Permanent link from SIM card... argh! - HD2 General

I don't think this is a HD2-only issue (seems it could happen on any WinMo phone), but it's annoying.
I recently got a new SIM card, and after starting the phone, a new link appears in the Start menu. I can delete it, but it will show up again and again, even if I move it to a different folder.
Is there any way to prevent this from happening?

U can usually go to File Explorer then:
My Device > Windows > Start Menu > Programs
And then from there, move the shortcuts around or into different folders or even delete them completely...
Edit: Oh sorry.. . just realised you've already tried deleting it! lol

He already said that you cant really delete it because after reboot it appears again!
But this problem is solved! I was reading about that over here in the forums i think.
Just search for it and you will find it or someone will post it again.


Help removing an stuck item from start menu

I recently insatalled a slide tounlock and pinned it to the start menu. Didn't care for it so I deleted it. I didn't remove it from the start menu so It stayed as a dead shortcut. I tried reinstalling it and then removing it. It became active agian but there was another one as well. No matter what it wont let me "move" or get rid of that item. Any suggestions?
go to the windows folder
-> start menu
-> delete the shortcuts you dont like ;-)
problem should be solved... otherwise (I don't know what you exactly mean) go to settings
->tick the ones you like
For some reason that wasn't working. Kept giving me an error message "cannot move that item" . Wierd, like it was pinned to the menu perm. I appreciate the help. Total commander took care of it. Dont know why I didn't think of that before. I love that app.
If you use File Explorer you should be able to remove it. I used Resco File Explorer but had to tell it to show me .lnk files. That did the trick for me. I had the same problem.

help...tried to boot in safe mode, now everything is gone

as i said, i tried to boot using that Monocube Safemode program and it locked up during the boot. when it finally booted up, it went through the set up process like a new install (align the screen, set time zone, install themes, ect...). now, its like the Program Files folder is empty, but anything that was located in other places on the phone, like ring tones in the Windows folder, or shortcuts i had to manually place in the Start menu folder seem to still be there. also, i dont think everything is completely gone, because a memory check shows my Storage and Program memory to be at the same numbers they were before the "reset". its like everything is still there, but hidden somehow.
any ideas on how to find my stuff, or where it might have gone?
sounds like a partial "hard reset" - I had that a few times...
always did a hard reset after that and installed everything again.
ok, for some reason, almost everything but the actual Windows folder was moved into the Windows/StartUp folder. i got almost everything back in place, i am just trying to figure out how to move the .vol files since the new ones that were created are "in use"
help noone should run this program
i am now stuck in safe mode and cannot get out.
anyone know how to fix this.
i am very upset my phone has no today screen touchfl wont run no keyboards
i could cry
please someone tell me how to fix the mess this program made

Wing Problems

ok here go another post , HOPEFULLY som one anwsers them correctly... ok peps, im having a few problems with me wing. first i would like to say that im runnin wm6.1 aserg. on my phone (i hope i type that right) ok theres a few problems i am having. first...somebody told me on my last post that i could go to to get themes? i think that was it but anyway i go to the site and when i dled the theme ..IT NEVER POPS UP UNDER MY THEMES..i tried it a couple of ways i tried saving on my device memory through activsynce also on my card, it still didnt help all i see is the themes that came with the phone can someone please explain to me what i should do? ok second problem lol sorry im typing so much..ok now with the ringtones ringtones works fine for VOICE CALLS but when it comes to text messages or email ect... my ringtones NEVER shows up!!! i dont know what is going on..someone told me that should copy and paste them in my windows folder on my phone...i tried but i cant cause it wont me let me do that. the only thing i can do it create a folder and save them in there and i did but they still not showing up. ok im done them are the only problems im having lol...CAN SOMEONE PLEASEEE HELP ME WITH THOSE TWO ISSUES
yep you have to go to file explorer after placing the items on the phone and u should see the windows folder on it place all the stuff (themes, ringtones, ect.) in there and you should be able to do everything
like i said , it wont let me paste the songs themes ect... in my windows folder it only lets me create a new folder and THEN i can save them in there. but it still dont work!!! ( what else should i do?
well did u go to check hidden file thats probably your problem


Sorry as I surfed the whole forum and was unable to find any threads in regards to my problem.
So Memory card died yesterday for no reason. Went out bought a new one and its working.
Now as I previously had installed some programs on the Memory card, Opera being one, I have several dead links in the " Start Menu" "Programs" page that I can't seem to get rid of.
I have gone into Settings/ System and did the remove programs function on whatever I can, but the dead links are still there. And as for Real One Player, I can't seem to remove it from the remove programs nor the dead link in the Programs folder.
Wondering if anyone had any ideas in regards to helping me out with this issue.
you first should start/settings/remove applications (or whatever it's called in your language, dunno mine is in italian) and try to remove the programs from there.
if that does not work, you should, with your file explorer, goto /windows/start menu and manually remove the deadlinks by longpress on the icon you want to remove and select delete from the popup menu

Manual backup of certain data

Hi Everyone, as the title suggest this is about manually backing up your data from installed apps
Theres nothing complicated about it but it is a bit time consuming to start with, ive tried this on several programs, using the following process,
Back up the data,
Uninstalling the program,
Install the program,
Running the program to confirm the previous data had gone,
Put the backup back in place,
Finally running the program again to confirm the old data was back.
first things first, you will need windows phone device manager
now, use the file explorer and navigate to your "Applications\data folder
within here you will find everything you have installed listed as numbers and letters
the time consuming part is trying to work out what is what. The folder your looking for within each folder is called "IsolatedStore" that contains everything as far as i can see for that app
Simply transfer that folder to your PC,
To use it again, simply install the app, then copy the backup back overwriting whats there.
Cache and History dont seem to copy but ive not found an issue as yet with this
Ive not tried this after a full reset
Ive not looked for a way of doing this with SMS messages, i doubt it will be in the same location but its possible i suppose if you can find it
anyhow, I might just give NoDo a try now that i can "backup" my important data
was also thinking that perhaps this could be intigrated in to windows phone device manager, ive tried installing and removing an app several times and its always used the same folder name, i dont know if this is the case across devices, but if it is, potentially a database could be used... just a thought
just wait for the new version of windows phone device manager
which ive just been told will contain a back up utility!
i think it will hit beta users soon-ish
backing up sms etc seems to be a big obstacle to people using WP7 full time.
Hope this is included.
Robbie P said:
backing up sms etc seems to be a big obstacle to people using WP7 full time.
Hope this is included.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yeah that is a pain, ive been searching all damn night to see if i can find where they are but so far nothing, im guessing its within some protected area or within one of the DB files which cant be copied off.
wheres the pst files when you need them, MS have always managed to hide them in odd places
anyhow, perhaps im missing something, if not, then maybe sms backup will not be apart of his program because im buggered if i can find the things!.
SMS backup
Sorry to bump this thread but I thought I would add a link to where you can backup SMS.
Just for completeness!

