Exchange Server Account causing reboot - Title Renamed - EVO 4G General

Not good... From the start, Radio Shack and Sprint Servers took almost 2 hrs to activate my phone and accept my Gift Card. After everything was all said and done, I was playing with the phone downloaded the updated however I didnt install it just yet.
I rebooted the phone, and now it is stuck in an endless reboot cycle... I get the Sprint logo which transitions into the 4G one and plays the little tone; Non-Stop.
All I did was tried popping in my Droid 16GB SD card and it started happening... on my way to RS now to replace. WTF ! ERRR
UPDATE: After further discussion it looks like the issue was with Exchange Server Accounts and Pin/Passwords. Continue reading the thread for more discussion
HTC is aware of the issue and will be addressing in a future update. For the time being there are two ways to bypass the reboot/restart endless cycle.
1) When creating a PIN/Password include at least one Alpha character in your password; i.e "dad1" "1223x" "bobby23", etc...
TripFlex said:
Like the poster above me said, that is exactly the reason that this works.
Here's what you have to do to get exchange server hooked up normally and not have a constant reboot!
Follow these steps and you will not have any problems.
1.) Hard reset your phone (VOLUME DOWN + POWER with the phone off)
You will have to go down to "CLEAR DATA", it will ask you to confirm.
2.) Let the phone reboot, everything will be erased. Setup your exchange and google account.
3.) Go to the market place and search for "No Lock". Download it. Install it. Run it.
4.) Press the middle button to make the phone no longer require a lock.
Voila! I just did this and it works perfect!
OP you might want to put this in the first thread you posted so other people know about it without having to go through all these pages.
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Credit goes to Marc and Trip - Thanks guys.

That straight sucks yo...I didn't download the update at all. I hope your radio shack is better than mine. They had a total of 4 shipped to them, and they were all pre-ordered.

Damn it, and that's what I'm afraid of...
What's to do if this is the case at my RS. Also have you tried rebooting, and if its not too much trouble try tossing in another SD Card, then reboot
UPDATE: While typing this I was able to hard reset (Vol Up + power button)and it looks like its working... If I can duplicate the problem im gonna take it back, if not i'll keep it and keep a close eye for the next 30 days

Did you try pulling the battery?

Yup, tried pulling battery and everything...
I was able to duplicate the problem and its as followed;
Fresh EVO w/ 8GB Stock card.
Power Off using Off Button
Battery pull and insert Droid 16GB SD Card
Power On Via Button Causes restart
Only way to stop this from happening is a hard reset (Vol Up + Power Button)
What's weird is that when I do a hard reset with the 16gb droid sd card, the EVO starts up just fine and i am able to access my SD Card with all files without issues.
I'm gonna try doing the same procedures with the 8GB card to see if that causes the same problem - if so, it leads me to believe this is a permissions/mounting issue with the EVO that I'm assuming the bug/update fix takes care of. (I have still not yet installed the update in fear ROOT will not be accessible after the update)
UPDATE 1: Using the same instruction above, however going from the 16GB to 8GB the phone restarts fine with no reboot cycle.
UPDATE 2: Same instructions going from 8gb back to 16gb is now fine.... seems like the phone wanted to read the 16gb first - im confused *SCRATCHING HEAD*

I had the exact same issue with a brand new EVO that I accepted the OTA update (a Sprint rep confirmed that the update was specifically to address the SD card issue).
After the update installed and unit rebooted, it went into an endless cycle. I had to hard reset, and the device is in the process of Hands Free Activation. Will update when I have more info.

Mine is doing it with and without the memory card. F(@#& now i have to go back to the damn store! UGH!
It also started doing this after i did the upgrade.

I'm downloading the update each time I had to hard reset, however I am not installing it... Were you doing the same ?

OK GUYS, seems the issue at least for me was something with exchange server. After i connect to my exchange server it gives me this endless reboot.
here's how to fix it and start over. Press and hold VOLUME DOWN and POWER BUTTON until a screen comes up, at that screen select clear data
it will reset your phone to factory but that's better than a rebooting phone.

Trip !
You're a genius! It seems that after I initially did the hard reset, I didn't setup my exchange account. After I thought everything was all fine and dandy, I setup my exchange account started reading the replies and found Trip's findings...
Low and behold, without tampering with the SD Card, I rebooted (after i setup my exchange account) and now it has me in an endless reboot. FACK !
Anyone else please verify. Add Exchange account and restart...

It's the password that Exchange makes you set up.
Turn off "Require Password" on your Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy under Client Access.
See my other post here.

jaypeezee said:
Trip !
You're a genius! It seems that after I initially did the hard reset, I didn't setup my exchange account. After I thought everything was all fine and dandy, I setup my exchange account started reading the replies and found Trip's findings...
Low and behold, without tampering with the SD Card, I rebooted (after i setup my exchange account) and now it has me in an endless reboot. FACK !
Anyone else please verify. Add Exchange account and restart...
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Yeah i know and this is not going to work for me either unless they get a fix out ASAP i HAVE to use an exchange server. It's bad enough i have to enter a damn password everytime but now this...ugh!

Soupskin said:
It's the password that Exchange makes you set up.
Turn off "Require Password" on your Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policy under Client Access.
See my other post here.
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That's not a possibility unless someone comes out with an app to bypass the password.
I work for a VERY LARGE company that runs our exchange server, i cannot edit those settings.

TripFlex said:
That's not a possibility unless someone comes out with an app to bypass the password.
I work for a VERY LARGE company that runs our exchange server, i cannot edit those settings.
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Try using TouchDown then.

Thanks for the suggestions but this should not be necessary ! WTF. Who should I be pissed off at, HTC or my IT department for requiring a password.
What's weird is when I had an iPhone, I was required to put a password. When I switched to the Droid, It never prompted me for one. Now that I've switched to the EVO, its asking me for one but casues these endless reboots.
Like Trip, I cannot ask my IT dept to remove the use of a lock code. I work for a City Government that shares lots of data sensitive material via email (I know, dumb right) and I NEED access to it.

jaypeezee said:
Thanks for the suggestions but this should not be necessary ! WTF. Who should I be pissed off at, HTC or my IT department for requiring a password.
What's weird is when I had an iPhone, I was required to put a password. When I switched to the Droid, It never prompted me for one. Now that I've switched to the EVO, its asking me for one but casues these endless reboots.
Like Trip, I cannot ask my IT dept to remove the use of a lock code. I work for a City Government that shares lots of data sensitive material via email (I know, dumb right) and I NEED access to it.
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Sprint or Google is to blame here. It's Sprint's build of 2.1 that has the problem. I talked to them today and they acknowledge the problem and say that the fix won't come until 2.2 is released.
Everyone needs to call Sprint and complain in order to have a fix pushed out sooner than the 2.2 release date.
In the meantime, someone give TouchDown a shot and let us know if that is a feasable workaround or not. I would but I've already turned the password policy off for my account on my Exchange server.

I made this happen to a demo unit I was playing with (while the rep at Radio Shack continued to try to activate my phone - took nearly 2 hours to complete).
I was playing with HTC Sense's "Scenes" feature. I believe I was switching scenes too quickly, it automatically rebooted itself, and as soon as it started up again and got to the lock screen, I tried to use it and it rebooted again. I allowed it to reboot, and instead of immediately trying to unlock the screen, I let it sit and fully load, and it worked properly.
I don't know what the issue is, but I have yet to experience it with my own Evo... yet.

Soupskin said:
Sprint or Google is to blame here. It's Sprint's build of 2.1 that has the problem. I talked to them today and they acknowledge the problem and say that the fix won't come until 2.2 is released.
Everyone needs to call Sprint and complain in order to have a fix pushed out sooner than the 2.2 release date.
In the meantime, someone give TouchDown a shot and let us know if that is a feasable workaround or not. I would but I've already turned the password policy off for my account on my Exchange server.
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I did call Sprint! The lady was a complete dumbass, i told here "i know exactly what the problem is there's no need for me to go BACK to the store" ... she basically read off a computer telling me what to do
drove me nuts

TripFlex said:
I did call Sprint! The lady was a complete dumbass, i told here "i know exactly what the problem is there's no need for me to go BACK to the store" ... she basically read off a computer telling me what to do
drove me nuts
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Wow.. suck.
I guess I got a rare one. The dude I talked to actually listened, put me on hold to speak with colleagues, and then confirmed and added my number to some list of affected people.

Hmm I just got off the phone with a Tech Support rep who sounded like he knew what he was talking about.
According to him, there are two UPDATES, an HTC system update (SD card issue) and a Firmware Update (fixes exchange issue)... he told me to go and manually check for updates - one of these should fix the issue ? does this sound legit /


OTA updates on AT&T

Hello this is my first post. Just wanted to say hi.
Well I have an unlocked G1 running on AT&T and I was wondering how are we suppose to get updates if they are OTA and I assume you would need t-mobile for that.
Is there a way to manually do it? Is there someway to download it directly to the phone from a source?
Thanks alot.
I sure wish I had that t-mobile SIM that I had. I assume it wont work if it is canceled right?
I have a feeling people who have them unlocked are going to get screwed and have security holes up the wazzoo...
i have talked to tmobile multiple times about this. no one seems to know the answer. I have a t-mobile sim card in my phone right now just to see if it will update. the card is the one that came with the phone, show it shows the t-mobile service, it just will not let me call or anything. I am hoping that it will update this way then I can put my att card back in. I will probably leave the t-mobile in every night while I sleep and the phone charges just to see if it will actually work. I will keep you guys posted as to if it works or not.
I have yet to get my OTA update and I am on T-mobile. I was going to unlock my phone, and I have a question. Does your G1 work ok with data on AT&T market and all? plz let me know I have someone that is tempted to buy one at full retail and just take mine after I have it unlocked.
it would seem to me that legally, they have to provide the patch at some point due to the GPL... it also must be provided free of charge..
when they offer it is a different story, but legally, anyone who has it, who share it (if they knew where it was cached) with no legal issues
Only Google doesn't use the GPL.
But yes, that's true. The source for everything that's free-and-open (we know there are parts of the OS that aren't) should be made available. Whether or not (and/or when) they offer the update as a binary is anybody's guess, like most things with the G1/Android.
maybe the evil FSF will get involved!?
spyz88 said:
Is there a way to manually do it? Is there someway to download it directly to the phone from a source?
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Yes there is.
Worked flawlessly and I'm now running RC29.
uberingram said:
Yes there is.
Worked flawlessly and I'm now running RC29.
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The info is also posted on this forum/site under the development area... sorry I don't have a link handy.
did we ever find out if OTA updates get pushed to G1's on other carriers automatically?
The will be pushed to all G1's on a data connection. I repeat ALL G1's on a DATA connection.
I am on AT&T and just got the OTA update yesterday morning. I found this instruction on the internet (could have been sticky from this site) on how to get OTA update the original way.
I download Anycut from app store, create a shortcut for Device info, scroll all the way down and click on download button. Your G1 will call home and it'll appears that nothing else is happening on the screen.
I did this around 9pm Sunday morning, leave my wifi on, phone plugged in for charging and when I woke up my G1 greeted me with new firmware update screen (RC30).
Few issues that I found:
Home and call button are not responding (nothing happen when pressed) and I had to do a system restore to fix it. G1 security screen stop working even after turning security on and off - system restore fixed this. The Built in IM stop working when trying to connect via AT&T Edge, it complain that IM program can't read my phone number off SIM card - WIFI + IM client works without any problems.
natt108 said:
Few issues that I found:
Home and call button are not responding (nothing happen when pressed) and I had to do a system restore to fix it. G1 security screen stop working even after turning security on and off
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Noting that those are are all symptoms of a Setup Wizard call that ended badly somehow.
The guy who discovered this first:
I discovered it accidentally, by playing with Any Cut a little bit too much. Heh.
Ah... I see my experience with Setup Wizard funkiness is not an isolated case. At any rate, I did not have to perform a factory reset, as re-running Setup Wizard resolved the issue.

Sprint HTC Hero Complete Failure

Picked up a brand new Sprint HTC Hero on Monday (10/12/9) and within about a day it had stopped working entirely and was swapped out by a Sprint Repair Technician for another brand new one. I wanted to share the issues/experience.
Having spent an entire day fiddling about with the device, I noticed a couple of processes freaking out and needing to be forcibly shut down. I found out that this was because it had 0 internal memory left. I think that this was because I set up my gmail app to sync absolutely all my email to my phone, which obviously took up all the memory.
Without really taking too much time to think, I just decided to do a hard reset of my phone and restore it to factory settings. All seemed to go fine.
But the next day I was noticing that I wasn't not able to receive text messages. I was still able to make/receive call, and send texts, just not receive texts.
Everything worked perfectly prior to the reset: could make and receive both calls and texts, browse the internet etc. - the only thing that wasn't quite working was the bluetooth connection to my car: it was able to pair fine, but anytime it tried to do anything e.g. make a call/play music via bluetooth, the connection would die. However, a bluetooth connection to just a regular headset worked flawlessly.
I spoke to Sprint Customer Service on & off for about 2 hours. They tried refreshing the text messaging service on their end a few times. They also had me check that my phone was correctly programmed: the MDN number had actually reverted back to the temp number I was given (I was porting a number over from TMob). However, even after correcting this MDN number, it still did not work.
I was tempted to just go and get a replacement from the Sprint Store, but there was a repair center about 5 minutes away. Very helpful guy there (who actually ended up staying an hour after his shift was supposed to end) took a look at it.
He was able to replicate the problem exactly as described above. He decided to transfer the number to a different phone (a palm treo I think), and all the test text messages came flooding down. Although this would point to an issue with the phone, this could not rule out a network issue (for reasons that he did explain, but I can't quite remember). He then tried a hard reset himself: didnt do anything.
Finally, he told me that he had a new Hero sitting in the back. He tried setting up this new phone with my number and it worked perfectly.
So in short, my phone is heading to Kansas City (Sprint HQ from what I understand) to be broken down and examined.
Sprint repair guy said he had never seen anything like it before.
Want to also mention that both the Sprint Store salesmen and repair guy were the most helpful people Ive ever met. My salesman was actually on vacation: when i called the store to report the issue, they called him and he called me...very impressive. The repair guy also went above and beyond to keep me informed on the progress (as I was waiting while he worked on it), not to mention him working overtime.
I literally ported over last week from Tmobile and have been blown away by their service.
Just wanted to share the story. Feel free to get in touch if you want me to elaborate on anything.
The brand new replacement phone has done the EXACT same thing.
Contacted the sprint repair tech. He says that sprint techs have a private internal forum and that the issue has been reported in the past (one of the reports was from a sprint employee who experienced identical problems (on Oct 8th - prior to launch).
From what Ive been told, the internal memory being full is the first symptom of the issue and that android processes begin to be forcibly shut down, and then txt messages cannot be received. Apparantly Sprint/HTC have an idea of what may be causing the issue but have not been more specific than that on the internal forum.
I'm getting my Hero swapped out for a brand new one (for the 3rd time) after work today. I've been advised to keep high-end feature use to a minimum (e.g. google contact/mail/calendar sync etc) until he has heard back from his development team.
Your title is quite misleading. Still happy it worked out for you in the end.
Yah your title is pretty terrible IMO for the post content.
Glad it worked out for you. I had a similar issue and had to have the device re-provisioned which didn't work, reset the device after the re-provision and it worked without issues since.
I have had mine for a while and installed around 60 apps on it yesterday all while surfing the net and texting. Before I went to bed I power cycled my phone and it was searching for service. Didn't have time to troubleshoot it until today noticed it was force closing several different things randomly and said I was out of memory. I uninstalled several programs and had around 30 mb free and still random force closings and no service.
Ended up doing a factory reset which seemed to fix the issue as I can receive calls and surf the market and internet but I'm not receiving text. As a matter of fact people said they were responding to my texts last night yet I never received any of them despite being able to surf the market and play games on my phone.
So now I'm wondering if my hero is jacked up as well and I'm wondering if it's related to using up all the memory on the device but I'd think doing a factory reset should have fixed everything but it seems like something isn't getting fixed correctly as I just had someone send me a text to test my theory and I haven't received it yet I can still do everything else on my phone.
If you are auto closing everything without setting up exceptions you will have issues. My radio stack became unresponsive after auto closing everything and I had to go through the system files that were running one by one to place them on the exclusion list otherwise it would keep happening. Now no issues.
I had the same issues with not getting txt msgs at first. I told the sprint rep and he simply tokd me to reset my phone...and it works great since then
Update to Original Message - Brand New Replacement Hero w/ Identical Issues
Yeah, the title may have initially been misleading, but it turns out its spot on.
The brand new replacement phone has done the EXACT same thing.
Contacted the sprint repair tech. He says that sprint techs have a private internal forum and that the issue has been reported in the past (one of the reports was from a sprint employee who experienced identical problems (on Oct 8th - prior to launch).
From what Ive been told, the internal memory being full is the first symptom of the issue and that android processes begin to be forcibly shut down, and then txt messages cannot be received. Apparantly Sprint/HTC have an idea of what may be causing the issue but have not been more specific than that on the internal forum.
I'm getting my Hero swapped out for a brand new one (for the 3rd time) after work today. I've been advised to keep high-end feature use to a minimum (e.g. google contact/mail/calendar sync etc) until he has heard back from his development team.
I will keep you all posted (if any of you are at all interested). I never usually post my boring issues on forums, but I thought this was pretty interesting given how new the CDMA Hero is.
Yes pllease keep us updated as i had the same issues as you did until i resetted my phone. I hope an update will fix the issue
lawsofpower48 said:
Yes pllease keep us updated as i had the same issues as you did until i resetted my phone. I hope an update will fix the issue
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were you able to receive text messages after the reset? if so your problem is different to mine as a reset doesn't fix it at all
dom2114 said:
were you able to receive text messages after the reset? if so your problem is different to mine as a reset doesn't fix it at all
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Ya after reset my phone has been fine.
3rd Update - 3rd Replacement Hero
So I've just picked up my 3rd phone. The previous 2 are being sent off to Sprint HQ so they can determine exactly what is going on.
Apparently (as I think I mentioned previously), Sprint HQ have a very good idea as to whats going on but a) need to confirm it and b) wont tell the Sprint repair tech what they're thinking. In an email that HQ sent to the tech, they said:
“We should be hearing about a resolution shortly and I can check in with him later on today. I would simply let your customer know that this is the highest priority at development and they are close to a resolution.”
In the mean time, I've been advised not to install any non-standard apps i.e. anything but facebook/google. The tech has a feeling its down to one of the 2 memory management apps I used, Advanced TaskKiller Free and TaskKiller Free. Apparently the Sprint employee that I mentioned earlier that had this issue was also using a TaskKiller app. I was also advised not to set up any Microsoft exchange accounts as some problems have been reported, but I dont think its anything really to do with this (however, I'm following his advice all the same).
Should be hearing something from the tech guy early next week and will post the feedback.
mine is doing the exact same thing!!! i thought is was that nobody has texted me in the last couple of days but i was dead wrong..... im gonna try to uninstall task killer free and reboot to see if thats the problem.... if not, then back to the Sprint Store
Thats what happens when Sprint decides to patch up Android with CDMA support rather than waite for native in 1.6
You guys aren't just killing all the tasks when you are running these programs are you?
Aridon said:
If you are auto closing everything without setting up exceptions you will have issues. My radio stack became unresponsive after auto closing everything and I had to go through the system files that were running one by one to place them on the exclusion list otherwise it would keep happening. Now no issues.
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where can i acces this exlusion list?? and which files should i include?
Rootwind said:
You guys aren't just killing all the tasks when you are running these programs are you?
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i was till i heard it was the problem.... but i uninstalled the task killer and rebooted already and it still not receives...
has anybody bother to update there prl and profile? being that it was sitting in the box for a month or so.sprint has updated there prl recently and that may fix the issue...
reddick said:
has anybody bother to update there prl and profile? being that it was sitting in the box for a month or so.sprint has updated there prl recently and that may fix the issue...
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i did.... still same issue
I had to reset my phone twice today just to get the internet connection back. Android is a joke or maybe its just sprint. Im moving back to winmo as soon as hd2 is here in the US.
I can assure you it is not Android, but Sprints implementation of Android on the Hero. Hopefully we'll get a 1.6 update soon. Hang in there, it'll be worth the wait.
i hope so. i really miss bluetooth transfer and exchange server is constantly on i want to be able to set peek times. i also want me notifications to repeat until i acknowledge them. missed call only works or missed calls and sms.
katmandu421 said:
I can assure you it is not Android, but Sprints implementation of Android on the Hero. Hopefully we'll get a 1.6 update soon. Hang in there, it'll be worth the wait.
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I have reset my phone three times now and still not working. I can assure you this has nothing to do with the network as I'm still able to receive calls and emails hence not the network but what I believe to be HTC. Let me clarify, I believe I have either installed an app that corrupted my ability to receive sms text or somehow messed my phone up however it's the phone itself that's not erasing all info when I do a reset like it should.
I still have audio files from sound boards I installed when I initially got the phone that are still present after four factory resets that shouldn't be. This is a phone issue and not a network issue. Sadly the phone is so new there isn't a rom I can flash to that would fix the issue as whatever I did to my phone a factory reset isn't fixing it. It's that simple, if HTC made it to where a factory reset put the phone back to the original state then I wouldn't have this issue or files present from 3-4 factory resets ago....
This is frustrating :O

Data not working on my wife's phone

My wife flashed her hero to the official sprint 2.1. She had never rooted or flashed a custom rom before, so her going to the official 2.1 didn't really bother me much. However, now she's running into an issue with her data not working. A couple days ago she noticed she wasn't getting her e-mail. Strangely enough, mine quite working too (I'm on fresh 2.1.1). I rebooted my phone and mine started working. So I went to her wireless and network settings and turned off her data. I then turned it back on and after 30 seconds or so it said it was connected and everything started working just fine.
The strange part is there are no errors and even when the phone tries to check e-mail, it doesn't report any errors. Now, on my phone when this happened, my HTC Mail app threw a fit because it couldn't connect to the exchange server. Since I could refresh my gmail account and got no errors I thought it was just our exchange server. I signed into my account on my PC (for exchange) and it was in fact working fine. After I rebooted (just this one time as mentioned above) gmail kicked off with new mail and exchange connected fine.
Today, she has told me 3 times now that she went in and reset the connection (turn it off and back on) and a while later it would quit working again. She turns her phone off every night, but for good measure I am having her reboot it now.
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
CodeMonk said:
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
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This does seem like a tower problem. However, if you want to troubleshoot, you could always reset your data settings via the Sprint ## codes.
For data, enter this code: ##3282# on your Dial Pad. Give it a second and it'll ask if you want to view or edit your settings. Trouble shooting this problem would mean you have to Edit the settings, but in order to edit them you need your MSL code, which can be obtained by either contacting Sprint CS and asking them for it; or you can search around here on XDA and I'm pretty sure some people posted other ways to get your code.
Once you have your MSL code, choose edit when you get the pop up window and then click on your menu button -- there should be an option for you to choose reset -- enter your MSL code and your phone will reboot.
This may or may not fix your problem; I've had success whenever I've had data problems.
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
CodeMonk said:
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
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On the taking a long time to ring:
1) Move the ringtone off the SDcard into the phone, in some cases the SD card is to slow to read it fast enough. - Worked for a buddy of mine
2) There is a polling rate you can set when you get the MSL - but I have heard sprint forces a particular rate from the tower even if the phone has one set. - This will also decrease battery life.
CodeMonk said:
My wife flashed her hero to the official sprint 2.1. She had never rooted or flashed a custom rom before, so her going to the official 2.1 didn't really bother me much. However, now she's running into an issue with her data not working. A couple days ago she noticed she wasn't getting her e-mail. Strangely enough, mine quite working too (I'm on fresh 2.1.1). I rebooted my phone and mine started working. So I went to her wireless and network settings and turned off her data. I then turned it back on and after 30 seconds or so it said it was connected and everything started working just fine.
The strange part is there are no errors and even when the phone tries to check e-mail, it doesn't report any errors. Now, on my phone when this happened, my HTC Mail app threw a fit because it couldn't connect to the exchange server. Since I could refresh my gmail account and got no errors I thought it was just our exchange server. I signed into my account on my PC (for exchange) and it was in fact working fine. After I rebooted (just this one time as mentioned above) gmail kicked off with new mail and exchange connected fine.
Today, she has told me 3 times now that she went in and reset the connection (turn it off and back on) and a while later it would quit working again. She turns her phone off every night, but for good measure I am having her reboot it now.
Anyone else have this issue? She never had this problem on 1.5, so I don't think it's hardware. I've only had the issue once, but I'm also not in her area right now (tower related, maybe? My data borked when I was at home where she is at right now).
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This may be too obvious of an answer, but have you tried using the device self service tool and updating your profile and prl?
CodeMonk said:
Hey thanks! I did a search for MSL and found a thread with a procedure to get it through CDMA workshop but the drivers don't want to work with Windows 7 x64.
However, my wife was complaining the other day that it takes a long time for her phone to start ringing when someone calls. I think I'll call sprint tonight when I get home and just tell them I need to fix that and see if they give me the MSL... Might kill two birds with one stone.
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No problem, hope everything works out.
I had the same problem, took it to the sprint store (Waste of time!) and ended up hard resetting it, seems to have fixed the problem. you can hard reset by turning off the phone and then holding down the end, back and home buttons and selecting "clear storage" or "clear user data" (sorry, can't remember the exact wording). It will completely reset the software but it will wipe the data off your phone.
I got her MSL code via the logcat method that was just recently posted and reset her data and also changed her slot index. Although some people say that it is overridden at the tower, I also changed her priority. I updated her PRL as well. Before, it was ringing after I would hear about 3.5 rings, sometimes 4 full rings. Now it's ringing on the second ring. Also, her data was essentially turning off after about 30 minutes. After doing all of the above, she is saying it hasn't stopped working yet.
Thanks for all the suggestions, looks like it might be fixed.
Well it's still not fixed. She has it happen a couple times a day and now my phone is doing it too. It's not happening consistently that I can tell, just seems to randomly stop working.
Also, I'm on Fresh 2.1.2 and I'm getting some really really bad lag. I don't use any custom ringtones, just the ones that came with the phone and sometimes my phone will start to ring and the only way I know is because the vibrate starts. Then a good 3 seconds later I'm still getting a black screen as the phone is trying to tell me who it is.
I will randomly pick up my phone to surf the web too and it won't respond or do anything for like a good 10 - 15 seconds. I open up ES Task Manager and usually one of the mail apps is trying to update with like a 5% - 10% cpu usage, but that's all that has any CPU percentage. I'm not really sure what to try next. I've removed some apps that I don't really use and a couple that I just recently installed just to see if they are the culprit.
I'm using the Launcher Pro Beta too. Maybe that's it?
I've had a similar issue... only happened to me a couple of times since the update though... but I've just been turning "airplane" mode on and then off it turns off the radio and then turns it back on... seems to have worked for me...
again.. for me it's only happened a couple of times since the update to 2.1 so it could be a different issue.
I never thought of airplane mode. Doing what her and I are doing just reconnects data, not turning the radio on and off. I'm going to have her try that next and see if that fixes it. She says that she turns the phone off every night, but maybe she isn't some nights.

Stuck at Authorizing Purchase in Market

Anybody else get this and ever find a fix?
Tons of info out there.
Downloading RemoteWave for my boss's new Incredible from Verizon. Purchase went through OK and got a receipt from Google Checkout.
App shows purchased, then I click Install, says app will be downloaded, then the details just sits at the Authorizing Purchase screen.
Tried everything, but nothing works...not doing a wipe, boss's phone, don't want to screw with that.
Free apps download and install just fine.
Did you report it to ?
krelvinaz said:
Did you report it to ?
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I emailed the developer. Haven't got a reply in the past 2hrs...not sure how often he checks his email, or if that is even his real email in the product details on the market.
How long have you tried letting it sit at autorizing purchase? I had that happen once and I let it sit for like 10 mins on 3g not wifi and it went through finally. Hope that helps...
zerf said:
How long have you tried letting it sit at autorizing purchase? I had that happen once and I let it sit for like 10 mins on 3g not wifi and it went through finally. Hope that helps...
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It worked today. The developer emailed me back, nice guy. Seems like it could take upwards of a day for it to finally go through and allow download.
Tried it this morning, boom, no problem. Stupid google...they are really running an amateur hour operation compared to Apple when it comes to their mobile devices, store etc...
Gave up on mine
I tried for days to purchase Alien World Abduction. Every time I would sit there and hunt and peck out my complete mailing address, my credit card, number, etc. only to then be met with invalid credit card (it isn't)
The author, who insists on charging in GBP, had a FAQ telling you to call your credit card company, or to use a completely different market. I am surprised to see those are his 2 recommendations ... it's like he wants an impediment to people legitimately purchasing his software.
Yet another example of how people who try to do the right thing have to jump through hoops, and people who do the wrong thing have it super easy.
I am having the same issue with my Desire, trying to purchase Extended Controls. I have emailed the dev, still waiting. I left it over night and its still sitting on Authorizing Purchase.
I agree, another case of trying to do the right thing, hoops .... etc etc etc
Try soft resetting your phone (aka.. turn it off than on).. then go to Downloads in the Market menu and click on the program you purchased. Works for me every damn time.
Its OK I emailed the dev and then magically about and hour later it came through with out any resetting.
Cool, thanks
Had the same problem
Had the same problem when i tried to purchase SystemPanel. I just pressed cancel and started it again and it then Authorized in 5 seconds. Was on WIFI only, mobile network disabled.
If of interest:
HTC Leo (HD2)
Android version: 2.3.2
Build:GingerBread HD2 v2.1

Post-Mortem and rebirth

So, Love my HD2 still, but...the bloody thing deleted itself last week on Friday.
I seacrhed the forums and found this to be a well-known issue, but no fix that I could find and I want to be able to sync with Exchange without worry.
I was wondering if anyone has a fix for this "lock-out" issue.
PS-yes, I have hacked the registry to give me SOME of the original options back for the calendar other than snooze five minutes, but I want my old options back (2 weeks, 1 week, 2 hours, etc.)
This is very upsetting and I hope that this gets read.
With all its foibles I still loved this HD2.
It does not do the calendar well: I need things to be able to snooze for more than 5 minutes. I would like the functionality back for multiple snooze options.
The battery life is pretty poor.
Other than that I have loved this device-UNTIL NOW!
Last week my phone locked me out.
I am synched to my exchange server at work and policy mandates that I use a password for this in that I work in an FQHC.
All of a sudden I wake up and the phone will not let me in.
Now, I am not employing a genius password it was "2222." That was it!
I tried again and then once more and the phone prompts me to input characters to make sure that my keyboard is taking the strokes properly. It was.
I removed the battery and tried again. Still nothing.
I note that with my fumbling around that I have exhausted 6/8 of my attempts.
I wait to call HTC.
I get on with my IT department first and ask them if they forced a password change. They had not.
I called HTC and was told that this was terrible...have I tried removing the battery?
Yes. Then I am asked to do it again.
I do so. When the phone comes back up it states:
"You have one more attempt left. If you enter the wrong password again all of your data will be erased." Mind you, I am not pushing any keystrokes, just resetting the phone.
Then the rep asks me to do a soft reset.
Stupidly, I do so.
Upon rebooting the phone informs me that it is resetting the phone to factory defaults, wipes the whole phone INCLUDING my SD card which had photos, movies and other.
I look on the forums and see that this is a KNOWN issue since back in MARCH!!!
All of my information is gone.
I will not be able to sync to the exchange which I need for my calendar and work emails because I refuse to lose EVERYTHING again.
I spoke to another HTC rep yesterday and he was simply aghast. Very knowledgeable gent, but did not know how to address this issue.
So please, along with the calendar, the battery, and some other much needed updates...what is your team doing to resolve this "lock out" issue?!
I can almost deal with the other problems, but this one?!
Please, let me know.
Very sincerely,
for the snooze, use bsbtweaks "windows dismiss x notifications" tweak.
or go to hklm/system/shell/notification/oem find customUIDLL and change the filename to,well, anything. bsbtweaks adds a "2" before the ".dll"
Will this work even though my company forces out a lock as its exchange policy?
I found some interesting answers in this thread:
it has nothin to do with lock, it simply stops the htc snooze/dismiss popup from showing, so it defaults to the windows one.
for the lockouts ive never used lock so never seen the problem, so can't help.
I found an answer that seems to work (for now) in an old post linked to a WinMo Blog:
Enable/Disable the Exchange security policy - HKLM\Security\Policies\00001023: 0 = Enabled; 1 = Disabled
I just did this moments ago and the forced password is now not being forced, but I do not know if they push the policy out more than once (like every 24 hours). I guess I will find out!
I saw some other keys:
"HKLM\Security\Policies\Policies" folder.
00001005 to 1
00001006 to 1
Have not touched these yet.
I am a little worried that if they kick the policy back in I won't have the proper password (or any) and will not be able to get in, but I guess this one is going to be trial and error for a bit.

