Root... Could this be true? - Droid Incredible General

I just ran across this post at alldroid claiming they got root. I don't think this site has been around for too long... so I don't know if it is trustworthy.

Did you read the xda incredible upgrade forum ? Are they trustworthy enough for you.

jbh00jh said:
Did you read the xda incredible upgrade forum ? Are they trustworthy enough for you.
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My bad... forgot to look under the Android Incredible Development thread before I posted here..So, I guess they're trustworthy.

I have never rooted a phone before , what will this do for me to root my incredible , very interested to get involve with this !!!
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sjcea said:
I have never rooted a phone before , what will this do for me to root my incredible , very interested to get involve with this !!!
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You will have endless women and money. It will also allow you to customize the phone and install certain apps you normally wouldn't be able to. If you familiar with the Windows phone world, it's pretty much the same as unlocking your phone. If you have to ask though, root may not be for you.

seanmcd72 said:
You will have endless women and money. It will also allow you to customize the phone and install certain apps you normally wouldn't be able to. If you familiar with the Windows phone world, it's pretty much the same as unlocking your phone. If you have to ask though, root may not be for you.
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^ lol
I have nothing useful to add.

I have never rooted a phone before , what will this do for me to root my incredible , very interested to get involve with this !!!
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You will have endless women and money. It will also allow you to customize the phone and install certain apps you normally wouldn't be able to. If you familiar with the Windows phone world, it's pretty much the same as unlocking your phone. If you have to ask though, root may not be for you.
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It also makes you immune to any and all communicable diseases and viruses for the rest of your life. Also, you'll never be able to see your reflection again.

To be fair to sjcea, I'm not laughing about the lack of understanding. I know nothing about rooting a phone.

Your best bet is to read read read read read read read oh and read some more, and once you feel like you completely understand root read some more this makes it so you have less chance to brick your phone. Id start with reading on other phones root while your waiting for incredible, then you'll have the ideal when you get ready to root the incredible.

This means the end to City ID


Well hello there Nexus One

Hello all I got my first Nexus One yesterday I know I should root it but I've never dropped the cash I did for a device I know there is a chance of a brick. I need to let the newness wear off.
But the purpose of this post is any suggestions on specific apps for the Nexus I can try out in the market. There are some that Ive read in this forum some but maybe some were left out.
Thanks in advance.
Just sayin, but the only real chance of a brick is to let your battery die or pull it while flashing the radio. (to my understanding)
try the XDADevelopers app, it's pretty nifty.
done and done has anyone ported swype to nexus yet
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Try these threads
wondercoolguy said:
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It gets annoying reading this over and over and there is an option in your settings to turn of this spam. Consider this a polite request to do so, thanks.
boom done thanks for the heads up
crachel said:
Try these threads
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Thank you for these
Just make sure your battery is charged, you probably won't brick this phone unless your trying to.
While there's not much of a chance for bricking, it supposedly does void your warranty. Some people have been able to get work done even after unlocking though.
With that said, I thought the same thing and thought I would wait about a month before I unlocked it, but that lasted about 2 days lol.
I unlocked it and flashed Cyan's ROM and haven't looked back since.
krabman said:
It gets annoying reading this over and over and there is an option in your settings to turn of this spam. Consider this a polite request to do so, thanks.
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krabman said:
wondercoolguy said:
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It gets annoying reading this over and over and there is an option in your settings to turn of this spam. Consider this a polite request to do so, thanks.
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I wanted to say this but thought it might be rude....
muncheese said:
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LOL That is funny
It was funny although I have seen that one (with firefox) already. Thanks for the killing the spam.
wondercoolguy said:
Hello all I got my first Nexus One yesterday I know I should root it but I've never dropped the cash I did for a device I know there is a chance of a brick. I need to let the newness wear off.
But the purpose of this post is any suggestions on specific apps for the Nexus I can try out in the market. There are some that Ive read in this forum some but maybe some were left out.
Thanks in advance.
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If you didn't engrave it, don't root it yet. Use it for a week or two, make sure there's no reason to return/replace it due to some defect. If there is no reason, then root it =)
My only 2 reasons for rooting it are: WiFi tethering and Flashlight. Imo, there are no other real reasons to do it, stock rom is extremely well done and I didn't notice much difference between it and Cyan.
Just root'll truly own your phone then. Unless you don't know how to read and follow instructions properly or are just plain incompetent..which I doubt you are since you found this forum~ the chances of bricking are low.
Root it and never look back.
Nah, give it a few days to let any hardware issues make themselves known, then root it if your of a mind.
If you don't root it, all you are going to be able to think about is rooting it. I say use it for a few days to make sure all the hardware is good and go for it. I think I lasted about 36 hours before giving in and I told myself that I wasn't going to do it!
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I, too, have the same fears and concerns... so I've never really attempted to root the phone nor tried to. I guess I just like it the way it is.
DarkDvr said:
If you didn't engrave it, don't root it yet. Use it for a week or two, make sure there's no reason to return/replace it due to some defect. If there is no reason, then root it =)
My only 2 reasons for rooting it are: WiFi tethering and Flashlight. Imo, there are no other real reasons to do it, stock rom is extremely well done and I didn't notice much difference between it and Cyan.
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My reasoning for wanting to root it, is so I can put the Desire rom on the device. I really enjoy the HTC Sense and android. The stock android on the Nexus One is fantastic I agree just IMO missing the Sense UI.

Is it possible that wildfire froyo with new hboot will be unrevokable ?

Is it possible that htc is so advanced that they made wildfire with new hboot impossible to be OWN3D by UNREVOKED ?
Will it be ever possible ?
Just curious.
Theyre working on it atm
sure they are... last post they did that they are working on it was 10-th january or earlyer
Sent from my HTC Wildfire
If you want it so soon do it yourself or let others do it.
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nlovers2000 said:
If you want it so soon do it yourself or let others do it.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
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Sorry but i was not asking about "how long do we have to wait...."
I know that they are people like us and they have other stuff to do and they do it free....
I was only asking if this is possible that it now or someday will be too hard...
In the current state of things, I think that it was, it is and it probably always will be a cat-and-mouse game. Remember the TIFF exploit on the PSP. Who would have thought about it? Hacking a console with picture? Seriously.
Despite best practice, there will always be some shortcuts taken and slack programming. Or the plainly unexpectable; rooting through a malformed wifi packet maybe?
The problem we face nowadays is that we have many hungry cats that get impatient for their food.
Having read about the Alpharev and unrevoked, it does look that this is just a question of time.
I think personally (probably because I know nothing on the subject) that making/getting the tools to sign any HBOOT (PS3 style) is the way to go.
I too have a 2.2.1 phone which I bought like this on eBay, and the wait is frustrating to say the least, but I would rather wait a bit more than stare at a brick.
I too have a 2.2.1 wildfire, I was unwittingly duped into thinking updating would make my phone better. < how wrong was I.
Looking at the positive side at least I can research and learn about Android/rooting/custom ROMs before I dive in and perform them. So hopefully no problems when I eventually do manage to root it
The unrevoked team said on the10th that they are working on it. Today we have the 30th and yet still no updates from them. The new security system is probably too good for them and maybe they will not be able to root it....
Look every system can be exploited, Some are easy and some are hard, just give them time. I have 2.2.1 firmware as i got the phone new just over a week ago. I have tried to root it myself and failed (Linux geek maybe) but andriod is new to me so now i am going to wait.
So wait and research on how to use custom roms i am its fun and give the people making the exploits time, they are doing it for free and have normal lifes like the rest of us.
Me to on OTA firmware 2.2.1!
I never root before and android a bit new for me as well.
I had following up xda to learn how to root but now people say my 2.2.1 cannot root unless someone update hboot first.
I would make a small request if it's really kick-off can someone make a video/link (like xda-ians post in SGS) how to root using hboot step-by-step.
Thank you,
imkr said:
I would make a small request if it's really kick-off can someone make a video/link (like xda-ians post in SGS) how to root using hboot step-by-step.
Thank you,
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There is a step by step detailed guide here which is more than sufficient:
Obviously, it doesnt work for 2.2.1.
3xeno said:
There is a step by step detailed guide here which is more than sufficient:
Obviously, it doesnt work for 2.2.1.
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Yes...I've read from that link as well. but can I have a link of root video? since I google in youtube just part not full...
.. perhaps it IS better if it remains locked ?
n!k said:
.. perhaps it IS better if it remains locked ?
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Why? We are not saying that when rooting is available, all people must root their phones. There are lots of people now (like me) who updated or bought the phone with 2.2.1 and now we can't root, and I really want to root again to be free to modify some things or overclock, AND CHANGE ROM.
So, there is no reason for what it should stay unrootable.
antonio1475 said:
Why? We are not saying that when rooting is available, all people must root their phones. There are lots of people now (like me) who updated or bought the phone with 2.2.1 and now we can't root, and I really want to root again to be free to modify some things or overclock, AND CHANGE ROM.
So, there is no reason for what it whould stay unrootable.
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100% agreed,
If you upgraded, without caring about the risks, you deserve it. If you bought the phone with 2.2 already installed, you are not to be blamed.
It's just the fact that people that blindly tapped on"update" and then come here to ***** and whine are driving me mad.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
Alex_GP said:
If you upgraded, without caring about the risks, you deserve it. If you bought the phone with 2.2 already installed, you are not to be blamed.
It's just the fact that people that blindly tapped on"update" and then come here to ***** and whine are driving me mad.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using XDA App
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Why would I/We "deserve" it? Who are you to judge us that way? There are a lot of reasons for what the upgrade was done, and none of them was doing it to then disturb about rooting. I know there are LOTS of people asking without stop, but for example I keep looking and twitter and unrevokedwiki expecting some update, and just replying to help people.
What you said is a closed-mind opinion... You can't even think another way that yours, and that's sad...
antonio1475 said:
... I keep looking and twitter and unrevokedwiki expecting some update...
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Same here I must check those sites at least 3-5 times daily.
antonio1475 said:
Why would I/We "deserve" it? Who are you to judge us that way? There are a lot of reasons for what the upgrade was done, and none of them was doing it to then disturb about rooting. I know there are LOTS of people asking without stop, but for example I keep looking and twitter and unrevokedwiki expecting some update, and just replying to help people.
What you said is a closed-mind opinion... You can't even think another way that yours, and that's sad...
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You may call me closed minded, it`s your call, but, I think that people need to learn to live with their decisions.
I`m not talking about you (but if you feel targeted, it`s not my problem), but If you don`t think before you act, you need to pay the price. Think of it this way:
Someone gives you a gun, and tells you that you can shoot anyone you want. You take the gun and shoot some people, but the police catches you. You`ll say "but that man told me I could shoot people with my gun, he`s to blame". NO! you are to be blamed, you decided to shoot those people.
Same thing with the 2.2.1 update. HTC gave you the update, but they did not make you install it. YOU installed it! It`s your choice. Consequences? You can`t root (for now). Don`t come around and whine about not being able to root.
The update was leaked 2-3 days before the official release. In all the topics, people said: "don`t flash it, it will kill/make you unable to root", but it was hopeless.
When and update announcement popped up on your phone, what did you do? Did you think"oooooh, it has an OK button, so I bet I must push it!" or did you think "Now, let`s do a little google search, see what is this update all about?"
If you answered the second one, good thing, you`re normal. If you answered the first....... I`m not gonna comment, because you will say that I`m a mean, close-minded man.
Alex_GP said:
You may call me closed minded, it`s your call, but, I think that people need to learn to live with their decisions.
I`m not talking about you (but if you feel targeted, it`s not my problem), but If you don`t think before you act, you need to pay the price. Think of it this way:
Someone gives you a gun, and tells you that you can shoot anyone you want. You take the gun and shoot some people, but the police catches you. You`ll say "but that man told me I could shoot people with my gun, he`s to blame". NO! you are to be blamed, you decided to shoot those people.
Same thing with the 2.2.1 update. HTC gave you the update, but they did not make you install it. YOU installed it! It`s your choice. Consequences? You can`t root (for now). Don`t come around and whine about not being able to root.
The update was leaked 2-3 days before the official release. In all the topics, people said: "don`t flash it, it will kill/make you unable to root", but it was hopeless.
When and update announcement popped up on your phone, what did you do? Did you think"oooooh, it has an OK button, so I bet I must push it!" or did you think "Now, let`s do a little google search, see what is this update all about?"
If you answered the second one, good thing, you`re normal. If you answered the first....... I`m not gonna comment, because you will say that I`m a mean, close-minded man.
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First of all, I'm sorry, I didn't really mean to offend. I was saying that you might get in my/our situation or position. The exact reason for what I flashed the 2.2.1 was because I wanted the stability of a complete official ROM to flash the OC kernel. At least to have something stable for sure and then try some new ROMs.
That's my exact case, and each person will have their reasons.
And for the record, I didn't see ANY message about "don't upgrade". You are more "senior member" if you want to say, but I'm not stupid. Could you just accept I made a mistake, as we all do? And now I am quietly waiting for unrevoked bringing the solution, without yelling "unrevoked please/go go go/ **** no unrevoked yet/ etc..."
As I always try to, smile

[Q] Random Thought

Does it bug anyone that one click rooting takes way more than 1 click? (Not that I use one click programs for my Xoom)
No. It bothers me that people are so stupid that they want and use the so called one click methods period. Even more so on a device with a unlocked bootloader.
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albundy2010 said:
No. It bothers me that people are so stupid that they want and use the so called one click methods period. Even more so on a device with a unlocked bootloader.
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What's wrong with that method? I haven't rooted yet partly due to lack of knowledge.
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haha. me too. its asking for a bricked device if u ask me
That's the point. Acquire the knowledge.
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RadDudeTommy said:
What's wrong with that method? I haven't rooted yet partly due to lack of knowledge.
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You dont need alot of knowledge and the guids are ez to follow. The problem with one click's are they dont expose you to ADB so when something goes wrong with the one click you wont know what to do. ADB is something that I avoided but with an unlocked bootloader its a good place to learn. just my opinoin
sgtagem said:
You dont need alot of knowledge and the guids are ez to follow. The problem with one click's are they dont expose you to ADB so when something goes wrong with the one click you wont know what to do. ADB is something that I avoided but with an unlocked bootloader its a good place to learn. just my opinoin
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Very well said. I have rooted two android devices previously, but the Xoom gave me my first experience using adb. It came in very handy when I got into a soft brick and was able to negotiate my way out of it. I still experience some anxiety whenever I'm about to mod my Xoom, but it helps to have some basic knowledge (and know what you don't know). Also, read and follow the directions and get everything prepared in advance.
okantomi said:
Very well said. I have rooted two android devices previously, but the Xoom gave me my first experience using adb. It came in very handy when I got into a soft brick and was able to negotiate my way out of it. I still experience some anxiety whenever I'm about to mod my Xoom, but it helps to have some basic knowledge (and know what you don't know). Also, read and follow the directions and get everything prepared in advance.
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so true. i hate soft bricks. I still worry about messing it up but knowing commands help.

Why are you afraid to root your Wifi Xoom?

I keep reading post after post about how pissed off someone is that they don't have SD support, and now that they have it with the 3.2 update, they are pissed that they have to hook it up to their computer to write to it.
My question to them is this:
If you can root your Xoom, put a custom kernel on it and have full access to your sd card, then take it back to stock if you need to send it back to Motorola, why don't you stop being a baby and just do it?
I mean, you care enough to complain on this forum so that we all have to read about how upset you are, but you are unwilling to follow the simple steps spelled out here to fix it?
Today I had an epiphany . I figured it out. It's not that they feel that they shouldn't have to; they just don't want to admit the true reason. These people are afraid to root their Xoom. If they weren't afraid, then they would be rooted already and moving on with their lives, instead of complaining on this forum and getting all upset about it.
I mean, it's 100% fixable. There is no other logical explanation.
How about people that want to get movies from the Android Market but you can't if you are rooted. That's not fear, that's not wanting to loose features. That's just one example, I am sure there are plenty of others. So maybe you shouldn't be a self-righteous pr*k and realize there may be reasons beyond your comprehension.
I have mine setup the way I want it, and AFAIK there is no way of rooting without wiping during the unlock process. So until then, I will have to live without the ability to change the main font. Which is a shame, but meh.
VaKo said:
I have mine setup the way I want it, and AFAIK there is no way of rooting without wiping during the unlock process. So until then, I will have to live without the ability to change the main font. Which is a shame, but meh.
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True, that's unappealing...just when it's perfect you have to wipe and then you have to set it up again. I used to worry more about that but now that I've had to set-up again about 5 or 6 times I've become a master at doing it quickly and better than before. I totally love having root...wouldn't do it any other way.
I dare say people don't root because they are happy as they are, while those of us who enjoy using all of our devices are dumbstruck by people not doing so.
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chbennett said:
I dare say people don't root because they are happy as they are, while those of us who enjoy using all of our devices are dumbstruck by people not doing so.
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I just don't see too much of a need until we get some source code and custom roms.
Charlie_Don't_Surf said:
I just don't see too much of a need until we get some source code and custom roms.
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undervolting each freq by 125mV is way to good to pass up
no way would I ever use stock
It's just not the right time. I wait until a "real" custom rom comes out.
What for? I can use my SD card if I need to. Which I don't. Got 3.2 a couple of days ago. If I want to play with roms and overclocking I have my phone rooted. But for now I don't need it.
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crisisinthecity said:
I keep reading post after post about how pissed off someone is that they don't have SD support, and now that they have it with the 3.2 update, they are pissed that they have to hook it up to their computer to write to it.
My question to them is this:
If you can root your Xoom, put a custom kernel on it and have full access to your sd card, then take it back to stock if you need to send it back to Motorola, why don't you stop being a baby and just do it?
I mean, you care enough to complain on this forum so that we all have to read about how upset you are, but you are unwilling to follow the simple steps spelled out here to fix it?
Today I had an epiphany . I figured it out. It's not that they feel that they shouldn't have to; they just don't want to admit the true reason. These people are afraid to root their Xoom. If they weren't afraid, then they would be rooted already and moving on with their lives, instead of complaining on this forum and getting all upset about it.
I mean, it's 100% fixable. There is no other logical explanation.
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For all the positive posts on this forum, and how helpful the "experts" are for us neophytes, this post is a huge fail. I'm not sure I could state the value of why it is even here........
Am I pissed I paid $500 for a computer that doesn't do what it claims? Yes. Am I pissed the salesperson sold me a bill of goods? Yes. Am I pissed I didn't have the chance to understand what I was reading about the unit and bought it anyhow? Yes.
Am I afraid to brick my device? Yes. Am I worrying when I read a full page of "if you do this" on the screen, while rooting, I lose my warranty and evil will come to my door? Yes. Am I afraid, while knowing the instructions provided on this forum are pretty darn good, that I might miss something and cause the end of life as we know it on this planet? [ or, at least having to explain to my wife why our $500 paperweight needs dusted off ]. Yes.
So, I'm in. I've used what I've learned here and taken the risk, however small you may think it is. But I'm 50, not 20. I'm considered a "nerd" in my circle of friends, but I can't carry the water for most of you guys. So, yes, I'm a bit worried about killing it. So what?
And unless you're better than I think you are (and I have no doubt you're pretty darn good - seriously), in computers there is no such thing as 100%.
KerryG said:
How about people that want to get movies from the Android Market but you can't if you are rooted. That's not fear, that's not wanting to loose features. That's just one example, I am sure there are plenty of others. So maybe you shouldn't be a self-righteous pr*k and realize there may be reasons beyond your comprehension.
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Good point. Any more reasons?
newskate9 said:
For all the positive posts on this forum, and how helpful the "experts" are for us neophytes, this post is a huge fail. I'm not sure I could state the value of why it is even here........
Am I pissed I paid $500 for a computer that doesn't do what it claims? Yes. Am I pissed the salesperson sold me a bill of goods? Yes. Am I pissed I didn't have the chance to understand what I was reading about the unit and bought it anyhow? Yes.
Am I afraid to brick my device? Yes. Am I worrying when I read a full page of "if you do this" on the screen, while rooting, I lose my warranty and evil will come to my door? Yes. Am I afraid, while knowing the instructions provided on this forum are pretty darn good, that I might miss something and cause the end of life as we know it on this planet? [ or, at least having to explain to my wife why our $500 paperweight needs dusted off ]. Yes.
So, I'm in. I've used what I've learned here and taken the risk, however small you may think it is. But I'm 50, not 20. I'm considered a "nerd" in my circle of friends, but I can't carry the water for most of you guys. So, yes, I'm a bit worried about killing it. So what?
And unless you're better than I think you are (and I have no doubt you're pretty darn good - seriously), in computers there is no such thing as 100%.
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It's here so that we can understand why people won't root their Xoom. Getting some good answers.
I Agree
I cannot imagine using any of my android devices without at least su file capabilities
crisisinthecity said:
It's here so that we can understand why people won't root their Xoom. Getting some good answers.
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Your answer to my post, leads me to believe I missed the point and tone of your OP. I took quite a bit of attitude, perhaps mistakenly. If so, accept my apologies please.
Give me one good reason I should.
While rooting would give me some slight benefit, the juice is simply not worth the squeeze. I am happy with what Ive got and have seen no compelling reason why I should go through the trouble since SD support isnt even an incentive anymore and it was the only thing I was lacking.
Cielmerlion said:
Give me one good reason I should.
While rooting would give me some slight benefit, the juice is simply not worth the squeeze. I am happy with what Ive got and have seen no compelling reason why I should go through the trouble since SD support isnt even an incentive anymore and it was the only thing I was lacking.
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This is great because it says that people love the Xoom right out of the box, or fresh from the stock update.
As I said, having experienced both, I will choose the ability to truly customize to my hearts content. But for those who are happy with plain vanilla, enjoy!
chbennett said:
I dare say people don't root because they are happy as they are, while those of us who enjoy using all of our devices are dumbstruck by people not doing so.
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+1 I have no reason to root.
the speed, battery life, etc. etc. are all fine for what I use it for - nothing heavy - just a replacement for browsing the web and a few games like angry birds
Charlie_Don't_Surf said:
I just don't see too much of a need until we get some source code and custom roms.
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there's no real custom roms out that give you any benefit to flashing a new rom, and I am on 3.2 - not even put an sdcard in the xoom yet.
all movies/tv shows are streamed direct to TV or to Xoom via Plex, so i dont need extra space to store movies,
I only have the wifi version so i dont need space for travelling around with 3g.
the only time I may need more space and thus an sdcard would be if i go on holiday and want to take a few films on the sd - but even in a readonly state i can do that by loading films onto an sd and sticking it in now...
my only grief was that motorola were taking an aeon to push out any updates to the UK image I had on - but flashing the US fixed that and I decided I dont need to go any further down the rooting process... I'm happy - surely that's the best way to be
newskate9 said:
Your answer to my post, leads me to believe I missed the point and tone of your OP. I took quite a bit of attitude, perhaps mistakenly. If so, accept my apologies please.
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I was basically trying to get some conversations started as to why and why not to root the WiFi xoom so people on this forum understand where the other team is coming from. Thought this thread title and my choice of words would draw some good debate. And it would keep the debate here and not all over the forum.
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I get what people are saying here, if you're happy with what you've got then by all means you should stick to it. No-one should be telling you what to like.
However, I do support the OP. If you are NOT happy with what you've got but there is a fix for it, why not just apply the fix instead of complaining?
crisisinthecity said:
I keep reading post after post about how pissed off someone is that they don't have SD support, and now that they have it with the 3.2 update, they are pissed that they have to hook it up to their computer to write to it.
My question to them is this:
If you can root your Xoom, put a custom kernel on it and have full access to your sd card, then take it back to stock if you need to send it back to Motorola, why don't you stop being a baby and just do it?
I mean, you care enough to complain on this forum so that we all have to read about how upset you are, but you are unwilling to follow the simple steps spelled out here to fix it?
Today I had an epiphany . I figured it out. It's not that they feel that they shouldn't have to; they just don't want to admit the true reason. These people are afraid to root their Xoom. If they weren't afraid, then they would be rooted already and moving on with their lives, instead of complaining on this forum and getting all upset about it.
I mean, it's 100% fixable. There is no other logical explanation.
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I for one am too new to Android to root my Xoom. I have a G2x phone. It has a one step Root method and a one step Recovery method. I'm ok with that. But looking at all the ABD steps and the instructions on how to make them work....I feel its too complicated for a limited return at this time.
If someone put together the Bible of rooting the Xoom, that does NOT begin with , " This assumes you have an understanding of xxx", then maybe I would...
I took the Xoom out of the box...I want to Root, do this, then this, then this. Include what needs to be installed, what to type, etc, etc.
If that sounds what, you asked.


Has it been made possible to root 2.3.4 as of late?
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
No. Only downgrading will work. IMO, gingerbread for our phone will never achieve full root and S-off... But I had to downgrade and its not that hard! Go here to downgrade. good luck.
Thanks if I helped
Lol u like your thanks dont you
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
10 char
Im thinking by the time I get all this downgrading, rooting,and flashing.....ill be due for my upgrade and rockin my sgs2
I originally had the vibrant but broke it aonth ago and am now using a friends backup phone....I learned to temp root this thing then had tmobile update it now im back to this? Lol.....cant wait for april
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
All of that should take 30minutes to an hour lol. Not days or weeks
The galaxy s series is so easy to root and flash ....all done without the need for a computer
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
Yeah but the mytouch 4g root with a computer is so much more worth it
Shortbus-Driver said:
The galaxy s series is so easy to root and flash ....all done without the need for a computer
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
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No, after Gingerbread update you have to use a computer with ODIN to root, and once rooted, it's much more painful to flash the idiotic partition system of Galaxy S, requiring you to reflash bootloaders and kernels from PC before flashing the actual ROMs or even for backup restorations, being unable to flash kernel from recovery - because kernel contains the recovery. Actually, if there is a phone that requires PC almost for any type of flashing - that would be Galaxy S.
IMHO, as stated many times - if you can't follow a simple guide to downgrade and root your MT4G, you shouldn't be rooting anyway.
Lmao what a tard
That reply isnt even worthy of a responce....buckle up
Shortbus-Driver said:
Lmao what a tard
That reply isnt even worthy of a responce....buckle up
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@jack_r1 makes a very valid point. rooting this phone when it had 2.2.x was STUPID easy. Easy and quick enough that i had it rooted before i left the T-Mobile Store, when i bought the phone.
The new method is simple. you downgrade then you use one of two VERY simple methods to root your phone.
If you cannot follow directions and need to rely on a one click root. Either based from the phone or on the PC then you shouldn't be messing with SU access.
Shortbus-Driver said:
Lmao what a tard
That reply isnt even worthy of a responce....buckle up
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That's what a clueless person would say, I guess. If you had ever tried to flash anything on Galaxy S type phone, you'd know. Pretty much all the ROM flashing instructions contain ODIN versions and instructions that require flashing at least bootloaders and mostly kernels too (see "Flash a stock Gingerbread ROM" step as an example), for a reason. Moreover, you can try flashing Gingerbread MIUI and then reverting back without ODIN. Good luck.
And whoever messed with rooting and flashing one phone, if he didn't just have to click "root" button on 1-click-rooter of some kind, but at least to work out ADB, wouldn't be afraid of rooting MT4G. I guess your mouth is going far ahead of your knowledge. It's good that rooting became complicated on all phones, because it keeps dummies from messing with things they don't understand.
This is what happens when one is having a friendly conversation with another and a third party joins in with a ” im better than you complex” and runs his/her trap and makes insults for no apperent reason all in his/her very first post .....if you cant be nice and put in helpful info without insult stay out kiddo......or buckle up and enjoy the ride....I dont care either way I deal with dumbasses on a daily basis and your not gonna find my nerve
I dont let children and childish adults get to me lit-alone on a keyboard
Yes you can root and flash a galaxy s without ever touching a comp.
Yes in some cases odin is required,inwhich involves using a comp.....omg Im so sorry ..... Although that was further along than the conversation I was having with you just wanted to come here and play the ”all knowing” part and the ”im also a cyber tough guy” part wich are both laughable and pathetic at the same time.
Now you can stop your childish anticks and allow hair to grow on your balls or continue crying like a little girl.....either way im done with you youve already waisted enough of my time inwhich im certain you were not worth! :-D
Go ahead, feel free to make another attempt to make yourself feel big and bad.....after all thats what you came here to do in the first place.....and seeins as im giving you the oppertunity to have the last word.......nows your chance to turn it around or fail as you so boldly have.
Have a nice day kiddo
Or should I rephrase:
You posted without searching, one of, if not the most posted question on the forum. Then, when you got the response that indicated you as a not-so-brave person, you tried to start bragging to lift your self-esteem, taking this thread off track. Then, when you understood you've got caught bragging, you've read the regular line that shows on these forums 3 times a week - "if you can't follow the guide, you shouldn't be rooting anyway" as a personal insult - and got all cocky and started name calling. When you got paid with the same money, you still keep being cocky.
The funny thing is that I didn't write to catch you on your bragging, I couldn't care less. I just can't stand wrong info, which you happened to be spilling, so I corrected. This is not a private chatroom, there are no "friendly conversations" here. This is XDA-Developers, not XDA-group-hugging-team.
Waste of time, indeed.
Grow up.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = Burn. I think we should stop arguing.
invasion2 said:
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = Burn. I think we should stop arguing.
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Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
Thank god this is just a loaner phone.
I guess its true.....that with cheap low quality phones comes cheap low quality followers.....have a nice life lol
...why are you not banned yet?
everything Jack_R1 said is absolutely true.
he is a very great helper, and many people respect him. if you don't have the quality of respect, then i'm sorry, but you must not have been taught any morals.
i COMPLETELY disagree with anything you said. Samsung makes the worst products out there. i mean seriously? WHY DO I NEED TO FLASH MY GALAXY S VIA ODIN OR WHATEVER GARBAGE TO GET A NEW ROM??? that's plain crap! pointless. you must not have very good experience with HTC devices.
let me show you how HTC does it:
very easy and simple on most devices, main thing is to obtain S-off.
even easier.
this procedure goes for every HTC device out there:
reboot to recovery
make a nandroid backup
what about Samsung?
oooh first you gotta flash the "bootloader" or whatever crap, then the "modem", then this, then that via ODIN, and then you gotta do this this and this, THEN you finally reboot into recovery and flash.
i will let you decide which you think is easier, but don't go about saying that i have "no idea what i'm talking about" because i do. my dad has a Galaxy S, and flashing to that device is complete crap. i don't know WHERE you got that info that "flashing to a Galaxy doesn't require a computer". BECAUSE IT DOES.
stupid ODIN...
anyway, back on point. if you think you're so great and pro, maybe YOU can make an easier way to root 2.3.4 Stock MYTOUCH. cause i think a lot of us would appreciate it. maybe then, you'll be worthy enough to be here. because all you've done so far, is fill up xda with your retarded garbage.
have a nice day.
Shortbus-Driver said:
Thank god this is just a loaner phone.
I guess its true.....that with cheap low quality phones comes cheap low quality followers.....have a nice life lol
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That's cool too. You're welcome for the help. -_____-
saranhai said:
...why are you not banned yet?
everything Jack_R1 said is absolutely true.
he is a very great helper, and many people respect him. if you don't have the quality of respect, then i'm sorry, but you must not have been taught any morals.
i COMPLETELY disagree with anything you said. Samsung makes the worst products out there. i mean seriously? WHY DO I NEED TO FLASH MY GALAXY S VIA ODIN OR WHATEVER GARBAGE TO GET A NEW ROM??? that's plain crap! pointless. you must not have very good experience with HTC devices.
let me show you how HTC does it:
very easy and simple on most devices, main thing is to obtain S-off.
even easier.
this procedure goes for every HTC device out there:
reboot to recovery
make a nandroid backup
what about Samsung?
oooh first you gotta flash the "bootloader" or whatever crap, then the "modem", then this, then that via ODIN, and then you gotta do this this and this, THEN you finally reboot into recovery and flash.
i will let you decide which you think is easier, but don't go about saying that i have "no idea what i'm talking about" because i do. my dad has a Galaxy S, and flashing to that device is complete crap. i don't know WHERE you got that info that "flashing to a Galaxy doesn't require a computer". BECAUSE IT DOES.
stupid ODIN...
anyway, back on point. if you think you're so great and pro, maybe YOU can make an easier way to root 2.3.4 Stock MYTOUCH. cause i think a lot of us would appreciate it. maybe then, you'll be worthy enough to be here. because all you've done so far, is fill up xda with your retarded garbage.
have a nice day.
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LMAO. ^^^^^^^^^^ = 2ND STRAIGHT BURN!!!
Sent from my HTC Glacier using xda premium
Lol this is funny ****

