[QUESTION] automatic reboot at first boot - Windows Mobile

My ROM has some tweaks and extras that needs a soft reset after initialization wth 1st boot. How can I make a automatic reboot just the 1st time the phone boots up?

If you're using RunCC, edit your *.rgu/app.reg accordingly:

How can I know if I use runCC?

You don't know which packages you're using for your ROM? Funny thing!

animelover said:
You don't know which packages you're using for your ROM? Funny thing!
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hehe... just using a dump of official rhodium S2, and spiced it up a bit, and deleted things I don't need

Take a look into EXT -> Rhodium -> Your Build -> Rhodium_External_Packages and search for "RunCC"!

animelover said:
Take a look into EXT -> Rhodium -> Your Build -> Rhodium_External_Packages and search for "RunCC"!
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yeye... there it is Thanks

animelover said:
You don't know which packages you're using for your ROM? Funny thing!
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Funny indeed. These are the junior cooks we get these days...

No offense here but ...
I think all of great cooks started as "junior"
Even the big NRGZ28
best regards

hey hey... fair play ppl... glad to have new chefs CC is for that... new chefs and experienced chefs

fwt said:
No offense here but ...
I think all of great cooks started as "junior"
Even the big NRGZ28
best regards
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Very true..
Anyways, I love your sig And it's quite funny how true it is!

if i might stick with the topic
2 - xda_uc also offers a reboot after customization - you could add this to your ext
3 - old method: autorun + checkautorun pkg also reboots your rom (dump blackstone or kovsky)

Problem With add2config Packages?
Hey, I had this problem before where all my packages that I cook in with the add2config method (so they can be removed by the user) aren't installing / aren't being set as default...
These are the following packages that I have the problem with:
BG4All Tabs (add2config) - Doesn't appear in the rom at all
A 6.5.5 Theme (add2config) - Isn't default but is in the list of themes
A 6.5.5 Taskbar (add2config) - Doesn't appear in the rom at all
All this was solved when I changed the runcc rgu file: e110406e-9af4-4cdc-932d-255ac9636f4d like everyone says to "ResetDevice"=dword:00000001
But since rebuilding my kitchen im having the same problem, Ive changed the reset device to 00000001 but still none of the add2config packages are working has anyone got any solutions?

[★] said:
Hey, I had this problem before where all my packages that I cook in with the add2config method (so they can be removed by the user) aren't installing / aren't being set as default...
These are the following packages that I have the problem with:
BG4All Tabs (add2config) - Doesn't appear in the rom at all
A 6.5.5 Theme (add2config) - Isn't default but is in the list of themes
A 6.5.5 Taskbar (add2config) - Doesn't appear in the rom at all
All this was solved when I changed the runcc rgu file: e110406e-9af4-4cdc-932d-255ac9636f4d like everyone says to "ResetDevice"=dword:00000001
But since rebuilding my kitchen im having the same problem, Ive changed the reset device to 00000001 but still none of the add2config packages are working has anyone got any solutions?
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I'm not sure anyone will be able to answer that without being totally lucky if you don't post your packages or build-log or at least the add2config text files. Anway, maybe you already do this, but if you don't, then start doing this: after cooking, look in the dump and make sure everything is there. Also, look at config.txt to make sure all the add2config's were compiled properly. This will save you the flash-disappointment.

Ok theres my buildlog, my run cc rgu file and one of my add2config files Thanks.

fwt said:
No offense here but ...
I think all of great cooks started as "junior"
Even the big NRGZ28
best regards
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Yeah, but I wasn't cooking ROMs for the public until I knew what the hell I was doing... lol

NRGZ28 said:
Yeah, but I wasn't cooking ROMs for the public until I knew what the hell I was doing... lol
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lol, also I did this way...
Can't remember where I read something like "PPL: Could you make it in this language?" - " "COOK": I don't know how to!"

[★] said:
Hey, I had this problem before where all my packages that I cook in with the add2config method (so they can be removed by the user) aren't installing / aren't being set as default...
These are the following packages that I have the problem with:
BG4All Tabs (add2config) - Doesn't appear in the rom at all
A 6.5.5 Theme (add2config) - Isn't default but is in the list of themes
A 6.5.5 Taskbar (add2config) - Doesn't appear in the rom at all
All this was solved when I changed the runcc rgu file: e110406e-9af4-4cdc-932d-255ac9636f4d like everyone says to "ResetDevice"=dword:00000001
But since rebuilding my kitchen im having the same problem, Ive changed the reset device to 00000001 but still none of the add2config packages are working has anyone got any solutions?
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[★] said:
Ok theres my buildlog, my run cc rgu file and one of my add2config files Thanks.
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Bumping my own question

[★] said:
Ok theres my buildlog, my run cc rgu file and one of my add2config files Thanks.
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The add2config.txt file is in the wrong folder; it needs to go in the \files sub-folder of the EXT. Put it in there, and you're problems should go away.
Edit: although, I'm seeing this in the build-log:
Found: 1 Extra Info on a Package... Populating config.txt with: CAB: \Windows\B4ALL.cab
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and this:
Processing "B4ALL.cab" as file
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So, I guess I don't really understand why the .cab isn't installing. I've never used runcc before, so I can't help you on what may be going on with it. I guess it's ok to put the add2config in the main folder, since it looks like it's compiling correctly.
2nd Edit: all the cab is doing is adding a couple of manila files; you should just dump the two files and put them in an EXT and have them over-write the stock manila files. You don't need to run this as a cab, as far as I can tell.
You need to fix this (minor, but might as well do it):
Failed to parse value name HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Shell\StartInfo\start\Tools\Format SD Card.lnk!!!
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Farmer Ted said:
The add2config.txt file is in the wrong folder; it needs to go in the \files sub-folder of the EXT. Put it in there, and you're problems should go away.
Edit: although, I'm seeing this in the build-log:
and this:
So, I guess I don't really understand why the .cab isn't installing. I've never used runcc before, so I can't help you on what may be going on with it. I guess it's ok to put the add2config in the main folder, since it looks like it's compiling correctly.
2nd Edit: all the cab is doing is adding a couple of manila files; you should just dump the two files and put them in an EXT and have them over-write the stock manila files. You don't need to run this as a cab, as far as I can tell.
You need to fix this (minor, but might as well do it):
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(disregard my last post on the other thread, I didnt realise you had replied )
Thanks for the response, yeah the add2config file has worked before in the root of the packages, seems something else it buggy :/
Yeah that cab may be so, but that was an old one just as an example, I really need to get it working for this mortscript thing we discussed on the other thread..
Maybe we could discuss more tomorrow ? Perhaps you could have a nosey in my kitchen or something, I know I should work this stuff out myself, but as a chef still in training, its quite difficult to know what to look for, and help from peopel like you is priceless


Removing empty calendar entry on lockscreen

It's a new feature on many new custom ROMs (I believe only the WM 6.5.x roms): the empty appointment with the "30" icon on the lockscreen.
Nice, but how to remove it?
(I've seen the answer somewhere in a thread, but I can't find it anymore....)
You can edit the the XML file.
It's called LS_LockScene_480x800
and it is placed in Windows\LockScreen
ZekeWolf said:
You can edit the the XML file.
It's called LS_LockScene_480x800
and it is placed in Windows\LockScreen
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Thanks ZekeWolf, that will remove the "30" icon, but it still leaves a blank line right under the time/date line and will not show that icon when an appointment shows up on the lockscreen.
I've seen on Miri's 6.5.x rom that it must be possilbe to restore things back to the standard configuration of the stock Leo Rom. Anyone who is running a miri 6.5.x rom is willing to share the LS_LockScene_480x800.xml file from the Windows\LockScreen directory, so we can investigate it?
With many thanks of cause to the great magician and chef Miri.
(I'm new here so I don't know if this request is breaking any unspoken code. But then again, to quote Miles Davis: so what )
Here u go...
the same file is used with 6.5 and 6.5.x builds. the issue is how the sys autohides it.
Mikulec said:
Here u go...
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Thanks!! Works like a charm.
A big thank you of cause to Miri. Hope he doesn't mind.. Oh well, what the heck: waiter, one beer, coffee or whatever for Miri.
fards said:
the same file is used with 6.5 and 6.5.x builds. the issue is how the sys autohides it.
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Miri's modification seems to handle it in the xml file. Haven't investigated it, but for starters it is 24 kb, whereas the standard lockscreen file is 18 kb.
However, the file posted above works like a charm.
Hey guys, it won't let me delete the original file in windows or let me overwrite it, i'm using Resco and file explorer HELP PLEASE!

[SOLVED]non booting rom?.....now make a bootable rom

hi all..
we all have suffered from one common things while making a rom..
after all your hard work and spending so much time and reading on and on for improvements u encounter this
stuck at smart mobility
so i request all people who faced such problems and have solved them,,plz write here about it..
what u have done..??
what is the cause??
this will easier for lots of people to understand why they have non booting rom..
so afterall i got this solution..
1.Make sure the following packages are cooked:
. NetCF or NetCF 3.5
. Dummy SQM
2.if your rom gets stuck on radio screen and the screen doesnt dim after a lil bit then you have problem with xip...if the screen does dim it usually means a problem with system.
3.recmod ALL modules in your EXT folder
recmod these three folder in sys...browsing, browsingcore, and browsingie
This could be caused by many things.
I suggest you check all last changes you did, which packages/edits etc...
Before I edit my kitchen I always make sure I have a backup incase stuff like this happens so I can refert back.
I recommend editing step by step and not edit to many things at once.
Grtz Leo
Totally agree with Laurentius.
Just some points to look:
4.UPXed files
Best Regards!
ps:A Hard Reset would be nice after flashing
kokotas said:
Totally agree with Laurentius.
Just some points to look:
4.UPXed files
Best Regards!
ps:A Hard Reset would be nice after flashing
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almost done..
ok i made a rom 23544..works like a charmm..
but i just upgrade new build like 23548,49,52
all have non booting issue..
no changes have been made from 23544 build not even new application added..
but no luckk.
checked wince..found xip is ok..
also done recmod but no luck..
so now???
i tell u what i just change build 23544,,i got bootable rom..then just chang build ..48..49
non bootable rom
Try XIP 23544, SYS 23548,49,52.
Maybe a bad XIP source?!
If you change to a new MS build you only need MSXipkernel plus SYS.
No recmod is needed, I never use recmod.
Try playing with wincenls, move it from SYS to XIP or maybe viceversa.
Laurentius26 said:
If you change to a new MS build you only need MSXipkernel plus SYS.
No recmod is needed, I never use recmod.
Try playing with wincenls, move it from SYS to XIP or maybe viceversa.
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but without recmod the kitchen even not building a rom
That's weird, the kitchen should run without recmodding modules.
Maybe you have a conflict in your kitchen where a file is overwriting a module?
saurabh88 said:
but without recmod the kitchen even not building a rom
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so your rom gets stuck at first screen, with radio info ect on bottom of screen? what modules are you recmodding? do you have hidden and system files visable on your pc? what kitchen are you using? there are alot of things that could cause your rom not to boot, the more info you give the easier it is to help
twopumpchump said:
so your rom gets stuck at first screen, with radio info ect on bottom of screen? what modules are you recmodding? do you have hidden and system files visable on your pc? what kitchen are you using? there are alot of things that could cause your rom not to boot, the more info you give the easier it is to help
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i use evk..
other things i have already stated before that with same kitchen i can make rom of 23544;but what the fkkkk..i just change build to23548;4951 non bootibg rom...
strange but true.
i just use extra button in evk to recmod as someone already made a post to use extra button via batch file..
saurabh88 said:
i use evk..
other things i have already stated before that with same kitchen i can make rom of 23544;but what the fkkkk..i just change build to23548;4951 non bootibg rom...
strange but true.
i just use extra button in evk to recmod as someone already made a post to use extra button via batch file..
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Make sure the following packages are cooked:
. NetCF or NetCF 3.5
. Dummy SQM
Could you post your Build_log.txt here.
saurabh88 said:
i use evk..
other things i have already stated before that with same kitchen i can make rom of 23544;but what the fkkkk..i just change build to23548;4951 non bootibg rom...
strange but true.
i just use extra button in evk to recmod as someone already made a post to use extra button via batch file..
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then obviously something different has been done with the newer builds you are trying to use that wasnt done with 23544. did you recmod 23544 the exact same way as you did the newer ones that didnt work? if your rom gets stuck on radio screen and the screen doesnt dim after a lil bit then you have problem with xip...if the screen does dim it usually means a problem with system. you can use beyond compare to compare the working build to the non-working one, if there is something different you will be able to tell.
twopumpchump said:
then obviously something different has been done with the newer builds you are trying to use that wasnt done with 23544. did you recmod 23544 the exact same way as you did the newer ones that didnt work? if your rom gets stuck on radio screen and the screen doesnt dim after a lil bit then you have problem with xip...if the screen does dim it usually means a problem with system. you can use beyond compare to compare the working build to the non-working one, if there is something different you will be able to tell.
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yes screen does not dim..
so what is your suggestion??
Then XIP(MSXIPKernel) is probably the cause.
Did you try a different XIP or a combination of XIP(MSXIPKernel) 23544 and SYS 23548 as I told you before?
From where did you get the 23548-49-52 builds?
Maybe you should download them again?
Best Regards!
saurabh88 said:
yes screen does not dim..
so what is your suggestion??
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thats why i asked if you have hidden and system files showing on your pc...maybe you left some files/dsm/rgu out of msxipkernel.
kokotas said:
Then XIP(MSXIPKernel) is probably the cause.
Did you try a different XIP or a combination of XIP(MSXIPKernel) 23544 and SYS 23548 as I told you before?
From where did you get the 23548-49-52 builds?
Maybe you should download them again?
Best Regards!
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yes did it but no luck.....
i download them from da_g thread..
if u can plz give me the link of them to dwnld again
twopumpchump said:
thats why i asked if you have hidden and system files showing on your pc...maybe you left some files/dsm/rgu out of msxipkernel.
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ok i will compare them and see.l
saurabh88 said:
yes did it but no luck.....
i download them from da_g thread..
if u can plz give me the link of them to dwnld again
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Have you tried the 23554 that I posted (It is in my Rollups folder, link can be found in NRGZ sticky in this forum)
build log of 23554
still stuck at smart mobility,,,here i attached file plz someone look at it and help me...
i have just sorted them through dump sorter..
Saurabh: see also this post by twopumpchump: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=6032341&postcount=14

[SOLVED]COM5 Expire watermark

How do you disable Beta expiration?
Make an "app.reg" with this key:
then put it in an EXT folder.
Works like a charm. Thank you so much!
No problem...you are wellcome
Anyone help?
I have tried a couple of times now to use mortscript to remove the "BETA" tags from the registry. I obviously am doing it wrong - can someone post what the mortscript should be for me please?
this is what I tried just now and still no go...
If ( RegKeyExists("HKLM","\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Device Beta"))
RegDeleteKey("HKLM","\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Device Beta",TRUE,TRUE)
d_train said:
I have tried a couple of times now to use mortscript to remove the "BETA" tags from the registry. I obviously am doing it wrong - can someone post what the mortscript should be for me please?
this is what I tried just now and still no go...
If ( RegKeyExists("HKLM","\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Device Beta"))
RegDeleteKey("HKLM","\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Device Beta",TRUE,TRUE)
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I may be wrong but I don't didn't the os like it if the registry is removed. It'll probably add them back.
I'd just put that in a app.reg in the last package to be processed by the kitchen like this:
wmserver said:
I may be wrong but I don't didn't the os like it if the registry is removed. It'll probably add them back.
I'd just put that in a app.reg in the last package to be processed by the kitchen like this:
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I use old my own style kitchen with OEMs.
and simply include it in a .rgu file:
Don't know if works in app.reg in new style kitchens.
babak00000 said:
I use old my own style kitchen with OEMs.
and simply include it in a .rgu file:
Don't know if works in app.reg in new style kitchens.
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just delete all instances of DeviceBeta from Shell rgu.
MietasSR said:
just delete all instances of DeviceBeta from Shell rgu.
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I remove this.... but still have a bug for beta... white screen etc..
Nokser said:
I remove this.... but still have a bug for beta... white screen etc..
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You need to patch shell32.exe. Da_G posted one in his thread. Use that.
For lazy people like me, use the attached pkg and put in your EXT. It will replace SYS reg..
ai6908 said:
You need to patch shell32.exe. Da_G posted one in his thread. Use that.
For lazy people like me, use the attached pkg and put in your EXT. It will replace SYS reg..
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I still have bugs...
Nokser said:
I remove this.... but still have a bug for beta... white screen etc..
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And later:
Nokser said:
I still have bugs...
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White screen has nothing common with beta watermark or shell32 time-bomb

problem with swype

hi folks, hope someone han help with this.
i'm trying to cook in the latest version of swype (cabbed by lord yuz. from a 'certain' site)
i've converted the cab to an ext but even though it builds it's not opening the keyboard. i can't see what i'm doing wrong but if anyone has a working package or any ideas what i'm missing i'd be grateful
You need to replace 'ModelName.txt' in Operatorpkg with a T-Mob modelname.
chrisd1a1 said:
hi folks, hope someone han help with this.
i'm trying to cook in the latest version of swype (cabbed by lord yuz. from a 'certain' site)
i've converted the cab to an ext but even though it builds it's not opening the keyboard. i can't see what i'm doing wrong but if anyone has a working package or any ideas what i'm missing i'd be grateful
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Laurentius26 said:
You need to replace 'ModelName.txt' in Operatorpkg with a T-Mob modelname.
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thats what i initially thought from earlier versions but i understood this version was cracked to avoid that requirement?
thanks for the advice mate, i'll give it a go
If you are using ervius kitchen, and you created the EXT from the CAB,
normally on your app.dat file you will have only "Directory("\Windows\Swype...")"; try to exchange all of them with the equivalent like "Directory("\Program Files\Swype...")" the problem is that you will have a duplicate of all your file (each in windows directory and also in program files\swype directory).
To make it your default SIP use this reg key in your app.reg.
I hope it will help you.
solidpowder said:
If you are using ervius kitchen, and you created the EXT from the CAB,
normally on your app.dat file you will have only "Directory("\Windows\Swype...")"; try to exchange all of them with the equivalent like "Directory("\Program Files\Swype...")" the problem is that you will have a duplicate of all your file (each in windows directory and also in program files\swype directory).
To make it your default SIP use this reg key in your app.reg.
I hope it will help you.
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cheers mate, i've tried the modelname and no joy the ext i'm using is writing to the windows directory, i've edited all the paths but no joy on it working. also it's not duplicating the files.
i've cooked in nuesipdefault so swype is selectable. gives the option to choose.
any other ideas from anyone as i'm really stuck with this
maybe you will need also this on your app.reg
"DataDir"="My Documents"
"InstallDir"="\\Program Files\\Swype"
Swype is one of those apps that cant be set only in windows... sorry bud but it seems that some paths are hardcoded inside the exe file not just in regs, i tried sometimes and cant make it works just in windows\
solidpowder said:
maybe you will need also this on your app.reg
"DataDir"="My Documents"
"InstallDir"="\\Program Files\\Swype"
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+ Que PPC said:
Swype is one of those apps that cant be set only in windows... sorry bud but it seems that some paths are hardcoded inside the exe file not just in regs, i tried sometimes and cant make it works just in windows\
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cheers folks, i'll give this a try tonight and see what happens, fingers crossed.
failing that if anyone has a working ext package for Swype v3.
i'd be very grateful for a share
im using this package and it workes for me. i remove the video, french, italien and spanish language
password: xda-devs
chrisd1a1 said:
cheers folks, i'll give this a try tonight and see what happens, fingers crossed.
failing that if anyone has a working ext package for Swype v3.
i'd be very grateful for a share
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ratelutz said:
im using this package and it workes for me. i remove the video, french, italien and spanish language
password: xda-devs
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cheers man, will give it a try
edit: this works. thank you, thank you thank you
hey chris... the cab you sent me is only for big ressource not all res allowed and i dont have langs BTW its overlapped in the softkeybar , does this in RS is compatible with all the resolutions?
Oh forget it the link is dead now
if this doesn't work try the swype packages from chucky kitchen (hd2 rom) that must work.
ratelutz said:
im using this package and it workes for me. i remove the video, french, italien and spanish language
password: xda-devs
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link isn't working anymore. any chance someone could repost?
I would love this link also.
here you are
after trying all the different cabs and ext packages of swype that I could find,
none of them worked when cooked, so I decided to play around with the files from
3 different downloads. I finally managed to create a package that works with
osKitchen for the HD2 - Leo. just extract to your EXT Packages folder.
Farsite said:
after trying all the different cabs and ext packages of swype that I could find,
none of them worked when cooked, so I decided to play around with the files from
3 different downloads. I finally managed to create a package that works with
osKitchen for the HD2 - Leo. just extract to your EXT Packages folder.
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You have mixed up the previous version with the new one?
I have checke the package and there are a lot of different in the basic keyboard files.
totalcmdext said:
You have mixed up the previous version with the new one?
I have checke the package and there are a lot of different in the basic keyboard files.
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yeah, its a combination of the Fixed.Blackbird cab and the EXT package with NL patch that can be found on the forums. it works perfectly on my HD2 when cooked using oskitchen.

[Q] how to cook sense?

I apologize if this has been covered, but I can't find specific info with my search terms.
I'm cooking for Rhodium, WVGA, WM 6.5.x sys 21682. My base ROM is ATT's stock august 30th 2010 ROM. Using OSKitchen Zero, latest release.
Basically, I can't get any version of sense to work. I've tried cooking 2016, 2018, and 2019, and can't get any of them to work. The problem is that when I try to import the EXT packages with OSKZ, I get an error stating: "The OEM package you've selected doesn't seem to be valid..."
So, I thought maybe it was just being strange. So I placed the packages manually into the kitchen and tried to build the ROM and platform builder would hang and I'd have to cancel the process.
Any tips tricks or ideas?
Thanks a lot!
Where are you sourcing your sense files from?
Have you got the additional dependencies covered (ie starticonloader?)
crazyC said:
Where are you sourcing your sense files from?
Have you got the additional dependencies covered (ie starticonloader?)
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I'm not sure what you mean by sourcing exactly, but on my PC they're located on my desktop, and I've also tried placing them straight into my kitchen without using the GUI to do it.
I got the files from a post here on XDA.
Yeah, I believe I have all the additional dependencies as well.
I've been reading and it looks like I have to modify the app.dat file and some other files?
smithisize said:
I'm not sure what you mean by sourcing exactly, but on my PC they're located on my desktop, and I've also tried placing them straight into my kitchen without using the GUI to do it.
I got the files from a post here on XDA.
Yeah, I believe I have all the additional dependencies as well.
I've been reading and it looks like I have to modify the app.dat file and some other files?
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OK so you got them from XDA - as I am assuming you are not using the At&T standard ones. (that was what I meant).
The ones I got from XDA were already CFC'd and were already in EXT format not OEM and so did not need any importing as such, just copying into the directory.
I did not need to modify anything - cannot remember the thread I got them from tho.
I will try and have a look, but my kitchen is now such an amalgamation of packages that I couldn't be sure where it all came from.
Ahhhh ok, i was confused because it says's import, ext package then it asks for an oem location.
Ok, with that cleared up, place straight into kitchen, gotcha. How many dependencies are there, can you recall? I think i have them all but I want to make sure.
Thanks a lot!
No go, but here's the error (attached in the pic)
You've got files inside of modules. You need to clean your modules up.
Farmer Ted said:
You've got files inside of modules. You need to clean your modules up.
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Alright, is there any reading I could do to help me figure out what to clean and what to keep?
Try looking inside the corrupt modules, then look in some clean ones, and figure out what doesn't belong. It should be obvious.
Someone else is just going to tell you the answer, but you're better off figuring it out yourself.
Farmer Ted said:
Someone else is just going to tell you the answer, but you're better off figuring it out yourself.
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Couldn't agree more. I'll check it out.
Thanks for the info, much appreciated!
Edit: one last question. It's killing me finding all the WVGA dependencies for this package, they're all vga is appears. This is what I'm using: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=797602
and when it lists the "required packages" when I download it it's labled VGA, not WVGA, and I think that'll be a problem. Will it?
Right, cooking sense is not my strongest point so I will probably leave it to others to take it further, but
Modules vs files - you need one or the other I think. Look up recmod and reversemod.
I just used a set of Manila files uploaded and CFC'd by someone from the latest official LEO ROM.(By Patensas I think) and maybe updated the HTC framework as well.
crazyC said:
Right, cooking sense is not my strongest point so I will probably leave it to others to take it further, but
Modules vs files - you need one or the other I think. Look up recmod and reversemod.
I just used a set of Manila files uploaded and CFC'd by someone from the latest official LEO ROM.(By Patensas I think) and maybe updated the HTC framework as well.
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Alright, so I've figured out which packages I need to recmod and have done so. I haven't found those leo files yet, but I'm looking. Just got home. I'll post back when I see how that goes!
I have never had to recmod any of the sense files.
What you need to do is delete the files (ie the .dll) within the module. The kitchen will use the module to create the file on the device, it does not need the file as well. Hence the kitchen is giving the warning.
I think.
Hi, just re read your first post.
Could you confirm you have done the following:
Dumped the ATT base rom and rebuilt using just that with the EXTs that came from it, flashed it, and checked it worked? (So you should have had a working Sense in that) as per the Oskitchen instruction set?
If there have been problems with that, try ticking the box next to recmod on the Phone Canvas Enhancement package. I think there was an issue with the ATT ROM around this.
crazyC said:
Hi, just re read your first post.
Could you confirm you have done the following:
Dumped the ATT base rom and rebuilt using just that with the EXTs that came from it, flashed it, and checked it worked? (So you should have had a working Sense in that) as per the Oskitchen instruction set?
If there have been problems with that, try ticking the box next to recmod on the Phone Canvas Enhancement package. I think there was an issue with the ATT ROM around this.
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Yeah, I did that. Here's the weird part though. That worked the first time. But after having all these difficulties, seeing as I haven't made much real progress, I rebuilt my kitchen. Then it wouldn't work. I would get the exact same runtime error, eventhough it worked before and I've installed all the libraries.
So, as of now the problem lies somewhere with my kitchen. I'm trying to troubleshoot it right now.
Any ideas as to why that might be? I've tried the FAQ's in the OSK thread and haven't fixed the problem :/
No sorry.
I had some kitchen problems when upgrading from oskitchen 1.32 (tried to completely reorganise my EXTs at the same time and it went horribly wrong), so went back to 1.32 to sort it out and will upgrade in due course.
If platform rebuilder crashes during the build then you dont need to waste time flashing.
Disable all EXTs and build and then add them in blocks till you identify what is causing the crash.
If it crashes with no EXTs then try the original sys, and if no joy reimport the rom?
Are all the recommended packages ticked for Recmod?
smithisize said:
Alright, so I've figured out which packages I need to recmod and have done so. I haven't found those leo files yet, but I'm looking. Just got home. I'll post back when I see how that goes!
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I can't help you on Sense, as I don't use it, but why would you recmod anything? That's a bad idea. If you have a 6.5 kernel, use it.
crazyC said:
No sorry.
I had some kitchen problems when upgrading from oskitchen 1.32 (tried to completely reorganise my EXTs at the same time and it went horribly wrong), so went back to 1.32 to sort it out and will upgrade in due course.
If platform rebuilder crashes during the build then you dont need to waste time flashing.
Disable all EXTs and build and then add them in blocks till you identify what is causing the crash.
If it crashes with no EXTs then try the original sys, and if no joy reimport the rom?
Are all the recommended packages ticked for Recmod?
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Actually recmodding ATT Phone Canvas fixed the problem.
I was able to generate the ROM image with sense 2017 cooked in, but sense won't launch now. "Tap to Start Sense" so I'm double checking dependencies, exe and dll files as we speak.
Thanks a lot for all the help!
So i got sense 2017 to at least load. now, however, none of the softkeys work, and tapping on a message in the message tab doesn't work.
So far so good. lots of learning to do yet, but I'll get there.
Thanks a lot for al the info!
Alright, I can't get sense to work again lol. It just kinda stopped, eventhough I'm using the same packages for manila and its dependencies.
Any ideas?
Does anyone know how to cook sense with old kitchen style(build os) for Omnia II?
Thanks in advance
