[Q] Mp3 cutter application for Omnia i900 - Omnia II General

Dear all,
I'm searching for the application like HTC Touch HD2, inside got 1 program which can use for cutting the song as ringtone. Do there have any software or application applicable for Omnia i900? Thanks in advance.


MP3 Trimmer from Kaiser

Hi all, does anyone know would it possible to port the "MP3 Trimmer" from Kaiser to Wizard? Thanks
I just bought my TyTn II recently and I've been trying to find the MP3 Trimmer function that is supposedly in my Audio Manager programme to edit my personalized ring tones, but I can't find the function anywhere on my phone. Is that normal? Or have I been looking in the wrong place? If so, where do I find it? If not, then what's wrong with my phone?
Plzz help me
siur, i have, but from diamond
did you tried it?
wloclawek88 said:
siur, i have, but from diamond
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I think that try it just locks our wizards... so do you tried it out in wizards?
HTC Diamond MP3 trimmer
I don't know if this is the same as posted above. But I'm sure this is working just fine. I've used so many times.
mp3 trimmer.
Hello, this morning I ask with the installation of the mp3 triommer on my HTC touch diamond black phone. One of the members explainted it to me( thanks for that). I did so and in the programs I see the icon mp3 trimmer, but it doesn't work. What did I do wrong?
With kind regards,
H. Stikkelbroeck
mp3 trimmer
hello Dielo,
i've tried it but I must be doing something wrong. It don't play.
Thanks anyway for your effort to help
With kind regards H. Stikkelbroeck

Stop music playback resuming after phone call

Just got my Touch HD from Orange Uk and in Windows Media player Options->Playback it's missing the "Resume playback after a phone call" checkbox. Is there any way to turn this off on the HD? Registry entry or something...
If so, will that also work for the TouchFlo music player?
same problem here with samsung omnia b7610 6.5.3
anyone some idea to get this option back? thx!

[REQ WM6.5] tab association program

[REQ WM6.5]
Hi all
I love very much the new WM6.5
Just one thing i'll loke very much to see on my diamond is a program like SSMAHO wich allows us to configure the program association on the today page like HTC ALBUM when we hit the photo tab, our favourite music player when we hit the music tab and so on !
I hope to see that on the xda forums.
Thanks all
Hi all
I love very much the new WM6.5
Just one thing i'll loke very much to see on my diamond is a program like SSMAHO wich allows us to configure the program association on the today page like HTC ALBUM when we hit the photo tab, our favourite music player when we hit the music tab and so on !
I hope to see that on the xda forums.
Thanks all

[Q] MP3 lag / bug ?

can everyone observe about the Touch2 with 3rd. party soft/app "Nitrogen" or others (CorePlayer),
the MP3 player have the old known MP3 bug(many HTC Devices have this, but HTC don't want to fix this, except the Diamond and the Touch HD with exact this bug):
the sound skip for a half second after a MP3-file play 1 or 2 minutes ?
it seems to be....
...never one use his Touch2 to listen Music or use his Touch2 as a MP3 Player ???
or why neverone can answere this Post ?
it's so easy to check this bug : listen a MP3 file with a 3rd party player and listen abt. a short skip during the first 2min. at the File.
Chriss , i listen to music all day(earphones) and have never had this problem , sound goes smooth and nice , do u have any background applications which take processor time and thus being ur problem ?
no sorry,
it's nothing happens with background Apps or so.
I have at the moment a original Touch with big internal Ram 128/256MB (elfin 3452) and this is a very good working Device and all Apps working but the Device is a little bit slow.
I want a equal Device (320x240 Screen) with a little bit more CPUpower, a integrated GPS Chip, extensible Memory and a 3,5mm audio Jack.
I had buy many HTC Devices (Diamond, Cruise(Polaris), Jade) but all of them have problems,
the Polaris have a slow Videoengine so that all Videos are stuttering,
the Diamond only have 4GB Ram and is not extensible and not all Apps working with his Graphic resolution,
the Jade and the Diamond (HTC Touch HD also) have this problem with the skip in every MP3 you are listen with other Player as the WindowsMediaplayer in the Devices.
For the Diamond and the Touch HD, are HTC Support have a bugfix.
Many Customer with a Jade take a request to HTC but they write nice Answeres without results :-(
And all what I need the Touch2 have, the only what I don't know is this MP3 thing.
Thank You for Your anwere, that helps me to don't make a mistake if I buy me a Touch2

Request: Samsung Omnia II Ringtones

I'm not the owner of the Omnia II and I know this phone is old, but I want to listen to old, cool ringtones from Samsung, including Bug's Song and 1960's. I'm sure the Samsung i8000 Omnia II has those ringtones.
i no longer have my Omnia and lost the ringtone i copied from it...does anyone have the stock ringtones for the device? Specifically i am looking for the one that is called "Free"...and yea, it is impossible to search for a ringtone that is called "Free".
