Epix Movie Site - Nexus One General

If you go to http://www.epixhd.com and use the "get an invite code" You will get a 7 day trial to the site. You can watch a lot of premium movies on the site. This is a new premium channel like HBO, Showtime, etc. When you sign up you will want to say you are a Charter customer and live in a Charter area. You can use zip code 29615. If you have charter as your cable provider you can get the movie channel for $10 a month and it will include a subscription to the site.

Does this sound like spam to anyone else? -_-

andythefan said:
Does this sound like spam to anyone else? -_-
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Of course not, the fellow just wanted to inform us of this nice new feature for the nexus one. However I can see how the total absence of anything Android related could confuse someone.

if this is a legit way to watch movies on my nexus then i personally would say its not spam...

Not a spam. I have used it to watch a Black Eyed Peas concert. I guess as a promotional offer, they are giving 7 days free.
Nothing to do with Nexus One or android though.
Here is a link to engadget on that:

No this is not directly related to android. But a site that benefits from android. Just learned about it at work and you can sign up using different email addresses to get more than one trial.I figured I would post this in general as it does not fit in any other section.

sigh, sadly i could register and all, but once i get to watch a movie, it won't let me since im not in the u.s.

Thread reported.

GldRush98 said:
Thread reported.
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Reported for what? A kick ass site that will play blockbuster movies on the nexus. Sorry you don't like watching movies on your phone. I work for a cable company and wanted to let you all know of the trial so the xda community can enjoy it too.


Want to hire someone to write and app to pull info from my website.

Is anyone interested in writing an app to pull data from my website?
I'm not looking for anything flashy, just something to search or pull
the new entries.
PM me Information
Hi there....I'd like to develop for you. Just send me some further information via PM.
Best Regards,
Hans Moleman
So it's been 3 months since I've looked into this. I've talked to a few people, but no one has gotten back to me more than once or twice. I would still like to have this made. If anyone out there is interested, please let me know. Thanks!
Okay, I know I know nothing more than what you've said above, but to me it sounds like you may just need to add an RSS feed to your site. Then any reader app (Google reader?) can read it.
I understand I may be way off the mark, but that was my first thought.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
I've attached a couple images of what I'd like it to look like. The site itself already detects the device being used to access it and configures the page view appropriately. The big thing I guess is the main screen.
I've put a quick app together that uses the rss feed, but it's really ugly and not at all how I'd like the main page to display. I know very little of programming and even less about putting Android apps together. I did get in the Google App Inventor, but was still unable to put anything useful together. Maybe during Christmas break I'll try again...
I will have some free time in the coming weeks if you don't find anyone before Christmas send me a PM.
pegisys said:
I will have some free time in the coming weeks if you don't find anyone before Christmas send me a PM.
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Thanks! I'll be sure to let you know.
Have you considered simply putting your website inside of a webview?
Anderdroid said:
Have you considered simply putting your website inside of a webview?
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or just making a mobile version of the site? It won't then be restricted to only 1 OS.
Anderdroid said:
Have you considered simply putting your website inside of a webview?
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I've been told that before, but I don't know how to do that.
johncmolyneux said:
or just making a mobile version of the site? It won't then be restricted to only 1 OS.
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The site currently has a mobile version. It auto-detects the OS that is accessing it and reconfigures it appropriately. The only problem is that it's kind of limiting. You can't search easily, you can't submit information, etc. It's a really watered down version of the site. At least the main page is.
Ideally I would like people to be able to pull up the app in the movie theater either before or after to see if there is anything they need to know about beforehand or submit information via the multiple ways I provide afterwards.
This is sofian i have developed many android apps..i m interested to work...
My skype id is: sofian_sunny
hotmail [email protected]
I know it's been a while since I've posted this on here and just as long since I've been in contact with anyone. With that being said, I would still like to do this. Here is the major problem: I don't have the cash to pay someone to do this. The site doesn't generate very much income at all right now. Although, about 75% of my traffic is from mobile users as well as the little ad income I get.
With that being said, I am more than willing to enter in a contract with the developer that states something like we will split the income from the app say 60/40 (you/me) until xx day or xx amount of dollars are met. I would like two versions; one ad supported and one ad-free, but paid (.99 or so).
I tried to also get a Kickstarter going for this, but for me to even start a campaign, I need more delepment information like timelines, mock-ups, sketches, etc.
If anyone is seriously interested, please either post back here or send me a PM.
P.S. Please, please only serious developers that can agree to the terms above. I don't need to speak with any more developer houses where we talk and all of a sudden they say it'll cost x amount of dollars. I said above I don't have the cash currently to pay for this, that's not going to change unless I win the lottery!

[Q] Banned For Life from Android Market/ Developer

Google recently shut down my developer account and google market account with no explanation. And as you all know their support sucks. Does anyone know how to get back on the market to sell apps? Thanks. I had some Themes for pandahome etc but now I have some apps I made with AI I want to get on the market.
Your merchant account has been closed
Make another fake account.
Xda app
I tried that 4 times and somehow they keep finding me. I used walmart gift cards with fake names! I don't know if they are tracking my ISP or what, but they go up for about an hour, take my $25 developer fee, and then get closed down.
Any surefire ways to set up a stealth developer account?
All I was making was themes you can see what I had here, then lost everything
androidlib my developer name was Onion Rings Studios
007onionrings said:
All I was making was themes you can see what I had here, then lost everything
androidlib my developer name was Onion Rings Studios
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You're were making themes for an app; did you ask the developer if you can put them on the market. He could report you because you didn't have his approval.
It looks like most of your themes were copyright infringing, maybe someone who owns the copyright had complained about you.
I remember getting my first ticket. Some guy was ahead of me and was slowing down to stop for a light that was turning red, I decided to drive right around him to pass.
I got pulled over.
When I asked the cop what I did wrong, he gave me a nasty look and just said "license and registration".
Sorry, I know this story doesn't have anything to do with the topic of this thread, but when I read that Google banned the account without giving any explanation...It made me think of that.
I seriously doubt that they would ban you for no reason whatsoever, as the previous posts say your themes where probably copyright infringing and the copyright owner complained about you. So there is your reason!
What kind of AI were you working on?
Futur Innovations said:
What kind of AI were you working on?
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He means App Inventor, not AI apps.
If you were making themes for another developers app and making money out of it, i can completely see why you should be stopped... Banned seems a little OTT though? I also think Google should have an obligation to explain the ban, you should have been given a chance to appeal or something! Unless of course you're missing a few bits out??
Try teaming up with another developer or themer? If its any consolation, i dont think many people use panda home anymore...infact i dont know of anyone!!
007onionrings said:
I tried that 4 times and somehow they keep finding me.
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why the hell would Google know who you are?
Are you re-uploading the same App? Using same email? Thats why they find you probably. Get someone with a real CC to open an account for you.
I suspect his endeavours take a wrong turn the moment he starts using 'Walmart credit cards' and 'fake identities'.
Not many genuine people need fake ID and credit cards so its probably for our protection....doesn't look too good considering the apps he/she sold were to profit from another devs work in the first place!
I had a nice app game that I downloaded last December.
After I upgraded to Froyo, I wanted to re-download the game.
It is no longer available because a huge corporate game marketer threatened legal action becuase it had similarities to one of the games they market.
It's corporate litigation bullying!
The independent developer cowered and pulled his app.
I'd love to see a thread with links to apk files(apps) that we can access and install with a sideloader.
Does anyone have such a resource?
Google "alternate android market" and the world is your oyster
why the hell would Google know who you are?
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.. didn't you know? google knows all.
naenee said:
I suspect his endeavours take a wrong turn the moment he starts using 'Walmart credit cards' and 'fake identities'.
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LOL @ upstanding business practices.

Samsung Galaxy S2 IRC channel

What is a phone without an IRC-channel? Nothing imo. So I created a channel on freenode (same as #htc-linux/htc-linux-chat etc), so why don't you join me and hopefully others and chat about the SGS2 and other random stuff?
If so;
Server url: irc.freenode.net
Channel: #SGS2
I'll add some other OPs if the channel gets "popular".
If you don't know what IRC is, click here.
IRC clients you can use; mIRC, irssi or xchat
Hope I'll see ya guys there.
Edit: My username on the channel is Berger
use the free online Browser based IRCs if you down own & purchased any of the ones mentioned above
AllGamer said:
use the free online Browser based IRCs if you down own & purchased any of the ones mentioned above
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xChat is free.
(xChat-WDK for Windows)
Sent from my Captivate using XDA Premium.
if you look at the about page it shows it's free for 30 days (trial) only, then you need a license
unfortunately there are hardly any legit free stuff in life
the government will start taxing for the air we breath sooner or later
Good stuff usually isn't free. Why would it be? No one's gonna do something for nothing. Definitely not me.
And I gotta pay my firefighters, so I'm okay if they start taxing the air if they need to.
Open source irc client for windows.
they hydra is an excellent recommendation!
Well, sorry for posting links to paid apps, but anyways, why don't you people join the channel?
because there isn't really much to talk about at the moment, at least not until the phone hits the street for the public consumer (us the users)
Well, finally I can bump this thread, seeing as the phone is released in the UK
We are still a few people hanging out in the channel, so why don't you guys join us?
Ive been there since day 1, always connected with my Xoom using Yaiic.
AllGamer said:
use the free online Browser based IRCs if you down own & purchased any of the ones mentioned above
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The OP only suggested a few clients, he wasn't telling anyone to pirate them - why so harsh? (This isn't a rhetorical question, I'd really like to know.)
AllGamer said:
unfortunately there are hardly any legit free stuff in life
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That statement makes me sad ... Good that it isn't true, especially not for IRC clients: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_Internet_Relay_Chat_clients. FWIW, I use ChatZilla (a free plug-in for Firefox) myself.
BTW, you can direct-link IRC channels, like this irc://irc.freenode.net/SGS2.

Sign petition against AT&T blocking Amazon app store

Send other AT&T phone owners this way too
The HSUPA Groubal got their attention - lets try this one. Yes we can root around their restrictions, but that is no reason to let them dictate unfair business practices
Download APK at https://www.amazon.com/app-email
adb install Amazon_Appstore-release.apk
chromedome00 said:
Suit yourself on what you think is stupid.... but if you like sideloading, enjoy.
The problem is that you have to sideload every single app and update after you sideload the Amazon market app. And they are not named by app name either.
But for everyone voting that this is dumb; good job! Your comment got your post count one more higher.
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Ummm the Amazon App doesn't update from the Android market, it updates directly from their website..... whos the stupid one now?
Why petition for something already being worked on?
Chubby_Skunk said:
WOW!!! Its at 15 signatures!! damn AT&T sure is going to change this whole thing with that many signs. This is a failed attempt. Dont be lazy, just sideload
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If you don't have the non-market apps mod then sideloading the Amazon App store apk will not help. It will not be able to install any apps because they are non-market apps.
The only thing stupid is AT&T for removing this option to begin with.
ricethief said:
Why petition for something already being worked on?
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Well, in all likelyhood, that will only be a workaround for one particular app store. What about any other current or future app stores?
This is something AT&T just needs to give up the ghost on.
What the hell is wrong with everyone?
Why do you have to bash and curse the guy who started the petition? If you don't want to sign, then don't sign it and move along. If you want to express your opinion, do it LIKE AN ADULT. Leave the 12 yr old attitude at home.
Did the OP do something wrong? Did he insult anyone like you guys are insulting him?
This is a sharing community. Get off your high horses and start being useful.
Yeah, hostility levels are high on XDA. Some people don't even read the original post and post all sorts of garbage.
AT&T should stop blocking apps and the installation of apps that they don't approve of. Oh and I would be really happy if they throttled my connection down instead of charging $10 per GB. That's just an unbelievable money grab.
OR try All App Stores.apk; can be downloaded straight from market and it will take u through to get amazon app. Petition wont reach the janitors desk. Not being smart ass, just the world where we live and as of now money power and capitalism, and definitly wallstreet ceo's rule it. So who has more of those us or at&t? Even if we got enough signitures att lawyers would find loop hole or art would make a large campaign contribution and new law that bans petitions against att or something ridiculas like that. Not pesemistic just true.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
@ all - I've done some cleaning, what' wrong with everybody (seniors specially)?. Show some respect. If you want to make your point, do it...but with respect. No need to offend nobody. If you think something is wrong, do some constructive arguments.
@ Chubby_Skunk, can you please remove the gif from your sig (the one with the foul language and offensive to female users, thanks).
Thanks and back on topic.
Rad ryan said:
OR try All App Stores.apk; can be downloaded straight from market and it will take u through to get amazon app. Petition wont reach the janitors desk. Not being smart ass, just the world where we live and as of now money power and capitalism, and definitly wallstreet ceo's rule it. So who has more of those us or at&t? Even if we got enough signitures att lawyers would find loop hole or art would make a large campaign contribution and new law that bans petitions against att or something ridiculas like that. Not pesemistic just true.
Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk
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I disagree. The HSUPA petition made the news on popular blog sistes (BRG, Engadget, etc.) and AT&T replied to the person that created the petition and finally made a public statement that they would fix it by end of April. And although the build has not been pushed, we know that 1.83 has HSUPA.
If we can get the numbers of sigs that the HSUPA one got, we should push them a bit. Consumer momentum works, and for this issue, it affects all AT&T android phones.
Besides, it takes 5 seconds to click on a box to sign the petition and there is nothing to loose.

To all devs and xda..

First i want to start by saying im sorry that you all are not understanding what the 5 bucks is for . its hard to find things on the net and in the forums. When i first started i came here to xda i soft bircked my phone from a rom so i asked for help here and got yelled at, called names and told im posting in the wrong room . I didnt know, but still someone could of helped me instead i was made fun of and laughed at for my spelling here at xda . so i went out and found out alot about phones made a couple videos and poof everyone found me ....i was helping so many people, my phone was none stop ringing but i picked up . i helped them out by telling people where to go, how to get what they want was hard so i made a site it was free all day up intill 5 months ago . see the site was coasting me 250 a month that i did not have but people still needed help they tryed to come here but people where mean cuzz where noobs . so thats why at akaskriller.com it coast 5 bucks . everyone knows these roms are free on the net there not paying for the roms there paying for a just cause for helping people in need no matter what . for the roms i put out i say i hacked theme or themed them out . its fun to theme them out and help people ..
so im sorry if u all got it wrong and i give back to the devs that i take the most calls on lol but for real you all stop being silly and saying bad things about me.
and we pay peoples bills that can not ... ask your selfs y do you all care so much what others do for help?
seriously? why hide the roms behind donations then? why not post it freely and market it as a pay support site? why post paid apps for free behind the donation? why not post it all for no donation at all and post a link for 5.00 a month tech support? i'm certain this thread will be locked in no time and look forward to the humiliation headed your way.
I do not accept your apology. You are a fraud. You stole peoples work to make money
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
it doesn't matter your logic for any of that.
1) you cannot advertise anything that has a registration/paywall on xda, it's against the forum rules (it's the same reason we don't see posts by samfirmware stuff anymore, even though we all know about it)
2) you cannot include links to services/devices you sell (it's fine to tell people of a download mode JIG and even to check ebay or other places, but to point directly to yours is also against the rules)
3) if you don't have the money to run the site, don't run it (why host anything at all beyond a few lightweight html files with explanations)
4) make the donation optional. register for the site for free and then people can donate if they want (hey, sounds an awful lot like what xda is)
5) do you have the permission of the ROM developers to repost their work elsewhere? (especially behind a lazy paywall)
if you can't follow xda's rules, then what do you expect to happen?
What you do is wrong!
1. You host warez on your site.
2. You steal all of out Dev's roms
3. Just link you "subscribers" to xda
Why not use something like forumotion.com to so you don't have to pay?
And the no credits?
This... this is going to get nasty unfortunately.
Be respectable people.
Suck my balls.
@aka , not s15 >.>
see this is xda all you all do is talk bad im sorry but there are no paid apps in site and app brain or 4share.com lol theres all your apps for free ... i tell you all and you dont here me
And the lying about creating a Gingerbread ROM with GPS?
I think the point that most are upset with is that you have done this in a sneaky manner and not asked any dev if it was okay to post their work. For us to put sometimes months into building a better rom and then you to take it change a couple icons or colors and then post it as your own work when you probably wouldn't know a XML from a bml and charge people for "support" which they get here for free. I personally have tried to answer every "noob" that has approached me and not once charged.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
You pay for 250 (A dedicated box) for your forum?
Damn. That's silly.
You are in breach of Apache Software License Version 2 & GNU General Public License Version 2.
You are in breach of your AdSense account by hosting copyrighted material, you have been reported - LINK
You have been reported to Gameloft for hosting their pirated/warez apps, they have notified their legal dept.
You have been reported to your web host - LINK - for hosting & distributing pirated/warez apps.
You have been reported to Paypal for profiteering off pirated/warez apps.
Enjoy the next few days.
tissle said:
You pay for 250 (A dedicated box) for your forum?
Damn. That's silly.
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Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
Quit trying to front dude. And if you're paying 250 a month for your site that's a joke. Learn the rules before you break them. All youre trying to do now is bend them. Quit taking other devastating work!!
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA Premium App
And it appears that most scammers would try to post an apology explaining their situation in order "recreate" their image again.
250? more like 10
Get Godaddy and pay that much.
We don't care you have a crappy website that costs that much.
The not helping? You think its just here? Look at your own forums buddy...
Someone here posted a link to one of your threads where someone asked if OC can be used on all of "your" roms, 1 reply "try it and find out"
Very nice answer?
Everyone here will hate you and probably do, you know why?
and now your trying to make excuses like a 5 year old kid lying about stealing his friends toy car.
Grow some balls kid.
andyharney said:
You are in breach of Apache Software License Version 2 & GNU General Public License Version 2.
You are in breach of your AdSense account by hosting copyrighted material, you have been reported - LINK
You have been reported to Gameloft for hosting their pirated/warez apps, they have notified their legal dept.
You have been reported to your web host - LINK - for hosting & distributing pirated/warez apps.
You have been reported to Paypal for profiteering off pirated/warez apps.
Enjoy the next few days.
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Your ****ed.
Ill give you 5 dollars to shut the hell up.....oh and gps on 2.3
s15274n said:
This... this is going to get nasty unfortunately.
Be respectable people.
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i thought exactly the same thing when i saw this lol. made damn sure i jumped in with justifiable questions and hope for an answer before it got locked. guess i'll pop some popcorn and watch the show.
ps. still hoping for some answers to my questions akaskriller.
tissle said:
You pay for 250 (A dedicated box) for your forum?
Damn. That's silly.
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He doesn't have a dedicated server, his server IP is and as you can see it goes nowhere. Its a shared IP.
