Damn you Steve Jobs... - EVO 4G General

I am starting to be torn about my Evo and the upcoming Iphone. I have rode with Android from the beginning. Even jumping carriers so that I could get the Evo. I am reading the Live Blog from the Apple conference and I am slightly jealous...
I despise Stevie, but I must admit that he always comes up with some extra slickness that you need in your life.

The only thing that seems like a significant improvement is the display other than that the iPhone isn't conjuring up alot of envy for me right now.

I agree...I'll stick with Android!
He can't touch the Evo IMO

I don't care how cool the new iPhone is, AT&T still blows.

I was kinda interested in the new imovie. Records in full HD w/ flash on. You can create edit with transitions right from the phone. Even add any music that you have on the device as a soundtrack.

thelastgoodbrother said:
I am starting to be torn about my Evo and the upcoming Iphone.
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I'm not. All the cool stuff about the EVO that I loved last night haven't suddenly disappeared this morning. So far, nothing really revolutionary about "iOS4." Plus, considering the downside (closed ecosystem, AT&T only, etc.), I still like the EVO better.

thelastgoodbrother said:
I am starting to be torn about my Evo and the upcoming Iphone. I have rode with Android from the beginning. Even jumping carriers so that I could get the Evo. I am reading the Live Blog from the Apple conference and I am slightly jealous...
I despise Stevie, but I must admit that he always comes up with some extra slickness that you need in your life.
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You still have time.. 30 days return policy if you want to get the new iPhone 4

The only major improvement I'm seeing so far is the screen, and that's a lot less impressive than expected when it's still on a 3.5 inch screen.
The gyroscope is also sort of neat, I guess, but it's no reason to change phones.
The camera also looks rather impressive, but I can't help but wonder whether it's compressed at all. After all, Jobs mentioned that nothing has been done to the recorded video after the user is done filming. From what I've seen, HTC compreses the hell out of their video files, something that might be changeable by software.

geekylinford said:
I'm not. All the cool stuff about the EVO that I loved last night haven't suddenly disappeared this morning. So far, nothing really revolutionary about "iOS4." Plus, considering the downside (closed ecosystem, AT&T only, etc.), I still like the EVO better.
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That's a biggie for me too. I have the Ipad and Ipod Touch, both hacked precisely because I need my freedom.

I think they made some nice changes, but not enough for me to switch back from the Evo/Android to iPhone. I'm gone from the Fanboi ranks.

While I must admit, the fluidity of the iOS is nice, refined, etc etc...Millions of apps (1/512th of which you'd actually use daily) and accessories out the whazoo...android/Evo is still nice.
Let's be realistic, iMovie?...on a 3.5 inch screen? Or the resolution...on a 3.5 inch screen?...it's pointless. It's a tiny screen, I mean even a 4.3 inch screen with those specs would be mildly thrilling.
Gyro?....Meh...not a gamer so I don't care...
It's a nice phone, but I like my Evo more. The only thing I hate about the Evo is that I got spoiled with a huge screen, I hated it at first and felt that I made a mistake in buying it because it's bigger...but now I look at my Hero and think..."How the hell will I ever go back to a small screen like that!?"

If he surprised me with a 3.8 or 4.0 or even 4.3 screen with that resolution I would have to consider it heavily and in fact would have upgraded my 3GS for it. But at 3.5 inch screen I don't care that he packs in that kind of resolution. My EVO is not my movie studio or camera. They were put in place for moments you are in a pinch.
You can have flash on full time as well while recording video. It's call Torch on and Video On
The iOS4 is nothing much. Battery life will remain to be seen. The can claim better battery life because he upgraded the processor (efficient) and kept the screen size smaller. A good move for battery life but not a good move for people who would like a larger screen.
WP7 will require at least a 3.8" screen to start. So it will be interesting to see what happens next with them.

evo vs. iphone, I'll take evo.
Sorry iPhone, for all your sexiness you're missing too much.
1) AT&T is trash, heard nothing but complaints
2) replaceable batteries + Micro SD cards? yes please.
3) completely closed architecture vs. complete openness? I'll take android.
4) I have an iPod Touch so I already can do everything except make phone calls, thats what my Evo is for

iphone4 video chat only on wifi! Not on 3G or 4G like EVO. AT&T sucks!
And only from iphone4 to iphone4. Can you say "locked in"?
Not regretting my EVO purchase one bit!
I can Qik or Fring/Skype video call on 3G or 4G or WiFi

the new iphone isnt bad
if we all think about this....our phones and the new iphone are kind of tapped out. There isnt much more to be done with phones anymore.

Sorry guys and girls, I had a moment of weakness, lol. I love Android too. In fact this is my 4th Android phone. You gotta admit random "Forcecloses" is starting to get a lil old though.

thelastgoodbrother said:
I am starting to be torn about my Evo and the upcoming Iphone. I have rode with Android from the beginning. Even jumping carriers so that I could get the Evo. I am reading the Live Blog from the Apple conference and I am slightly jealous...
I despise Stevie, but I must admit that he always comes up with some extra slickness that you need in your life.
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please give up the EVO if your even remotely thinking about the ICRAP

I've had all three iphones since their respective launch days over the years. I've recently switched to the Evo and loving it. Even with their new hardware, I still think the evo is superior. The android OS is a little quirky, and I especially think scrolling is way worse on the evo and the android market is a joke so far, but I really like the OS overall compared to Apple's locked down OS.
I'm not switching back!

thelastgoodbrother said:
Sorry guys and girls, I had a moment of weakness, lol. I love Android too. In fact this is my 4th Android phone. You gotta admit random "Forcecloses" is starting to get a lil old though.
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seriously? I have had every iphone and also android since g1. I really do like the iphone but I hate att. I was just watching the same feed of the release about ios4 and there is nothing new. Yes, I do like the way you can video chat with ease but only on wifi and only with other iphone 4's?
I think there is a place for the iphone but this announcement was more of a "keep up with the jones" than anything earth shattering.
Im keeping my evo.
Im paying less with sprint by almost 50% than with att...

I hate Apple
Yep, I'm a hater. I only own 1 apple device...an IPod Nano, and the only reason I have that is I needed the close stereo integration on my boat (long story).
Having said that, if this IPhone was available on Verizon or Sprint or even TMobile...I would probably consider it.
Although the screen is smaller than the Evo the IPS technology looks slick not to mention a 960x640 resolution.
I also like the gyro. That has a lot of potential...granted it's also a little gimmicky, but I'm a geek and I like new toys.
I think the Evo could have better picture quality with an 8mp camera vs 5mp for Apple, but Apple does a great job with the actual image quality.
It also sounds like Apple finally implemented multi-tasking without killing the battery life. I don't completely believe it until I see it in person...but it looked promising.
I also like the free video calls from Iphone4 to Iphone4.
Having said all that, I still hate Apple. I will stick with my 3rd generation Nano and my Hero & Evo. It's just too bad someone can't put Apple in their place. The IPad could have been placed on the backburner with a HP Slate, and Android has a lot of cool phones, but none I would consider a complete IPhone killer.
Its so frustrating because I believe Android has the ability to put Apple in it's place, but when it comes to an actual full released product...it's just not quite there yet.


Advice: Nexus One over iPhone (not quite a vs. thread)

So I am looking to purchase a Nexus One sometime within the next month or so. I'm an AT&T user and currently am using the FUZE with a custom ROM and running the Eclair XDAndroid build, which obviously doesn't compare to a real android device in any way, shape, or form. I'm completely aware of the features and abilities of both the iPhone and the N1, so this isn't really a feature comparison thread. On paper I know what the N1 is capable of, and everyone I know (literally) has a freaking iPhone so I know what that is capable of in the real world with real use.
Getting to the point, since you folks have been using the N1, may I ask what you like about your N1 over the iPhone? I'm following threads and seeing people with dust complaints, tinted screens, horrifying battery life, the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom not responding... and I'm just struggling on convincing myself to spend over $530 USD on a phone that could cause me problems over spending $300 USD on an iPhone that I know performs very well and already has a ton of memory built in, but lacks everything else that I want in the N1. Are most of these issues from earlier models of the phone? Do they occur more in say the T-Mobile version over the AT&T version (or vice-versa)?
I know this probably seems like a dumb thread, but I've searched and I've heard all the comparisons for features, but I just want to hear your comparisons through actual real world experience with the device (even if you haven't use the iPhone. Oh, and I did see the CNET video of the iPhone vs N1 brawl and that definitely is helping me lean more and more towards the N1.
Any advice would be great. Just please don't turn this into a flame war, both phones are fantastic in their own ways.
lostinbeta said:
So I am looking to purchase a Nexus One sometime within the next month or so. I'm an AT&T user and currently am using the FUZE with a custom ROM and running the Eclair XDAndroid build, which obviously doesn't compare to a real android device in any way, shape, or form. I'm completely aware of the features and abilities of both the iPhone and the N1, so this isn't really a feature comparison thread. On paper I know what the N1 is capable of, and everyone I know (literally) has a freaking iPhone so I know what that is capable of in the real world with real use.
Getting to the point, since you folks have been using the N1, may I ask what you like about your N1 over the iPhone? I'm following threads and seeing people with dust complaints, tinted screens, horrifying battery life, the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom not responding... and I'm just struggling on convincing myself to spend over $530 USD on a phone that could cause me problems over spending $300 USD on an iPhone that I know performs very well and already has a ton of memory built in, but lacks everything else that I want in the N1. Are most of these issues from earlier models of the phone? Do they occur more in say the T-Mobile version over the AT&T version (or vice-versa)?
I know this probably seems like a dumb thread, but I've searched and I've heard all the comparisons for features, but I just want to hear your comparisons through actual real world experience with the device (even if you haven't use the iPhone. Oh, and I did see the CNET video of the iPhone vs N1 brawl and that definitely is helping me lean more and more towards the N1.
Any advice would be great. Just please don't turn this into a flame war, both phones are fantastic in their own ways.
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they're both amazing.
the nexus one is great. features and all. but after like three months, you kinda want your iphone back.. or i do at least.
depending on the 4th Generation iPhone, i may upgrade.
for the time being though, i LOVE my nexus one..
buy it if you are having any doubts. you wont be sorry.
all those issues only apply to a select few or to people that have major ocd..i did like my iphone but i didnt love it..i love my nexus one its a really great phone..i love that i can use it to tether too my laptop, use it as BRIGHT flash light, customize it too my liking, and not having to deal with iphone.
The one thing i did miss when i went back to android from my iphone was the games..iphone games are really really nice but that feeling has gone away since now alot of the 3d games on the iphone are being made for android.
the iphone is a great phone but the UI is sooooooooooo boring..i hated that 4x4 icon page on it.i love having widgets
so to sum it all up get a nexus one......and a ipad ahah
That's kind of my worry. I don't have that kind of money to throw around every couple of months, I don't want to invest all that money and in a couple of months just be jealous of all my friends with iPhones. But it is nice to hear you love your N1, the only apple fanboy thing I'm into is their operating system, anything outside of that I'm not really a huge fan of Apple (I stuck with WinMo just because I could customize it without hassle, unlike the iPhone which is a risk to brick every time you jailbreak it and there's a firmware update)
lostinbeta said:
That's kind of my worry. I don't have that kind of money to throw around every couple of months, I don't want to invest all that money and in a couple of months just be jealous of all my friends with iPhones. But it is nice to hear you love your N1, the only apple fanboy thing I'm into is their operating system, anything outside of that I'm not really a huge fan of Apple (I stuck with WinMo just because I could customize it without hassle, unlike the iPhone which is a risk to brick every time you jailbreak it and there's a firmware update)
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ya i love my macbook its the best thing that ever happened to me ahah..and honestly the chance of bricking and iphone while jailbreaking is slim to none but its a pain when apple is constantly sending you updates to unjailbreak it..trust me you will not be jealous of their iphones
bobdude5 said:
all those issues only apply to a select few or to people that have major ocd..i did like my iphone but i didnt love it..i love my nexus one its a really great phone..i love that i can use it to tether too my laptop, use it as BRIGHT flash light, customize it too my liking, and not having to deal with iphone.
The one thing i did miss when i went back to android from my iphone was the games..iphone games are really really nice but that feeling has gone away since now alot of the 3d games on the iphone are being made for android.
the iphone is a great phone but the UI is sooooooooooo boring..i hated that 4x4 icon page on it.i love having widgets
so to sum it all up get a nexus one......and a ipad ahah
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Awesome note with the games though, I don't play games on my phone much (sadly I'm horribly addicted to solitaire...haha) so I never really got into the games aspect, I only have one or two on my iPod Touch, most of the time I use the basic Apps which are also available on Android (twitter, facebook, shazaam, things like that). So that's a good thing to keep in mind.
I think one of my biggest worries is battery life. I don't work a job where I can charge my phone at all throughout the day, and there are times I leave at 8am and don't get home until 7pm or later, and I don't want to have to worry that my phone won't make it. My WinMo phone always ends at around 60% with standard/moderate use so I never have to worry about running home to get a charge if I get hung up after work.
idk man, by far the best phone i have ever owned so far. (may be contradicting to what i just said but i literally do not care)
features list is just BOOM!
battery is amazing for me. no dead pixels. saturated screen. bright flashlight (nexus one torch).. idk so many to list.
if you wanna buy RIGHT NOW. go for the nexus one,
if you can wait til July...... wait. becuase you may regret it if you dont have the money to buy the newest badass thing, like maybe the 4Gen iPhone, and new product from HTC, or anyone... really its all so hard to tell but if you can wait, i think that'd be in your best interest.
and the only thing i miss about the iphone thats slowly sucking me back in (happens about twice a year, ive owned all the iphones and sold them too haha) is the slickkkkkk UI. the LARGE community and the apps that actually work clean, and flawlessly. the iphones' transition between homescreens is definitely smooth as butter. nexus one? smooth as sand paper.. the ability to take screen shots on the iphone with ease... idk.. haha
nexus one last me a whole a day with heavy usage (texting, internet, games, music, calling) i disagree with the slick UI..iphone has a HORRIBLE UI in my opinion its too plain and transition is just as smooth..the community for android is also huge and screenshots is easy too..just shake the phone (shootme app on market)
bobdude5 said:
nexus one last me a whole a day with heavy usage (texting, internet, games, music, calling) i disagree with the slick UI..iphone has a HORRIBLE UI in my opinion its too plain and transition is just as smooth..the community for android is also huge and screenshots is easy too..just shake the phone (shootme app on market)
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slick as in quick and easy i guess?
and my nexus easily lasts me 1.5+ days under HEAVY usage.
cool i didnt know about that app! thanks!
although you dont need an app for the iphone haha
lol well i never really got a chance to test past 1.5 days lol i charge it when im go to bed but it usually has 40 percent at the time ( i got to bed like at 1-2 am lol)
bobdude5 said:
lol well i never really got a chance to test past 1.5 days lol i charge it when im go to bed but it usually has 40 percent at the time ( i got to bed like at 1-2 am lol)
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i totally agree.. just one night i forgot to plug it in. died later that day though (didnt necessarily let it "die" i just shut it off at like 2%)
My phone is simply perfect. No issues whatsoever, apparently I am one of the lucky Nexus owners. The only thing though, I do like about the iPhone more - is the UI polish. Apple is simply great at designing things. I'm ok though, as long as I have a Desire ROM. HTC Sense is quite nice.
Youll be happy with the nexus. It is great now and stands to realize much of its latent potential if Google wants it to. If you've had an iPhone you will definitely be disappointed in the touch screen. It's possible though that Android might be able to iron out some of the jittery, jumpiness of the nexus touch screen. But its a decent screen,those who have never used an iPhone think the nexus has the best touch screen there is so its definitely not a deal breaker.
Also, the nexus has higher resolution but I don't think there's and denying that the iPhone just looks crisper, especially the browser. But the nexus gpu definitely loads pages faster. I think I'm just rambling now...
lostinbeta said:
Getting to the point, since you folks have been using the N1, may I ask what you like about your N1 over the iPhone? I'm following threads and seeing people with dust complaints, tinted screens, horrifying battery life, the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom not responding... and I'm just struggling on convincing myself to spend over $530 USD on a phone that could cause me problems over spending $300 USD on an iPhone that I know performs very well and already has a ton of memory built in, but lacks everything else that I want in the N1. Are most of these issues from earlier models of the phone? Do they occur more in say the T-Mobile version over the AT&T version (or vice-versa)?
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The fact that it's unique and NOT an iPhone that everyone and their mother has
Live wallpapers
High resolution (2.5 times the iPhone)
Flash Lite
DMaverick50 said:
Also, the nexus has higher resolution but I don't think there's and denying that the iPhone just looks crisper, especially the browser.
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, what?
No denying that? I 10000% heartily deny that. Disagree to the nth power.
lostinbeta said:
So I am looking to purchase a Nexus One sometime within the next month or so. I'm an AT&T user and currently am using the FUZE with a custom ROM and running the Eclair XDAndroid build, which obviously doesn't compare to a real android device in any way, shape, or form. I'm completely aware of the features and abilities of both the iPhone and the N1, so this isn't really a feature comparison thread. On paper I know what the N1 is capable of, and everyone I know (literally) has a freaking iPhone so I know what that is capable of in the real world with real use.
Getting to the point, since you folks have been using the N1, may I ask what you like about your N1 over the iPhone? I'm following threads and seeing people with dust complaints, tinted screens, horrifying battery life, the touch sensitive buttons at the bottom not responding... and I'm just struggling on convincing myself to spend over $530 USD on a phone that could cause me problems over spending $300 USD on an iPhone that I know performs very well and already has a ton of memory built in, but lacks everything else that I want in the N1. Are most of these issues from earlier models of the phone? Do they occur more in say the T-Mobile version over the AT&T version (or vice-versa)?
I know this probably seems like a dumb thread, but I've searched and I've heard all the comparisons for features, but I just want to hear your comparisons through actual real world experience with the device (even if you haven't use the iPhone. Oh, and I did see the CNET video of the iPhone vs N1 brawl and that definitely is helping me lean more and more towards the N1.
Any advice would be great. Just please don't turn this into a flame war, both phones are fantastic in their own ways.
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It all comes down to your personal preference. You can read all types of reviews and you'll see that Nexus One wins over iPhone 3GS. The features of the phone are outstanding. Just ask yourself what you want in your phone. If you want lots of applications, music, go for iPhone but if you want free applications, customizations, widgets, great camera, blazing fast web experience, go for Nexus One. Its just a matter of time before android applications touch the mark set by iPhone. Once you root your Nexus One, its going to be a whole world of possibilities....
For the issues you read about Nexus One, I want to tell you that the tinted screen is only present in the newer devices which would be very soon fixed by an update. The capacitive buttons work perfectly when pressed on the upper half of the button. The dust problem is present in a very small no. or hardwares and if you live in US, then you can call for a replacement if it happens with you.
Android would very soon be taken up by most of the mobile makers as its open sourced and free. I read somewhere that the phone companies who have taken up android OS have to pay very little in comparison to Windows Mobile.
So go for Nexus One, you wont be sorry....
Here's what I wrote in another forum regarding this question:
Having thought about it I realised that the choice to go for an N1 is easy if it fits your needs. Since it has been released all the focus has been on how it compares to the iphone. Understandable as apple set a high bar with many features such as the apps, the graphical physics and ease of use. The n1 more or less matches them and comparing many of these features doesn't get you far. They both are fantastic bits of hardware, great screens, amazing computing power, touchscreens etc. In some ways the N1 performs a bit better in others the iphone but the differences between them are small.
However I think the N1 has gone to a new level with features the iphone simply hasn't got. I don't have to open an app to access the information I want. My calender, agenda, weather, news, daily Bible reading, personal photo's, music player (and playlists) one touch dialling to favourite contacts (and many other thing I don't use) all run on my home pages. And here's where it moves mobile information on; all these widgets update automatically and wirelessly. I don't have to plug my phone into my computer to update my agenda, it happen without hassle right onto my homescreen. Furthermore these services are free - and yes I did pay for mobile me and no its not worth it.
Bottom line is that both the iphone and the N1 are great bits of kit, you won't notice many gains in function between either hardware as far as I can tell but the software has moved on from simply apps. Unfortunately the press just focus on the things that you can compare but the how can you compare widget on a N1 to nothing on the iphone? The N1 is in a different class to the iphone because it does things the iphone can't dream of doing, try to keep up apple!
Thank You everybody. Your advice has been helpful. I actually feel that the Android UI is nicer than the iPhone, to me the iPhone seems plain. Though I will admit that the iPhone is probably a little more user friendly, I don't mind the extra clicks on Android, and it's not like it's difficult to figure out by any stretch of the means. And it's good to know that the issues people are having are only occurring in a small percentage of devices, I was really worried that I would throw down that kind of money and have a jacked phone that only lasted me half a day and had a dusty mis-tinted screen...haha. Hopefully I'll be able to get my N1 ordered by the end of this month.
The next step would be rooting. I don't think I'll root it until after the warranty is up, but I don't know, I said the same thing about ROMing my FUZE and that didn't happen. Though on an unrelated question, how come so many N1 ROM threads don't have screenshots of the ROM. The ShootMe app works great, I use it on my FUZE with Eclair. It just seems like a big risk to install a ROM without knowing what you're supposed to be getting.
actually its less clicks for android lol you know with the widgets and all..with the iphone it takes four clicks to modify your brightness for android it takes one, it takes 3 clicks to turn on wifi and bluetooth on iphone and on android it takes one, it takes 4 clicks for gps on iphone and android 1, it takes 3 clicks to post something on facebook and 1 on android (same for myspace), it takes takes 2 clicks to search on iphone and none on android..you see my point lol
lostinbeta said:
The next step would be rooting. I don't think I'll root it until after the warranty is up, but I don't know, I said the same thing about ROMing my FUZE and that didn't happen. Though on an unrelated question, how come so many N1 ROM threads don't have screenshots of the ROM. The ShootMe app works great, I use it on my FUZE with Eclair. It just seems like a big risk to install a ROM without knowing what you're supposed to be getting.
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Warranty is 1 year, you will get hot feet by then. There should be desire screenshots around. CyanogenMod's UI is identical to stock, extra features being the selling point.
zachthemaster said:
slick as in quick and easy i guess?
and my nexus easily lasts me 1.5+ days under HEAVY usage.
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Are you running on the HTC Li-Ion battery or some new U-235 battery?
The Nexus One is great. I don't have complaints so far other than the tiny loudspeaker. Heard that the Desire ROM gives it a louder volume. Anyway, like someone has pointed out, if you can wait until June, I would wait. I think Apple sees the Android OS as a thread so they must be building something big for the iphone 4Gen. The iphone 4Gen will probably be better the Nexus One... BUT I am confident that the Nexus Two or whatever Google wants to release in the future will take over eventually
Not saying the Nexus One will lose to the 4Gen for sure. Remember FroYo and Flash 10 are coming to the Nexus One.

Proud Nexus One owners first Impression of the HTC Droid Incredible

So I just got back from the Verizon store about 10 minutes ago and I thought that I would write my impressions. Keep in mind this is just my opinion and I figured it might help some out that have not had the chance to try the Incredible or may be on the fence with it or the Nexus One (yes, I know that the N1 is no longer coming to Verizon =( but for some a provider means nothing)
Some up front information. I am a long time iPhone user (owned all three) and switched to the ATT band Nexus One about a month ago. I personally, love Android and I am very happy with the switch. I have the newest build of Cyanogen Mod ( I didn't really do any up front tests (i.e, speedtest,browser, or acid etc) , and this review is more to do with my impressions I did however run the two phones side by side and spent over an hour with it.
Ok, so let's get to it. The first thing is aesthetics and to be honest I thought the Incredible looked nice, and also felt pretty good in hand. It seems to be built good and it seems to have the exact same "rubbery" feeling that the battery cover of the N1 has, but it is on the entire back of the phone. The back cover didn't bother me to much at all and I felt that it added to the whole "droid" feel that Verizon and it's partners are trying to pull off. There are a couple things that would worry me if I was an Incredible owner and that is the material they used when making the phone. I couldn't get over the fact that the phone felt a little cheap, but I still get the feeling that it would last if dropped. I don't really get that feeling with my Nexus One. I feel the build of the Nexus One is a little better (i.e, aluminum), but I have always felt that the phone would not with stand the slightest bit of fall from even 3-5 feet (I have never dropped mine so I really have no experience, again this is only my opinion based on how the phones feel).
The Incredible is fast, really fast. I had the same feeling when I used my Nexus One for the first time and as far as I can see there really is not a huge difference in speed between the two phones. But, there is a giant difference in "touch" the Incredible eats my Nexus One's lunch when it comes to overall touch and snappiness. The new sensor really adds to the whole Android experience and of all the Android phones I have tried none so far even come close to the touch screen on the Incredible. My Nexus One was great and the iPhone's I had was even better, but finally we have an Android phone (in my opinion) that not only competes with the iPhone on touchscreen and multitouch technology, but the Incredible one ups it. It really made the whole experience a lot more enjoyable on the phone. Everything, seems to work like Android was designed to work.
The next big thing I noticed and tested was the N1 trackball vs the Incredible's optical sensor. The sensor was nice and I have mixed feelings between the two. I mean everyone knows that an optical sensor looks better and should last a hell of a lot longer than a trackball and I have always felt that the trackball on the N1 looked way out of place. I have gotten really used to the trackball and I use it quite a bit and it is a lot easier to use than the optical sensor. You won't see a big difference at all if you are just flipping between screens or jumping to a text needed in the browser, but you will when choosing apps (but, really who does that anyways when you have touch) Like I said I have mixed feelings I love the look of the optical sensor, but I really feel the trackball is a little more responsive. It took me a while to get used to the trackball so I am sure if I owned the phone I would get a little more used to it and my opinion would change. I must say that I don't use the trackball often so if I had the choice I am sure I would choose the optical sensor.
Some of the other things I noticed that didn't make a huge impression was Sense vs Vanilla Android. I have used sense off and on with both my N1 (Modaco ROM), and my fiance's Droid Eris. I don't have much of an opinion, but I would give just a slight edge to Vanilla Android just because of the update situation however, if Google really adjusts Android like they are rumored to do and the update situation is non existent my opinion would change and I would like Sense. I guess we will see, but as far as some saying that having Sense will bog down Android I must say that I didn't experience that at all. They both ran just as smooth and will the Incredible's wonderful touch sensor I would give a slight favor to the Incredible with sense over the N1.
I spent about ten minutes with the camera/video camera on both phones and although I couldn't tell a huge difference in the pictures and videos (I know the Incredible sports a 8 mp and the N1 5mp), but I was also not able to upload any pictures to a computer to blow them up. I did send them to my email and I will post later if I notice a big jump or not. I still would give the Incredible the advantage just because why wouldn't I? 8mp is always going to beat 5mp and dual flash is nice.
Next one of my biggest gripes about the N1 and that is the touch sensor buttons on the bottom of the phone. The N1 like many probably know work and work well, but you have to touch the top two thirds of the label to get them to respond at all and I did find for the first little bit of owning the phone I often touched the home screen button when typing a text or email. With the Incredible these work perfectly. Not only do you not have to aim your finger, but they also worked every time I attempted to use them. They are in a different order than the N1 so that took me a minute to get used to, but no biggie. This is the way HTC and Google should of made the N1 work and personally I think they got it right with the Incredible.
I don't have a problem with my N1 when it comes to the 3G dropping issue and that could be that I got the ATT one or maybe I just got lucky. I did try to cover the bottom of the Incredible and it didn't seem to dip at all. Also, there was a Moto Droid right next to the Incredible and they seemed to get the same service so that should be a relief for many.
I wish that I would of had a couple days with this phone so that I could test many other aspects with it like the battery, further tests on 3G and wifi, the overall build, and even the speed. Really the Incredible is a nice phone and in a lot of ways I feel that it lives up to the hype. In my opinion I found my self wishing that I had the screen touch sensor in my N1 it really makes a giant difference even tho the N1 isn't all that bad. I could really do without the extra mega pixels in the camera and to my knowledge they both record at the same levels (I may be wrong with this and if I am then I am sorry). I do wish that the touch sensors on the bottom of the N1 worked as well as the Incredible, but I can live without it. Like I said sense vs Vanilla until I hear differently I would rather get the quicker updates, but if Google addresses this issue I would love to Sense on my N1 (Yes, I know I can with Modaco Sense ROM). The trackball is something that doesn't make a huge difference, but I do worry about how well it will hold up after months of usage.
My final feelings are that although the Incredible is the better phone it is not worth switching over to Verizon for it (although yes I do believe that Verizon is the better provider, but I have a family plan and a contract and that is what I am speaking of). The Incredible looks and feels nice, but I must say I like the overall look and feel of the N1 a little more. Like I said, I couldn't get over the fact that the Incredible felt a little fragile because of the plastic material the phone is made of, but then again the N1's build doesn't feel all that more solid of a phone. The N1 screen looked to me to be a little wider (I could be wrong) and although it sounds wierd it did make a difference, at least to me it did. It will be interesting to see when the Incredible will get the desk dock and car dock because these are big selling points to me with my N1. The deal breaker is the touch screen and how it works. This is the biggest selling point of this phone and that makes me want it, but there is one big thing with my N1 that I really enjoy and that is the wonderful developers behind the N1. I love how easy Google made to root this phone and I really think that a lot of developers make our phones all the more fun to use. Until, I can see the Incredible get these abilities (I am sure they will with great people like Paul the other day rooting the Desire) I would have to go with my N1.
I hope this was helpful to some and that people don't think I was to harsh to either side. I tried my hardest to not come off like a "fanboi" and tried to be as unbiased as possible. I really went in today looking to see if this phone lived up to its hype and I believe it did. I can't see many flaws with owning this phone and I welcome all of our new Android brothers and sisters to the party. Let me know how you all think and thanks for reading I know it's long as hell. Again, A huge thank you to all you developers that pour your hard work into making all of our lives easier. You really make our phones and the Android world all the much better than the competition. Keep up the good work, we love you guys!
Very nice review! For some reason though, even if I could get an Incredible.. I don't think I would o_0 I really don't know why, but.. even though it has better specs (well, not that many matter) I just don't even think I actually "want" it. Is that weird?
They're both great phones, and really are just going to make Android better. Wait, you said the Nexus's screen was wider? Pictures really don't show that.. I thought the Incredible had a wider screen. Weirdness..
Fair enough. I'd say it's just a case of the Incredible coming out later, hence with better hardware. Newer stuff almost always have better components. That's just the way gadgets are. The thing that irks me are people saying that the "old" stuff SUCKS now because there's "new" stuff now. These are the idiots that should be shot.
I too considered the Incredible, but for some reason I felt pangs of loss when I considered not having my Nexy anymore.
Sent from my Nexus One using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
Wow, great comparison. I read every word. I can't wait to test out the Incredible myself this weekend!
It seems like it's a much better phone in almost every way (touchscreen, soft buttons, camera).
The only downside is what will happen with 2.2. This has yet to be proven, so it can't be counted as a negative -- yet. Time will tell. Until then, I'm definitely envious since in my eyes it is definitely the better phone. Although I think the N1 is definitely sexier
My mom just got this phone today, and I got to say, Sense UI on that phone is a lot faster than Sense UI on the Nexus.
McFroger3 said:
My mom just got this phone today, and I got to say, Sense UI on that phone is a lot faster than Sense UI on the Nexus.
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That's cause its not made to be on the Nexus, and Paul doesn't have the Desire kernel source to make it a complete build. I don't even know how much of a speed increase that would cause regardless.. I don't like when people say this (what you said) because the Nexus was never made to run Sense UI, and therefore doesn't have the correct optimization, the stock 2.1 Google experience is the Nexus's child.. not Sense. Im assuming you knew this.. though. Oh and edit, everything I said could possibly be wrong. I am not a ROM baker, or developer.
I wish the things that made the Incredible better interested me, I dont take many pictures.. my touchscreen doesn't irritate me.. and the soft buttons do their job well. Another good score for Android though, with next being the Evo - and those new phones Dell are working on.
Eclair~ said:
Very nice review! For some reason though, even if I could get an Incredible.. I don't think I would o_0 I really don't know why, but.. even though it has better specs (well, not that many matter) I just don't even think I actually "want" it. Is that weird?
They're both great phones, and really are just going to make Android better. Wait, you said the Nexus's screen was wider? Pictures really don't show that.. I thought the Incredible had a wider screen. Weirdness..
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No that isn't weird at all and I feel the same. It isn't a big jump from the Nexus One and even if it was I don't feel comfortable doing it until developers have had their way and have root. It will be interesting to see. If I was going to make a jump (which as of now I wont) I would make the jump to the EVO. The Incredible just doesn't have enough over the N1 specs wise.
jacka$$1 said:
Fair enough. I'd say it's just a case of the Incredible coming out later, hence with better hardware. Newer stuff almost always have better components. That's just the way gadgets are. The thing that irks me are people saying that the "old" stuff SUCKS now because there's "new" stuff now. These are the idiots that should be shot.
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I agree to the fullest! I saw some kids on Engadget saying that the Incredivble is faster in every aspect than the N1 and that is not even close to the fact. It is a great phone and yes Verizon and HTC have fixed some of the N1's flaws but all in all this phone is a plastic Desire (that is not a bad thing at all and to each his own) I just wanted to let people know the impressions I got from the phone. To be honest I hope this phone is even more popular than the Moto Droid and then a bunch of people will get it and get more developers interested in Android. I hope it is a huge mainstream success. I love the idea that I have never seen a N1 rather than mine. They can have all that. I love how easy it is to root the N1 and all the talented developers behind it.
Paul22000 said:
Wow, great comparison. I read every word. I can't wait to test out the Incredible myself this weekend!
It seems like it's a much better phone in almost every way (touchscreen, soft buttons, camera).
The only downside is what will happen with 2.2. This has yet to be proven, so it can't be counted as a negative -- yet. Time will tell. Until then, I'm definitely envious since in my eyes it is definitely the better phone. Although I think the N1 is definitely sexier
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I agree the Nexus is a lot sexier. I held them up by each other and both look like great designs. The Incredible has nice specs but most are just small upgrades the Incredible's touch screen is the big difference, but so is the N1 being Google's baby and we will get the upgrades a lot faster. That to me is a bigger selling point. If that changes then I might change my mind. The internal memory, better camera, and better buttons just don't warrant a provider jump in my eyes.
McFroger3 said:
My mom just got this phone today, and I got to say, Sense UI on that phone is a lot faster than Sense UI on the Nexus.
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Oh yeah I definately agree a hundred percent. It is a whole different ball game. To be fair Paul's Modoco is still in alpha and it is amazing that he even got it to work. We are lucky that we even get the chance to try it out to be honest.
Eclair~ said:
That's cause its not made to be on the Nexus, and Paul doesn't have the Desire kernel source to make it a complete build. I don't even know how much of a speed increase that would cause regardless.. I don't like when people say this (what you said) because the Nexus was never made to run Sense UI, and therefore doesn't have the correct optimization, the stock 2.1 Google experience is the Nexus's child.. not Sense. Im assuming you knew this.. though. Oh and edit, everything I said could possibly be wrong. I am not a ROM baker, or developer.
I wish the things that made the Incredible better interested me, I dont take many pictures.. my touchscreen doesn't irritate me.. and the soft buttons do their job well. Another good score for Android though, with next being the Evo - and those new phones Dell are working on.
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You seem to have the same impression as me. I think that stock Android runs just as good on the Nexus One as Sense does on the Incredible. It comes down to overall what people prefer and for me I prefer Vanilla. None of us will be on top of the Android game for long. Every couple of months a better phone is coming out. It happened to the Moto Droid, now the Nexus One, and soon the Incredible with the EVO 4G. Overall, as Android grows we will all reap the benefits. I really think that the specs in the N1 will be relevant for quite awhile and we wont see many phones that completely stomp it. At least not for another year or so. I am happy with my purchase (especially getting rid of that damn iPhone 3Gs)
angermeans said:
No that isn't weird at all and I feel the same. It isn't a big jump from the Nexus One and even if it was I don't feel comfortable doing it until developers have had their way and have root. It will be interesting to see. If I was going to make a jump (which as of now I wont) I would make the jump to the EVO. The Incredible just doesn't have enough over the N1 specs wise.
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Good review man. I also agree that I'd be more interested in the Evo than the Incredible. Partly because of the bigger screen, partly due to the 4G (though my current provider's, T-mobile, HSPA+ might be faster), and partly because I can't stomach paying $40 more a month over Sprint or T-mo.
Do we know yet if the Evo 4G will have the Maxtouch touchscreen?
angermeans said:
I agree the Nexus is a lot sexier
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I've heard this over and over again and I have to agree - The Droid incredible has a look that pales in comparison to the N1.
Having a great phone that also looks amazing is a huge draw to the reason we get new technology (just ask apple and the people who actually bought a $1700 MacBook air). If looks weren't important for our hardware then we would all be driving economy cars with better MPG specs and having Droid incredibles, instead though we have nice looking cars and a near perfect Nexus 1 that looks amazing.
uansari1 said:
Good review man. I also agree that I'd be more interested in the Evo than the Incredible. Partly because of the bigger screen, partly due to the 4G (though my current provider's, T-mobile, HSPA+ might be faster), and partly because I can't stomach paying $40 more a month over Sprint or T-mo.
Do we know yet if the Evo 4G will have the Maxtouch touchscreen?
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I don't know if we know for sure if it will or not, but if I was a betting man (and i def am) I would say that HTC and Sprint would be stupid not to. I also believe that I read somewhere that all HTC phones will now have that sensor in it. I can't prove that as I am going to work now, but I will look for the source while I am at work and try to post it (don't you love smart phones). I know people laugh at the term "superphone" but when you compare these phones to the iPhone or Blackberriers these phones are def more of a "superphone" than a smartphone. Apple is going to have their hands full this year and it will be very interesting to see how it plays out. I for one don't care what Apple does in June I would be stupid to jump off the Android band wagon we just have way to much going on.
uansari1 said:
Do we know yet if the Evo 4G will have the Maxtouch touchscreen?
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Yep, Maxtouch!
IMO even the EVO is only worth upgrading to if you need 720p recording or would value HDMI out. Personally, I would love to have HDMI (don't care for the HD recording all that much) but it still wouldn't justify ditching my N1. I'm not going to upgrade until the N1 ceases to run newer Android software effectively or significant processing upgrades are made (ie. Dual Core). Who knows I may change my mind but that's how I feel right now.
jasrups said:
IMO even the EVO is only worth upgrading to if you need 720p recording or would value HDMI out. Personally, I would love to have HDMI (don't care for the HD recording all that much) but it still wouldn't justify ditching my N1. I'm not going to upgrade until the N1 ceases to run newer Android software effectively or significant processing upgrades are made (ie. Dual Core). Who knows I may change my mind but that's how I feel right now.
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I'm with you. Most picky gadget dweebs tend to upgrade for the sake of having the latest and greatest even though it's only marginally better than the last "toy" they had. I upgrade my phone like I upgrade my PCs: it's only worth upgrading if the new stuff is at least 10 times more powerful than the last one. Which in most cases can take a few years of waiting. AND it's gotta cover what I "need". Most stuff that I "want" should be an included bonus, which the N1 covers quite well (A2DP, wifi tethering).
jasrups said:
IMO even the EVO is only worth upgrading to if you need 720p recording or would value HDMI out.
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Or you value a bigger screen.
Or 4G.
Or Sprint.
Or like the style/looks better.
And so on
The touch buttons on the Incredible seem to be actually on the button, unlike the Nexus. And the camera is amazing!

iPhone 4- Played with it... No Thanks

So my father picked up the iPhone 4 yesterday, and we played with it for hours. We both had a 3g and 3gs in the past.
All I can say is, man am I glad I switched to the EVO! For starters, the screen on the iPhone 4 is too small to appreciate the glamorous "Retina" display.
I opened up the "iBook" application and looked at the sample book in there. How the heck can you read on that screen? The colors look sharp, but hardly any text fits on the page.
I think Apple shouldn't have wasted so much space on the bezel and bumped the screen up to 4 inches.
The next big caveat was not being able to visit flash sites on the iPhone 4. That really pissed off my dad, because I was flaunting the EVO loading the same pages in glorious flash. In the past, I didn't realize how important flash was. I looked pass the limitation because it was a holy Apple device. Not so much anymore... And I love how Android gives you the option to load flash on demand.
I actually much preferred the curvier shape of the previous iPhones. The iPhone 4's box shape irritated my hands after 15 minutes of use.
The final thing that got my dad riled up was the fact that video chat is only allowed between iphone 4's and limited strictly to wifi. I showed him fring and quik with all of their video chat glory over 3g, and that made him oh so jealous.
This might seem like a small thing, but the kickstand on the EVO is an important feature to me... I'm really glad HTC included it.
At the end of the night, my dad said he was going to write a letter to Apple asking them to put a bigger screen on the next iPhone, lol.
Overall, the new iPhone 4 is quite snappy and responsive, but that's all it is. It is true that the App Store has apps that still aren't available on the Android market (still waiting for Bloomberg), but they're coming... The retina display looks crisp, but that damn screen is too tiny to appreciate it. All the other features, such as the 5 megapixel camera and the front facing camera, are NOT revolutionary. They have been around for quite some time.
Apple makes incremental improvements but claims they're "Magical" and "Revolutionary". I bought that **** for a while, but it really is played out now.
I love my EVO, and I love Android. I'm free to do whatever I want with my phone...
Edit: How could I have forgotten... 4G Wimax baby!!! Suck on that fanboys
I'm really glad to hear that. I bet you can hold your evo how ever you want and not drop a call too lol.
JAREDR said:
I'm really glad to hear that. I bet you can hold your evo how ever you want and not drop a call too lol.
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I know, right!
There's 2 other things that I feel the iPhone has over the EVO and that's the gyroscope and the iPhone's ability to record HD videos in H.264 and AAC audio compared to the EVO's limitation of MPEG4 video and 8kHz Narrowband AMR audio. But all of the reasons you mention are the same reasons I knew the EVO was my next phone. Still enjoying it and know I made the right decision.
Thanks for the review!!
I love my EVO and the Android OS.
Literally apples and oranges mate. Last i heard from Engadget, their iPhone 4 (review) lasted 30-something hours and they used the heck out of it. So not being able to view flash content does not matter to some folks. I've had an iPod Touch for the longest and never concerned about flash really when mobile browsing.
4G is nice in theory but how long does your battery last. The Evo barely lasts a whole day right now as it is.
Face time video chat is only wifi for now until end of year (At&T's crappy network might be to blame there as well) they said plus anyone can hook into the API and use it with their app. Skype already mentioned interest, so who knows if it might move from iPhone 4 - iPhone 4 as it is now to cross platform.
You make valid points but I've played with the Evo and not fully satisfied with the performance and definitely not with the battery life. I literally had to turn off everything useful just to eek out a work day's worth of juice.
I turn my 4g off unless I visit a heavy content site on the go. That's where it shines... when you need it for quick bursts of speed.
As far as battery life, here is something I absolutely do not comprehend...
Why in the world do you need your battery to last longer than 24 hours? Plug it in at night you lazy bastards, lol (to diffuse any tension)... My EVO is on 15% before I go to sleep, and that is with heavy use throughout the whole day. I suck a lot of data through my web browsing. I am definitely satisfied as it gets me through the day. Might there be a day when I go overboard and I have to plug in before night time? Yes. So what, it's not often.
I think the whole battery life lasting for days-on-end-thing is brainwash and a stroke of the ego.
Now if your EVO is not lasting all day, that is another story. You should check out some of the custom ROMS in the DEV section. They rock! I am using Avalaunch's EVOlution 8 Rev A, and it works wonders. I love froyo.
LordLugard said:
Literally apples and oranges mate. Last i heard from Engadget, their iPhone 4 (review) lasted 30-something hours and they used the heck out of it. So not being able to view flash content does not matter to some folks. I've had an iPod Touch for the longest and never concerned about flash really when mobile browsing.
4G is nice in theory but how long does your battery last. The Evo barely lasts a whole day right now as it is.
Face time video chat is only wifi for now until end of year (At&T's crappy network might be to blame there as well) they said plus anyone can hook into the API and use it with their app. Skype already mentioned interest, so who knows if it might move from iPhone 4 - iPhone 4 as it is now to cross platform.
You make valid points but I've played with the Evo and not fully satisfied with the performance and definitely not with the battery life. I literally had to turn off everything useful just to eek out a work day's worth of juice.
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I was a iphone owner for the better part of 3 years, my father recently purchased the iphone as well. He's coming from the blackberry bold. I asked myself what is on the iphone 4 that I'm missing on my 3g iphone? I really don't see it. The devices out there elsewhere are fantastic, and without such restriction.
For my father though, I'm sure he appreciates it more.
Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk
I stand by the OP. I has both a 3g and a 3gs and the iPhone4 was a contender until I used the Evo for a bit and realized how awesome having a nice 4.3" screen is. Apple just didn't want to go back to the drawling board and make their screen larger. While the Evo does have it's limitations I do love it. And with any luck most of the bugs will be worked out by ROM developers, where as everyone must wait for anything to be fixed by Apple, not to mention I would never get an iPhone if I could not jailbreak it... and that looks bleak with the new OTA updates ATT and Apple are going to be doing. Also another huge problem with the phone is ATT, they blow.
I also hear you can't multi-task like you can on the EVO. My friend said it has more color to the display than the EVO does. He said that's all it has on the EVO. Not to mention that ATT is ditching all their everything plans and capping the maximum you can download every month. No thank you Apple... I'll gladly stick with my EVO.
I returned my evo to get an iphone 4. Screw HTC build quality and horrible buggy software. The Evo's UI is so unbelievably laggy I can't believe that anyone can stand it. Even my non-techie wife thought it looked like a piece of crap from the 90s.
I'm glad that apple products don't have flash. Flash is a security vulnerability and a complete and utter annoyance on the internet. I can not wait until it is completely eliminated.
You know a phone is a piece of garbage when you start it up for the first time and the first thing you see after the boot screen is an error message saying an application had to be closed. That's what happened to both of my evos.
kluster1999 said:
I turn my 4g off unless I visit a heavy content site on the go. That's where it shines... when you need it for quick bursts of speed.
As far as battery life, here is something I absolutely do not comprehend...
Why in the world do you need your battery to last longer than 24 hours? Plug it in at night you lazy bastards, lol (to diffuse any tension)... My EVO is on 15% before I go to sleep, and that is with heavy use throughout the whole day. I suck a lot of data through my web browsing. I am definitely satisfied as it gets me through the day. Might there be a day when I go overboard and I have to plug in before night time? Yes. So what, it's not often.
I think the whole battery life lasting for days-on-end-thing is brainwash and a stroke of the ego.
Now if your EVO is not lasting all day, that is another story. You should check out some of the custom ROMS in the DEV section. They rock! I am using Avalaunch's EVOlution 8 Rev A, and it works wonders. I love froyo.
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Why would you not need or want your battery to last 24 hrs or more? Where is the downside to that? Your rationalization is sad and pathetic really. So we are lazy bastards because we don't live next to an AC outlet or carry one around on the go. So you're knocking the iPhone because of it's better battery life vs the Evo and that's supposed to be a plus for the Evo..odd.
Like i said, apples and oranges. Different pluses and minuses to both. I'll trade front camera for better battery life on Evo anyday. Let's see what the Galaxy (Pro) brings to the table...
Apple stuck with 3.5" because the iPhone is a mainstream targeted device. Over 50% of the population (female) have smaller hands & Android is still male dominated.
IMO Evo needs official 2.2 asap (further Android refinements-UI, security, battery, etc) & I still need to do my own comparisons but:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUwutoAeGlI (iPhone 4 vs HTC EVO - Video Sample-iPhone 4 video+audio capture seem better unfortunately)
Vs. Reviews:
LordLugard said:
Why would you not need or want your battery to last 24 hrs or more? Where is the downside to that? Your rationalization is sad and pathetic really. So we are lazy bastards because we don't live next to an AC outlet or carry one around on the go. So you're knocking the iPhone because of it's better battery life vs the Evo and that's supposed to be a plus for the Evo..odd.
Like i said, apples and oranges. Different pluses and minuses to both. I'll trade front camera for better battery life on Evo anyday. Let's see what the Galaxy (Pro) brings to the table...
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A few of my friends are reporting that their battery isn't lasting as long as Engadgets did. It might be that it needs a few cycle but it has used up 6% in around 2 hours just using it as an iPod.
The Evo's battery isn't that bad, people are able to use up to 15-25 hours on a full charge. You just have to be somewhat knowledgable to achieve that. For me I don't need more than 10 hours since I have a desk job where I can plug in my phone, a car charger, etc.
If I plan on going away I can throw down 10$ and get an extra battery. iPhone 4 you don't have that option.
Apple is superb at setting the standard pretty low but still be at the top of the game. It's quite sad.
roybotnik said:
I returned my evo to get an iphone 4. Screw HTC build quality and horrible buggy software. The Evo's UI is so unbelievably laggy I can't believe that anyone can stand it. Even my non-techie wife thought it looked like a piece of crap from the 90s.
I'm glad that apple products don't have flash. Flash is a security vulnerability and a complete and utter annoyance on the internet. I can not wait until it is completely eliminated.
You know a phone is a piece of garbage when you start it up for the first time and the first thing you see after the boot screen is an error message saying an application had to be closed. That's what happened to both of my evos.
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The trolling force is strong with this one, indeed.
engagedtosmile said:
Apple is superb at setting the standard pretty low but still be at the top of the game. It's quite sad.
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Well they excel at UI simplification (unfortunately at the expense of options for power users)..hardware immediately after refresh can be compelling as well if you can tolerate the walled garden+network..
roybotnik said:
I returned my evo to get an iphone 4. Screw HTC build quality and horrible buggy software. The Evo's UI is so unbelievably laggy I can't believe that anyone can stand it. Even my non-techie wife thought it looked like a piece of crap from the 90s.
I'm glad that apple products don't have flash. Flash is a security vulnerability and a complete and utter annoyance on the internet. I can not wait until it is completely eliminated.
You know a phone is a piece of garbage when you start it up for the first time and the first thing you see after the boot screen is an error message saying an application had to be closed. That's what happened to both of my evos.
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Yep nice comment history. Sounds like Apple has you handing them money hook, line, and sinker. I came from a 3GS(only one I ever had) and never want to get an iPhone again.
Well they excel at UI simplification (unfortunately at the expense of options for power users)..hardware immediately after refresh can be compelling as well if you can tolerate the walled garden+network..
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I believe their UI is ugly, icons on icons. No customization whatsoever. I bedazzle my friends when I switch from Sense to ADW launcher etc.
But that's really all iPhones are now, new hardware. I used my friends iPhone 4 and asked him if it does anything new from his 3GS. It doesn't.
I also laughed when I was using it and he got a notification. Notification pop-ups are so ****ty. Pretty much put the phone in a frozen state until you acknowledge it. I love having a pull down menu for my notifications.
I messed with one yesterday too, and really liked it. The screen is much crisper than my Evo. Also, pictures in the browser looked WORLDS better (I tried the stock browser and Dolphin HD) on the iPhone. Text was also much clearer when you zoomed in (it gets fuzzy when zooming in on the Evo).
My Evo still has it's advantages, and the iPhone wasn't good enough for me to switch back, but it was certainly good enough for me to consider just upgrading my wife's iPhone to a new one.
Vandam500 said:
The trolling force is strong with this one, indeed.
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I agree 100% with this comment, I felt a disturbance, the trolling force is strong within him.
Sent from my EVO using XDA App

Switching to Sprint from ATT, Evo or Epic?

I am using a Touch Pro 2 on ATT but I want to switch to Sprint for one of the smart phones. I am trying to decide between Epic and Evo.
I've seen and played with both phones and both seem pretty equal to me. On first glance the Epic feels way lighter and cheaper than the Evo, and I didn't like the keyboard nearly as much as my TP2.
How is the Samsung software? I've never used a Sammy smart phone and I was wondering how their software compares? I've used HTC for the last 4 phones I've owned. With full root can you put HTC software on the epic phone?
Anything else I should be away of in making my decision to switch?
You'd probably get better answers about TouchWiz in another forum, but I can say that I'm not a fan from what I've seen. It would drive me nuts not being able to change the four shortcuts on my homescreen.
The HTC Evo is CyanogenMod supported which, in my opinion, is a very strong selling point.
The HTC Evo also has Froyo. The Galaxy S phones have yet to be updated. I'm pretty sure they'll be seeing an update soon, but you never can tell.
You'll probably never see a full Sense UI ROM on the Epic.
The main thing that I like about the Epic is the Hummingbird processor. I haven't really had an opportunity to play with a Galaxy S phone w/o a T-Mobile sales person breathing down my neck, so I can't really speak to how much better it makes the overall experience.
My opinion would be that if you think you can live without a hardware keyboard, to go with the EVO.
Sorry if that was a bit rambly... I just woke up.
r2tincan said:
I am using a Touch Pro 2 on ATT but I want to switch to Sprint for one of the smart phones. I am trying to decide between Epic and Evo.
I've seen and played with both phones and both seem pretty equal to me. On first glance the Epic feels way lighter and cheaper than the Evo, and I didn't like the keyboard nearly as much as my TP2.
How is the Samsung software? I've never used a Sammy smart phone and I was wondering how their software compares? I've used HTC for the last 4 phones I've owned. With full root can you put HTC software on the epic phone?
Anything else I should be away of in making my decision to switch?
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Advantage Epic 4G
2. More powerful CPU and GPU crushes Evo's GPU, no comparison
3. Screen is about 5x nicer than Evo's. To be honest, Evo has a really ****ty TFT LCD screen displaying only 65k colors.
Advantage Evo 4G
1. Feels more like a premium device, very heavy for a phone, nice form factor
2. Roughly the same size as Epic, thinner, but way less bezel, more screen.
I keep hearing about all the pixels you can see on the epic. I like my Evo, I'd say if you want to game or need a hardware keyboard go epic otherwise the Evo is great. Most games are payable with the Evo just with a few slowdowns. Battery life is just slightly better on the epic, like 15 mins or something like that.
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
i work for sprint, I dont think you can go wrong with either. heres what i think...
Pros: 4G, GORGEOUS screen, Hummingbird processor really flies when scrolling and rendering, Great KB, and DLNA (instead of HDMI)
Cons: Somewhat bulky even though very lightweight, even though screen is gorgeous, colors are over exaggerated, resulting in some pixelation. 5M/VGA cameras versus the Evo 8M/1.3M combo. Capacitive buttons at bottom VERY touchy and buggy
Pros: 4G, 4.3 inch screen, HUUUUUGE development community, Android Froyo 2.2 out the box, 8M/1.3M camera combo, KICKSTAND!!, 2 flashes on Camera, HTC Sense blows Touchwiz out of the water (even though I prefer LauncherPro), and lastly Evo comes with Youtube with HQ capabilities
Cons: HTC has capped the framerate of the Evo out of the box because of the HDMI controller. Compared to the Epics constant 60fps, it blows a stock Evo out the water when it comes to anything graphical. Scrolling, pinching and zooming, things like that. The 1GHz Snapdragon core is fast as hell when launching programs and multi tasking and performing operations, but it stinks compared to the Epic when it comes to 3D gaming. Now, with that being said, there are plenty of custom roms and kernels that lift the cap on the framerate on the Evo, letting it achieve about 55fps. Close to 60, but not yet.
Screen on Evo is a tad bigger, but looks sort of washed out against the Epic.
HTC Sense is great for the average user, but its Heavy, slow, and hogs up alot of resources.
Dont get me wrong, the are more pros and cons to both, but to ME, those are the big ones. Which one do I recommend?
For me, I already own the Evo, and its an awesome device, the Epic isnt enough of an upgrade for me to ditch the Evo. Furthermore, Sprint employees cant buy the Evo or Epic yet anyways. I only got an Evo cuz I was our stores advocate.
I think if I were in a buyers position tho, and was an average user, or even a more than average user, I would definately pick sadly...the Epic.
Now, if your into hacking and overclocking and tinkering your phone, then the Evo is definately the phone for you. There is so much support for the Evo, its truly unbelievable.
At the end, I LOVE my Evo, hands down the best phone ive ever had. You may not think the same, and coming to an Evo forum is gonna get you some very biased answers on which one is better. Go to a store and try them out for yourself. They are both incredible devices
I don't care at all about games but I am really tired of the slowdowns I've come to expect with Windows Mobile.
For instance, sometimes waiting for a text message to appear or for the home screen to load (5-10 seconds) is "normal" for me. I want a snappy device, with a good end-user experience. Like the iphone.
And I wanna customize it, unlike an iphone.
Edit: Thanks for the recommendation, I'll go in today and play with them again....
This post says it all:
id say go with the touch pro 2 again. haha just kidding, i hated owning the touch pro 2, so slow!!
I had a Touch Pro 2 for a month, it was so slow I couldn't even answer calls on it. Literally it would take 30 seconds to press the "answer call" button and by the the call would be disconnected. Also that conference call feature where you could easily add people to a call simply did not exist (i think it only works on the GSM verison)
I actually really, really like the Palm Pixi after seeing it in person. That thing is tiny [that's what she said] and quite underrated.
I kind of want to ditch my Evo for the Palm Pixi but would mainly miss the Google Maps Navigation. [edit I suppose it probably has Sprint Navigation]
I played with a friends epic, and I was not impressed.
touchwiz looks like kindergarten compared to sense.
it was lightweight and nice display, albeit smaller than evo.
jerryparid said:
Advantage Epic 4G
2. More powerful CPU and GPU crushes Evo's GPU, no comparison
3. Screen is about 5x nicer than Evo's. To be honest, Evo has a really ****ty TFT LCD screen displaying only 65k colors.
Advantage Evo 4G
1. Feels more like a premium device, very heavy for a phone, nice form factor
2. Roughly the same size as Epic, thinner, but way less bezel, more screen.
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I agree with your review here I have 5 Evo's at work and own one myself and yesterday just activated 2 Epic's great phones screen is out of this world. That being said depends on if you want a mechanical keyboard or not. I could go either way bottom line is you can't lose with either phone they are both great. I can say for me the Evo is the best smart phone I have ever owned.
As others have said, the best way to choose is to play with both of them yourself. That being said, a friend of mine got the Epic the other day and I went over to show her how to use it and I like the EVO more. It may just be the fact that I'm more used to my phone or just simply personal preference, I don't know. The Epic is a nice phone, but IMHO, the EVO is better. Everyone is different though and you may feel another way. I'm just happy that after being with Sprint as long as I have (about 10yrs) and dealing with the fact that year after year all the top phones have gone to different carriers, Sprint finally decided to offer 2 very good choices.
I work at a Sprint store and a customer with an Epic came in with an image burned into the screen. I don't know how and I havn't read anything else on it but if I know Samsung then there will be at least one major issue.
The main reason to not get an Epic is the other name attached to it - Samsung. They are, historically, horrible with their smartphones. Slow to release updates, slow or never release updates to fix bugs big and small, marginal support for devices out on the market, and just a complete lack of customer service. As a former owner of an Instinct and a Moment, I cannot recommend buying anything with the Samsung name attached to it except their TVs and computer monitors.
I can, without any doubt in my mind, say that the Evo is the best phone I've ever owned thus far. By itself with no root and no modifications, it is a wonderful phone. Rooting it and putting whatever I want on it to expand its potential only made it a better phone. The guys over at SDX will have a heck of a time ripping out TouchWiz (yuck!) and making the Epic better than it is (it's already rooted, supposedly). I won't even be thinking about a phone upgrade again until at least November to see what's on the market or what's coming to the market (especially from HTC).

worth leaving iPhone 4 for the Atrix?

Just wondering. I love my iPhone 4 and all, just looking for a better UI, and the beefed up specs on this phone makes me drool, also flash player! I am looking for something a bit faster, and just something new and fresh and maybe something with a bit more features than the iPhone. Wondering if anyone came from the iPhone to the Atrix and is regretting or loving it? My main concern is battery life and compatibility with apps, i was reading somewhere that apps crash a lot cause of its dual core processor?
Android>iOs I'd rather have an og droid then an iphone
Sent from my Motorola Olympus
I decided to make the jump from iPhone 4. Never thought I'd be this happy! Does everything my jailbroken iPhone can without having to be rooted. Love the features: HD recording and HDMI out (1080p soon!), fingerprinter unlock, dual core proc (haven't noticed any unstable apps yet), man the list goes on and I'm finding something new to love about this phone every day.
I've owned every generation of iPhone and figured it's time to jump ship. Had a WP7 for a few months but it is still in its infancy (Come on MS, you can do it!) and did not have the features I needed to say good bye to Apple (turn-by-turn nav, flashlight, copy/paste to name a few). The Atrix 4G just blew my expectations out of the water. I kinda assumed Android OS would anyhow...
I just REALLY hope Motorola and AT&T stays committed to the updates on this one, namely 4G support. Otherwise, yea, this phone would make Batman jealous.
I made that exact switch you're contemplating.... and let me just say that i haven't looked back. Yea, the screen might not be quite as nice (still nice for a phone by any terms), but there are so many things i like more about the Atrix than the iPhone 4... flash being one of them.... that i don't even miss it. That, and you can quite easily sell an iPhone 4 on eBay for $400+.... even more if unlocked. Actually sold mine just jailbroken for $451 to some dude in Russia. Sadly it got lost in the wonders of USPS and never made it to him.... so now i'm waiting for the paperwork to get the insured amount back.
I've had apps crash on occasion.... and i've also had the phone completely lock up..... but nothing close to "a lot". Every once in a while, maybe. Responsiveness isn't quite on-par to the iPhone 4 homescreen switching wise, but that doesn't really bother me. My other favorite thing about not being a fruit phone owner anymore is NO ITUNES REQUIREMENT! That alone is a freeing feeling. Just slap files onto your phone as if it were a hard drive, and you're on your way.
Battery life can be tricky.... but the main thing to remember is the more widgets you have, and the more active they are, the faster it'll drain. The first day i had it, i basically left the majority of the widgets up.... and i was at 50% battery life within hours. multiple recharges helped.... and not really using many widgets helped a LOT..... can usually go for at least a day now.... but lets face it, how many of us don't plug our phone in every night anyway?
Just remembered another + for Android....... SWYPE!
elementaldragon said:
I made that exact switch you're contemplating.... and let me just say that i haven't looked back. Yea, the screen might not be quite as nice (still nice for a phone by any terms), but there are so many things i like more about the Atrix than the iPhone 4... flash being one of them.... that i don't even miss it. That, and you can quite easily sell an iPhone 4 on eBay for $400+.... even more if unlocked. Actually sold mine just jailbroken for $451 to some dude in Russia. Sadly it got lost in the wonders of USPS and never made it to him.... so now i'm waiting for the paperwork to get the insured amount back.
I've had apps crash on occasion.... and i've also had the phone completely lock up..... but nothing close to "a lot". Every once in a while, maybe. Responsiveness isn't quite on-par to the iPhone 4 homescreen switching wise, but that doesn't really bother me. My other favorite thing about not being a fruit phone owner anymore is NO ITUNES REQUIREMENT! That alone is a freeing feeling. Just slap files onto your phone as if it were a hard drive, and you're on your way.
Battery life can be tricky.... but the main thing to remember is the more widgets you have, and the more active they are, the faster it'll drain. The first day i had it, i basically left the majority of the widgets up.... and i was at 50% battery life within hours. multiple recharges helped.... and not really using many widgets helped a LOT..... can usually go for at least a day now.... but lets face it, how many of us don't plug our phone in every night anyway?
Just remembered another + for Android....... SWYPE!
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Thanks for the input guys this is helping I am worried about the MotoBlur.. I really liked the Sense UI when I tested both phones at the store (inspire vs atrix). I don't want the inspire those because it's specs aren't that much better for one, but two it has no front facing camera. Also realized it had no accelerometer? Found that a bit odd, not a requirement. As long as I have my netflix app, my yahoo messenger/skype/tango *For video chat*, meebo, facebook, my games I should be good I think Android has these, as my friends said it has most of the big commercial apps the iPhone does.
I switched from the iPhone 4 to the Atrix. The main reason why I made the switch is because i felt "trapped" with iOS, although its a great UI. I just wanted something more customizable. The only thing I miss is having the iPod music player, the 'Retina' display, and the battery life. But other than that, the Atrix allows me to customize my phone more than the iPhone (not a fan of Motoblur). The music player for the phone is pretty decent, but I use doubletwist instead. I feel like the iPhone 4 keyboard was slightly more responsive, but maybe thats just me. And after the most recent update to the phone, the battery life of my phone is much better than it use to be. But overall, I'm satisfied with the switch and I probably won't even consider going back to iOS unless they actually revolutionize the phone. But in the end, its all up to you and which phone you're more comfortable with.
I wouldn't expect anything "revolutionary" anytime soon. They've essentially been running the same OS for the past few years now, and i don't see any changes happening. They're basically making anything that runs iOS idiot-proof. Like how it doesn't have any app drawer, and instead has everything right out in the open. If they make it too complex, or change something too much, they might lose some of their sheep. Look how long it took them to implement a way to categorize applications by what they're used for. This newfangled contraption called a "Folder".
tripleh3lix: i wouldn't worry about Motoblur. It's not entirely THAT bad once you've used it for a short while... and if you're still not happy.... use a different launcher. That's the beauty of having an Android device as opposed to an iOS device. Now if only we had an unlocked bootloader, could do away with Motoblur entirely, instead of just having it lingering in the background.
elementaldragon said:
I wouldn't expect anything "revolutionary" anytime soon. They've essentially been running the same OS for the past few years now, and i don't see any changes happening. They're basically making anything that runs iOS idiot-proof. Like how it doesn't have any app drawer, and instead has everything right out in the open. If they make it too complex, or change something too much, they might lose some of their sheep. Look how long it took them to implement a way to categorize applications by what they're used for. This newfangled contraption called a "Folder".
tripleh3lix: i wouldn't worry about Motoblur. It's not entirely THAT bad once you've used it for a short while... and if you're still not happy.... use a different launcher. That's the beauty of having an Android device as opposed to an iOS device. Now if only we had an unlocked bootloader, could do away with Motoblur entirely, instead of just having it lingering in the background.
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Hmm.. you guys are really tempting me haha. I already put up an ad on craigslist to trade an Atrix for an iPhone 4. We'll see what I can get and what decent offers I come across.
I just rooted it and froze the majority of the bloat and its bloody fast. Good battery too
Sent from my Motorola Olympus
ChongoDroid said:
I just rooted it and froze the majority of the bloat and its bloody fast. Good battery too
Sent from my Motorola Olympus
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What does rooting it mean? also what does "freezing" mean? haha
also this guy wants to trade but wanted a 32gb model so he wants extra cash for the phone or an extra or two.. not sure what else to give him but a couple of extra cases.. *sigh*
tripleh3lix said:
Thanks for the input guys this is helping I am worried about the MotoBlur.. I really liked the Sense UI when I tested both phones at the store (inspire vs atrix). I don't want the inspire those because it's specs aren't that much better for one, but two it has no front facing camera. Also realized it had no accelerometer? Found that a bit odd, not a requirement. As long as I have my netflix app, my yahoo messenger/skype/tango *For video chat*, meebo, facebook, my games I should be good I think Android has these, as my friends said it has most of the big commercial apps the iPhone does.
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my opinion motoblur>sense
Don't craigslist it for a trade. Better off eBay-ing it. You're basically asking for a straight up trade on a phone when that iPhone could easily go for at least $350-400+. Unless you're not eligible for an upgrade, I wouldn't think of trading. I forgot to mention that the iPhone 4 I sold for $450 was also only a 16GB model.
Edit: and forgot to mention... "rooting" is akin to the iPhone's "jailbreaking"... And by freezing, he basically means he stopped motoblur from running, since even if you use a different launcher, it's still running in the background, using some resources.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
elementaldragon said:
Don't craigslist it for a trade. Better off eBay-ing it. You're basically asking for a straight up trade on a phone when that iPhone could easily go for at least $350-400+. Unless you're not eligible for an upgrade, I wouldn't think of trading. I forgot to mention that the iPhone 4 I sold for $450 was also only a 16GB model.
Edit: and forgot to mention... "rooting" is akin to the iPhone's "jailbreaking"... And by freezing, he basically means he stopped motoblur from running, since even if you use a different launcher, it's still running in the background, using some resources.
Sent from my MB860 using XDA App
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I figured it was something close, but wasn't entirely sure And I'm thinking of ebaying it before I trade. My contract is not up yet and all, that's why I'm not trading it, also gonna save up money now for a new phone and if there isn't one in June, I will get one by the end of this year from AT&T. I may look into the eBay if I can't find a decent enough of a trade.
U are going to be disappointed lots of stuff doesn't work on atrix , no Netflix, skype, slow charge when u in use, screen is blurry on top brightness man every android phone I got all of the are still missing lots of thing comparing to iPhone. I love android it's just all of the phone's are not made high quality and all this manufacturers are putting their **** ui on the and making the phones worse don't buy it , or buy it and I'll see lots of staff is missing comparing to the iPhone 4.
Personally I wouldn't leave iPhone 4 for Atrix (but then I have both phones so I have the luxury of playing with both phones). While Atrix looks great on paper, I think it has failed to live up to expectations. The screen is a disappointment, UI is annoying, camera sucks, and the browser is laggy.
I don't feel like Android is running smoothly on Tegra right now, the chip maybe too new for everything to be optimized. Perhaps continuous development by the community will change things for the better, but right now, I wouldn't do it.
I got the Atrix instead of using my upgrade to go from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 4, and I am very happy I made the change. I have had more fun in the last 3 weeks playing around with the Atrix than I ever did with an iPhone.
Are there problems with the Atrix............yes...............but every phone has problems (think iPhone 4 antenna for one).
If you are like me, and want something you can play around with, you need an Android phone!
I left an iphone 4 for my atrix. No looking back here, also did a trade on craigslist. Traded bare iphone 4 (only with generic usb cable) for atrix with box and all accessories +4gb sd card + $70. I was happy. My iphone had a few nicks on the plastic bezel too. Plus my atrix came with invisible shield.
I have the iPhone 4 which I'm using to type this and though it may not quite be as fun to play with as a nice android phone I don't think I'm ready to switch. I had the original moto droid and the Samsung captivate in the past and liked them but nothing beat the retina display and stability of the iPhone 4. I do miss having a swype keyboard though like the cappy has. I'd wait until the Samsung infuse 4g gets released or the AT&T version of the galaxy s ii comes out or wait to see how nice the new iPhone is before switching. Plus I'm not eligible to upgrade until June of 2012 but there are ways around that.
Went from iPhone 4 to Atrix and back to iPhone 4. Its all personal pref really, I personally felt the qHD screen was a gimmick, and the battery life was sup par for what I expected it to be. (and the lack of 4g/locked bootloader, you can wait but the way I turn around phones, meh) However, I decided to go with an AT&T Nexus S in lieu of both. had that on T-Mobile and loved it.
tripleh3lix said:
Thanks for the input guys this is helping I am worried about the MotoBlur.. I really liked the Sense UI when I tested both phones at the store (inspire vs atrix). I don't want the inspire those because it's specs aren't that much better for one, but two it has no front facing camera. Also realized it had no accelerometer? Found that a bit odd, not a requirement. As long as I have my netflix app, my yahoo messenger/skype/tango *For video chat*, meebo, facebook, my games I should be good I think Android has these, as my friends said it has most of the big commercial apps the iPhone does.
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If I was you I would go get the Nexus S that just came out for AT&T. No Bloatware and pure google. I flashed a new radio and I am getting Consistant upload Speeds of 1MBs or higher.
Plus you don't have any Bloatware and all updates come from Google.

