the house is in a "bad"/"blind" vodafone coverage area), so this radio seems to work for me.
the weather i won't mention that it never worked regardless of signal or not, regardless of the connection or radio... then i found something into the menu under the GPS folder... called Quick GPS . I realized that is not a data download problem (as any manually set out location works), it was just a simple "i will tell you the local weather info as soon as i bloody find out where the heck we are" phone problem.
Well all you have to do, is set up the satellites to download automatically and/or update manually when you travel extreme distances... it will definitely improve location tracking as it sets the "default" satellites settings in your area, and to be honest with you, since i set that up, i NEVER had weather/location problems at home or anywhere else. Is just a small tweak witch you won't realize is linked directly to the location service until you open the Quick GPS thing.
For the radio, at least for vodafone users, i recommend the above one. just give it a try as it has decent battery life and a better connection, also everywhere i go i seem to have a working stable connection for data (at least for me it worked, and i do travel alot, needles to say that my laptop gets it's internet from my phone during travels, so bye bye dongle ).
Give it a try, it may really work out.
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Thanks for the post man Ive been trying many different Radios to get a stable connection with VF I also live in an iffy area so i'll give this one a try and see if it works for me!
I'm also now using a 2.13 rom so it seems that the radio will match
M3PH said:
This is probably why mine works flawlessly. I set WM to use the inbuilt GPS all the time so i don't have to mess about with turning it on in google maps. I don't use QuickGPS because that is about as accurate as as dropping a brick out of a plane at 35,000ft with your eyes closed. Atleast with proper GPS it's accurate to within 20 metres.
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So how exactly did you set your GPS to work all the time?
morningstar.fallen said:
So how exactly did you set your GPS to work all the time?
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easy! go into settings in sense, hit menu, all settings. Then go to the system folder and external GPS and set a com port (mine is set to com4)
Job done. Sense will pick it up automatically and then all you need to do is tell google maps it's configued by windows.
Finally disable quickgps by hitting start, tools quickgps and then menu options and uncheck "download quickgps automatically" and "download quickgps when roaming" this will stop it updating when not connected to the pc and save on your data plan if it's limited but allows for a backup to the true gps if for some reason all the satellites get taken out.
**edit** i picked up this tip from a collegue that had a touch pro (well we all did but i left before they got the n900 upgrades) and a tomtom external bluetooth receiver and it appears to work with the internal reveiver on newer devices

[Q] I keep getting: - "Data Connectivity Problem - The server failed to communicate"

[Q] I keep getting: - "Data Connectivity Problem - The server failed to communicate"
"Data Connectivity Problem - The server failed to communicate. Please try again later"
I keep getting this message when I try to connect to some websites.
How can I overcome this situation please??
I have searched this and other forums but not found the answer.
I have tried resetting - power offs - etc, etc but this message keeps appearing and I remain totally unable to get onto some sites that I need to spend a lot of time on.
I am in UK on o2 network but use wifi most of the time.
Help please.
I have also now tried sim cards from Tesco Network and Vodafone Network but still get the same result.
Please help me if you can
What rom are you using? The JMG rom for example has wifi connectivity issues. Or are you having trouble using cellular network?
Not sure what ROM I am using (i am unsure of how to find this out) and yes I still get same issue when using cellular network.
The problem is your browser is not compatible with your webserver. I had this problem back in blackberry days. Download dolphin or opera to see if a different browser fixes your issue.
ziffos said:
Not sure what ROM I am using (i am unsure of how to find this out) and yes I still get same issue when using cellular network.
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I suggest for you to search around for a APN setting that suits your network provider. Sometimes it may be caused by that.
Wrong apn settings would keep you from even connecting to your cellular network. You wouldn't be able to get any message.
Same here
I've had my tab for only a few weeks, and have had a very shaky wifi connection because of the same error you get.
With the wifi I can logon no problems, but I continue to get the error you mentioned. The stock browser is essentially useless with this, so I tried many others. Dolphin HD, Opera Mini & Mobile, Miren, and Firefox beta were mostly better, but still not really useable. The best I found (even though I think some of the others are better browsers) is Skyfire. It doesn't seem to suffer the wifi issues to the same extent as any of the other browsers.
The wifi issue seems very strange, and I think it is more my ageing Netgear router. It doesn't work well close up when I get a full strong signal, but is acceptable (not good) when I am in the next room or even outside. The only thing that really worked was switching back to b from g, but I didn't stay with that for more than a couple of days because of the speed difference.
I have also flashed to Rotohammer's latest ROM JMI (unfortunately with the same issue, and no GPS).
I will continute to try various things I find around this forum, but as you say, no one seems to have an answer.
rangercaptain said:
The problem is your browser is not compatible with your webserver. I had this problem back in blackberry days. Download dolphin or opera to see if a different browser fixes your issue.
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Thanks but I have tried Opera, Dolphin, Skyfire but am still unable to login to some sites such as the OPDA forum in China that I want to use.
henrylam said:
I suggest for you to search around for a APN setting that suits your network provider. Sometimes it may be caused by that.
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Thanks but my APN settings were provided automatically by my network provider and I have checked and double checked them and even tried editing the APN settings but without success.
njackson said:
I've had my tab for only a few weeks, and have had a very shaky wifi connection because of the same error you get.
With the wifi I can logon no problems, but I continue to get the error you mentioned. The stock browser is essentially useless with this, so I tried many others. Dolphin HD, Opera Mini & Mobile, Miren, and Firefox beta were mostly better, but still not really useable. The best I found (even though I think some of the others are better browsers) is Skyfire. It doesn't seem to suffer the wifi issues to the same extent as any of the other browsers.
The wifi issue seems very strange, and I think it is more my ageing Netgear router. It doesn't work well close up when I get a full strong signal, but is acceptable (not good) when I am in the next room or even outside. The only thing that really worked was switching back to b from g, but I didn't stay with that for more than a couple of days because of the speed difference.
I have also flashed to Rotohammer's latest ROM JMI (unfortunately with the same issue, and no GPS).
I will continute to try various things I find around this forum, but as you say, no one seems to have an answer.
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As mentioned in a reply above - I have already tried Opera, Dolphin and Skyfire but still get the same message when trying to login to my account with the OPDA Chinese forum specifically and SOME other websites or forums in general.
Do you know anything about tomcat? I googled your error, where I found out about the browser incompatibility, and it could be on the server side.
rangercaptain said:
Do you know anything about tomcat? I googled your error, where I found out about the browser incompatibility, and it could be on the server side.
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Well I have had a "slight" success in that I installed Mozilla Firefox and it allows me to sign into the "offending" websites/forums etc.
It is slow but at least it is doing the job!!
Any other suggestions would be most welcome.
You are not alone in this frustrating issue. I have a T-Mobile Tab and I constantly have data issue when on the celluar network. I constantly have to reset the data by turning off and on airplane mode or holding the power button to reset the data and as a last ditch effort, I just switch it to GSM only *Shudders* Wifi works flawlessy. Data on the other hand is shaky at best. I will try another browser other than stock today. Honestly I suspect the issue to be APN related because it's definitely not the SIM card related, as i've changed that several times. Any help would be greatly appreciated
rangercaptain said:
Do you know anything about tomcat? I googled your error, where I found out about the browser incompatibility, and it could be on the server side.
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Rangercaptain - I found this reference also, but could not figure out where this server might be. Logically there is only my tab, router, adsl modem, and my internet service provider (Telstra). I could only think that the 'tomcat' server could only be within Telstra, but also thought that if this was the issue there would be many more people complaining about this isue.
Can you throw any more light on which direction I should look to follow this through? I am also puzzeled about where I might change things to make my browser 'compatable'.
Thanks very much for your interest and help.
I am still looking. The server in the reference would be the sever that hosts the website you want. I will check back here later when I know more.
Thanks - I think you are right. My only problem is that the problem occurs on manywebsites, and even on Market and other internet accessing apps. While this could still be right, I don't see why many more people wouldn't be having the same issue.
It also puzzles me that changing the modem from g to b decreased the error significantly, as does moving further away from the router when it is in g mode.
Very confusing.

