Exchange Sync and Remote Wipe - Nexus One General

I have scoured the interwebz the last few days looking for more detailed info as to what remote wipe actually does to the phone and its hardware. i am looking for any additional info any of you may have.
Our company is about to start requesting that all of our phones have this feature. Being on Android seems to be causing us some issues with this. Does anyone know how the remote wipe feature in 2.2 actually works?
They refuse to buy an add on program since Exchange already does this natively. Our corporate iPhone, Blackberrys, and WinMo phones all support this feature.
Google stated 2.2 will support it, but I need additional info on what actually happens to the phone when it is wiped. We have tested this on iPhones and we actually bricked 2 of them so we are skeptical to test on our Nexus Ones.
Any additional info would be great.


Android + encryption = no go?

I own a HTC HD2 and since it has been possible to run Android on it I've started to love the device. Our companys policy does not allow Android phones to synchronize phones with the Exchange server, although it is possible and I have been doing it since I got Android. The reason that Android phones are not allowed to sync is that they do not support encryption. According to one of the persons in our IT staff the only mobile OS's that support are Windows Mobile and iPhone OS.
Is this correct and if so, will Android ever support encryption?
Our employees have a lot of sensitive information in their mailboxes..
I don't wanna go back to WinMo.
What kind of encryption do you mean? Encryption of data stored on a device? It's easy thing to do and it's a matter of software, not hardware, so actually any smartphone should be able to do that - including Android devices.
I mean hardware device encryption. If a person gets his phone stolen we want to make sure that the thief is unable to connect the phone to his computer and get access to all the data. Not just for the memory card but for the entire phone memory.
It is possible to open the phone and take out the storage and then connect it to a PC and collect data. But with hardware encryption that's way harder.
scanie said:
I mean hardware device encryption. If a person gets his phone stolen we want to make sure that the thief is unable to connect the phone to his computer and get access to all the data. Not just for the memory card but for the entire phone memory.
It is possible to open the phone and take out the storage and then connect it to a PC and collect data. But with hardware encryption that's way harder.
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And does really iPhone and WM give you possibility to encrypt a whole partition using your passphrase, so you will have to enter it at boot time? If no, then it's not a true protection and Android can do that too.
My friend went thru the same prob on his hd2. Its more like so the IT staff can wipe your phone remotely/ change internet and emailing controls. Blackberry, Winmo, and iPhones do it.
U should use winmo at work then boot android on the way to the house. Best of both worlds.
Sent from my Androidized HTC HD2
WaveSecure anyone? It's the first application that came into my mind. I'm sure i've seen free solutions as well. If i remember well, Android 2.2 has this feature built-in.
Brut.all said:
And does really iPhone and WM give you possibility to encrypt a whole partition using your passphrase, so you will have to enter it at boot time? If no, then it's not a true protection and Android can do that too.
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Yes they do. That's the whole point. My WM phone has an enforced policy and will not boot until the filesystem is unlocked by the passcode (that's not even to the WM splash screen).
The fact that no Android phones support hardware encryption means that whatever Google might say (and I've not seen it in their roadmap even now), their Exchange Provisioning support is substandard and therefore not suitable for secure enterprise use.
t1g3r3y3 said:
WaveSecure anyone? It's the first application that came into my mind. I'm sure i've seen free solutions as well. If i remember well, Android 2.2 has this feature built-in.
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Wavesecure isn't actually encryption, it's just a solution for finding/wiping/backing up your phone.
Froyo does not have encryption built in.
Froyo permits device management by IT services, using Exchange. This allows remote wipe etc.
pulser_g2 said:
Froyo permits device management by IT services, using Exchange. This allows remote wipe etc.
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But not device encryption, which is the whole point of this thread.
scanie said:
I own a HTC HD2 and since it has been possible to run Android on it I've started to love the device. Our companys policy does not allow Android phones to synchronize phones with the Exchange server, although it is possible and I have been doing it since I got Android. The reason that Android phones are not allowed to sync is that they do not support encryption. According to one of the persons in our IT staff the only mobile OS's that support are Windows Mobile and iPhone OS.
Is this correct and if so, will Android ever support encryption?
Our employees have a lot of sensitive information in their mailboxes..
I don't wanna go back to WinMo.
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Im not sure whom are you asking, Android its a open source OS, its up to those who make the devices to offer such features, ask HTC for instance if they plan to release such a "corp" devices, linux comes with such features so i doubt it would be very hard to make.
roalex said:
Im not sure whom are you asking, Android its a open source OS, its up to those who make the devices to offer such features, ask HTC for instance if they plan to release such a "corp" devices, linux comes with such features so i doubt it would be very hard to make.
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Another post wide of the mark.
It's got nothing to do with the device makers or HTC. Android is Google's OS and the feature list of core releases (Froyo, Gingerbread etc.) is entirely under their control, as is the minimum hardware spec for each release. Device manufacturers like HTC are hardly going to go to the expense of building in device encryption if isn't supported by the OS provider or even on their roadmap.
Hence until Google decides otherwise Android will remain a leisure-orientated OS and just doesn't cut it for secure enterprise use.
without hardware support, like an extra encryption chip or a CPU, that has special functions, like AES-NI, full system encryption will be very, very slow.
xcreatir said:
without hardware support, like an extra encryption chip or a CPU, that has special functions, like AES-NI, full system encryption will be very, very slow.
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Really? Doesn't seem to affect WM, Symbian and iOS devices which fully comply with Exchange security policies, nor those PC users protecting their hard disks with Bitlocker etc. No, this is just a case of Google dragging their feet because corporate users aren't high on their priority list.
Have you tried the encrypted certificate installer i think its a .psx doc. thats what let me into my server which still thinks it cant allow android phones.
Interesting discussion. I know I can use up to 256bit AES encryption on Titanium Backup Pro...but thats it. I am guessing the software handles everything, only on backups and system data, but cant help but feel the phone has a say "of some kind" too.
Ineedtoys said:
Another post wide of the mark.
It's got nothing to do with the device makers or HTC. Android is Google's OS and the feature list of core releases (Froyo, Gingerbread etc.) is entirely under their control, as is the minimum hardware spec for each release. Device manufacturers like HTC are hardly going to go to the expense of building in device encryption if isn't supported by the OS provider or even on their roadmap.
Hence until Google decides otherwise Android will remain a leisure-orientated OS and just doesn't cut it for secure enterprise use.
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But, HTC (or anyone else) can add and remove code to their build for the phone when adding/removing drivers or that [email protected] they load on your phone as someone said, it works under Linux who says I can't work for Android (anyway the kernel was made for modules)
As the hd2 roms are (mostly) pre-rooted who says you can't load the module to support filesystem encryption.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Edit: god I need to check what I am copying
Won't work. No network security manager in their right mind would make an exception for an unsupported hack. So until Google formally support all the Exchange policies (along with the responsibility should those implementations prove defective), many corporates will maintain a blanket ban on all Android connections.
foxwolfblood said:
But, HTC (or anyone else) can add and remove code to their build for the phone when adding/removing drivers or that [email protected] they load on your phone as someone said, it works under Linux who says I can't work for Android (anyway the kernel was made for modules)
As the hd2 roms are (mostly) pre-rooted who says you can't load the module to support filesystem encryption.
Sent from my Nexus One using XDA App
Edit: god I need to check what I am copying
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This does nothing but further fragments Android as a platform. It's already suffering from Enterprise fragmentation due to Exchange client support: HTC's Exchange Client is notoriously the buggiest out of all the major Android Phone Manufacturers.
I would not want them developing that for Android.
My job banned Android phones after I had my first Vibrant stolen, because they were unable to Remote Wipe/Lock it or anything. Now, the server won't even let the phones connect to the Exchange server.
This is a serious issue. They actually banned everything but Windows Mobile phones for a while after that incident, but eventually let iOS and Nokia users connect after some "testing." Blackberries go through BES, so this were never a problem for them, since they don't use ActiveSync to access the Exchange server.
Android is still banned, and the fact that one manufacturer supports it when users can have phones from 5-10 different manufacturers who don't will not convince any IT department to allow them. Making these types of pointless exceptions does not help anyone.

[Q] SAMSUNG = Nightmare

Before anybody starts to bash me for NOT SEARCHING, Well, I did, I have been doing nothing in the past 3 days except for SEARCHING, here at XDA, and over our friend Google.
Simple things in life that I DON"T KNOW "WHY" I can't do: Its all regarding my Galaxy Tab:
1. SYNC Application that REALLY WORKS ?????
Cannot find Literally ANY that could connect to my Tab, Tried Kies 1.5.3 & 2.0 , (YOUR PHONE IS NOT SUPPORTED)
I remember very well that my HTC Touch HD / HD2 came with a Full version of Sprite Backup, Nothing for Samsung? Do I have to fiddle around trying 30+ to backup (ALL PROGRAMS & DATA)?????????
Its not a NOKIA you know, It's a Tablet that is using a NOT-Fully-Optimized-For-Tablets Froyo version. and its an OPEN SOURCE for God's sake, OPEN HOW???
Lots of official Fixes should be easily accessible, along with ROM and RADIO Upgrades, Just like what I'm used to with HTC Devices since 8 years
Where is SAMSUNG SUPPORT???????????????????????????
I just have the Silly User Guide and that's about it, what the hell have they been thinking????????????
have they dumped the device, and became fully DEPENDABLE on XDA-Dev?
4. After Restoring Factory settings, I install very limitted amount of Appz, all legal and free, then restore my Contacts using one application, then Restore my SMS using another Application, then restore my Bookmarks with a third application (Damn it) I then lose the ringtone.
It simply does not RING nor VIBRATE when someone calls me.
Please don't tell me to TRY Titanium Backup!!!!!!!!!!
Do I have to go through an infinite list of CRAP, in COLORS, to BACKUP my DATA????????????????????????????????
I'm Terribly sorry to come RANT in here, its my only WAY to Exhaust my ANGER
What astonishes me here at XDA too, that there is no section for Guides, Tips, just some FM versions, and lots of talk about UNLOCKING the SGT, am I blind to that extent?
*#1234# =
Anyone else?
I know that the uprades as far as firmaware should come from your provider just as it does with your phone. Just like with the HD2, they release a firmware update to the providers, then the providers release it after they tweak it.
What seems to be wrong with the firmware that is on the tab? I have had my tab a few month and have had ZERO issues with it. I rooted it, and thats all I needed.
As far as syncing your data, you dont want to use titanium backup that does everything, so I am not sure what your asking for.
Dear Willy
If you want real help, please, tell us what is your vision of ideal backup and sync.
I don't see you using Google for that.
I have switched from iPhone in part because I didn't want iTunes and computer every time I wanted to reload data. With Google I am in sync with my online data after logging on Gmail.
It is possible that it does not work as well outside the US but for that purpose Samsung provides Kies software for Windows. Check this link:
I did not use it because don't see useful for me but it is exactly a replacement for online sync and backup.
Hope this will help
Thank you dubie76, Now I have some understandings
Thank you too Adapt0r, you are totally correct regarding iTunes and their Lock-Down policy, let alone the very tight platform.
But Still, TB is Okay, but #1 its a PAID App, #2 its really complicated to go through lots of options in various color-codes to get the job done.
I was thinking that there would be an Application that has (Backup/Restore) 2 buttons to do what you need, as simple as that.
and although the SGT is being released in the US to carrier, they also release it in some other countries w/o a Carrier nor a Contract, in such case, SAMSUNG should be providing the Support for it, no body else.
Regarding PC Sync, I just need it to upgrade my FW (the official way) w/o hacks and boot-loader modes, I did some studies regarding my current FW, and its 3 month old, I demand an upgrade to make my usage easier, not to mention the bug fixes.
Every first-release FW/ROM has its flaws, that it get sorted out through UPDATES, got my point?
one more time I would like to thank you for the positive and friendly attitude, I really appreciate that
Willy318is said:
Thank you dubie76, Now I have some understandings
Thank you too Adapt0r, you are totally correct regarding iTunes and their Lock-Down policy, let alone the very tight platform.
But Still, TB is Okay, but #1 its a PAID App, #2 its really complicated to go through lots of options in various color-codes to get the job done.
I was thinking that there would be an Application that has (Backup/Restore) 2 buttons to do what you need, as simple as that.
and although the SGT is being released in the US to carrier, they also release it in some other countries w/o a Carrier nor a Contract, in such case, SAMSUNG should be providing the Support for it, no body else.
Regarding PC Sync, I just need it to upgrade my FW (the official way) w/o hacks and boot-loader modes, I did some studies regarding my current FW, and its 3 month old, I demand an upgrade to make my usage easier, not to mention the bug fixes.
Every first-release FW/ROM has its flaws, that it get sorted out through UPDATES, got my point?
one more time I would like to thank you for the positive and friendly attitude, I really appreciate that
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TB will backup and restore everything with one click. Its the batch operation. Yes the pro version is paid. If you really want it, I can PM it to you, but you have blocked PMs. I have been messing with hybrid roms and builds for a long time and I recommend you dont mess with tablet roms yet.
In your list of complains you can add: the worst support for Microsoft Exchange ever seen
The Tab Software is a joke... I can't believe I have read in several articles it was much better than many other Android devices. I don't want to know how bad others are....
PM is now Okay, I guess it has been jacked up after upgrading the Forum.
thx dear
Willy318is said:
PM is now Okay, I guess it has been jacked up after upgrading the Forum.
thx dear
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PM sent.
What do you want to backup exactly? (Other than Descent which doesn't have an Android port that I'm aware of).
Kies should work fine, if it's not working then you may have the SGT in debug mode or something.
Kies _is_ the "official website" for firmware updates.
I've never owned a phone that will backup _everything_ for later restoration after a factory reset in an easy fashion. An iPhone does a reasonable job of it I guess.
Words of Thanking can't do you justice, Truely appreciate it.
KIES, for Some reason won't connect to my SGT, and BTW, if USB Debugging mode is enabled, you will get a prompt on the tab saying that you have to Disable it if you want to connect your SGT to your PC.
The weird thing is, some plp. say that we should choose UPGRADE, from the list that pops up when connecting the SGT to a PC/Notebook. Well, I only have KIES / MASS STORAGE / MEDIA PLAYER.
Last question:
If I bought my SGT from KUWAIT (Middle East), do I have to use a KIES version that is Downloaded off Kuwait region (through SAMSUNG Website)? if so, then that's absurd, if Not, then what should I do?
KIES will be used only to UPGRADE the FW, not for backup or Appz installations or anything else.
thx again for all the help, its so comforting to Ask and be Answered, I Love you XDA People.
I have the same predicament. After installing the Kies, it went well then suddenly it froze. I reinstalled it and updated the driver, still cannot sync. The apps just stayed in "connecting" mode and cannot seem to recognize the gtb. I'm hoping for another alternative. It seems this Kies thing is a waste of my time.
The Samsung website specifically says that Kies will not work in certain territories.
Google search for samsung galaxy tab FAQs and you will find a link that contains all sorts of responses from Samsung, official ones, regarding the issues people seem to be having on this thread.
Sent from my SGH-T849 using XDA Premium App

Attention all Android fans - This is Important

We really need to rally and get Google to fix some major issues with the Android OS. If Android is going to be truly universal and be able to compete, and beat Apple, it needs to at least be able to do what it can do. Please read: and call, email, post, blog, whatever you can to get Googles attention on these issues.
And thank you for your support.
P.S. Pass this url on to every android user you can.
Sent from my ADR6300, not my wife's iPad...
You have a legitimate argument but those items you listed are never performed by me. =[ Sorry. Everything I need done, works. =]
[ Sent from an LG Optimus V ]
Android still has a way to go before being all things to all people. It has the potential though so i'm sure we'll see improvements in the areas where it's currently weak.
Nice write up though. I hope these issues are resolved for you soon.
Write your congressman. Attend your local PTA meeting.
Don't gey me wrong, I love my Android phone, just saying that Google is missing the boat on the Enterprise side of things. Used to have an iPod touch that worked flawlessly on our corporate intranet, can't say the same for my dinc. As the workforce continues to become more mobile, they'll be carrying iPads instead of Xooms or Galaxy tabs.
Sent from my ADR6300, not my wife's iPad.
are there really people who use android's and ipad's/iphone's for work???
id rater use a PC or laptop. but yha.
think all the company's want to be cool?
i cant go suport this.because my android does what it needs to do.
remember. smartphones and tablets aren't pc's,so they shouldn't do the work of a pc.
ghost010 said:
are there really people who use android's and ipad's/iphone's for work???
id rater use a PC or laptop. but yha.
think all the company's want to be cool?
i cant go suport this.because my android does what it needs to do.
remember. smartphones and tablets aren't pc's,so they shouldn't do the work of a pc.
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Why shouldnt they? Why should they have limitations. I say the more capabilities the better!
Universally, I don't understand Googles LACK of contact and attention to it's customers. Like most people are aware that e-mailing google is a complete WASTE OF TIME. I'd love to meet someone who has yet to actually get a meaningful response from google. I understand that they are a HUGE company and can easily get overwhelmed by emails, but the complete lack of response in general is UNACCEPTABLE. Why do they act this way, ESPECIALLY to their customers? Eitherway, they should respond in some way to all emails, understandable for free products, but for PAYING customers like us Android users, should get a response.
Google is worse than Sprint when it comes to response. I don't get it or understand.
I'm an IT Director for a medium sized medical manufacturing company and I've been testing ipads as a laptop alternative for our salesforce, and I have to say, I would be absolutely pissed if I had to use an ipad(or any tablet for that matter) for work.
Don't get me wrong. They work. But do you want to do all your work on them? HELL NO.
I have a remote desktop app on my mytouch 4g and I use it every now and then when I need to fix something or get onto the server for any reason. That doesn't mean I'm going to ditch my computer because my phone is capable of doing something my laptop does. Tablets, smartphones, mobile devices in general...they should be used to supplement computers, not replace them.
And as far as google 'not listening to their customers', you obviously haven't been on any sort of development team before. Especially not one that had any sort of fast progress. I don't know if you've noticed, but chip manufacturers have released dual core mobile cpu's. So google can either work on your vpn problem and appease a small number of enterprise users(people who will actually use a vpn on their phones), or they can concentrate on optimizing their code so it will work well with the next generation of hardware. They're obviously going to concentrate their manpower(or womanpower) on development for next-gen hardware. If the support ticket exists, they'll work on it. But there are thousands of them, and people need to realize that just because it's important to you specifically, doesn't mean it's an important problem. VPN access doesn't effect the overall functionality of the os during normal use, so it's going be put on the back burner, that doesn't mean it won't be fixed.
And whoever said go to pta meetings, PTA = parent teachers association. Good luck getting heard there.
While on the subject of fixes, I'm more concerned about linked market data and being able to transfer purchases to different accounts. I.E. switching from a google apps account to a gmail account. Also, the 'master account' crap. There should be a way to change which login you use to connect to gtalk and the market without having to reset your device to factory. That just sucks.
LOL, I used to get those "wake-up" calls from the 3rd shift platform operators. I got my butt out of bed, got on my PC and fixed the problem or marked it "next day" and fixed it when I got to work.
I can't see using a phone's screen size to debug a couple hundred lines of JCL or batch COBOL program Not to mention, I was usually talking to the operator at the same time I needed to see something on the PC; very hard to do with a phone.
Can it connect to Microsoft's pptp? Yes -
problem 1. You can connect to a proxy (unless i'm not understanding your complaint) There's Proxy options under the settings menu.
Problem 2. I've noticed this but apparently some 3rd party browsers can do it.
Problem 3. Not sure about this one, but i connect to many different networks (public, domestic and at uni) and have never had a problem like this.
What you're saying is that you have various problems that the vast majority of people will never experience and you are wondering why Google aren't dropping everything to fix it immediately? These problems (to me at least) seem incredibly minor.
kccasey said:
Universally, I don't understand Googles LACK of contact and attention to it's customers. Like most people are aware that e-mailing google is a complete WASTE OF TIME. I'd love to meet someone who has yet to actually get a meaningful response from google. I understand that they are a HUGE company and can easily get overwhelmed by emails, but the complete lack of response in general is UNACCEPTABLE. Why do they act this way, ESPECIALLY to their customers? Eitherway, they should respond in some way to all emails, understandable for free products, but for PAYING customers like us Android users, should get a response.
Google is worse than Sprint when it comes to response. I don't get it or understand.
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Because they already have your money, therefor they could care less. And they will continue to get your money, his money, her money etc because they make a product and provide a service that we all have come to rely on. They've got the hook set, you can't break free and they can let us dangle as long as they want.
But maybe the combination of google, samsung, and verizon has destroyed my outlook.
Samsung Fascinate
Frankenclean 2.8
EB16-ish Voodoo Kernel
Mob87's Honeycomb theme
Sent from XDA Premium App
I think many of these issues will take a long long time to see resolved.
You need to consider what motivates google RE Android. Hint: It is not paying customers.
Thing is, normal market forces are not at work in the Android space. This is
my BIGGEST issue with Android.
You don't think your needs are most important ones, do you? There are many, many things to do, not only these mentioned by you.
For me your "This is Important" bugs are minor. Actually I didn't know about them to this time. I care much more about NDK APIs, performance and UI improvements and this is exactly what Google does.
Also there is one good reason to focus on new APIs, standard libraries, developer tools, etc.: Google is only one who can improve them and sooner is better. They could fix bugs at any time, they could also port them to older versions of OS. But if they add new API, it will take some time for developers to use it, because new API won't be supported by most of devices. So it's much better to work on a new features first and fix minor bugs later.
BobPaul said:
I think many of these issues will take a long long time to see resolved.
You need to consider what motivates google RE Android. Hint: It is not paying customers.
Thing is, normal market forces are not at work in the Android space. This is
my BIGGEST issue with Android.
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You have got that completely backwards. Iphone is not normal market space. Each manufacturer running android os have to set themselves apart from each other, hence skinning the os. If customers demand, need it, it will get fixed or innovated.
Apple controls all, What they say goes. Example: no flash, theming....
Amazon drops their android app store on tues. Why, market forces.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk
hey dude most of those issuses were fix sort of well i wouldnt say fix because google came out with a whole new O.S. most of ur issuses hav been resolved in the honeycomb os and greater but u dont need a fix u need a app that can handle what u need
> Can it connect to Microsoft's pptp? Yes -
No, or at least, not for several hundred people at least, some who have even provided logs of both sides of the conversation. Some bug comments are from companies, representing complaints from their customer base, so it is probably more. I could write an article that shows how to do it, too, but that doesn't mean that I've tested all combinations. If the author's VPN was not encrypted, he wouldn't have seen the problem, and--since his connection worked, and there's that encryption checkbox--he might have just assumed it worked. He might have even tried it: You can connect with encryption, you just can't stay connected for any length of time.
> problem 1. You can connect to a proxy (unless i'm not understanding your complaint) There's Proxy options under the settings menu.
I can manually set a proxy, although there are reports that this is not a standard part of android, but a value-add by the phone mfr. A third-party program could perhaps recognize which WAP I connect to and set values accordingly, but only if I want everything to go through the proxy, and not just some things. That would have worked at HP, but my ulterior motive is to proxy a specific blocked port so that I can pop my email to my wifi tab. OK, I'll admit, my actual reason isn't a compelling case for Google! ;-)
> Problem 2. I've noticed this but apparently some 3rd party browsers can do it.
I'm not surprised that some clever programmer patched around the breakage, but it needs to be solved generally. Really, this and VPN are the most important issues for me.
> Problem 3. Not sure about this one, but i connect to many different networks (public, domestic and at uni) and have never had a problem like this.
You have never had a problem like this that you know of! Most folks have been bitten by this when the run into a place with short leases, and only find out--if they do--by accident, since most places don't check for violators.
Other comments
For the person who asserted that these are fixed in the latest release, that doesn't appear to be the case, according to the bug reports.
Are there really people who use their portable device for work? Not if it is android-based! (I know, cheap shot, but--for many of us--a true statement).
I have a galaxy tab. With working VPN and ssh, I could login and do a simple database change "echo blah blah blah|mysql", restart a job, whatever. I'm not going to write a couple of thousand lines of code, but I might look at a couple of thousand lines of a log file! Instead, I have to fire up the PC, which means I have to be around the PC, and I'd rather have the freedom of mobility.

[Q] Multiple users on Acer tablet?

I am looking at getting the Acer Iconia tablet. It would be something my wife and I would share around the house (i.e. in the living room so both of us could use it when we wish). So how does Android Honeycomb handle multiple users? I assume we wouldn't each have a 'logon' ID? But I am just wondering how my wife could keep her bookmarks, email, etc on it along with mine. For instance, I might come in, use it a bit to get email, browse the internet, run some apps, etc. Then later my wife might pick it up and want to do the same thing, but use her email and browser settings, etc.
How is that handled in Android?
/Tom (Chimp)
in the windows world we would call that profiles, as far a i know this doesn't exist (yet?) at the operating system level. I would love to have it.
Firefox mobile has a 'mobile profiles' addon but it didn't work correctly for me.
I could switch account but not switch back.
monki-magic said:
in the windows world we would call that profiles, as far a i know this doesn't exist (yet?) at the operating system level. I would love to have it.
Firefox mobile has a 'mobile profiles' addon but it didn't work correctly for me.
I could switch account but not switch back.
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Crap... so we are saying any Android tablet is basically a one-user tablet? It's weird that Google would build it that way...
SimpTheChimp said:
Crap... so we are saying any Android tablet is basically a one-user tablet? It's weird that Google would build it that way...
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Especially considering Linux has no issue supporting multiple users.
Well, shucks, I guess I won't be getting a tablet. I don't feel like buying two of them...
I found out that even the iPad is the same way! Bad design for tablets, Google and Apple. (Although I love my Android phone - that was why I was looking at the Acer tablet!)
Provided you're not having an affair, and email would be the main thing you'd want compartmentalized, you could just use two different email apps or no?
The current state of tablet OS's is really smartphones writ large. They're (again, currently) very personal electronics. There are a handful of Windows-based tablets which should support multiple user profiles etc, but they tend to suffer from GUIs intended for larger monitors & smaller pointers (single pixel precision mice and/or stylus.)
While linux certainly has no problem with simultaneous users, much less multiple profiles, keep in mind we're dealing with systems which have problems dealing with expandable memory (again, only at this time.) At least Android has SD card support without an external add-on.
Given enough feedback from users, eventually tablet OS makers will design in multiple user profiles, probably starting with apps & profiles loaded off memory cards or from "the cloud". But I wouldn't honestly expect it to happen until tablets became very thin internet clients.
For now the tablet market is still very much in an early adoption phase, no one's really sure of the "final" shape of tablets and their usage at this time, but coming at them from a "more portable laptop" design goal could lead to what you're looking for.
TLDR: Not yet aside from Windows tablets but eventually, maybe
This could be an interesting dev project for someone. Isn't it just a case of having an app that would remount /data depending on the selected user? Granted root would be required for it to work but it certainly sounds feasible.
I certainly don't have the time or skill to do this myself, but I will throw this around in the dev forum to see what people with actual skill and knowledge of Android/Linux think.
I saw something about multiple user handling.... It is in a "how to" document posted by L.t.r. consulting. (I'm to new on XDA to be allowed to post outside links, so you have to Google it)
It is made for the Nook Color device but could be at god starting point.
Email should be no problem. The stock Email client will allow you to link to multiple Email accounts, so as long as both have individual Email accounts, they can read them seperately. They would not be able to keep each other out of thier Email since it is in the same client. Also, if they use WEB mail, they can then read thier mail without allowing the other on thier account. As for browsing, I believe that some of the browsers allow grouping of links, so each could setup thier own group with thier own links.
This might be the answer until multi accounts are added natively to the tablets.
I use my Iconia together with my wife and I just set up an extra gmail account so she can read her mail alongside mine. It's important not to want to hide anything from eachother in such a setup though. I also found a twitterclient that allows to setup multiple accounts (tweetcaster). So, in the end it's doable but not practical.
There is an issue on the Android bug tracker which you can star to help raise awareness of the lack of multi-user support
(I can't post links which is irritating, but...)
The Viewsonic Tablet has multi-user functionality.
I would have thought it would be stock in all. Maybe it's in a custom ROM. I'll gop look.
SimpTheChimp said:
Well, shucks, I guess I won't be getting a tablet. I don't feel like buying two of them...
I found out that even the iPad is the same way! Bad design for tablets, Google and Apple. (Although I love my Android phone - that was why I was looking at the Acer tablet!)
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Lol, there is an aplication called Switch Me, here in xda in the themes forum, is in beta fase but it makes what youre looking for, an they need testers so I think you need to give a try on this.

[Q] Corporate Android Usage

Hello Guys,
before I start: My apologies for this, I am not quite sure if I am even in the right Topic.
I think of myself as pretty new to Android, but got some experiences in Rooting, Custom Roms and such. But that is already as far as it gets.
Now my Problem: We lost our BES and now my Company decided to go with Android (SG4 I9505) and I have to make it happen :angel:.
1. I Need some Kind of Freeware tool to administer Android Devices (Basic: find device, delete data, restrict Apps)
2. If something like this dont exist (which I dont think-I just havent found it)), I would Need to know if I can use CM 10.2 as our Standard Rom and before you start rolling your eyes with experimental and such....
I have to restrict the phone solely to Telefone, Exchange and some preselected (mostly travel)Tools. NO GAPPS!!! and I think that nightly CM provides this with no problems
To realize this I downloaded the nightly from 18th, I think. I then added some APK´s into \System\app Folder and installed the ROM. This actually worked fine until I updated to phone afterwards via build in updating tool - all Tools were gone.(what did I miss?)
Now, our Standard is SG4 I-9505.
Any ideas on how I could do this? (I couldnt find what I was looking for)
1. Adminster a fleet of androids (free)
2. Customize a Custom ROM for corporate Identity (How to pre-setup Exchange Boot Logo, Lockscreen, etc.)
3. or customize a ROM to the Point it cannot do much except what is in the \System\app Folder and turn off updates
Any link is much appreciated. Sadly there is sooooo much andoid articles out there that I seem to get lost while searching for the right one. Thanks in advance!!!!
AccEss-dEniEd said:
1. Adminster a fleet of androids (free)
2. Customize a Custom ROM for corporate Identity (How to pre-setup Exchange Boot Logo, Lockscreen, etc.)
3. or customize a ROM to the Point it cannot do much except what is in the \System\app Folder and turn off updates
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My guess is I'll get flamed for saying this - but here goes.
Android corporate (MDM) leaves a lot to be desired next to iOS, at least as far as I've been able to find. We manage a lot of iPads and obviously minus the custom ROM we've been able to do it all for little to no cost. We've shied away from Android a lot because of the limited MDM control.
But, since you asked:
1. Meraki Systems Manager (and the accompanying app from Google Play)
2. Good luck with that
3. See number 2
I think the reality is you're going to need to do something to the effect of either cook your own ROM and deploy it or use a tool like CWM to create an "image" that you would then restore to the devices. I did that with a batch of 60+ Nexus 7s and it worked out pretty well.
With all that said - I would urge your management to reconsider their approach as the world has changed since Blackberry was the only game in town. Yes, still stick with MDM, device location, remote wipe etc. But unless you're dealing with highly sensitive information (exp banking), let people actually USE the device you're giving them. Don't lock it down to where its basically a first generation iPhone. I'm a big fan of giving someone a good tool and letting them use it the way that works best for them, while still keeping the device and more importantly the data under corporate control.
Assuming you have Exchange, does this not provide the management part?
AccEss-dEniEd said:
Hello Guys,
before I start: My apologies for this, I am not quite sure if I am even in the right Topic.
I think of myself as pretty new to Android, but got some experiences in Rooting, Custom Roms and such. But that is already as far as it gets.
Now my Problem: We lost our BES and now my Company decided to go with Android (SG4 I9505) and I have to make it happen :angel:.
1. I Need some Kind of Freeware tool to administer Android Devices (Basic: find device, delete data, restrict Apps)
2. If something like this dont exist (which I dont think-I just havent found it)), I would Need to know if I can use CM 10.2 as our Standard Rom and before you start rolling your eyes with experimental and such....
I have to restrict the phone solely to Telefone, Exchange and some preselected (mostly travel)Tools. NO GAPPS!!! and I think that nightly CM provides this with no problems
To realize this I downloaded the nightly from 18th, I think. I then added some APK´s into \System\app Folder and installed the ROM. This actually worked fine until I updated to phone afterwards via build in updating tool - all Tools were gone.(what did I miss?)
Now, our Standard is SG4 I-9505.
Any ideas on how I could do this? (I couldnt find what I was looking for)
1. Adminster a fleet of androids (free)
2. Customize a Custom ROM for corporate Identity (How to pre-setup Exchange Boot Logo, Lockscreen, etc.)
3. or customize a ROM to the Point it cannot do much except what is in the \System\app Folder and turn off updates
Any link is much appreciated. Sadly there is sooooo much andoid articles out there that I seem to get lost while searching for the right one. Thanks in advance!!!!
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I currently work in the infrastructure of a good sized corporation. We're using IOS with a mixture of android hardware and there's some good news and bad news for what you want to do.
Good news is, like Jpcurrie said, exchange will handle remote wiping and locking the phone down. you can require the phone to use a PIN, remote wipe and and a bit more. As for locating the phone, Google actually has finally built in remote locating of your device and remote wipe as well. There's a couple good apps out there (lookout) will turn on your GPS and allow you to locate the phone and they're free. If you happen to have a virtualized environment with VMware, you could also use VMware View Horizons which builds in a secure sector on the phone and you can remotely manage which apps and files the user can use. the best part of View is you can use a BYOD model and keep corporate data secure. The biggest issue is if you don't happen to already use a VMware architecture it gets pricey quickly.
Here's the rub now. you want to install your own logos on the bootup which you could do by installing a custom ROM. This will void your warranty on the hardware and as it isn't 100% stable you'll be spending a LOT of time trying to keep a consistent environment.
Like netsyd said, talk to management about an MDM, and the branding of the devices, maybe even talk to them about using a BYOD to reduce costs of hardware and administration of that hardware.
Isn´t Knox supposed to allow administrators to only delete the data that belongs to the Corporate account (emails, calendars, tasks, etc.), or an administrator can still force a full device wipe? Sorry if the questions is too basic, I've tried searching around for info on Knox but couldn't find anything besides press releases.
I'm not a network administrator, I'm just a user and my school secure wifi installs a device administrator.
I'm sorry to deviate the topic a little bit from the original.
At Delta we use Air Watch but it's far from free. You can however manage devices and remote wipe. You can also view installed apps and remove what should not be there. Options for device profiles also. I help maintain these devices everyday. Not Free but an MDM is your best bet.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I337 using xda app-developers app
long time - no see
sorry I didn t answer - kinda was overwhelmed with this Task.
Wanted still to thank you: I did what you suggestet and wanted to let you know where I am now.
1. Meraki = implemented - now runnning 160+ devices. (at no costs)
2. CM12.1 implemented (without GAPPS/no SU)
3. Standard Image/w Apps defined. (Mostly Offline capable Tools like "here" etc.(which actually reduced costs))
4. Since Android has limited capability to be administered in a "real" professional Fashion we mitigated this issue by creating a policy to forbid the user to temper with the device (e.g. Installation of Software/SU etc) yet to allow the Installation of Software manually by us via creating a ticket. We check the Software mainly for "sanity" and malware and install it if ok.
This has been working so far like a charm for us. None of the user were happy to loose the Gapps obviously - but once they had their Software and settled in, all was ok. For the Administering part: Meraki can tell me if Software is beeing installed without our Knowledge, also we see if SM doesnt speak with us anymore. So, for now, we got the most out of the System and I am happy to say: I got minimal Control in a Quality sense. No no more "KO Critera" - and we have implemented Android. Tracking etc. is forbidden in Germany anyway - so we use Meraki mainly to wipe if lost and to check if someone goes against policy.
What is still open:
- I am still working on a way to have the user enter his credentials and automatically enter These in all respective config files. (haven't had much luck - with the absense of SU obviously.
- a Little cosmetics still open (I am still trying to figure out how the theming really works ... I usually f**k up the Pictures and sounds.... but so far making Progress
- with less and less good Android devices coming out (now, I am probably beeing flamed now ) that suits our needs (open bootloader, known/supported CPUs, removable battery, SD Card Slot) - I think we might Switch by Q4/2016.
netsyd said:
My guess is I'll get flamed for saying this - but here goes.
Android corporate (MDM) leaves a lot to be desired next to iOS, at least as far as I've been able to find. We manage a lot of iPads and obviously minus the custom ROM we've been able to do it all for little to no cost. We've shied away from Android a lot because of the limited MDM control.
But, since you asked:
1. Meraki Systems Manager (and the accompanying app from Google Play)
2. Good luck with that
3. See number 2
I think the reality is you're going to need to do something to the effect of either cook your own ROM and deploy it or use a tool like CWM to create an "image" that you would then restore to the devices. I did that with a batch of 60+ Nexus 7s and it worked out pretty well.
With all that said - I would urge your management to reconsider their approach as the world has changed since Blackberry was the only game in town. Yes, still stick with MDM, device location, remote wipe etc. But unless you're dealing with highly sensitive information (exp banking), let people actually USE the device you're giving them. Don't lock it down to where its basically a first generation iPhone. I'm a big fan of giving someone a good tool and letting them use it the way that works best for them, while still keeping the device and more importantly the data under corporate control.
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