HTC Evo suffering from glass separation issues? - EVO 4G General

I just read that and looked at mine. The glass is separating in the lower left corner.
Thank God I have 30 days to return.
I love this phone. I can get past the 16 bit resolution. The 30 fps cap is a little hard to swallow. But now this? Sigh..

Nothing wrong with mine.

If you have it, return it for a new one. No need for drama. There is a one year warranty for defects and 30 days risk free from sprint. Pick one or the other.

Most n1's have the same issue. I checked mine when I first got it. You can check if it really is separating by pressing on the corner of the screen and if you hear clicking then you need to use a hair dryer and get the glass hot. Then press down on the screen for 1 to 2 mins. I fixed both of my n1's this way.

Comrade P said:
Nothing wrong with mine.
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Since yours is fine. Does the light leak at the bottom at all? Mine has all 4 buttons leaking but the lower left brighter, since its separation there is more pronounced.

bsanti said:
I just read that and looked at mine. The glass is separating in the lower left corner.
Thank God I have 30 days to return.
I love this phone. I can get past the 16 bit resolution. The 30 fps cap is a little hard to swallow. But now this? Sigh..
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yeah, 1 yr manufaterer's warranty will fix this everytime, no charge to you, so I really would not sweat it . . .
or go pull out your hair dryer

Not having a phone for 2 months while waiting for htc to fix your phone is not going to work for me. Thats why I fixed my n1's myself.

I have this also... Slightly on the bottom corner... ugh. That iPhone is looking better and better.

Same issue here, glass is now raised above the bezel, any idea if they let you keep your sd card when you return the phone, not a big deal if not, but it'd be easier.

when you take a phone to sprint for manufaterer's warranty, they typically do not take your phone from you to repair it, they order in a replacement (typically refurbished) and you keep your phone while awaiting it's arrival. when it comes in to the store, they call you, and you bring your phone in for a swap.
wasn't knocking the blow dryer, I would probably try that before getting a replacement.

psufan5 said:
I have this also... Slightly on the bottom corner... ugh. That iPhone is looking better and better.
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It sure does.

This happened to me once with my iPhone 3GS and I pushed it on the left corner like what its happening to the Evo, and it did the EXACT same thing. If not more.

I honestly never find out about these defects until I surf a tech site. Now I'm all paranoid. -_-;
Just like those who had the dust under the glass issue with hero's I'm sure this will be fixed in the upcoming batches.
Hope so anyway.

Checked mine and it seems not to move under pressure, possibly a tiny bit... The light only leaks if I tilt the phone and I stare down under the black towards the buttons, not sure if this is what you guys are referring to as the light leaking. No button shines more than the other either.

Damnit... I guess I'll attempt to have my phone replaced.

ReFLeX135 said:
Checked mine and it seems not to move under pressure, possibly a tiny bit... The light only leaks if I tilt the phone and I stare down under the black towards the buttons, not sure if this is what you guys are referring to as the light leaking. No button shines more than the other either.
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This is how mine is too. If i look at the screen from a top down angle i can see light on the displays. I also see i can move the screen a fraction of a millimeter if press down near the 4 home buttons, but i would have never thought it was a defect. Just seems like enough movement for a sensor to feel it or something.

I have access to two Evos and neither one of these are leaking light around the bottom left corner (or any corner). They do give in the corners a little, not anymore than my iPhone 3G, however.

Has anybody actually talked to Sprint or HTC? I want to know what they plan on doing about this. My screen also is coming loose not that much light leakage though. Also the battery cover doesn't snap on tight. I have a Google I/O phone, hardware version 2. I had problematic with the battery but once I changed it to cdma I have had no issues thus far. I hope they(sprint OR HTC) plans on doing something. Also, if you do take it back to Sprint you'll probably get a new. I doubt they have refurbished phones already. And if they did I think that would worry me. Good luck to all having issues. BTW I still love this phone.

WOW everyday an issue comes up on the EVO,what is goin on?


Soft key backlight issue?

I noticed that there's a tiny gap between where the screen ends and where the frame begins. It looks really crappy when the backlight for the soft keys is turned on because the light shows through this gap.
(I used the nexus one camera for this, so it's not very visible. It looks a lot worse in person.)
Does anybody else have this? If not, I'll just go swap mine at the sprint store...
No light leak on mine!
I have the same problem although mine is a lot worse. Maybe I should get it exchanged.
No leak on mine. That would drive me bonkers....but I'm ocd. Bring it back!
Most have this
This goes hand in hand with the glass separation issue. Give it a good press down at the bottom and it will fix it for about 30 seconds. It's a problem with the adhesive. I'll be using my warranty once the evos are more readily available.
Dredge said:
This goes hand in hand with the glass separation issue. Give it a good press down at the bottom and it will fix it for about 30 seconds. It's a problem with the adhesive. I'll be using my warranty once the evos are more readily available.
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Same here..
I think they are all gonna get this at some point. Is it neccecarilly a defect? you cant notice it unless you sit in a pitch black room... also i use the silicon case that overlaps the glass just a little bit all around so i dont really notice anyways.
i like to read at night with dark mode. so just the fact that i can't turn off the menu lights irritates me. i used to use LEDshack on the droid.
scev5 said:
I think they are all gonna get this at some point. Is it neccecarilly a defect? you cant notice it unless you sit in a pitch black room... also i use the silicon case that overlaps the glass just a little bit all around so i dont really notice anyways.
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Well, as it stands, its not a huge deal. The question is, how bad will the problem get? It has potential to be a serious problem if it continues to separate. (ie works it way on up the phone)

Story on Engadget about the screen coming loose

Mine apparently is doing it also I didnt notice it until I looked in the dark. Mines mild right now, but its def coming up...
psufan5 said:
Mine apparently is doing it also I didnt notice it until I looked in the dark. Mines mild right now, but its def coming up...
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not a big surprise. probably exactly the same crappy screen adhesion problems that were leading to all the dust under the nexus screens... :/
mine is starting to do it as well, I can feel it slightly raised above the bezel
What problems will manifest due to this problem?
What problems will manifest due to this problem?
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Dust under the screen. And you can see light leaking out of the bottom of the phone
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Wow this is totally sh*tty
I just placed my order for the Evo and should be receiving it sometime this week.
I am wondering if maybe keeping the phone in a tight-fitting silicone case might help to reduce any possible "DISPLACEMENT" of the screen
glad to see this is getting media attention. i'm sick of htc and their crappy quality control. i went through this whole thing with my hero already...
and yes, my screen is coming apart too. it definitely wasn't like that when i got it last week.
redrazr7791 said:
Wow this is totally sh*tty
I just placed my order for the Evo and should be receiving it sometime this week.
I am wondering if maybe keeping the phone in a tight-fitting silicone case might help to reduce any possible "uprising" of the screen
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Yeah can't have the screen gathering up and revolting
mrono said:
Yeah can't have the screen gathering up and revolting
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I couldn't think of another word to use
If HTC continues to mass produce phones that fall apart because of faulty manufacturing...then the customers just might revolt
Dang it!!! mine starting to raise up as well I love this phone and Sprint service but I'm afraid the problem will worsen up as the time passes. I'm not the type to switch devices after every new released and perfer to hang to something until I feel it's not doing what I ask it to (still have HTC Uni, 8525, Treo 750 and Axim x51v).
This and the 30 fps capped is my only main concern about this phone, especially this screen separation (more light leakage or dust problem). The rest of the problem doesn't really bother me much such as the laggy touch input, improperly grounded screen and other problem doesn't apply to my device.
Is it worth the hassel of exchanging it hoping to get one without the screen separation or do they all have this problem? I'm hoping the newer hardware version (version 3) doesn't have this sort of problem, mine is hardware version 2. What you guys think?
I have been noticing more and more light leaking. I thought at first I was maybe just getting paranoid (still possible) but I saw a line about 1.5 cm long along the lower left side last night... That was definitely not there before.
What should I do? Would getting the TEP plan be prudent at this point, to cover this issue if/when it gets worse? Or would be the kind of thing HTC would be more... lenient about replacements?
Think the hairdryer method will work like it did on the Nexus? My nexus had this issue and the hairdryer method fixed it up permanently.
booloobunny said:
Think the hairdryer method will work like it did on the Nexus? My nexus had this issue and the hairdryer method fixed it up permanently.
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Doesn't hurt to try. If it worked on the NX-1, it might work again
redrazr7791 said:
Wow this is totally sh*tty
I just placed my order for the Evo and should be receiving it sometime this week.
I am wondering if maybe keeping the phone in a tight-fitting silicone case might help to reduce any possible "DISPLACEMENT" of the screen
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I know this is off topic but...
How are you getting yours that fast? Where did you order from
booloobunny said:
Think the hairdryer method will work like it did on the Nexus? My nexus had this issue and the hairdryer method fixed it up permanently.
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Yeah I actually just tried this and it worked pretty well only a little of leakage left, I figure I'll seal it up some more when I have the time and Im pretty sure I did not hold it down long enough to let it cool effectively. but the parts that are still down work like a charm. way better than having to go back, lose all your apps, headaches of customer service, etc.
BigBallin said:
Dust under the screen. And you can see light leaking out of the bottom of the phone
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So this is the reason I see light under the buttons when their off and the screen is off, and its dark in the room? because my screen seems to be holding up well, and I have it in my pocket all day, no case or screen protectors. then again, I haven't been messing with it, trying to apply things or mods to it.
Hair dryer, bubble gum, tape and what else?! These are high-end devices (Evo Nexus One, etc) and they should NOT need a MacGyver handbook to keep them together after days of ownership. HTC needs to do right by us from the design stage period!
Dear Babies,
This is a site about hacking phones. Stop *****ing and use your brains for a change. Get some black silicon caulk from Lowes. Rub a small small amount in the crack where the buttons meet the case where the light leaks. Congratulations, your phone can now be left in the desert for 10 years and nothing will get through that seam including light... I swear, you guys can spend all day rooting phones but cant use some damn common sense to fix the hardware itself. I had tons of light leakage when i got the phone. Zero now, and you cant tell i did anything to it.
AshMa said:
HTC needs to do right by us from the design stage period!
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This is very true, but there seems to be a gray area when it comes to (S*** HAPPENS and a bug that can be fixed)... And it seems to get grayer everyday.....
hair dryer seems to have worked fine on my evo

Button light leakage easy permanent fix

This fix might sound crazy but it works
i have 2 evo's version 002 both with pretty bad light leakage under the buttons. One has 3 buttons and the second 2. In the dark they are very visible and i was getting annoying ready to return both. I tried the blowdryer trick but that did not work.
This is what i did about a week a ago, it only takes a minute.
Go get one of this which you might have laying around your house.
Go to a dark area where you are able to see the leakage and start painting let line between the plastic and leakage. try pushing down the plastic to and using the pen to paint some of of the inner cover. Get a towel and remove the ink that got into the screen and bottom cover.
After doing this my phone have not shown any leakage. i have tried water in a towel to see if it would remove the ink and show light leakage but no leakage what so ever (do not try alcohol). This fix is invisible to the naked eyes, i have 4 friends with evo's and they could not tell what i did, even after telling them they still did not know where was painted
This is an easy cheap fix, it takes about 2 minutes and anyone (and i mean anyone) can do it.
So please if it make you feel better returning bu
eduardmc said:
This fix might sound crazy but it works?
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Are you asking us? i dunno, did you try it?
i dunno....seems ghetto, seems htc should have used done better r&d.
Hmm, I'd just like a $200 phone to work in the first place, not start falling apart 7 days in. :|
skoobz said:
Are you asking us? i dunno, did you try it?
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sorry, i fixed it. English is not my native language so i do make alot of mistake in my writings.
Hrshycro said:
Hmm, I'd just like a $200 phone to work in the first place, not start falling apart 7 days in. :|
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I don't believe i have had a phone that did not have any kind of problems related to software and hardware. The palm pre was a mess every new one i got had dead pixels, after 6 unit i finally got one that had 2 dead pixels. My diamonds phone use to get boiling hot. i could go on. all my friends iphones had drop calls like 20 calls a days (most switch to evo with me).
now the evil have a few problems, like the back cover not been flush and that was solved with a peace of small paper on top of the battery.
You will fine defect, nothing is perfect.
Interesting fix but it doesn't eliminate the fact the leak is happening because the screen is separating. Pushing the screen down will eliminate the leaking. The best fix will be to make sure the screen is sitting all the way down. So far I've only seen one guy do it on androidforums by pushing the screen down with clamps and heating it with a hair dryer. After letting it sit over night he didn't have any more leaking or lifting after two days. We have yet to hear from him on the progress (I think he ended up exchanging it anyway). Another guy said he tried the same fix and ended up making his phone worse.
thanks this is a nice cosmetic band aid If i don't see it, it doesn't bother me as much
coolguy949 said:
Interesting fix but it doesn't eliminate the fact the leak is happening because the screen is separating. Pushing the screen down will eliminate the leaking. The best fix will be to make sure the screen is sitting all the way down. So far I've only seen one guy do it on androidforums by pushing the screen down with clamps and heating it with a hair dryer. After letting it sit over night he didn't have any more leaking or lifting after two days. We have yet to hear from him on the progress (I think he ended up exchanging it anyway). Another guy said he tried the same fix and ended up making his phone worse.
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yeah but it seems the screen separation on happens the first few days of using the device and the progress stop. my device did not progress after i notice the leakage and was looking for a fix. This kind of fix the problem since you won't see the light leakage at all. The screen separation is wasn't really a problem since i only notice it when the light leakage is visible.
Again the point is missed. This does not prevent the fact that in time the leakage will evolve into screen separating from the base. The light is leaking because the adhesive used during rush manufacturing wad improperly sealed around the face of the device. This was a huge problem for the iphone (didn't think it would happen to me but here I am with my evo)
This worked like a charm I've already exchanged my EVO twice (on my 3rd evo). The first two had dead pixels, and all three have had the light leak. I'm not in the mood to go through the RMA process with HTC, so this fix was a perfect solution for me. I tried a similar fix using superglue on one of the other EVOs I had, but it left an unsightly white residue in the crack of the screen.
While this may not be a permanent solution to the problem with the screen coming unglued, I'm ecstatic that I no longer have to see light coming from the bottom of my screen.
Thanks a lot.
This thread. ... with that Expo 2 ... funny.
I found my own fix after trying several different things including tightening the torx screws, using a hair driver and clamps, and an expo dry erase marker. I read a post about using plastidip which I had, but unfortunately it was dried out. I then decided to use something else I had around. A fine tip black paint maker (Decocolor - LINK). I dabbed the tip on a piece of paper several times to get a little paint on the tip. I then carefully ran it across the edge where the light was leaking which allowed a very small amount of it to drip down in the crevice. I then ran a q-tip and a paper towel along the edge to make sure any that got outside of the crevice was removed. Now I have no light leakage. The paint is permanent, waterproof (not that I will be testing that) and will be easy to reapply if I ever need to. It also takes very little skill and the markers can be found at a local Michaels or arts/crafts store.
On a side note, the hairdryer/clamp method did help a little, but this paint maker did the job the rest of the way.

Screen not evenly aligned on handset?

Okay so I was trying to clean out the dirt in the sides of my phone (the area between the screen and cradle) and noticed that the screen was ever so slightly left and top aligned than centered. In other words, there was less space between the screen and the cradle on the left and the top than there were on the right and the bottom. Not really a big deal, but a sign of poor manufacturing.
Anyone else have this on their phone?
Glad I'm not the only one with that problem, the right side of my screen has a little gap with the bezel, not much, but dust has gotten in there. I'm wondering if I should exchange it and try to get a more perfectly aligned model.
looks like the phone was rush to market with out proper QC
ghoste said:
Glad I'm not the only one with that problem, the right side of my screen has a little gap with the bezel, not much, but dust has gotten in there. I'm wondering if I should exchange it and try to get a more perfectly aligned model.
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I am thinking about an exchange too, but am waiting for two things:
1) A case and SP to come in to prevent this from happening again
2) To see if this is a common problem
Surprisingly, I think this phone has actually one of the better shields between glass and bezel. I went through COUNTLESS (literally probably 10) Nexus One's with dust under screen (some had failed power button too). Next, the Vibrant was ok, but the following phone, my MyTouch 4G...oh man. Again, went through 5 of them all due to being shipped with multiple specs of dust under the screen. My Nexus S isn't perfect but at least this first one is decent.
One thing I in one phone for another can bring unwanted problems. Others are complaining about home/back buttons on the side not working, others say GPS is an issue. You never know what you'll get, so be ready. I don't know how keen Best Buy is on swapping a few phones either.
In my experience though, HTC has far worse QC than Samsung (including the crappy HTC tinny speaker). Ugh, don't get me started on that.
DarkAgent said:
I am thinking about an exchange too, but am waiting for two things:
1) A case and SP to come in to prevent this from happening again
2) To see if this is a common problem
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i think you can always go to the store and check, i am sure you will find another one that doesnt have this problem as it seems to me its a manificaturing issue where it screen wasnt placed properly.
not a big deal but for an OCD guy like me. i wont be able to sleep at night till i get a better one lol
Mine looks to be centered, I can't see a difference between the left/right side.
Mine is not off center. But I do have some "lift" on the upper right hand corner (next to the ffc). I can press it down with a little play. Basically it doesn't sit completely flush with the bezel. It's not super noticeable. However the other three corners are fine. Not a biggie but it is noticeable.
yedir007 said:
Mine is not off center. But I do have some "lift" on the upper right hand corner (next to the ffc). I can press it down with a little play. Basically it doesn't sit completely flush with the bezel. It's not super noticeable. However the other three corners are fine. Not a biggie but it is noticeable.
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heh just noticed that now that you said it, but im gonna go with saying that the NS isnt the only phone to ever have that problem, lol
Buddies NS does the same thing , againt not noticeable, just dont be prying out out with your fingernail

Tighten Slide Mechanism

A simple question: is there any possible way to tighten the slide on the DVP? Basically, my top face is a little loose when the phone is in the closed position at the bottom right hand corner. I think it got a little loose when I was prying off the Otterbox case.
I'm guessing not, but I just wanted to know if someone might have figured out a way. I'm getting some screen burn-in anyway, so I might exchange the phone for that.
I'd be intersted to know as well as the screen on mine has gotten pretty loose over time. The screen moves noticeably when pressing on the bottom when closed. This happened just from everyday use.
I'm surprised that you mention burn-in as I didn't think that was possible with an OLED screen.
Not sure on the slider, but slight burn-in is normal on OLED screens. It will go away as you let it sit on the new screen for a while, but it is a part of the organic nature.
my dvp was crappy from day one.
the slider mechanism is cruddy. ive even try to talk some sense into people about how the quality was poor.
everyone just blew me off as if it was fine.
thing is, it was probably loose all a long, you probably just didnt notice it.
most people dont notice these things until something happens to it, then they blame THAT instead.
look at my threads ive created .
I have to disagree, mostly because I remember not having any problems with the slider mechanism at first.
And then I tried to pry the case off to show it to a friend, and did it in a rush, and thus, remember noticing how much it was shifting irregularly.
Everyone's not in a conspiracy to prove you wrong, lemonspeakers. We're just not all going to have the same experience.
Frazzell, I know a certain amount of burn-in is normal, but I have mine set to black out after a minute anyway. A phone conversation with Dell revealed that they do, in fact, cover AMOLED burn in for replacement anyway, so might as well take advantage of it.
Desynthesis said:
A phone conversation with Dell revealed that they do, in fact, cover AMOLED burn in for replacement anyway, so might as well take advantage of it.
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If you do exchange it, be sure to test the replacement to make sure it's stable. I had gotten a replacement due to dust and the loose slider, but the replacement locked up like crazy. I ended up keeping the original for now. I am beginning to think the dust and loose slider are inevitable.
pjfan75 said:
If you do exchange it, be sure to test the replacement to make sure it's stable. I had gotten a replacement due to dust and the loose slider, but the replacement locked up like crazy. I ended up keeping the original for now. I am beginning to think the dust and loose slider are inevitable.
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Of course--it's the reason I'm not doing it immediately. Really, I think I made the mistake of wrenching the thing with my hands as I tried to pry off the Otterbox case, which is why I think this has happened.
In your first post, you pretty much exactly describe what I noticed (that is, if I close the phone and push the bottom right corner, there's some looseness clearly apparent). However, it's only in one corner. I'll have to give it some thought.

