Employee Referral Program? - EVO 4G General

Does anyone know how I can get them to honor this after I purchased at Best Buy?
I spoke with Sprint a few weeks back when I was making sure I would get approved for the EVO since my credit isn't great. Sure enough I was eligible for up to 5 lines with no deposit. I then asked about the employee referral program and the woman proceeded to tell me that after I activate my phone to call the number she gave me and give them the info.
I tried doing that today and they said, they couldn't do it unless they were the ones opening my account. Any suggestions?

i spoke to the EPRP people over the phone and i asked them if i could get my evo from best buy or radio shack and get the EPRP plan, they said that you can only do it when you set up the line and that only the sprint stores, the EPRP website, or calling the EPRP line would be able to do that. so i really doubt that you will get them to honor it. i just ordered my 3 evos last night around midnight and i figure i can wait the extra 2 days so that i wont have to worry about any hassles with my EPRP plan.

bestbuy wont honor anything. when i spoke with the people at BB and Sprint they both told me that I could later change the plan to take advantage of the discounts through my work.

That's not good. Anyways I think I will return in 30 days!

I tried at BB and it Failed. We get punished for having discounted plans and are force to pay Sprint $299 and worry about the stupid MIR going through.

apollooff320 said:
I tried at BB and it Failed. We get punished for having discounted plans and are force to pay Sprint $299 and worry about the stupid MIR going through.
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well you can either be patient and wait till it gets ent in the mail and pay the extra 100 and get the phone for 300, AND still get the 100 dollars back through the rabate..BUT you would be saving over 700 dollars over the life of your contract....i wouldnt call that punishment....
OR you can save the hundres dollars and get it at best buy or radioshack for 200 and then pay those 700+ over the life of your contract... seems like a no brainer to me but some people just dont get it i guess....


ATT Pure FREE on HTC Online Store

Price 179$ minus $179.99 LetsTalk instant discount
2yr. contract required, of course....
Crrrrrrrrrrraaaaaapppp!!! If only I had seen this literally a couple hours ago!!!
I just picked one up at the local shop... So far, it's quite a nice upgrade from my Titan... Really anxious to try out a few new roms, but need a default to get back to...
Hmm.... wonder if I can take this one back... or if it's a simple matter of giving a call to 'ol AT&T...
Thanks for the headsup though... I'm sure others that were gonna take the plunge will appreciate it too!
AT&T retail shops have a $35 restock fee. Still worth it with there $199 - $49 mail in price.
If i already have an account, premier with a 25% discount will i qualify or will it screw anything up? I am available for upgrade though
xboxhaxorz said:
If i already have an account, premier with a 25% discount will i qualify or will it screw anything up? I am available for upgrade though
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You should get that if you log in through the premier site.
I called and I got mine for 25% off, and I wasn't even close to being out of contract.
Right now I am on one of AT&T's pre-paid plans. Does anyone know if I would be able to move my number over to the new contract?
I think upgrades cost a little more at lets-talk. I seen this a while ago and while it's free for new customers, it's more for an upgrade. Still cheaper though... but how much it is worth to go through the hassles to save a few bucks?
If you upgraded for $150 a MIR, thats not bad.
the rest of the story....
As it turns out, 29 days into using the phone, I called to cancel. Told 'em they charged me too much. The pot had sweetened... now, not only is the phone free, but the $45.00 rebate is applied... soooo... yup. they're actually paying people to use the Pure/Warbird/Topaz..
When I brought this to the attention of the customer service rep I got on the phone, showed them the website, wouldn't ya know, Good 'ol AT&T applied a credit for the 200.00 that I payed for the phone, and allowed me to submit the rebate form...
Pretty good customer service if you ask me...
Long story short, it's worth it if you paid anything more than zero to switch over and go with the pure.
--- Good Luck if you decide to get one. So far I've still been VERY pleased. Not only with the performance of the equipment, but the quality of the roms being cooked up around here.
Two cents worth... good luck.
hahaha thats funny i did pretty much same thing to them....
went to the local att store and i told em the whole lets talk deal so they gave me the phone for free nice one btw i was already more then 2 years with at&t ...
the phone from lets talk its only for a new customers , upgrade is not valid so if u are already an att customer u wont be able to get lets talk deal but hey ppl go to the store and they will do everything to keep u in they are crew
I bought my Pure from LetsTalk on Wednesday for $0. It was an upgrade not a new contract. I do have a family plan and it's only free when you upgrade the main line on a family plan.
I decided since I got the phone free that I'd pay $14.95 for overnight shipping. I had the phone before lunch on Thursday (yesterday). I honestly couldn't be happier with the phone and the fast service from LetsTalk.
Phone looks nice, but I don't want to be forced to the $30 data plan that is required now with this phone, as opposed to the $15 plans of old!
I got my Pure free from radio shack for renewing my contract for 2 years... ATT store online only had refurbs and local ATT would only do it for 99.00
For anyone looking for a Pure... check the radio shack. I also got a 30$ giftcard included... and my plan was only the family talk 550.

No Corporate Discount for rate plans with N1??

First let me say sorry if this was posted before, I searched and found nothing on it.
I just got off the phone with a T-mobile Rep and, he explained to me, that If i sign up for a new contract when purchasing the Nexus I will not be eligable for my 15% corporate discount on rate plane.
Has anyone successfully used their discount on a rate plan using the N1? I find it hard to believe that Google cares that much about me getting a 15% discount.
I couldn't even get my corporate discount on the regular non-contract plans. I decided to downgrade my minutes, and I have to pay full price for the 500 min, unlimited data and text plan, which is $60.
Their reasoning was that "it's already discounted," whatever that means.
Oh, I just wanted to add that you can just buy the "unlocked" phone for full price and use your existing plan. That might save you in the long run, depending on how much you pay at the moment.
Yea I am currently on the Even More Plus (no Contract) and was willing to sign the two-years to get the nexus subsidized, then use my discount to get the 1000 min + Text + Web for 75 with insurance but I was told Google will not allow Discounted rate plans with the N1...
The lack of corporate discount has nothing to do with the N1 and everything to do with the Everything More + plans. EM+ plans are not eligible for corporate discount to the base plans, though the add-ons may be discounted and activation fees may be waived depending on the corp discount. This is true regardless of the phone you use.
If you are on a regular EM plan (or an older eligible plan) you can still have your corporate discount with that plan and the N1.
The way I know it as a T-Mobile rep is that if you are on EvenMore, you get get the discount (lets say it was 15%) plus the waived act fees. If you are on Even More Plus, you still get the waived act fee but you dont get the monthly discount because its already cheaper than the Contracted one with your discount on that. I understand were everyone comes from cause the discount should be applied the any rate plan but, I don't think T-Mo would be getting enough money to expand the network like we want and bring in the devices that we want if they did do that especially because they give discounts to so many different organization (business, AAA, alumni, students, faculty, gov, churchs, etc). But just to lay it out so every one understands let take EvenMoreTTW Unlimited and EvenMorePlusTTW Unlimited. EM would be $85 after discount and EM+ is still 80. Usually if you get a great discount on your phone and monthly, EM would come out better (just realize that the phone discount would only be for the new act and not upgrades later) but if its just that plan you get a discount on EM+ is the way to go for the long run.
Yea I am on the EM+ but was willing to switch to the EM plan to use my discount. I was told that the discount COULD NOT be used because when purchasing the phone from google they only allow Individual Plans not Corporate Plans.
This made no sense to me but thats what I was told.
Orangeandblue302 said:
First let me say sorry if this was posted before, I searched and found nothing on it.
I just got off the phone with a T-mobile Rep and, he explained to me, that If i sign up for a new contract when purchasing the Nexus I will not be eligable for my 15% corporate discount on rate plane.
Has anyone successfully used their discount on a rate plan using the N1? I find it hard to believe that Google cares that much about me getting a 15% discount.
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Simple! Don't sign up for a new contract!!!
Orangeandblue302 said:
Yea I am on the EM+ but was willing to switch to the EM plan to use my discount. I was told that the discount COULD NOT be used because when purchasing the phone from google they only allow Individual Plans not Corporate Plans.
This made no sense to me but thats what I was told.
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Since my significant other is on a discounted plan with an N1 I am not sure as to the validity of the argument. I personally am on the loyalty plan and do not see a point in changing. Did you call business suppport? if you just dialed 611 I would not be surprised with that answer, look at the extremely inconsistent answers on everything else (plans, insurance, support...) coming out of the CSRs.
Since you already have the phone, and I assume you got it subsidized at the new contract rate ($179), your options may be more limited. If however you are on a corporate plan and bought it at existing customer subsidy (now $279 if memory serves) or unsubsidized you most certainly can have a corporate discount.
i bought unlocked so Tmobile didnt touch my corporate discount let alone know im using a n1
ok i got it all taken care of, the original CS Rep was misunderstanding what I asked. Glad I got it all cleared up.
Thanks for those of you who posted and chimed in with responses!!
Ok this may sound weird but I got the phone on contract by adding a line to my account like I stated. I just decided (after ordering the phone) that I dont wanna be on a contract and i just want to buy the phone outright.
Can I just cancel the added line with T-Mobile and pay the Recovery Fee or 350.00 to google or do I have to return the phone then let them refund my account then order it again unsubsidized.
I guess my real question is How do i go about getting google to charge me the ERF so I dont have to ship and wait for a refund just to order it again?
When I went in and got my SIM card, I got my discount. Activation fee waived, and 15% off my plan (everything more plus or w/e...the $60 one)
Also just as a referce for everyone, so if you have a corp discount you can apply, just go into any store after do the EM plan buying a N1 and then the will still add it. I have gotten no word from T-Mobile that we aren't allowed to add the discount to the plan. Its pretty much the phone is just sold through google, once your plan is set up and everything yo can do whatever as far as adding discount or changing plan. Honestly on our side you wouldn't see anything. You just can't switch to EM+ cause that would cause a ETF. As far as the loyalty plan, that 50 for unlimited minutes and 35 more if you add texting and data, so you would save $5 a month and make up the migration fee of $35 over time but just up to you if a contract is a problem or not thats all. I probably would stay contracted if you like Tmo on the single line loyalty it doesn't get too much better.
Even More Plus plans were never eligible for corporate discounts, but Even More plans are. I have a discount on mine. However, T-mobile dropped the discount... so when I switched to buy the subsidized phone, my discount went from 15% to 6%. Sucks, but better than nothing.
DynaBass139: Sort of off topic but I would not switch to EM+ because I would lose number portability. I am not under any contract obligation at this point so ran the numbers and debated the subject a great deal. Granted I am unlikely to change carriers but I have had the same phone number for close to a decade now. If I decide/need to switch carriers I want to keep it.. The deal is good enough, though I wish T-Mo would drop the web to $30 to put it on parity with EM+ for cost.
(I have historically not subsidized my phones because T-Mo has not had the phones I have wanted. I have gone through a long list of HTC phones starting at the Blue Angel in 2004 I think, down to the N1 I bought on release day. If a N2 comes out on T-Mo with a keyboard I might try and subsidize that though. 2 $500+ phones in a year would be a bit too much.)
I was just gonna say I went in the day after I got mine and received the Fedex corporate discount no prob. Too late.
Ok i am just going to stay on my EM+ without the discount but I made the mistake of choosing the subsidy by opening a new line.
anyone know if I can just cancel that new line that I opened and just pay the other 350.00 off. i know google has the equipment recovery fee so how does that get charged?

Who is still on contract and has pre-ordered?

The reason I'm asking is because I see a lot of people pre-ordering and they say it's $199. I wanted to see if anyone was still on contract or would still be on a contract by the time the Evo comes out. I wanted to see if the people on contract were still getting the phone for $199 from BB or the shack. I know the $199 is for a $150 discount with a 2 year plan and an up-front $100 rebate.
On-contract as in "not eligible for an upgrade?" I know that RadioShack is not taking pre-orders for full retail purchases, and Best Buy is gouging the price to $600 for those not on contract. I'm going to pre-order from Sprint when they start accepting in-store (some places actually already have).
TheBiles said:
On-contract as in "not eligible for an upgrade?" I know that RadioShack is not taking pre-orders for full retail purchases, and Best Buy is gouging the price to $600 for those not on contract. I'm going to pre-order from Sprint when they start accepting in-store (some places actually already have).
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I wonder what would be the price if I tell BB that I'm contract now but I want to renew (restart my 2yr contract). Would they just take $100 off the retail price? Guess I have to go in to BB sometime tomorrow to see how this all works. Maybe I'll try the shack as well.
Can they really inflate the price that high when retail (According to sprint) is suppose to be $450? I guess Sprint will have to take my money then and I'll have to wait 10-14 weeks for a rebate.
unknown_owner said:
I wonder what would be the price if I tell BB that I'm contract now but I want to renew (restart my 2yr contract). Would they just take $100 off the retail price? Guess I have to go in to BB sometime tomorrow to see how this all works. Maybe I'll try the shack as well.
Can they really inflate the price that high when retail (According to sprint) is suppose to be $450? I guess Sprint will have to take my money then and I'll have to wait 10-14 weeks for a rebate.
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The $100 rebate is only for new contracts and people with their 22-month full upgrade. The 12-month (non-premier) upgrade is just $75 off retail.
And yes, Best Buy can gouge all they want to.
Under Contract with TMO
I'm under contract with T-Mobile but with still 5 months left. Going to terminate the contract (only $100). Rather cough up the money than continue to use my G1 for the next five months. I want the Evo NOW.
Same here. I'm upgrading from my hero (which I got in December ) so I think your better seeing the device in a sprint store then buying it full out.
im dropping my plan to the lowest ($20/mo.) on vzw and already preordered from radio shack
TheBiles said:
The $100 rebate is only for new contracts and people with their 22-month full upgrade. The 12-month (non-premier) upgrade is just $75 off retail.
And yes, Best Buy can gouge all they want to.
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what about ppl adding another line? I pre paid on the phone already and would go back and get my money if I can't get the phone by adding another line. None of my other 2 lines are able to upgrade since I just did that 6 months ago.
apollooff320 said:
what about ppl adding another line? I pre paid on the phone already and would go back and get my money if I can't get the phone by adding another line. None of my other 2 lines are able to upgrade since I just did that 6 months ago.
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Adding another line is considered a new activation therefore you would get the phone for $199.
Where is everyone getting this 600$ quote from. At my BB the guy said he "thinks its like 600" which means that he was going off the rumoured off contract price.I don't see BB raising the price of a phone higher than it's MSRP.
setite said:
Where is everyone getting this 600$ quote from. At my BB the guy said he "thinks its like 600" which means that he was going off the rumoured off contract price.I don't see BB raising the price of a phone higher than it's MSRP.
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Oh you don't? Go to Best Buy and try to buy a Hero or a Moment off contract and enjoy paying $600 or $630, respectively!
I preordered as a current customer without an upgrade available for my phone number. I just upgraded another line on my account, and will swap hardware after I have the phone in my hand.
could somebody help me figure this out a bit?
i have the HTC Hero, bought and signed with a new 2 year contract in november 2009.
so is there any way i could get the $199 price on the evo? i think you can get the EVO but you have to sign another 2 year contract even though i'm only 6 months in?
i did it today
i per-order mines today from radioshack for 50bucks..down,,i'm hype,,for the phone,i have 1 coming my way soon..
justinisyoung said:
could somebody help me figure this out a bit?
i have the HTC Hero, bought and signed with a new 2 year contract in november 2009.
so is there any way i could get the $199 price on the evo? i think you can get the EVO but you have to sign another 2 year contract even though i'm only 6 months in?
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No. You are stuck paying the full price. I am a smart one though. I had a Sprint account back in the day, left with good standing. I ran into credit issues and about a year back had to pay a deposit so I just went on my father's plan with my fiancee instead. Well, I just got my Hero in October, 2 yr contract. Called up Sprint. They told me to get the Evo in my name, new account with a new phone number. Then afterward, get my dad and transfer my Hero line into my account. I get the 2 yr new activation price for the Evo, I keep my number and I don't have to pay the ETF. Life is f-ing sweet!
chuckhriczko said:
No. You are stuck paying the full price. I am a smart one though. I had a Sprint account back in the day, left with good standing. I ran into credit issues and about a year back had to pay a deposit so I just went on my father's plan with my fiancee instead. Well, I just got my Hero in October, 2 yr contract. Called up Sprint. They told me to get the Evo in my name, new account with a new phone number. Then afterward, get my dad and transfer my Hero line into my account. I get the 2 yr new activation price for the Evo, I keep my number and I don't have to pay the ETF. Life is f-ing sweet!
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If I understand this right, aren't you still left with paying for 3 lines, yours, your fathers' and your fiancee's?
MetroKnight said:
If I understand this right, aren't you still left with paying for 3 lines, yours, your fathers' and your fiancee's?
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Yes but I don't pay for those lines. The owner's of the lines do. I will now be on my own plan, by myself with no ties to them. This isn't the solution for everyone but I figured maybe if someone is in the same situation it may help them.
Radio Shack would not let me upgrade, because I am not eligible until June 1st for upgrade. I just went over to Best Buy and signed right up.
Also, the rep at Radio Shack was not clear as to whether or not I would get the phone on Launch day or not. The Best Buy mobile manager told me for sure that I would get it then. I wanted to try Radio Shack first, simply because of the $20 of free accessories, but hey, you win some, you lose some.
then again, in the case of the Evo, I think we all win
It's like they timed this specifically for Palm Pre Premier owners... Friggin awesome.
justinisyoung said:
could somebody help me figure this out a bit?
i have the HTC Hero, bought and signed with a new 2 year contract in november 2009.
so is there any way i could get the $199 price on the evo? i think you can get the EVO but you have to sign another 2 year contract even though i'm only 6 months in?
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If you go through sprint, you'll probably have to renew your 2 yr contract so that it starts up at June 4th, or whenever you get the EVO. You won't get the $150 upgrade discount, but you'll get the $100 mail-in-rebate though.
I believe this is what you'll go through because this is what I'm thinking will happen for me. I too bought the Hero in Nov. 09. But in the past when renewing a contract, Sprint has always just restarted my contracts when I wanted a new contract.
Do to the retail cost that BB and the shack might, I'm going to go through sprint, but not the sprint store. If you go through the sprint store, you'll have to pay the $36 activation fee. Most of the phones that you buy online through Sprint, don't charge an activation fee, so I'm thinking (hoping) this will be through for the EVO when they start selling them online.
I'm still on contract and pre-ordered with best buy, was quoted $199

Evo available on Wirefly for $189.99 with no MIR + $50 Bing Cashback

Well, I certainly woke up to a pleasant surprise. I've been stuck with having to buy the Evo on Wirefly to claim a hundred dollar savings I had won, only to see that the final price is thirty dollars lower than I expected! You pay $169.99 with a 35 dollar activation fee. There's no taxes, and the FedEx shipping is free.
For those of you wondering, Wirefly is a reputable place to purchase from. Two weeks ago, I purchased two blackberry Curves and a Hero from them with a new contract. They waived the activation fee via a promotion, shipped it within twenty four hours of ordering via two day FedEx for free, and the phones arrived in two days after it was shipped. The only problem is speaking to their sales department; it consists of nothing but overseas representatives who are difficult to understand at times and try to push device protection on your devices constantly. If you order online, though, there's absolutely no issues. They allow you to check on the status of your order, and include every detail of the purchase and plan in the sales receipt if you want to make changes.
Just thought I'd share this great deal .
Edit: Oh! I also forgot to mention that Wirefly is a partner of Bing Cashback. When you order through Bing, you get $50 cash back on your account. That brings the total cost of the device down to $119.99. Sounds good to me!
I have used Wirefly 3 times before and they are great! I am impatient and do not want to wait for my phone this time though haha
That sounds pretty awesome! I'm going to have to see what I can do with this one.
If ordering from them do you know if I can port a phone number?
ViViDboarder said:
That sounds pretty awesome! I'm going to have to see what I can do with this one.
If ordering from them do you know if I can port a phone number?
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Yes, you can port your phone number through them. I transferred my parent's and brother's numbers from Metro PCS to the Sprint phones without a problem.
I wonder what will happen if someone tries to upgrade who is not eligible for an upgrade and who is still on contract. I went through the motion of buying it there and the final price came to $180 or something. Wonder what would happen after I get the phone.
too bad you cant add a discount to the plans through wirefly..
guyver2077 said:
too bad you cant add a discount to the plans through wirefly..
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Yeah I wish we could add a discount to the plans through wirefly as I would get it through them if that were possible.., unless someone knows a way?
Yeah I wish we could add a discount to the plans through wirefly as I would get it through them if that were possible.., unless someone knows a way?
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can't you just call up sprint once your order is processed to add the discount? nowhere in their terms state you can't add discount; it says you can't switch to a lower service plan, but adding a discount isn't lowering the service plan
here's the terms of their instant discount:
Wirefly promises you savings in the form of instant discounts with no rebates or gimmicks when you sign up for wireless carrier service. Delivering on this promise means that you must agree to maintain your agreement for a minimum of 6 months after activation. Deactivating your phone, or downgrading features or the rate plan, may lead to additional charges.
When you sign up for wireless carrier service through Wirefly, we discount your phone purchase price by an Equipment Discount amount ranging from $200 to $300. By ordering through Wirefly, you agree to repay this discount if, during the 181 days after your new equipment is activated, if you:
Fail to pay your balance due to your carrier each month
Disconnect this line of service
Transfer this equipment to another line of service
Change your carrier service rate plan to a lower monthly service rate plan
Deactivate the email/data feature if one was required at the point of purchase
Transfer/port an existing phone number from another account if this is a new line of service
Replace an existing account with this account if this is a new line of service
Return or exchange your phone and it is not in its original, new condition with no more than 30 minutes of usage
If you break any of these contract provisions, except as a result of a documented service quality issue related to the carrier service, you authorize us to charge your credit card in repayment of the Equipment Discount.
EDIT: they changed the price to $189.99
As of 4:30 this afternoon, Wirefly has officially run out of HTC Evos. The site lists the next shipment time in five to seven days. Fortunately, I was able to get my order placed at 4:00. Unless you really want that $50 rebate, I'd look toward other stores.
These things are selling out an alarming rate.
Now it says shipping within 20 days...
Oh man. Still $50 is probably worth it considering I still have my iPhone for the time being.
i know letstalk is getting shipment June 10, but they still have backorders they need to fulfill; don't know any other place where i can get it without waiting for the mail in rebate
sprint online store has them in stock and can receive in 2-5 days, but not willing to pay $1049 now and have to wait for rebates for 2-4 months
double post
Wirefly is awesome but never call and place an order over the phone.
gqstatus0685 said:
Wirefly is awesome but never call and place an order over the phone.
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You couldn't be more correct. I stupidly placed the order for my parents and brother via Wirefly's sales department via phone, and it was a horrendous experience. It took over an hour for the idiot to understand what I wanted, write my name down properly, and to shut up about the extended warranty and accessories.
That being said, that's what the online store is for. It's just like the rest of them.
Also, wow. Shipping within 20 days? I was 15 minutes away from having to wait a month for my Evo to arrive? Insane.
I got lucky and got my order in before they raised the price. 169 + 50 bing cash back plus avoiding 45$ in taxes here in CA. It arrives tomorrow =).
Darth Duane said:
I got lucky and got my order in before they raised the price. 169 + 50 bing cash back plus avoiding 45$ in taxes here in CA. It arrives tomorrow =).
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Holy crap, shut up! Mine is arriving tomorrow as well! . Of course, I placed my order when it was back at $189.99, but it's still a great deal.
Any idea what'd happen if I tried to order this even though I'm not eligible for an upgrade from Sprint? I'm trying to see if I can grab one of these to participate in development. Although, I'm not sure I'm willing to blow $450 for the privilege.
Ok. I'm on Wirefly and I want to add this phone as a new line on a family plan.
I am seeing:
Service Plan: $9.99/month
Sprint Data Pack - mobile web, web-based email, and basic Sprint TV/Music: $15.00/month
4G Premium Data: $10.00/month
What's that $15/month part? If my family is already on the Any Mobile Any Time with data included, is that required?
I want to try and put this in ASAP!
sidepart said:
Any idea what'd happen if I tried to order this even though I'm not eligible for an upgrade from Sprint? I'm trying to see if I can grab one of these to participate in development. Although, I'm not sure I'm willing to blow $450 for the privilege.
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It does look like I can get this for $189 (+$50 bing cashback) if I select that I would like to extend my contract with Sprint. I'm a little curious about this, you'd think that I shouldn't be able to do this, but at the same time Wirefly probably has no idea that I started my contract in November 09. I'm just worried about what happens when I get the phone! Is no one the wiser? Do people just not know? Maybe I should try this out and give you all an update as to the outcome. I'm willing to bet if there's some kind of foul up and a cancellation charge appears on my account, I could possibly settle it with Sprint feigning ignorance. It's not like I want to jump ship or anything after all, I like Sprint.
Hope you find out. I'm on my hero and not due for upgrade or anything... I wanna upgrade to evolution from hero, but don't have hundreds of dollars
Sent via the XDA Tapatalk App

Got a great deal on my Vibrant!

Hi guys, this will be my first android phone and I am EXCITED. I'm coming from.....a sidekick LX.....haha sooo much needed upgrade.
At first, I called T-mobile and after much convincing they gave me the phone for $150, waived the $18 phone activation, and bumped my internet from $30 a month to only $20......GREAT! right?....but...
..then, my dad, who's the best person I know in getting deals and stuff, told me to call them and tell them I wanted to cancel my order because I could get an iphone 3GS for only $100 and could easily switch. So we did that, and guess what? They actually gave us an extra $100 mail-in rebate!!!
sooo my Samsung Vibrant cost after everything is settled.....$50
dsideee said:
Hi guys, this will be my first android phone and I am EXCITED. I'm coming from.....a sidekick LX.....haha sooo much needed upgrade.
At first, I called T-mobile and after much convincing they gave me the phone for $150, waived the $18 phone activation, and bumped my internet from $30 a month to only $20......GREAT! right?....but...
..then, my dad, who's the best person I know in getting deals and stuff, told me to call them and tell them I wanted to cancel my order because I could get an iphone 3GS for only $100 and could easily switch. So we did that, and guess what? They actually gave us an extra $100 mail-in rebate!!!
sooo my Samsung Vibrant cost after everything is settled.....$50
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Yeah they do give great deals if you haven't upgraded in a while. Unfortunately, people like me abuse it and they give me good deals, but not killer ones like this.
I got my 8900 for 60 bucks, when it was 200 also. And they gave me a free Razr2 and such.
yeah i'm pretty excited, do you still have that BB or did you "abuse" the system again and get a vibrant haha
How the hell did you get $20 internet?
I have T-Mobile for 8 years and had my grandfathered Blackberry $20 data plan for 2 years until I switched to Vibrant and they told me they will need to bump my data plan to $25 Android plan. I am 18 months into the contract with 2 extra family lines on the plan (24 and 20 months into the contract).
ninor said:
How the hell did you get $20 internet?
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I would like to know this too, a rebate on a phone is one thing, but a smaller monthly bill? Thats what I want to know.
Blueman101 said:
I would like to know this too, a rebate on a phone is one thing, but a smaller monthly bill? Thats what I want to know.
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I have $20 internet on two lines on my family plan, plus $15 unlimited texting for both lines, and I get a 15% corporate discount from my university.
You gotta say cancel as son as the automated service asks what you want. Them tell the rep you have been with them for awhile but feel like you're paying too much. They should offer to drop the bill a little.
dsideee said:
yeah i'm pretty excited, do you still have that BB or did you "abuse" the system again and get a vibrant haha
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I dropped it in water. I get upgrades two times a year.
hockeyrcks9901 said:
15% corporate discount from my university.
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I'll give your thing a try, also is that discount for being a student or working for the university?
Guys, there are A LOT of companies that get discounts, they just don't tell you. I used to work for Best Buy and just for that you get a discount, if you are a student, you get a discount, etc... also, he has $20 internet PLUS $15 for text, that's 35... I pay $25 for internet plus $10 unlimited text for all the lines in the family plan, so its also $35
yeah except my college recently got rid of college email accounts. And you cant have student/company discounts on flexpay and i haven't met the 6month good payment history (i have 8 months good payment history) to switch to regular payment but still apparently don't qualify for regualr payment. F**K flexpay!
Very good deal.
I got a decent deal too.
On my existing line 1 with 13 months since my last upgrade, they agreed to give me the $199 upgrade price since I ported over my girlfriend's AT&T number as a new line 2. I got a 2nd Vibrant for that line at $199. They also agreed to give line 2 the unlimited data plan for $25/mo to match my line 1, since I have the grandfathered G1 data plan with 400 text messages. I also have unlimited loyalty minutes for $90 for both lines.
So... $45 each line for unlimited voice, $25 each line for unlimited data, $199 per phone. That's a non-subsidy phone plan price with a subsidized phone price.
Been with T-Mo about 7 years.
I actually got a similar deal on mine as well.
My contract ended back in December but I'd been using an iPhone for a little longer than that. I wanted to upgrade but T-Mobile didn't have much that could compare to be worth extended my contract. After reading around about the Vibrant and the deals people were getting with them I decided to give them a call. I was connected to what I believe is their retentions department and told the rep that I was thinking about switching carriers to AT&T for the new iPhone. She immediately said that she would like me to keep my line with them and wanted to offer me a deal on the Vibrant.
She offered the Vibrant for basically $49.99 after it was said and done. My account was given a $100 credit and then the phone billed for $149.99. Waiving the upgrade fee and shipping charges also seemed to be standard practice. When I asked if that meant I had to use the $30 data plan she said she could discount the plan to $24.99 before I could say anything else. I gladly accepted.
My household has been with T-Mobile for near a decade now, although I'm usually the only one that upgrades out of our four lines. We have the same grandfathered plan from when we opened our account as well. I chalked the great deal up to being long-time customers with them.
I ordered the Vibrant thru T-Mobile.com almost 3 weeks ago. The order got messed up...BAD. They debited our account twice for $1200 ($600 x 2). After waiting for a week with no sign of the phone, the order status stuck on Pending, and no refund, I got fed up and contacted corporate. The girl who I am still working with has been very apologetic with trying to get the issue resolved. On Thursday of last week T-Mobile debited our account yet AGAIN for another $600. I called her immediately and told her what had happened. I could tell she was very frustrated because all of this is out of T-Mobiles control. From what I found out it's actually a 3rd party company that handles all of the telesales and online orders. She called me back a few hours later and explained all of that to me.
During all of this the order status was still "pending." Well what do you know, the phone showed up in the mail later that day. I called her again to tell her and after she put me on hold for a few minutes she came back and told me we could keep the phone for free because of all the troubles. We've received $1200 back over the past couple of days but there is still $600 that is in a hold state on our debit card. Hopefully it will post back soon. It's been pretty crappy not having $1800 for the few weeks. But we got a free phone and a free month of service out of this whole ordeal so I guess it was worth it.

