Fro-yo and USB mounting. - Nexus One General

it it just me or does the phone crash after you try to un-mount.
it has happened about 3 times now for me.

No issues for me on win 7 64 bit.

Are you using cyanogen's quick rooter with the .34 kernel? If so, yes, it's a known problem with the kernel...

craigacgomez said:
Are you using cyanogen's quick rooter with the .34 kernel? If so, yes, it's a known problem with the kernel...
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known problem with all .34 kernals
either revert back to stock kernal from cyanogen, or learn adb commands to push files and such to /sdcard/

Thank you guys! i sure am.
i'll just sent things over wifi for now till the fix. .. thanks

im on the froyo root from cyan and found the usb crashes on unmount while i have apps doing something to the sd card. if i dont run anything that is running from the sd card im fine.

has this problem been fixed? because this is happening to me

samir5421 said:
has this problem been fixed? because this is happening to me
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I believe it is fixed in newer released of the kernel, but I could be wrong.


[Q] Where can I find official T-MO MT3G Froyo kernel?

Hi, as the topic states, does anyone know where i can download one and flash? my setup on my sig is current.
So you're trying to run the official kernel with a custom ROM? Why?
why not? and what prevents me from running an official kernel? to OC and drain my batteries? other than that, what else?
what may keep me from using an official kernel is the 15MB additional ram. however i was under the impression that if I had radio, and H-Boot 1.33.0013(d), it doesnt limit me from using any of the froyo kernels floating around. if im incorrect with my assumptions, can someone enlighten me?
nomadman said:
why not? and what prevents me from running an official kernel? to OC and drain my batteries? other than that, what else?
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Because you can't OC is probably the main reason. The only other one I can think of is the random battery drain that some kernels experience.
On the plus side I can think of stability and battery life. Knock yourself out, I'm sure someone can post it for you.
I have the zip file for the 2.2 OTA but I have no idea where to find the kernel.
Here's a link. -
Phateless said:
Because you can't OC is probably the main reason. The only other one I can think of is the random battery drain that some kernels experience.
On the plus side I can think of stability and battery life. Knock yourself out, I'm sure someone can post it for you.
I have the zip file for the 2.2 OTA but I have no idea where to find the kernel.
Here's a link to my dropbox. -
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IMO, the current ROm im using (TheOfficial) is working wonderfully. I care less about overclocking since I don't play games and dont find the need for the applications I use to be overclocked. Also the UI response on the ROM is incredible.
You are right, until the other ROMs iron out the random battery drain, which I have experiences in both CM7 and pershoot kernels, i wont be using them because i do not like having to restart the phone every time after i charge. ezterry's current kernel always gives me the green screen. however, ez's older kernel doesn't, but I prefer running the latest unmodified kernel.
I'm satisfied using a non-oc kernel and would rather set the mim clock freq. to ~177.
Makes sense. If you can figure out how to extract the kernel from that zip I linked you to, you should have your kernel.
Phateless said:
Makes sense. If you can figure out how to extract the kernel from that zip I linked you to, you should have your kernel.
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lol, thats my problem. I don't. I also have athe official OTA Froyo image for mt3g. but i have no idea how to extract and apply it to the current OS. Thanks for the offer though. i'll try to find a way to do it. was just hoping someone had a flashable official kernel laying around they'de like to share.
I hit a brick wall. I guess i'll just stick with ezBiffTestKernel20101106-2708_S based on kernel It's a bit old but it will suffice until i figure it out. At least I don't have to reboot every time I pull from the USB charger.
Btw, can anyhone remember that the OTA kernel version was?
nomadman said:
I hit a brick wall. I guess i'll just stick with ezBiffTestKernel20101106-2708_S based on kernel It's a bit old but it will suffice until i figure it out. At least I don't have to reboot every time I pull from the USB charger.
Btw, can anyhone remember that the OTA kernel version was?
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Naw but you could always nandroid back to stock and look. If I could figure out how to delete my google account info from my nandroids I'd email one to you. I still have a few from my mt3g.
Phateless said:
Naw but you could always nandroid back to stock and look. If I could figure out how to delete my google account info from my nandroids I'd email one to you. I still have a few from my mt3g.
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thats ok dude. too much trouble on your part. gonna try out koush-AnyKernel-a09a6f1 or dsixda_Android_Kitchen_0.113 and see what i come up with. (fish'in). and im sure there's a ROM out there that doesnt have a modified kernel i can extract from. Just cant figure out how to get it from the offical OTA archive
nomadman said:
thats ok dude. too much trouble on your part. gonna try out koush-AnyKernel-a09a6f1 or dsixda_Android_Kitchen_0.113 and see what i come up with. (fish'in). and im sure there's a ROM out there that doesnt have a modified kernel i can extract from. Just cant figure out how to get it from the offical OTA archive
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Actually there might be a legal copyright issue with distributing oem kernels in custom ROMs. I don't know for sure though.
Shouldn't been since the kernel code is open source, but I'm not sure either. I did find a guide to extracting kernel's from ROM's but it requires that you are either running Linux or are running Linux in a virtual environment.
Phateless said:
Actually there might be a legal copyright issue with distributing oem kernels in custom ROMs. I don't know for sure though.
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The kernel is open source. I dont think i have a problem there. Its gapps that we can not redistribute. i read that from CM forum.
DonJuan692006 said:
...I did find a guide to extracting kernel's from ROM's but it requires that you are either running Linux or are running Linux in a virtual environment.
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thanks! if u can find the link again, i'd be grateful. im on a unix (Mac) environment, so i might be able to do it. if not on Mac, I already have vmware fusion installed and its not a problem slapping on the latest Ubuntu.
I did find a how-to on CM wiki that required a boot.img and fastboot to flash. also found one requiring zimage from a rom. but i could not find the zimage file from the TMO Froyo OTA. lol.
Here's what I was reading. Which is doing the boot.img method.
DonJuan692006 said:
Here's what I was reading. Which is doing the boot.img method.
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nice! androidcentral was down for maintenance the whole time i was researching yesterday. thanks for the link!
nomadman said:
what may keep me from using an official kernel is the 15MB additional ram. however i was under the impression that if I had radio, and H-Boot 1.33.0013(d), it doesnt limit me from using any of the froyo kernels floating around. if im incorrect with my assumptions, can someone enlighten me?
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Glad I happened to go back a page...
The official kernel is meant to go with 0013 and 28.25 so yes, you should still have the additional RAM, which this phone desperately needs.
[email protected]#1 is what my phone says and I just received the OTA update a few days ago. Hope this is what you were looking for!
I've been trying to figure this out all day. I actually have a linux installation already but none of the download links for the perl files work. If you have them please upload them somewhere and I'll make us a flashable AnyKernel
I've been trying to follow this guide: but none of the links work

[Q] CM6.1/CM7 + Froyo/Eclair Stock Kernek - Will it work?

Hey guys,
Since I've still experience a problem with bluetooth with cyanogen roms,
I thought maybe I can replace the kernel which comes with CM 6.1/CM7
with the stock froyo kerenl or even eclair kernel - I 100% know that there is no bt problems for me with these kernels....
But if I do it, will CM work ok? Am I still be able to use data2ext to move apps to sd card?
Appreciate any help.
It might do. Be careful, backup. Bluetooth seems to work fine in later builds though
TheGrammarFreak said:
It might do. Be careful, backup. Bluetooth seems to work fine in later builds though
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Thnaks TGF, but is your data2ext script also supported for stock kernel?
An why you say that ext4 version is safer than ext2 version?
How safer?
unzi200888 said:
Thnaks TGF, but is your data2ext script also supported for stock kernel?
An why you say that ext4 version is safer than ext2 version?
How safer?
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As long as the ROM runs scripts from /system/etc/init.d the will at least run. Ext4 won't corrupt all your data if you do a battery pull

[Q] Stable 2.2 or 2.1 ROM

I've tried a few roms on my LG GT540: lately "CyanogenMod 6: mikegapinski", "Project Utopia: miroslav_mm" and "SwiftDroid's Little Brother: mur4ik".
All of them have some issues: in some the SD card doesn't work, in others doesn't work the camera and yet in others doesn't work the WiFi.
What are the most stable 2.1 or 2.2 ROMs (2.3 takes too much battery..) where everything works?
Is it possible to have fastboot with the 2.1 stock ROM? If it's possible I think I'd go back to that one...
peoro said:
I've tried a few roms on my LG GT540: lately "CyanogenMod 6: mikegapinski", "Project Utopia: miroslav_mm" and "SwiftDroid's Little Brother: mur4ik".
All of them have some issues: in some the SD card doesn't work, in others doesn't work the camera and yet in others doesn't work the WiFi.
What are the most stable 2.1 or 2.2 ROMs (2.3 takes too much battery..) where everything works?
Is it possible to have fastboot with the 2.1 stock ROM? If it's possible I think I'd go back to that one...
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eleganceswift (modded 2.1) with many tweaks but stable like stock 2.1
andreas__ said:
eleganceswift (modded 2.1) with many tweaks but stable like stock 2.1
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I'd like to test it out, but ain't able to find a download link...
peoro said:
I'd like to test it out, but ain't able to find a download link...
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sd problems with utopia ?
andreas__ said:
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Thanks! It's working great so far, although I miss the features of 2.2.
I'll keep this one until I get a few spare days to test new 2.2 ROMs.
bs828 said:
sd problems with utopia ?
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Yes, Utopia and mikegapinski's ROM couldn't see my SD card.
Is there a fix for that? Couldn't find a solution in the Utopia thread... If there's a way to fix it, I'll try Utopia again in some days...
peoro said:
Thanks! It's working great so far, although I miss the features of 2.2.
I'll keep this one until I get a few spare days to test new 2.2 ROMs.
Yes, Utopia and mikegapinski's ROM couldn't see my SD card.
Is there a fix for that? Couldn't find a solution in the Utopia thread... If there's a way to fix it, I'll try Utopia again in some days...
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maybe you can try to wipe the SD-Card and repartition it. You can create a sd-ext and swap-partition.
since i did that i never had any problems in any rom (8 GB )
andreas__ said:
maybe you can try to wipe the SD-Card and repartition it. You can create a sd-ext and swap-partition.
since i did that i never had any problems in any rom (8 GB )
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I already changed the partitions of my SD card (the 2GB stock one) some time ago, shrinking the FAT partition and adding a little ext2 partition at the end of the disk.
Some ROMs can see it (usually the older ones), while others can't (the most recent ones).
As soon as I get some spare time I'll try to destroy and recreate the partition table and then to flash some other 2.2 ROM...
Thanks for the suggestions!
I was anxious to try Utopia again.
Repartitioned the SD card again (this time erasing and recreating all the partitions, instead of resizing them) and everything is working!
Hope this Utopia will last long without problems!
peoro said:
I was anxious to try Utopia again.
Repartitioned the SD card again (this time erasing and recreating all the partitions, instead of resizing them) and everything is working!
Hope this Utopia will last long without problems!
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Yeah good luck and congrats
Sent from my LG Swift using xda premium

[FIX] "type password to decrypt storage" message on JB roms

This happens when you flash any Kernel that support JB or ROM from EXTERNAL SD CARD, so, if you're getting this message at boot, you'll need to re-flash it from INTERNAL SD.
I hope if this help.
I will apreciate any thanks. :good:
This is silly. I've tried flashing dream 2.6.6 from internal and from external. Both brings to decrypt screen when finishes boot.
The solution is to flash 2.6.5 back. Perhaps you flashed 2.6.5 so it was fixed, not 2.6.6
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
hikarugo said:
This is silly. I've tried flashing dream 2.6.6 from internal and from external. Both brings to decrypt screen when finishes boot.
The solution is to flash 2.6.5 back. Perhaps you flashed 2.6.5 so it was fixed, not 2.6.6
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2
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Useful! Went back to my nandroid after that error. Will reflash everything today. Its kind of funny that I can record video on a preview jb build but not on a full stable rr. 2.6.1. Still working on that.
sent from space
2.6.7 is Out. Work Great.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
this is just kernel related (v2.6.6)doesn.t matter you flash from external or internal.i tryed 2.6.5 , 2.6.6 , 2.6.7 , v2.6.7 has battery huge drain, v2.6.5 seems stable.
MiropeG said:
2.6.7 is Out. Work Great.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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2.6.7 has some freq problems,it's stuck at max frequency and doesn't go in sleep had to revert back to 2.6.5
eldecanopy said:
This happens when you flash any Kernel that support JB or ROM from EXTERNAL SD CARD, so, if you're getting this message at boot, you'll need to re-flash it from INTERNAL SD.
I hope if this help.
I will apreciate any thanks. :good:
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no its not true i had mine on internal SD-Card and its the same
LastStandingDroid said:
no its not true i had mine on internal SD-Card and its the same
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Maybe is a drem kernel releated problem,it's the only one for now that supports JB and CM10...
It works for me on v2.6.6 and i posted trying to help another who has same problem...
eldecanopy said:
It works for me on v2.6.6 and i posted trying to help another who has same problem...
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I'm not blaming you for this
Just saying that maybe make it generalized discussion to all JB support kernels it's a bit wrong because this kind of issue comes only with dream ...
Now dorimanx JB support just came out,let's see if it has same problems or not
eldecanopy said:
This happens when you flash any Kernel that support JB or ROM from EXTERNAL SD CARD, so, if you're getting this message at boot, you'll need to re-flash it from INTERNAL SD.
I hope if this help.
I will apreciate any thanks. :good:
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It doesn't help installing latest Dorimanx kernel on ParanoidAndroid 1.92
mangusta86 said:
It doesn't help installing latest Dorimanx kernel on ParanoidAndroid 1.92
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Try to flash previous version of dorimanx
Resurrection Remix 3.0 - when I installed Dori 5.4a kernel, i've got that message. Problem has gone after reflashing ROM with factory reset.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium

[Q] Bluetooth Streaming with Cyanogenmod 10.1 - short breaks

Hi guys,
I use Cyanogenmod 10.1 shortly after I bought my Nexus 10 and had these reboots the whole time.
Usually I update once or twice a week to the current nightlys (depending on the changelog).
A problem I have from the beginning (with CM): When I stream music with Google Music to a Logitech Bluetooth receiver it works. But every 20-30 seconds I have a litte break in the playback. On my Galaxy S2 also with CM 10.1 I never had this problem.
What I did to solve the problem. Today I installed the stock Nexus 10 4.2.2 from Google and tried to reproduce the error. It worked fine. No problem at all.
Then I completely wiped the Nexus 10 again and installed the current nightly - from the scratch. Just installed Google Music and did a test. The same bluetooth problem again.
Ah and when I use a bluetooth keyboard the keyboard also loses connection time and again. Here the problem is even worse. When I´m are in web form the page gets reloaded and all I entered so far is gone...
Has anybody an idea?
I´m willing to give you all the information you need to help me (logcats etc.)
Thanks in advance
Have you tried using the stock kernel with CM10?
stiggy2012 said:
Have you tried using the stock kernel with CM10?
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Hi and thanks for you answer.
Good idea. But I have no clue how to do that? And isnt´t the kernel always overwritten when I install a nightly of CM10.1?
Martin7404 said:
Hi and thanks for you answer.
Good idea. But I have no clue how to do that? And isnt´t the kernel always overwritten when I install a nightly of CM10.1?
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I actually don't know off-hand, but it probably is, if its like other ROM's.
dibblebill said:
I actually don't know off-hand, but it probably is, if its like other ROM's.
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Hmm - and where can I get the stock kernel from? Off course I found the whole stock firmware. But just the kernel out of it? And does this work together with CM?
Please make a bug report @
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
Martin7404 said:
Hmm - and where can I get the stock kernel from? Off course I found the whole stock firmware. But just the kernel out of it? And does this work together with CM?
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I don't think you can pull just the kernel out of it... I use KTManta myself.
dalingrin said:
Please make a bug report @
Sent from my Nexus 10 using Tapatalk HD
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Thanks - I just did so.
Martin7404 said:
Thanks - I just did so.
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dibblebill said:
I don't think you can pull just the kernel out of it... I use KTManta myself.
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You can. :good:
If you download and unzip the official rom package from google, you will find another zip inside. Extract that, and you will see a different rom for each partition of your nexus 10. boot.img is the kernel, and it can be flashed from fastboot using command "fastboot flash boot boot.img".
EDIT: If the KTManta kernel doesn't suffer bluetooth streaming issues for anyone else, flashing it instead of stock should serve as an equally good test. The original reason I mentioned flashing the stock kernel is because I too have seen bluetooth streaming issues, both with CM10 and when using the stock rom with franko r12 kernel. I'm now running completely stock rom and kernel, and have no issues.
stiggy2012 said:
You can. :good:
If you download and unzip the official rom package from google, you will find another zip inside. Extract that, and you will see a different rom for each partition of your nexus 10. boot.img is the kernel, and it can be flashed from fastboot using command "fastboot flash boot boot.img".
EDIT: If the KTManta kernel doesn't suffer bluetooth streaming issues for anyone else, flashing it instead of stock should serve as an equally good test. The original reason I mentioned flashing the stock kernel is because I too have seen bluetooth streaming issues, both with CM10 and when using the stock rom with franko r12 kernel. I'm now running completely stock rom and kernel, and have no issues.
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If I switch back to CM, I'l be sure to test it. I'm currently in the process of deciding just how much I love "CRT Off", which I don't know if CM has added yet
Is there a solution for this stuttering problem? I have tried many roms and kernels, but bluetooth stutters when wifi is on.

