Ugly apps - HD2 General

This is probably a bit of a stupid question with probably a very obvious answer. But why are all the apps for windows mobile all ugly?
We have HTC sense and that looks great why can't other apps keep the htc sense feel like from menus or anything instead of reverting to windows mobile style.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people for example even love ginger children.
Many WinMo apps have been written to look the way they are so that they fitted in with a standard WinMo look and feel. Others were simply designed by talentless and tasteless folk (like Steve Jobs).

Believe it or not the apps have actually got better looking recently.
ETA: If you go to the link in my sig and check my recommended apps, you'll see that a lot of apps do look nice. Slacker, Bing, etc.

I think it should be compulsory to use the Sense SDK Look 'n' Feel now for every app developed for Windows Mobile

Partly because developers != designers.
At the same time, HTC Sense is but a few years old, while Windows Mobile and its associated 'ugly' interface have been around for 10. It's a bit unreasonable to expect all the applications to reflect the updated design of a single manufacturer.

madindehead said:
I think it should be compulsory to use the Sense SDK Look 'n' Feel now for every app developed for Windows Mobile
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Thats bordering on fascism! Do you work for apple?

So it is actually possible to have a good looking app?

aLlamaWithARifle said:
This is probably a bit of a stupid question with probably a very obvious answer. But why are all the apps for windows mobile all ugly?
We have HTC sense and that looks great why can't other apps keep the htc sense feel like from menus or anything instead of reverting to windows mobile style.
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It's because WM doesn't have a unified screen size, like the iPhone for example. So the apps/games have to be made in VGA, QVGA, WVGA to name three of many many others. So the games have to be made for each naitive screen size to actually look 'pretty', and the poorer looking apps on the HD2 are made for a screen size that isn't WVGA.

Speaking of ugly apps, is there a starter's guide or someplace to look for skinning stock applications (in particular, I'm interested in Outlook, as email's one of my top use cases, and the default skin looks awful)? I can code, but am at a loss as to where to even start. I did a search on the forums to no avail. To clarify, I'm not simply looking for skins, but am interested in creating my own for specific applications. Any pointers?

Most of the newer apps (< 1-2 years) do look good, and on every screen size, take G-Alarm, Resco Photo Manager, Opera 10, etc...
Most other blunt-looking apps are several years old, and date back from when visual design didn't have any consideration from developers, they were just using the default looks and controls rather than spending as much time and effort redesigning their own UI as needed to actually develop the application's functionality. Pocket Outlook is just the same as it was 5 years ago or even more...
But now pretty much everybody agrees that custom graphics is worth it...

This really is quite a naive question... if it was all about simple, smooth looking apps we would have bought an iPhone...
Having said that, what particular programs are you looking for? Most functions of a WinMo phone can now be utilised using programs with amazing UIs.
Browser: Opera Mobile 10/Mini 5
Email: You have sense... and even when you open an individual email (where it defaults to Outlook) we have pinch-to-zoom brilliance
SMS: You have sense...
Contacts/Phone: You have sense...
Photos/Videos: HTC, or try Resco Photo Manager
File explorer: Standard one is actually fine imo, but there's also the skinnable Resco, Total Commander, Throttle Explorer
Others: Google maps, Facebook, iGO8
There's a plethora of options out there.


Winterface 1.0 Released

WARNING IPHONE HATERS... (semi-clone on board)
Details here..
Looks like its open season on hacking this now.
If I can only get it to somehow show calendar events on a page, its a hit.
Interesting. The only thing that stil pulls the I-phone ahead in this race is the speed at which it can use thier shell. I still love my PDA more though. Thanks for the link.
Hmmm...can't wait to see some skinning for this.
DL'd the cab from the website listed. It hasn't asked for an activation code yet...found activation screen, 14-day trial.
It is fairly easy to run, doesn't seem to take a lot of memory. Very similar to iPhone icon UI, not as 'fancy' looking.
looks boring
There is definite room for improvement...not too bad for a 1st version but it's typical of Vito software.
Contacts can be set up with their own icon and can be mixed in with application icons.
I would like to see something along the lines of SPB Mobile Shell though...i.e. Clock page, calendar. Then again, I suppose that will just fatten it up and cause some memory drain like SPB already does.
I'll try it...
I'll try it for a few days.Thanks.​
Looks good but why always duplicate the iPhone interface, come up with something better. The new Diamond interface is like a breath of fresh air. It lets us know there are other options out there that is also good.
the most boring thing about vito apps is how cheap they all look. ugly, ugly, ugly.
looks too generic reminds me of samsung gui
something unique would have been more eye catching!
Nice one
Cool feature, but why use it when I have this baby..
dizzydix said:
Cool feature, but why use it when I have this baby..
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Just curious but what is that?
NM, I found this thread you were in...Is it WAD or WAD2 you're mostly using?
dealwagon said:
WARNING IPHONE HATERS... (semi-clone on board)
Details here..
Looks like its open season on hacking this now.
If I can only get it to somehow show calendar events on a page, its a hit.
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What was the warning for? Another dumb iPhone wan-a-be.
it's actually pretty nice... it just needs some graphical tweaks in my opinion...
Seems ok to me. Granted its similar to the iphone layout; however seems fairly simple and straightforward.
I like the semi black background without it being too black.
Everyone will have a view on this latest interface/gui. What we should remember is that there are people out ther doing an awful lot of development work to give us a better interface/more choice on the WM platform.
Constructive criticism and good points, e.g the request for skinning, is one thing. Simply lambasting the tool is not good enough.
Someone on here the other day was asking for ideas for a new UI for WM. Should we not seize on opportunities like this one presented to us?
Just my dollars worth.
I like the iPhone-like interface, and the customizeability. Aside from that, I agree that the overall apearance of SBP Mobile Shell is better.
amen! If I wanted an iPhone, I'd get a damned iPhone!!
dizzydix said:
Cool feature, but why use it when I have this baby..
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is fine.... can you post?
I second WackyBanana.
It'd be great to have skinning sometime soon.
just my 2 cents worth, but iphone bashing is getting a bit droll, since we're all here on WM platforms anyways. You have to admit, Apple's UI's are pretty good, just really short on apps and customization.
So lets congratulate Vito and see if we can get some more customization options.
I would LOVE an option to turn off the Vito 'slide to unlock' option since I'm already using Slide2Unlock Pro 1.05...
like another person stated it looks boring! i wonder how well it will work? will it be speedy or sluggish?

[APP] SPB Mobile Shell 3.0 demo video
-flexible engine (open development of widgets?)
-hardware accelaration support (will my mogul run faster?)
-facebook integrated into contacts!
-multiple home pages
-professional and lifestyle (huh?) layout
-kinetic scrolling
-fully customizable (themes supported?)
This can tide everyone over until 6.5! Way better than TouchFlo (IMO).
Looks Amazing. Hmm Should I get ready to remove Manilla 2D off my Omina?
Way better than TouchFlo (IMO).
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Not if SPB hasn't really done away with the standard Today screen. One of the reasons I didn't switch over to 2.0 was the fact that the Mobile Shell home screen did not replace the today screen. I know there's an XDA hack for that functionality, but MS 3.0 should take lesson from PointUI and replace today completely.
this looks awesome.
their standard/default themes always sucked. and somehow 3.0 looks just like 2.0 just with a little tune up..hmm...after all this announcements im a little bit disappointed.
was it announced when this would be available?
Uffff I think i would use this for sure!!! need a release date...
I am a little dissapointed. When I heard about Facebook integration, for some reason I was thinking of the ability to use chat, change status, etc... instead it is just a way to get the profile photo to the contact in your address book. Bummer.
I agree. Not much better than the current version. Should've integrated a few apps would've made it more useful. new version of mobile shell might make current skin invalid too.
So this is basically the same, but a little "upgraded." By not changing the overall idea at all, the same reasons I dont use 2 will be the same reasons I dont use 3. I was expecting so much more with the hype. PointUI kills this. Kills. When will they learn, keep it simple, make it customizable. Oh well.
It looks ok but PointUI didn't do anything for me either so I'll stick with my TF3D till either is truely better.
Glad to see they're trying something new since TouchFLO pretty much made me stop using Mobile Shell as it did what I needed, and it came with my OS, rather than having to install something on top.
friguy33 said:
So this is basically the same, but a little "upgraded." By not changing the overall idea at all, the same reasons I dont use 2 will be the same reasons I dont use 3. I was expecting so much more with the hype. PointUI kills this. Kills. When will they learn, keep it simple, make it customizable. Oh well.
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Since when is PointUI customizable? I have used it and there is not customization built into it.
Any idea on when the beta of SPB3 will be out?
Do we realy need a second topic with the same questions and wishes?
A much better video:
JukEboXAuDiO, you seriously must be joking right! Pointui Home not customizable? Is being able to replace every graphic in the app, being the only UI with scripting support to allow you to build all sorts of applets and things, and being able to customize the background through the entire app not quite enough customization for you? Or are you referring to the old version released 12 mths ago?

Some thoughts and opinions about TF3D please :)

Ive been thinking about TF3D and its negatives and positives about and want to see what you think and have to say
The "people" list, aka the tf3d contact list just plain sucks IMO, too damn big font for my taste, totaly nullifies the use of a big screen and I cant find the function to sort after company or use as the regular contact list can which makes it totally usable for me :/
The SMS function that is combined with the user is good in someways but I hardly ever use it, also way too big, is it just me that have good eyesight or is everything with TF3D just damn big? IMO we have a big screen to see lots of stuff, not just make them bigger and prettier... >_<
The built in music player in tf3d is pretty.. but PocketPlayer just pwnz it totally IMO, so much better features and possibilites with PP, one of the first apps I bought when I got my Touch HD
That are the negatives I come to think of now, I know there are more... but TF3D becomes better and better so maybe some of it will not be negative for me
Positive stuff is ofcourse that its pretty, smooth easy to use interface, beats most other standard WM GUIs, atleast all I have tried
There are no GUIs for WM that is more like Android? I dont know much about Android phones but what from I have seen it really seems more customizable and you can move to different desktops with different wallpapers and different functions and apps?

Graphic guidelines and app design.

Hey this is my first post here. I've been using a nexus one for a while now and I downloaded quite a few applications. I have to say thought that I was quite disappointed by the graphical diversity that lingers around the android platform. As a vfx artist I like my phone to work but also to look nice and sometimes the two things are not present in android.
So I was wondering if someone is interested in writing down some guidelines to better UI designs and maybe provide developers with some graphical help. My idea was not to copy the iphone ui or the new windows mobile 7 but to take what Google has done and expand it to provide cleaner and more interesting UIs to apps.
What do you guys think, is anyone on board for this?
Sadly, I think that this is probably the largest problem on Android devices. The huge inconsistency of the UI throughout makes Android devices hard to use when compared to, say, an iPhone. For example, the stock GMail app has a white background against black text, but the stock Email app has a black against white background. Both apps have essentially the same functions but the way to perform those functions and manage their settings are completely different.
androidlicious said:
Sadly, I think that this is probably the largest problem on Android devices. The huge inconsistency of the UI throughout makes Android devices hard to use when compared to, say, an iPhone. For example, the stock GMail app has a white background against black text, but the stock Email app has a black against white background. Both apps have essentially the same functions but the way to perform those functions and manage their settings are completely different.
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So they look the same, or did you twist your words?
atoz350 said:
So they look the same, or did you twist your words?
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Well, I was trying to come up with a good example but I guess that it didn't come across as such. I guess another example is the camera application. I mean, its UI and design looks completely different from all the other applications...
I don't mind applications to have totally different designs as long as they are intuitive and make sense in the context of the application and I think a lot of them don't.
It's true though that some more general guidelines like the one they have for the iphone would help some developers to not only keep consistency but also keep the design relevant to the tasks provided by the app.
What do you guys prefer? I think android strenght could be a custom design for each app as long as it's intuitive, a perfectly good example is the gallery application introduced in 2.1
Here are some ideas:
There is a link there to a good pdf (the link in the question over stackoverflow is dead):
Though, it isn't complete but it could be a good base.
janfsd said:
Here are some ideas:
There is a link there to a good pdf (the link in the question over stackoverflow is dead):
Though, it isn't complete but it could be a good base.
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This is great especially the pdf and the gnome guidelines!
Don't forget the Android UI Guidelines.

Advantage of Android Over WinMo??

I seriously dont get it, what is the real adavantage of Android??..many say Andorid is waaay better than WinMo6.5without any reason.. i for one still feel android and WinMo6.5are on the same boat .. there are NO distinctive advantages over each other.. i can find many demerits in android(atleast for me), yea there are demerits in WinMo6.5 also but in no way Android outweighs the disadvantages of WinMo6.5.
1. Android's battery management is very poor compared to WinMo6.5.
2. Android's memory management sucks BIG time, poeple say it's intelligent ... it's just kills apps whenever it needs to, basically loads all junk in memory and if it needs memory it kills low priority processes, i dont know how this is considered intelligent, why does it load all the installed apps process in the first place???.. i am even afraid to install a new app..
This is the reason for the battery drain!!!...
3. There is no TRUE multitasking, you play a game while listening to a song, in between you want to change the song, you cant do.. there is a huge possiblity that Android will just kill the game since it needs memory.
4. Theming is too static, you can only cahnge colours or images.. you cant completely change the whole interface as in WinMo6.5... every1 who is been using WinMo for some time would easily understand how great you can change the interfac of your mobile in WinMo6.5.
5. DATA Hag, for everything you have to goto market, goddamn, there are countries where 3g is not even introduced and poeple dont have unlimited plans, for everthing you need mobile internet in android.
6. Feels like it's a locked OS just like IOS and the copy cat winmo 7.
Only advantage of android over WinMo6.5 is android's got some good looking games!!!
Maybe it's just that people wanted a change and they are catching to Android , once they got bored they will come back to WinMo
Nobody is forcing you to use android, so why are you knocking it? If you don't like it, just don't use it.
The main advantage is the active development. We are early in the life of android with version 2.2. Windows mobile 6.5 is likely to be left behind when WM7 arrives. There are also many more developers who contribute to the android market.
How can you describe an open source OS as "locked" and compare it to IOS. Open source is the polar opposite of locked.
You are wrong to say that the theme is too static and can't be changed. There are many options. Sense, ADW, Launcher Pro, and now MIUI.
Most importantly XDA developers, the long time windows mobile devs, have now embraced android.
I just stopped by to say this is lulzy
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Simple question: why going back to an os wm abandoned and no longer support? You can talk about battery consumption, I have the same here, (super miui rom) and I still remember very well all the bugs and freezes I had with wm no mater what rom I choose. Remember very well too when I was so happy my phone ran 3 days without reset it. The cruel lack of applications. Ok, you can find by digging a bit an ugly wm app that do the trick, but its better to have the choice. There are so many developers here, future oriented.
Example : I decided to went to android when onenote mobile lost all my pictures inside my travel note ... Enough.
Now with the memoires app, I can take an encrypted note with picture and gps on map, backed up in sd, synchronised with google docs or export it in whatever output file I want. Happy user.
I made a silent backup too when I plug my usb cable, copying my sdcard meaning all my os and apps.
If you don't understand why people love android here you probably missed something ;-)
I wonder why there are still WM 6.5.3 releases everyday.. maybe microsoft stopped supporting and these builds are just coming out of nowhere .. possible??
if the developers stopped supporting i wonder how CHT 2.0 beta came out... CHT 2,0 pawns everything.. it's so awesome.. can you imagine anything of that sort to come out for android,...
Regarding theming
What is launcher pro offereing same old page scrolling and more widgets that is all... there is no drastic change..
In WinMo i had iphone ui(page scrolling), Sense ui, Windows xp style, windows 98 style, windows 7 style.. there is this wonderful app Wisbar.. with that you could possibly get any type of UI... you cant possibly do anything like that in android
THAT IS WHY I CALL IT LOCKED, you cant possibly edit anything like you have done in WinMo
Another disadvantage i saw was, i cannot share my PC's internet connection with my phone.. there is no way to do this.. WTH man.. in WinMo it's easy as a piece of cake..
Nobody is forcing you to use android, so why are you knocking it? If you don't like it, just don't use it.
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Please this is not a Android hatred or WinMo fan boyism thread... i am still trying out every new release of android and i will still continue to do the same.. all i wanted to discuss was it's Advantage over WinMo .. maybe i dont know stuffs , i wanted to learn more about android ...
I just stopped by to say this is lulzy
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i dont want any android fan service here, if you have some stuff in your head speak it or go take a hike
Some noobs just dont understand anything, just for the sake of every1 using they will use and say Android rocks, this, that... tell us what you feel as an advantage
Both have their advantages and disadvantages... I like them both equally now. I used to say winmo was better, and in some ways it is. It's actually far more customizable and versatile when you know what you're doing, and just as stable. I bought the hd2 for winmo, and plan on keeping it on the phone because this will be the last great winmo phone.
But android is being actively developed, and is catching up in versatility quickly. Since froyo was released and the hd2 got such a functional port, I've given Android another chance and have really began to like it... its smoother and easier to setup than winmo, and its functionality & versatility are catching up to winmo in many ways.
They are just different. Android is definitely easier for the average user, and is continuously updated and has a lot of developers supporting it with a variety of apps. Winmo is still more customizable and versatile, but it isn't easy for the average user. It was designed as a pocket pc OS originally, and has had phone functionality added. Android was designed as a phone OS to begin with, but it doesn't have the desktop-like functionality that winmo does. They are very differently designed mobile OS's.
At this point, I now love them both equally, but in different ways. I love my winmo setup and the fact I can make it look and act exactly how I want... it takes some experience and work to get it as functional and stable as I like it, and it does everything I want it to do. Android is fun and easy to setup... it looks great and modern, and has a lot of fun apps. I'm pretty sure I can accomplish everything that I can with winmo if I really tried, and vice-versa, but I still prefer the way winmo & its apps are setup for a lot of things, though. But I'm liking the way android works and is set-up for other things. Web browsing is much more enjoyable on android, and there are more games and will continue to be more made.
Anyways, the great thing about the HD2 is that I can have both! And both run very well. I will never turn my dual-OS powerphone into just another android phone by flashing android over winmo... it doesn't seem worth it as android will run pretty much as good off a SD card as from nand... it all loads into RAM anyways and runs from there. Plus I still love winmo as much as I always have, and I got this phone because it is and will always be the best winmo device. It's a shame that it won't be developed any further.
I hope that when magldr is released, it will allow me to have both winmo and android on nand, as I have the tmous hd2 with 1gb nand, so there's enough space. That will allow me to access to my SD card without needing to leave it in for android.
Sorry for such a long post, but I had a lot to say on this subject. I'm tired of hearing fans of one OS bashing the other OS. I hear it most often from android users on this forum. It seems once android was functional on the hd2, many more immature posts have flooded these forums... saying winmo sucks, etc. They are both great mobile OS's, and are just different. It's great we now have a choice, but there's no reason to bash either OS just because you don't like it, or understand how to use it. Sorry for the rant. It's late & I'm very tired.
Edit: my rant isn't focused at anybody in this thread. Also, I agree with the op on most of his views. All of android launchers/shells are very similar and is not nearly as skinnable and customizable as winmo. But I do love the widgets android has, too. It's very easy to setup nice looking homescreens... winmo usually takes more time and work to setup the way you want, but there is a ton more options.
And CHT 2.0 looks awesome... haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but it looks like it takes sense to a whole new level. Takes the best parts of android sense and winmo sense, and makes the most customizable version of sense yet!
Sent from my HTC HD2 using XDA App
I've installed Android on my HD2 and are using it for main, daily use OS. The reason for this is the net browsing experience. Click a flash movie and it plays. Click it again and it plays full screen. Also the overall slickness of Sense on android + swype + spotify + native gps navigation is reasons for not going back.
I like both, as you get some great applications in both.
Although Windows never looks and feels as slick as Android.
Take some like for like applications, Facebook app on WM is terrible compared to the fantastic Android version. Radiotime player knocks any radio player on WM.
the cloud sync of google is so easy and works well.
But saying that I find the Memory map navigator a must on WM, some great bird and wildlife apps, prefer the camera on WM HD2 and think Sense UI on the HD2 is a lot better than sense on Android, although saying that I like the friendsstream....
See we are so lucky to have both...
yea good one dude.. i feel the same way.. people just blindly say WinMo sucks.. that is my argument.. they are in equal footing.. no way Android is better than WinMo...
Real thing is, An OS such as WinMo which came into existense some 6 or 7 years back can still hold it's uniquness and has almost all the features as that of an newly released os Android!!! ... what does android offer being it a brand new OS.. i dont get it... i can do anything android do in winmo itself... i was hoping Android to be far superior OS ... but after using it i dont feel like it AT ALL....
Well the biggest drawback of winmo , is its colors! They have never released a proper 16million color screen , common, its the 22nd century .. Lol .
A phone like the calibre of HD2 could hv had amoled plus 16 million colors , and it would have rocked both worlds, WinMO and Android!
But android , simply truly is more Open Source and more developer community oriented, than winMo .
Android , is being backed by The biggest player of the market , Google , which allows full integration with google services , winMo can never hve this no mattr what one does .
Google Maps simply rocks on android !
Sent from my HTC LeeDroid 2.2 using my swyping thumb!
@ zarathustrax Great job typing all that from your phone mate
As for this discussion both operating systems have their advantages and disadvantages I guess its just a matter of what you want to do with the phone and how you live your life day to day.
Android offers ALOTT more social network integration as you can sync your facebook twitter and google contacts into 1 account and manage them all from 1 place. See peoples latest updates or activities without having to go from 1 program to the other. This was my personal reason for changing from WinMo as well as the widget based screens. Yes I know CHT has done a fantastic job and has a few widgets now but it cant integrate with the whole operating system, and to access the rest of sense you still need to pop up the standard sense bar. Android 3 will be bringing alot of nice new features including multitasking and better memory management.
Now I still love using WinMo. I went off HTC Sense a long time ago after the 'prettyness' apeal faded but I have always been a user of Spb Mobile Shell and have made alot of improvments and alot of themes for it and will keep developing for it on WinMo as long as its around. Unfortunately with WindowsPhone7 they arent allowing Today plugins so Spb Mobile Shell wont be availble on that platform. I dont commend Windows for that decision but I guess they are taking a leaf out of apples book and it works for apple.
To answer the OP's question (if I havent already), WinMo and Android both have very different feels and both are loved and hated by alot of people. If you want perfect social network integration with the whole OS (you just cant do that in WinMo), more widgets and apps and ALOT better games (especially ones that use the gsensor) then go for Android. If you prefer a Windows based platform where you can play around with the registry, have more business based apps and dont really play many games then go with WindowsMobile. If you want the best of both then have both
The only thing I dont like about Android is that I cant use TomTom and I always thought that is the best satnav app available. Ohh well I still have copilot on Android lol..
If Windows mobile had the Android marketplace, there would be no need for Android.
The HD2 in WM can easily handle some of the fantastic Android Apps, microsoft should be hung drawn and quartered for not implementing a better marketplace, they have had the opportunity, why not keep the WM6.5 and develop the market apps..apps.....did I say it...Applications, Applications, Applications, that's where development should be
I got an Evo cuz I'm on Sprint. I had a Diamond, (and still do), and loved it and was reluctant to stop using it, because I really came to love winmo. Android can't do anything with a .rar file, for example. (I thought it couldn't even create zips, but I was wrong).
Mostly what moved me though was the hardware. My diamond didn't come close to an Evo hardware-wise, and I was excited about the big screen.
I honestly would have preferred to get an HD2 than an Evo, but it just was not feasible for me to switch to t-mobile. I really did think about it and investigated it.
A lot of great devs on xda have picked up android though, and that has been great.
I will say, all the different UIs for android are essentially the same (as said before); swipe left/right, app drawer at bottom, etc. Winmo was/is far more customizable.
Winmo is still near and dear to me. I have gotten comfortable with android, though.
All that said, I was not able to get a winmo with the badass hardware (HD2), and since Microsoft is moving on to win phone 7 , which I want NO part of, and there will be no other winmo 6.5x phones coming available with current hardware, I went android/Evo, and had to just think of it as a big middle finger to Microsoft for their win phone 7 BS.
I'm pretty happy now thought with Android, but really poor .wma support, hard to accept.
Oh and uploads are not supported from android browser. That kills me! Sure, you can install Opera on android, then upload via Opera browser, but Opera browser sucks on android (on winmo, it was perfect, all I used). Now in froyo, it half-ass supports uploads, but only kinda. Winmo has had upload for god-knows-how-long ?! Amazing to me Google can't fix this properly.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
I ended up typing longer than I expected...
depakjan said:
I seriously dont get it, what is the real adavantage of Android??..many say Andorid is waaay better than WinMo6.5without any reason.. i for one still feel android and WinMo6.5are on the same boat .. there are NO distinctive advantages over each other.. i can find many demerits in android(atleast for me), yea there are demerits in WinMo6.5 also but in no way Android outweighs the disadvantages of WinMo6.5.
1. Android's battery management is very poor compared to WinMo6.5.
2. Android's memory management sucks BIG time, poeple say it's intelligent ... it's just kills apps whenever it needs to, basically loads all junk in memory and if it needs memory it kills low priority processes, i dont know how this is considered intelligent, why does it load all the installed apps process in the first place???.. i am even afraid to install a new app..
This is the reason for the battery drain!!!...
3. There is no TRUE multitasking, you play a game while listening to a song, in between you want to change the song, you cant do.. there is a huge possiblity that Android will just kill the game since it needs memory.
4. Theming is too static, you can only cahnge colours or images.. you cant completely change the whole interface as in WinMo6.5... every1 who is been using WinMo for some time would easily understand how great you can change the interfac of your mobile in WinMo6.5.
5. DATA Hag, for everything you have to goto market, goddamn, there are countries where 3g is not even introduced and poeple dont have unlimited plans, for everthing you need mobile internet in android.
6. Feels like it's a locked OS just like IOS and the copy cat winmo 7.
Only advantage of android over WinMo6.5 is android's got some good looking games!!!
Maybe it's just that people wanted a change and they are catching to Android , once they got bored they will come back to WinMo
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I get the point you are trying to make. But before you make statements like poor mem managements and batt issues, we all need to realize that all android running on our HD2 is PORTED...and its bound to have few issues till its all ironed out. about multitasking/mem management, read here ( before saying android is poor in mem management. Engineers at Google would have given it a fair amount of thought... I tried using multiple apps at the same time and switching in between them without a problem. Recent builds of android lasts the whole day for me without recharging, so i dont see any BIG downside there.
No doubt WM IS still great, but the approach was completely different in almost every way. To me, its like comparing apple to oranges ; because of how it is designed to function.
When i tried android the 1st time, i didnt like it at all. But recent releases have grown on me and i like them very much even for daily use. I guess the people like me would lose out some customization/personalization PURELY because i have ZERO knowledge when it comes to linux (I used to build my own WM6.5 roms...i cant do that with android). Im sure things can be customized (i.e: cyanogenMod, revolution theme, etc), its just that I (and most of the people cling very hard to WM) dont know how. Also, about your point 5: you do realize you can install the apk (apps) in android offline right? HTC with sense is also same as it requires lots of data??
We have to be fair in assessing both OS here....
I am a fan of both OS.
Just think about this - Why are we so quick to dismiss something and label it as bad when the memory usage is high?? (Ie: when a app / ROM uses a lot of ram, we say its bad in management) I don't mind fully utilizing (the ram is in HD2 to be used...why not fully use it?) all available ram it it gives a better user experience with negligible increase in batt drain.
I think we/most of us are conditioned our mind to the way of WM memory management. We should be more open to new approaches and give it time to develop further!
Well...when i started typing...i didnt mean to type this long.... look how long i end up typing...this is what i think
THUDUK said:
See we are so lucky to have both...
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This is the best argument for Android on HD2 - it runs well enough from the SD card and you still have the WinMo option... Now we have the best hardware and two great operating systems - one very mature, stable etc and a new exciting one!
Personally I now only really use WinMo for SatNav (TomTom) because I'm used to using it and the maps are very accurate
Google nav maps are surpisingly out of date. Damn thing tried to send me down a road that I know has been closed off for 5+ years!! And don't even try to drive around Brixton with Google you will be arrested for dangerous driving hehe
Here's the problem I had with winmo, one which ultimately drove me away.
Microsoft has always lacked a certain finese in their OS's that other developers dont. After you dig through the HTC sense overlay on the HD2 and start finding areas of the system that they never tweaked, you start to see the real windows coming out of its shell, and it's ugly. Old fonts, very non-finger friendly, looks more like it was meant for a stylus. Menu driven systems that work well for someone with a computer and mouse, but not at all for a touch screen device.
The way I saw it, microsoft is simply not good in the UI department. They seriously need to hire more talented people who design the look and feel of their operating systems. The whole thing just feels amatuerish. I could design a better UI. The very fact that theirs is so sloppy says that Microsoft doesnt really know what they're doing. I already feel the same way about Winmo7 btw. Once again microsoft just shows they dont have enough creativity in their bones to whip up a functionally useful and unique OS. They sure tried, but they missed the mark.
Google and apple on the other hand know exactly what they're doing. While the core OS functions and how it controls the phone might all be similar, they understand people, what people like, how people think, and what feels good on a phone. Their menu hierarchy, finger friendly options, and features offered all make sense to me. They give me and present to me what I want how I want it. You can just tell by using it that they really "get it".
Winmo just feels like some forgotten OS that was developed around the first handhelds about 10 years ago, one in which microsoft never really understood how to advance in today's mobile market. It's like they're a lost puppy, trying to figure out why the big dogs get all the meat. It's really not that hard microsoft, they're just better than you at this stuff. I mean the entire reasons the HD2 was shipped with a sense theme is because the winmo theme is so ungodly and ugly that they simply had to basically remake the whole thing to get anyone to touch it.
its not crash so often on heavy useage
RunNgun42 said:
Here's the problem I had with winmo, one which ultimately drove me away.
Microsoft has always lacked a certain finese in their OS's that other developers dont. After you dig through the HTC sense overlay on the HD2 and start finding areas of the system that they never tweaked, you start to see the real windows coming out of its shell, and it's ugly. Old fonts, very non-finger friendly, looks more like it was meant for a stylus. Menu driven systems that work well for someone with a computer and mouse, but not at all for a touch screen device.
The way I saw it, microsoft is simply not good in the UI department. They seriously need to hire more talented people who design the look and feel of their operating systems. The whole thing just feels amatuerish. I could design a better UI. The very fact that theirs is so sloppy says that Microsoft doesnt really know what they're doing. I already feel the same way about Winmo7 btw. Once again microsoft just shows they dont have enough creativity in their bones to whip up a functionally useful and unique OS. They sure tried, but they missed the mark.
Google and apple on the other hand know exactly what they're doing. While the core OS functions and how it controls the phone might all be similar, they understand people, what people like, how people think, and what feels good on a phone. Their menu hierarchy, finger friendly options, and features offered all make sense to me. They give me and present to me what I want how I want it. You can just tell by using it that they really "get it".
Winmo just feels like some forgotten OS that was developed around the first handhelds about 10 years ago, one in which microsoft never really understood how to advance in today's mobile market. It's like they're a lost puppy, trying to figure out why the big dogs get all the meat. It's really not that hard microsoft, they're just better than you at this stuff. I mean the entire reasons the HD2 was shipped with a sense theme is because the winmo theme is so ungodly and ugly that they simply had to basically remake the whole thing to get anyone to touch it.
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Totally agree with you!!!!! I have used WM for years, Apple OS for over 1 year and now Android for 1 month. I rate Android #1, Apple #2 and WM #3. I cannot believe the UI that Android and Apple have compare to the lack of UI form WM. This includes Apps, Display, Stores, etc.
Will keep WM on my HD2 but using Android all the time now.
mskip said:
@ zarathustrax Great job typing all that from your phone mate
As for this discussion both operating systems have their advantages and disadvantages I guess its just a matter of what you want to do with the phone and how you live your life day to day.
Android offers ALOTT more social network integration as you can sync your facebook twitter and google contacts into 1 account and manage them all from 1 place. See peoples latest updates or activities without having to go from 1 program to the other. This was my personal reason for changing from WinMo as well as the widget based screens. Yes I know CHT has done a fantastic job and has a few widgets now but it cant integrate with the whole operating system, and to access the rest of sense you still need to pop up the standard sense bar. Android 3 will be bringing alot of nice new features including multitasking and better memory management.
Now I still love using WinMo. I went off HTC Sense a long time ago after the 'prettyness' apeal faded but I have always been a user of Spb Mobile Shell and have made alot of improvments and alot of themes for it and will keep developing for it on WinMo as long as its around. Unfortunately with WindowsPhone7 they arent allowing Today plugins so Spb Mobile Shell wont be availble on that platform. I dont commend Windows for that decision but I guess they are taking a leaf out of apples book and it works for apple.
To answer the OP's question (if I havent already), WinMo and Android both have very different feels and both are loved and hated by alot of people. If you want perfect social network integration with the whole OS (you just cant do that in WinMo), more widgets and apps and ALOT better games (especially ones that use the gsensor) then go for Android. If you prefer a Windows based platform where you can play around with the registry, have more business based apps and dont really play many games then go with WindowsMobile. If you want the best of both then have both
The only thing I dont like about Android is that I cant use TomTom and I always thought that is the best satnav app available. Ohh well I still have copilot on Android lol..
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Well said... I like both... The HD2 allows you to have both on your phone... No other phone allows that intergration... Hopefully when WP7 arrives we can have all three on the HD2??? I use both Android and WM on a daily basis... I've been using Android more to learn about... I like the ability to play with Android before I leap on it (need to see if I like Android first)... I can say that alot of development is moving to Android... Who knows down the road I may buy Android??? But for now I will stick to my HD2 (no phones released or will be released make me say WOW I must have it)..... Also Spb Shell 5 is taking to long to be released...... I like CHT v2 (gives you that Spb Shell ability)......
Tech Savy said:
Well said... I like both... The HD2 allows you to have both on your phone... No other phone allows that intergration... Hopefully when WP7 arrives we can have all three on the HD2??? I use both Android and WM on a daily basis... I've been using Android more to learn about... I like the ability to play with Android before I leap on it (need to see if I like Android first)... I can say that alot of development is moving to Android... Who knows down the road I may buy Android??? But for now I will stick to my HD2 (no phones released or will be released make me say WOW I must have it)..... Also Spb Shell 5 is taking to long to be released...... I like CHT v2 (gives you that Spb Shell ability)......
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I really have no idea whats going on with Spb Mobile Shell 5.. they initially announced that it would be released in Q3 2010 which has gone now so their timeline is running behind. They are always terrible about announcing updates and new versions so im expecting to wake up one morning and its sitting there waiting lol.
Cant wait to rip it apart and build it back up once it is out though, and the same if/when they release Shell for Android I will definitely be giving that a good going over and giving it the ProPlus treatment

